Garden Time By M. E. Gardner Every now and then we get an unusual request for information. This time it was about Purslane. A lady reader sent me a plant for identification. Then she wanted to know whether or not the plant, or plant parts, were edible. Some of my readers will recognize Purslane (some times called Pussley) as a per sistent weed pest in the home vegetable garden. It is re ported that the plant prob ably originated in western Asia but is now widespread in many parts of the world. The botanical name of Purslane is Portulaca oleracea Portulaca grandi flora is a pop ular dwarf annual flower and is a member of the Purslane family. While most people con sider Purslane as a weed to be rid of, others may want to plant seed and use the leaves much as you would the pot herbs for cooking; or in salads. If you want to try this plant, use the variety Sativa (Portulaca oleracea sativa). This is a variety of the com mon Purslane best suited for culinary use. Remember, too, that it does best in sunny locations in well drained soils. While visiting a friend the other day, I discovered the heaviest infestation of leaf mines on boxwood leaves that I have ever seen. The leaves were peppered with small specks topside and tiny brown slightly raised areas on the undersides. Upon examination, we found tiny larvae (worms) in the mines. At this stage in the life cycle of the insect, foliase *>nys, such as Lindane or DDT are ineffective because the larvae are protected in the mines. Foliage sprays, how ever, are effective if applied as soon as new growth is initiated in the spring. To kill the larvae in Che mines at this season of the year, it is necessary to use a systemic poison such as Cygon. We used Cygon as recommended by the manu facturer. It is necessary to thoroughly wet the foliage and stems of the plants so f that the material will be quickly absorbed and trans-, located to all parts of the plant. It thus becomes sys temic and will kill the larvae in the mines. I.C.C. On Cargo Rates The Interstate Commerce Commission modified long standing rules recently per mitting through routes and joint rates over land and water between points in the United States and abroad. The rules were effective im mediately. MIDWAY FOOD STORE CUT-UP FRYERS SMOKED TENDERIZED DANDY SLICED baconM FRESH TENDER. LEAN PORK STEAK LB. if BISCUITS CAN Pillsbury t LAUNDRY DETERGENT FULL QUART JAR MAXWELI. HOUSE COFFEE 1-LB. CAN LIMIT 1 With 5.00 Food Order NEW CROP SWEET POTATOES DELICIOUS APPLES 4 LB BAG LB. BAG nuc 390 29C 1 How's Your Maturity Quotient? ^amneejit v * What does "maturity" mean to you? Middle-age spread and nar row, elderly ideas? Or a for tunate state of mind that can help you do more and be more, whether you're 15 or 50? Here's how Dr. Chaim Genott, noted child psycho logist and best-selling author, describes the end product of the long growing-up process: "A human being with com passion, commitment and courage, a person whose life is guided by a core of strength and a code of fair ness." If you dont quite see yourself in that picture, take heart. The mere fact that you can admit to immaturities shows that you are more ma ture than you think! The following quiz, com piled by personnel experts for the American Hotel & Motel Association, may give you further dues. While these questions and answers are not intended to ewer the whole subject, they' can help you rate yourself in certain key areas of maturity. 1. u?n you accept respon sibility for your own failures and mistakes? The average 3-year-old is a genius at find ing scapegoats and alibis. ("Mary made me spill my milk.") Mkny people never get far above this level, though their excuses do become more sophisticated. ("I couldn't finish my educa tion because my parents didnt have the money.") The mature person knows that he--not his parents, his teachers, his bos or Fate-is ultimately responsible for the way his life turns out. 2. Can you put off till tomorrow what you'd rather do today? If you can post pone immediate pleasures for the sake of future rewards, you have taken a giant step toward a self-disciplined maturity. The Infant (or infantile person) wants what he wants when he wants it. The grown-up (or growing up) person can turn off the TV. . .deny himself that shiny new car, , , and buckle down _ to passing his exams, earning' a degree or a promotion, saving for a rainy day or a sunnier future for his family. "3. Are your goals worthy of you? Your level of aspiration-professional, social, and yaa, moral -is a sign of how well developed your personality has become. If you have a realistic Idea of your sssets and liabilities, and if you like and respect the person you are, then you are leas likely to cheat the person you could be. 4. Do you genuinely like other people -- and show It? If you are mature enough to have a healthy idf-respect, then you are probably warm. friendly and considerate to others. And you reap the rewards wherever you go; in a recent survey of hotel person nel. 93% say they overextend themselves for patrons who treat them with respect. Those who make a career of rudeness and sarcasm -- who occasionally enjoy tearing property up as well as tearing people down - are said by psychologists to be advertising their own self contempt. Unfortunately, the world usually shares their opinion. 5. Do you want everybody to like you? This is an imma ture attitude! You can be friendly and outgoing with out running your life like a popularity contest. The mature person is unwilling to be false and wishy-washy just to win a few dubious "friends." He is not afraid to say "no" because he is then freer to say "yes" to the activities and people that really matter ty him. ,x , t 6. Do you "feef strongly about a lot of things? Many people mistake enthusiasm for immaturity. However, de tachment and "cool" are not necessarily signs of being grown up. They may mean that you are giving up, "copping out." According to psychiatrist Theodore Isaac Rubin, author of David and Lisa, "Dedication to winning on any level, in any area requires an intensity of emotional investment." 7. Do you act construct ively on your beliefs? If you dont like the way this country is being run, are you getting involved in politics to work for the changes you want? If you are concerned about the poor and the deprived, have you tried volunteer work to help them? (Teaching one under privileged kid to read better could have more impact than many a dozen demonstrators.) 8. Do you use your money or does it use you? People who hoard or spend compul sively . . .who must surround themselves with big-ticket sta tus symbols . . . who use money as a weapon against husband or wife. . .have lost real control of their purse strings. Often they fail to buy things which would make them safer or happier. For instance, many immature people hate to spend for intangible things such as insu rance or a hotel vacation. And some people uncon sciously punish themselves by getting into fin*H#ftl trfajiev If you can avrjMtWdse ftHfftlls - and if you don't think "budget" is a dirty wort -? you're probably reasonably mature about money. Of course, no one ever achieves complete maturity. (If your score was too per fect, check again). Becoming an adult is hard work. Al though no previous experience is required, the hours are long, the vacations few. But the rewards are tre mendous - and getting there can be half the fun! TOEC2?> AROUND ? ZtHe SMOKTB9T WAK ON RECORD WAS BETWEEN ENGLANP AMP ZANZIBAR IN 1996- IT LASTED A TOTAL ^ OF 3S MINUTES / ^0*^ -? ? Ai?