Telephone Gy6-3283 Ten Cents Louisburg, N. C., Thursday, October 2, 1969 , , . - (Ten PagesJToday) 100th Year-Number 66 Plant Could Top Out' At 500 Employees Make Plant Announcement Shown above at Tuesday's announcement that Winston Industries of Addison, Alabama will locate a new plant at Bunn are seated, left to right: Fred Setzer, Production Superviser; Raymond Burleson, Genera) Manager of Bunn operation; and Walt Abercrombie, General Manager, Winston Industries. Stand, left to right: Bunn Mayor Wayne Winstead: Industrial Development Director S. Kenneth Schubart; Macon Morris. Bunn area representative on the County Industrial Development Commission and Allen deHart, Chairman of the Commission. The announcement was made at'a press conference held in the Bunn cafeteria. * ' ' -Staff photo by Clint Fullar. Five Bound Over To Superior Court Five Negro youths, accused of breaking and entering and larceny in connection with a robbery of a store near Bunn, were bound over by Dis trict Court here Monday and will Face trial in Superior Court. Each of the five were placed under $500 bond Henry Davis, 17, Bunn; Michael Davis, 16, and his brother. Larry George Davis. 17, both of Route 1, Louisburg; Clyde Neal, 16, Route 4, Louisburg and Anthony Tony High. 17, of Bunn are accused of breaking into the Roger Brothers Store near Bunn Elementary School around mid night last Thursday. Sheriff William Dement 's office re ported that merchandise worth $253.58 was missing from the grocery. Deputy David Batton said last week that some of the goods had been recovered. A number of motor vehicle viola tions were heard Monday, including twelve cases of drunken driving. The Full Court docket follows: Glen S. Thomas, c/m/26, non sup port. Prayer for judgment continued on payment of $10.00 per week for Rishel Tank Parts Arrive Industrial Development Director Ken Schubart reported today that the firit load of part* for the 300-gallon water tank at the Rishel Furniture plant arrived here Monday. He mid the remaining parts are expected next week. Welders, assembly crews and cranes are expected to arrive on the site Monday U> start anemblying the tank. Schubart said the tank contractor is late and that a penalty is being assess ed daily for the delay which began on September 27. DC Program Greenville - A grant of $82,400 to the Department of Physics at East Carolina University will fund a co-op erative program between the depart ment and several two-year colleges in Eastern North Carolina. Louisburg College is one of theae colleges par ticipating. *n>e grant was awarded by the National Science Foundation and covers a three-year period. It will fund a program whereby students take the fltst two years of study In physlca at one of the cooperating community colleges and then transfer to ECU where they complete requirements for the BS and MS in physic*. support and to paycosts. J. B. Pearce, w/m, public drunke ness 20 days in jail, suspended Tor 2 years on payment of $10.00 fine and costs and not go on the premises of Mrs. Al Privette for 2 years. Shelley Tension Williamson, n/m/41, speeding. Nol pros with leave. Billie L. Mitchell, n/m. possession See COURT PUge 8 Franklinton Water Project Taking Shape A project begun in 1966 by Frank linton Mayor Joe Pearce and the Town Council is taking shape west of town these days and it is expected that within a few weeks, the long awaited water system improvements will be completed. Kranklinton suffered through a summer of acute water shortage in 1966 and steps were taken to obtain a federal grant and loan for much need ed improvements to the municipal water system. In December of 1966, Kranklinton voters approved by a mar gin of 295-14 a bond issue. In July, 1967 voters approved by a margin of 203-6 a supplemental bond issue to raise additional necessary funds with which to complete the project. The Town of Franklinton was given a $100,000 grant from the federal government and received a $440,000 loan two years ago. Bids were called for on the project in Sept em bet, 1968 The $540,000 project is expected to double the amount of water avail able to the town. A six-acre lake is being constructed which will store around five million gallons of water from Cedar Creek. Franklinton't ancient water plant is being replaced with a modern structure and when completed will have- a million gallons per day capacity. Franklinton's normal water use is between 350,000 and 400.000 gallons per day. The project consists of four se parate operations, all nearing comple tion. One project consists of construc tion of the water treatment plant and the pumping station; a second project is labeled Plumbing, Treatment plant; a third is the electrical work on th? treatment plant and a fourth project consists of installation of the necessary water mains. Work is expected to be completed around November 15. Mental Health Board Meets The Franklin County Mental Health Advisory Board convened on Septem ber 23 at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of evaluating the programs and services of the Franklin County Family Counsel ing and Education Center. Miss Lucy Burt. Chairman of the Board, presided over the meeting. The members present nominated a number of persons from throughout the county to be considered for future service on the board in the event of vacancies and expirations of terms. An active discussion followed concerning the community awareness of available mental health programs in the county and the effectiveness of and response to these services. The philosophy and goals of the run) mental health project were pre-1 sented again by Dr. Wil Edgerton and Mr. Harry Derr. Mr. Talma dge Ed wards, Jr. reported on the develop ment of local services to alcoholics and their families through the local A!A. and Council on Alcoholism. Mr. James Speed noted that a portion of local liquor sales revenue could be specified for use in financing alcoholism rehabil itation services with the consent of locaii governing bodies. Mr. Edward Boone told the group that the transfer of Franklin County patients from Dorothea Dlx Hospital to John Umstead Hospital would be completed by Oct. 6. He further stated that Franklin County patients in Dorothea Dix or John Umstead num bered forty-five at present compared to sixty at the same time last year As of September 19 there had been 39 mental admissions and 39 alcoholic admissions from the county for the current year. The total admissions for the same two categories in 1968 had been 62 and 73 respectively. Ninety one new patients have been ieen and 123 drug prescriptions filled at the Family Counseling and Education Cen ter since January 1. according to Mr*. Irene Scott. Other agenda item* included con sultation and educational services to the .community and volunteer actlvt *"ttes. Board members attending were Mr. Edward Alston, Mr. Luther Bald win, Mist Lucy Burt, Mrs. Mabel Davte, Mr. C. T. Dean, Jr., Mr Allen deHart, Mr. Warren Smith, Mr. Wilton Smith, Mr James Speed and Rev. Aubrey Tomllnaon. The new Winston Industries plant which is to locate at Bunn could employ as many as 500 people in the next few years. This word came from Walt Abercrombie, General Manager, as he addressed a special called news conference in Bunn Tuesday after noon. The Addtson. Alabama industrialist told a group crf-ci vie and governmental leaders that "The top in this area can be about 500 employees." Abercrom bie's firm announced Tuesday its plans to locate a mobile home manufactur ing plant two miles east of Bunn along NC-98, Franklin Industrial Development Director Kenneth Schubart said in his opening statements at the conference that the announcement "Hopefully will be the beginning of Bunn-as far as industrial development is concerned." Abercrombie told the group that his firm has "spent quite a bit of time the last three or four months looking over your state." He said that the Bunn area is "Compatable to our operation" and that the "People seem to adapt well to our way of thinking and our way of doing things." He said these were the reasons his firm settled on the Bunn location. He said the first plant will employ around 200 people by the first six months and that within two years there could be a second plant adjacent to the one now proposed which would double the employment number. He also disclosed that some supplier firms have expressed a willingness to locate on the 195-acre Winston complex and that these would employ upwards of 75 persons when operating get under way. Abercromble also explained that Winston Industries has six other divi sions and that the policy of the com pany is to locate pltfnts "In and around the same areas." His implication seem ed to be that the possibility exists that Winston could locate other txpgt of plants on the Bunn complex. The 196-acre plot is known in the Bunn area as the R. E. Burtn land and runs between the Tar River and NC-98. The area is served by a rail road. Schubart announced that appli cations for employment In the new plant are now being taken at his office on Court Street in Louisburg. Abercromble said, "We are very, very happy to be here and we look forward to a long and pleasant rela tionship." Allen deHart, Chairman of the In dustrial Development Commission, issued a statement Wednesday in which he "warmly welcomed Winston Industries to the county". deHart said. "I am pleased for the economic ad vantages this plant will bring to the Bunn area and all of Franklin Coun ty." deHart was high in his praise of i I Schubart Praised Kenneth Schubart, Dirntor of Industrial Development, hat been highly praued by a number of citizens for hit work in recent months in the field of industrial development. Schubart was sin/fled out this week by Commission Chairman Allen deHarl fdr his ef forts in locating a new plant in the Bunn area. The MafAewood, V. J. native was named to the post on July 2, 1968 replacing B . J. Benton who took a similar post in Halifax County. He was chosen by the Commission from about thirty applicants from as far away as Texas and Hew York. deHart said Wednesday that Schubart 's persistence in the case of Winston Industries resulted in the successful results. He said that the Director continued in a quiet and unassuming manner his efforts to persuade Winston officials to change their decision to locate in another North Carolina county. His efforts paid off. Similar expressions of apprecia tion came Tuesday from members of the Industrial Commission, offi cials of Bunn and Louisburg, coun ty officials and business leaders. Since Schubart has been Direc tor, Durham Hosiery has located at Franklinton; Rishel is building a 117,000 sq. ft. building due to open in the next few weeks and Winston Industries has announced its plans to locate at Bunn. Sports wear and Gay Products have ex panded in Louisburg in recent months and Tre'Jay has expanded in YoungsviUe. I ' j ( efforts by Director Kenneth Schubart in locating Winston in Bunn. He stat ed, "Although we are indebted to a number of citizens who have assisted in having the industry locate in our county, the Commission is most in debted to Ken Schubart. Even after learning that Winston Industries had selected a site in another county. Ken persisted in his efforts to persuade them to locate here." Others were publicly thanked by the Chairman as he added, "These people have worked overtime in assist ing us -the people of Bunn itself, Joe Edwards, President of the Bunn Deve lopment Corporation, Mayor Wayne Winstead, Macon Morris. Bunn district representative on the Industrial Deve lopment Commission, Maurice Ball, who assisted in flying the group over the site areas and Charles Davis and Conrad Sturges. Louisburg attorneys. Ed Pittman (Manager of Gay Product* plant) had as much influence in the decision by Winston to locate here as any other person, with the exception of the Director. And there were many others." Schubart disclosed Wednesday that applications are already pouring in and that Wade Moore Construction was supposed to be on the site Wednesday preparing for the initial start of con struction. He said that all concrete would be poured before the building arrives and that Junior Smith of Ala bama. General Contractor, is expected back here within three weeks. "They are interested in getting in as soon as they can", Schubart said, maybe even before the first of the year." Fraiklin County Industrial Box Score The following firms haw located ftlonls in h'ranklin County in rnrnt yrmrx. There arc a number of oilier liianiifacturing firms in Ihe eounly ilating txirk lo Sterling Mills, formed in IHIT>, lint only those locating here in reient Years are listed. 1948 Youngstown Manufacturing Co.* 1962 Sportswear, Louisburg. 1964 Justice Manufacturing Co., Justice. Gay Products, Inc., Louisburg. 1965 M. K. Joyner Manufacturing Co., Louisburg. 1966 Diazit. Inc., Youngsville. Tre'Jay, Youngsville. Ben Bar, Youngsville.* Comstruct Corp., Louisburg.* Carolina Fine Woods, Louisburg.** 1967 Dean Farms, Louisburg. Mar-Way Inc., Louisburg.*** 1968 Durham Hosiery, Franklinton. 1969 Rishel Furniture Co., Louisburg. Winston Industries, Bunn. * Closed local operations. ** Announced location, canceled in 1967 *** Closed. New operation started. J Accused Burglar To Stand Trial A 24-year-old Louisburg, Route 2, Negro has been returned to Franklin County to stand trial for first degree burglary Sameul Davis was returned from the State Hospital last week, according to Sheriff William T. Dement. Davis is accused of attempting to break ihto the Percy Gilliam home near Gray's Pond on the night of July 21, 1967 Davis was arrested August 1, 1967 while working in a tobacco field. SBI agent Haywood Starlings and Deputy Sheriff David Batton made the arrest. Reports of breaking had been received for about two weeks from residents of the area, Dement reported at the time but Davis was charged only in the Gilliam incident. Following his arrest. Davis was granted a hearing and defense attor neys requested that he be committed to State Hospital for observation. Fol lowing hit committment, he was ruled incompetent to stand trial. Dement's office was informed last week that Davis was now competent to face the charges and he was returned here and lodged in Franklin jail. Davis reportedly attempted to enter the Gilliam home through a bedroom window. Gilliam's three daughters were sleeping in the room at the time. according to reports and heard the noise. Their screams reportedly fright - enedithe accused away. The case is set for October 13 term of court-here. Bunn Project Gets EDA Approval At a pre -construct ion conference, held at Bunn Tuesday morning, federal officers of the Economic Development Administration gave final approval to Bunn's water project, which is being aided by federal funds. Well diggers are expected to begin exploratory work on selected sections of land at Bunn next week. Industrial Development Director Ken Schubart said today the diggers will be looking for sites to supply wells with a 100 -gal lon-per-minute capacity. All contracts have been signed and approved and work is expected to get underway shortly on the huge project. Episcopal Redor To Head Convocation Here ???MM REV. CHARLES I. pEfjJCK The Reverend Charles I. Penick, rector of The Church of the Good Shepherd. Rocky Mount, and son of the late Rt. Reverend Edwin A. Penick, a fonner Bishop of the Episco pal Diocese of North Carolina, will be leader for the Central Convocation Quiet Day of Episcopal Church wo men to be held at St. Paul's Church, Louis burg, on Wednesday, October 8. Reverend Penick is a native of Charlotte He has served aa rector of several churches In North Carolina and has been In Rocky Mount since 1964. Registration for this special service begins at 10:00 a.m.; the Quiet Day observance ends with lunch at 1:00. Women In attendance will coma from churches In the following towns and cities, located In the Central Con- * vocation, and from other nearby churches: Gary, Chapel HID, Durham, Erwin, Fuquay Vsrina, Henderson. Hillsborough, Raleigh, Oxford, Rox boro, Smithfleld, Wake Forest. Yan ceyrile. ?