/'? Weather Sunny and cool today. Friday, partly cloudy with moderate temperatures. Low today, 21; high, 53. The Published Every Tuesday & Thursday w Humor is a rare gift; II you can laugh at the world, your self, you are lucky. Serving All "Of Franklin County Tel GY 6-3283 (Ten Cents) Lou sburg N C Thursday January 28 1965 r i L (Ten Pages Today) 1 9,5'r Year- Number 98 AVERY DENNIS RALPH KNOTT ROBERT VERSTEEG Three Louisburg Men Listed As Outstanding Young Men Three Loulsburg* men have I been honored by being placed lb thejaycee's publication,! "Outstanding Young Men1- of America." /The publication, Just released, ll^ts Lotr(sburg Stephens Quits At Franklinton TOMMIE STEPHENS (Frk, B.W.) (Tommle N. Ste phens. has -accapted a position as Assistant State Supervisor ?{^Introduction 4o .Vocations. Mr. Stephens, who has taught Vocational Agriculture sln^e September^ 1949, In FrSnklln ton, will assunje his new duties on February l; > The native of Cary holds a B.S. degree and a Master's in Education from North C a>ollna. State In Raleigh. ? He has done work on his doctorate at Duke tynlverslly. ( , In 1963 Mr. Stephens began his association with Infrodut tlon to Vocations, when, Supt. J. L. McDantel offered him the opportunity to attend the"' I, V. Workshop at N. C State tp. becorp? qualified to establish an experimental pro ' gram at _ Frankllnton High School. - ; . The Frankllnton educator did an exceptionally fine Job or ganizing the local school pro gram for which he was com mended by state department of ficials and by the Frankllnton City Bd&rd of. Education. Mr. Stephens gained recognition ? through his enthusiastic ? and capable assistance to State Department Supervisors work ing with teachers throughout the state to develop understanding of the new vocational concept during the spring of 1964. t ? It was as a result of Mr. Stephen's outstanding partici pation lnjhe experimental pro gram that the Frankllnton City Schools were granted an extra teacher to expand Introduction to Vocations to reach all ninth graders. It was with regret* that the local Board of Education ac cepted Mr. Stephen's resigna tion. A certificate of merit was granted Mr. Stephens for. his outstandlnc service to the local school system apd the' community for the past fifteen years. f \ la 1958 the Frankllnton Jay cees (which Is not currently organized) (presented the Dis tinguished Service Award to Mr. Tommle N. Stephens. , Nothing delights a worker like an advance In pay without ad ditional work. . ?I College Professor Avery. Den nis, Superior Court Clerk Ralph ' Knott, and Loulsburg College's Director of Drama Robert Versteeg, among the outstand ing young men_ of the nation. Dennis and Knott are Louls burg natives. Versteeg 15 a na tty e of Oradell, N, J. . The two local men are members of the Jaycees. Versteeg Is a member of the; Loulsburg Rotary Club. 1 The- 589 page-book has -a con gratulatory letter from Presi dent Lyndon Johnson and a fore ward from Henry Ford fl, and lists the outstanding young men from all sections of the country. BennlT'ls the son of former Loulsburg Mayor and Mrs. George Dennis and Is married to the former Jeanne Marie Joyner. They have two chll W. C. Joyner Re-elected Club Prexy Clifford Joyner, local building supply ,dealer, was reelected to a second one-year term as Resident of Green Hill Coun try Club In the. annual stock holders meeting held he.re Tuesday night. ' f Willis Nash was reelected Vice-?President for another term. Superior Court Judge Hamilton Hobgood and Louls burg College Dean John York were elected to three-year terms on the Board of Direct ors. They replaced Louisburg .Frankllnton businessman Na-^ pier Williamson andTTfmes Editor Clint Fuller, both re tiring from the Board after serving two three-year terms.. Other members <*f the Board are: Woodrow Warden, G. M. Beam, Sr., .Louis- Wheless, Jr., and Dr. * R. L. Eagles, im mediate past president. M. C. Joyner Is.clubSecretary, a non elective position. The 40 stockholdersfattending the meeting heahJ the, president make his annttal report on the condition of the club, which was reported to be good. Youngsville Dimes Report Youngsville Is the first to report (or the March of Dimes campaign, currently being pu? on In Franklin C6unty. Under the direction of Mrs. Robert Cheatham and Mrs. Marvin Roberts as Co-Ghalr men, a very successful cam paign was put on. The total amount collected was $108.42. Some ten or more of the lockl ladles assisted In the Mother'* March. The Couoty Chairman, Rev. V. E. Duncan, urges tb&t those In other areas of the county extend their effort* over as wide an area as possible, so that no one will M overlooked. > A benefit basketball game for the Mafch of Dimes Is beln^ planned between the Loulsburg Jaycees and the Frankllnton Rebels, under the. direction of Mr< . Roy Boyer of Loulsburg and Mr. Edwards of the Frank llnton team. These young then play an excellent brand of ball, and the public will certainly en Joy ifich a. game dren, Delia Kaye and Matthew Avery. "Dennis is a Chemistry Professor ?t, Lou Is burg Col lege. At present he Is on af year's l^ave while taking addi tional studies under the Nation al Science Foundation Faculty Fellowship at Carolina. Knott is the son of- the late Alton and Mrs. Mildred Sledge Knott. He is married to the foj-mer Dorothy Mae Steed. Knott is a former President of the Louisburg Jaycee Club and was a State Director of the or ganization last year.'- -M pres ent he " is President of the Brotherhood of tW Louisburg Baptist Church. Ve'rsteeg is the Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Versteegof Ora dell, N. J. He is 'married to the former Saily Youngblood. They have three children, Cas sandra Lee, John and Jay. He is Educational Theatre Direct or at Louisburg College. The Versteegs came to Louisburg^ in 1962. Mr. Versteeg, ^tftth his wife assisting, has-prwiuced several plays presented by the Louisburg College Players here. Dennis received his education in the'lo'cal schools, Louisburg ^tfllege, Wake Forest,. N. C. State and the University of North Ca'rolina. Knott was_ educated In the lp cal public schools, Army Sig nal Corp School and the Insti tute of Government aidiapeT Hill. Yersteeg received bis educa tion at phiO Wesleyan, Gar rett Technological Seminary, Northern University,. Ohio State University, Hammarbi vlnity School and Baldwin Wallace College. He Is a min ister having served several churches in Ofiio before moving to Louisburg. He is also* author of several rbooks and plays. Stan Fox of Ox/ord, . nephew of Louisburg businessman Bert Fox, and Lt. Governor Bob Scott are also listed in the publication. Smith Elected Officer There was a meeting held In Henderson last Thursday night, Jan. 21,- which was attended by the Independent garage owners of Vance, Franklin, and War ren Counties. The purpose of i this meeting was to organize a local chapter of the "Inde pendent Garage Owners of N. C..M (I. G. O.) to be known as the "Trl-County independ ent Garage . Owners Asso ciation.^' ? R. D. Hester of Henderson presided as temporary chair Hardie Is Ag Teacher (Frk. B,W,) Robert Lamar Hardie of Clarendon, North Carolina will assume the po sition as Vocational Agricul ture teacher xat Frankllnton Hlfcli School on February 1. A graduate of Williams Trrtnshlp High School, Hardie Is a candidate for a degree at N. C. State lh Raleigh. Having completed Officer Candidate School at Newport, Rhode island, the Interim teach er will accept a n?v?l commis sion with the rank of .Ensign as of Jute 1. Hardie IS\ a brother In Farm house Fraternity and a member of the Bethel Methodist Church. I r rrtan. * The 'following slate of officers was elected! Presi dent, Larry H. 'Joyner of Hen derson, N, C.; Vl^e-Presldertt, Kenneth Whltmore of tyrfrllna, N. C.i Secretary* Treasurer, A. C." (Pete) Smith of Louls burg; Board of Directors, Bob by Bortone of Warrenton, Mar tin Vaughan of Warrenton, Hv' old Dlckerson, Loulsburg, Win ston ftester of Henderson, Dele gates to represent the local unit at the State Board Meet ing at Wilson/" N. C. In Feb-, ruary, R. B. fester and Lar- " ry Jqyner. The alnts and purposes, of this organization are to make It possible for the independent garage owners of this com munity to offer their custom ers the highest type of auto motive repairs at the lowest possible cost. This Is to be done by technical and business training programs for all own ers and mechanics. This is something that Is badly needed to cope with fast changes lnau- 1 tomoblles and Increasing short- 1 ages 'of automobile mechanics. Boxscore Ralelfb? The Motor Vehicles | Department's summary of trafL i flc deaths through 10a.m. Mon- | day, January 25: KfLLEp TO DATE ?1 I LAST YEAR , 82 ' Wheless Undecided On Seeking Another Term As Louisburg Mayor J Loulsburg Mayor Louis A. Wheless says he hasn't made up his mind about seeking anoth- , er term .in the upcoming May Town Elections. Wheless .said ip a recent Inter view, "I am vitally interested In the programs we have going rlgtyt now. I would like to see thfe progress of the past several years continue." The date of the Town Elections has not been set according to Mrs* Katherlne Gupton of the town office. It is held early In May. _ - Counefln&an E. F. Thomas, said It was too eiriy for a state ment and' made no indication aS to his plans. Councilman V. A. Peoples stated when askedabout his* plans for seeking another ^terfn, "I am not sure. I am pleased with the present pro grams." peoples, who had been 'parti cularly interested in the pro ! gram to Install new lights on the streets of ?Louisburg,apro-i ject now underway, added, -''li would like to see thts continued uhtil the streets aVid lights all over town take on a favorable appearance." Councllmen Robert Hicks, Thornton Jon4s, Jimmy Lump kin and .Jonah Taylor were not available for cpnlment when called. Most observers agr^e that probably all the present members will seek another term. " tm y New Lights Installed WofTtmen are shown above lri-_ stalling new aerial-- lights on 'Justice Ave. here. Electric Superintendent, Harold FosteF, extreme left, reported that 71 lights have been or^will be in stalled in the present program . Installation's have already been mad'e in several locations in town, including N^rth M;iin*St. and Kenmore Ave. f -Times Staff IshQto. Heavy Docket Heard li^ Recorder's Court By Judge \ ? ' The following cases were dis pensed^/ during a regular ses sionljpf P^nkllft County Re corders Coiirt on Tuesday, January 26: \ . Ellis Wood, assault on fmjiale. Guilty. v 6 morfyjs m Jail a>ni assigned to work under Super vision of. State Prison fcJept. Joe Moore, w/m/30, speed ing. 1 Pleads guilty under wal- . ver 'statute. $15.00 fine #and Costs . I C. D. Radford, w/m/44, as sault. Judgment suspended on payment of $430.40 to C. S. C. ! to pay bills of Van Denton and costs of court. Norman Frankfurt Pearce,w/ m/25, speeding, ^leads' guilty under wj*tvei* statute. $10.00 fine and costs, y * Theotls Davis, c/ m/21, speed ing. $15.00 fine and costs., McClellan pearce, w/iuu- 66, mtj^Lor vehicle violation. NbUe pros ^tOj^flrst court. Pleads guilty to second "count thrpugh attorney. $10 Online and coasts. Katherine Hinson Cjwdtrett,w/ f/32, speeding Pleads^utlty under w&iver statute. . $15XJCk fine and costs. Nicholas 'Anthony Sarroccoj w/tn/20, speedfng. Pleads guilty under waiver statute. $15.. 00 fine and jCpsts. Lorine Ivor's ey Leonard, ,w'/f/_ 33, speeding.. Pleads- guilty un? def waiver statute. $15.00 firre' and costs. Norman Sills, c/m 28,speed ing* Plelds guilty under waiver statute. $10.00- fine and costs. G^ne Thomas Cafroll, w/m/ 26, "speeding. Pleads guilty un der' waiver statute. $10.00 fine and costs. \ ] WilHam Archabald Fosjer, w/ m, speeding." ) $20.00 fine and costs. Henry Tllleit Edwards, w/m/ 49, speeding. Pleads guilty under waiver statute. $10.00 fine and costs. - William Thomas, Jr., -speed ing. Pleads guilty under wai ver statute. $10.00 fine ,and costs. \ \ , ? John Parker Mar^goo, w/m/ 34, speeding. Pliads guilty un der waiver statute. $10.00 fine and costs. ? ' Buck Coleman Denton, w/m/ 42, speeding. Pleads guilty under waiver statute. $10.00 fine and costs. > Kenneth Bernard Davis, w / m/36, speeding. Pleads guilty under waiver statute. $10.00 fine and costs. \ Nathan Green Patterson, w/m /43, unlawful possession of whiskey. Nolle Pros by State. Alfred Bryant Goodwin, w/fn/ It, speeding Pleads guilty inder waiver statute. $10.00 'lne and costs. William Mose Reynolds, w/ n/38, speeding. Pleads guilty inder waiver statute. $15.00 > ' fine and costp. Percy Lawrence Tanner, w/ m/47, speeding. Pleads, guilty under waiver statute. $10,00 fine and costs. C. P. S^kes, c/m/45- as? sault Judgn?ent susjK'mled oh payment of $1C).00 fine ann co^ts. LyrTWood EiJrl Neal, c/m/l6f breaking and' entering, larceny, .(four C"ases) Defendant to be held for Franklin County Grand jury. To., post $2,000.00 l>ond 40 cover all cases agalrtst hlfn. Jo?#eph Shyrld Brownj* w/m/ 19, motto vehicle violation. Not guilty. * Willis Bennett Baker, ?/m/ 16, motor vehicle violation. $!>, 00 tine and costs. William Nathaniel Cooley, c/ See COURT page 6 Mayor Wheless* said, "I would not like td see a very conserva tive administration .set into, office and place a** damper^ on the improvements made In the areas of Industrial development and town utilities. We have weighed carefully ihe_expendl tures and the4 advantages to our town and, all its* people.." "1 am vitally Interested in this progress, but I have not definitely made up my mind about running again" Wheless was unopposed, in ttfe race for mayor In 1963 /under , a rtew system separating the mayor from the councilman's race. * Robert^ Hicks led the field In 'the'" last election, polling "439 votes, followed by Peoples 427, Lumpkin 422, A. j.'Johnsofi, Jr. 411, E. T. -Jones 394 arid Jonah Taylor 392. E. F. Thomas was the seventh man and was appointed to fill the unexpired term- at Johnson who resigned last January. W. JHL Allen, Jr., Raymond Tonkei and D. C. Phillifts were the unsuccessful candidates in the 1963 elections. - In that election, ' citizens approved fluoridation of the town's water by a 422-11$ majority. "T Dickersoh In JScav Post At Wachovia CharIes~Dlckerson Charles Dlckerson, a former county man and Loulslmrg elec trlciiui, has l>een elected Asslsfknt CaShler of Wachovia Dank &\Trust Co. in Durham, N. t\ \ DICkerson Jollied the Bank's time payment department in 1953, while employed in Louls-r burg with* XutUe Appliance Co!; He was name?Ll)irect Loan Of ficer in 1 ^ 57*. He advanced to manager of the dealer credit division later tliat year and became Assistant Manager of. the department In >963. "Cotton," as Dlckerson is known locally, Is married toj the fymer Vivian Pergersonl MRS A N NjjE COO PER Demo Women To Hear Mrs. Cooper The Franklin County denlo Cratlc Women's regular quar y 'y meeting will .be lield it Hi#' Gr<fe? inn Country Club as a dutch dinner at 6:30 p m February- 2, 1965. Mrs. Annie Cooper, ?ho has ? w'th the House- Of Repre sentatives since 1021 ami was appointed Principal Clerk in 1943, will |>e the guest speaker Mu' is married to 'a' former resident of Franklin County George Bunyan Cooper. Tickets can Ixj obuined by members and other Interested w?men from the following pre cinct captains who are: ? Cedar Rock, Mrs. H. M. Dick ens, Dunn No. 2. Mrs Helda Kay Perdue, Gold Mine, Mrs. I.W Edward Radford; HayesVllle fMlN T H. Weldon, Sandy .tm.'k, ?lrs. Forrest BonJefs, Cypress Creek, Mrs. J. S Col lie, Frankllnton, Mrs R. w Moore; Harris," Mrs. w. R. I Richards, Jr., Louisburg, Mrs. Ralph Knoft; Youngsvllle_ Mrs. ^'nston. - Webb, Radford Nominated To Academies ! ; . Joseph, Mark^ Webb, Jr., and Jon Daniel Radford of Louis burg have been nomlruted -to U. S. Service Academies Con gressman L. II Fountain an nounced today. Joe Webb, the son' of Mr. and Mrs Joseph Mark WeVib, Sr. "< Route I, Louisburg and a' ??' n'o* at Byifn Higl School, has tieeji nomijiafed to the Mer chant Marine Academy. J"n Radford, the\So? Mr . t"' Mrs w 11 fcdfdr^ of Route 2, Louisburg lid a sen ior at Gold Sand High Scflortl - as been nominated for "the Naval Academy. ? ? "W Louisburg. They luve three children, Charles, Jr., 13; Paula Lee, 7; and Marian Ellza beth^ l ?-?months. License Sales Boom ftSrs.Anne Champion Is shown abave, selling a new 1965 lt certse plate to Bob Preddy of of Salisbury, right, while Sam ColVlns of Louisburg looks on. Mrs. Champion p?pOrted that sales of the plates were ahead of last year here. Through last Frlclay the local license office had. sold 2,777 tags, lncludin 1,970 (rtr plates. ^ ? a* ? ta tl i . Times Staff Photo. 1

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