The Fr \ Pwblitfctd !???* A Ikvrtdty h Times Wrvwt AM 0* Ptmkim Ctmmty Your Award Winning County Newspaper LOCAL EDITORIAL COMMENT Bright In The Eyes Senator Sam Ervin doesn't want Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas to become Chief Justice. He has made this abundantly clear. Senator Sam contends that no vacancy exists since Chief Justice Earl Warren left the date of his resignation open. Not too many people find them selves able to agree with the senior North Carolina Senator on this point. The Chief Justice could have offered President Johnson a date other than at such time as a successor has qualified. With the Court in adjournment, it would not have mattered had Mr. Warren just simply quit as of the day he sent in his resignation, but for some reason, big-time politicians sel dom do the reasonable thing. Many of us agree heartily with Senator Ervin that Abe Fortas has no business heading the country's big Court, if indeed, he has any business on the Court at all. To this end, we hope the Senator and his associates on the Senate Judiciary Committee are successful in their chosen position. Senator Sam is standing on much firmer ground now that he has aimed his guns at Fortas' position as an adviser to the President. This condi tion smells like a city dump on a hot, humid day. With the federal govern ment taking more and more private Citizens, school boards and others into Court with a startling degree of venom and frequency nowadays, it is some thing less than desired that the ad ministrative branch buddy up to and with the judiciary. The founders of this nation saw clearly the advantages of keeping the three branches of government se parate. Senator Ervin, being an advo cate of constitutional government, also sees it. But, during the past several years, leaders of this country have moved farther and farther away from this concept. Stopping Fortas might be a small sign that at least some of our leaders are beginning to see the light. May it shine ever brighter in the eyes of those who have heretofore attempted to snuff out the light altogether. Oh, Happy Day New York Governor Nelson Rocke feller marked off the South this week, when standing on the steps of Lin coln's home in Springfield, III., he said he wanted only those people who believed as he does on civil rights to follow him. He said he didn't need any others. This is typical of the liberals be they of the Republican or Democratic cloth. The custom is, as it has been for the past several years, to make the South the villian. Rockefeller, of the silver-spoon Rockefellers, believes Southerners to be red-necks, hayseeds and racists. If this sounds familiar, it should because the Kennedys and Johnson and Humphrey believe the same and have for years. Progress in important things which have occurred in the South over the years is forgotten. Only the press agent reports of racism impresses the candidates and, in their minds, the voters. There are people in other parts of the country who believe that Negroes are forced to walk on a different side of the street from whites in the South. Many believe that Negroes are whip ped with regularity and are brutally treated here. The fact that such hog wash is believed is to the credit of the liberals, the activists and the national news media. Even so, it is not so much that so many people in this land are misinformed as it is that those who know better play on this ignorance. The important thing is that this might well be the year when the Rockefellers, the Johnsons, the Humphreys and others like them are written off by the South. Oh, happy day. The Capacity Of Man that the capacity of man is unlimited has been proven over and over again, but it takes more than knowing this if man is to break loose from any sense of limitation that he may have accepted, as his human experience and out look. Certainly the inventive genius of man has proven that there are NO limits to what man can accomplish . . . if and when he opens his thoughts to the challenge. We need only look at the advance of radio and televsion, jet propelled planes, rockets that reach the moon, and the last Olympic Games where record after record was broken, to find evidence of this truth in actual operation. Could any of these accomplishments have taken place by those who say and believe, "We have reached our limit?" Limited or stagnant thinking finds little or no resting place in today's drama of progress. That individual suc ceeds who believes progress is unlimited and so-called records are here today, only to be broken tomorrow. The champions of tomorrow are those who believe in the limitless capacity of man, knowing that human endurance is continually strengtherfcd and enlarged by spiritual en lightenment. . . . WKB The n Times Established 1870 Published Tuesdays * Thursdays by The Franklin Times, Inc. 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