Man's Best Friend -- His Chair It's been said that man's beat friend is his dog. More realistically, it's his chair ? (or here is a four-legged friend that never has to be walked; a friend that waits silently for the master of the household to approach, sit down, relax - and perhaps rock or recline. Even though man has pro babty found it necessary to sit down ever since he learned to stand up, it is surprising how much variety has been achieved in the design of the chair ? a piece of furniture which must, after all, accom modate the seated human fi gure, whether an Egyptian pharaoh or an American as tronaut. The variety of the chair is beautifully illustrated in a current exhibition titled "Please Be Seated" that the American Federation of Arts is traveling to museums through the country. It was first shown in Washington, D. C. at the Smithsonian Institu tion's Arts and Industries Building, and the Smith NASA astronauts Al Bean (left), Dick Gordon and Charles Conrad relax in test center suit room prior to start of Crew Compartment Fit and Function test of Apollo Spacecraft 104, sUled for third manned flight. The astronauts are lounging in Berkline recline ry DE^IVIV^V^. M?. ' :W IKWnKSSOf TO?ia??W...T*?! nMv >? it}.-? Sacropedic and Sacropedic Imperial SALE! Catch these e*tr$ big savings' Two ot America's favorite mattresses are specially reduced in price during this sale Right now. you can save a big $40 on a set ot either of these wonderful mattresses that are kind to your bach and just as kind to your budget Think of it Save $40 per set for a limited time only, and still get the benefits of Bemco's exclusive Unifused* Construction, healthful support and restful comfort -for years to come Don't let go of the sav ings on Bemco Sacropedic. and Borneo Sacropedic Imperial. Jump on1 You can also save on Queen and King sizes during this limited sale FAMOUS MAKE SLEEP SETS Nationally Advertised. Year Round Price $69 95 Matching foundation \om* Vemco SACROPEDIC IMPERIAL ? Ib1'win run ?i*? Nationally Advertised Year Wound Rrlce $79.?S Motcnmg foundW'on some price JUST ARRIVED! HELP US UH10AD SAVINGS by the TROCKLOAD! TWIN OR ? ? PfcR fULLSlZE SET BY THE MAKERS OF BEMCO SACRO-PEMC* SAVE >40 00 Size Set *??. UH M Sat s25990 SAVI $40 00 QUEEN Size Sets ??*os*t L - SSS -ssz. J sonian itself contributed some of the examples of chairs from 2000 B. C. to 2000 A. D. included in the AFA exhibit organized "to increase the appreciation of good design in the familiar objects of everyday life". Not always has the chair been beautiful. But func tional, yes. Take, for ex ample, the rocker. Retired sea captains used to strap a keg of Madeira to Though the Englishman Willum Morris is credited with the first reclining chair, he actually did not design the chair bearing his name. Nor was it the first, J. T. Hammit designed this reclining chair patented in the U. S. on December 7, 1852-17 years before the "Morris Chair" appeared in England. It is perhaps fitting, however, that the author of "The Earthly Paradise" be associated with what has been described as "celestial seating"! , the seat of their rocking chairs ? not to insure a handy supply but rather to mature the wine. Because Madeira benefits by heat and motion it was customary in the old days to load it in the hold of vessels bound for India. Moreover, a cask of Madeira slung in a cradle used to be kept in shipping offices, and passersby were expected to give the cradle a shove so as to keep the wine always in motion. Remembering these practices, the wise old cap tains hit upon the happy ex pedient of maturing their Ma deira as they were taking their ease. . Theodore Roosevelt was partial to rockers, as many passages in his writings attest. President William Howard Taft found them well suited to his ample contours, too. More recently the late President John F. Kennedy kept ? and used ? a rocking chair in his office as a thera peutic device for his injured back, while Lyndon Johnson had one to retire to when confronted by tough and tricky problems of state. Down hone in Texas, though, former President Johnson's favorite chair ap pears to be the recliner in which he has been pictured chatting with such famed visitors as the heart transplant pioneer. Dr. Christian Ber nard ? with little Lyn at his feet. U Thant is another whose favorite retreat is a recliner. After some of the fiery and heated sessions at the United Nationa, the secretary -general says he stretches out in his chair to relax and unwind. Today's recliners are a far cry from the original, credit ed to the Englishman William Morris, but actually patented here by J. T. Hammit in 1852. Seventeen years later when the Morris chair appear ed, it was clumsy and gothic in its design, unlike modern models which react instantly to the lightest touch, and many of which rock as well as recline to TV and cap-nap positions. The Berkline Corporation, whfcch l specializes in recliner. has just created one which forecasts the '2lst century. It is cocoonlike in contour, and has a power hood that slides into position to insure pri vacy as one watches televi sion, listens to 'reo or talks on Its built-in te. ihone. Berkline's "Futurama chair isn't yet on the market, but even today's recliners are involved with the space age. For example, NASA astro The gold -encrusted orig inal of this elaborate chair was made for the Princess Sitamon of the 18th dynasty in Egypt, circa 1400 B.C. Carvings on the back are re presentations of protective spirits. Produced in Cairo at the time the Princess' tomb was excavated, the replica was lent by the Baker Furni ture Museum to the American Federation of Arts for the AFA's traveling exhibit of chairs from 2000 B.C. to 2000 A.D. titled "Please Be Seated." ..fMauiD you K ?r?ffw with A POfr. TOO MUCM MAK&MNCS3 "S A PAP TMIWG, AUVVAY5 POUOW rVMfHMfWT W'TM rB?IWpUN??5. A Op YOU'LL P( Y0U? POC-S gf5f 21st Season Fonty Flock won the flAt NASCAR itock c?r racing feature at Bowman Ony Sta dium, Winston Salem, N. C., on May 18, 1949. The track la now in its 21?t consecutive tea sort bf weekly race*. nauts relax prior to flight tests in recliners that help them adjust to the feet-up, head-back position they'll as sume in their spacecraft. So man-in-space has some thing in common with man at-home. Comfort is the qua lity that both seek in seating. And comfort is what man always has sought: the com fort of a favorite chair in which to rest, relax ? and perhaps to recline. Pretty TWA hostess Huff is literally sitting in the 21st century as she tests Berkline's "Futurama" chair--a prototype for future home furnishings. The cocoon-like recliner upholstered m Masland Duran's "Delta" vinyl has such built-in conveniences as television, stereo and telephone. More affordable than rust! Kaiser Aluminum Twin-Rib?' rotifijig Yoi/r best investment lor a long-lasting root. Big aluminum sheets cover more. ' Eitay^bright Keep building? up to 15 ( 1 . ! CoOJe'r in summer ? warmer In winter ? ' WOrft rust. Save costly painting. LOUISBURG FCX SERVICE SAM WOOO. Mgr. BICKETT BLVD. LOUISBURG. N. C. Thursday, Friday & Saturday Only REG. 3.94 -SAVE 1.27 ?OY'S BLUE AND WHITE STRIPE BELL BOTTOM JEANSS 0 .67 Thurs Fri Sat ?? pair MADRAS Hand Woven BEDSPREADS 3.97 Twin Size All Colors Guaranteed Washable 3 Years Full Size am a a BLANKETS 2 F0R 5.00 Big Value LADIES SWEATERS 3.99 Alt Sizes I Colors LOOK IN THE FRANKLIN TIMES EACH WFFK FOB YOUR WEEKLY HOSES SPECIALS. GREATER VALUES TO YOU IN LOUISbURQ. N. C.