The FrMljtii Times ?- Published Every Tuesday & Thursday Serving All Of Franklin County Tel. GY6-3283 Ten Cents Louisburg, N. C., Tuesday, July 23, 1968 (Sue Pages Today) 99th Year-Number 45 First Visit To The Baiter On a dull day, a photographer's delight is some youngster being subjected to his very first barber-shop experience. Almost always the youngster will cry, wiggle, cry some more, jump out of the chair, threaten the barber and in general make a real photogenic spectacle of himself. Not so, however, last week with little Bradley Hagwood, age 15 months. The charming youngster enjoyed every minute of it including the flashing photographic bulbs. Not only did he fail to cry, he smiled throughout. Somewhat curious as to just what City Barber Shop barber Odell Arnold was doing behind his head, Brad turned a few times, but other than this, he was a barber's (and parents) delight, much to the disappointment of an ever-eager photographer. The charmer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hagwood, formerly of Franklin founty and now residing in Morristown, Tenn. Staff photos by Clint Fuller. The OM Lamplighter? 0< long, long " Times Managing Ed