Miss Green, Mr. Bowden Wed ? The marriage of MUs Eve lyn Barnes Green and Johnny Mitchell Bowden was solem nized Satm-day, October 31, 1964 In the First Advent Chris tian Church of Garner. The Rev. Edward Adams officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Henry Green of Garner* N. C. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Onnie Bowden of Spring Hope, N. C. Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of chantllly lace and bridal sat in. H^f veil was caught to a headpiece of seed pearls. She carried an orchid on a pray er book. Mrs. Charles W. Moore, sis ter of the bride, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Joan Harper of Wilson, N. C., Mrs. Astor Bowden, sister-in-law of the groom, of Loulsburg, Miss Shelby Moore of Garner, N. C.ert Wat son, enjoyed a most informative j talk on '"The American Politi cal Process" by Mrs. Arch .Wilson. Mrs. Wilson discuss- j ed such vital points as the j national party system, thepow- I ers of the President; and the [ court system. She concluded her program by emphasizing the part wqmen play in politics and cited passages from Ellen Proxm ire's "One Foot In Wash ington." Education should include training In the art of living with one's fellow man. loral flu ties of Pilot Baptist Church succeeding the Rev. G. W. McDowell. Rev. Forbes is married to Marylynn Kay For bes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ferguson' of Columbia, j South Carolina. Tliev have one Child; Melody Ann, 10 months old. Both Rev. and Mrs. Forbes are graduates of Fur man Uni versity in Greenville, South Carolina. Re\ Forbes receiv ed his B "D. degree from South eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N. C. and is presently completing re quirements for his Th. M. de gree at Southeastern. The For bes have recently terminated a pastorate in Stuart, Virginia and come to us from Sycamore Baptist Church. Youngsville Fire Dept. Sponsors Show Youngsville- -The Youngsville Fire -Department will present the Central Prison Variety Show with two hours of good enter tainment on Friday evening, No vember 6, at eight O'clock p.m. The show will in1 held 111 the Youngsville High School auditorium. \ small admis sion will be charged. j Blood Bank For Dogs St. Johns, Quebec, Canada - Dr. J&in Gosselln, a veteri narian, and Frank Fuchs, a do^ breeder, have established a blood bank for dogs. Dogs owned by Fuchs provide the blood which is stored in the animal hospital. Several pets have been saved. There are no special types of blood. r;sv lah isuuKu, t;. m sinber. 3, 1964 0 Woman's Club To Observe Anniversary -{Frlu B.W.) The Frankllnton Woman's Club will observe Its tenth anniversary Thursday, November 5, announces Mrs. Raymond Harris, President. " Invitations have been mailed to Charter members, who are no longer a member of the club. The past presidents of the club will dramatize highlights of their administrations. Mrs. Floyd Bell will serve as nar rator. Serving as coordinators for the program is Mrs. Tom East. A social hour will conclude the activities of the evening which will be held at the Com? muhity House. ALA To Meet The American Legion Auxili ary will meet on Friday, No vember 6, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Forrest Joyner. Mrs. John Stovall will be co hostess. Members are reminded that it is again time to bring gifts for the Gift Shops at the Vet erans Hospitals, and are urged to bring their gifts to this meet ing- , Practices fr' I Rockdale, Ga.--Publtc speak ers aspiring perfection often practice. t>efore mirrors of alone In locked rooms.' When Charles McLendon, Jr., 17, won first place In 'the southern re gional Future Farmers ' of America speaking contest, he said that he practiced his speeches while he worked with his father's cows on their 234 acre farm. Charles Is now preparing for the national contest. VERY EXTRA SPECIAL!! 24 pc. SET OVEN PROOF DISHES $10.30 HOUSE 'FURNITURE CO. | FORD VILLAGE - LOUISBURG, N. C. WHILE THEY LAST Powerfully new Rambler American... 65 s sportiest way to save x Spectacular new engine ? Sensible best economy World's most advanced Six. Torque Command 232 option adds 155-hp zip to America's economy champ. Compact Economy King of the 3 SENSIBLE SPECTACULARS! Here it is ! Rambler American ? smarter, snap pier, zestier than ever, spanking new for '65. Spectacular new engine option : 1 55-hpTorque Command 6, that comes on like an 8? saves gas as only a Rambler can? one of three en gine choices for '65 in the Economy King. New sporty options like console, floor shifts, wire wheel covers, Airliner Reclining bucket seats. Even more extra-value features than before, including Double-Safety Brakes, sep arate systems front and rear, standard on all Ramblers. And you will find the lowest prices of any U.S.-buitt convertible, wagon, 2-door and 4-door sedan, based on manufacturers' suggested retail prices. See the spectacular hew Americans at your Rambler dealer. American Moles? Dedicated to Excellence. RAMBLER '65 Ambassador: Largest and Finest of the New Rambler! Classic: New Intermediate-Size Rambler American: The Compact Economy King n.,. D -u. h? ,h... cvtn VHUI Features it no iitri wit:Weather Eye Heating ? Advanced Unit Construction ? Deep Dip rustproofmj . Ceramic Armored exhaust system. Lustre -Gard Acrylic Enamel, many others. LOUISBURG MOTORS 609 N. Bickett Blvd. Louisburg, N. C. D..i.r L,cen,e no 2721 : Watch the Danny Kaye Show on CBS-TV, Wednesday evenings