Louisburg College Most Valuable Players TENNIS -MVP Bill Braithwalte Coach, Wayne Benton BASEBALL - MVP Richard Wheeler Go&etv, Buss Frszier BASKETBALL MVP Bob Cjeasman CosKh, Wayne Benton GOLF - MVP Learoon Couch Coach, John Smith ? Photos by Bill Birdyshaw I 12.3 CU. FT. KELVINATOR . ? ? , WITH PUSHBUTTON AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING NOW ONLY 269.95 EASY TERMS DEFROSTS ENTIRE REFRIGERATOR AT LESS COST THAN REFRIGERATORS WITH OTHER TYPES OF DEFROSTING SYSTEMS! hnl p*jih th* button ond frott mtlls and drains away for M>y disposal. It's so lost Ihoro's w M tmd to ronton loci Irom fr?ior ! W ? #7.? IN. ?' Fraran Storif ? ? t Parealalw-?? Staal Criapaf* ? X |(| tNNfl ? Nidi; B?Rar Chart ? X D??f >>?' SHalvaa ? X Aluminum lea Traya ? Dmt Oaakat all 4 iMaa KIIVINATOR ?NINCS YOU (?|ATm VALUl I T front*' ? P'0?r?m Of Co"???n| Bas e Impro K*U'a u??f J mo-# C#P?->c?' to opcat*. Iff a>*t*ar way Am#r.c->n Mmo>* "?f? /ou f?Of# faal valut ,w?t at m fdmbiir casts of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Wester were Mrs. W. H. Leonard, Miss Annie Rue Wood, Mr. .Morris Gupton and Mrs. Mildred Grov er of Rocky Mount, Rev. and Mrs. Everett Parsons and daughter Debbie, and Rev. and Mrs. Dale Sieel and girls from Wake Forest; Mrs. Dollle Tuck er from Petersburg, Va., and Mrs. Joe King and daughter Faye and son Jiff from Wise. week-end giilsltlsr'Mrs. Dol lle Leonard were Mr. and Mrd. R. E. Turner and their daughter, Miss Dorothy Dean Turner, from RilelghVWtss Cornelia Hedgepeth from Newport News, Va., and Mjjs. Eula Denton from Cary. -T Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lewis were Mr. John Lewis find daughter Sylvia from Butner, Mr. "and Mrs. Johnnie - Hamlet and little Sherry from Maryland, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Driver and children, and Mr. Junior Lewis from Rocky Mount. ? p Week-end guests bf Miss Bert Pearce and family were Mr. and Mrs. H. P; Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce from Roan oke Rapids, Mr. and M,rs. Les ter Pearce and Children, Sherry, Bobby and Debbie from putney. Mrs. Mamie Gupton accom panied Mr. Dock Shearln and son Carl to Park View Hospital on Sunday to visit Mrs. Dpck Shearln who is a patient there. Mr. and Mrs. William Rockey and sons, Blllle and Jerry, of Portsmouth, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wlnstead and son Den nis, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bradley from Rocky Mo'unt were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Murphy. They also attended the funeral of Mr. Joe House on Saturday afternoon. Little Mlss\DebtHf Pearce from Butner id spending this week with Miss Dell Pearce and family. The way to build business Is to make 1t easy for customers to?>uy. SURE CURE for GAS PAINS ^ "v., . . ,*i ? * . ANCHOR W Z T.\ i r