m Weather Sunny and rather cold Thurs day. "Increasing cloudiness and not as cold Thursday night and Friday. Low today, 25; high, S3. The Franklin Times Published Every Tuesday & Thursday Serving Alt Franklin County Comment Neither nation ..not- people are equal; but they should have free and equal opportunity. Tel 6Y 6-3283 . (Ten Cents', | lou sburg, N. C Thursday November 18 1965 (Ten Pages Today) 96th Year ? N um ber *78 $20 MOO In Christmas Llub Checks Go Out -* Almost $20,000.00 has entered the local economy this week,' in the form of Christ mas Savings Club che'dks which were mailed last Monday by the Icjcal banks. The three county branches of First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. report a total of $19,1850.50 has been sent to Christinas savers. The Loulsburg office reports the largest amount, $14,000.00, while Franklinton mailed checks totaling $4,285.50. Runn, in its third year, seni out $900.00. Franklinton started Its Christmas Savings Club In 1958 with 20 accounts, totaling $1,388.00. This year there were 57 accounts dividing the $4,285.50. According to a study made by the Christmas Club, a corporation In New York, it Is estimated the moffey will be spent In the following manner: Thirty-eight percent will be used for Christmas purchases; 31 percent u 111 go to^s&vtngs and Investments; 13 percet.t wifc pay local and federal raxes; six percent will .be used to clean up year-end bills, and 12 percent will be used for miscel laneous expenditures. According to thjp, local merchants In the three-town area will expect to benefit from Christmas purchases amounting to $7,290.49 from this source. In Lotfisburg, 38% will amount to $5,320. Franklinton's share of Its total will be $1,628.49, and Bunn mer chants may expert $342.00. Actually, t it is believe^ that most local savers spend s rrtuchj. larger percentage of the club checks than the thirty-eight recorded nationally. There were no reports from the fourth banking facility in the county, the Youngs vllje Branch of Durham Bank and Trust Co. Rep. James Speed Says: legislature Voted Against Wishes Of The People" Franklin County Representa tive James D. Speed stated this morning that the "Legislature acted against the wishes of the people" In passing the amend ment to the Speaker Ban Law this week. Speed voted against Speed stated, "Although the legislature voted to amend (practically Kill) the Speaker Ban Law in the special ses sion this week, I Joined the forces which opposed any change ? In the law." Speed voted for the law when it was passed by the 1963 General Assembly and made It a point in his campaign for reelection. He has continued to defend it as a "good law" and he stated, 44 1 stuck by my promise until the final fight was over." Speed said many legislators who made campaign promises in favor of the Jaw, later Joined forces with those seeking Its Louisburg Student Morehead Nominee Donme Southerland Charles Donald Southerland, a senior at Loulsburg High School, was selected as the Morehead Scholar nominee from Franklin County at a meeting of the Morehead Schol arshlp Committee Thursday night in the College Library. This nomination gives Donnle the opportunity to compete with students from a 16-county area for the District II nominee for a Morehead Scholarship. The winner of this district will then compete -with winners of the other districts for final com petition. Southerland Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Southerland of Route 1, Loulsburg. He is Vice President of his Senior Class at Loulsburg High School and President of the S.tudent Council. Active in sports throughout his career, he Is co-captain r of the Iwisketball team spores editor of the school j annual and a member of the I Monogram Club. The v'outh has maintained a ! scholastic average high enough to merit his nomination for the coveted Morehead Scholarship, and "to afford him membership in the Scholastic Letter Society at Loulsburg. amendment or repeal. "Many Franklin County people contacted me about. the Speaker Ban LAw," Speed said, "and a high majority expressed a strong desire to keep the law as it was. There were a few who were in favor of a repeal hut the ratio ran about 9 to 1 against any- change. Indica tions point that statewide public sentiment ran better than 3 to 1* In favor of the law being left as It passed by the 1963 session." Among those who joined House members, Representatives O'Hanlon (Cumberland), Dolley (Gaston) and Klser (Scotland) In the fight to retain the law were: Speed (Franklin), Bar t>ee (Nash)r Drake (Warren), Watkins (Granville), Gregory (Harnett), Elliot (Lenoir), Forbes (Pitt), Horton (Greene), Mlll| (Onslow), Moody (Chat ham), Woodard (Northhampton), Raynor and Lambert (Cumber land) and 23 others. The final vote In tfie House showed opposition to the amend ment from all Representatives* In this general area except Zollicoffer of Vance, who was a member of the Study Com mission, which recommended the amendment. The final vote rln the House was \75-3& in favor of the amendment. In the Senate, the vote waV 36-13 In favor. Deadline The Franklin Times Ofrict will be closed Thursday, No vember 25, for the Thanksgiv ing holiday. Deadline for ad vertisements and correspon dents. for the Thursday issue next week Is Monday noon. Visiting Congressman Local citizens are shown above talking to Second District Congressman L. H. Foun tain on his visit to Loulsburg Wedit6sdayk Shown are, left to right: J. Haroldf'Talton, 'local banker, W. L. Lumpkin, attorney, Congressman Fountain; Administrative As . I ? slstant Walter Pittman and Dr. R. L'. Eag les. The Representative Is 1 visiting com munities throughput his district to meet the people and discuss any problems. ?Times Staff Photo. Hundreds Attend Annual CADH Banquet Here Around 300 pef>pl? from a seven-county area attended the c apital Area Development As sociation's annual banquet at L ouisburg College Wednesday {evening: Winders in the com mv.itv jud.. .. cJr.te?ts were announced and awards were presented. ?Plnex* Grove -Wllbonu*, a Wake County community, won first pla?e in the judlng and ? i received an engraved plaque and a check for $200. The Ingles lde-Moulton Community, Franklin County winner, re ceived an Honorable Mention Award Wednesday night and a l- i, -check for $50. Ottier winners were: Mt. Creek Community of Granville County, second place aiKi $150, Watkins ComminVlty of Vance County, third place and I lli i CADA Meet Principals Principals at last nights seven-county! Capital. Area Development Association's annual meeting held at Louisburg College are shown above. Pictured left to right, J. M. Ammons, President of the CADA; C. T.* Dean, Jr., County Extension Chair man; Mrs. Bernice Harris, County Assis tant Home Economics Extension Agent; W. Reid Thompson, featured speaker and Dr. Cecil \\ . Bobbins, President of Louisburg College. ^rTlme.s Staff Photo. Fuller Answers Times' Editorial EDITOR'S NOT E T^e following ?s a letfer from Mr Walter E Fuller, Director of Water Resources of North Carolina, in omwir to an Editorial appearing in the Tuesday, November 16 issue of The Front lin Times The Editorial dealt w.th the recent request by Governor Don Moore for Fuller's resignation from the state post Dear Editor; You are requested to and I hope you will find .justifica tion for publishing this letter In your next column .to the editor. Your news report of Nov. 16 edition quote, "Fuller, who has held the reigns of political pow er in Franklin County for many years" ' was flatterW though I fear a little far-Wtched. in Masonic Notice Loulsburg Lodge 413 AF & AM will hoW ii siate communi cation on Tv^sday evening, No vember 23, at 7:30 In the Masonic Temple on Jolly Street. Work will be in the Entered Apprentice Degree and all En tered Apprentices, l ellowTaft and Master Masons are cor dially invited. light of the fact that Hon. Terry Sanford, my candidate for Gov ernor In I960, was soundly defeated In Franklin County In both the first and second Demo cratic primaries and again In 1964 In the. first primary the candidate of my choice and the present Governor both com bined received considerably fewer votes than the favored candidate of thw ^people of Franklin (^ounty ' I am appreciative of the com pliment < i your editorial though' on?* portion tyrln^s hurt, quote, ?'We - annot sec .1 road, an in 'Hwtry, a k??y appointment or other tangible, evidence of Is aid to Franklin County." \I belfeve that further investlgaV tion will record that when \ became County Chairman of\ the Democratic Party Franklin County could not claim a single State "Development head or major office holder. Today, Including the writer, you have four. For more than the county proportionate part based on either population or equal shares to each of the 100 coun ties, it has been my privilege as County Chairman to endorse and support the appointment See FULLER page 4 (Letter to -the Editor) Sale Underway Mrs. Winston Davis, Sales -Campaign Chairman I or the Loulsburg Band Parents' an nual fruit cake sale, announced today that the sale of cakes Is no* underway. Serving on the Committee with Mrs, Davls js Mrs. V. A. peo ples and Mr. Walter McDonald," from whom cakes may be pur chased. Purchases may also be made from any band parent, Mrs. Davis stated. Proceeds for the sale of the4e cakes go to aid the Loulsburg High School Band program. Youngsvllle--The Youngivllle Lions Club is sponsoring a i "Turkey Shoot" on Saturday, November 20, at the Youngs vllla High School at 1:00 p.m. i Jthey request that you bring i your own gun and they will furnish shells. I Turkey Shoot Cotton Referendum Polling Places Named On Tuesday, November 23, 1965, cotton growers vyill vote In a referendum on wl?ether marketing quotas will be In effect for the 19C6 upland cot ton crop. That is only a few days .iway, so don't forget the date .Marketing quotas < annot tw cfontlmied in effect without the approval ol at least two-thirds of the cotton growers voting In the referendum. Farmers who engaged In the production of the 1965 upland cotton crop are eligible to vote. The voting in Franklin County will take place Tunsday, Nov. 23, 1960, at the polling place* listed l>elow, which will be open between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.: Cedar Rock--H. M. Dickens' Store and Sam Woods' Stor*-*. Drive Begins Once .igalir this year, .the Loulsburg Jaycees will be col lecting toys for distribution to needy children .it Christmas. Toy Drive Chairman Ralph S. Kfiott, announced Monday, No vember 22 as pick-up night and requests all persons wish ing to give toys to leave their [x i r c h lights on between the hours of" and 9 p.m. - Knott said that anyorrt- out side the Loulsburg area wish ing to give toys should call him at 496-3814 or 49?-4075. Toys will be repaired by the local Jaycees and given to the children for Christmas Knott said, "According to re quests we have already had, we will need a great number of toys In order that, the needy, children will have toys for Christmas. Former Local Golf Pro Dies Robert W, Ashley, 72, of Route 1, Loulsburg died early this morning at Franklin Me morial Hospital. He was a member of Leah's Chapel Methodist Church, where he was a steward, and he was also superintendent of the Sunday School for many years. ' He served as Golf Pro at Qreenhlll Country Club for a number of years. Funeral arrangements are Incomplete. < b Cypress Creek? A# C. Stall ings' Store and Charles Harris' Store. LXinn?H. E. Shillings' Store, W, W. Winstrad's St.or**, and J. w. Perry's Store. ? Franklinton ? Dorsey's jGro cery and Frankllnton Fire House. Gold Mine? Cenlervllle" Fire House and F. A. Read's Store. Harris?Carl Harris' Store, Hagwood's Store and Nathan Edwards' Store. Hayesville-- Rocky Ford Store and Duke's Store. \Loiiisl)ur^--ASCS Office, T. H.\ Wynnes' Store and Ronald Tharrjngton's Store. Sandy Creek - - Jasper Par rish's. Store, H. T. Edwards' Store, and ?. W. Stall iru;s' Store. Youngsville - - Youngsvllle Milling Co , and Jones Hart's Store. ** / fitftiT \forg/et to, vote in the important cotton referendrirn on Nov. 23, J965. |$75. and Drewrey Community of Warren County, Honorable Mention ami $50. Holly Springs In Wake County won first place In the Small Towns and Villages Division of l.,(H">0 population or less. Fuquay-Varlna In Wake County took first place In the division for communities over 1.000 population. Lllllngton In Har nett County placed second. W. Re Id TTSSmpson of Kalelgh, Vice President of Carolina Power and Light Co., was the principal speaker He made a humorous talk, Inserting matters of a serious nature throughout. He told the group, "1 can Rive you no magic formu la Qr panacea for success In community development, but 1 can point out ttie two most Im portant things you must liave." Thompson continued, "Edu cation Is first. It is the key to community development. And second Is plain, pure, Simple liard work 1 know of no substitute for plain simple el I iow grease." He pointed out that It was the "pioneer spirit" which developed this country and made It great. He closed by saying, "Strength, not weakness, Is the hallmark of Freedom.'' J M. Ammons of Raleigh was re-elected as Association President, and Jyhn B. Harris and Tom Bradshaw, both of Ra leigh were .re-elected as Vice Presidents. Guy Walker, Ra leigh, was named Secretary Treasurer of the organization. Named to Committee Chairmen posts were: Tom Bradshaw, Community Development; Mack Moore, Travel and Recreation; John K. Nelms, Industrial; Charlie Russell, Agriculture, and 11. C. Johnson, Publicity. All 'officers are from Raleigh except Nelms, who Is from Granville County. A Loulsburg College trio, "The Whiskey Hill Singers," entertained the group, and Dr. Cecil W. Robblns, President of Loulsburg College, welcomed the visitors to Loulsburg and to the College. Rev. J. Marlon gave the Invocation. The Banquet Arrangements Committee consisted of C. T. Dean, Jr., and Mrs. Bernlce S. Harris of the Franklin County Extension Service and Dave Fuller, Carolina Power and Light Co. representative, of Henderson. ; Fire Danger Franklin County Forest War den, Joe Smith, Issued the fol lowing statement at noon today. "Mr. Farmer: The, danger of forest fires Is. now extremely high. The North Carolina Forest Service urges you to postpone all burning In or near woodland until after the next rain. You can help prevent | forest fires." Recorder's Court The folk/wing cases were dis posed of In Recorder's Court on Tuesday, November lGth: Robert Lee B'?oze, c/rfiT" Un lawful possession of whiskey; unlawful possession of whiskey for sale. Motion for non-suit allowed. Douglas Elwood Wwdllef, w/ m/18, speeding. Heads guilty under waiver statute. $10.00 fine and costs. Rufus Langley, speeding. Pleads guilty under waiver statute. $10.00 fine and costs. Alden Wayne Owens, w/m/ 16. speeding. Pleads guilty under waiver statute. $10.00 ? fine and costs. Willie Willis Crudup, c/m/ 39, upeiutlng auto Intoxicated. 6 montns In Jail, Suspended on payment of $100.00 flr.e and costs, within three weeks, Joseph Glenn Clark, c/m/51, speeding. Pleads guilty under waiver statute. $45.00 fine and costs. William Henry Thomas, c/m/ 28, motor vehicle violation. 6 months In Jail, assigned to work unde^supervlslon of State Pri son Dept., suspended on pay ment of $20.00 fine and costs. Alex Terrell, Jr., c/m/25, no operator's license. 6 months in Jail, assigned to work under supervision of State Prison Dept., suspended on payment of $20.00 flne and costs, , Sajnuel Gay, c/m/59, motor vehicle .violation. Not guilty. Garnfcr Puckett, non support. Not guilty. < falah Eaton, c/m, obstruction of Justice; $5.00 fine and costs. B. K. Gardner, w/m, G. S. 103-2; G. S. 113-104. Court orders case remanded to John W. King, J. P. for proper ac tion. John Lee Fogg, c/m, non sup port. 12 months on roads. Charles Stroud Rlgg, w/m/ 38, no operator's license. $10. 00 fine and costs. Ben Mills, gamage to per sonal property. 6 months In Jail, as^ned to work under supervision of State Prison Dept., suspended on payment of $15, 00 fine and costs. George Williams, c/m/Sl, operating auto Intoxicated. $100.00 fine and costs. Jack Evans, c/m, assault. Nol Pros with leave. Constance Jones, c/ m/J5, as sault with deadly weapon. 6 months In Jail, suspended on payment of $10.00 fine and costs. Eddie Wright, c/m, assault. 6 months, suspended on pay ment of $25.00 fine and costs. Leonard Hawkins, c/m, motor vehicle violation. Guilty. De fendant to pay the sum of $55.00 for use and benefit of Allen Peoples and costs. To post $150.00 compliance bond.

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