Classified Ads. DA TEC RJrt.lL.AR 1 CLASSIFIED OA per word minimum .SO per insertion ? .50 per run service on keyed ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .70 per column Inch. MEM.OKIAMS same as Res ular Classified. All classified ads must be accompanied by cash or check. FOR SALE ONE No. 2 Farm Bell for | Sale $25.00, call 496-537!; 3-15.17 pd | TWIN - NEEDLE AUTOMA TIC ZIG-ZAG SEWING MA- I CHINE ? just like new in | extra nice cabinet this area. Local party may finish pay ment of $11.28 monthjy or pay complete balance of $47.12. Can be seen and (ried out locally. Write: Mrs. Nichols, "National Re possession Dept.", B-ox^3, | Asheboro, N. C. ?/ 2-15,17.22,24; .34,3,8,10, 15, 17, 22. 24,^^1 FOR SALE OR TRADE ?I 1966 Catalina. Pontiac. fully iBquttfped, low mileage, in | ^jrtirranty. Reasonably pric ed. Phone Louisbur* 496 4888. ? 3-15,17 ch | FOR SALE? John Deere B tractor, turqjng plow, mow er, bush and hop. disk. Phone 494-7342 after 6. 3-10,15,17,22 pd SINGER SEWING MACH INE: In like new cabinet. ZIG-ZAGS, makes button holes, fancy stitches, darns, etc. Local party may assume payments of $1^.14 monthly or pay complete balance of $48.60. Can be seen and tri ed out locally. If interested write: "National Reposses sion Dept.", Mrs. Frye, Box 283, Asheboro, N. C. * 3-10,15.17,; 4-5 7,12,14,19,21,26,28 About half of the Ills that afflict the human body origi nate in the pampered mind. USED TRACTOR BARGAINS 2 ? 671 Ford Diesels 1 ? 641 Ford Diesel I ? 640 Fords I ? 8N Fords 1? 9N Ford 1 ? Ferguson 35 Gas w/LPTO Ferguson 35 Diesel w/LPTO 1 ? 240 International .1, ? Farmall H As Is These tractors recondition ed. painted, and new tires where necessary, also used plows, disc harrows, mow ers. and planters. NEW FORI) TRACTORS GASOLINE A DtUNEb SALKS & 8KRVICE % FARM TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO.. Inc. Telephone Geneva 8-8183 P. O. Box 727 Henderson, N. C. Classified Ads: BLUE Lustre not only rids carpets of soil but 4eaves pile soft and lofty. Rent electric shampooer $1 H. C. Taylor. 3-17 ch FARM FOB SALE OLD HOMEPLACE OF MR Robert E. Southerland. This farm is located on the road between Vicksboro and Ep som in Sandy Greek Town ship. It consists of 31 4. 5 acres more oi* less, with tobacco and cotton acreage and corn base. In' addition to the home dwelling there are two tenant houses. There is a lot of pine saw timber and some good hardwood on this farm. Shown by appoint ment. Contact Arthur T. Harris, telephone GE 8-4 558 P. O. Box 2. Henderson, N, (' 3-1 0,17.24 pd TWIN NEEDLE AUTOMA TIC ZIG ZAG sewing ma chine in nice cabinet. Makes buttonholes, sews on -trat tons. etc. Can be seen and^ tried out locally. Take over payments of IC.93 i>r pay balance of $47.11. Gutvrun teed. Write Service Credit Co.. Box 241. Asheboro, X. t-\ * 3-nu 7.24.31 ch FOR RENT FOR RENT ? Three room heated apartment. Call Dr. or Mrs. K. L. Eagles. 2-17 Tu&Ttl tf FARM FOR RENT? An ex perienced tobacco farmer to tend 20 acres, or any part. Sharecrop or money rent. Contact B, W. Bragg. Dur ham. N. C. Phone 682-684 S. 3-1 Tu&Th tf cl? FOR RENT ? Spaces for trailer parking. Nice, roomy lots. Highway 4<>1 North. See or call Clarence Ed wards '49G-1LT.;.. 1-2-23 Thurs. tf ch HELP WANTED Secretary wanted. Apply In own handwriting. giving qualifications and experi ence to Rox C. c/o The Franklin Times. 3-15 Tu&Th tf ch Sell Knapp Shoes part or full time. Earn $25 to $150 a week on high commissions and bonus. Steady year round business. Equipment furnished free. Write to R. b. Johnson. Knapp Shoe, Brockton, Mass. 3-8,17 pd Confidence Confidence is that quality that permits an individual to do crossword puzzles with a foun tain pen. -Christian Science Monitor. INCOME TAX FORMS FILLED OUT EACH SATURDAY AT GOLD SAND SCHOOL. 8:30 to 5.-00. James Marshall - Jimmy Boyefcte. Classified Ads. MALE AND FEMALE Interviewer wanted for part time Telephone survey work. Qive phone number. Prefer priVltf line. Not a Selling ^Ob. Air mail letter includ ing education, work experi ence and names of references to: American Research Bur eau. Field -Staff Department. 733S Baltimore Avenue. Col lege Park. Maryland. 3-17 ch ? SERVICES-. OFFERED ? IT'S SPRING PLANTING TIME. Write today for Free copy New Planting Guide Catalog in color offering Virginia's largest assort ment: Fruit Trees. Nut Trees. Berry Plants. Grape Vines and Landscaping Plant Material. Salespeople want ed WAYNESBORO NURS ERIES ? Waynesboro. Vir- ! ginia 22980. 3-3.10,17.24.31 ch Legal Notice NOTICE OF 'FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power of sale Contained in a certain deed of trust exe cuted by Arthur Leon Howell and wife. Elsiephine F. How* ell to Robert M. Wiley, Trus tee. dated the 15 jUtfot June. 1964. recorded" in Hook 620, Pane 14 3. Office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Franklin County, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust and the same being by its terms subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said In debtedness. the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the Franklin Coun ty Courthouse in Louisburg. North Carolina at 12:00 Noon, on SATURDAY. THE !?TH 1>AY . OF APRIL, UNMt. the land conveyed in said deed of trust and more par ticularly described as fol lows: Located on the east Bide of N. C. Highway No. 39, Harris Township. Franklin County. North Carolina: 11EC. INNING at a point in the center of N. C. Highway No. 39. marked by a high way culvert, 1361.7 feet northerly from the center of County Road No. 1755 (meas ured along the western ?'dge of N. C. Highway No. 39) A. L. Howell's corner; thence along the center of N. C. Highway No. 39. N lid W 284 feet to the point in the center of N. C. Highway No. 39. marked by an iron stake set bark on the eaHt side thereof. A. L. Howell's cor ner: thence along Howell's line. N 83d E 331.7 feet to a stake, cornering; thence continuing alyiig Howell's line. 8 4 0d 4 5*. W 426 5 feet to a point in the center of N. C Highway No. 39. the ppint of beginning, contain ?r$Ess sgsSS uo oneoa . . . live u up in inose stylish buckets. With that sporty stick shift. On that deep-pile carpeting. Fool most everyone with a Six that thinks it's an Eightl And you can trust your bud get to the amazingly low price and operating costs. \ . SEE YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER Legal Notice ing 108 acres, and being the southern portion of the 19 acre tract of land conveyed to Arthur Leon Howell et ux Elsiephine F. Howell by deed from Arthur Thomas Howell et ux recorded in Book 606. page 94. Franklin County Registry. A five per cent ca?h de posit will be required of the last and highest bidder. Sale will be made subject to the fallowing: unpaid ad valorem taxes. This the .1 day of March. 1966. ROBERT M WILEY. Trustee Battle. Winslow. Merrell. Scott and Wiley. Attorneys at Law. Rocky Mount. Xorth Carolina 3-1T.24.31; 4-7 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICK Having qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of D. E. Hardwick. defeased, late of Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 18th day of Septem ber. 1966. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 17th day of March. 1966. Vera M. Hardwick, Adm'rx. W. H. Taylor. Attorney. 3-17.24.31; 4-7 NOTICE OF HRRVICK OP l*RO<'F,.SS hV PI'BLICATIOX STATE OF NORTH CARO LINA. FRANKLIN COUNTY. In The Superior Court McKINLEY F O 0 G AND WIFE. MADGE FOGG. PET ITIONERS. V8 MILDRED RAND To Mildred Rand: Take notice that A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled special proceeding. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Adoption by the Petitioners of Janies Otis Rand, and change of his name to James Otis Fogg. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than April 11, 1966, at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Frank lin County in the Court House in Louisburg. North Caro lina. and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will ap ply to the court for the relief sought. ThiH. the 14th day of March. 1966. Betsy S. Lavender. Assistant Clerk of The Superior Court. 3-17.24.31 ; 4-7 \ DM! NI HTR \T< >R'S N< >TICK Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of Owen C. O'Neal, deceased, late of Franklin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 3rd day of Septem ber. 1966. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd day of March. 1966. CHESTLEY O'NEAL | , Adm'r. 3-3. 1ft. 17. 24 pd NOTICE OF SALE OF VALl ABLK REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority con tained in that certain Order for sale of land make on the' 7th day of March. 1966 by Honorable Ralph S. Knott, Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, in that apecial pro ceeding entitled "In the Mat ter of Readie H. Ruffin. Guardian of Bailie Vee Har ris. Incompetent." the under signed Commissioner will om TVE8DAY, THE IJfcTH DAY OF APRIL, 1966, at or about the hour of IS: 00 o'clock Noon. E8T, at the Courthouse door in Loula Murg, Franklin County. North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, the fol lowing described tract of land: ? All that certain tract or parcel of land containing twertty-four (24) acres, more or less known as the Harris Farm, in Louisburg Town ship. Franklin County. North Carolina, located about one half ( Vfc ) nrile from the Lou isburg-Bunn "Highway, about two and one-haft (2% ) mllea South of Louisburg, N. C., bounded on the North by the lands of O. H. Harris and M. S. Davis, bounded on the East by the lands of Mrs. Helen Cottrell. bounded on the South by the lands of Mrs Helen Cottrell. bounded on the West by the lands of Ricaud Lewis, said tract of land being more particularly described according to a plat prepared by NI. S. Davis. Registered Engineer 011 pe cember 10. 1936. as follows BEGINNING at a stake in corner for M S Davis and Mrs. Helen Cottrell thence along the M S Davfs and O. H. Harris- lines. North 8 3 deg. 30 in in West 690 feet to a stake in the corner for O. H. Harris and Ricaud Lewis, thence along the Ricaud Lewis line. South 3 deg. 4 5 min. West 13 70 feet no a stake in corner for' Ricaud Lewis and Mrs Hei en Cottrell: thence along the Cottrell line. South 4 6 deg E. 5.6 5 feet to a stake, thence North 7 8 deg 30 min. East 242 feet to a stake; thence North 5 deg 30 min *Jast 1635 feet to the point of be ginning. xv>ntaining Ii4 acres, more ojjless. . Said sale will be subject to confirmation by the Sup eripr Court of Franklin Coun ty. and to upset or advance bids as provided by law The successful bidder at* said sale will be reqilired to deposit ten per cental 10r'r) of the amount bid to insure compli ance with the terms of sale Information concerning to bacco and other crop allot ments assigned to the afore said land can be obtained from the Franklin County Agricultural Stabilisation and (Conservation Committee Of fice. in Louisburg. North Car olina. or from the undersign ed Commissioner This pro perty will be sold free and clear of ad valorem taxes through the year 1965. The purchaser of the afore said premises will be entitled to immediate possession of same. Dated and posted this the 10th day of March. 1966. E. F YARBOROUGHi Commissioner. 3-17.24.31; 4-7 NOTICE OF HALF OF VAIA'ABLK KKAL fait A TVS Under and by virtue of the power and authority contain ed in that certain Order for Sale of Land made on 15 February 1966 by the Clern of Superior Court of Frank lin County, North Carolina, in that certain special pro ceeding entitled "C. VV. White, hfxecutor of Robert White, deceased, 0. W. White and Joe Edwards. Trustees of the Rutin Baptist Church; tind C. H. Richardson. Vance Winchester and S. K Patter- - son. Trustees of the Hunn Methodist Church. Petition ers E? PARTE," the Under Signed Commissioner will on \\ i DXKADAY, THE 80TH DAY oi M AIM H I MM at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon EST, at the Courthouse door in Louis burg. Franklin County, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder or bidders, for ciish, the following described tracts of land: FIRST TRACT: A certain tract or parcel of , land in Franklin County. State of North Carolina, situated in Dunn's Township, and boun ded as follows: BEGINNING at an oak. Wesley Pippin's corner; inence soum s.j oe* Kant 26 poles to a stake and pointer* Ch eaves corner in White'* line; thence South 14 de?c. West, ?r? poles t rain Street and oth ers. bounded as follows, viz: Beirtfc in the Village of Bunn and beginning at a stake in the eastern line of Main Street 50 feet South of Carolina Avenue and running in an easterly direction parallel with Carolina Avenue 150 feet to an alley, thence with said alley a southerly direc-' tion 50 feet to a stake; theme Westerly .direction, parallel with* Carolina Avenue. ,(ir?a feet to a sta'ke; thence a Northerly direction \Viih Main Street 50 feet to the* tyjgin ning and being Lot' No. 2. Block "K" of the stfrvey^of The North State Development ! Aluminum Car !j Ports 1 Storm Doors ! & Windows Venetian Blind* j BLINDS REPAIRED j Ornamental ) Iron \ Aluminum & \ 'Canvas Awning^ FREE ESTIMATES > M. G. WILDER ' MONK" 417 W. Noble St. 10UISBURG,, N. C. Company recorded in Frank lin County Regiltry gee deed from J S Williams to Robert White and Mena White dated 10 November 1913 and re corded in Book 190 on p&g9 4 20 in the office of the Franklin County Register of I Wds FOl'RTH TRACT: A cer tain lot or parcel of land located in the State of North Carolina. County of Frank lin. Township of Dunn, and described as follows; to-wit Lots 10 and 1 1 of Block "E" of the property of the North State Development Co. in the Town of Runn, N C. See rieed from The North State Development Company t o Robert White and wife Mena White, dated 25 .Dlqe 19 21. Mid recorded in Book 29 1 on pages 308-309 in the office of the Franklin County Reg ister of Deeds In conformity with the a floresaid Order for Sale of land, the above described tracts- of land will be sold separately at the above stat ed time and place Each of the aforesaid sales will be subject to confirma tion by 'the Superior Court of Franklin County and an increased or upset bid as pro vided by law. A cash deposit j?t ten per Centura (10'"' > of the amount bid for each of the aforesaid tracts will be required to be made by the highest bidder, or bidders, therefor to insure compliance with the terms of K*?i\e. and to be forfeited upon noncompliance, and up on failure of such deposits to be made, t'he aforesaid lands 'will again be offered for sale at the same time and place. g Hated and posted this the 15th day of February i!>?; \V. M * JOLLY ' Commissioner 10. 17.24 Everybody is entitled to his, or her, iwn opinion' in regard to religiotis matters. CALL COLLECTI .ROCKY MOUNT 446-7030 A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL AND GIVE AN ESTIMATE WITHOUT OBLIGATION lash Brick Cq. P O BOX 962, ROCKY MOUNT, N C ** manufacturers of quality brick since 1?