Classified Ads Bit*c regular H41V9 CLASSIFIED .OB P* word minimum $1.00 per insertion ? .50 par run ?arvica on kayad ids. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY %A par column inch. M EMORIAMS sama a* Classified Display. AN Clmifiad ads mutt ba paid In advanca. FOR SALE FOR SALE: Chain link fence, over 225 ft of fence plus 3 walk and I double drive gates, steel posts and caps, tension bars, top rails, and all fittings. Call 496-3550. 8/21 Th & Tu tf ch. FOR SALE - Barrels - solid oak, just like new. Tele phone 269-2291, Zebulon. 8/14. 19, 21, 26, 28; 9/2 Pd FOR SALE - 1962 2-Ton Ford F600 Truck. Call 853-2117, L. H. Dickens & Son. 8/19, 21, 26, 28 ch. FOR SALE ? Fire extin guishers. We carry a com plete tine for business, home, marine and land ve hicles. Call or see Allen Person, Parson Machine Shop. 496-3331, Loub burg. 5/6 Tu & Th tf ch. FOR SALE: Upright piano. Good condition. Contact Mrs. C. N. Frisbie. 496-3711. 8/26, 28 pd. LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A-Diet tablets. Only .98 cents. Scoggin Drug. 8/19, 26; 9/2, 9, 16 pd. TAKE soil away the Blue Lustre way from carpets and upholstery. Rent elec tric shampooer $1. H. C. Taylor. 8/26 ch. FOR RENT FOR RENT: September 1. Three room duplex, tub and shower. H. C. Perger son. Phone 496-3716. 8/26 pd. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom mobile home. Twin Oak ra - FWrk Aflfi 7/17 Th& Tutfch. Help Wanted WAITRESS WANTED - Second shift, must be 18. Apply Dick's Drive Inn. 7/24 Th & Tu tf MAN NEEDED to keep yud and shru berry trimmed. Call 496-3156 between 8:30 and 5:00. 8/19 Tu & Thtf ch. WANTED: TV technican, good starting salary, group Insurance, retirement plan, other fringe benefits. Con tact R. R. Smith, Thomas Woods Co., Henderson. 8/21, 26, 28 ch. WAITRESSES: Pitt time weekend and full time positions for neat ind pleasant girls. Experience not necessary as we will train you. Apply In person Shoney's Big Boy Rest aurant, downtown Blvd., Raleigh. 8/21, 26. 28; 9/2, 4,9,11, 16, 18, 23, 26,30 eh. SERVICE WB SPREAD lima and far tilbar for tea. L H. Dickens & Son, Rt. X Loulaburg. 863-2117 11/36 Tu tf ch. SERVICES - Septic tanks and Otmm Traps, cleaned and repaired Wall pump i retaliation and repairs. Plumbing repairs. Contact Monk Smith, E- Green Street, Frankllnton. 8/5-9/2 pd. Opportunities SPARE TIME INCOME: Re filling and collecting money hum NEW TYPE high-quality coin-operated rUspsriaan in your ana. No sail log 1V> qualify you must hare car, references, $600 to $2900 caah. Seven to t waive hours weekly can net excellent monthly Income. More full time For persons!) interview write UNITED DISTRI BUTING CO , DEPT. A, t. O. Box 10606, Dallas, Tens 7 6 207. Include phone number. 8/26 pd. .Classified Ads BEAUTIFUL, OPPOR TUNITY with Merie Norman Cosmetics ? Be Indepen dent!! - Exciting and re warding Franchise oppor tunity with your own re tail cosmetic store. Merie Norman Cosmetics offers you a prestige business with complete guidance and free continuous train ing. Financing Is Available ? Write, wire or call col lect: Miss Pat Harris, MERLE NORMAN COS METICS Dept. LN9, 9130 Bellanca Ave., L. A., Calif. 90045 (area code 213) 641-3777.8/26, 28; 9/2, 4 ch. LOST LOST: Black miniature poodle from the Louisburg Road on August 10th. Was wearing collar with tag. Answers to Smokey. Re ward. Call 494-2272 in Franklinton. 8/26 pd. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Richard C. Whitfield Optometrist Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Dr. Perry's Building Hours: 1:30 to 5:00 P.M. Phone Daily Except GY 6-4165 Wed. JOHN F. MATTHEWS Attorney & Counsellor at Law Practice In All Courts 215 Court Street Ph. 496-3523 or 496-3486 Louisburg, N. C. Hours by Appointment LUMPKIN fc LUMPKIN Attorneys at Law Louisburg, N. C. Ground Floor Office Next to Harris Pharmacy Practice in Franklin & Surrounding Counties, and in Federal Court HILL YARBOROUGH CHARLES YARBOROUGH Lawyers Ground Floor Office In Yar borough Bldg on Main St Second Building from Post Office 1 jjM ichlirU N. r Telephone: OY 6-3185 General Practice in all Courts LOUISBURG MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY Homeowner, Life, Hospitalization, Annuities, Business, Hail Gene Pleasants 207 N. Main Street Louisburg, N. C. Bus. Phone 496-5425 Res. Phone 496-5370 Legal Notice CO-EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified a* Co Executors of the estate of Maggie Edwards Mitchell, de ceased, late of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the underrigned on or be fore the 26 day of February, 1970, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All person* indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 22 day of August, 1969. Staley M. Mitchell, Luther Glenn Mitchell, Co-Executors 8/26; 9/2, 9, 16 pd. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY Under and by virtu* of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Mar-Way Rein forced Plastics Corporation, to 0. M. Beam, Trustee, dated September 12, 1967, and recorded in Book 662, page* 2S6-238, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned Substitute Truttee by an in strument of writing dated the 28th day of July, 1969, and recorded In Book - page -, In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured, and the said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the Indebtedness thereby se cured having demanded fore closure thereof, for the pur Legal Notice pose of satisfying said indebt edness, the undersigned Sub stitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Louis burg, North Carolina, at 11:00 o'clock, A.M. on the 30th day of August, 1969, the lands conveyed In said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in Franklin County, Louisburg Township, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West side of North Church Street, Louisburg, North Carolina, comer for Garland Mustian, which is North 35 degrees East 48.1 feet from the intersection of the curb lines on the north side of Nash Street and the West side of Church Street; thence North 54 degrees West 83.9 feet to W: E. Underbill's cor ner; thence North 36 degrees 15 minutes East 101.8 feet to a stake, Willis Perry's corner; thence South 54 degrees East 80.15 feet to a stake on the inside of . curb on Church Street; thence South 35 de grees West 102.5-feet to the beginning and being the lot conveyed to Grace Hall Stokes by deed recorded in Franklin County Registry Book 324, page 56, and by her to Joseph T. Lane and Alice W. Lane by deed re corded in Franklin County Registry, Book 644, page 43, reference to which is hereby made. Included in this con veyance is the right of the party of the first part to the permanent use as a part of the brick wall between the buildings situate upon the lot hereinbefore described and the brick buildinp adjacent thereto. The successful bidder will be required to make a 10% deposit on the date of the sale. Posted this 30th day of July, 1969. 0. RICHARD WRIGHT Substitute Trustee D. F. McGougan Attorney at Law Tabor City, N. C. 8/5, 12, 19, 26 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY LARRY EUGENE LUND, Plaintiff VS. DARLENE B. LUND, Defen dant TO: DARLENE B. LUND: Take notice that a plead ing seeking relief against you has been filed In the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: an action for absolute divorce upon the grounds of one year separation. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 3rd day of October, 1969, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This 4th day of August, 1969. s/ RALPH S. KNOTT Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina 8/6, 12, 19, 26 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICA TION IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVI SION BEFORE THE CLERK NORTH CAROUNA FRANKLIN COUNTY NANNIE THOMAS BURT, Widow; ANNIE THOMAS, Unmarried; MARY THOMAS ALSTON and huibind, PERRY ALSTON; SAMUEL BURT and wife. MAMIE W. Burt V8 CORA THOMAS WILLIAMS and hutfwnd, WILLI AM IRA WILLIAMS TO CORA THOMAS WILLIAMS AND WILLIAM IRA WILLIAMS: Take notice that A pleading aaeklng relief against you haa been AM in the abort- entitled special pro The nature of the relief being aought ia aa foliowa: partition of land owned by the petitioner! and reapon dents In Sandy Creek Town ?hip. Franklin County, North Carolina, containing approxi mately 63.6 acres. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 24 day of September, 1969, and upon your lailure to do so, the petitioners seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This, the 7 day of August, 1969. Ralph S. Knott, CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT 8/12, 19. 26; 9/2 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROGRESS BY PUBLICATION IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVI SION NORTH CAROUNA FRANKLIN COUNTY ANNIE GREEN PERRY, Plaintiff VS. WILLIS PERRY, JR., Defen dant TO WILLIS PERRY, JR. Take notice that A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: An action for abeolute di vorce upon the grounds of one year separation. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 27th day of September, 1969; and upon failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 6th day of August, 1969. Ralph S. Knott CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT FRANKLIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROUNA LUMPKIN & LUMPKIN, ATTORNEYS 8/12, 19, 26; 9/2 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICA TION IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK 69-SP-90 NORTH CAROLINA FRANKLIN COUNTY W. H. TAYLOR, Adminiatra tor of PATTIE 0. BEVES, DECEASED, Petitioner VI. E. CLIFTON MITCHINER; WILLIAM A. MITCHINER; MARY M. UNDERHILL; BELLE M. ELLINGTON; LUCY M. MIMS; JAMES W. MITCHINER; ELLA M. PEARCE; MARY J. COMP TON; JOHN RAYMOND JONES; PEGGY M. MAR CUS; BELLE M. WIGGS; GAIL MITCHINER; EDITH S. BULLUCK; ELLA S. BAINES; FESTUS A. MITCHINER; TEMPIE M. CANNADY; WATSON MITCHINER; LILLIAN M. STEPHENSON; J. BERNICE TOMLINSON; OLIVIA M. WILDER; BYTHAN TOM LiNSON; LINWOOD (LYMAN) TOMLINSON; KATHLEEN TOMLINSON; LOUISE T. KEARNEY (KENNY); MARIE T. SMITH; LELA T. BROOKS; HELEN MATTHEWS (MATTHIS); LACY STEPH ENSON; PARKER STEPH ENSON; MILLARD STEPH ENSON; JUDSON STEPHE NSON; STEPHEN S. STEPH ENSON; THOMAS MITCH INER; MARIE M. WOOD ARD; LAVENIA.M. SELBY (SHELBY); JIM MITCHI NER, JR.; MARY M. BANKS; EMILY M. PUR NELL; CHARLES A. SHER ROD; LOUISE W. PREVATT (PRAVETTE); RUTH W. PARTIN; BETTY VANN MITCHINER; FLORENCE A. MITCHINER. Incompe tent, and MARGUERITE MITCHINER, General Guard ian of Florence A. Mitchiner, Incompetent; MARGUERITE MITCHINER, Individually; VIOLA M. GILL; ROBERT MORRIS FOSTER; WIL LI AM EDWARD FOSTER; JOHN WYATT FOSTER, JR., VIROINIA F. WATTS; MARY F. MILLER; DORA F. O I BBS; SUSIE F. STOKER; JAMES L. KILGO, JR.; LOUISE K. HUDSON; SUSANNE K. BRASWELL, and ORACE T. TURNER, Defendant! TO the Defendant! Marie T. Smith; Mary J. Oompton; J. Bernice Tomilnaon, John Raymond Jonea; Gall Mitch iner; Edith 3. Bulluck; Robert' Morris Porter; Dora F. Gibba; Legal Notice Lavenia M. Seiby (Shelby); Mary F. Miller; William Ed ward Foster; John Wyatt Fos ter, Jr.; Virginia F. Watts; Marie M. Woodard; Susanne K Braswell and James L Kilgo. Jr.; and all unknown heirs and distributees at law of Pattie 0. Beves, Deceased, and other unknown persons who are or may be interested in the subject matter of the above-entitled special pro ceeding: TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in this proceeding in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin Oounty, North Carolina. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: For distribution of the assets in the hands of the Petitionet belonging to the estate of Pattie 0. Beves, Deceased, which assets are more par ticularly described in the Peti tion filed herein. You, and each of you, are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 26th day of September, 1969; and, upon failure to do so, the party seeking relief against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the 14 day of August, 1969. Ralph S. Knott, Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County YARBOROUGH & JOLLY, Attorneys for Petitioner 8/19, 26; 9/2, 9 Birds need great amounts of food, National Geographic says. Young starlings some times devour their own weight of insects and berries in a day. After one meal a flicker's stomach was found to contain 5,040 anta. A bob white's held 10,000 pigweed seeds. The 12,600-foot-high rim of the moon crater Coper nicus towers higher above the crater floor than do the Rocky Mountains over Den ver's mile-high plain. National Geographic says. Who'll pay the mortgage? Nationwide Insurance can ? with, one simple program for your mort-j I jage jour bouse. Call now fori W. H. "Jeny" Horton, Jr. 203 N. John Street Tel. Gy6-3345 Loubburg, N. C. ?P tyt ?ft Msf of it you die, or p aya you monthly if you can't work due to injury or ? Proltclt nrr homt tod poaaea aiona against all usual hazard* ? 6k, wind, theft, liability. Broad protection at low rate*. Tta ? lwWiHiaaUila?e|e?Jfc Nationwide Insurance Nttlomrltft Mutual Hrt lntur?nc? C?. MatiofiwMt Lift Insurance Co. RtttoftwM* Mutual intufanca C?. Mom Oftkii Coliwtfwji. Otuo CARPET NEEDS VISIT TAYLOR'S FLOOR COVkRING SHOP FEATURING ( '? iitri / t.mrisn- \ >.//// Mohawk 26 DIFFERENT CARPET SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM. PRICE FROM S3. 96 TO S17.0S SQ. YD. CARPETS FOR HOMES AND CHURCHES FREE ESTIMATES H.C. TAYLOR The man who worki the longest hours is not neces sarily the man who gets the long green. Reduce safe & fast with GOBESE tables & E-VAP "water pills" Pleasant's Drug, Louisburg. SPECIALTY SALESMEN Opportunity for per manent position, good solid future with rapidly growing company. Can make $9,000 to $12,000 first year with built-in in creases from first year's efforts. Must be bondable and able to furnish best character references. Com plete training. Ages 21-55. Write Box C c/o The Franklin Times - AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REPAIR headquarters EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL KINDS OF AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS MOST PARTS IN STOCK FOR PROMPT EFFICIENT GUARANTEED SERVICE PETE SMITH'S GARAGE Rt. 3, Louisburg, N. C. Phone 496-4983 Protection . . . mt vice You get them both -when you insure your car end home through an in dependent insurance agent. We're independent agents. If you have a loss, we see you get peid promptly, fairly. Call us today for worry-free protec tion. HODGES INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 496-5155 N. MAIN ST. Louisburg, N. C. FOR the best in COMMERCIAL PRINTING! CALL THE FRANKLIN TIMES NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TAXIS for 1968 TOWN OF YOUNGSVILLB, N. C. Pursuant to an order of the Board of Towa Pn?Mii r*. for Town of Youngsville, N. C. and by law provided, I mV at public outcry to the highest bidder for caih at the Town Hall Door, In Youngsville, N. C. beginning IX o'eipck Doom, DST., on 8 September 1969 the liens for 1968 taxes on the Real Estate Property described b?^w, and the amount which is shown opposite the names of the tax payers owing said taxes, and which amounts do not include penalties aad coat on the property set forth as follows: Elmo Bar ham, 1 Main St. $S3.M E. C. Bell. 1 R R Street 17.90 W. V. Cook, 1 Nassau 27.07 Esther Green, 1 Main 21.46 Wade Harris & Marlie Choplin, 1 Persimmon 9t. 23.93 Mollie Perry, 1 South Youngsville 20.13 Mrs. C. L Wrenn, 1 Main 3.96 Vernon Dunston Estate. 1 Nassau 8.08 Mary Ora Harris, 1 Cross St. 1.32 Matthew Jeffreys, Estate, 1 Pine 3.62 Will HarTis, 1 South Youngsville 11.92 James Wilder, 1 Spivey 11.97 Cleveland Williamson, 1 Nassau 25.34 William Winston, Estate, 1 Spring 1.32 This the 11th day of August 1969 ifcU J. A. Green, Tax Collector for the Town of YoHhpVUIe, N. C. 8/12,19,26; 9/2 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE TAXIS Pursuant to the order of the Town Council of ' ? 'rtiirg. N. C., and as by law provided and Iq accordance with the chart* of the Town, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cadi at the Armory door in Louisburg, N. C., Beginning at 12 o'clock Noon D. L. S. T. on Monday, 9?pUo*? S, 1969, the leins for 1968 taxes on real property described below, the amount of which are shown opposite the names of the tax listers owing said taxes and which include penalities and coats to date of sale. R. Lee Johnaon, T*x Collector t * Town of Loutabiug Ann P. Allen, No. 5 Tangle wood Dr. $ 37.19 Frad C. Hight, 1 bldg. E. Nash St. 16.28 Mrs. Curtis G. Lancaster, 1 home N. Main St. - 30.22 Mrs. Ida M. Latta, 1 home N. Main St. 41.56 Clyde W. Leonard, 1 home, Kenmore Ave. 19.13 Louisburg Cotton Oil Co , 1 lot Kenmore Ave. 98.56 _ James P. Lumpkin, 1 Np. 39 Lumpkin BaL 46.08 | Mrs. Mart F. Lumpkin, 1 home, N. Main St. 33.92 Mrs. Martha F. Maryn, 1 lot, Loy St. 6.91 Mar-Way Reinforced Plastic Inc., 1 BUg. Chwcfch St. 74.16 Mid- State Home Inc., 1 Alberta Williaip off Mineral Springs Rd. tlU Mrs. L. J. Pemell, 1 home, Qiurch St. ,, . 15.14 Mrs. Annie P. Perry, 1 home, Kenmore Ave. . 16.48 Bland B. Pruitt, 17 lota L 27 thru 43 Shannon VI. 1 lot K No. 15 Shannon Vil., 1 Home, hna Ck., 1 lot Btckett Blvd. 1 lot K No. 12 Shannon VH? 1 Bullard, Pvrsoo Ck., 2 B No. 16 & 18, 13 A No. 1-13, 14 iota F 113 fc No. 13 lots E No. 1-6, 14 -20, 1 lot D No. 14, 17 lota G " 1-17, 2 lota J No. 2 ti 3, 9 lota M No. 1-9, 14 lota I No. 1-14 lota B . i _ No 1 -5, 17, 19, 23, ?i 24, 18 Iota H No. Mi f ' '#6.1 Riverside Serv. Station, 1 station, S. Main St. 54.!) Shannon Realty Co. Inc., 1 lot B. No. C Shannon Vtt 30 lot Shannon VU., 2 R. R. Storage, 5 Homes Shannon VU No. 4, 6, 7, 12 L 13 2 Lewis B. Alston, Heirs, 1 lot R. R. St. SusU M. Bowden, Heirs, 1 S. Main St. Joe Branch, 1 home, Kenmore Ave. Bennie Brown, 2 Mineral Sprinp Mary E. Cooley, 1 Mineral Springs Tealle Crudup, Heirs, 1 Halifax John F. Davis, 1 home raw of College Joe Dent & Tesaie Davis, Heirs, 1 home off Dm St. Ba Ben Egerton, 2 R. R. St. Eddoe Lee Egerton, Heirs, 1 R. R. St, Paul C. Engram, 1 home rear of Collage Alex Fogg, 1 home off Blckett Blvd. ' ? Simon Harris, 1 home Mineral Spring Hazel Hayes, 1 lot Mineral Springs St. Zelma (i Ernest T. Johnson, 1 Halifax Rd. Frank W. Leonard, Heirs, 1 Mineral Spring* St. Sara Neal, Heirs, 1 Kenmore Ave. Willie Neal, 1 Cooley John H. & Millie N. Perry, 1 home Kenmore Ave. Norman Perry, 1 R. R. St. John & Emma Smith, 1 rear of Colle?r Percy Ward, 1 home Kenmore Ave. John E. Williams, Jr., 1 Halifax Rd. Lizzie L. Williams, 1 home Cedar 9t. 8/12, 19, 26; 9ff EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES FRANKLINTON PLANT Apply During Employmint Hoars TUESDAY and THURSDAY 9 to 11 a. m. An Equal Opportunity Employer |