-Classified Ads n ATFQ wboixak !%M I tJ CLASSIFIED .OS per word minimum -fiQ per lainUM ? .80 per ruu terrico on keyed ad*. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .TO column Inch. M?MOKUAMH Mime as Reg ?Up Classified. All classified ada must be Accompanied by cash or check. ?L O I T Loat : Mlaaing since October 1, pat doc, male, ball beagle, hall terrier, dingy whit* with brown ear*, vaccination tag. collar with Pauline St ana. Box 299. Rt 1. Frankllnton on it. Dog an swers to nam* o( Putt. IJ5.00 reward (or informa tion loading to raturn. Call Frankllnton 7541. 10-17, ch FOR SALE FOR SALE? Lika new. Ken more cabinet model sewing machine. $50 00. Call OY $ SOS. 10-15,17 ch FOR SALE? S lots, 100 (t. front, Its ft. d**p, Hack C. Tant, Rt. 1, Louisburg. N. C. 10-17,24,31, pd FOR SALE? 1951 Chevrolet, new paint Job. extra clean, newly overhauled motor, call OY $-4905 after 5:00 p. m 10-17,22,24 ch FOR SALE ? Simmons Sofa and b?d combination, match ing chair. Call Pruitt Shell Service, GY 6-3552. 10-17. TueAThus. it FOR SALE ? Large Red Fish ing Worms, Shiners. Full lln* Fishing tackl*. Whole aal* and Retail. Hunting and Flaking License C. E. Edena Route t, Louisburg, N. C. Ph. OY $-1222 orOY 6 >$03. Thura. tt FOR SALE: 1? 1-ton Chev rolet track, and ponies, J. W. F. Jon*, Rt. 3. Louls burt, call GV 6-3??7. t-lS, 21; 10-3. 10, IT pd FOR 8ALE: 1 horse ponies and 1 mar* pony broken, O. R. Place. Benjamin Franklin Boarding Home. 10-1, Tue.ATburs. If : FRANKLINTON :: GROCERY ? STORE PLUS Living quarters, 2- ! > bedroom home and 2 ] | I extra lota, very rea | aonable terms, Call ! ! W. J. "Bud" Debnam ; | JK2-2069, R?7, BOX ' ? Raleigh, N. C. FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT? 3 bed rooms. Call 496-4541. 10-17,22,24, ch FOR Job well done feel lac" clean carpets with Blue Lustre. Rent electric ahampooer }1. H. C. Taylor. 10-17 It ? ? WANTED WANTED ? CAT8. any de alrabie cata, half grown or orer. Writ# 1. B. Johnaon, Rt. I, Zebulon. 10-8,10, 15, 17, 12, 24 pd WANTED ? Mature colored woman for work at The Plnaa Raat Home. Must be Beat, honeat and willing to work. Mra. R. E. McDuffie, Route 4, Box 17. Louiaburg. Phone 416-4470. 10-15 17 ch BEAUTY 18 YOUR BUSI NESS. Immediate openinga tor mature women to ?er?!o? excellent rural territory. Pleaaant, dignified work. No experience needed ? we will train you to ahow Aroit Coemelica. WrHe Mra. Edna Inacoe. Rt. 1. Caatalia. lO-TCTtT eb ? WANTED? Milk route aalea man for Louiaburg area, de alre High School graduate, married, with family ob ligation!. Six day work week, mud be honeat. de^ pendable. neat, apply. Long Meadow Parma. 3201. Glen wood Are. Raleigh. N. C. 10-15. 17. 22.24. pd Help Wanted: Wanted at once ? Rawlelgh dealer in 8. Franklin Co. write Raw lelgh. Dept. NCJ 350 3. | Richmond. Va. H-3J0.17.24.31 Pd| jtk. MR. FVRMKR ?Ye are now spreading .bulk limea'one and fertl llixer. See ua for your FI X Serriea QYC-33*? FOR HIRE: j?3ackno? and Front End Loadar? Sa ptic Tank and Sewage Line ? Installation A Specialty ? Saa or call CLARENCE EDWARDS -Legal Ads TKUSTKE'8 SALE OF UKD ? By virtue of the power of ?ale contained In that Deed of Trust dated Uarch 1?. 1962. from Lewis J. Pernell and wife. Llllle Mae Pernell. and Roae Etta P Faulkner. Widow, and Lola Mae P. Cyrua and husband, E. C. Cyrua, and Judy Grey Par nell. to J. P. Lumpkin, Trus tee, of record in Book S?4. page 136. in the office of the Reg later of Deeds of Franklin County, default hav ing been made In the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Truat being by the terms thereof subject to foreclos ure, the undersigned Trus tee will offer for sale at public auction to the htgb aat bidder for cash at the Court House door In Louls burg. North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon HATIRDAV, NOVEMBER 0, IMS the property conveyed in said Deed of Truat. the same ly ing and being In the County of Franklin and State of North Carolina. In 8andy Creek Township, and more particularly described as fol lowa: FIRST TRACT: That cer tain tract or parcel of land altuate in Sandy Creek Town ship. Fr%uklin County. North Carolina; lying on both sides of the Alert Highway, con taining 21.37 acres, more or leaa and being the Identical lands sold to Wiley Faulk ner by S. C. llolden. Trustee, aald Deed being recorded in Rook 317. Page 266. -Frank lin Registry. LESS three (3) acrea thereafter sold to Wiley Ayscue. Said lands being bounded on the North by the lands of Dunk Pernell. bound ed on the East b> the lands of Henry Rurogarner. bound ed on the South by the lands of the W O. Ball Eirtate. and bounded on the Weat by tho lands of W. (J. Pernell. SECOND TRACT: That certain tract or parcel of land containing 7 acres, being: altuate about 200 yarda East of the Alert Highway near Mrs. H. L. Pernell'a store and being bounded on the North by the lands of Mrs. A. C. Faulkner, bounded on the East by the lands of Mrs. Verlie Hicks, bounded on the South by Mra. H. L. Pernell and bounded on the West by ttae lands of Mrs. A C. Faulkner, containing 7 acres more or less. THIRD TRACT: That cer tain tract or parcel of land devised to Mrs. Lillie Mua Pernell by her father, J E. PeYnell and described as fol lows: Lying on both sides of the Alert Road adjacent to Mrs. H. L. Pernell's store site and bounded on the North by the lands of Mrs. Ben HMbla. bounded on the Eaat by the lands of Mrs. Verli# Hicks, bounded on the South by the lands of Mrs. A. C. Pernell and bounded on the Weat by the lands of T. A. Steed and J. E. Faulkner, containing 33 acres. FOURTH TRACT: That certain tract or parcel of land, containing 33 acres, more or less, situate about 200 yards from the East edge of the Alert Highway near Mrs. H. L. Pernell's storw site, and being the lands de vised by the Will of J. E. Pernell to Lillie M'ae Pernell ana nose nam r. raumnci and being bounded on tba North by the landa of Mrs. A. C. Faulkner. bounded on the Eaat by the landa of Mrs. Roy Bumgarner. bounded on the South by the landa of Mrs. Verlle Hicks, and bound ed on the Weat by the landa of Mra. A. C. Paulkner. FIFTH TRACT: That cer tain tract or parcel of land aituate in Franklin County. State of North Carolina. ad Joining the landa of ] E. Faulkner. Babe Faulkner, the old Dabnim land and others and bounded aa followa, vis: BEGINNING in the center or Sandy Creek at Babe Faulk ner's corner, run thence a long said Faulkner'a line S. 77 H deg. E. 18 45 chains to a atake and peraimmon point er. aaid Faulkner'a corner In the old Debnam line; thence along said line. N. 2 >4 E. IS. SO chains to a atake. J. E. Faulkner'a corner: thence N. 88 H W 11.00 chalna a long aaid Faulkner'a line tj the center o I the aforesaid creek; thence down said creek to the beginning, con taining 25 acrea. more or leaa. and being the Identical land conveyed to Wiley Faulkner by Deed from J. E. Faulkner and wife Mary Faulkner, dated December 5. 1933. recorded in Book 304. Page 237. Franklin Registry. It is the intention of the Grantors herein to convey all of their right, title, and in terest. both present, future, and proapective In and u> the above deaoribed landa. This conveyance la msde subject to a prior Deed of Trust to J. P. Lumpkin, Trustee, dsted September 15. 1060. and recorded In Book 5(3. Page S3. Franklin Reg istry. ? The successful bidder at Mid ssle will be required to deposit ten per cent (10<^) of the amount bid ?ith the Trustee la evidence of good tilth. This >th day of October. 1163. J. P. LUMKIN. Trustee. 10-17. 24, 31, 11-7. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Franklin County. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contain ed In that certain Deed of Truat from Chester Egertan -Legal Ads ? ad wife Berth* Lee Eger ton and Willie Lee Egerton to John E. Duke. Trustee, dated May 13. 1961, and re corded in Book 578. page 83. in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County. North Carolina, default hav ing been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and demand for foreclosure of said deed of trust having been made by the holder of the indebted ness thereby secured, and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest Didder for cash at the court hduse door of Franklin Coun ty, in Louisburg. North Caro lina. at or about the hour of i 2 o'clock noon on MONDAY. THE 28TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1 1X13 the following described land: A certain lot or parcel of land located in Franklinton Township, Franklin County, N. C.. near the north* east corporate limits of Franklinton. and more parti cularly described as follows: Bounded on the North by Lot No. IS. on the West by a street, and on the South by Lot No. 16. In the subdivi sion of Cooke snd Conyers property located Just out of the corporate limits of Franklinton. N. C. near the extension of East Msson Street and being Lot No. 17 of that subdivision aforesaid, map of which ia recorded in Book 2. at page 181, Frank lin County Registry. For further reference see deed from George Lee Egerton and wife to Chester Egerton and wife Bertha P Egerton recorded in Book 569. page 319. Register of Deeds of Franklin County. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to deposit with the undersign ed Trustee an amount equal to ten per cent (10%) of the amount bid for said land, to be forfeited upon non-com pliance. Dated and posted this the 24th day of September. 1963. JOHN E DUKE. Trustee. Yarborough & Yarborough. Attorneys. 9-26; 10-3. 10. 17 NOTIfK OF HALB North Carolina, * Franklin County. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contain ed in that certain Deed of Tru-ttt from Chester Egerton and wife Bertha Lee Eger ton to John E. Duke. Trustee, dated May 15. 1961. and re corded in Book 578, page 85. in the office of the Register of De^ds of Franklin County. North Carolina, default hav ing been mad? in the men! of the indebtedness thereby aecured. and demand for foreclosure of said deed of trust having been made by the holder of the indebted ness thereby secured, and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door of Franklin Coun ty. In Louisburp. North Caro lina. at or about the hour of 12 o'clock noon on MONDAY, THK 28TH DAY OF OCTOBER. 11*13 the following described land: A certain lot or parcel of land located In Franklinton Township Franklin County, North Oarollna. near north east corporate limits of Franklinton. and more parti cularly described as follows: Bounded on North by lot No. 17 (Milton Mann). East hy Lot No ID (R. D Col lins). West by street, this be ing Lot No. 16 in the sub division of Cooke and Con yers property located juat out of the corporate llmlta of Franklinton. N. C. near the extension of Eaat Maaon Street or the old Loulaborg Kranklinton road; map re corded on page 181, Book No. 2 of the Franklin Reglatry In Loulsburg, N. C., March 21. 1149. For further reference aee deed from Cheater Egerton. and wife Bertha. Egerton re coided in Book 534, page 32*. Franklin County Reg istry. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to denoslt with the undersign ed Trustee an amount equal to ten per cent (10%) of the amount bid for said land, to be forfeited upon non-com pliance. Dated and posted this the 24th day of September. 19(3. JOHN E. DIKE. Trustee. Yarborough ? Yarhorough, Attorneys. 9-26: 10-3. 10. 17 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of Robeit Lee Harris, deceased, late of F-anklln County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims agn!r.st the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undeis:gned on or be fore the 11 day of April, 1964. or tliis notice wl!1 be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 10 day of October, 1963. ALMA FERRY, Adm'rjc. Lumpkin. Lumpkin & Davis, Attys. 10-10.17.24,31, ch A1?IINI(4TR 4 TOR'S NOTICE Haviit* qualified as Ad U. Ml *... -Legal Ads ministrator of the estate of M rs. Til la Leonard Da via. deceased. late of Franklin County, North Carolina. thU la to notify all peraoua hav ing claims afalnat Lb* estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the underalgned on or before Ibe l";b day of April, 1 964 or thla uotiee will be pleaded in bar of Ibeir recovery All persona indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. Thla l,th day o( Oi.obei. 1963. A. F. DAVIS. Adm'r Route No. 1. Castalia. North Carolina. Yarborough & Jolly Attys 10-17.J4.S1 ; 11-7 SOTICE OF SERVICE OK PROCESS BY ri BUCATIOV North Carolina. Franklin County. In The Recorder a Court Before The Dark Annie Belle Hicka Davis. Plaintiff ra. Andrew Champ Davis. Defendant TO: Andrew Champ Davis, defendant In the abova en titled action: TAKE NOTICE THAT ( pleading seeking relief a faiast you has been filed in the above entitled action In the Recorder'a Court of Franklin County. North Car olina. The nature of the relief being sought la aa follows An abaolute divorce by tha plaintiff Annie Belle Hleka Davla from the defendant Andrew Champ Davla upou the grounds that plaintiff and defendant bate lived sep arate and apart from each other contlnuoualy for mora than two yeara next preced ing the inatltution of thla ac tion. You are required to maka defense to such pleading not later than 30 November 19*3! and upon your failure to do ao the party seeking aervice! againat you will apply to the Court for the relief sought.' s This the 9th day of Octo ber 1963 /a/ Anna P. Sinclair. Ami Clerk of The Sup erior Court of Franklin County, and ex officio Clerk of 'the Recorder's Court of Franklin County. Yarborough and Jolly Attorneya for plaintiff. 10-1 0.17,24.3 1 NOTICE OF HALE OF ABANDONED HCHOOL PROPERTY Pursuant to an order of The Franklin County Board of Education made on 2 Sep tember 1963, declaring the following described real pro perty, known as the "Juatlco pchool Property", including achool buildings and otl^er Improvements thereon, un neceasary for public achool purposes and abandoned for auch purposes, the undersign ed Franklin County Board of Education will on Tl'KSDAY. THE 5TH DAY OF NOVKMBKR 1968 at or about the hour of 12 :00 o'clock noon EST. at the Courthouse door in Louls burg. Franklin County. North Carolina, offer for aale at public auction to the highest bidder for caah the follow ing deacribed real property, including achool bulldinga and other Improvements thereon, vie: inn certain ir?n 01 ianu in Cedar Rock Township, Franklin County, North Car olina, adjoining the lands pow or formerly of H. C. Bowden and ethers, and more particularly described as fol lows: BEGINNING at an iron ?take in the center of the road leading from Spring Hope to the Edward Best High School, corner for the oLd Justice1 School lot: thence along said road N. 7% deg. w 400 ft. to sn iron stake m the center of said road, corner for new school lot and |H. C. Bowden line; thence N. 85 deg. E. 763 ft. to a stake in the edge of the right of way of the Greenlesf John son Lumber Company Rail Road: thence along said right of way S. deg. W. 231 ft.; S. 16 deg W. 100 ft.; S. 614 deg. W 100 ft.; S. 5H deg. \V. 60 ft. to an iron stske; thence X. 89^4 deg. W. 500 ft. to the point of beginning, containing appro ximate'? 6.27 acres and com I prising 3.10 acres of land in addition to 3.17 acres of the old Justice School lot. which tract or parcel of lsnd in its entirety is known as the New Justice School Lot. accord ing to plot and survey made by Jos T Inscoe. dated Feb ruary 24th 1938. a copy ~of which plot is now on file in the office of The Board of Education of Franklin Coun ty. and being the same land described in deed from H. C. Bowden an-1 wife Mildred H i Bowden to The Board of Education of Franklin Coun ty. recorded in Book 350 on page 157 in the office of the Franklin County Register of Deed?. See also deed from L. W. Bowden et als to The Board of Education of Frank lin County, recorded in Book 350 on piges 156-57 in the office of The Franklin County Register of Deeds. NOTE The land upon which the Justice Confeder ate Monument is situate is embraced within the above boundaries, but the monu ment Itself is not inclulfcd in this sale, but said monu ment is to be removed by the owners thereof upon comple tion of this sale. This sile will be subject to id Increased or upset bid -Legal Ads as provided by law. and shall be also subject to approval by the Franklin County Board of Education The successful bidder at the aforesaid *ale will ba re quired to make a cash de posit of ten per centum of the amount bW to Insure compliance with the terms of the bale and to be forfeit ed upon non-compliance. A p'at of the above de scribed real property is avail able for inspection by pros pective bidders at the office of the Franklin County Board o f Education. Louisburg. North Carolina. Dated and posted this the 4th day of October 1963. THE FRANKLIN COUN TY BOARD OF EDU CATION By Mrs T. H Dickens. Chairman Warren W. Smith. Secretary E F YARBOROUGH. Attorney. 10-10. 17. 24. SI NOTICE OF SPECL4L EL EC, ?ion IX THE TOW* Of BIX*. NORTH CAKOUXA OS THE QUESTION OF WHETHER OR NOT A TOWN L1QIOR CONTROL 8TORE MAY BE OPERAT ED IN THE TOW N OF Bl'NN, NORTH CAROLINA Notice la hereby (Iven that the Board of Commlsslonera of the Town of Bunn hkvw ordered a special election to be held on BATVRDAY, THE 2ND DAY OF NOVEMBER IMS. (or the pnrpoae of Toting upon the question of whe ther or not ? town liquor control (tore mar be operat ed In the Town of Bunn. North Carolina, at provided by Chapter Hi of the 11(3 Seealon Law* of North Car? Una. The polling place fttr aald election will be the Fire Houae In the Town of Bunn, North Carolina. " ? Polls for aald election will open at f:!t o'clock A. M. and cloae at t:10 o'clock P. H. on the lnd day of Nov ember 1963. J D White la registrar of aald elation and ti'tas Nettle Moodr Mr M L. Oallo war are judgee of the elec tion and poll holders of said election. No new ref Istratlon *111 be had but the registration booki shall be opened tot the registration of voters, not already registered, at t:00 o'clock A. M. on the fourth Saturday before aald election, to-wlt; the 6tb day of Octo ber 11(3. and aald booka Shsll be cloaed at sonnet oa the second Saturday before aucb election, to-wlth: the llth day of October 11(1. Challenge day Fill be Sat urday the Kth day of Octo ber 19(3 from 1:00 o'clocJt 1. M. until 3:00 o'clock P. M Eastern Standard Time. The registration booka tflU be at the Fire House la Bunn, North Carolina on each Saturday during the period above set out. This the 12th day of Sep tember lt(3. WAYNE W. WIN8TEAD Mayor of Town of Bunn Attest: L. A. Oebnam. Clerk. 9-12 Thura. tf NOTICE OP 8ALK OF ABANDONED SCHOOL. PROPERTY Pursuant to an order of The Franklin County Board pf Education made on 2 Sep tember IKS, declaring the following deacribed real pro perty, known aa the "Harria School Property", including achool building" and other improvemente thereon, un neceaaary for public school purpoeea and abandoned for auch purpoaea, the underalgn ed Franklin County Board of Education will on TUWiDAY, THE 5TH DAY OK NOVEMBER 1??8 at or about the hour of 12:00 p'clock noon EST, at the Courthouse door in Louis burg, Franklin County, North Carolina, offer for aale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing deacribed real property, Including school buildings and other Improvements thereon, viz: That certain tract of land In Harria Township, Frank lln County. North Carolina, adjoining the lands now or formerly of E H. Hagwood and others, and more parti cularly deacribed aa follows: BEGINNING In the center of the old Hlllsboro - Tarboro Road at E. H. HagwiSod's cor ner: thence X. 11 deg E 1105 5 feet to a cedar stake, a new corner sixty-six feet past a dogwood stump. Hag jrood's corner: thence N. 79 deg. V- 10 ">* c*n" ter of the road leading to Iyoulsbiirg via Cliffons Mill, thence along said road S. 2 5 deg. 30 min. W 409 feet: thence S 28 deg. 30 m