Gangway, Here We Come Little Miss Shore Is Papa Pulls Ouch. That Smarts Weather Fair and continued cold today. * Wednesday, partly cloudy and _ _ slightly warmer. Low today. 15. t " hig^e. ^ Tel GY 6-3283 t ? 4 Published Every Tuesday & Thursday ? >f ing All Of FVanMin County Comment * <3* We are "altfays a little bit suspicious of -those "who as sure us that t!ie\ want noth Irtg from (is. (Ten Cents) Lou *>borg N C Tuesday January 19 1965 (Six Pages Today) 95th, ^ear ? No mbei 9$ * College Campus Looking Kant Royster Discloses Plans To Introduce Tobacco Legislation In a report by_Chuch Barboiir, political writer (or the?Durham Morning ^Herald, 13th District Senator Fred Roy?terf t of . Henderson stated that he will') do something about the tobacco problenr5~when the General As sembly- opens In Raleigh this year.- " v "I said as a candidate that I running primarily for that 'purpose, arid nothing has hap- j pened.1 to change my mind," i Rdys'ter told Barbour In th? in terview. "We've talked about Federal funds \nd waited tor I Federal funds, j Now the time Is here that we must act. We can't afford to wait any ldnger for outside helpS' Royster con tinued. _ * The 58-year-ojd tobaccoman wlio will represent the three county area of Franklin, Vance and" Warren In the 1965 State ' Senate,, told Barbour . that he Vvas "having someone work up a study for nfe, and I will have . a better Idea how to dr^ft legis lation- after' that study Is com plete." i ffo^ster had definite feelings about two other issues certain to come before the General Assembly? highway safety and taxes. ,"I certatiily hope to seesome i thing Introduced which will cut v | down the Slaughter ort ourhlgh * ways," he asserted. "I -have not' talked to Gov. Modre abouj "Ws proposals In this area, but I certainly will support- bgta . latlon which would help solve our highway ajcidertt prob lems."" i Gov. Moore, In his Inaugura tion address, said he would . make recommendation! to the ? General Assembly aimed at halting the state's climbing s death rates a.s a -resillt of mot- ; or vehicle acctyetfts. ? ^oyster said* he thought a mo tor vehicle inspection law might be part of the answer, but ad ded that he did not think this , was the most im'poftant ele ment. most decrease the speed and stop people from driving' who are drinking li quor," he emphasized. ''OJ course, Jf we solve* the drink ing aiuj driving problem, we'll help solve the other problem, too." On taxe?, Royster said he had campaigned on a prat form of no tax increases and " jvould fight tuolf A nfeasure If It were introduced Education, r\>ad.< and* court relorM *te thrv other a feas which ' go^jfei b?Mi< ? v 11 ?? irfg. session,* btf\ admi^to i he 1 1. . i j not -/studied /we iss\ie*? enough ; to ' 'dUiCUS-v-.'thoi:; \ it' '1 1 ij ? ' i .( - | ly" at th|s ttmc. \ | HoyslX'i did n?t ' tunrit !.r. - s?lf 04T the mail In' would sup port xor president" pro tern at the Senate, ?H>'ut noted that it looked J ike?a close race be tween Q^j>as ?JJfo'rd 1 1 Nash County and Robert Morgan of Harnett. ? t4 ? -Roy&ejr^ Managing Director of the ^Bright Belt Warehouse Association, list served in the Senate in 1953. Two Youths Arrested Following Break-In Two- 16-year-old negro youths were arretted, one near the' scene and the other later at his home on Kenmore Avenue, following a break-In of the War ren QU Company offices on Blckett Blvd. In LoulsburgSun , day -flight. William Coley, Loulsburg ni gro, *as arrested on tfie Bunn road by Loulsburg police offU cars farl Tharlngton and Kyle Prince Sunday night artnlnd MO p.m. The police had been alert ed tq the Warren office by a burglar alarm system. The of ficers {tracked the thief through the snow from the Blckett Blvd. location, through a wooded area to the Bynn highway, 1 short distance aVray. The L&iUburg officers called Deputy Sherlf/'Dave Batton Into the'.cise because the oil com pany* ,ls located' outs ldt the Loulsburg town limits. Th? Sheriff's office reported that Coley Implicated Llnwood Keal, another Loul*burg negro, ana, .confessed to having broken Into Green Hill Country Club, Just off the Bunn highway, on three separate occasions. He also admitted breaking Into Shearln's Grocery on South Main Street, It was repprted. Batton arrested Neal at his home on Kenmore 'Avenue In' Loulsburg a short time latyf. The Shearln Store, wlthjif the town limits,, and- the oll com fcany an) country club, both out side the town UmtU, were among several unsolved rob beries during 1964. r r ? i Oral Vaccine Available At Health Dept. Sabln' Pdlio VaccliuMs aval)* able n? ' I'K. KlilN. I|ii tv !tl. ! '?'|Mft|i:vi.ti'-f.irS as? U 'youjp rhlld has ,rtot tec ivfeid* the. OfrAL VAC-CINE l'i ? ! i 1< ? .li ' Hi 1 it 1 \ I ?>????! t (*>.. bfing hill, ?!:?'? ' .(?id start the Immtinl/a't ThlA 'ac ;ne? tifri.isl > KRfctt. by the State Health l)e part:n^iit for .-all chil'inv, jp t < / SIX V I'M -RS of .1-. ' vSi far there is no. vaccine .ivaiiaRTP at the Health Department 'f^r childre -VerSIX YEAjR^of age. If anybody has child re^TT- ? r siix years a,,'- that n?\ i Hi" vaf.cjjv* ? tlnry, should v/nit.irt their {vi ?ri. ? Fh ? iiy " Jv.tilable ?>.. -IT A DAYS and THURS1AY between the hofrrs#of,fl;GO a,rt and -4:00 p.nj O^'LY, " i eral cllTjlc da-ys. / i ~~ Historical Society To Meet Thurs. _ The F ran} iin ('( inty fi. ; caj Society will hold a :neffing Thursday evening, January' 21, at In the v^lal Hall of Matfn^ feulldir ouisbijrj Cq1^K' ? Chairman I 1 dley But ler anWunced/^d iy. Everyone/ In the oVnty ; who Is ll^rest^ In the>.S9< *ty arid lt/proj^r Is ur ?* |><>rts that ;< Hi. ) {?* fell I'riday/afternoun < m it 'it. t.>lln December . 1 3,' 1 962 the th'er- ! ;mometer /? dropped to 1 decree /or the RSwes^ recorded by the l.ouisbiff station iii the past 1 ? *^yrTr . ? - ? A few minor crashes between automobiles were reported, but iyjne resulting in JWirlous injury. The Loulsbprg Rescue Service answered a wreck call on SaU urday five ? miles- wes? of Leuisburtf on the Franklinton IngliWay. Gra.cie Mae Cooke { r.2, revived minor shoulder TTTjuriear^aud Randy Allen, G., received minor head mjUTies. ' The Service " answered two c.flls Sunday - morning, - While preparing to transport Pat tie Bullock, G7-year-old negro wo ma-n,- a suspected heart attack victim, to Franklin, MetiHxrial Hospital from her home y Moulton, Rescuers were sum moned to the home of Liuriw^ Gaijes, -H7-yv.?r*old ne^ro wi/-^ man of Rt. 2, Franklinton. She, too, wa s a KJlspf ted heart t - ? tack victim awPwas -trails priz ed to tfie local hospital . * The .temperature- (his moriU inn was .? ctiol R degrees , just three degrees higher thanMdn vi?iy * > low of f. degrees . ? Ken nedy rejjorted tl^at -today's V)W of degrees* ivprest?nted\ a harder eold than Monday's h?wy' The reason, Jte. stated, "Was due^v *o tin* fact that ther5 degree low ciiine sometimes during" the nii'ht and the temperature had risen to 24. degreerfs by early. 'Monday mornitjg. The Bdegree reading was still holding at 7 a.m. this "morning. .. This . reading was. exactly the same as reported at the Raleigh- Durhajn Weather sta tion, where a record was set: Today is the, coldest ever re C? ird?ii on this date at the weath er station then*' Ftankliri County and FrankMn- * ton city schools were closed Monday and are closed today. Several m eefck|gs .s c healed for the Weekend .were"*' ,i i:> eled . or postponed The g round - breaking - and dedicating cere- ? uionies at I.nuisjnirg College, scheduled fo^ last Sunday were postponed ? Aljieu date ha* not'' ?been set for thi>s 4vent The weatherman .X?roinist?s a warming, trend starting tomor row in tin- area. Goodwin To Head. . j Heart Fund Drive The Franklin County Heart Association today announced the appoint mufit of a chairman for the Heart Fund^CampalgnJiere. Alfred M. Gyodwln, Man ager **of Johnson Cotton Co., ha- been named to j><*rve as" Chairman in .the month-long ? ?.(inpal-ign whl^fTfwgiiis here and ? t!if"if/'lnnit .the nation vn Feb ruary 1> ^ ' Tlie He:bit iund Drive will if.n h its' hi;gli point on the weekend eft Heart Sjmday, Feb-, j rtiary 21,? w-hen volunteers, in ^ili <>f the VoiTTin unity's r?'st .d<*it1al areas \0jili" visit their neighbors Y7 igh, -v. .1 .1 d?, I'Uti - ' i > il?-f jto'i itfy ' the N ( . I^j?artrff?tnt of Keve [ nue >,ior*H years Sfmng. flM Two Caught iShb"plifting Saturday' !? Two 13-y6arVol . *? , {? ranklln and Surry 'lie also was a distric t s.ij?' ? TitatfvT7 v. it!? th?* Buckeye inculwtor Co. and th<* James Manufacturing" Co. - Good ft in ;(1k1 his wifp, the forjtfer Carrie XCottQn, have li^ed for the past etehteen years j oju a. tobacco farrti 'near Stern,! N. C. They have a son, Leor 'h 1 1 , .1 student -it State-College, and a dautflrtei Carol, a high s' h'iol' tud"flt at South Gran ville Hlfcli S'd,iool. ? He is a past Master of Tally I Ho Masonic- Lodge an(f of .the St,em Grange; member of thei ?TK-al Smith' Granvrtttr-HIgh anrT Bteni Elementary School Coch in it(ee, and a member and form ?r Sunday School t&acher at the , pxford Methodist Church. I YoungsviJIe Man Fined $500 In Speeding Case A rYoungsvllle, Rt. 1, youth! w,?s convlrh^J-at speeds inex-l ' i-bs of 120 miles 'an hcfiir in r ' Zebu Ion Recorder's Court last yenk, and ordered to pay a fine : of $500, Ronnie Lee Richards, 1 'J, also receive! .1 s?nteri