Classified Ads. DA TEC REGIUR 1 tJ CLASSIFIED .03 per word minimum .S<\ ffcr Insertlou ? .80 prr run aerricc on keyed ?ds. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .70 per column Inch. MEMOItlAMS same its Reg ular Classified. All classified ads must be accompanied by cash or check. FOR SALE FOR SALE ? Properties of W. J. Cooper?: Apartment * house. 415 E. Nash Street; corner lot, Main, Street at River Road. See Jack Coop er, Louisburg, N. C. or R. L. Cooper, Clayton, N. C.. * attorney-in-fact. 7-7 Th&Tu tf FOR SALE ? Service station and country store. Two baths with living quarters, paved lot, barbecue house, 2 acres of land, five miles north of Louisburg on Highway 401. Priced for quick sale at $8500. Con tact Triangle Realty Corp. 8-4,9 ch FOR SALE ? Nice six room frame home in Centerville on one acre lot. Only $8000. Contact Triangle Realty Corp. 8-4,9 ch FOR SALE ? 28 acres of wool land, growing timber with plenty of water. Lo cated V4 mtle north of Centerville. Contact Trl ; angle Realty Corp. 8-4,9 ch , FOR SALE ? One window air conditioner unit, one piston type well pump us ed. Contact Prultt Shell . Service Station. 6-3352. 8-4 Th&Tu tf < h FOR SALE ? A baby bed with good plastic covered mattress in good condition. If interested call Mrs. J B. Deasley GY 6-4037. Reasonably priced,. 8-4 Th&Tu tf ch FOR "a job well done feel ing" clean oarpets with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. H. C. Taylor. 8-4 ch FOR SALE ? Cabbage, col lard and tomato plants. Finch's Plant Garden, Rt, 4, Louisburg. 8-2,4 ch FOR RENT FOR RENT IMMEDIATE LY ? Store building and house. Estate of W. C. Joy ner, Sr. See W. C. Joyner, Jr., Rt. 2. Louisburg. 8-2 Tu&TIi tf ch FOR RENT ? Spaces for trailer parking. Nice, roomy lots. Highway 401 North* 8ee or call .Clarence Ed wards 496-4255. 12-23 Thurs. tf ch ? SERVICES OFFERKD ? LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A-Dlet Tablets. Only 98c at Corner Drug, Frank llnton. 6-2,9,16.23,30; 7*7.14, M. 28; '8-1 pd Legal Notice NOTICE OP SERVICE OF I'ROCKSS BY PUBLICATION' In The Recorder's Court Before The Clerk North Carolina. Franklin County. Harvey Leonard Crudup. Plaintiff va. Myrtle Betty Jean Harria Crudup. Defendant. TO: Myrtle Betty Jean Har ria Crudup. defendant Tn the above entitled action: TAKE NOTICE THAT a pleading seeking relief a galnat you haa been filed In the above entitled action In WANTED: A young man to work In our lettering and designing de partment. No experience necessary, we will train you. Good pay and fringe benefits for one wanting permanent employment. Apply In person to: WAKE MONUMENT CO., : \ inc. KOLESVILLE, N. C. TCL 066-3422 Legal Notice the Recorder's Court of Franklin Cpunty, North Car olina. The nature of the relief being sought is as follow*: An absolute divorce by the plaintiff Harvey Leonard Crudup from the defendant Myrtle Hetty Jean Harris Crudup upon Hie; grounds that plaintiff and . defendant have lived separate 4 and apart from etf< h other con tinuously for nfhrp than two years next preceding the in stitution of this action. You are requir.od trr make defense to . such pleading not later than 2 September 1 9 6 r, . and upon your fail ure to do so the party seek ing service against you will apply to the Court for the Ve lief sought. This the 12th day of July 1 9GG. /s/ Betsy S. Lavender, Asst. Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty. and Ex Officio Clerk of the Recorder's Court of Franklin County. 7-14.21,28; 8-4 FXEcrrnix xotick Having qualified as Ex ecutrix of the estate of George W. Ford, deceased late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit) them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of January. 1967. or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estat.e will please make immediate pavment.. This 2f?th day of July. 19 C,6. KATHARINE R. FORD Executrix. Yarborough. Rlanchnrd, Tucker & Yarborough, Attorneys. 7-28: 8-4.11.18 NORTH CAROLINA, FRANKLIN COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in. that certain deed of trust of Cleo Alfonza Perry and wife, Sallie P. Perry, to Wt, P. Pearce, Jr., Trustee, dat ed 18th February. 1961 and recorded in Book at page 245, Franklin Connty Registry. default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and the holder of the note secured by the said deed of trust having made demand upon the undersign ed trustee for the exercise of the power of sale, the undersigned trustee will on MONDAY, 1.VTH AUGUST, 1000 at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon, at the court house door of Frank VACATION MONEY SEE. US FOR AN EASY LOW C06T LOAN Any Axnount From $10 to $600 With A Very ^piall Monthly Payment. PHONE OS TODAY, COLLECT 438-4113 CONSUMER CREDIT COMPANY 121 S. GARNETT ST. HENDERSON, N. C. FARM BUREAU LIFE INSURANCE Firm Cop Hoi I Formowntfi Auto Formtr't Li obi I i ty Bluo Cross Hospital Plans L. C. HASTY Loviskuff, H C AL DoPORTER T. 0. HELMS YovngsvllU R?. 1, Castolio "BUTCH" CUPTON Hlcfcory Roefc Legal Notice lin County. North Carolina, offer tor sale for cash ;o the highest bidder at public auction the following-de scribed land: That certain lot or par cel of land situate south east of the Town of Frank linton. X. C., lying o(i the West side of Chavis Street, and more particularly de scribed as follows: BE C.I NX I NT. at an iron stake 70 feet from the west ern edge of Chavis Street, corner for E. J. Cheatham land; thence along Cheat ham's line S. 7 degrees 30 minutes W. 85 feet to a stake in Cheatham's line: thence in an easterly direc tion 70 feet to the western edge of Chavia Street: thence along the western edge of Chavis Street 7 de grees 30 minutes E. 85 feet to a stake on the west side of Chavia Street: thence in a westerly direction 70 feet to an iron stake the point of beginning, and being lot j, 1 and a portion of lot 2. aa surveyed for Sam Tharrlng ton. by Phil R. Inscoe, Reg istered Surveyor, June, 1948. The above sale will be made subject to a flrat Deed of Trust, dated May 4, 1960. and recorded in Book 566, at page 77. franklin Regis try. by Cleo Alfonia Perry and wife Sallle P. Perry to T. F Beat, Trustee for the Frankllnton Savings & Loan Association. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the trustee a sum equal to the amount required by law to upset the said bid as In cases of advanced bids, which deposit will he held to ensure compliance with the terms of sale and will be forfeited upon non-com Legal Notice pliance. In the event .if de fault In the miking of the slid deposit at the time of the sale the lands *111 a gain he Immediately offered for sale at the aforesaid time and place. Dated and posted this 13th dav "of July. 1966. \V. P. PEAROE. JR.. Trustee. T-21.2S; 8-4.11 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate Rurma P Faurett. deceas ed. late of Franklin County. North Carolina, thla la to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit, them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of January. 1967. or thla no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will pleaae make Immedi ate payment. "This llstday of July. 1966. CHARLES M. DAVIS, A'dm'r. Lumpkin. Lumpkin A Davis Attorneys. .7-21. 28: 8-4,11 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina franklin County In The Recorder's Court George Turner Mitchell, Plaintiff. V?: Ellia Mangrum Mitchell, Defendant. TO: Ellia Mangrum Mit chell Take Notice That A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed In the above entitled action. The nature of the relief Legal Notice being sought Is (or in ab solute divorce. You are hereby required to make defense to such pleading not later than twenty days after the 2nd day of September. and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 1st day of -?August, 196G ifetsy S. Lavender. Asst Clerk Superior Court. Ex-Officlo Clerk Recorder's Court. Franklin County. North Carolina E C. Bulluck Attorney at Law Loulshurg. North Carolina". S-4. 11.18. 25^ NOTICE OF FORKCbOMt KK SAI.K State of North Carolina. Nash and Franklin Counties Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust ^ executed by Raymond' P. * Sturges and wife. Edna S. Sturges. to F. E. Wlnslow. Trustee, dated the 7th day of March. 1963. recorded In Book 763. page 364. Naah County Registry, and in Book 691, page 42 Frank lin County Registry, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust and the same being by its terms subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the In debtedness thereby secured having demanded a foreclos ure thereof for the purpose of satlafying said Indebted ness. the undersigned Trus tee will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the main dwelling on the pre Legal Notice mites located on the north west *ide of N G. Highway .*>61 in Franklin County. N C . at 12:00 Noon, on S.\Tl HIVW. AI'Cil ST '27. imw the land conveyed in said deed of trust and more par ticularly described as fol lows: Those two certain parcels or tracts of land lying and being in Gold Mine Town ship. Franklin Count y. North Carolina, and in Grif fin Township. Nash County. North Carolina, and more particularly described ns follows: FIRST TR.VCT: That cer tain tract or parcel of land situate in the Counties of Nash and Franklin. State of North Carolina, and BE GINNING in the center of the Louisburg-Halifax Road (N. C. Highway 5611. where the same crosses Rig Fish ing Creek and running thence along the center of said Highway. South 39 deg. West 253 feet; thence South 24 deg. West 600 feet; thence South 28 deg. West 500 feet ; South 46 \ deg. West 500 feet; South 58 deg. West 500 feet; South 73^ deg. West 500 feet; South 76 deg West 758 feet; thence leaving the Highway North 4 7 deg. West 4 00 feet to a stake and pine pointers: thence North 33 deg East 1300 feet; thence North 45** deg. East 162 feet to the old Warrenton road; thence North 18 deg. W 908 feet to an iron; thence North 26*4 deg. East 4 67 feet; thence North 38 ty deg East 714 feet to Big Fishing Creek; thence down Big Fishing Creek as it meanders to the point of beginning, contain ing 119.7 acres, as shown Legal Notice on map by Phil R. Inscoe. RLS . dated 1 945. and en titled Map of Land in Gold Mine Township made for Raymond P. Sturges from Record Survey of 194 5 (Known as the \V. L. Pierce or the Gold Mine Tract SECONP TRACT That certain tract or parcel of land situate on the South side of the Louisburg-Hali fax Road (North Carolina State Highway No Sttl* and BEGINNING at a staki* where the CCC Road enters N. C. State Highway 5 6 1 : thence along said .Highway North T H 1 a dog. East 500 feet; thence North 58 deg. East 500 feet: North 46 at deg. East <500 feet; North. 28 deg. East 500 feet: North 24*2 deg. East 600 feet: North 3 9 deg East 253 feet to Ransom's Bridge on Big Fishing Creek: thence in a Southeasterly direction down said creek as it mean ders to a black gum and stake 127 feet from the point where Gold Mine Branch enters said creek; thence along Andrew May's lirfe South 19 V* deg. West 1471 feet to a cedar stake at the end of a pij; thence South 33 deg. West 7 70 feet Legal Notice to a stake, cornering: thence South SS deg West 1975 feet to the old Nashville Road: thence N 4 de* East 4 .'IS (eet to the East side of the CGC road: thence North 7 \ dec West 753 feel to the point of begin ning containing 131.0 acrea as shown on map by Phil R. Inseoe. entitled "Map of Land In Cold Mine Town ship made for Raymond P. Sturces from Record Survey of 19 4 5 (Known as the W. L Pierce or the Gotd Sjljne Tract 1." A five per cent cash de posit will lie required of the last and highest bidder Sale will be made subject to 19Ji(i ad valorem taxes This IS day of Julv. 1966. F E. WINSLOW. Trustee. Batlle. Winslow. Merrell. Scott & Wiley Attorneys al Law. Rocky Mount, North Carolina. S-4.11.1S.25 A Cambodian tradition re gards white teeth as bad luck. Many Cambodians darken their teeth with betel nuts, or gold and gem Inlays, National Geographic says WLaMin Well Q-amfianq, WELL BORING - DEEP WELL DRILLING WARREN TON. N. C. "A IV ell A Driy- Tkt Mar tin IV *y% N. C. LICENSE NO. 2 MANLEY S. MARTIN DAY. 297-365 1 NIOHT 257-3302 ... and keep on saving for 5 years or 50,000 miles. HERE'S HOW CHRYSLER S 3-YEAR/50.000-MILE ENGINE AND DRIVE TRAIN WARRANTY PROTECTS YOU: Chrysler Corporation warrants. for 5 years or 50.000 milts, whichever comes first, against defects in materials and workman ship and will replace or repair at a Chrysler Motors Corporation Authorized Deeler's place of business, without charge for required parts and labor, the engine block, head and internal parts, intake manifold, water pump, transmis sion case and internal parts (excluding manual clutch), torque converter, drive shaft, universal joints, rear axle and differential, and rear wheel bearings of Its 1966 automobiles, providil the owner has the engine oil changed every 3 months or 4,000 miles, whichever comes first, the oil filter replaced every sec ond oil change and the carburetor air filter cleaned every 6 months and replaced every 2 years, and every 6 months furnishes to such a tviitnet of per formance of the required service, and requests the dealer to ctrtify (1) nctipt of such evidence and (2) the car's current rfiileage. ---^AUTHORIZED DEALERS CHRYSLER ? VJIW motors corporation LOUISBURG MOTORS 609 Bickett Blvd. Louisburg, N. C. D?.i?r ue.n,. No 2721

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