Church Notices Louisburg Baptist ; ' Sunday) 9:45 Church School, M. E. ^ Smith, Superintended 9:45-12:0# Nureeryforprei school children 'Jl 11:00 TheCt>urchatWpr$h?p, A. S. Tomllnson, PtriOf-ffr mon Subject, VJMfcnfrP, , Being and Appear tof!'.,', ?p 't Monday) t 7 - Vt\U '? 3 .-op fannU Heck Circle In ; 3 yr. Nursery 7:30 Mary Hester Powell with Mr?. II J. Ore*#1 ?:?*-?: i Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Sunday School, James S. Hunt, Superinten dent Sunday, June 25: , >? 1 1 .-00 Worship Service The Church baa accepted Rev. Claud? C. Wells of Southeastern Seminary Jor its pastor. ? iWv. and Mrs, Wella and their sons we irom Green wood, S. C. Mr. Wells has the aA. decree f^wflw^ol . v < / ? j - ' VBS is beln( held this week with an enrollment of 90. Mrs. Elisabeth Cash la the principal. Beginner > man 1 Charlie Hortpo; Primary; j Mrs. Karl I Add! C. CMbrttabflMfc j Lillle Bell Aran* WfJUre. Dot Kearney; Intermediate: Mrs. Rose Jones and Mrs. LUa Moe Cash; Adult: P. G. Strother. Free Will Baptist i Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Sun 11:00 a.m. Wo j. Earicmiam/jftW^v,'.1..:. Tuesday:, ... - - 7:00 p.>nvP<%w!^^s Clubs Thursday: 8:00 p.m. ' Prayer fflfetinc l and Bible Study Located one-balf mile east of Loutsburg, Jost OC NC-B6. ? ' 'j' I:/- nu'; p?nr'$di?? WWVWi? ' I . . Homecoming Monday: ? Revival begins and will eon- j tlnue through Friday, June 23. Saturday: , 1.-00 p.m. Chflfch clean-up day. VBS was hMd;jta>e 3rt* June 9. There were Menrplled and the average attendance was s> ALL THE ICE YOU NfcfcD |l lor pennie$/ 0 ; AMMfTTOIHfT/Mt i , 'Tlx finest "(snuM" type qt *p?. . .cl?*r, h*rd,,lQO% pgr* Individual tofts, . C?n W ybur* tor u little *? if to lOf per ; 00 lbs. w?h the freat VneoJ Scots nun Super fltMr*.; Sight models, to meat every l<* need. TW" slmpl* p Instil with BO complicated connections. Koonoip lc*l to operate, #nd Uiey pmtfct aMOr into ftandfftf ?Metrical ootid*."' *? * :? m .? " < I St. Paul's Episcopal i ? Sunday; ? 1 10:00 a.m. Family Service, Combined Church School and Church Service Ushers: Charles Yarborough : and James L. Berger Acolyte; Kirk House i, ; ^Nursery Available St. Delight , S '? . ? ? . Sunday: 10:00>. Sunday School, Talmadge Best, Superinten dent U:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Worship Service Wednesday: 8:00 p.m. "The Hour of ; Power" 8:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal "The Church where Every body Is Somebody and Christ | la Lord." Trinity t i- 1 Vacation Church School will be held In the Trinity Meth odist Church next week, June 18-23, from 3 to 9 P.M. Registration will be held this Friday afternoon, June 19, from 3 to 5. The school will end next Friday , June 23, with a pic nic supper. Youngsville , Miss Bobble Jean Brock arrived here Tuesday from Texas to visit with relatives and take part In the wedding of her sister Miss Terry Brock. Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Evans and son are vacationing this week In Florida. Wiley Brown, Jr. left Mon itor for six months National Guard . Basic Training In Cal ifornia. /%, v * . ? ? ! i Mrs. Nelson Walden and members of her family have been at her home during the past week due to the death of her father. Rodney Roberts and Glen Evans and the members of ,thf(r families took Rev, L.J. Phillips and his family and Mr. Lin Finch to the Plan tations Inn for lunch on Sun day following the service for the Boy Scouts. Scoutmaster N. A. Brown was unable to attend with the group. ?i Instant rainbow. Over 900 paint colors mixed on-the-spot for you... by Bruning ! Pick colon like butterscotch, goose berry, cotton candy, tile, strewhat, maple sugar, arabian yellow . . ovtr 900 oicitlng point colon and shades mixed l?ta fitly and accurately by the Bruning Mlcromatic Color Dispenser! Stop ii| today for new homo decorating ideas , . . from Bruning I Available in all typos of inferior and etterlor Bruning paint! ! [BRUNING) WILSON BUILDING , SUPPLY ? River Rd. Louisburg, N. C. Vacation Schools Duke Memorial (JAP) Dally Vacation Bible School of the Duke Memorial Baptist Church concluded the week's activities with com mencement exercises held at the church Saturday evening June 10, at seven thirty. Pre paration Day was Friday morning June 2, at eight o'clock. m Total enrollment of the school was seventy-four with a dally average attendance of sixty-eight. The Rev. George L. Broome, paster of the church was prin cipal of the school and Mrs. Montagress S. Mercer was in charge of the music, Miss Jo Anne Carden was secretary and Mr. Z.T. Perry and Mr. Tra Bowden supervised the children with their handwork. Mrs. Lena Wheless was chairman of the Nursery De partment and assisted by Miss Joan Long. Mrs. Cora Mae Hayes was chairman of the Beginners with Mrs. Mable Bowden, Mrs. B.F. Wheless and Mrs. Wlnford Blake to help her. Primaries were under the supervision of Mrs. Faye Shearin, chairman and helpers Mrs. Floyd Murray, Mrs. Gertice Bowden and Mrs. Charles Harris. Mrs. Helen Bunn had the Juniors with Mrs. Ruby Lay ton and Mrs. Thelma Sykes helping her. Each evening the Interme diates held a special session with films, speakers and a question and answer periotf. They saw "Teen-age Loyal lty" and Tetn-age Testa- *? ment." One evening Mr. and Mrs. Colston Smith fromLoulsburg talked about Japan and showed some slides. The pastor, George L. Broome, spoke on "Removing Mountains", and ".Sex and Your Life". Follow ing this the pastor led a ques tion and answer period. Each evening Included rec reation under the supervision of Mrs. Rebecca Carden. The Intermediates bad an enroll ment of seventeen. Mrs. Harriet Wheless was chairman of the refreshment committee. Immediately . following the Commencement exercises Saturday evening, everyone adjourned to the fire house for Ice cream, cake, cookies and pie. Franklinton Methodist (Frk. B.W.) Vacation Bible School Is being conducted at the Franklinton Methodist Ed ucational Building this week under the leadership of Mrs. Woodrow Hasklns. Mrs. Sidney Green and Mrs. Joe Whltaker are the teachers for the Junior Department. Ann Pearce Is a helper In this department. Mrs. Flpyd Bell and Alice Green are the teachers In the Primary department. Mrs. Richard Gollghtly Is the teacher for the Kinder garden department. Assisting her Is Donna Holmes and Sarah Golightly. Janice Whltaker and Richie Whitfield are in charge of the nursery. .A picnic on Friday will con clude the activities of the week. WAKE FOREST READY MIX CONCRETE INC. TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU WAKE FOREST LOUISBURG 556-3851 GY 6-4975 DRIVEWAYS ? PORCHES A PATIOS SAND A GRAVEL ' t ? ? # Revival Service At Maple Springs Maple Spring* Baptist Church, located (our mile* east of Loulsburg on N.C. Highway 56, will have a series of revival services from June 26-30. The guest evangejlst will be Dr. Donald D, Moore. Dr. Moore Is Director of Counseling and Assistant Pro fessor of Pastoral Care at the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary In Wake Forest, North Carolina. He was educated at Gardner Webb College, Davidson College. Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary , Ap palachian State Teachers College, and the University Include Temple Baptist Mission, Gastonla, N.C.,Park Place Baptist Church, Thomasvllle, N.C. and others where he served as interim pastor. He was also Director of Counseling and Instructor In Psychology at Gardner Webb College from 1962-1964. Dr. Moore has" also served an Internship In the Depart ment of Pastoral Counseling at the N.C. Baptist Hospital. He Is well respected In his field and this respect Is re flected In his being selected the Young Man of the Year in Thomasvllle, N.C. In 1960. His professional fraternity Is OR MOORE Phi Delta Kappa. In preparation (or the revival services the church has scheduled the following cot tage prayer meetings: Mon day, June 19, in the home of Mr. George Perry; Tuesday, June 20, at the home of Mr. Seth Washburn; Thursday, June 22, at the home t>f Mr. C.O. Renn; and Friday, June 23, at the home of Mr. Q. Shelby Leonard. Each service will begin at 8:00 ED6T. Everyone within the Louls burg-Maplevllle area Is cor dially Invited to attend both the cottage prayer meetings and the revival services. Some bikinis are shown but other two piece suits are more popular than the bikinis. Our N?w JMiy do-it-yourself 25 1 car wash Now Open Save time, energy and money washing your car the modem "pressure wash" way. A powerful heated detergent spray removes dirt and grime . . ; even bugs. Then suds and dirt are whisked away by a clear water rinse. Men and women, youngsters and oldsters can all use this simple method. Just 25c for 5 minutes. Come on in# the washing is fun, fast and choapl PETE SMITH'S GARAGE ROUTE 3 L0UISBUR6, N. C. IGA VALUES BLADE CUT CHUCK HAST .19* I ROUND BONE SHOULDER CQt POACT h 33 BONELESS CHUCK Af|Al BEEF STEWJ69( . Aaa ? fl OUR QUALITY A GROUND BEEF ?1.29 bMLA J TOWELS .00 QQ. PINK QAl SALMON CAN""( AURORA O OCA TISSUE ROLLS EASY MONDAY SPRAY STARCH ' 290 DELMONTE .. PINEAPPLE i; Aft Al juice-2901 lHANDI-WRAP?25( MARGARINE 1 39C I VIENNA SAUSAGE 4 89(? I VINE RIPE TOMATOES a 10( FANCY YELLOW CORN 6 ears 39( JUICY FLORIDA LEMONS " 390 CRISCO ,3 & 79{, IM FORD VILLAGE GET ONE HUGE 11 1 14 Wall Pirtrait FREE (All You Pay is 50c Handling Charge) j | No age I limit ADULTS ?nd CHILDREN'S PHOTOGRAPHS jj Limit of one free portrait per family, additional^ subjects in same family $L00 each, groups $1.00jj per person. MURPHY'S SUPER MARKET; 215 E.NASH ST. LOUISBURG, N. C. | Date JUNE 21, 1967 j Time 10 A. M. To 6 P. M. MAKE HIM HAPPY ON FATHER'S DAY With A Gift From RAYNOR'S Start him off right with a REMINGTON* 200 SELECTRO SHAVER It's the shaver with the unique dial that adjusts to the tendere8t skin and toughest beards. 4 shaving positions plus TRIM for. a pop-up sideburn trimmer and CLEAN to pop enda open for instant cleaning. Two thin, sharp shaving heads. ON-OFF switch. 115 Volts,. AC. CONTACT FOR DEALER PRICES list $23*95 WE ARE WHOLESALE FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS^ REMINGTON RAYNOI'S Jewelry & Gift Co. Loulsburg, N. C. RALEIGH WHOLESALE JLRY. CO. ? RALEIGH, N. C. " SEE OUR SELECTION IN 6IFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS