A Tussie Mussie Isn't Fussy Tussle musste is an English term for a small round bouquet of flowers and fragrant leaves. Katie made hers of tiny yellow marigolds and purplish leaves of Dark Opal basil. Tussle mussle is an old, old English expression that means a little bouquet of flowers and fragrant leaves. Don't you think It is ah interesting name? * You can make a tussle mussle to give to Mother for her birth day or for Mother's Day, take one to your school or Synday school teacher to tell her how much you like her, or make little tussle mussles, one for each guest, when you're having a party. Once you've made one, you'll find many times when a little handful of a bouquet like this Is Just what you want. Katie has made her tussle mussle fcf~little, bright yellow marigolds (you see her picking another one) and, for fragrant leaves, she has used the dark purplish-red ones of a sweet smelling herb called "Basil" In a new variety named "Dark Opal". So she has a very pretty color combination. To arrange her tussle mussle she grouped the marigolds in the center, making sure all their heads were even, and then plac ed the pretty basil leaves around the outside of the bunch of marigolds. Then she tied the stems together with soft string. To set off the flowers, Katie took a lace paper dolly, poked her finger carefully through the middle -of It to make a small hole without tearing the doily, and then poked the stems of the flowers through the hole, push ing the doily tight up around the flowers. She can hold It there with a piece of string would round and round the flow er stems so the doily can't slip down away from the flowers. Katie gave her tussle to her Mother. Who do you know that you'd like to honor with such a I pretty, fragrant gift? How To Avoid A "Housewarming" Housewarmlng can be fun, but the kind of housewarming brought on by the hot summer sun only results in personal discomfort or overloaded air conditioners. Since as- much heat penetrates the walls as any other area, people building new concrete block or brick cavity homes in the southern half of the nation should welcome these tips on the value of wall insulation: Scientists at the Zonollte Di vision of W. R. Grace &. Co. report that tests with water repellent granules of the min eral vermiculite prove that wall insulation can markedly in crease comfort and reduce cooling expenses. The material can be installed in only a few working hours. ^Besides lowering the electri city cost of cooling, many home owners have been able to im mediately save the full cost of the insulation because smaller and less costly air conditioning units were required. Homes with wall Insulation often are quieter, too. In the tests with water-repellent ver miculite, loudness was cut be tween 20 and 31 per cent. Not His Fault Wife-- What do you mean by coming home half drunk? Husband--It's not my fault, I ran out of money. ASCS NEWS John R. Davis Franklin County ASCS Manager Franklin County cotton farm ers have asked a number of questions about the new pro gram In effect for the coming year. Perhaps an answer to some of these questions will be helpful to our producers. In order for a cotton pro ducer to receive a price sup port payment, he must plant within the farm's domestic al lotment. The payment will be based on the lumber acres planted times the normal yield for the farm times 3 1/2 f per lb. At the time the reporter visits a cotton farm to measure the acreage planted, he will ask the farm operator who has an In terest In the cotton. When the price support payment is made the division of this payment will be based on how the pro ducers on the farm share in the cotton. For example, a farm operator and tenant are on one-half shares in the cotton crop; therefore, causing the payments to be shared likewise. In other words, the division of the payment will be based on Interested producers and their percent shares. Will producers receive a price support payment on the acreage of cotton planted which failed? Yes, if the cotton was planted with the Intent of harvesting the crop; however, no payment will be made to producers who merely plant their cotton and Intentionally allow It to fall. Do cotton producers have to sign-up to participate In this program? No, there Is no sign-up period and there is no need for cotton producers to visit the County Office unless they have some questions con cerning the program. This Is unlike wheat, In that producers must visit the office on or be before April 15 to make their lntenttons known concerning the new wheat program. Speaking of the wheat pro gram, a rather large number of the Franklin County wheat growers have already visited the County Office to sign-up In the program. Those who participate will b? eligible for diversion payments, price support payments and certi ficates valued at "Of per bushel and 25? per bushel depending on the number acres of wheat planted for grain. What can the wheat producer who participates In the pro gram do with the wheat he ac tually produces on the farm? This wheat can be put under price support, marketed, stored on the farm, and fed to live stock. Regardless of whichever choice he makes he will still receive certificates and diver sion payments as long as other program provisions have been met. ... Producers who have questions about the wheat and cotton pro gram should call or visit the County Office for further Infor mation concerning these two programs. On Cuban Missiles Washington, D. C.--The Unit ed States is trying to get So viet Premier Khrushchev ' to keep a restraining hand on Fi del Castro when he gives the Cuban leader control of a mod ern arsenal of anti-arlcraft missiles in the near future. At the same time the United States says it will continue to fly reconnaissance planes over Cuba knd warns against any in terference. Robbed While Asleep Pacolma, Calif. ? Anthony B. Calderone became dizzy while driving home, pulled over to the side of the road, and fell asleep. When he awoke, someone had taken his watch from his wrist, a lighter and his wallet from his pocket. WE BUILD PONDS AND CLEAR LAND. ALSO EQUIPPED TO HANDLE ALL PULPWOOD AND TIMBER. SEE US FOR FREE ESTIMATION LOUIS DORSEY CALL FRANKLINTON, N. C. 3591 OR CALL LOUISBURG, 496-4432 HOME DAS SERVICE BICKETT BLVD. LOUISBURG, N. C. SATURDAY MAY 9th., 1964 Register For Free , Prizes! SOME TOBACCO FARMER WILL WIN A GAS TOBACCO CURER! FREE GAS RANGE TO SOME LUCKY PERSON. S. C. "Buster" Foster, Manager, Invites The Public To Come By And See Their Miniature Tobacco Barn Operated With Gas Curer. COME ONE ? COME ALL Frozen Woman Revived Clown Performs 65 Years Tulsa, Okla. ? Found on a street apparently frozen to death, Mrs. Marie Stella Adams, 46, was taken to the local hospital. Her temperature had dropped to 67 and there were no heart sounds or pQlse. Doctors opened her throat to aid her breathing and massaged her heart for 2 hours before she was revived. Chicago ? A1 Ackerman, 81, believed to be the oldest work ing clown in the U nited States, has been in show business for 68 years. The Switzerland-born performer says he enjoys cir cus life so much he has no thoughts of retiring. "The circus life keeps you young and it Isn't boring." ~&iUs FROSTED , k PASTELS J featuring KODEL POI.YKNTKM KIMKH Created by Pat Perkins in a wonderful blend of easy care KODEL? polyester and cotton. In pretty hues of soft pastels. reflectmc America's most treasured daytime dress "*3 Entree to everywhere . . . crisp and beauti fully detailed with fine tucks and luxury lace. Sizes 12 to 20 and 12Vi to 22 Vi $8.99 ? Eastman Registered Trademark Fashion confection ... the bodice delect ably lavished with two-toned Schiffli em broidery. Sizes 10 to 18. Jg 00 Always a favorite ... the full skirted shirt waist, prettily embellished with delicate bands of lace and piping. Sifces 12 to 20 and 14i/2 to 24%. tft QQ Style 517 ? Sizes 12 to 20 Style 518 ? Sizes 12Vi to 22Vi . LEGGETT'S store hours MON. THRU SAT. 9:30 TO 5:30 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS! Style 515 ? Sizes 10 to 18 LEGGETT'S Style 513 - Sizes 12 to 20 Style 5 14 ? Sizes 14 1/2 to 24 Vi , shop LEGGETT'S three-way shopping PUN - CASH ? CHARGE ? OR THE EASY LAY-AWAY. .