Entertains Canasta Club (FRK. B.W.) Mrs. H. F. Fuller entertained her Ca nasta Club on Wednesday afternoon. Her home was dec orated with seasonal dowers. Mrs. L.R. Ethrldge received high score prize for cluivwhlle second high and traveling prize went to Mrs. Garland Sandllng. Mrs. Owen WllderSras pre sented the guest prize. IXirtng the progressions, Mrs. Fuller served punch. ? At the conclusion of play, the hostess served a dessert course and coffee. Miss Inez Fuller assisted In serving. Party For Teenagers Youngsvllle ? Misses Janet and Harriet Pearce had a party at their home on Saturday night April thirteenth with approx imately thirty teenagers In at tendance to celebrate the holi day weekend. Decorations In keeping with the Easter season prevailed. During the evening guests were Invited to the dining room where the hostesses mother Mrs. E.J. Pearce ser ved refreshments of fruit punch, nuts, a variety of Eas ter candles and cupcakes. The cakes were decorated with pastel bits of candy and top ped with a party favor of an Easter Bunny or other tradi tional animal. The serving table was cover ed with a pastel designed cloth which bad matching napkins, plates and cups. Decorative center of Interest was a large festive rabbit flanked by light ed blue tapers. Arrangements of lilacs were used In the den where the young people gathered. Re corded music provided enter tainment. Thanks I would like to thank all of my friends and relatives In Franklin County for their prayers, phone calls and beau tiful cards and flowers sent during the Illness of my dear husband while he was ln Mem orial Hospital In Sarasota, Florida. I pray God's richest blessings on one and all. Mrs. Howard Wright The problem of living Is to find time for the things that we would like to do If we had tte time. It is a mistake for people to brand everybody as intol erant who does not accept what they believe. MRS. MEL BROU6HTON Mrs. Mary Ann Cooper Broughton, formerly of Henderson, wife of gubernatorial candidate J. Melville Broughton Is shown above at her home In Raleigh. Mrs. Broughton will be honored here Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5 P.M. by the county Women for Broughton Committee. The public Is Invited tothe tea to be held In the community room of the First Citizens bank building on Blckett Blvd. Youngsville Club Hears Of North Carolina Parks Youngsvllle ? How North Carolina Parks serve the people was told to members of the Youngsvllle Woman's Club at their meeting on Tues day night at the community house. Guest speaker was Mr. Morris Braxton who has been Supt. at W.a Um stead State Park lor the past seven years. Prior to that he was Supt. (or three years at the state lakes In Bladen County. After being Introduced by Program Chair man Mrs. Robert Neeb, Mr. Braxton stated ways In which the parks serve Is by pro tection of parks, providing natural recreation, natural education, and scientific preservation. He showed color slides which pictured areas of the thirteen state parks In North Carolina. Brochures were given out to clubwomen. President Mrs. L.J. Phil lips presided at the business meeting which was highlighted with the presentation of the annual President's Report. Mrs. J.W. Weather, Jr., as district chairman of Murdock Center, discussed a project of the club which Is the as sembling of clothing and other Items to be taken to Murdock at Butner for patients. Mrs. Weathers thanked clubmembers for their cooperation In bringing the needed contributions. Mrs. B.H. Patterson an VUTfc. r UK EDWARD F. (Jocko] GRIFFIN i (or STATE SENATE Subject To Democratic Primary May 4tn, ivos iw jhmi "EXPERIENCED - HONEST and RELIABLE" "Your "Vote And Influenoe Will Be Greatly Appreciated \ Pd, Pol. Ad. nounced that the annual club banquet would be held on May eighteenth at seven p.m. Mrs. N.A. Brown and Mrs. W.C. Tlmberlake, as county Cancer Crusade chairmen, announced that tickets were available (or the Cancer Bene fit Play to be presented by the Loultburg College Player* on Saturday night April 20th at the College auditorium. The public Is urged to attend the ^performance. Clubwomen were reminded to register and vote In up coming elections. Several an nouncements were made of political events and Invitations were extended to attend them. Incoming Club President Mrs. Ben Hudson, who will be Installed at the May meet ing, announced her committee appointments as follows: Help-A-Home Mrs. A.Y. Allen; Finance, Mrs. Allen St al lings, Mrs. J.T. Allen and Mrs. W.M. Roberts; Projects, Mrs. L.A. Woodllef; Program, Mrs. J.K. Tharrlngton; Scrap book, Mrs. A.N. Corpenlng and Mrs. N.A. Brown; Year book, Mrs. H.H. Reddlck; Pub licity, Mrs. R.E. Cheatham; Membership, Mrs. J.J. Hart; Community House, Mrs. James Smith; Awards, Mrs. W.C. Tlmberlake; Resolu tions and Revisions, Mrs. Evelyn A. Freeman; Chaplain, Mrs. L.J. Phillips. Hostesses for the evening were chairman, Mrs. B.G. Mitchell and Mesdames E.J. Pearce, G.W. Barnes, S.E. Tharrlngton and W.O. Rob erts. An Easter theme pre vailed. The serving table fea tured an Easter basket filled with colorful confections and complimented with traditional decorations. Refreshments consisted of cake squares, nuts andpunch. Chocolate Eas ter eggs were on each plate. Bride-elect Honored Miss Sylvia Long Gooding, bride-elect, was guest of honor Thursday night, April 11, at a lingerie shower given by Mrs. Daniel F. Gay and Mrs. Donald G. Adams In the Gay home at 1409 Westches ter Road In Raleigh. For the event, the hostesses presented Miss Gooding a corsage ol white feathered pompons and a gift of lingerie. The refreshment table was covered with an antique white Irish linen cloth. An lvy-en twlned arch supporting a daisy covered basket filled with white love birds decorated the table. The guests were served lime punch, petit fours, nuts, and mints. Among the guests were Mrs. G. Vernon Gooding, mother of the bride-elect, Mrs. Carl N. Ray, mother of the groom to be, Mrs. Guy V. Gooding, sister-in-law of the bride elect, Miss Becky Gooding and Miss Julie Gooding, nieces of the bride-elect. Also pres ent were Mrs. James D.Whe less and Miss Kim Wheless, aunt and cousin, respectively, of the groom to be. Miss Gooding, of Raleigh, will marry Robert Glenn Ray of Loulsburg on June 8, In Grove Presbyterian Church, Kenansvllle, North Carolina. Franklinton Mrs. Clifton Jackson Is a patient at R ex Hospital In Ral eigh. Mr. W.A. Shearon Is a patient at Duke Hospital In Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Park, Jr. and family of Rye, New York are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Parham. Mr. Park returned Sunday from Atlanta, Georgia after at tending the Atlanta Inter national Film Festival. He received 3 awards for J.Wal ter Thompson Company which he represented. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rowe Ethrldge and family of College Park, Maryland spent Easter Holidays with Mr. and Mrs. L.R. Ethrldge. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Win ston and grandson, Robert Winston, m of Charlotte spent the weekend with Mrs. Prls cllla Winston and Mr*. Ella Coulter. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pate and children of Alexandria, Virginia; Mrs. Frank Buleson and children of Murfreesboro spent the weekend with Mr. D.C. Hicks, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Hasklns. Sun day guests of the Hasklns were Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Hicks, Jr. and sons of Ral eigh, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hicks and family of Chapel Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Don Has klns of Norfolk, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Davis, Jr. and son of Rome, Georgia visited Mr. and Mrs. Craw ford Kearney during the holi days. Even a careful automobile driver will sometimes meet with danger ? It's a good rule to expect the other man to be careless. Grilled Bistecca ? New Steak Treat For centuries the Florentine people have been creating In teresting ways to serve Bl.*kecca (Italian for steak). Now we have taken a cue from the Italians and created a masterpiece with Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Spaghetti Sauce with Mushrooms. It's a new, dellclously exciting Idea and If you're one of the many accomplished outdoor chefs, you'll be delighted with the sauce. It gives real zest to a grilled steak. Start with a flank steak and marinate It for at least 4 hours or overnight. Then grill It, using half the marinade tor basting. Heat the rest of the marinade and serve It with slices of the grilled steak. You'll fine this sauce will also add new flavor Interest to grilled hamburgers, sparerlbs, and frankfurters. Grilled Blstecca 1 (15 1/2 oi.) can Chef Boy Ar-Dee Spaghetti Sauce with Mushrooms 2 tablespoons light brown sugar 3 tablespoons lemon Juice 3 tablespoons minced onion 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon prepared mustard Few drops Wor cestershire sauce 1 flank steak Mix all the above Ingredients together. Bring to a boll, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and cook gently, uncovered, lor about 5 minutes. Cool. Put flank steak In shallow baking dish. Pour over cooled mixture; refrigerate lor at least 4 hours. Prepare coals on outdoor grill. Drain steak, put on grill and cook for 4 to 5 minutes. Brush generously with marinade. Turn and grill on second side. Meanwhile heat rest of marinade and serve with sliced steak. Makes 4-6 servings. Fashion -Show Given At Franklinton PTA (FRK. aw.) Mrs. laleen Mode's Home Economics stu dents presented a Fashion Show at the meeting of the Frankllnton Parent-Teach er's Association on Tuesday evening in the school audi torium. The students first modeled clothes from the time of the Cave Man and on through the years to the time of the Space Man. Models were Barbara Rob erts, Bess Green, Wanda House, Charles Smith, Arthur Kearney, Sandra Frazler, Linda Buchannon, Patricia Radford, Peggy Hayes, Karen Colbert, Shanna Moore, Wen dy Gupton, Delores Johnson, Tommy Harris, Rose Eury, Jane Roberts, Mary Lou Haw kins, Betty Hayes, Ferbee Preddy, Barbara Jordon, Pat Hayes, Vlckl Murray, Nor rls Collins, Jr., Patsy Ray, Richard Smith, Susan Bowers, Sheryl Harris, Len Carter, Joyce Frazler, tiessa Harris, Sue Burke, Marie Nail, Ann Perry, Llbby Arthur, Carolyn Bracknall, Sharon Champion, Dlanne Collins, Erma Collier, Donna Mitchell, Teresa Corn, Wanda Parham, Susan Tu&er, "Barbara Alford, Pat Harper, Paula Parker, Wanda Eury, Shirley Piper, Delols Sills, Joan Davis, Etta Jordan, De nlse Jones, Wanda West, Sue Prlvette, Linda Ciudup. Mrs. Julia Carr presided over a short business ses sion. She announced that the o I Withdrawal Privileges Waccamaw's Golden Passbook Savings Accounts have two desirable features for thrifty couples who appreciate the 5 rc return they get (compounded quar terly, credited from date of deposit). First, withdrawal privileges without prior notice the first 10 days of any quarter (Jan. 1-10, Apr. 1-10, July 1-10, Oct. 1-10), if funds have been on de posit entire preceding quarter. Second, automatic withdrawal on schedules you set up for recurrent needs for ready cash. Depend on the BIG W BANK nearest you ? Addresses and phones in Yellow Paget There are Big W Banks in BEULAVILLE ? CHADBOURN ? CHINQUAPIN ? CLARKTON ? DUNN FAIRMONT ? KENANSVILLE ? LAKE WACCAMAW ? LELAND ? LOUISBURG ? LUMBERTON RIEGELWOOD ? ROSE HILL ? SHALLOTTE ? SOUTHPORT ? TABOR CITY ? WHITEVILLE YAUPON BEACH ready to serve you, your family and friends. Get acquainted with Big W! WACCAMAW WACCAMAW BANK AND TFWJST COMPANY Serving Eastern North Carolina's Land of Golden Opportunity Mdntar F?d?r?l Dtpotit I murine# Cofpontlon nominating committee would present its report at the May meeting. Mr. Wesley Jackson, prin cipal, spoke briefly about the possibility of the P.T.A. spon soring the Cub Scouts. No action was taken since an in vitation to the district scout executive will be Issued to speak at the next meeting. Mr. Jackson announced that Quill and Scroll had recently been organized In the local high school. He commended the Track Team for Its good record and the eighth grade TV Math Class for Its good work. The principal announced that the State Study Commission would meet at Loulsburg High School on Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. He explained the topics to be discussed and urged the parents to attend the meeting. Mrs. Betty Jean Tlmberlake announced that three Issues of the school paper, Charger, had been released. She re ported that Issues were a vallable at the meeting. Mr. Hiram Geudalla's home room and Mrs. Jane Wllder's homeroom won the attendance prizes. Mills 1958 Class Reunions The 1958 graduating class of Mills High School held a tan year class reunion at the Mur phy House Saturday evening, April 13, at seven o'clock. Class President Robert Al ston presided over the bus iness meeting and program (or the evening. Those participating In the program were Mrs. JeanWll llams Lloyd, Mr. Ronald Phelps, Mrs. Jane Eagles Allen, Mr. Thomas Cooke,' Mrs. Kaye Hayes Polk, Mrs. Page Allen Strickland, and Mrs. Janice Joyner Fleming. During the program a mem orial was read by Mrs. Strick land honoring a former teacher, the late Mrs. Susie Hayes Jackson. Door prizes were awarded at the conclusion of the din ner meeting. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alston of Salisbury; Mr. and Mrs. Ron ald Phelps of Blnghamton, N. Y.i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooke of Virginia E^ach, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Wilson of Frankllnton; Mr. and Mrs. (Kaye Hayes) Clyde F. Polk of Wlngate; Mr. and Mrs. (Frances Peoples) Bobby Cor - batt of Selma; Mr. and Mrs. (Judl Catlette) Robert Ed wards and Mr. Jack Avent of Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. (Page Allen) Lewis Strickland of En dlcott, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Medlln of Laurel, Maryland; Mr. and Mrs. (Jane Eagles) Robert Allen of Kln ston. Mr. Hartwell Newton; Mr. and Mrs. (Shirley May) Wil bur Southhall; Mrs. (Jean Wil liams) Ned Lloyd, Miss Peggy Young&ville Mrs. N.A. Brown and family spent the past weekend at Morehead, N.C. Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Cyrus, Jr. and children vacationed during^ the weekend In the Oregan Inlet area. Miss Mltzle Tharrlngton was here from ECU at Green ville for the weekend. Tomllnson; Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. (Peggy Kemp) Bobby Land; Mr. and Mrs. Richard South erland; Mr. and Mrs. (Betty Reams) Cooper Ayscue; Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Thayer, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Griffin, Jr.; and Mr. and Mrs. (Janice Joyner) William Fleming, all of Loulsburg. Mi*. Q.S. Leonard, former teacher, was also In at tendance. . Teenage Chat Youngsville Vickie Wheeler Finally, our baseball team has won a game. They de feated Edward Best 3-2. Bruce Alford scored two runs and Morris Catlett scored a nother. For any Interested fans, here Is the baseball schedule: April 19--Bunn at Youngs ville; April 23? Youngsville at Frankllnton; April 30? Youngsville at Loulsburg; May 3? Edward Best at Youngs ville; May 7 ? Youngsville at Bunn. This schedule Is sub ject to change with the weather. Birthday wishes gotoSandra Cash, Jlmmle and Tlmmle Johnson, Lisa Hart and Judy Hill. Word has It that things were really on the move at the Four Winds Club over the long weekend. Congratulations to the new Beta Club members on finally receiving their pins and cer tificates. Wonder If the Vel vet Cloak Is preparing for fourteen Invaders from Youngsville for the Beta Convention? "Honey" may have been a round for a long time, but it still grabs you! Wonder where Jo Anne ate dinner this past Sunday? College students home for Easter and spring holidays included Joe Hart, Sandra Hill, Ralph Brown, Lin Green, Jan Ice Pearce and Rexle Smith. ROWE CHEVROLET BUICK COMPANY APPRECIATION DAYS IN PROGRESS NOW We lmrlte you to Our showroom where every car or truck owner Is a winner. All you need do Is to present the registration card to your car or truck. Cbooae one number from your license plate. Then draw a number from the treasure chest. If you draw the matching number. You win a crisp new |2.00 bill. If not a winner for cash. In appreciation for your visit to our showroom. You will receive a "FREE" lubrication job to your car or truck. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK FOR YOUR CON VENIENCE. VISIT US AT "ROWE CHEV-BUICK COMPANY." PLUS FREE PEPSI'S FOR EVERYONE. LEGGETTS SA1E FORECAST WATCH YOUR LOCAL PAPER - WATCH YOUR MAIL BOX - LISTEH TO THE RADIO - SWATCH THE T.V. Founders Day Sale ? Coming Soon Prices Are OUT OF THIS WORLD LEGGETT S IS OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY STORE HOURS 9:30 TO 5:30 SHOP BY CASH-CHARGE OR LAY-A-WAY

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