Principals at Patten Hall naming are shown above, left to right: Mr. Samuel Holton, Dr D E Earnhardt, Dr. Cecil Robbins, Rev. Norwood Jones, David Daniel, Professor I, D Moon arid Rev Brooks Patten, Dr. Cecil Robbins delivers response at naming of Library in his honor as Trustee Chairman Dr. James Hillman, left and College Relations Director David Daniel look on. Louisburg College Commencement Activities College Presidents Mr. Samuel Holton, Dr. Cecil Robbins and Or. D. E. Earnhardt, all Presidents of Louisburg College. Staff Photo* by Clint Fullor >ni Dr. Robbins Portrait Unveiled Faye Eloise Robbins stands beside her grandfather's portrait after she performed the unveiling duties. 180th Year Closes With Dedications, Banquet, Degrees And Honors Buildings Named For Late President Walter Patten And if ? Dr. Cecil Robbins, Present College Head