Franklinton Housewife: ; . - First Road Fatality Of Year ? t ? v - ? f ? . . . f . A 58-year-old Frankllnjon housewife4 became the fti'st, "highway fatality of the hew year ! ,ln Franklin County<iast Monday , as a result of Injuries received j In a head-on collision near j Frarikilnton, Sunday night. Mrs. Opal Barnette Maye, 6 i Green Street, Frankllnton died \ in Wake Memorial Hospital Monday morning around 3:30 following an accident one mile South of Frankllnton, Sunday night around li:15. Mrs. Maye's brother; Thurstor Barnette, 62, also reoeived critical injuries in the accident. Mr. Barnette : itf>listed as in critical condition in Wake Memorial Hospital. Claude Eledson Splvey, 27 year-old Negro of Youngsville, driver of the 1958 For* which struck 'the car driven by Mrs. May?, w^s hospitalized in Franklin Memorial Hospital. He was released from the hos pital Tuesday* ?fnd lodged in l. ? ' J Franklin County Jail- here In Louis burg pending 'trial on charges of driving on the wrong side of the highway and man slaughter^ Charles E. Richardson, 22, tnd Joe Baker, 38, passengers in the Splvey car, received minor Injuries. They were treated and released at the local hospital. ? _ Trooper D. C. Day, who In- I vestlgated-the accident, report ed that the accident occurred as the 1963 Chevy II driven by Mrs. Maye rounded a curve and met the Sjilvey ca'r In the lane of the Maye car. Mrs. Maye, according to Day," had pulled to the shoulder of the road when struck. The Impact of the crash knocked Uje Maye car back about ten feet, said ! Day. Funeral services for Mrs. Maye were conducted Tuesday at, the' Fi>nkllnton Methodist Church, She Is survived by her husband, John Rencher Maye, one daughter, Mrs. TUlie May Jof.ner of Wake ^Forest; tjhree sisters, Mrs. Oweh Daniel and .Mrs. S. M. Newton, b6tft of Creed more and \i$s. Johnny Cur Tin of Oxford, three brothers, Thurston, and M. F. Barnette, both of FrankllptCK^ and Samuel W, barnette of Dor* harry and one grandchild. U: i . ? ',w.. v. First Highway Fatality Picture above shaws scene near Franklinton where M as. Opal Maye repelvBxl fftal injur-/ les Sunday njgTTt' around 11:15/" Mrs. Maye'stcar is sJjown at right on shou^dtr of the highway \ where it was struck by other /car driven: Jjy Claude E Spt vey, 27 -.year-old Youngsvllle negro, Who h?s beeu,charged with man slaughter. This was the first highway fatality in the county this yea.r. . ??? -Photo by T. H. Pearce. Mi >?? < ' * ('Iiihl Injured Picture ^bove, .taken. mlhutes jfter 13-year-old Vlckit Guy Harris was struck while ridln?\ her bike, shows State Troopers E. M. Roberts.'left, Cpl-.J. E. Rawls, center, ami lith rldge, without hat, _ r i g h: t. Troopers were parked nearby mil witnessed tht*- ~ accident Robert McDonald of Canads is pictnr-ed "at right, white shirt, 1 cfriver of the car. The Frank- ' lirvton child was Seriously in jured, The accident was ruled unavoidable. -Vhoto by T. H. Pearce.. Judge Beam Hears Twenty Cases Tuesday The following cases weredls- j posed of during a session "of j Franklin County .Recorder's j Court on Tuesday, January 12; Thomas Hamlin Havugton, w/ m/37, speeding. Pleads guilty Bloodshed . Boxscore Raleljh-'-The Motor Vehicles Department's summary of tcaf. flp. deaths through 10:00 am, Monday, January i 1 : KILlTiTtO DATE ' 42 / y V--X1LLED TO DATE LAST YEAR 36 urTcler waiver statute. $15*00 fine. and costs. John Earl Perry, c/m/23,non support 12 months In Jail, assigned to work under "super vision pf -State Prison Dept., suspended on payment -of costs and $5.00 weekly to C. S. C. for benefit of "minor child. John Kearney, Jr., c/m/26, ope Tat i ng 4u to 1 ntox i ca ted ; tern - -porary larceny of auto. Guilty. This being the second conviction of OAI, 12 months in Jail, sus ?pervled* on payment of $300.00 I fine ami costs. Notice of appeal 'to Superior Court, to post $300:00 bond. Luciou* Alstoto, c/m/28, No operator's licence; $10.00 fine jand'cofrts. Jojin Crudup> c/m/27, speed ing. Pleads tnilftv under waller statute. $20.00 fine and casts. W til lam Clifton Shea Mn,w/ni 18, speeding. Pleads gull{y un der waiver statute. $20.00 fine and costs. "C, John Henry-Harrison, Jr., w7 m/17, speeding. Pleads guilty under waiver statute. $15.00 fine and costs. t Garland Gray-C hjjv is, c/nv 36 K motor vehicle v l o 1 a 1 1 on. $100.00 fine and costs. Thomas Lee, .c/m 46, motor vehicle, violation. Nolle pros by State. * James- Fred Wrlghtr 9/m/$6, seeding. Pleads guilty under waiver statute. $15.00 fine and costs. 7 , Horace McKlnley Harris, w/ ypiv Officers Officers of Loufsburg Lodge No. -4 1 3 are pictured above foi lowlrtg their Installation in\fiere morties bseld at the lodge build ing on Jolly St. Tuesday jnlght. Shbwn left to right, are: lames . Johhson, past Ma&ter-Secre tary; Herman Spencer, pa>t^ Master-Installing Officer; Ran dolph Alford, Jr., Steward; Rob ert W. Knott, past Master ? I i Treasurer! George M. West, Senior Warden; Candler Strick land, Steward; James HC Whel SS-s, Senior Deacon; CLeorgfe W. ?Perry, Master; Dean dr. JflpltflJU Tyler; Charlie R. Smith, past Master-Chaplain; HalB. jP6rry, Jr. Junior Warden; Perry B, ff^sley, past M?ster-8^arshalv and "Douglas F. Gtfpton, Junior (Deae<5n.- -Tiroes Staff Photo. m/53, operating auto Tntoxlcat ?d $100.00 fln0. and costs. Pftfendant to pay cost of capias." Patsy* Hicks Green, #f/f/24, speeding. Pleads, guilty under wiftver statute. $10.00 fine #!nd costs. Samuel Milton Cupp, w/nf/34, speeding. Pleads guilty under waiver statute. $15.00 fine arid costs . Pear4 Foster- Perry, c/f/35, motor vehicle, violation. $25j00 fine and costs. xv Louis Alexander Perry, d/m/ 16,. motor vehicle violation^ $50.00 fine and costs. Joe~Douglas Dorlty, w/jq/25, speeding. $10.00 fln,e and coMs. Walter Perry, c/m/41, as sault. >12 months In Jail, as signed to work under super vision rof state PrjfMttt D^pt, Ralph T. Day, .c/m/32, as sault. '6. months In Jail, as signed to work und'er supervis ion of State Prison Dept. The court repommends psychiatric treatment prior to serving sen tence. Horace G. Smith, w/m/21, es cape from prison. To be held for Franklin County Grand Jury, $200.00 bond. William Parrish, w/m/21, es cape from prison. To be Jield for Franklin County Grand Jury, $200.00 bond. Power Off In County Sunday AUjmembars of Wake Electric Membership Corporation In Johnston and Nash Counties, In (tie Zebulon and Hopkins sec tions of Wake Countjr, and * small section near the Hopkins Community In Franklin County, will hare their electric power cut Off from 4:30 to 7130, Sun day mornlnt, January 17. This power Intefrupdo^ It necessary fotv Carolina Power and Light Comt>ahy, ^urfplleijs of wholesale pow?j to Walfe Eftc ?*r*r-1t?embershlp jCo^poraJlon, to Install new equipment ikthelf transmission ljnfs afZeWlon, N. C. ^ ^ ^ J The man who continually hori rows money ls?apt to ha*? his !)ard luck. i i Franklinton Child Injured In Auto-Bicycle Collision r" Vickie Gay Harris, 13, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Harris 3f Franklinton was critically Injured when struck by an auto mobile as she attempted to cross ,U. S. 1 on a bicycle last Saturday. Witnesses said that the child rode her bicycle directly Into the path of a car' driven by Robert Lindsay. McDonald, 62/ of Wurtenburg, Ontario, Ca nada, as she left the parking area of a shopping center on the western edge of Franklinton. The child was taken to Frank lin Memorial Hospital in Louls burg suffering from a compound fracture of the arm, numerous severe lacerations and possible fractures. Ttie" accident was witnessed by three State Highway Patrol men, who were parked nearby. Cpl. J. E. Rawls, Troopers E. M. Roberts Ethe ridge reportedly Ward the lm-j pact and turned JfriLflme to see the accident. Photographer T. H. Pearce said that he awl ridge were lnsltfFTnearby store with Etherldge leaving the store In time to see part of the accl dent. - The accident was ruled on avoidable and no charges wertf Tiled' , Mrs McDonald7~a pas senger ?In her husband's car received severe- fatlal cuts. The- condition 0/ the child is reported to be'' 'Improving. . 1 Applications Accepted1 For Post Office Jobs i The Postal Board of U. S. 'Civil Service , Examiners, Greensboro, jN' C.t has an nounced that ^applications will be accepted until further notice for examination for positions as Substitute Postal Clerk and Sub stitute City Letter Carrier. The positions to be , filled are In the Post Offices In Franklin and surrounding Counties. Starting/ salary for positions at first-, ?ncl second-class post offices is $2,48 J?r hourt ?nd $2.12 per hour at third-class offices. Applicants will be required^ to take a written test and all* qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment according to rating achieved, without regard to race, cr pjtul, se.x, color or national origin. Interested persons should se Benton Gets Agency. Award Wayne Benton, Lou Is burg Col-, lege basketball. coach, and local representative of thfc Raleigh Agency of Jefferson Startdard Life .Insurance Company, has been Informed that the Ralejgh Agency and the local repre sentative h^i received an Out standing Achievement Designa tion Award for all round Agency performance. Av. A. ("Dusty") Reynolds, Is Manager of the Raleigh Agency which to comprised of 12 coun ties in Piedmont North^Caro llna. The Xnnouitcement was made by the Greensboro home office. \ f \ Louisburf Fire Call The Loulsburg Fire Depart ment answered a call Wednes day afternoon around 4:45 p.m. to the home of Miss Lucy Burt on Church St. here. The cause of the alarm was a stove pipe which had become stopped-up. No damage was reported. Bunn Tags Required Mr. Ronald Tant, Town Clerk, has announced that Bunn resi dents must obtain town autor mobile tags and display them after February 15th this year. This Is the first time residents of Bunn have been required to purchase town tags. They may be obtained from* the clerk at the town hall, Tant stated. Car owners who fall to dismay tags after the date, will be subject to arrest. I' Weather Partly cloudy today and Fri day. Colder today. Low, 33; high, 45. cure jComplete Information and , application forms ttom local Post Office or from the. ExecuTTve" Secretary, Postal Board of U, 6,/Clvll Service ; Examiners, V. O. Box 3603, Greensbor^v North CaroMna 27402^/ No Wednesday Afternoon Meter Check Chief William Dement of the Lou'lsburg Police Department announced today tha^ due to many bus lnesses elating on Wednesday afternoon Jier^thii parking meters would^not be checked on Wednesday after noons until the flrsjt Wednesday In September: Sh o iv s * I nr i t a I i on Eleven-veflr-pld King Jolly 1s shoW'n above holding an invitatioo# to th'e-'I.nailgtir a' 1 Events to. takt'jplace in (Washington, I), C. li ning Monday. rjhe invitation ? : ; ' f.'i'i'iwd by h-i S" pa rents, IVfr. .and,M rs. Wiibur Jolly, oT LouisTprg.. JUr.JoUy 'is" a former State S&nator and a memt^gV of the Caurts Rt? Committee. ? The rnvittitutn i for all ten events, including the receptions, balls, and Inauguration \>u Wednesday. This is the only", reported, invitation re? ceived in this area. -Times. Staff .Phofb. . .?) ?? .. ? , j . Duncar^ Shows Dimes Film Mr. Duncan, th6 County Na tional 'Foundation Chairman, has covered Franklin County In the last two weeks, arrang ing for the Mother's March In eaj:h community and placing coin boxes^ In many of^the stores. The film on Birth Defects and AVthrltls will J>e shown to many of the clubs,! Rotarlan, Lions, Women's and; P. T. A.'s during the ne*t few weeks. It Is hoped that thej public will respond, not ojijy] in attending the showing qf tnls ! Cllm, but*- In liberally supporting financially, the program of the March of Dimes. The following showjngs have been scheduled: RotarlanS^ Jan* 14; Lions Club, Jan. 19; RlverMdo P. T. A , Jan 20,8:00 prn . , Jr. Wtfnran'ti Club, Jan. 6:30 p. ny, Louisbui "School Prr.A.rTsin 2 IT Junio r ^Chamber '^Commerce, Jan. 20, Youngsvllie Lions, Jan. 26, Gold Sand P.Tj A., Feb. 15, Perry's On Vietnam - . j Washington,* D. vb.- -Senator , Rljfchard Russell (D., Ga.)j$aid he wanted a reevaluation of the j United States position in South Vietnam. \The* Senate Armed Services Committee which Rus sell heads Will examine the-' situation carefully In Vietnam .and Congo early In the new session of Congress. School, Feb. 1* The flint is t h?* pV^MTty "f , tbft Franklin Couftty Chapter'A-V Vj March Tof Dimes, i will be available atb durii b year to b? sti'jwr. .is .11, .'jTioatii lull project, ? : - Speech Washington* ETC. In his A State of the Union message, President Join - >!. , niined hfs. aims for sorting the nation up the road toward a 'great society. Attention wis called / to health-care, education, povl erty, prevention of c rime, vp t- - lng rights, the\arts,* ^Jaxes, fying jthe nation and cleaning up the rivers. Train Acjrfclent v Damages, reported to be thousands of dollars, to a switch of, the ^Seaboard ^Rallw^f a* Prankllnton are ariowiy ^bove Incident occurred w-h?n a large r611 of me*al came loose Inside 'a freight car*{)f a passing train Saturday around 5:15 p.m. The metal tore the door o?f the box carandbroke the concrete land ing where it hit. , < -Photoby T. H. Pearce.

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