The Fran'kiin Times ~ ? ^ . ZX ^ i . , Thursday, November 4, 1965 Where Now For Roads? In light of Franklin County's negative vote in Tuesday's Road Bond election, the logtcal ques ^on arises: Where do we go now for roads? . Having the dubious distinction of being one of the only two counties in the state to oppose the five-year plan for better roads, how do we justify our . ne'eds for road Improvements in the days ahead? Have we not acted like the man whose house is burning down saying we don't want water? Or like the irate employee who slapped the boss In the face? He got a lot of satisfaction but Ntery few more pay checks. T^e Franklin County voter, long^ufferlng from complete lack of\anythlng in the way of road improvements from past Highway Commissions, chose this time and Nnethod to voice their dissatisfaction. Ironi cally, it came at a time when we had the best chanbe to get help we've had In twenty^years. Franklin, fortunately, wllKget the $943,200 from the Bohd money In spite of Itself. It will also get the Highway 56 project, although maybe not as quickly now as It would have. But what about the 88 Highway Commis sion priorities of unpaved roads in Franklin County? Th'ese 88 projects, rangiag from distances of 0.3 miles to 4.9 miles and expenditures of $3,000 to $150,000, are gone by the board. The .folks living along these dirt roads, having waited for years, might as well settle down to another long wait. It is these projects which us ually take some action by the power structure in Raleigh. Who, now, can go to the highway officials and ask for roads? Who can say, "I'm from FrankT lln County, and I'd like a road Improvement?" The answer is sure to be, "From your vote, we thought you didn't want road improvements in Franklin Co anty." Where, then, do we go now for roads? Too True To Form As one observer put it late Tuesday night, after the elec tion results were tabulated, "Franklin County has run true to form. We've voted on the wrong side again." This observer was somewhat of a prophet as the state-wide totals showed ? Franklin and Greene to be the only counties, in the state to vote against both Issues. Some understanding can be found in a negative vote on the Road Bond; there are a lot of disgruntled citizens and with Justification on the question of roads, but why the negative vote on the Appeals Court amend ment? This amendment only author izes the legislature to establish such courts. It was an imper sonal amendment. It only light ens the load of the State Su preme Cpurt and speeds up the dispensing of Justice. It curtails long and costly delays in settling cases. The cost o'f such a court Is negligible. What was the opposition to such an amendment? Whateyer the reason, surely each votfer was entitled to vote as he saw It may have been an expression of opposition to present administrations locally and In Washington. Manypeople don't like the things being done and are fast taking on an atti tude of being against practically everything. Unfortunately, this attitude usually leads to being for nothing, as well. But, whatever the reasons, one point Is clear. Franklin County now stands out like a sore thumb. And like a sore thumb, it does notpresent a very pretty sight to the beholder. We, have voiced our dissent. We have said what we are against. Now, maybe we-"Should declare Just exactly what we are for. Those who w;lll read and heed this action by Franklin County voters will feel we are for the status quo, based on this vote. But who among us Is satisfied with things as they are? A The 4600 citizens who voted last year and didn't bother Tuesday might have the answer. />y I he Company You Keep It's been said that men are \)tnown by the compahy they keep. This probably applies to counties as well. Had there been a large num ber of North Carolina counties In the position of opposing the Issues which other counties approved, the question might not be so critical. But there' are only two counties In this position, Franklin ami Greene. All other 98 counties are keep ing company with each other. Who, or rather what, Is this political bedfellow we find our selves with following Tuesday's elections? Are we to be known by this company? If ^o, we neech to know about Greene County. First, it is located east of us. It's about half the size in land area. Franklin has 494 sq. miles and Greene has 269 sq. miles. Franklin has almost twice as many people, 28,755, * Jiagalnst 16,741. Franklin Coun ty has shown a growth economi cally of plus 60% In the past five years; Greene County is less than 50%. Franklin has almost twice as many business establishments, sold twice as much merchan dise In Its stores last year, three tiroes as many automo biles, six times as much build in?' material ind four> times as as much furniture. ? In short, Franklin County has shown far greater progress than Greene, and, for that matter, a number of other eastern coun ties. Certainly, one does nqt Wish to cast any reflections on the good citizens of Greene Ct>unty. They voted, as did everybody else, exactly like they wantSd Vj. The question is, if we are to be known by the company w^ keep, would It not have beeA far better to have beien with the\ other 98 instead of with the otve? The Frapfcjin Times Established 1870 Published Tuesdays 4 Thursdays by The Franklin Times, Inc. Blckett Blvd. Dial GY 6-3283 LOUISBURG, N. C. CLINT FULLER, Managing Editor ELIZABETH JOHNSON, Business Manager NATIONAL 10 IT 0*1*1 Advertising Rates Upon Request SUBSCRIPTION RATES In North Carol In* I Out of State; One Year, ?4.64; SI* Months, $2.81 Single Copy 10? one Year, $5.50;'Slx Month*, ?4 00 Three Months, $2.08 Three Months, S3 50 Entered as second clas/ mall matter and postage paid at the Post' Office at Loulsburg, N. C. 27549. "Come, Let Us Reason Together..." 4RtfcWSBoCo BMW "Takes One To Know One" VIEWPOINT - By Jesse Helms There is Justified amusement to be found In the angry pro tests being registered by ^The News and Observer against some sort of recorded telephone announcements which, In the newspapers view, are "hate messages'* being distributed by "character assassins." r We haven't heard the messages, and have no particular Interest In hearing them. Still, when The News and Observer com mences to talk about character assassins^ there will be many to suggest that It takes one to know one. We may be witness ing th6 ultimate In the pot's calling the kettle black. Apparently the recorded tele phone messages have been di rected at certain activities of the National Council of Church es. The Information contained in the messages may indeed be false and unfair. If so, It is regrettable that the sponsors of the messages did not choose to select valid information about the National Council of Churches. Much careful re search has been done, and many thoughtful evaluations have been made of the Council's role, and many thoughtful evaluations have been made of the Council's role in stirring up unrest ? and, yes, hatred ? across the land. We have in mind, for example, North Carolinians such as Dr. G.? Aiken Taylor and Dr. L. Nelson Bell, both Presbyteri ans, both religious editors. Dr. Bell, by way of further Identi fication, is Evangelist Billy Graham's father-in-law. But men like Dr. Taylor and ,Dr. Bell have been almost to tally ignored by the "liberal" press. These men, too, voice modern ^liberalism" ? in the press, in tt*e clergy, and In politics ? rejects the counsel of the Dr. Taylors and the Dr. Bells of our time, for they, you see, point to the errors and frailties of all ? of liberals as well as of conservatives. If one accepts the theory that there *ls a reaction for everv ; action, the turbulent dial of our day becomes some more understandable. Those i about "hate." But who have encouraged the dis orders of the civil rights dem onstrations engage In pious pretense as they protest the night-skies' being reddened by flaming Ku Klux Klan crosses. What did they expect? Who will assign all justice to one, a'nd none to the other? The liberals who today cry about character assassination and hate and "half-truths" have convenient memories. What, one might ask, will objective historians have to say about the conduct of the liberals in the 1964 Presidential cam paign? Who called whom a war monger? Who persuaded the American people that the election of one candidate would result in certain destruction of Social Security? Who, as a matter of plain fact, built such a climate of hate and distrust that Lyndon Johnson's opponent was never able to .obtain from the American people a reason able evaluation of his prin ciples? For whatever it Is worth, we too regret the present posture LETTERS?? EDITOR, ' * V . To The Editor: Just a few days ago I heard the remark that we had reached the point where Lyndon Johnson could decree that every tenth man In California have his left ear cut off and that we In North Carolina neither would nor4 , could do anything about It. Perhaps they are not yet cut ting off ears In Chester, Penn sylvania, but the educators ? j of America, for the nation is Indeed hoisted on the petards of emotional and therefore often unreasonable conflicts of opin ion. But the simple truth is that the people are beginning to feel that they have nowhere to turn^ They have learned that those who most often cry out about character assassina tion are themselves character assassins. The news media have too often traveled a one way street in the discussions of America's problems. The Congress has become, except in rare instances, a rubber stamp for a master politician. Clergymen are busily engaged in marching In picket lines, or in creating confusion about ? the birth and existence of - Christ, or in defending the po | litlcal activities of the National Council of Churches. Our courts appear to be ! more Interested in protecting the guilty than in protecting the Innocent. Moral codes are i being redesigned, working for : a living has been declared old fashioned. Old truths are being * discarded in favor of what lib eralism chooses to call "new" truths. Yes, there Is Indeed charac ter assassination going on In j America. Our national char ac- < ter lies bleeding and dying In the gutters of apathy and deceit. It may be that all of us deserve \ to go on trial for first-degree t murder. those great champions of free dom (academic and of speech)? are doing the next best thing with their Infringement upon 44 freedom -of-lunch" In their school cafeterias. This brings us to North Caro lina, where we are under threat from an out-of-state group called the Southern Association^1 Very much after the bureau cratic fashion of the homefolks at Chester, these out-of-staters are telling us what we^milst and must not do. They are not LBJ, and, unlike the federal bureaucrats, they dpri't even have any of our money that they can take away from us ? although they did try to make it appear that some funds were available only to those who re mained in their good graces. They are not even our own educatorlal bureaucrats/ but they menace and threaten us. I cannot believe that the people of North Carolina have fallen to so low a condition of pusil lanimous nincompoopery that they are prepared to surrender their ears, their "freedom-of' lunch", or their right to exclude communists from their uni versities, to an out-of-state group of extra -legal bus ybodies whose claim to any virtue or useful function Is disproved by their colossal effrontery In presuming to dictate what laws North Carolina may or may not have, and by either lack of good faith or ignorance in the false representation that com ihunlsm Involves truth or free dom of any kind anywhere. Walter C. Green Burlington, N. C. It's good business, especially In family deals, to keep the re cord straight. The Biblical day of rest is last being converted intosome hing else. re You Planning To Re-tJecorate Your Old Home Or Build A New Home? IF SO - SEE US FOR ALL DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES. WALL-TO-WALt CARPET $5.00 PER SQ. YD. And UP Rugs Cut Any Size WE HAVE A NICE CHOICE OF COUCHES, CHAIRS, DINETTE SUITS, PICTURES, MIRRORS & NOVELTIES. LEONARD'S DRAPERY SHOP ROCKY MT RD PHONE 496-3234 LOUISBURG, N. C With A Dependable LP GAS HEATER We Also Have KEROSENE And COAL STOVES \ X ' ? * ? 1 ' " COME BY AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF GAS RANGES AND OTHER GAS APPLIANCES LITTLE RIVER ICE COMPANY S. MAIN ST. PHONE GY6-3410 LOUISBURG, N. C.