Classified Ads. RATES I LJ CLASSIFIED .08 per word minimum .HQ per Inwrtion ? .50 in?r run service on teyed ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .70 per column inch. MEMORIAMS same as Reg ular Classified. AH classified ad* must be accompanied by cahli or check. LOST LOST one Holstein buil, weighing approximately 500 or 600 lbs. Could have strayed from pasture near Ingleside about 5? weeks ago. If seen, please call GY 6-4936. 12-23>30 pd. FOR SALE ? Mobile yHome. ? '64 Princeton 51 x'lO foot Two bedrooms. Take up pay ments. Phone Raleigh ? 828-6094. 12-30; 1-4 pd i FOR SALE ? Good wooden adjustable shelves with ply wood back panels for -huimii. office, store or shop O'Neal Pharmacy. 12-30; 1-4 ih CARPETS a fright ? Make them a beautiful sight with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1 H. C. Taylor. 12-30 4*. FOR SALE ? Aluminum. Plates. Used. Sire 24" x 36" Ideal for covering out houses, dog pens. etc. Price 10c each. Contact Th< Franklin Times. ? SERVICES OFFERED ? Quality Shoe Repairing. Oris- i ADMINISTRATRIX NflTlCF Having .qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of Ronald H. Denton, deceased, late of Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims aeainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 16th day of Juno. 1966. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 16th day of December 1965. Betty P. Denton. Adm'rx. Yarboroufch. Blanchard. Tucker. Yarborough Attorneys. 12-16.23.30.; 1-6 SOTICE OF RESALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE UNDER AND BY VIRTU IT of thtf power and authoruy Contained in that certain Order of Resale made on the 14th day of December. 1963, by the Honorable Ralph S Knott. Clerk of the Super ior Court of Franklin Coun ty. North Carolina, In that certain Special Proceeding ^titltled, "B F Dorsey. Ad mlnlatrator. C.T.A of the Eetate of Sallie" C. House, et ala. Ex Parte". th"e Commis sioner will on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31. 190.1 i at or about the houAof 12:00 o'clock Noon ESTl- at ,.fh? Courthouse door in Louis burg. Franklin County. North Carolina, offer for resale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, upon an opening |>ld of $8. 995 00 that certain tract of land situ ate. lying and being In Cedar Rock ^Township. Franklin Cqupty." North Carolina, and more particularly described ?a follows: That certain tract or par cnl .of land altuata. lying and b?lng In Cedar Rock Town ship, Franklin County, North Carolina, being bounded on the North by County Road No 1425, on the East by 1 Bartholomew, on the South by Doraey.'and on the West by Murphy and White Level Baptist Church and being more panticulajMy deacrlbed aa follows: BEOINNINO at a point in ihe center line of County Legal Notice Road N'o. 14 25. -said point being the Northeast corner for the White Level Baptist Church I?t and the North west roriwr for 4he tract of land herein described ; run ning thence along the center line of County Road No. 1425. South 86 degrees 15 minutes East 291.4 feet to a point in the center line of said road; running thence along the center line of said road. South 83 degrees 00 minutes East 163 5 feet to a point in the center line of said road, running thence along the Bartholomew Ijne and leaving said road. South 9 degrees 00 minutes West 1819 feet: to a stake: run ning thende along the Dorsey line North 86 degrees 0<> minutes West 557. T feet to a stake; running thence a long the Murphy line. North 5 degrees. 45 minutes East 144 1 feet to a stake, South west corner for White Level Hiptist Church; runniMg thence along the Southern line of the White Level Bap tist Church Lot, South 2 d?'nrees 4 5 minutes East 355.5 feet; running thence along the Eastern line of said Church L\>t. North 6 degrees 00 minutes East 185 5 feet to a stake; run ning thence North 85 degrees tlO minutes West 7 0 feet to a stake; running thence North 7 degrees 30 minutes* East 211 feet to the point and place of Beginning, con taining TWENTY - THREE (23) -ACRES, more or less, according to Map of Phil R. Insicoe. entitled "Map of Land Surveyed for Bert Hor sey, et al. known as Tract No 2 of the T. C. Collins' Division, of 1925. and allotted to Sallie House." said Map being dated July. 1965. to which Map reference is here by made for a more complete ?and adequate description. TOBACCO ALLOT M"ENT: z.i?> Acres The purchaser is to receive no rent for the year 1965 and is not to obtain posses sion of said land until Jan uary 1, 19 6 6 The successful*, bidder will be required to make a deposit of ten per cent (10^1) of the purchase price as eviden e of good faith. This the 14th day of Der cember. 1965 CHARLES M. DAVIS. Commissioner. 12-23.30 Norn i FOR gRRVICK OP PIKM'KSS HY ri IILK MTION State of North Carolina, . Franklin County. In The Recorder's Court Bennie Spivey, Plaintiff, vs. Gertha Williams Spivey, Defendant. To: Gertha Williams Spivey TAKE NOTICE THAT A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is for an abso lute divorce. You are required to make1 defense to such pleading not later than twenty days after the, 31st day of December, 1965. and upon your -failure to do so the party seeking service against you will ap-. ply to t lie Court for the re lief .sought This the 1st day of 'a De cember, 19 65' Betsy S. Lavender. Asst. Clerk Recorder's Coiirf, Franklin Ciunty, North Carolina. ?. C Builuck Attorney at L?w Lo(usburg. North Carolina 12-7.14,21.30 K.XFCI TRIV NOTK'K "Having qualified as Execu trix of the estate of Lonnie T. Inscoe. deceased, late of Franklin County\ North Car olina. this is to notify all persons having claims ^gainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 30th day of June. 1966, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said est ate will please make immed iate payment. Tl^is 30th day of December, 19 65. MAGGIE H. INSCOE. Rt,. 3, Box 252 Lbg . Executrix. G. M Beam. Sr., Attorney. 12-30; 1-6,13.20 KOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SHX North Caroiua. Franklin County. Under and by virtue of thl" power of salt.' contained in a certain deed of trust ex ecuted by Dalton R Pearce and wife. Joyce J. Pearce to F E Wtoslow. Trusted, dat*d the 18th day of April. 1962. recorded In Book 573. Page 379. Office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin Coun ty. default having been made in the payment of the indeb tedness secured by said deed of trust and the same being by its terms subject to fore closure. and the holder of t h e Indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said in debtedness. the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction ,to the high est bidder for/ cash at the front door of tne Courthouse in Louisburg. Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina. at 12:00 Noon, on flATt'fflMY, THE 8th DAY OF JANUARY, 1066 the land conveyed in said deed of trust hnd more par ticularly described as follows: Situate on the weit tide of the old road (now N.IWluraf Road No. 1735) 4 mile south Legal Notice of the N C. Rural Road No 1731. Dunns Township. Franklin County. N C BEGINNING at a stake in or near the western property line of the new N C Rural Road No 17 3 5. Willis Nash V corner, talso known as cor ner for E. G Murphy and Lumpkin and Nash i : them* N S 9 d W 23 5 feet along Wil lis Nash s line, formerly Lot No. 11 of the J M White land to a point in said line, c.ornef for N J Vollmer; thence with Vollmer's lino N 3d 30' E 111.5 feet to a stake, cornerine thence con tinuing wuh Vollmer s line S S4d 3A* E 2?*0 feet to a stake In the western property, line of the old road: thence along the western property linA of the old road S 7d 3'"?' E 1*76 6 feet to a stake in or near the western property line of the new N C Rural Road No 1735. the point of hexinniiUL and being wholly embraced and carved out of Lot No 9 containing 3S.6 acres of the J M White land and being situate ? in the sputheast* corner of said lot. ahd being the identical land conveyed by N J Vollmer and wife Ruth M Vollmer to Palton R Pearce and wife. Joyce J Pearce by deed dat ed January 4 1961 and re corded in Hook 569. page 214. Franklin County Registry. The foregoing description is according to a plat by Phil R. Insroe. R L S . dated April 6. 1962. copy of said plat beinc on file at the offict* of First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Rocky Mount. A five per cent deposit will be required of the last and highest bidder. Sale will be< made subject to the follow ing: I'npaid ad valorem taxes. This the 2nd day of Decem ber. 1 96 5. F. K WINS LOW. u Trustee: Rattle. Wihslow. Merrell, Scott and Wiley Attorneys at law. Rocky Mount. North Carolina * 12-16. 23. 3*0; 1-6 NOTICK OF S \LK OF VALIAIILF HKAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contain ed, in that certain Order for Sale of Land made on the 22nd day of DtCtBlWf Iffl. by the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina, in that cer tain special proceeding en titled. "Mrs. Bonnie Lee Pat terson and husband. B. B. Pattet son. petitioners. vs. Joseph E. King. W. M Jolly. Trustee, and T M. Harris. Respondents" the undersign ed Commissioners will on WFHNFSIUY, TH F a?Tlt DAY OF .l\\r\nv. until at or about the hour of twelve o 'clock Noon. EST. at the Courthouse dooi in Louis burg. Franklin County. North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land: Adjoining the lands of Buck King and others, and being Lot No. 6 of the divi sion of the J. F King and Priscilla King land in Cedar ?Hock Township. Franklin County. North Carolina, bounded as follows: BEGIN NING at a rock. Wood's cor ner in Buck King 's line; thence N 86 dec West 31 poles 20 links to a stake. Buck King's corner: thence N. 4 deg East 39 poles to a stake. Robert King'.s corner in Buck Kinp's line, thence N S6 deg West 4 9 poles 7 links * to a stake. Robert King's corner in H P Leonard's line; thence S. 14 deg West 23 poles 10 links to a stake, thence South 4 deg West 9 2 4 poles to a stake. Francis Lancaster's corner In H P Leonard's line thence S 86 deg East 79 poles to a stake. Francis Lancaster s corner in Wood's line;, thence N. 4* deg East 76 poles to be ginning. containing 48l-? acres by survey This is the same land described in Deed from Buck King and Bettle King, his wife. Mrs. Francis Lancaster and Robert King to J H. King, dated 10 Marcn 1922 and recorded in Book 24 4 on page 25$ In the office of the Franklin County Reg ister of Deeds. Said sale will be subfect to confirmation by the Sup erior Court of Franklin Coun ty. and t? un*et or advance btds as provided by law Th*? successful bidder at said sale will be required to deposit ten per cent of the amount bid .to insnre compliance with the terms of sale and to be forefeited upon < non-compli ance .* This 23rd day of December 1965. JOHN F MATTHEWS E F YARBOROtOH. ? Commissioners 12-30: 1-6.13.20 notice or Sale op VARIABLE REAL ESTATE North Carolina. Franklin County. Under and by virtue of an Order of the 8uperior Court Legal Notice of Franklin County made :a the special proceedings en titled H. D. Griffin. Admin istrator of Nellie Elixabetu Goforth. Deceased, and H D Griffin, individually. Petition ers vs Ruby L Griffin. J N. Griffin .and wife Kate G Griffin. Guy L Griffin and wife Margaret P. G riff in I Truett Griffin unmarried; Howard Lee Griffin and wife Joan Taylor Gnffin. Aan Marie Griffin Jeffreys and husband M B Jeffreys. Hilda Griffin Duke "and hus band Wilton Duke: Robert P Griffin and wife Betty W. Griffin Irma G. Holmes and husband Melvin C. Holmes: Charlotte G. Cubbege and husband Harry R Cubbege. Frances G Foster and hus band Wade H. Foster. Albert*' Griffin, unmarred Naifc-v Griffin Murphy, minor, and hnsband Larry Murphy Bren da Griffin Lovd and husband Wayne Loyd. W. F. Griffin and ?!(? Eva E Griffin. J Thurnian Griffin and wife An nie Laura M. Griffin: Paul W. Griffin, incomptrteht . and Charlie Drake Griffin, minor. Frances Ann Griffin, minor and Henry Bunnie Griffin, minor, and Charles M Daris. Guardian Ad Litem for Nancy Griffin ,M u r p h y. Charlie Drake Griffin. Frances Ann Griffin, and Henry Bunnie Griffin, minora, and Paul W. Griffin. incompetent. De fendants". the undersigned Commissioner will on Tl KSIM1, I Hh 11th 1?A1 OK JAM ARY 1IXW. at or about the hour of twelve o'clock Noon. EST. at the Courthouse door in Lou isburg Franklin County. North Carolina offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash that cer tain tract of land lying and being in Gold Mine Township. Franklin County. North Car olina^ and more particularly described as follows BEGINNING at Lancaster's corner in Highway No. 561 marked by a stake on the south side: thenlbe along Lancaster's line, about S 6 deg. E. 4S8.7 feet to a stake in Lancaster's line and a new comer for R O Griffin and Nellie G. Goforth: thence parallel with th.e Highway. West 156 feet to a stake, a: new corner; thence parallel with the first line. N. 6 deg. W. 488.7 feet -to the center of th?* Highway: thence along! the Highway. East. 156 feet to beginning, containing 1 .75 acres by survey, be the same, more or less On this is situ ate the Home House This i* the 6ame land described in Deed from R. O. Griffin anJ wife Beatrice J Griffin to Nellie G. Goforth. recorded in Book 440 on page 493. in the office of the Franklin County Register of Deeds. Said sale wilP be subject to confirmation by the Sup erior Court of Franklin Coun ty. and to ups?t or advance bids as provide by law The successful bidder at said sale will be, required to deposit ten per cent (10%) of the amount bid to insure com pliance with the terms of sale. This property will be sold free and clear of ad valorem taxes through the PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Richard C. Whitfield Optometrist' Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Dr. Perry's Building Hours: 1:30 to 5:00 P M Phone Daily Except Wed OY 6-4165 John F. Matthews Attorney ? Counsellor at Law Practice In All Courts 215 Court Street Phone 4?**-3523 or 4*6-34S6 Louisburg. N. C. Hours by Appointment nn. 4. ft. F A THAN Chiropractor Cameron Village Ralpich N. C Office Hrs 9-5 Phone Mon. thru Sat *2840*3 Wed Evening* TE2*444 Beam & Beam Attorneys at Law Lnuishurg. N. C Office In Professional Bldg On Court Street Practice In All Courts ITMPKIV M MPKIN A IMYIs Attorneys Lonisburr N. C. Ground Floor 0.ffi?* Next to Harris Pharmacy Practice In Franklin and 8ur roundlnr^Countles. and in Federal Court Hill Yarborough Charles Yarborough Lawyers Oround Floor Office In Yarborourh Bid* on Main St Second Building from Po?t Office Lonisburr. N. C. Telephone: OY *-31*5 General Practice In All C?urtt fllaAtui WtlL Gomflxuiy. WELL BORING - DEEP WELL DRILLING WARRCNTON. N. C. "A Well A Dv- Tk, Mni IV.," N. C LICCNSC NO 2 OAT: ?7-??tl MANLBT ?. MAHTIM , ; NIQHT t?7*M Legal Notice yt*r tvii D..'.ed and posted this 10th <!*> of December 1965 W M JOLLY. ? ' ' Commissioner. U-iv:: w i-? . xoti?e ?? sriunrK ok PRim f -vS I?1 PIBUCATION in The Recorder's Court North Carolina Fri;iW!:n County Gerald D.' Finch. Plaintiff. Vs. Luc > Wester Finch. Defendant. To Lucille Wester Finch: Take notice that a plead ir.e seeking relief against you ?has been filed in the above entitled action The nature of tl\e relief sought is as follows; ?,*r. .? t on for absolute divorce upon the grounds of one year serration Von are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 2Sth day . of January. 1966*. and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service .against you w ... app'.y tv tne fcourt for the relief sought This 22 day of November, 1965 Ralph ? Knott. Clerk of Superior Court. .fx Officio Clerk of" Recorder s Court of Franklin County 12-S. 16. 23.30 SOTVCE OF PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS In The Superior Court North Carolina. Franklin County Earlme Crudup Creasy andi husband Hollit Creasy. Peti tioners. vs.. Mollis Creasy. Minor. Hol listyne P. Creasy. Minor. Et Alt. THE RESPONDENTS. Mol lis Creasy. Minor. Holliatyne P Creasy. Minor. Eugenia Crudup. M a t t i e Crudup. Wesley Alford Crudup and wife Doris A Crudup. John Demetna Crudup and wife Juanita J Crudup. Seth Crudup and wife Revester Crudup. William Erwin Crud up and wife Rosa C. Crudup. Marold B. Crudup. Ernestine C. ' Wheless. Margaret Crud up. and Gerdine Harris and any and all other unnamed or. unknown, or unborn heira of John Wesley Crudup. do ceased. will each take NO TICE. that a Special Pro ceedings entitled as above has been commenced against them in the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina: that the^ purpose of said- Special Proceedings is for the petitioners, Earline Crudup Creasy and husband Hollis Creaky- be allowed to ceedings and to convey as security for the repayment of the same, the aforesaid lands, for the sum of not more than FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS ( $4. 000 .00 h to be repaid over a period for not 'more than twenty years and to be repaid from the rents deriv ed from said lands, for the purpose of paying off an in debtedness occurred for the repairs and renovations on a dwelling house situated tm the lands described therein; and tho said lands belonged to the late John Wesley Crud up at the time of his death: and the said respondents will further take NOTICE that I they are required to; appear | in the office of the Clerto-of I Superior Court of Franklin County, in I^ouisburg. North Carolina, and answer or de mur to the petition filed in said Special Proceedings within ten (10) days after the 13th day of January. 1966. or the' petitioners will apply to the Court for the relief defatided in said peti tion NOTICE is also hereby giv en in the above Special Pro ceedings to any and all per sons for interested in said lands, and all persons unborn or unnamed, whomsoever and wheresoever. interested 'n this Special Proceedings, will take Notice, that a Special Proceeding as entitle above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina and the substance of the petition filed therein is as above set out: all such persons will fur ther take Notice that an Ord er in the above entitled Special Proceedings has been issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina, pro viding that Notice by Publi cation be given to all said persons unnamed or unborn, who may be Interested in the premises and concerned in this Special Proceedings and entitled to notice of the same, whose names are not listed In the title to the said pro ceedings as set out above as a party theret6; and all sai<f persons and each of them will further take notice that they are required to appear at th? office of Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Franklin Coun ty North Carolina, at hia of fice in the Courthouse in Louisburg. North Carolina, within ten (10> days after the 13th day of January. 1966 and answer or demur to the petition filed in said Special Proceedings, or file other pleadings ss they may deem proper. or the petition ers will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition This the 1 4th day of De cember. 1965. Betsy S Lavender. Asst. Clerk of the Sup erior Court. Franklin County. North Carolina. Thomas F East Attorney for petitioners. 12-16.23.30; 1-6 ATTENTION . FARMERS Wholesale Prices^ On Plant Bed Gas, Plant Bed Covers and Fertilizers.. Roberson Farmers Planters International Richmond Sco-Co Coker, NlcNalr and Speight Tobacco Seed. L. H. DICKENS & SON RT 2 LOUISBURG. N C ' N.D. Gets Job Corps Bis mart, N. C. ? Realdents of the all-white Btamark com munity have received the es tablishment of ft federal Job Corps conservation wort camp at Ft. Lincoln with mixed emo tions. Approximately one-half of the 200 boys will be Nefro. Woozy "How's the wife, Georfe7" "Not so well, old boy. She's )ust had Quinsy.", "Gosh! How many Is that you have now?" \ Aluminum Car\ Ports Storm Doors ! & Windows j Venetian Blinds \ BLINDS REPAIRED J Ornamental \ Iron Aluminum & j Canvas Atcningd FREE ESTIMATES M. G. WILDER "MONK* 417 W. Nob!* St. lOUISBUBG, N. (. INCOME TAX HELP F. R. ROSE FRIENDLY FOUR WAREHOUSE OFFICE PHONE GY6-3874 OFFICE HOURS 9 TIL 5 WEEK DAYS 9 TIL 12 SATURDAYS Full amount of Excise Tax Reduction to be passed to customers beginning with bills \ rendered on and after January 1, 1966 1965 1966 ! 1967 1968 1969 Average Annual Excise Tax Paid by Carolina Telephone Customers 17.37 5.21 3.47 1.25 AVERAGE SAVINGS PER YEAR 12.16 13.90 16. 12 17.37 ( tyviatuta. 07etyt6*?e

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