The Fraitam Times r^vc^l <&[ Published Every Tuesday A Thursday ^ * Serving All Of Franklin County 97th Year? Number 50 Louisburg, N. C., Thursday, August 11, 1906 (Ten Pages Today) (Tsn Cents) ! PVT. CURTIS CHAMPION . it's too hot SGT. PAUL MULLEN . . . see you Sunday PFC BILL PERRY . . . tell the Colonel I'm waiting CAPT MAYLON BAKER ... X minus 4 minutes SGT. Q. S. LEONARD . . . found ihe key P\ T. PHILLIP TAYLOR & FRIEND . . computing the data W/0 BOB CHEATHAM . . . tried to escape SGT. "WINKY" FERRELL . . . gags with Colonel PFC BLAND PR11TT . . . aids public information PVT. LEONARD GOODWIN . . . back to Kentucky SGT. WYATT FREEMAN { , glad to see you HONEST JOHN . . . fired, but stationary SGT. BOBBY WESTER . . . standing in the shade SGT. "POP" HOLMES . . . more service than any Candid Shots Of The Boys Au/ay From Home Pictures at left show members of the area Guard units Wednesday In Ft. SU1, Ckla. Champion' said It was too hot there to suit him; Mullen was looking forward to Sunday's departure for home; Perry was having some difficulty keeping up with the Colonel; Baker explained the countdown Just prior to firing the Honest John Rocket; Leonard Is the one who finally unlocked the gate for the Generals, after the brass sat In the 102 degree heat for several' minutes when someone pulled a snafu and locked them Inside the firing compound; Taylor and unidentified friend are shown Inside theoven-llkedata trucks; Wester Is shown outside In the shade; Holmes was caught with his feet propped on his deak at Headquarters; Cheatham, pulled the camera-shy routine and tried to escape getting hla mug shot; Ferrell ktddlngly pulled the barred office door between him and the camera and Cbl. Clarence Shini er, Chief of Staff of the 30th Dlv. Jokingly locked him In; Prultt was busy typing picture captions for waiting newsmen; Goodwin was observing all the confusion In the office as "old-home-week" was obeerved between Loulaburg newsmen and the boys; Freeman was glad to see us, he said; and the contrary rocket, which hesitated a blink of an eye Just so we would miss the blast off. ?Staff Photos by Clint Fuller. Two Guardsmen Seriously Injured In Jeep Wreck Area Guardsmen Fire Two XM-50 Rockets In Oklahoma Greetings Members of the three units from Lou la burg, Youngsvllle and Zebulon seen by this re porter sending their greetings to friends and families back home from Ft. Sill, Okla. In cluded: Lt. Col. John Fleming, Major James Potter, Major Thomas Carter, Lt. Oliver Williams, Sgts. Paul Mullen, Wjratt Freeman, "Wlnky" Ferrell, Bobby Wester, Eddie Carlyle, Billy Tant, Lt. Alfred Elmore, Capt. John L. Strickland, Pri vates Bill ftrry, Curtis Champion, Bland Prultt, Capt. Maylon Baker, Private Phillip Taylor, Ronnie Pearce, Sgt. James Pearce, w/o Bob Cheatham, MaJ. V. A. Chlo takls, Sgt.' Q. S. Leonard, Major BUI Griffin, Sgt. "Pop" Holmes and many, many others. Their planes are expected to arrive at Raleigh- Durham Sunday afternoon around five and six o'clock. They will leave Ft. SU1 one hour apart, according to an unofficial re port. The schedule Is subject to change and no late official word was given to newsmen while at Ft. Sill. i Honest John Gets Lift Zebulon's "A" Battery demonstrates loading procedures on the Honest John R>cket at Fort SU1, Ckla. Wednesday (or vlaltlng National Guard chief* and area newsmen. The unit fired the XM-50 missile Tuesday afternoon In what waa described as a "near perfect shoot." Youngsvllle's "B" Battery performed a night firing last night. The Lou la burg unit, Head quarters and Headquarters Battery, la also Involved In the two-week training aesalon at the Artillery baas in southwest Oklahoma. -Photo by Clint Fuller. Widow Visits New Hope Crash Scene The widow a t Major William L. Strait of 8haw Air But, 8. C. who WM killed when his F-101 Jet crashed near New Hop* last June, visited the area Tuesday. Mr DonSchel ger and wife of Colorado, friends and former neighbors uf the Straits, called hy The Franklin Times off lea Tues day. Ha was told that Times Editor Clint Fuller, who co re red the crash, was in Okla homa, and was referred to Loulsburg Mayor V. A. Peoples, who aa Chief of the local Rescue Service had been on the scene of the crash. After visiting with Mayor Peoples, Mr. Schlelger was referred to (Veil Arnold, Loulsburg barter who lives In the New Hope community ?ear the scene of the crash. Mrs. Strait and her two sons were staying In a Raleigh motel. Later Tuesday after noon, she M the children were taken by Mr. Schlelcer to the New Hop* community where T. J. Strickland tram ported Mra. Strait and Mr*. Schlelger and Re*. Lea Wick er, paator of the New Hop* Christian Church to th* acme of th* Jun* 8th crash. Arnold reported that follow ing lb* Tlalt by th* Straits and 8chl*ic*rs, he and his wife drorre to Ral*l(h to Nt the Strait children. Mrs. Strait returned to Loulsburc Wednesday to obtain a death osrtlflcats. Arnold said Mrs. Strait praised Tlw rranklln Times tar Its reporting of the acci dent and th* people of New Hop* as wall as Mayor Peoples tor their kindness She re ferred to th*m all as "tb* nicest people," Arnold said. A philosopher Is s own (trine other people advice about , troubles be hasn't had. Japanese Visits College ARAKAWA Kazuhlko Arakawa, ? 24 j?ar-old Japanaaa, u pr*> m fitly TUItlnc on th* Loulaburi Collat* C tropin. Loulaburg Is oiw of t)M fifty campuaaa In tlM United States and , Canada that K. Arakawa and frlmd, M. Umada, art touring on their sightseeing visas. Arakiva laastudent of Japan Interpreter Training School and a graduate of Tokyo Junior College of Commerce. M. Umeda Is a $0-year-old actor of the Int'l Actor Intro ducing Office and a graduate of the Oriental Academy of Music. Thar have no sponsor, but late the desire to talk with students In America In order to "help an understanding of each other." Junior Colleges are their special Interest since they are both graduates of junior colleges. While on the campuses, they will meet with groups of stu dents and talk on Items of mutual Interest?the economy of Japan, agriculture and rural life, parka, Kimono, Tea ceremony, language and Japa nese lite In general? and ?U1 show slides. A good way to get burned la tall asleep? smoking a cig arette. " l Fort Sill, Ola. - The high light of the lummer encamp ment for members of the Fifth Rocket Battalion, composed of units from Loulsburg, Youngsvllle and Zebulon, came Tuesday afternoon when the Zebulon "A" Battery successfully ilred the new XM-50 ' ' Honest John' ' Rocket. The countdown began as Capt Maylon Ehker of Youngsvllle's "B" Battery spoke to a group of National Guard officers and newsman, explaining the precedures of the firing. Youngsvllle used a dummy rocket to Illustrate to the visitors what was golnfon at the moment In readying the live round for the firing. Major V. A. Chloti^ls of Morrlsvllle, Army Adviser to the local unit, signaled the countdown tor newsman and spectators from the control point a few yards from the launcher. Major Chlotskls took over the count at X minus ten seconds. >. ' The firing came shortly after 2 o'clock at the rknge alte near the Wichita Mountains In 102 degree temperatures. At the order "Fire," the rocket gave a loud booming noise, fire ?pouted from the fin-decked tall In bright orange huea with brilliant white clouds of smoke. Honest John was on lta way to the target area some sixteen miles away. R took less than one minute to arrive. R had taken the motor cade of visitors 45 minutes to travel the distance by car. Later reports gave the fir ing as somewhat lees than perfect, explaining that a mal functioning firing fuse has caused the m lsslle to over ?hoot tne target, mwtnr, u the hug* vehicle took oft through the clear Oklahoma skies, a yell went up by the Guardsmen signifying a re lief which comes from hard work and successful endings. Two huge mobile units sat hidden away In a wooded area a few hundred yards from the ?hoot. These housed com puting machine* and men feed ing data to the forward control section. Visitors were seated underneath a huge tent for protection from the aun.. Troops, not actively Involved In the firing, were stationed In small clump* of treea nearby to watch the firing. The fuel expired 4 1/1 se conds after firing. The rocket was out of sight ihortly there after. Hours and days of pre paration ended with the blast. A second firing was sche duled to take place Wednesday night. Battery "B" from Youngsvllle was slated to per form the night operation. The newest rocket Is some what different than the old XM-31 fired at Ft. Bragg fay the local Ouardsmen. The new mlsiUe travels farther and faster. The overall sIm Is about the aame. The Battalion, under com mand of Lt. Cbl. John Fleming of Raleigh, will return to Ra leigh- Durham Airport late Sunday afternoon following a two-week atay at the noted Artillery and Missile Base near Lawton, Okla. Among the vUltors witness ing the firing Tuesday were; Major Oeneral Claude T. Bowers, Adjutant General of North Ckrollna; Brig. Oen. See GUARD page 6 Peoples Resigns, O'Neal New Jaycee Prexy Will Jim O'Neal, local real estate ayent, waa named pre aldant of tha local Jaycaaa at thalr racular maatlnf on Mon day night at tha Murphy Houaa. O'Neal, who waa aarvlnc aa lat vice-prealdent, will fill tha unaxplred tarm of W. A. Paoplaa, who will mora to Cllxabeth City In tha naar futura. Ha la employed by Weatlnfhoua*. Paoplaa' raalfnatlon waa accepted with refret by tha club. Ha la tha oldest member, In years ofserrlce, of the pre i <?nt nUtmbershlp snd has bMn on* at the club** moat active members. In otter action during tte meeting, Jimti Stephenson, Aa at. County Agricultural Agent, was named treasurer to fill tte unexpired term of Ed Bass, who was recently tr ana - (erred In his Job and has moved away from Lou Is burg. Tarry Nobles, district rloe prealdent of North Carolina Jayceea, was a guest at tte meeting and a poke to tte group. Two National Guardsmen from Louliburg war* Injured and a third from Spring Hop* escaped Tuesday whan the new M-151 Army Jeep in which they were riding overturned near the alte of a rocket firing In Oklahoma. 1st Lt. William Nsfls, Ford Circle, Louis bur g, received several broken ribs, s broken LT. NAGLE shoulder, a severe head cut and other cut* and bruises when he was thrown from the vehicle. Sgt. lit Class Sam Strother of Frankllnton re* celved undetermined Internal Injuries when he was pinned beneath the overturned ve hicle. PFC Luke Moore of Sprint Hope escaped Injury when thrown from the Jeep. The accident occurred about one hour before the scheduled firing by Battery "A" of Ze bulon of Jhe XM-50 Honest John missile. It took place on a strip of dirt track which had been cut as a fire break around the missile site. Lt. Nagle had discovered that the Ft. Sill base crew that cut the break had also destroyed some vital data needed for the flrlnf. The driver, PFC Moore was taking the officer and Sgt. Strother to the firing site for late minute data. The soft strip, atop a slight Incline was located between the visitors tent and the roc ket launcher. The M-1S1 Jeep Is the latest model and hak four-wheel suspension. Dri vers are required to have four-hour course of lnstruc tlon before qualifying. PFC Moore was a veteran driver. The Army withheld release at Information of the accident until families of the three men could be notified. Lt. Nagle' s wife was reportedly visiting In Alabama and could not be reached. Attempts to reach Sgt. Strother's family Freak Blaze A somewhat freak accident took place at the Easo Station at Bunn this morning around <:4B a.m., according to re ports. An unidentified motorlet pulled away from a gas pump before the hose was removed from the cur's gas tank and pulled the tank down. The ac cident caused a fire, which, according to reports, was quickly extinguished. Damaged was confined to the overturned tank, according to the report. , also prove unsuccessful. At noon Wednesday, Major James Potter, Battalion Executive officer, briefed newamen on the condition of the victims and aald attempts were still being made to notify their families. Major Potter reported, "There 1* a chance that Lt. Nagle will be allowed to fly beck with the units Sunday," He did not mention the same posalbllity for Sgt. Strother. K was reported that Sgt. Stro ther was suffering some pain denoting internal Injuries, but the extent of such Injuries was not revealed. However, neither men are believed to be In any danger. Public Information Officer Lt. Oliver Wllllama of Ra leigh and Battalion Command er John Fleming, along with Major Potter showed concern for the victims based on early reports and kept local newa men Informed of the condition of the two, although such in formation could not be releas ed. Lt. Nagle was unconclous when moved to the bue hospi tal and his condition was not Immediately determined. When rescuers arrived on the scene, PFC Moore was busy attempting to free Sgt. Strother from the wreckage. Strother, too, was unconclous for some time. Miss Paula Justice, the ta lented Lou Is burg College coed who represented Loulsburg la the recent Miss N. C. Pageant at Charlotte and came out Miss Congeniality, sent a note of thanks addressed to: "The Town o< Lou Is burg" last week. The letter, received by re tiring Jaycee President W. A. Peoples, stated: "I am so ex tremely Indebted to so man) business people aad pro fessors from Loulsburg that I am afraid that a mere thank you 1* Just too small." Miss Justice thanked the people of Loulsburg for the weloome celebration held re cently upon her return here following her winning the Idas Congeniality title. She has said earlier that ahe does not plan to return to Loulsburg Collage. She Uvea with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Justice on Route I, Clayton, N. C. She cloaed her letter by writing, "Thank yoa all from the bottom ot my heart ant may Ood blase you always."

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