Classified Ads ? - BATF<\ weguuar r?M I tJ CLASSIFIED .03 per >?oM minimum .SO per Insertion ? .50 per mil aervlco on keyed ads. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .TO per column Inch. MEMOIUAMS lame as Reg ular Classified. All classified ads must be accompanied by cask or check. FOR SALE BRACB yourself for a thrill the first time you use Blue Lustre to clean rugs. Rant electric shampooer (1. H. C. Taylor. 4-11 ch FOR SALE ? 67 Chevelle, Supersport 396, 4 speed. Easy term* - Call 496 5362. 4/9, U, 16 pd. FOR SALE ? 3 acres land with 1 acre road frontage on Highway 98 near Hagwood's Store. Fred Robbln, Rt. 1, You ngsv Ills. 4/9, 11 pd. FOR SALE ? 7-Room House, Bath. 1.28 acre lot. 5 miles from Loulsburg, Highway 561. Call Mrs. J.A. Dennls 883-2424. 4/2, 4, 9, 11 pd. FOR SALE? 1887 Chevelle. 396 - 4 speed. SuperSport. Easy terms. Call 496-5362. 4/4/, 9, U ch. ' SINGER: Sewing Uachlne cab inet model. Z1G-ZAGER, Buttonholer, Etc. Local person can finish pay ments $10.00 monthly or cash balance $38.90. See locally write: "National's Financing Dept.", Ad juster, Nichols, Drawer 280, Asheboro, N.C. 3/26, 28; 4/2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30 FOR SALE--Two homes In nice country surround ings. 0) Brick, 3 bed room, living room, kit chen-family room combi nation, 2 baths, fireplace, carport, nice lot, only $16, 500.00. (2) Three bedroom brick, living room, dining room, 2 baths, carport, full basement with com plete kitchen, large lot. $18,900.00. Contact Tri angle Realty Corp. of Loulsburg. Phone 496 5439. 4/11, 16 ch. FOR RENT FOR RENT ? Service Station and equipment with mod ern living facility conven ience. Loacated on US No. 1, 2 miles north of Franklin ton. If Interested contact J.W. Jenkins Corp., Hen derson, N.C. Phone 438 7123. 4/2, 4, 9, 11 ch. FOR RENT ? Two bedroom house; alio 1 bedroom mo bile home. See or call Clarence Edwards, Twin Oak Trailer Park, 496 4255. 4/9 Tu 4 Th tf ch. FOR RENT? 5 Room House ntar Loulsburg High School. Contact Herman Spencer at Spencer's Bar ber Shop. 4/2 Tu & Th tf ch. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MALE? Easy to learn. Light work full or part time. Average ?2.50 per hour and up. Write Rawlelgh Dept. NCD-350 604, Richmond, Va. 4/4, 11, 18, 25 pd. WAITRESS WANTED? Must fee is years old. Apply Dick's Drive Inn. Pbone 498-9011. __ sAa Th & Tu tf ch, WANTED? One man for responsible Job. Good pay, good benefits. Contact Dean Farms Inc., Loulsburg, 496-51 Zl. 4/t, 11 ch. ii if One of the troubles with the nation's economy I* that there are too many people sitting at executtre desks without Just ?MM or excuse. > * Classified Ads maid WANTED ? Colored woman over 40 to help cook and do general house work. Private Home. Must be reliable. Call 853-2334.