Classified Ads. DA TEC regular 1 tJ CLASSIFIED .08 per word minimum ,5Q per lpsert ioii ? .50 per ruu aervieo on keyed ads. ?CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .70 per column inch. MEMOItlAMS same as Reg ular Classified. All classified ads must be accompanied by cash or check. FOR SALE ? 3 Oil Stoves. Two 10-inch and one 16 inch without cabinets. See, R. G. Leonard. Rt. 2, Louis burg. Phone No. 496-4577. 10-7, 12,14, 19 pd SPINET PIANO, to'transfer to good local home. Simply * assume . small payments. We'll transfer and fully guarantee. Write for details and inspection, credit Mrt , North Georgia Pianos, 1206 McCall Blvd., Rome. Ga. 10-19 pd FOR SALE ? Kentucky 31 Fescue (Cleaned)* 12c per pound. See James Speed. Friendly Four Warehouse or on farm at Gold Sand. 10-19,21 pd TAKE soil away the Blue Lustre way from carpets and upholstery. Rent elec-1 trie shampooer $1. H. C. Taylor. 10-19 FOR SALE & RENT ? One 11 -room house with ?'? full baths. ? Approximately 2 acres of land on Highway 401, 5 miles south of Louis burg with plenty of good water, good potato house, smokehouse, and other out buildings; grape vines, plum and apple trees, plenty of pecan trees. Will sell for $500.00 down and like rent per month. Will finance with no carrying charges. Can see October 24. T. R. Pierce. Apex. N. C., Rt. I, Phone No. 834-1043. 10-19,21 pd FOR SALE? 1 904 Marletle mobil home. 10 x SI. Phono* GY. 6-3029 after 6?:30 or write Mrs. Allen J. Harp, Rt. 3, Box 402, Louisburg. 10-19.21 pd FOR SALE ? Camping Trail er. $200 ? See R. J. Sutton at Mapleville. N. C. 10-12.14.19 pd FOR SALE Ky. 31 Fescue Seed. 12c Pound. Cleaned And Ready To Plant. MORT II \RRIS Ri. 4. Louisburg USED TRACTOR BARGAINS 1 ? S60 Ford Willi Live pro 1 ? 8N Ford 1? 9N Ford 1 ? Far mull Cub 1 ? 240 International 1 ? T0-30 Ferguson 1 ? 250 Ford Hay Baler IX KD MOW tilt*. HAY 1UKK, I'l/ON .V DWC HwlitKOW s NKW FOKI) Til AC TOItS OASOIJNK At HUXKIi 8ALKS A; HKIIVICK 7ARM TRACTOR EQUIPMENT CO.. Inc. I'. n. Box 727 Telephone .icttevn 8-8185 Heinle toil/ ('. Classified Ads. WANTED WAITRESSES ? Neat appear ing girls ol good chaiacter. 18-4.0 years. No experience necessary as <We will train, you. ,Some part time posi tions available. Excellent salary plus tips, hospitaliz ation, ?"?paid Vacations, etc. Apply in person to Shoney's Big Boy Restaurant. Down town Blvd. Raleigh 10-; 1 1-2.4,9 ch OPI"ORTr\ITY Large United and ?Canadian Company in agri cultural field urgently re quires representative in this county for Crop Service] De partment. Applicant must have recent agricultural background and be well re garded in area. Position is full time, or can be handled at first along with your present farming operation. Successful applicant can ex pect earnings between $100 $150 weekly with excellent opportunity for early ad vancement in this area. Write and tell me about yourself. Reply at once to: State Manager. 1*. O. Box 10872, Raleigh. N. C. 10-12, 14. 19/21pd ? MALE or FEMALE ? Supplement your farm or other income with a Rood part time Rawleigh pro ducts dealership. W rite Rawleigh. Dept. NC J 350 823, Richmond. Va. 10-5,19 pd FOR RENT FOR RENT ? Store on North Main Street. Louisburg. Reasonable price. X.ucy P. Burt. Telephone 49G-T2C3. 10-19,21 pd Three room furnished apart ment for rent. Contact Mrs. Q. S. Leonard, Sr. (L-4S52. 10-19.21 eft Legal Notice ? jp NOTICE OF RF-SALF OF VAIA'ABIJR RKAL K8TATK WHEREAS, the undersigu ed, acting as Trustee in a certain Deed uf Trust exe cuted by A. T. Sturges and wife. Alice T. Sturges. R F. Sturges and wife, Edna S. Sturges to J. P. Lumpkin. Trustee, dated December 14, 1959, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book 550, Page 248, and under Order of Resale entered by Honor able Ralph S. Knott, Clerk of Superior Court of Frank lin County, North Carolina, on the 7th day of September. 1965. foreclosed and offered for srle the land hereinafter described and whereas, within the time allowed by law. an advanced bid was filed with the Clerk of the Superior ATTENTION FARMERS I We Are Now Spreading Bulk Lime, Filling ASC Orders for Seed, i Fertilizer- and I Lime. ESSQKEROSENE, HEATING OIL, L. P. GAS L. H. DICKENS & SON RT LOUISBURG. N C ^ ! T ' ^ ? r j i Let Us Fill Your.... C ASC PURCHASE ORDERS For Fall Seed and Fertilizer LIME SPREADING SERVICE WE FILL ASC ORDERS LOUISBURG FCX SERVICE BICKETT BLVD. PHONE 6V-6-3366 Legal Notice Court ?and an order issued directing the Trustee to re sell said land upon an open ing bid of $9. NOW. THEREFORE. UN DER AND BY VIRTUE OF Order of Resale made on the 6th day of October, 196-5, by the Honorable Ralph S. Knott. Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, and the pow er of sale contained in said Deed of Trust, the undersign ed Trustee will offei* for sale upon said opening bid at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the door of the ' County Court house in Xouisburg. North Carolina, at -12:00 o'clock noon E S T., on FRIDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1 1HJ3 the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust and described as follows: That certain tract or par cel of land situate, lyins and being in Gold Mine Town ship. Franklin County, North Carolina, and more particu larly described as follows: BEGINNING at a hickory oq the East bank of Shocco ^reek, and running them e along and with and down said creek and with the line of property known as the Char lie Young property, the pro perty of the Arch Taylor Estate and the Saints Jones , property, the following cour ses and distances: N. 3 deg W. 174 ft.; N. 73 deg E 149 ft.; N. 16 deg. 30' E. 110 ft : N. 28 deg. 30' W. 216 ft.; N. 57 deg 4 5' W. 259 ft"; N. 27 deg. 30' W. 230 ft.; N. 36 deg. 55* W. 137 ft.; N. 50 deg E 106 ft ". N. 81<leK; \\V E 174 ft.; N- O p 314 W 112 ft. ; N. ?> deff. E. u/. S Bl deK. 30- E? 150 ft.. g, 32 deg 1?' E:,21, s' ig 19 dec 15' E 302 ft ; ?. l? E. 153 ft.: 8. J dog. tt' W. 215 ft.: 8. 9 d?? ? B 30* W. 224 ft.; N. o defi. 4S- W 24 3 ft.; N *2 d**; Jo- E 135 ft.. N. 60 den. 52 E 169 ft.; s. 41 deg. 35 E. \\\ Jfv s8 .'^V* y y del w-y f"1" it 55 E?M E9i^4>dis r272 ft- 3. 17d?.?;E. ft s. 70 dc?*. 15 136 ft.! S. 20 deg. 30 71 ft.: S. 4 3 deg. 30 El' i ft.: S. 15 deg 45 W. 93 It . |S. 16 deg. 15' E. 316 ft.. ? i a deK 46' W. 11 J ft* ? B5 <\e* W E. 56 ft to a Suk. tn the line of proper ty known a? the ^r?per*J '! the Norline Mining ComJ,a"*; hence .long the Une o ?^ property S. 25 deg. 38 ^ iica ft to a stake in fb<? line thence along and with the line of property known as the CiMPton land N- Sa dec 22' W. 1766 ft. to a wiake corner with the Har ris Brothers property; run ning thence with the ' ,lne " said property N ? de*. 53 E. 151 5 ft to a point In sain ri^Tw'WV.^ i*45." TnXC'o ? poVntdand puj of BANNING con taining 136 acrea. more or leas, thia conveyance being made by .boundary and a^ cording to ?urvey ?f sets Ksrv?wn .. ^ctTf^W. Vr'ner '"lMS tobacco allotment on sa="tf"iiS3 Stabilization and Cons, na '^h.^c^ful bidder at sale will be required 'o Trustee, aa evidence of good This the 6th day of Octo btr' }*?: LUMPKIN. Trustee. 10-12.19 ETBCTTOR'H NOTIOR Having qualified as Exe cutor of the estate of Cor nelia H. Murphy, deceased, late of Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of Raid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 19th day of April, 196#?. or: this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 19th day of October, 1965. HAROLD R MURPHY, Rt. 1. Loulsburg, . Executor. 10-19,26; 11-2.9 ADVTCRTIHKMF.NT FOR RIJ>fl, TOWN OF NORTH CAROLINA COMMERCIAL RACKHOK Pursuant to Section Hi nt or the Oeneral Statute* of North Carolina, sealed bids for a commerrlal backhoe will be received by the Town Council In the Council Cham bers at the Town Armory until 7:30 P M Friday. November 5th. 1 90 S . at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Instructions for euhmlttlnn blda and complete specifica tions for the equipment, sup plies. or- services desired may be obtained atth'e Town of fice at the Town Armory dur ing i*e?ular office hours. The Town reserves the right to < i ' Legal Notice hold all bids for a thirty day period and to reject any or all proposals. . Edward S. Ford. Town Administrator. 10-19 FOR 8ALF. VALUABLE PROPERTY ON LOUISBURG-FR \\ KLIN TON HIGHWAY The Benjamin Franklin Boarding Home property will be offered for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at 12:00 o'clock Noon on SATURDAY. THF 23 DAY OF OCTOBER, 1003. at the Courthouse door in Louisburg. XortJi Carolina. This property fronts ap proximately 7$<v feet on , the south side of the Loui^bbrg -Franklinton highway accord ing to the legal desertion, of same The legal descrip tion of the property to be sold is taken from the Deed by Richard G. Perry and wife. Emma Perry, to the Board of Commissioners of Frank lin County recorded in Book 274. Page 275, Franklin C.ounty Registry, said de scription being as follows: That tract or parcel of land situate West of the Town of Louisburg. the Louis burg and Franklinton Road, more particularly, defined as follows: BEGINNING at the center of the Louisburg and Frank linton Road, a stake 30 links from the center of the South side, a new corner for Mrs. Emma Perry; thence South 14.25 chains to a stake. Mrs. Perry's corner; thence S. 72 deg. E. 16.75 chains to a stake. Mrs. Perry's corner; thence North 12 deg. W. 25 chains to the center of the Louisburg and Franklinton Road, a stake 25 links from the center on the South side; thence along the center of the said road. S. 58 deg. West 3.80 chains; S. 62 deg. West 4 00 chains; S. 72 deg. W. 4.05 chains to Beginning, containing 25 Acres by sur vey. Purchaser to take pos session February 1st, 1966. The owners reserve the right to reject all- -bids on or before the 1st day of Novem ber. 1965. Any person desiring to inspect the property may con tact Mr. Liee Murray, County Accountant, at his office in the Courthouse or Mr. Rufus Place at the Benjamin Frank lin Boarding Home. COUNTY OF FRANK LIN. OWNER. 9-28; 10-5,12.19 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN In accordance with the require ments of Section 160-175 of the General Statutes of North Caro lina that the Loulsburg Town Council will hold a public hearing on a proposed amend ment and rev is Ion to the present Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Loulsburg, at 7:30 p.m. on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1965, at the Town Council Room lo cated in the Armory Building in the Jown of Loulsburg, North Carolina. Said proposed changes being as follows: To extend B-2 Zone on the West side of South Main Street from the present boundary of B-2 Zone Soutlfto the Mineral Springs Road, and to change the area South of the Legal Notice present B-2 zone to read " B-2" , Instead of "R-2" on the Officials Zoning Map of the. Town of Louisburg. All Interested persons are In vited to attend. This lOthdayof October, 1965. KATHERINE D. GUPTON, TOWN CLERK FOR THE TOWN OF LOUIS BURG October 19, 26 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of Bettie H Cyrus, deceased, late of Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned -on or be fore the 2Sth day of March. 1966. or this notice will be Jvleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleas? make immediate payment. This 2Sth day of September. 19*5. DAVID H CYRUS. Box 4 4. Ygs. Adm'r. 9-28; 10-5.12.19 VOTICE OF REBAtK OF VALUABLE REAl, ESTATE * North Carolina. Fratfklin County. Whereas, the undersigned, acting as trustee in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by Samuel Fishel and wife Ruth E. Firhel on the 28th day of April, 1961. of Frank lin County, State of North Carolina, and duly recorded in tiook 563 'Page 296 in tho Office of the Registry of Deeda of Franklin County, North Carolina, and by vir tue of the aforesaid power of nale, the undersigned Trustee offered for public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door in Louisburg. North Carolina at 12:00 on Monday the 27t'h day of September. 1965. the land, herein after described and whereas, in the time al lowed by law. and an advanc ed bid wan filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court and an order issued direct-* ing the Trustee to Resale said land upon an opening' bid of $1,500 00 NOW. THEREFORE, and by virtue of order of resale made on the'lst day of Octo ber, 1965 by Betsy 8. Laven der. Asst. Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina arid under the power of aaie con tained in said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale upon said open ing bid at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door of Franklin County. In Louls burg. North Carolina. at 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time on THURSDAY THE 21 ST DAY OP OCTOBER, IMS, the property conveyed in said Deed of Trust and described as follows: TRACT NO. 1 Lots 7. 8. 9. 10 and 11 of Fishel Subdivision, map of which is recorded in Map and Cornerstone Book 4. Page 102, Franklin County Reg istry reference to said map being hereby made ror a com plete metes and bounds de scription thereof. TRACT NO. 2 That certain tract or par Legal Notice eel of land situate In the Town of Franklinton. Frank lin County. N*. C.. lying on the South side of Bullock Street and more particularly described as follows: BE GINNING at an Iron stake on the South side of Bullock Street Northeast corner of James Johnson; thence North 66 de?. 4 5' East 60 feet a long Bullock St. to a stake; thence South 24 deg. 00' East 208.5 feet to an iron stake in the F. H. Watson line: thence South 7 4 deg 30' West 60 feet to an iron stake; back corner for James John son: thence North 24 deg. 00 West 200 0 feet to an iron stake and the point of the BEGINNING, by survey and mfp of Phil R Inscoe. Registered Surveyor, date 8-5-56. and this being a part of the tract of land convey ed to F. H. Watson by deed of Rudolph May and wife, and being the same and iden tical tract of land conveyed by F H. Watson and wife to S. M. Fishel and O. L. Ap pleford dated April 4. 1956. and recorded in Book 520 at Page 161. Franklin Coun ty Registry, reference to the above deeds and maps being1 hereby made for a njore com plete and adequate descrip tion thereof. IKAt'l ^U. S BEGINNING at a stake on Wilson St.. corrter of Lot No. 2: thence S. 24 deg. E. 80 feet to a corner fence post on Wilson Street; thence N. 65 deg. E. 105 feet to the corner of a fenc^ post; thence N. 24 deg. W. 60 feet to a Rtake corner of Lot No. 2: thence S. 65 deg. WeH 105 feet to the BEGINNING, and designated as THIRD TRACT In deed from G. M. Beam to F. H Cooke which deed is recorded in Book 4 96, at page 15. in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, and being the Second Tract of Deed from W. B. Jovner and I wife. to 6 M Fishel as re j corded in Book 584. page G5, Franklin ? County Registry. TRACT NO. 4 Located on the North side of Bullock Street in the Town of Franklinton and thus de scribed : BEGINNING at the Southeast co.rner of Lot No. 38 op the hereinafter referr ed to Plat on the North side of Bullock Street. an{l run thence North 23 de*. 04' West 14 9.48 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot No. 38; thence North 65 deg. 10' East L00. 04 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot No. 40; thence with the line of Lot No. 40 South 28 deg. 04* East 152.94 feet to tho Southwest corner of Lot No. 40 on the North side of Bul lock St.; thence with the North side of Bullock St. South 67 deg 09' West 100 feet to 'the BEGINNING, and being known and designated as Lot No. 39 on the map of the property of Sterling Cctton Mills, Inc?, or record In Plat Book 4. at pages 8 and 9. in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Frank lin County. North Carolina, and being the same and iden tical tract of land as convey ed to Chart** R Millard and wife by Sterling Cotton Mills, Inc.. dated February 10. 1956. and recorded In Book 540. at page 46. Franklin County Registry. The successful bidder will be required to deposit ten per cent (10*5?,) of the first NOTIC E OF SALE I OF PERSONAL PROPERTY ,i As Administratrix of the Estate of Mary L. Whitley, deceased, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidders for cash at the homeplace of the late Mary L. .Whitley In Cypress Creek Township, Franklin Couhty, North Carolina, situate near Seven Paths, In Franklin County, beginning, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. on SATURDAY, OCTOBER ft 1965, various articles * of household and kitchen furniture and lOther Items of personal property, Including the following: BEDROOM SUITES; TABLES; CHAIRS; DINING ROOM FURNITURE; CHESTS; RUGS; CABINETS; VENETIAN BLINDS; STOVES AND HEATERS; CHINA CLOSET; Numerous other items of household furnishings and furniture; Miscellaneous articles of personal property. The above articles may be Inspected upon the premises at 10:00 o'clock A. M. on the day of the sale, or by contact ing the undersigned Administratrix prior to the day of sale. This 11th day of Ootober, 1966. ^ MRS. JOSEPHINE W. ROBINSON ADMINISTRATRIX OF MARY L. WHITLEY, DECEASED 211 Nelson Stmt, Durham, N. C. <> i i i i i ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS and fit# per cent (5%) of any excess thereof as evi dence of good faith at the time of sale, which amount will be forfeited upon non compliance and said sale will he subject to any and all liens and encumbrances of record. Dated and posted this the 4th day of October, 1?65 /?/ RALPH E LESTER, Trustee. Thomau F East. Atty. 10-12.19 Gets Ribbon James Taylor Boom, ion of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Boon* at Route 4, Loulsburg, won a red ribbon at the 98th North Caro lina Stats Pair on his corn exhibit. James Is a member of the Justice Community 4-H Club. His 4-H projects Include corn, fat steer and safety. He plans to use his acre of corn In helping to fatten his steer. 12 ' i ? Reasons To Finance Your Home At First Federal 1. LARGEST HOME LENDER First Federal is the largest home lender in this area. More local people finance their homes at First Federal. 2. HOME LOAN SPECIALISTS First Federal offers you a full staff of specialists, trained and experienced in every phase of making home loans. 3. LOANS EOR ALL PURPOSES First Federal makes home loans for all purposes ? buying, building, remodel ing or refinancing1. ? u. 4. CONSTRUCTION LOANS First Federal specializes in making con struction loans as ? part of its complete home loan service. 5. LOANS UP TO 25 YEARS First Federal is currently making home loans up to 25 years. 6. COMPETITIVE INTEREST RATES - and LOW CL0SIN6 COSTS At First Federal you always get com petitive interest rates. And at First Federal you get the added savihgs of low closing costs. 7. SINGLE MONTHLY PAYMENT At First Federal you can have a single monthly ^payment that may include principal, interest, insurance and taxes. 8. FUNDS ALWAYS AVAILABLE You'll find that home loan funds are always available at First Federal. 9. NO PRE PAYMENT PENALTY At First Federal there is never a penalty if you decide to pre-pay any part or all of your loan. 10. EVERYTHING HANDLED LOCALLY Every phase of your First Federal loan is handled locally by people you know and who know you. 11. PROMPT APPRAISALS and FIRM COMMITMENTS You can get a prompt professional loan appraisal on any home at First Federal. And' First Federal will give you a firm commitment when your loan application is approved. 12. THE PERSONAL TOUCH - Every loan application at First Federal is handled with the personal touch that has made First Federal the most popular home lender in this area. ? A If you've been thinking about buying, building, remodeling or refinancing, these are some of th?! reasons you should talk to the home loan specialists at First Federal. firstJLfede ral (y jmuf&Zoan (?9&4occa/e'<>n' <7 OF ROCKY MOUNT MI NORTH MAIN STREET IN LOUBBURO I . . 4 . y

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