LOCAL EDITORIAL COMMENT Coin Shortage Once again, the ooln shortage In the Loulsburg and Franklin County area has been termed "critical." This condition ex isted last fall and never really, was alleviated. Several helpful measures have bqen suggested, Coin savers should exchange their coins for paper moneyt or, better still, bank them. Collectors, of course, will continue to save their valuable coins, but those of no extra value should be placed back In circulation. Whenever possible, give cor rect change. Store owners should exchange paper money for the coins taken from vend ing machines In their places of hiialnpss. Ask salesmen and collectors from out of town for their change. In short, don't let any more change than possible get out of this area. Keep every bit In circulation here at home. It appears that It will be some time yet before the shortage can be helped by greater pro duction of coins by the govern ment. Meanwhile, it is impera tive that we Intelligently use what we now have in circula tion. Keep as little as possible in your pockets and keep as much as possible In circulation. A further dip In the amount of change now In use In this area could be most serious. A Debt Paid Governor Dan Moore has paid his political debt to Dr. I. Bev erly Lake. * Without the aid of Lake followers, chances are that Dan Moore would not have been Governor. Often in politic^ when debts are paid, unqualified men are \^ometimes given appointments. Thts. is not the case in the ap pointment of Dr. Lake to be an Associate Justice. There could not have been a-t?etter choice. Franklin County Citizens, hav supported Dr. Lake in two elections, will be pleased with the appointment. However, this could mean the end of any elec tive aspirations Dr. Lake might have. Local citizens and other Lake followers might now need to find another standard-bearer for their causes. Dr. Lake's experience in law and his level-headed approach to problems of the day will add greatly to the effectiveness of the State Supreme Court. V His kind is needed, even more so, on the federal' Supreme Court. NATIONAL EDITORIAL COMMENT Kennedys Versus Johnson The* political puUem. as shown by the actions* of the two Kennedy brothers in the V. S. Senate in the I past five months,' is to build another Kennedy nuiehme. inde|)endent of, and sometimes opppsi^f ^to, Presi dent Lyndon I Johnson. T^c late President .Jiihn I' /van ned? made the' division to ask then Senate ,\1aj<rit* leader Lyndon Johnson to lie his running mate in August. I !JHO. That decision made %l>oth men IVesident. Without John son's ability to carry the South in HM>0, Kennedy vsould not have Ix'en elected and without having been chosen to run iis Vice I Resident, Johnson would, not have I icon ele vated^ o the Presidency. - ltol>l>\ Kennedy, iil HMiO, report edl\ np}Htsed the iiaijpui! of Johnson ?is the Nice Presidential candidate. Kour years later -lohnson, as Presi dent, opposed the naming of Ifeibby us Vice IV-sidcnt, and was able .to do something about it. TTie future, as far as a new Kennedy machine is concerned, centers on Senator Bobby Kennedy as the national candidate. Only when and if he fails, or withdraws, will Senator Ted Kennedy become political Kennedy'number one. Clearly, the Kennedys are waiting for the opportune moment, 19KH if the1 unlikely comes about (death or assassination) but more probably 1972. Seven years is .not long to wait for two young Senators ? and' Kobbv will still be in his forties come 1972, and just reelected in New York two years earlier ? if he mils and is reelected. Hubert Humphrey will be HI in 1972. He run against one Kennedy in in presidential primaries. Ho may run, against another seven 'years hence. Baffled On Buckles Most folks Around Washington credit defense Secretary Robert ' McNamara , with Ix-ipg the smartest and most efficient 'lusinessnuin in the' Administration's top hrnss. Hence it's a hit disillusioning to find that nil those human bniins iirid computers in the Pentagon haven't been able to solve the problem of ?i 20 - cent belt buckle. It seems the supply branch has * been trying for three years to come up with a ' standard black buckle acceptable to all the armed services, figuring the government could save something like $24,(XX) a year by standardizing that little piece of equipment. Seems that on every model they tried, the black chipped off under the wear and tear of use. So, at least for now, the Navy will keep its polfahed vellowfasten ers, the Air Force its nickel-silver ones and the Marines will continue to sport the reddish brass model now in vogue'. I'niformity will have to wait for a new tactic in the Battle of the Buckle. Mariner IV & Mankind I he mission or Mariner IV ma\ not dofinitrK answer, the intriguing question of whethep'l ilo exists on Mars. * \ Hut even so, the fetjt- of sending an effective exploring instrument across the intervening millions of miles liei.wf'en the earth and the outer space planet is one which almost staggers the imagination. That such an instrument could reach target at all is impressive. Even more incomprehensible to th? average mind is the fact that the vehicle could be( controlled and directed over a span of some eight I months and that, finally," it would V he ahle to transmit picture signals across that vast span in the space of just twelve minutes. Such a feat must be cheering to even those dubious of this country's scientific capabilities. But if man has the demonstrated genius to reach back and forth in the universe, Somehow it would seem he would be able to., find a way for people and nations to live together on this little'planet that's already so familiar to all of us. The franklin Times Established 1(70 Published Tuesdays L Thursdays by . The Franklin Times, Inc. ^ Blckett Blvd. Dial GY 6-3213 LOUISBURG, N. C. - CLINT FULLER, Managing Editor ELIZABETH JOHNSON, Business Manager N ATI O W A I Advertising Rates Upon Request SUBSCRIPTION RATES In North Carotins: CM of State: One Year, ?4.M; SI* Months, $2.83 Single Copy lOf On Year, IS. 50; Six Months, 94.00 Three Months, *2.06 Three Months, S3. SO ?Entered as second class mall matter and postage paid at the Poet Office at Loulsburg, N. C. 27549. As The Busses Roll - -'s Drive Carefully Democracy Versus Idleness By JESSE HELMS Winston Churchill once said, In commenting some years ago upon what he called "the American democracy," that the truly remarkable thing about It was not that It worked so well, but that It worked at all. Mr. Churchill was not viewing America in her present pos ture, but there Is room for speculation as to whether there was not a very clear Implicit warning in his comment. The news from California was disturbing, not merely In terms of the shocking violence that was taking place but as a measurement of the attitudes that so threaten both the sanity and the security of the land. Ours Is a generation that has condoned, if not encouraged, a sense of Irresponsibility that is now engulfing our way of life. We have embraced the doctrine of easy come, easy go. The nation has gone on an equality kick without really confronting the question of equal to what? We have become so mixed up In oijr definitions! Political hacks and clever rabble^, rouse rs have shamed us? or frightened us? into mistaking wrong for right and lawless ness for justice. The demo cracy about which Winston Churchill marveled threatens to grind to an agonizing stop. We have often voiced our lamentations that the great na tional sense of personal re sponsibility, which figured so prominently In the building of America, Is now rapidly disap pearing. And, In stating this concern, we. haye often been misunderstood; we shall, we suppose, be misunderstood again. Still, the' events In California and Chicago support our apprehensions. Surely It Is now clear that we are wit nessing the stark symptoms of a national*disease. The ques tion Is: how great an epidem ic can the republic survive? Who >111 Justify the conduct of the mobs which have wrought such destruction and bloodshed? Who will explain It away as merely a natural result of grievances? Who will specify the grievances that, in a civi lized society, absolve men who transform their communities Into Jungles? The democracy to which Mr. Church'lil refer red Is In trouble. One of the great strengths of the republic which Mr. Churchill st>_admired was the ability " of its people to keep busy at productive endeavors. If idleness Is the devil's work shop, It Is Interesting to specu late the mad desire ofthe'na tlontocreate even more Idle ness. Indeed, We have reached the point that Ac^st numbers of Americans have been taught that loafing Is an nbnQrable career. It Is government poli cy to pay people not to work. Men who voluntarily quit their Jobs are immediately eligible for government checks, al most without question. A gl gantic recruiting program Is underway for the devil's work shop. It would be Interesting to see the results of a survey of the thousands wfio burned and de stroyed and robbed and pillaged their community In California. How many of these, one might well wonder, did a day's work prior to spending the night In such a riotous and angry frol ic?* How many of them, on the other hand, ?at idle and bored /or countless hours be fore being swept into that emo tional tide that transformed them Into savages? The ques tions seem to answer them selves. j And yeb, despite political ora tory to the contrary, our gov ernmental policy seems clearly directed at making the situation worse Instead of better. In Washington, for Just one exam ple,, there Is now federal legis lation pending which, If passed, will 'make It possible for a work er to 'quit his job voluntarily ? Just because he choosefc not to work ? and draw a full year of benefits from {he government. Henry Kendall, head of the state's employment security commission, is quite properly opposing this leglslatloh, known as'the Mills-McCarthy bill. Un doubtedly Mr. Kendall Is aware thaMf this bill is passed, there will, be even more Idle men in America. ^ If democracy isto work, then Its citizens must wfrvk. GRASSROOTS OPINION From The Wall Street Journ al: "Irresponsibility continues to be a conscious preachment. It Issues from those in the arts who deliberately seek to loosen moral standards. It Is taught by those who Insist that the unformed schoolchlld must have total freedom of expression. It Is proclaimed by sociolo gists who say the criminal has no responsibility for his crime. It Is evidenced In countless ways In the responslblllty-dl mlnlshlng efforts of the nation al government It Is sometimes declared the law of the land by our highest magistrates." ? Shortly before his untimely death In London, Adlal Steven son said: "Aggression begets aggression. Retreat begets re treat. We either stand, as we discovered In Europe, and hold the line at appropriate places or we don't. ..And If we doa't and aggression Succeeds, they knock on door after door and find that they open. Ultimately they come to ,the ultimate door where resistance becomes Im perative. 1 Then you have a holo caust. You have a major war. This is what we are trying des- - perately to avoid In South Viet ' Nam." * i The Wholesale Price Inde* tor Ethical Pharmaceutical FAT OVERWEIGHT , Lvall.kU I. I.I . Available to yo u without t doctor'! prescription, oar product called OiIuod. I You muit lone uijly tit or ' your money back. Qalaxon la a tablet and easily ewal- i lowed. Oet rid of exreaa | (at a ad lira longer. Oalax on eoata $1.00 and la iold on tbla guarantee: It not . aatlatlad tor any raaaon, ' juet return the packaca to your druci let and get your I full money back. No quee tlona aaked. Oalaion la told with thla guarantee by: ?oooniN nni-a fm*B ? LoiMwrx ? MAIL ' ORDKR6 KII.I,KI?. ' has declined for the sixth straight year. It (ell during 1964 from a level o( 86.2 to an all-time low o ( 86.0 (1949 equals 100). This Index, which measures price changes, an nually, has been prepared by Dr. John M. Firestone o( the City College o ( the^Clty Uni versity o( New York. Handicapped people In mope than 25 different disability groups are served by the non profit Goodwill Industries. They receive on?-the-Job train ing, paid employment and hope (or a fuller life. Goodwill needs public support by giving house hold Itetns no longer needed. Barry Goldwater writes: "Income In the business world Is distributed on the basis of how hard and how w?M you work or build or plan. But when a politician passes out money the basis may be for any reas on at all. Including partisan advantage. No matter what the reason, however, the giving of money Is a poor substitute for the earning of money. Money earned In a productive job I* true business expansion. Money given away Is nothing but a drain on available resources." While drilling for oil In the Sahara Desert, Oil Facts re ports, 0. S. oilmen discovered a huge underground lake of fresh water. More than 200 water, wells Ijave now beeij drilled In 'the area, each capa ble of Irrigating up to 500' "COME TO THINK OF IT..." " frank count I been told that I had a visitor at the newspaper office other day.. .old James "Hoss" Alford.that curly hatred Softball player from around Bunn... dropped by to set us straight on some road paving In these parts Old "Hoss" Is a pretty fair softballer and a dang good highway man. ..and we're mighty sorry we missed him... but, then, they don't let us hang around the office. ..something about upsetting the glr^ some how..... - They don't give us much space for this column... mostly, we suppose, because we don't have much to say. ..but what they'll give us, we want to let "Hoss" have so's his folks in Raleigh will know he is on the old ball and that this no a Count boy, If he ain't nothing else, Is of fair mind and sound body Here's "Hoss's" figures: SECONDARY ROAD6 PAVED IN FRANKLIN COUNTY SINCE JULY 1, 1964 Secondary Road Number 1237 1457 1460 1707 1212 & 1213 1748 1724 1606 1226 1454 Name 1 Beasley Rd. Douglas Williams Rd. J. B. Leonard Rd. Joe Denton Rd. Layton St.^Frankllnton Middle Rd. Gay Rd. Jule Pearce Rd. Gayllne Drive, Loulsburg Dorsey Rd. Total .ength In Miles 3.6 1.8 1.2 " i.6 0.3 1.9 1.1 2.9 0.4 278?"' 18.5 Miles ROADS WHICH WERE GRADED & STABILIZED IN FRANKLIN COUNTY SINCE JULY 1, 1964 IfiiV 1143 1118 Extension 1633 Extension 1450 Extension Addition 1200 Montgomery na. Sultt Rd. Jim Thompson Rd. Beddingfleld Rd. -Read Rd. ^ Edwards Rd. Wes Sandllng Rd. Total u.s 0.5 0.6 1.0 0.5 ? 1.5 579Mlles Now, ain't you surprised? Come to think of It, we wuz. acres. With this water supply the desert can produce three crops of fruits 'and vegetables a year. WEST POINT, MISS., TIMES LEADER: "The U. S. Supreme Court has nullified the federal law which bars communist par ty members from serving as officers in labor unions. That's what- we said! Don't you know the Kremlin is pleased with -k that one!, Come to think of it, we frequently get the Impres sion that the communists have a Supreme Court in this coun try... and it's about time we Americans got one of our own!" Are You Planning To Re-decorate Your Old Home Or Build A New Home? IF SO - SEE US FOR ALL DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES. WALL-TO-WALL CARPET $5,00 PER SQ. YD. And UP Rugs Cut Any Size WE HAVE A NICE CHOICE OF COUCHES, CHAIRS, DINETTE SUITS, PICTURES, MIRRORS & NOVELTIES. LEONARD'S \ DRAPERY SHOP ROCKY MT. RD PHONE 4%-3234 LOUISBURG, N. C. We Now Pay 4% interest On ALL PASSBOOK SAVINGS Open or Add to your Account Today Citizens Bank and Trust Company *THC LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION* :' WE INVITE YOUR BUSINESS ' MEMIER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION HENDERSON , N.C. FORD WAREHOUSES < Wednesday, September 8th , \ 3rd SALE TELEPHONE 496-3520

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