EDITORIAL COMMENT This, Everyone Can Give Last month it was the March of Dimes. This month it is the Heart Fund. Next month it will be Eastef Seal's. It seems that everyday there is some worth while. -cause to which Franklin County .citizens are aSked, to give. For most of us', living qn budgets, .or hoping that we are, giving takes .some convincing. These are all very worthwhile . projects. They do a tremen dous amount toward relieving .pain and suffering in the. world. ' They- and mdny mpre should have our blessirrgs and support. The organizers of these-drives* usually select local people to head their contribution drives. It's harder to turn down a friend than a stranger. That's our point. These local people are performing a service to us all. Give them money if you feel so inclined; but money or not, give them courtesy. They may be trying to separate you from your money, that's true, but they are doing so in an effort to serve, the community. ? Treat them kindly. They are dbing a good Job and we praise them' for it.. "Nicest Folks I've Ever Seen 99 ? Two strangers literally fell from , , the heavens, near* New Hope last Tuesday.- One was iroro. Tampa, Florida and the other from East Liverpool, Ohio! They were Navy flyers. When their engine began to lose power, they -looked, a place to land." They decided on using highway 1708 in Franklin Coun ty, mostly because it was handy . They report that they were greeted by the folks in the com munity with open arms. Every thing was done for them, that they could ask. As one of the men .put it, *"They were the nicest folks I've ever seen." What an advertisement ^for Franklin County.. ? Qf course, those of us living here, already know the good ness in our' people. But it is ever so nice to have others no tice. ? These flyers will not soon forget this day in Franklin County. They will remember, too,, the people. We're thankful they had a safe landing. We're glad they were treated well. May they come again and may they have many more safe landings. Campaign Debates? The Republican Party's Na tional , Chairman has called on President Lyndon B. Johnson to debate the Republican Presi dential nominee on television in the campaign later this year. As this is written, there has been no firm reply, one way or the other, from the President. It will be recalled that the 1960 Presidential campaign featured five television debates between the two candidates, John F.Kennedy and Richard M. Nix on. This was a first in. the politics of the United States and no other major democracy in the world has provided the vot er this advantage^ Thus it was a spectacle Americans were justly proud of--because it was carrying out the democratic process in our country to the Nth degree. It was staging a political debate between two candidates for the nation's highest office in a man ner that matched idealistic practices of high school and college elections. One hopes there will be de bates in 1964, as there were in 1960. In this way every voter who is interested enough can see and hear the candidates and weigh the logic of their ar guments. This is a great demo cratic spectacle and custom , and it should be a standard feature in Presidential elections -in the years to come. Dropping Out Of High School ine year or two tnat it takes to finish high school may seem like a lifetime to a teenager but a little self-discipline during this period will, in most cases, pay off in future happiness and earning ability. Learning self discipline, learning to give up immediate pleasures for long range happiness, is probably a lot more important to ones fu ture success than is the addi tional education that one gets by remaining in school. It has been estimated that al most half of the young people in high school will never graduate. During these times of relatively high employment, it is shock ing that nearly half of the young people in high school will give up their opportunity to get a high school diploma. wny is it mai many young people are merely m arking time in school until they are old enough to go to work? Why are so many young people so an xious to take the first Job that comes along although it may be entirely unsuited to their abili ties and personality? The parents, school teacher, and church leaders must in tensify their efforts in guiding children who fail to sense the need for a high school educa tion. It is important that pu pils are given the opportunity to take courses for which they are best suited. It should also be brought to their attention that employers generally are not going to put quitters in re sponsible positions. MacArthur Memorial There are many other commu nities which could establish me morial libraries in honor of a great American, utilizing old courthouse, buildings or other suitable structures which are about to be either torn down or replaced. Eew of the countless herOes of WojldWarll have thus far been suitably honored. It is good to see MacArthur, controversial though many of his years were, honored for his great qualities and talents, and service to his country, which ? despite the controversary--are unques tioned. In Norfolk, Va., city , fathers have converted a courthouse in .to a splendid memorial to Gen eral of the Armies Douglas MacArthur. There is little doubt this is appropriate, for MacArthur, 84 this month, has served his country in at least three wars and also as chief of staff and in high United Na tions ? United States commands. We in America would do well to remember and memorialize more of our great men. What could be better than to utilfze a courthouse building which was no longer large enough to han dle the work to be done? The Fra^Kn Times ? Established 1ST0 ? Published Tuesdays 6 Thursday! by THE FRANKLIN TIMES. INC. Birkett Blvd Loujsburg. N. C. Dial C.Y ?-?!S 3 Clint Fuller. Managing Editor Elliabeth Johnson. Business Manager NATIONAL EOlTOIIAl I AjioclTATl"?N ~ I ? U I Advertising Rates Upon Request ? SUBSCRIPTION ? Rates <3. SO per year; 16.00 for 2 yrs. Sales Tax .11 .IS Total $3.61 16.11 34.50 per year Outslffe state Single Copy 5c Entered at the Postoffice at Louiaburt. N. C. ?? aecond class mail matter. rf" THE GIRL ME LEFT BEHIND/ Special Report From Washington Washington, D. C. ? Jackie Kennedy's first date since her husband's assassination came quite by accident. Marlon Brando was in Wash ington to discuss Indian affairs with various government of ficials. He's become the num ber one unofficial champion of the American Indian. He and his manager, George Englund, have been asked to participate In a theatrical benefit to raise money for the Kennedy Founda tion, and they dropped over to Mrs. Kennedy's home to dis cuss the project with her aufl her sister, Princess Lee Rai ? i! j .1 a. .. ; . [ -ri):W t" WIZS j, 1450 On Your Henderson Dial 1000 Wattts WIZZZZZZ. The Best There Is. FOR HIRE BACKHOE AND FRONT END LOADER -SEPTIC TANK AND SEWAGE LINE INSTALLATION A SPECIALTY -SEE OR CALL CLARENCE EDWARDS BALL WELL CO. WELL BORING & DEEP WELL DRILLING FINANCING AVAILABLE - NO MONEY , DOWN UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY Joe K. Ball , Jr., Owner GY 6-3584 LOUISBURG, N. C. OPEN 24 HOURS COURTEOUS PERSONNEL IICKETI BLVD. &