?Classified Ads B ATCC MQUXiAB fXM I CO CLASSIFIED .08 wfr word minimum .5Q per insertion ? .50 per ruu ?errlco on keyed ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .70 per column inch. MEMOKIAMS same as Keg ular Classified. All classified ads must be accompanied by cash or check. FOR SALE FOR SALE ? Cokera Mo in grain Seed Oats ? $1.00 per bushel. Bring your bags. W. D. Fuller. Wood. Tel. 6 40.43. I will be at home af ter 3 p. m. each day 10- pd FOR SAL^^ 1956 Thunder bird. Floor Shift. $1695. Complete set Golf Clubs and pull cart. $90. Contact "Bo" Hall, 49(5.-3617. 10/20, 22 pd. ? 'SERVICES OFFERED ? LOT OWNERS ? I WILL BUILD a Three bedroom brick house with built-in ap pliances. ceramic \ile bath. No. one oak floor, birch kitchen cabinets, landscaped yard with shrubbery on your lot for $49.00 per month. No down payment required. For further information write B M Griffin. Jr P O Box 1653. Wilson. N. C. This is financed through FHA or VA 7-16T&Ttf ?MALE HELP WANTED? Salesmen wanted for solicit ing purposes. Experience not necessary. Call Hender son 4 38-8 281 . fi-6 tf eh. ? INSTRt (TIONS ? MEN AND WOMEN WANT ED TO TRAIN FOR CIVIL SERVICE JOBS We pre pare men and women age 18 to If, no experience necessary. Grammar school education usually sufficient. Permanent jobs, no lay-offs, short hours, high pay.r ad vancement. Stay on present job while training Send name, address, phone num ber and time al home. If rural give directions 10 home. Write Piedmont Training Service P O Bo* 378. Danville. Virginia. 10-1.6.8, p<1 WANTED JOB WANTED ? Bookkeeper and general office worker, 16 years experience. Write Box V, c/o The Franklin Times. 10/20, 22 pd. $.1.00 or more per hour for permanent route work. I will train you. Write Mr. DANIELS. Bo* 371. Balti more 2. Md. 10-13.20 pd Route open for MAN or WOMAN, full or part time. In city ?f Louiaburg. No in vestment necessary. Earn ings $ 2 . 7 T? per hour and up possible. Chriatmaft selling beginning Writ**" Watkins Products, Inc.. I)-92. Win ona. Minn. 10-13.20.27 pd AUTOMATIC ZIZ-ZAG SEW ING MACHINE: Local par ty with good credit can as Hume payments or pay off entire balance of $52.83. Calrinet model like new. Full detail* write: NAT IONALS CREDIT DEPT. BOX 5126 CHARLOTTE. N. C. 10- oh j FOR It KNT ? FOR RENT -- Furnished apart ment close In to downtown and the college. $50 per month. Contact Triangle Realty Cor poration. 10/20 TAT tf FOR RENT ? 5 room furnished house. 1 1/2 miles from city limits. Country living with city conveniences. $65 a month. Contact Triangle Realty Corporation. WANTED Curb boy and waitress, 18 years or older - full time. Apply Dick's Drive Inn, day or night. FRANKLINTON FABRICS EMPLOYMENT For the convenience of Job applicants not able to come during regular employment hours, applications for em ployment will be tak^n Thursday evening, Octo ber 22, froip 7 to 8 p.m. at Frankllnton Fabrics Employment Office. -Classified Ads WANTED WATCHMAKER AND ALSO [T.V. REPAIR MANl RAYNOR'Sf JEWELRY CO. ILOUISBURG. N. C. * ATTENTION FARMERS SEE US FOR YOUR BULK LIME AND FERTILIZER SPREADING NEEDS T US FILL YOUR ASC ORDERS f NEW LOWER ITHAN EVER PRICES CHECK WITH US BEFORE YOU BUY j L. H. DICKENS & SON RT 2 LOUISBURG. N C USED TRACTOR BARGAINS 1 ? FordHon Major Diesel 2? FordHon Dexta Diesel 1 ? 641 - Furd 2 ? 8(0 - Fords with live P. TO. 1 ? 660 - Ford with live P.T.O. 1 ? NAA - Ford 2? 8N - Fords 1 ? T0-20 - Fergurson 1 ? 621 Ford with Sher man Digger and Wagoner Loader 1?250 Ford P.T O. Baler t'MKI> HAY R.IK ICS .1X1) MOWKKM KKK IS FOR YOf R HAYINCi NKKI>S FARM TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., Inc. I*. O. Ili?\ 727 Telephone (iriM'vn H-MIH5 Hcii(I?tnoii, r. Mlt. F.UIMKR I We arc now spreading bulk limestone and ferti liier. See us for your needs. | l?uMnirg FI X Serric? GY 6-3366 -Legal Ads NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain deed of trust executed by Charlie S. Splvey and wife EUen W. Splvey, dated the 11th day of February 1963, and re corded In Book 589 on page 365 In the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby se cured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof sub ject to foreclosure, the under signed trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door In'Loulsburg, North Carolina, at or about the hour of 12:00 O'CLOCK NOON ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1964 1 the lands; conveyed In said deed of trust,' the same lying and I being In the County of Frank lin, State of North Carolina, In Harris Township, and more particularly described as fol lows: * : ~~-1 FIRST TRACT: That certain tract or parcel of land situate In Harris Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, and bounded as follows: BEGIN NING at a stake on the north side of the Wake Forest Road, Mann's corner In Floyd's line; thence along Mann's line S. 5 deg. 15 mln. W. 858 feet to a stake, Floyd's corner inj Mann's line; thence along Floyd's line N. 87 deg. 30 mln. W. 882 feet to a stake, Floyd's corner; thence' S. 5 deg. 15 mln. W. 387 feet to a stake, Floyd's corner; thence N. 87 deg. 30 mln. W. 453 feet to a stake, Mann's corner; thence S. 9 deg. 15 mln. W. I 579 feet to a rock, Mann's corn er; thence S. 51 deg. E. 670 feet to an Iron stake, Mann's corner; thence ST. "87 deg. 30 mln. E. 1210 feet to a rock and pointers lil Floyd's line, Perdue's corner; thence along -Legal Ads Paolue's line S. 60 deg. W. 1554 feet to the center of the road, marked by an Iron stake on the Cast side thereof; thence along the center of said road S. 27 deg. 30 mln. E. 343 feet to a point In the center of said road; thence leaving the road S. 59 deg. W. 342^eet to a stake; thence N. 43 deg. 30 mln. W. 225 feet to a stake and gum pointer In a branch; thence down the branch as It meanders about S. 74 deg. W. 360 feet and West 296 feet to a stake at the corner of the old fence In the branch, Mann's corner; thence along Mann's line N. 6 deg. E. 2000 feet to a stake, Mann's and Cham blee's corner; thence N. 4 deg. 15 mln. E. 1482 feet to a stake, Chamblee's corner In Floyd's line; thence along Floyd's line S. 87 deg. 30 mln. E. 1793 feet to the BEGINNING, containing 92 acres, more or less by sur-. vey of Phil R. Inscoe, R. S., January 19, 1952 - A part of the above property was con veyed by Annie A. Beam and husband to Charlie Splvey and wife Ellen W. Splvey, by deed recorded in Book 381, page 76, and. the balance was conveyed to said parties by deed of J. C. Baker, Unmarried, recorded In Book 400, page 78, all of Frank lin Registry. SECCND TRACT: A certain tract or parcel of land In Frank lin County, State of North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of Grover Arnold and others, and bounded as follows, viz: BE GINNING at a rock, Denton's corner In Baker's line; thence N. 1 deg. 45 mln. East 1450 feet to a cedar stake, Denton's corner; thence N. 89 deg. 30 mln. West 961 feet to a stake, corner of #2 In Denton's line; thence S. 1 deg. 45 mln. West 1440 feet to a stake, corner of No. 2 In Ruth King's line; thence S. 87 deg. East along King's and Baker's line 565 feet to the beginning, contain ing 18 acres, more or less, and being Lot (1 of the A. W. H. Arnold land allotted to Mrs. Adna A. Toney In a special pro ceeding recorded In Franklin County Clerk of the Superior Court's office In O. & D. Book 14, on Page 334, reference to which Is hereby made, and be ing the same land described in deed from Adna A. Toney and husband W. G. Toney toCharlle Splvey, recorded In Book 400, on page ibv in me omce 01 me Franklin County Register of Deeds * THIRD TRACT: A certain tract or parcel ot land In Harris Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Jarvls W. Perry Es tate and others and more par ticularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an Iron stake In the Jarvls W. Perry estate l|ne; thence along the Llllle Baker dower line N. 825 feet to a stake" in the Mollle A. Perry line; ^hence E. 1708 feet to a stake; thence S, 825 feet to a stake; thence W. 1708 feet to the point of beginning containing 33 acres, according to survey by Phil R. Inscoe, Registered Surveyor, entitled "Map of land surveyed for Charlie Spivey", January 1963, and being a part of the land described In deed to Charlie. Spivey, recorded in Book 478 on pages 266-67, office of Franklin County Register of Deeds. FOURTH TRACT: That certain tract or parcel of land in Har ris Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows: BEGINNrnt at an Iron pipe In the Jarvls Perry line; thence along a farm or neighborhood road N. 4 deg. 30 mln. East 800 feet to an iron pipe, com er for Mollle Perry In, the Jarvls Perry line; thence along the Mollle Perry line E. 800 feet to a stake, a new corner; thence along a new line S. 4 deg. 30 mln. West 837 fefet to a stake in the line of Jarvis Perry; thence N. 87 deg. 30 m(n West 800 feet to the jxunt of beginning, containing 15 acres, according to survey by Plttman Stell, Surveyor, made on 22 December 1951; and being the dower tract allotted to Lillle Baker in that certain special i proceeding entitled "N.C. Bak er, et als v. Llllie Baker, et als", of record- in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County, in which remainder was conveyed to Charlie Spivey by deed recorded in Book 478, pages 266-67, Franklin County Registry, SUB ject However, to the DOWER RIGHTS AND IN TERESTS OF LILLIE BAKER. This sale will be m^de subject to outstanding prior liens ,of record. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to make a deposit of ten per cent (10%) of the amount bid to Insure compliance with the terms of said sale and to be forfeited upon non-compliance there with, and In the event that said deposit Is not made, the above described property will lm -Legal Ads mediately be resold at said time and place. This the 13th Jay of October 1964. W. M. JOLLY, Trustee. 10/2Q>, 27 - U/3. 10 NOTICE OK RKSA1.K OF V \ I, IAIU.E RFAL RSTAM. '?-Whereas the undersigned. acting as Trustee in a fe"a'? Heed qf Trusi executed h> James A Puckett and wife. Mary E tfuikett to Alan i.. Decker, ?. S. Leftwu-h , and \V L Lumpkin. TTU??J' dated December 21 and recorded in the off It* of the RexiMer of Deed? of Franklin County. North Car trtiflH .n Hook 4*2. page 4..*. foreclosed and offered for sale the land ih-reinafter de scribed and wh-reas within the time al.owed by law an advanced hid was filed with ?the Clerk of the Superior Court and an order issued directing th? Trustee to re pell said land upon an open ing hid of I3.S3" on. NOW THEREFORE. iv PER ANI> BY VIRTUE of' said Order of Resale made on the -7 til ;day of October 1 964, by the Honorable Ralph S Knott. Clerk of the Superior Co?iri of Franklin County. North Carolina, and the power of sale contained in .said !>eed of Trust, the undersigned Trustee will of fer for sale upon said open ing liid at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the door of the County Courthouse in l^ouisburg. North Carolina, at 12 m' Vi'clock noon E.8.T on FRIDAY. OCTOBER 'il. ? "??? the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust described a* follows That 'certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying and be ing in the Town of Franklin ton. Franklinton Township. Franklin County. N. C.. on the Northeast side o.f Ramev Circle, and more particulat ly described as follows: BEC.INNINO at a stake ou the East side of Ramey Cir cle. corner for Lot No. i thence along the eastern edge of Ramey Circle N 33 deg W 48 ft to a stake, corner for Lot No !? : thence along the line of Lot No. 9 N 41 deg 3d tnin K l?7_8 ft to a stake; thence S 73 (leg E 100 ft to an Inin stake: thence S 17 deg W 1 OR. 3 ft to a stake, corner for Lot No. 7; thence along the line of Lot No. 7 S 78 deg W 152 ft. to the point of the beginning, and being Lot No 8 of "Pine C.ardens" subdivision in Franklinton. N, C., as surveyed by Phil R lnscoe. January 1950, map of which is recorded In Map Rook 2, page 200. Franklin County Registry. The above land is convey ed subject to all restrictive and protective covenants and conditions, as are more par ticularly set forth in Deed to Fred R Ramey. recorded in Book 446, page 122. Frank lin County Registry. The address of the above described property being as follows: 8 Ramey Circle. Franklinton. North Carolina The above-described land is?to be sold subject to all i ad valorem taxes due the , County of Franklin, and the Town of Franklinton at the J time of said sale, together with any assessments that T may be outstanding against i -Legal At^s? said property The purchaser to assume the payment of such outstanding taxes and assessments The successful bidder at said >ale will be required to deposit ten per cent (101) of the amount bid with the Trustee as evidence of pood faith This the Tth day of October 1 9 \ \\o I. LUMPKIN*. Y Trustee I'M : Jo M'MIVM It W WW Nollt I , Having qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of William Friedrehowski. de ceased late of Franklin County North. Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the ottate of said deceased to exhibit them to' the undersigned on or before the l;?th day of April. \ 9 or this notice will |>h pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will pb-ase make immediate pa) - ment This I2ih day of .Octo ber. 19t?4 MRS N C MTLLEX. Vdm'rih ? !? -l:i2o.2;: 11 K.VKCt TRI\ \oTI<>: Having qualified is Exe cutnx of the estate of loe D Williams, deceased, late of Frank | in c??unty. N jrth Carolina. t)vis is to notify all persons . having claims against the' estate of said dec 'eased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before ; !??' 14 day of April |M5, or this notice will be pleaded in bar >f their recti very \ll persons indebted to said '.'st ate will please make immedi ate payment This 1 :t day of October 1*04 Evangeline Carr Williams. Kxecutrix. Yarborough ?v Ypjborough, \ttorneys Irt-13.20.2T; 1 1 -r*. NOTICE OF RESALE QK \ iLl MILE RE M, ESTATE WHereas. the undersigned a 4 ; and whereas, within the time allowed by law an advanced bid wan filed for said land and an order was issued by the Clerk of Super ior Court of Franklin Coun ty directing the said Sub stituted Trustee to offer said land** for resale upon an opening bid of $6875.00. NOW THEREFORE, under and by virtue of said order by the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County and the power of sale contained in said deed of trust recorded in Book lit on page 68 in the office of the Franklin County Register of Deeds, and the Substitution of Trus tee recorded in Hook 599. on page 271 in the office of thW Franklin County Register of Deeds, the undersigned Sub stituted Trustee will offer for -Legal Ads resale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash upon an opening bid of 46875.00. at the CiUirthouse door in Louishurg. Franklin County North Carolina, at or about the hour of 12:4X1 O'CLOCK NOON ON fMTt'KDAY. OCTOUKR 24th 1INM. the lands conveyed in said deed of irust. and described therein as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Dunn Township, Franklin County. North Carolina, containing 61 acres, more or less, and be ins fully described in Book 478 at page 592 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, as Tract ?No. 1. reterence to said book and page being hereby had for a full description. san\f ?being as follows TRACT No. 1 : BEGIN NING at a stake on the West ?bank of Norris Creek, corner of Medlin's Mill lot: them* along his line North 69 de grees West 4 56 feet tQ the center of the road, corner for. No. 1: thence along the road und the line of Tract No 1. Kouth 7*0 degrees West 4 00 feet; South 4 7^ degrees West 70 feet to the corner of Lot No 1; thence leaving the road' South 3\ degrees West 2446 feel to an iron and ced ar stake. Branham's corner in Johnson's line: thence along Johnson s line Nofth 8*0 degrees Fast 979 feet*1 to an iron stake. Johnson's corner; thence North 3 depress Kast t&?S feet to a rock on the side of w hill jo feet from ihe West side of a branch, thence North 61 degrees East 497 feet to a stake, four feet short of a pine slump, thenre North degrees Fast *5 feet to Norris Creek; thence up the creek about 14 00 feel to the point of the BEGIN NING. containing 61 acres, more or less, and being the same lot or parcel of land de scribed in a certain deed re corded in Book 4 31, at page 83. said Registry's office The above described lands will be sold subject to out standing prior liens of record upon same. The successful bidder at said sale will be required to tnake a deposit of ten per cent (11%) of ihe amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of said ^ale and to be forfeited upon noncom pliance therewith, and in the event that said deposit is not made, the above described property will immediately be resold at said time and place. This 8th day of October. 1964 f E. F YARBOROUGH, Substituted Trustee. 10-13.20 KXW ITOH'K NOTICK Having qualified as ex ecutors of the estate of Mag gie Fogg, deceased, laie of Franklin County. North Car olina. this is to notify all persons having claims against the -state of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 6th day oiNAprll. 1965, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said est ate will please make immedi ate payment This 5th day of October. 1964. hula Fogg aiid Dewitt Fogg. Route No. 2 Louisbtirg. North Carolina. Executors. Yarhorough and Jolly. Attys. i 0-6,1 3,20.2 7 IFrf.AL NOTICE NOTICE I S HEREBY OIV?N in Accordance with the requirements of Section 160-17 5 of the General Sta tutes of North Carolina that the Louisburg Town Council will hald a public hearing on changes to the proposed amendments and revisions to the present Zoning Ordin ance for the Town of Louis burg. at 7:30 p m on. W KDK FSDA Y . NOVFfM BFR I. 1064. at the Town Council Ro>m located in the Armory Build ing in the Town of Louis burp North Carolina All interested persons are invited to attend This 12th day of October. 1964 Katherine TV Gupton Town Clerk. 10-20.27. l|-3 ADMIMSTH VTuTx VOtTtk Having ?iualified as Ad- ! ministratrix of the estate of Mattie C. Rogers, deceased, late of Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estale ot said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 7 day of April. 1965. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 6 day of October. 1964 Mat lie Rogers Pander man Adm'rx Lumpkin. Lumpkin & Davi* Attorneys. 10- Mll.K OF \ \U \ III l IIFAL FSTATF BY YlRTl'K OF THK ?VFTHORITY contained ii( thai certain Deed of Triixt of Richard Fdward Williams and wife. Mattie Thomas Wil liams. to J IV Lumpkin Trustee., dated October 16. 1959. recorded in the office of the Register of heeds of Franklin County. North Car olina. in Book 550. Page 1N4. default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trusl be ing by the terms thereof sub ject to foreclosure, the un dersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Louisburg, North Carolina, at Noon on Kill l>.\Y. Till. *2:11(1) l)\Y OF OtTOHFIl, I1H14 the following property sit uate in Lou Ls burg Township. Franklin County. North Car olina : That certain lot or parcel of land situate on the Kast side of Railroad Street. In the Town of Louishurg. N. 1':. adjoining the. lands of Yiola King Beasley. Stella Hill and the aforesaid Street, and more particularly de scribed as follows: BK(? INNING at an iron pin In the Kaslern edge of Hail road Street; thence along I Railroad Street in a North easterly direction N. 44 deg , E 40 feet to an iron pjn. & new cornen1' for Viola }Cfng Bess ley; thence along a new line for Reaaley ^ 55 deg E. 210 feet to a ^stake. a new corner for Beasley; thence along a neX line for Beaaley S. 4 4 d^r W 40 feet to an iron Make, a new corner for Iteailey in Stella Hill's line; Xnence along Stella Hill's line N 55 deg W 210 feet to the point of beginning. a* shown by survey of T. L. Stallings. Surveyor, January 1 948. and being a portion of the land conveyed to Viola Kins Beasley by Warranty Deed from Zollie F Hill and wife, dated May 22. 1945, recorded in Book 409. Page 275. Franklin Registry, and being the identical land con veyed to Richard E. Williams by Deed of JwfOla King Beaa ley. widow, dated April. 5, 1.94 S. recorded in Book 431. " Page 95. Franklin Registry The successful bidder at said sale will be required to deposit ten per cent (10% > of the amount bid with the Trustee. as evidence of good fait This the of Sep tember. 19 <5 4 J LCMPKIN. \ Trustee. 9-29. 1 0-6. l 1.20. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Richard 0 Whitfield Optometrist I.ouisburg. N. C Ground Floor Dr. Perry's ? Building Hours 1 30 to :> oo P M. Phone Daily Except Wed C.Y 6-4 165 John F Matthews Attorney & Counsellor at Law Practice In All Courts 106 N Main St Phone 496-152.1 or 496r34S6 Lou4nburg. N. C. Hours by Appointment Beam & Beam Attorneys at Lsw I.ouisburg. N. C. Office in Professional Bldg On Court Street Practice In All Courts MMPKIN. UMPKIN A 1KWIS Attorneys Louishurg. N. C. Ground Floor Office. N'ext to Harris Pharmacy Prartlr?? In Franklin and Sur rounding Counties, and in Federal Court Hill Ynrhorough Charles Yarborough Lawyers 0 round Floor Office In Yarborough Bldg on Main St. Second Building from Post Office ' Louisburg. N. Or" Telephone f!Y 1^3 IRS General Practice in All Courts Patronize TIMES Adv WE BUILD PONDS AND CLEAR LAND. ALSO EQUIPPED TO HANDLE ALL PULPWOOD AND TIMBER. SEE US FOR FREE ESTIMATION " LOUIS DORSEY CALL FRANKLINTON, N. C. 494-2435 OR CALL LOUISBURG, 496-4432 W/A/7gL X-TRA SPECIAL ELECTRIC BLANKET SA1E REGULAR $14.95 ! NOW IUST $12.95 WITH 2 YEAR GUARANTEE i J 4 DAYS - ONLY - TONKEI S DEPT. STORE LOUISBURG'S CLOTHING CENTER