How To Deal With Older People New York (NAPS) - The Idea that the aged cannot cope with modern living may be as old as the hills-but it's not too intellignt. Today it's clear that the older genera tion can do all right on its own, and even better with a little help from the rest of us. What can be done? Few, things are more important to our senior citizens than keep ing active. (Arts, crafts, and conversation are part of the gamr.) You can -help older people lick the age-old enemy of old age? time. Even when older people are confined to the home, they enjoy company. Urge friends to drop by. Make sure each member of the family spends some time with the elderly person. Encourage him or her to accept age with grace. "What is old age? this thing that makes young people shudder and older people weep?" asks Dr. Os wald Hoffmann of radio's famed Lutheran Hour, heard every week over more than 1,200 outlets. "When do we get old? I had a friend of 75 who never got old. He died eventually, but he never grew old. He was always young ?with young ideas, young ways of doing things, a youthful approach to all of life, always getting ready for tomorrow and looking for ward with excitement to the day after tomorrow. 'The man who can accept his white hair as a crown of glory cannot be a crepehang er, an apostle of gloom, a peddler of sadness." What are some of the ways to assist senior citizens and to benefit from their venerable judgement, experience and offtimes lively outlook on life? Here are several other suggestions on how younger people can avail themselves of the wisdom of age, and, at the same time, give a more youthful viewpoint ot the aged. ASK THEIR ADVICE ON WORK AND LIVING PRO BLEMS. If you're planning to move or make other arrange ments in your way of life, talk it over first. Yoyll often find not only encouragement and support for your move, but practical and timely help on doing it well. You may be surprised to find that a close relative has been way ahead of you in this and only wait ing for you to bring up the subject. AID THEIR CALLEN GES. If an elderly person wants to move to Florida, CARPET NEEDS VISIT TAYLOR S FLOOR COVERING SHOP FEATURING Ca irpci ('mrismssuir Mohawk 25 DIFFERENT CARPET SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM PRICE FROM $395 TO $17.95 SQ. YD. CARPETS FOR HOMES AND CHURCHES FREE ESTIMATES HARDWARE IPUB.MITUB" r dont burst into tears or try emotional balckmail such as "Little Johnny will miss you so." For many, retirement is not the end of the road but a chance to find new friend ships and a new and interest ing way of life. . WRITE NEWSY LETTERS. One grandmother says the kind of letters she best likes to get are those filled with news of the family at work or play -and often the most, trivial details you may not think worthy of inclusion turn out to be the most interesting. Whether you confide your troubles or not is a matter of how close your relationship is. If you do, however, it's often best to take an upbeat view of the matter. (Say: "Harry had a fight with his boss last week, but I think he's on the road to getting the dispute strai ghtened out now"-not "Un less Harry manages to smooth over his bov's feelings he's going to hav? to look for another job"). REMEMBER ANNIVER SARIES AND BIRTHDAYS. Often, the older a person gets, the more precious are his memories. Be sure you commemorate anniversaries and birthdays by sending appropriate greetings and pre sents. keeping active. (Arts, crafts, and conversation are part of the game.) You can help another to simply pitch in and put up the screens, haul the trash, or do whatever has to be done to help. For instance, it is especially help ful to an older person for you to do chores which involve standing on a ladder, since even the healthiest can suffer from a feeling of dizziness on heights. VISIT AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN. Dan't let holidays or other special days slip by without a visit if you are even remotely in hailing distance. May elderly people say that they stay busy and in good spirits until 1 Sunday or other special holiday comes along when they have little to do? and consquently they come down with the slumps. If you can't possibley visit, make sure you send a warm personal message. . AID IN ADAPTING TO CHANGE. Don't throw cold water on new projects, part -time jobs or hobbies. Such morale-builders can actually improve the circulation, stir up new vitality and may even help improve general health. Instead, help launch the ven ture with a suitable present and a blessing- -and show by your attitude that you very much want ot help it succeed. "There is nothing young people do that is more im portant than to prepare for the same time, give a more youthful viewpoint to the aged, about that very much when we are young, but it is still true. Music lessons can be sheer drudgery when we are SOUTHERN DISCOUNT COMPANY <" 107 SOUTH MAIN STREET LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA, NOW OPEN WE ARE NEW IN TOWN INSTALLMENT ??AA00 LOANS UP TO $600' young, but music becomes a delight to those who can en joy it in their mature years, because they prepared for that enjoyment when they were young." In the meantime, before reaching the golden years, you can extend your own youth and vitality by helping someone else extend his. Health And Beauty If you tried many times to reduce, and failed, presum ably from the lack of will power, It may mean you need to change your attitude. In the first place, you must really want to lose extra pounds badly enough to en dure some uncomfortable days. This desire is the one thing that is the basis of all successful diets. Psychologists tell us that in this department many people have a "mind set." They say that, although you dont want to fall, you fear you will, and you half-way expect to. An extremely nervous person will over-eat because, by drawing a great amount of blood'to the diges tive tract to digest the food, body tension is relieved. The mind is not clear and keen. Over- large amounts of food are used as a kind of sedative by some. There are numerous other reasons for over-eating-self pity, an inferiority complex the list could go on and on. The important thing is to understand your inability to diet. Once the problem is over come, you are ready to choose your diet plan. If you want to lose a great deal of weight, It is important that you consult you doctor. He will tell you how fast to lose weight, the best diet for you, and how much exercise to take during your diet. If you want to lose four or five pounds, you will prob ably be able to do this by simply reducing your intake of food. Protection . . . Mrvioa. You gat tham both-whan you intura ycAjr car and homt through an in dapandant Inturanca agant Wa'ra indapandant aganti. If you hava a low. wa aaa you gat paid promptly, (airly. Call ut today for worry-fraa protec tion. HODGES INSURANCE AGENCY Phon* 496-5166 N. MAIN ST. Loutoburg. N. C. Garden Time By M. E. Gardner i Many times boxwood troubles are difficult to diag nose. Many home gardeners attempt to grow these plants out of their range of adapt ability which compounds problems. The two most_ common types are: the American box wood, and the English box wood. Neither of these types are adapted to our coastal plains region but do best in the Piedmont and mountains. The Japanese box (Buxus microphylla japonica) is more heat tolerant and better adapted for growth in the coastal areas. Boxwoods grow best in semi-shaded locations with some protection from cold, drying winds in the winter season. If some protection from cold winds Is not afford ed, there is likely to occur a mild form of cold damage expressed by bronze foliage in the spring. This is usually not serious and the plants will recover when new growth Is initiated in the spring. The soil should be reason ably good, well drained and aerated. Equal volumes of peat and soil place around the plants at setting time will help. Dont set plants too deeply. Place the ball (whether from container of balled and burlapped) even with the soil level, mulch and keep moist after setting. Two applications of fer tilizer, such as an 8-8-8, are usually sufficient. Make the fint application when growth starts in the spring; and the second about the middle of June. Spread the fertilizer evenly over the root system and away from the trunk of the plant. Use about one fourth measuring cup for each foot of height. Boxwood plants seem to be especially susceptible to nematodes. They can be con trolled by drenching the soil around the plants with a nem atocide; either Nemagon or Fu ma zone. Both materials should be carefully used ac cording to instruction on the container. For branch blight, twig blight and Phytophthora blight, J. C. Wells, extension About Your Home If you want quick color for your flower border or window box, try coleus. The foliage will make a perfect highlight for a border, win dow box, or terrace planter. The leaves are like velvet brocade, India prints or paisley. There is a wide range of bright clear colon from pink, rose, bright yellow green. and salmon, to bronze, pathologist, suggests the use of the following fungicidal spray schedule, using Fer bam: first spray, as new leaves are breaking out of the buds; second, two weeks later; and third, four weeks later. Sanitation will also help. Remove diseased stems and they appear and keep the plants free of leaves and twigs that fall from the trees. Staff Photo from (US Television liv (lint Fuller ARMSTRONG AND ALDRIN PLANT FLAG ON THE MOON deep purple, mahogany, rust, and magenta. These plants are easy to grow from seed. The first leaves to form will be bright green, but do not worry after three or four have formed on the first shoot, the leaves will take on adult coloring. For very best results, coleus like a permanent place in the semi-shade. Pinch the tops out of the shoots once or twice to insure bushy clumps. Your favorite colors can be insured by taking cuttings for rootlngs. These cuttings will root readily anytime dur ing the year. Coleus can be brought in side during the winter. Sot them in a bright south win dow. Coleus foliage does well for winter bouquets. Try pressing it b< 'tween absorbant paper or placing it upside down in a box and covering it with borax. PORTRAIT SPECIAL FOR EVERYONE Compart at $25.00! Plui 50t C?mtr? Fm GENUINE FULL COLOR PORTRAITSI SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or your monoy. rtfundtd. FOR ALL AGESI Babtti, ehildrtn, aduitt. Oroupi photo ? graphtd ol on additional chart*. LIMITED OFFER I Ont por tubjtct, on* ptr family. GROUPS INVITED! Bring your old photo for copying. PRESTIGE HOUSE OF COLOR NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS One Day Only SATURDAY, JULY 26th 11 A. M. ? 7 P. M. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE FRANKLINTON, N. C. Philco Ana uuanty Furniture Continue To Bring You Moon-Age Savings Gel a Philco: Get enough extra space for a 70 lb. watermelon. And that Philco will (it in the same kitchen space as most old refrigerators. How's that for a better idea? Almost two cubic feet of extra storage space? in a Philco Refrigerator that won't take one bit more kitchen space than your old refrigerator. Modal RD16J6 PHILCO RefrigeratorFreezar C AAA A f* a 15.S cu.ft. capacity In a caMnat only 30' wlda b /UQ O V ? No dafroatlns avarl ? Bis 131 lb. fraazkr ? Daap- A # # ? M J a No dafroatlng avarl a Big 131 lb. fraazfer ? Daap (half storaga doort a Twin vagatabla crlapara a Saparata adjuatabla cold control* In fraazar and rafrlgarator aactlom a Phllco Powar Siavar raducaa oparatlng coat ? PHILCO The better idee people In refrigeretore. PMK.CO-*"0?0 CCJ??"QnATiOH QUALITY FURNITURE CQ. S. Bickett Blvd. Phone 496-4876 Louisburg, N. C.