Tbaftington, Harris, May Named To Hospital Board The County Commissioners f? reappointed J. K. Tharrmgton of Youngsvljle an# Carl S. Har ris of Royal to new six^year i "terms on the Franklin Mempr , lal Hospital Board of Trustee? J Monday and named R. Burt May of White Level to fill the unex pired ^erm of the late L.' L. "Red*-* Sturdtoa-nti * May, a -tyiroer Commissioner j from the Cedar Rock-Col'dlfllrte district, wa.s chosen from the same; section of the county that was represented by Sturdivant. The Board approved^. budget ?djusrtment Ui the Qlepk of Court's office by increasThJthe First Baby The first bahy boriiJji franj^- \i lin County. In the r#w ye.is 'arrived on January 3, accqrd-. j lng to FrankHn Memorial Hos pital. The child was a baby girl born to Pauline^ Burk, Negro,' whose, address was not given. * i i>udget "$400 for additional *elp in that office. In other ictions, the Board heard^Tax Supervisor Kenneth Braswell report that the revaluation pro ject in the co,unty^ has reached 19% completion and that he felt :he workers would complete the |ob on time. . . "fhe Board also recejveftund Approved reports from the vari Dus departments of the* cotfnty ind drew the Jury lists for the February terms of court. Suj perior ' Court Judge Hamilton ' Hobgood informed the Board by letter that he wouid^o* longer need tlie "use of the courthouse on Saturday mornings b^pause fie was infixing iTis hearings to Friday afternoon- The Judge ? thanked the Board ;for-therr cci- | operation' over the past ijlrre ! y^ars in the. use of tlu? facili ties. MucH^f the meeting was taken f up by /Hie appointment of 4 ] successoi[J>vW. F. Shelton as Recorder's; Court Judge. j ? ? ? Long Range School Plans Expected To Cost Over $3 Million Lopg range bui'ding plans for Franklin^ County' schools are expected to cost tn excess of $3 million dollars, accord ing to estimates by school of ficials. The county unit is ex pecting to receive some over -_f$$QQ,0OO from the recent suc cessful state school -t)ond.elecr tion. Listed among the, needs ol the system, taken from aiSur vey made by state planning de partment, personnel .in Decem ber 1063 are: Lunchrooms at Perry's School, Gold Sand, Riverside, jGeth^emane and _ _ Edward Best High School. t Three Dew higU. schools ate - proposed and additions to the p r ? s e ri t /Lou Isbu r^ H rgh -School . New classrooms are. recom mended for Get hsemanet School and Dunn. .A new elementary school is" proposed for Louis burg, another to house students at Cedar Street, Maplevllle, ? Riverside and possibly Youngs? ville. Six classrooms and a Spying Was Easy * Washington, D. {^--The Sen ate Internal Security subcom mittee has published a partial translation of the confessions of a fojrmer'Swedlsh Spy of the curity was very lax ** some U. S. defense plants. library are planned-forYohngs- 1 ; vilie High School. The frsting__of these needs in priority drder has not yet been done-by-the Board of Education!, bob ???4 study Is? now being made of the entlrev prbgram. Two of the projects . are wearing completion. Gold Sand students ; tjegan use of Hu?-*ew cafeteria - there upontheir return to class-, es following -the holidays and progress is reported as good side School in Louisburg. The exact estimate made1 by i' local school officials is,$3, 094, 688 or y little j:>ver two and 1 a half rnilli^'dc&lars short of available "funds. The "County Board of Education and the -BoarcJ of Education and the County Commissioners are expected to meet later- this ; month to discuss, these nWds | and possibly arrive at a plan I , for the acccrrtTplishmertf of the ' long range program Viet Cong Checked > - I Washington, D. C;--The U. S. | Air Force apparently Is con- * centrating its aerial recQnnais sanc? oi\ th# Laotian region : through which men art rs Pn ti (In in no i n I m r ti I The Board of Goitiity Cpmmi?siof)e'f s "are shown alKJvc' Monday ;js U'h\\ i*>nde rod the appointment i!15 :'i "suecf^sor to Ko.eoiMor's Court .Judge \\ . r,*Sheltun. who resigned recently -.due to ill health. The Board nam ed Gaither AT Beam! Lauisbvwg attorney. 1*1 1 t i- InitM im -ludn'c in_d liter to : 1 1 1 t!u? i&jinph'U' uiU'Xjuii'il iiTiji. ricturcfl Ivlfto right in' commissioner*' lUeh.iril II. . i-:. m. ?Sykos. \ o r\v ootl; F au ik nv r . Claudr \ iNiolc^ :i ml 'Cli ;fi rnian S^u rgi' H.iTi'i s'. -'Film's S t :? 1 1 Photo. * JUDGE GAITMf F* M AM Business Association To Meet The Loutartrtrrg As--* sociation, will hold Mieti' annual t dinner meeting .?t the Murpl \ t House on January 13, at 6 30 j p. m Members and/their wives ] are tpvited-to ^tferid Thn din- t ner is bjr reservation only \j Town lags On Sale V JP-ollf **, i : -fyilliarji I '??!!, i : : - mirg town have-"Y?Mi?: -'Mi may I** ptJntw>Mearthe towty t.u s by 5th or" be subject td ar.s rmi*t >fl?i uary | rest. ^emetit urpe??rfc, he lias to go getter. KfU'r.ll IUIKJ.S ? VMII IX Ml.-.. tinned unless they are us?*d J in desegregated systems It is estltnated by local school | officii)# that federal funds how allotted in the county, excluding 'the l-T^nklyjton. system , amount j to .1 found $75,000 These are' used-fn the hinchcoojji pr< in , j vocational a&rlcuKur.e and matching funds in the National Detente 'Education' Act, wjuclv Is bet rir, \i^ilizen 1 i i'Ut'y, January ^2*?[ it was announced. f . i Eury Resigns Police Post Lou l&bu r g >ql ice \Sh i ef W i 1 - j llart) Dement reportfuT Monday r that he had accepted the 'resig- j nation of Policeman *Qerald| Kury, with regrets. Kury is reportedly : ftoing into private . business here- LoUisbutff, j .Dement said, "He *a a good ; officer a nd_X-lRM? to lo.se Kirn." ! He announce the appointment of Ned- I. I.loyd, J.oulsburg me chanic, to fill the post. 'Lloyd; is a-metoher of the Louisjwrg, Hesftn.'' -Service and Is from Loulsburg, Rt. 1 Washington News Report: Post-Election Development New Group Formed WaihlngtoK D.C. ? Most In terestlng?aniK. possibly highly significant ? poy -election de velopment Is the1- enwrgence of a new group calHng itself the ? American Conservative Union and obviously designed as a rallying point for forces shat tered In the Nov. 3 balloting. Final organizational arrange ments were completed at a se cret meeting here in late De cember, but the stage was set for Its creation back in Octob er and the first formal planning Session Is said to have taken plus shortly after the election. I\ Having since come, so~to^ speak, ffom the political un derground, 1U first public pro nouncement was an ltostant dis avowal ofan# link or philosophi cal" rapport with the controver sial John Birth Society of its acknowledged leaders. Outgoing Republican Rep resentative Donald K. Bruce, of Indiana the ACU chairman, made this abundantly clear in disclosing the new unit's exis tence and the detailing Its ob f ? .'-rl Jecttves. He s?ld the ACU* s 17-member board of directors Includes no Blrchersand that the new or ganization takes a view of world affairs "at substantial vari ance"' with those of Robert : Welch, the society founder, "j i Thus, he Indicated, the wt put only' to - those with Con servative leanings either 'with no Birch ties or who had be come disenchanted and / were severing any link with the Welch-led organization. As described by Bruce, who will become a full-tlm? execu tive with ACU when, It opens offices here in late .January, the new unH.wlll be composed 1 primarily of the directors and an Xdvlsory Assembly ot some 100 members admitted on an J* Invitation only" basis. Others will be allowed as sociate membership entitling them to receive publications and materials put out by ACU. One of the full-fledged mem bers reportedly Is Admiral Ben come mat In ACU JJpuld Morreel (USN-Ret), head of the" conservative-oriented Ameri cans for Constitutibhal Action. Robert E. .Baumanp, chairman of the'; Young Americas {or Freedom, is one of the- yt directors, providing a further cipe t^ the outlook and phi lpsophjf ofAQJ. V Postal fate Hike? Washington, D. C.?Jwinblfo nouskl. Postmtster /General, has been isked jby Presjdejit Johnson Id mike* a?study Midi survey ton1 possible legislative oPoposals to Increase postal Aes on second class and third clasj mall) He said th^ study did not Indicate that there were any plans, at tills time, to ask CongrAs to Increase first class rfte?. /?? A stnger 4ho will be unnamed for obvious reasons, lays that his mottier-ln-Uw suffers from a speeoh nnpauatwrf. Every now artf then sh^ h^s to itop to breathe'. ^ ' '}. - ' . (' -7 L ' ' WtiiUi admittedly primarily^ Republican organisation, 'the# ACT > wiW operate outside 1 1 , - patty framework and-iill rnaKv* an open bid for'Jjtouthera DemcA cu( support in realigning o.O parties on a conservative Ube r 41 basjis of distinction. ; Inaugural Plans Set WashlnHon, 0 C --Theeasr Iront of the United States C*pt tol isundergolngmnsprei^rj tlons for the inauguration of j ne^presldent January 20 * Tli<> stand for t{ie ceremony Itself Is about the sam? a? the stand for Jdhn F. Kennedy's inaugur^ atlon.. Seats v/or 18,435 are being tout and some .60,003 more are expected. Some* changes are expected In the time of ceremony In Russia qh'lldrengotoscTiBM slx days 'a week. This eould never hajjpen In America be^, cause Saturday Is when the : teachers w^sh their hair. ? I . Though that Is the ayowqfi ng- range Mfh of Scna(of Ban ry Golfjwater, ACU sources i re making it clear thlsWllInot a Goklw<*ter. organization hut :? ither one outside his leaicJer ?l\ip realm even while agreeing ?ith.some of his Outlook. Robert Taft, Jr. And GOP ?V asjilhgton, D. C.--Rep. Rob ? "St Taft, Jr., has called (or a rerto id getting smaller and smaller, how come postal rates Veep getting bigger and bigger? I County Commissioners By-Pass Applicants In a biiarre .series ofrkvenN Monday, the (f ounty Commifc-^. slonej> appointed dean -" of I L<.uu*bur? attorneys Gatther M. Beam, to fiilthe Recorder's Court vacancy created by W. F , Shelton'iR, j*e.si gnation. The se<- 1 lection Of the ' 3 -year -old form* 'et* 'JudgO Vlimo as a s n rpri s e to in 'st ob.se fvt'fs,. after- the Board decided not t/vtUv^rm. a permanent . replacement in Monday's meeMnf, * . ft had been expected - that* the | Board woftld- select a Judge I from among "the three announc ed candidates, ,Vouisbuj*g.??t* torneys. W. M. JdMy and E. C.j Bulluck, and former Clerk *ofi Court. John King. The strange procedure's- be* ga.n when Commissioner H. M. Sylles", a newcrfm^r to the, Board, announced^that he was' not r ready 'to vote) on a suc irssur to*Shelton. He told the j lkiard th.1t Tie hadTio Objection to .theft* voting .on t^e matter, but tlut- iie had been "pres sured so" that he wanted nrttf'.o time to think the matter over. . v. orti mlssloner Norw oo d Faulkner said, ? 4 1 .in] ready to vote, personally, but I believe we should 'go along with 'this new man and give him m ire time to decide." Commission ers Claude Arnold and Richard Cash farvured taking a vote in the Monday meeting. Chaic man' George Harris- stated, "1 ' lui,ve told several people. Uiat we. would make jtlTis dec Is I oft today and I would like to see lis*" do so, but l am willing. tb go along with the Board. No ^one cajled for a vote, or made a nomination/and the decision \*;as believed to have been put off until a later meeting . At "i&is point, -cine m "uiljer pro pn.stfd that the Board tak?" t if tie out tor.lunclK Chairman Harris announced t ha t^he. wanted to get the business out of the way. be fore recessing for luncli Com jnissiojier F aulkner then moved1 that Sheltnn's resignation Ik a< cepted'. The mot ion .w as sec - onded by Commissioner Cash atKi fiassed by a unanimous vote Someone suggested the name of John King to be made "acting". 5-Udi'H n nt il - 1 1 ? #r next ni'?etjny County Attorney .Charles Davis reaTTliv statutes to the Board, Bloodshed Boxscore Raleigh- -Xb?' Motor , Veljicle> Department's sjjunparyj>ftrafn fir. deaths thron^irritTaTriK Mon-l day, January 4: ' / ^ ? / . .-4 KILLED TO DATE / 10 KILLED .TO DATE LA&T YLAK ^11 ? ? / s which referred ro*tbe filling of tfitgh fVaeMKV. ' \ : / \fter several ooiiferen^s be tween individual Cominjsslon ,,i,( Da\'is was Instructed to contact Gait her M. Beam, Sr., , lv determine if he would serve 'In "the capacity4 of "acting 'judge" until the Board could fill the position-liter this month. _ Beam a"ce|)ted, In hl^. words* "to help out.* , Tills I tu' Board felt had com pleted the business of appoint- r lug a Judge for. this ? meeting. However,' later In the afWrj noon, it was dls'cVvered that the '"action Uken was ijle^al The , Tilling reportedly r-afif. from* . the -.A|ttorney GeueraU^ snftce m Halelgli. - - ? Hastily, the, Coinjt# attorney Hnformed the Board and they., at that time, altered V ? < origt . lion to make IU-1 Beam Wperilia no.lt .MM" intlnent. to ./111 theVomi?lete inV*|>ltvd term ? ol Shelton, wlioiuil rjeslnneddue to ill ?health " ' _^?~ ?1 team's apfiMui.-nt ' unej *? y notion 4>y ,r..i'nmi*sjMi?>.r ?? Sykes ami a second by L onvtiiis sioner Faulknei All voted m favor of IlifcJiiotlen: - Mr Beam .said Tii Tr--naiti^fl to this [Kisltion at my age 1 agreed to swerve to help oyt^bul 1 also reserved the 'rtg/ft to resign at "any time . should the . load ; etv too iieavy f?tJny ":lfe.ars, with out,. enihaM.issinent '? either ? the Board oV to myself." An intensive campaign bad been ''a(-CieM1 Coun dry Club, a .former -fin it. If at- _ ToFney ajd_a deacop ? J* ,the" l/wlslwfg llapllsl Church He Is rnWried to the former Anr.li AlIenOTv/raiiltlin County and the latlier dttwO children, Q. M. Beam. Jr., I0X3 insurance man; ? fnil. Mrs. . Matnl'i Clayton, Supervisor ,of TPMhers toi Franklin Oounty School. At least there's one thing to . be sa(d In kiyor of ^poverty, (t "Sticks to 'yon when all your friends forget you J Brush Fire 4 . .. t i' .?.L Hrusn lire on. cover's Leap Road late Monday afternoon Is .shown abqgpe. -The blaze! which covered several acres, was re ported ' ' p.m. ab^utiflve notyflivyes-ii ui i^uui sjjurg. ThW lOcal^lre deparijpj?1vt an swered the-call ^buLrffd not fight the bl$ze. No extensiv?jdamage was reported. - ? ?> ?i ? ? " . A. -f _ ? ... f I ' ? " - . \