Grubbs-Timberlake Wed On Saturday, the twenty ?eventh of May at half after ?1* tn th? evening, Miss Mari lyn Jo Tlmberlake and Mr. John Wilson Grubbs were united in marriage In the Youngsvllle Baptist Church, with the Reverend Joseph Grubbs of Martinsville, Vir ginia, brother of the groom performing the double ring ceremony and Reverend Wal lace C rider, assisting. The bride la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Tlm berlake of Youngsvllle and the bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Grubbs of Winston Salem. The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a formal Sown of bridal satin, fea turing a ChantUly lace bodice with Empire waist, scoop neckline of re-embroldered lace and angel sleeves. Ap pliques of lace were used In swirls over and bordering the A-line skirt and bordering her Chapel train. She wore a finger Up mantilla of sUk French il lusion bordered with ChantUly lace, and carried a prayer book centered with a colored lip hybrid orchid, tied with lace streamers designed from the lace of her gown. Mrs. Michael Chesson of Greenville was matron of honor. Miss Ann Hudson of Richmond, Virginia was maid of honor. They wore formal towns of lce-mlst blue Linen Sakl featuring the scoop neck line, Empire waist and angel sleeves and a flowing panel back, accented with motifs of peau d'ange lace, a short man tilla of illusion and lace and carried a prayer book cen tered with pink cymbldlum or chids with pink streamers. Bridesmaids were Miss Judy Pearce and Miss Terry Brock of Youngsvllle, Mrs. Paul Hepler and Mrs. Robert Mc Kee of Greenville, Mrs. WU 11am Wilkinson, II of Raleigh, ami Miss Margaret Timber lake of Alexandria, Virginia. They wore Identical dresses and headpieces as the honor attendants and carried the prayer books which were in scribed and given as gifts from the bride. Miss Leigh Bullard of Char lotte and Miss Claudia Ross of Matthews, cousins of the bride, and Jon Mark Crider of MRS. JOHN W. QRUBBS Sliver Spring, Maryland, cou sin of the groom, were child attendants. The girls wore dresses Identical to the bridesmaids. Honorary attendants were Miss Julia Anna Saunders of Loulsburg, Misses Nlta Bar bee, Karen Martin and Linda Evans of Greenville, Misses Linda Franklin and Sandra Wentiel of Raleigh, Miss Don na Rollins of Wake Forest, Mrs. James Mattox of Dunn, and Misses Carol Mitchell and Mltzle Tharrlngton of Youngsvllle. They wore for mal gowns In pastel shades and carried a nosegay of white carnations tied with rainbow streamers. Mr. Grubbs was his son's best man. Groomsmen were James Grubbs of Chicago, II for your poultry building., got tho big shoot with tho big guorantoo! _ KAISER ALUMINUM'S PATENTEU TWIN-RIB' ROOFING AND SIDING guaranteed 20 years { CORROSION GUARANTEE I Kaieer Aluminum roofing and tiding la guaranteed not to I leak from perforations caul xj by corrosion, provided Kaieer I Aluminum acceeeories ara uaad In Installation, and roofing and aiding ara not In contact with dissimilar mstals or | ground. No other damage oovered. Tarln-RIb guaranteed 20 I peers. Limited 10 replacement of rooting and siding only. | Prorated after 10 years baaed on pricea at time of adjust ment. Quarantee application muet be approved. Not trane terabfe. Limited to farm or residence Installations. Cover your poultry building faster... You'll find it easy and fast to install our extra-long, extra-wide, extra-strong Twin-Rib sheets. Lengths of 6 to 24 feet, 48" wide after lapping . . . saves time, money, labor. Fewer side and end laps mean a tighter roof. Keep H up to 15' cooler... Twin-Rib roofing and siding reflects the sun so well that your poultry buildings stay noticeably cooler in summer. Your birds will stay healthy, produce more. Build for the future . . . Because it needs little or no maintenance, the big sheet is an investment in a trouble-free future. And it protects without painting, since it can't rust or warp. Get all the facts about Kaiser Aluminum Twin-Rib roofing _ ft_ and siding. Ask for our free *1 QJj "Facts" booklet. hmmlnu ILw kaiser ALUMINUM AVAILABLE AT LOUISBURG FCX SERVICE BICKETT BIVD. LOUISBURG, N. C. 3AM WOOD, Manager llnols, brother of the groom; Steve Snlteman of Stanton, Virginia, William Wllkerson and Paul Hepler of Green ville, David Miller of Albe marle, and Ralph Fuller of Durham, Frank Llmehoitfe, m of Orangeburg, South Caro lina. ^ J The church sanctuary was decorated with candelabra and mountain palms. By the altar were bouquets of whit* summer flowers, Ivy and Bos ton terns. The couple entered the altar under an lvy-twlned archway to repeat their vows to each other. Individual pew tapers were used with bouquets of white flowers and ribbon. A pro gram of organ music was rendered by Mrs. A1 De Por ter, organist, of Youngsvllle. Selections Included Serenade, Schubert; Llebestrau, Liszt; Traumerel, Schumann; Ro manze, Schumann; Adantlno, Lemare; Supplications, Schu bert; Melody In F., Rubin stein; Nuptial Song, Dubois; Entree Nuptlale, Smith and Bridal Chorus, Wagner were the Processionals and Men delesohn Wedding March the Recessional. Mrs. A. N. Corpenlng of Youngsvllle was soloist. She sang "I Love Thee," "Calm As the Night," and after the couple had Holy Communion from a silver chalice, "The Lord's Prayer." The Com munion table was covered with an heirloom tablecloth. The bride's mother, Mrs. Wlllard Tlmberlake wore a formal gown of Nile Karate Linen and matching acces sories and wore a corsage of cymbldlum orchids. The groom's mother wore a formal gown of Ivory satin brocade and matching acces sories and a corsage of cym bldlum orchids. The bride graduated from Youngsvllle High Schpol and graduates from East Caro lina College this summer with an A. B. degree In Psycho logy. She was a member of the Alpha Delta PI Sorority and a varsity cheerleader. The groom graduated from Northwest Forsyth High School and graduates from East Carolina College this summer with a B. S. degree In History. He was a member of the Kappa Alpha Order and a varsity cheerleader. For traveling the bride wore a two-piece blue linen dress with matching hat and white accessories. Her corsage was the orchid lifted from her prayer book. After a wedding trip, the couple will reside In Greenville. Mrs. B. H. Patterson was the bride's personal consul tant. RECEPTION Following the Tlmberlake Grubbs wedding, a reception was held at the home of Mrs. Claude Tlmberlake given by the bride's grandmothers. Greeting guests were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brown and Introducing to the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Reddlck. Or. and Mrs. A. N. Corpenlng directed guests to the register where the bride's portrait was placed. Presiding at the register was Mrs. Ruel W. Tyson, Sr. Mr. and Mra. Arthur Hall directed guests to the reception room where Entertains Club Mrs. Wilson Joyner enter tained her Thursday night bridge club last week at her home. Lovely spring flowers were used In decqratlng. During play Iced drinks were served, and at the conclusion of the game ttQ hostess served delicious cream cheese-coco nut strawberry nests and salted nuts. , High score prize for club members went to Mrs. W. A. Andrews, Jr., and high score for guests to Mrs. Winston Davis. A Bingo prize was captured by Mrs. Numa Free man. Those playing were Mes dames W. A. Andrews, Jr., James Johnson, Edward Kim ball, M. G. Wilder, J. L. Berger, Grover Harris, Jr., members; and Mrs. Numa Freeman and Mrs. Winston Davis, guests. Mrs. Byron Bdllard and Mrs. Robert Ross served white Bit tersweet Bridal punch and cake. Mrs. Ned Coleman, Mrs. Haywood Gupton and Mrs. Claude Tlmberlake received In other areas. The serving table was covered with a white satin cloth lifted at the corners with bows of net and ribbon, and lilies of the valley. Silver candlelabras held white tapers and epergnes filled with bridal flowers. Duplicate arrange ments of candlelabras and flowers were used throughout the home. Assisting In serving were Misses Julie Saunders, San dra Wentzel, Linda Franklin, Carol Mitchell, Nlta Barbee, Donna Rollins, Mltzle Thar rlngton, Karen Martin and Linda Evans, and Mrs. James Mattox. Goodbyes were said to Cap tain and Mrs. C. V. Timber lake and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Pearce. Assisting throughout the re ception were Mesdames G. E. Winston, T. G. Loyd, Jr., Johnny Edwards, Elton Mitchell, W. S. Preddy, Ray Pearce and James Smith, Mrs. Kathleen Croom, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cheatham, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Patterson, and Mrs. Marvin Roberts. Receiving In the bride's home where the gifts were shown were Mrs. Curtis Saun ders, Mrs. Wiley Mitchell, Sr. and Mrs. James T. Allen. WEDDING BREAKFAST 1 The Timberlake-Grubbs wedding party were enter tained at breakfast on May 27th In the banquet room at the Plantation Inn by Captain and Mrs. C. V. Tlmberlake, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bullard. Individual place cards were set for fifty. The tables were centered with floral arrange ments of white miniature fea thered carnations and tapers tied with net and blue streamers. Blue satin wed ding bells were additional de corations. A three course breakfast was served. LAWN DINNER A pre-rehearsal lawn din ner was held at the Patterson's In honor of Marilyn Timber lake and Johnny Grubbs, 5:30 Friday afternoon, May 26, for the wedding party and out-of town guests. Hostesses for the occasion were Mrs. Kath leen Croom, Mrs. G. E. Wins ton, Mrs. B. H. Patterson, Mrs. Wiley Mitchell, Mrs. A. N. Corpenlng, Mrs. N. A. Brown, Mr*. Bland Mitchell and Mrs. Johnny Edwards. The guests were served buf fet style. A corsage and boutennalre made for the specific oc casion were presented to the guests of honor. AFTER REHEARSAL PARTY An after rehearsal party given by Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brown, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Patterson and Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Corpenlng was held at the Corpenlng home for the wedding party and out of town guests. ? Mr. and Mrs. Brown greeted guests. Rev. and Mrs. L. J. Phillips received in the living room. On the front door was a clus ter of wedding bells compli mented with blue ribbons and flowers. Suspended in the hall *as a large bell. Other areas were decorated with wide lace bows holding blue nosegays. White roses were used in the living room. Mrs. G. E. Winston presided at the bride's register which was a satin covered lace trimmed book decorated with a nosegay, as used in other decorations. In the dining room a blue satin table cloth appliqued with whit* lac* ros*s, and overlaid with a whit* net oloth bordered with wld* lac*, cov*r*d the serving table. White tap*rs Engagement Announced - MARSHA JEAN ROSS Mrs. Dorothy Wheeler Ross of Franklinton announces the engagement of her daughter, Marsha Jean, toWallaceSpurgeon Eakes, son of Dr. and Mrs. S. Eakes also of Franklinton. Miss Ross Is the daughter of the late Mr. Marshall Cenlth Ross, Franklinton. A July wedding Is planned. In silver candlelabra centered the table. A round table In the dining room was covered in identical style. It held the three tiered pedestal cake de corated in blue and white, topped with a bridal couple complimented with flowers and wedding rings. Brides maids charms were drawn over a wide lace ruffle which surrounded the base of the cake. After the first slice of cake was cut by the prospec tive bride and groom, guests were served by Mrs. E. M. Mitchell and Mrs. J. T. Allen. The white bridal punch was poured by Mrs. W. F. Mit chell, and the mothers of the wedding couple served them. Boxes of Groom's Cake were presented to the wedding party. The hosts and hostesses pre sented the bridal couple a silver cake knife in their chosen pattern. The children of the hosts and hostesses gave the couple a silver cha lice and tray to be used In the wedding ceremony. Assisting In areas of the home were Mesdames H. H. Reddlck, A. E. Hall and R. E. Cheatham. Thanks The family of Joseph J. Wheeler expresses appreci ation to friends and relatives for the prayers, cards, flo wers and words of sympathy during his Illness and death. They will long be remem bered. Mrs. J. J. Wheeler & Family Gives Recital RHONDA STRICKLAND Rhonda Strickland will give a piano recital at four o'clock on Sunday afternoon, June 4, at her home In Youngsvllle. Rhonda Is an eighth grade student at Youngsvllle High School and studies piano with Miss Jean Pearce. The pro gram will Include pieces by Bach, Clementl, Robert Schu mann, and Walter Schuman. Rhonda recently received a superior rating on a ten piece program played in the audi tions of the National Guild of Piano Teachers In Raleigh. She also won a Chopin pin because this Is the fifth year she has played ten pieces In the Guild Auditions. The public , is Invited to the recital. ' 1 * Browns Wed In Greenville YoungsvlUe - Miss Nancy Ames Brown, daughter of Mrs. Zeno H. Brown and the late Mr. Brown of Knoxvllle, Tenn., was married to Terry W. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Brown of YoungsvlUe, N. C. on Saturday afternoon, May 27, at two o'clock In. the St. Pauls Episcopal Church In Greenville, N. C. The cere mony ' was performed by Church Minister Rev. John Drake. The bride wore a white linen street length suit with match ing accessories. She carried a bridal bouquet centered with a white orchid which she lifted to wear as a corsage for her wedding trip. Miss Mary Catherine Brown, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a yellow dress with matching acces sories. She had a green orchid corsage. Wiley Brown, Jr., brother of the groom, was best man. Ushers were Ralph Brown and Neal Anthony Brown. The bride attended the Uni versity of Tennessee and is hraziers Reunion A Family Reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Frazler, Sr. on Louls burg, Route 1 Sunday, May 28. Among the guests were the brother and sisters of Mr. Frazler who were Mrs. Wil liam Mendelsohn and husband of New York City; Mrs. W. S. O'Brien and husband of Greensboro, N. C.; G. W. Frazler and wife of Law rencevllle, Va.; R. B. Fra zler and wife of Kenbrldge, Va.; and F. H. Frazler and wife of Henderson, N. C. The children of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Frazler were also there, this being the first time they had all been to gether In many years. They wereMr. and Mrs. T. W. Fra zler, Jr. and children Tommy, Reba and Clay of Henderson; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Souther land and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Randy Alford, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klttrell and dau ghters, Donna and Denlse of Sherman, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frazler and sons, Terry and Freddie and Jeff or Wel don; Dr. and Mrs. Richard Frazler and children, David and Debbie, of Roanoke Ra pids; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Fra zler and son Lyn of Hampton, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hob good and children, Vlckl and Frankle, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Pegram of Henderson; and Klrby Frazler of the home. Also present were Mrs. Bobby Richardson and children from Henderson, a neice of Mrs. Frazler. ? Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Overton were also present and gave the blessing before the picnic din ner was served on the lawn. Everyone present enjoyed the get together and expressed the hope that It could be re peated very soon. After the dinner, group pictures were taken. Silence Is an underplayed virtue. LEGGETTS *T- "f Plavtime OUR OWN "B-CASUAL" BATHING SUITS 8.99 THE SWIMMINEST SUN - LOVING - FUN ? HATS 1.99 & 2,99 * NATURAL & ASST. COLORS TERRY BEAUTIES AT THE BEACH - TOWELS GAILY PRINTED WITH WAY-OUT DESIGNS TO START CONVERSATIONS JUMBO SIZE 2.99 & 3.99 LEGGETT'S IS OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY STORE HOURS 9:30 TO 5:30 - FREE PARKING WEDNESDAY P. M LEGGETT'S 3 WAY SHOPPING - L CASH, CHARGE OR LAY-A-WAY. TRY IT! now a student at East Carolina College. The bridegroom Is also a student at East Car llna. Following a wedding trip to the coast the couple will live in Greenville. Immediately following the tiding ceremony a reception s given at the Parrlsh House by the bride's mother lor members of the wedding party, families and guests. Sara Collier APE Initiate Sara Lynn Collier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Col lier, was initiated Into Alpha Pi Epsllon at Louisburg Col lege on Thursday, May 25. The Initiation was conducted by Sally Reld Auman, of Reids ville, assisted by the sponsor, in a late afternoon candlelight ceremony. Miss Collier, re cently elected 1967-68 presU dent of Phi Beta Lambda, another campus business student organization, was pre sented with a certificate and membership card. She was later presented the pin of the society also. Miss Auman, Initiated Into APE earlier In the school year, recently received a $25 check from national APE headquarters In California, as one of the winners In compe tition for the Florence Man ning Scholarship Award. Alpha Pi Epsllon Is a na tional honorary secretarial society, membership In which requires at least a " B" over all average with no less than a "B" In typing and In short hand. Bookmobile Mrs. Lee H. Bell today re minded the people of Franklin County that the Bookmobile will be available to the public free of charge. Anyone de siring books may write or call Mrs. Bell. graduation Fxcitementf /-/>4 Ayf/L. TO /V Next to the diploma gift will thrill your graduate more than a world-famous Hamilton watch. Choose from our exciting contempo rary styles, as low as $45.00 A. DEBBY, stylized marquis*. $55.00 B. SEA ROVER III. Weatherproof. $55.00 C. ELSIE, faceted elegance, $59.95 D. DARWIN, hand-textured. $69.50"""" Shop Here And Save Register For Free 1 Ct. Hallmark Diamond At RAYNOITS Wholesale I Retail Jewelry Co. Louisburg, N. C. A Branch Of Raleigh Wholesale Jewelry Co.

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