The Franklin Times I <?/ 1 Published Every Tuesday & Thursday ' ? c ? A" " ? 11 - r Serving All Of Franklin County Telephone Gy6-3283 Ten Cents Louisburg, N. C., Tuesday, December 2, 1969 (Eight Pages Today) 100th Year-Number 83 Bright-Eyed Youngsters View Parade W ith Mixed Expressions Former Local Woman First Single Parent To Adopt Child In Decade Miss Jean Bumgarner, formerly of Louisburg and now a social worker with the Roanoke, Va. welfare depart ment's child placement service, is the subject of a recent feature story pub lished in the Roanoke (Va.) Times. Miss Bumgarner adopted a one-year old boy and is the first single person to do so through the Roanoke depart ment in a decade according to the story. According to the article, written by Times Staff Writer Mary Small. Mi? Bumgarner says the adoption idea was ''something that's been kind of hang ing in the back of my mind for a long time." Until 1957 single person-with rare exception-seeking to adopt child ren were told that it was impossible, the article says. In 1967, howler, the Child Wel fare League of America made a study and announced its approval of single parent adoptions "if all efforts to find a two-parent family had failed". Miss Bumgarner reportedly said that it is easy to understand why prospective parents desire the smallest babies. "They are so sweet when they are just tiny infants and they depend on you so much", she said. But she knew the older children can be just as sweet and can need parents just as much, the article says. The fact that Miss Bumgarner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bumgar ner. 120 Church Street, here, was a staff member, she was still required to go through the forms, interviews and various other steps required in adop tions, including the usual waiting period. Then just little over a year ago, the waiting ended and the Louisburg nat ive adopted a one-year-old boy. The happy, healthy two-year -old cheerfully says he's "Monny's 'dopted baby boy". His name is Scott and he and his mother were visitors here during the Thanksgiving holidays. The article re ports that it has been hard for Miss Bumgarner, working and supervising the youngster: She has the aid of a babysitter during the day and she takes over the duties after work. The article says Miss Bumgarner reports there are disadvantages to being a solo ? parent but that the same disadvantages are faced every day by widows and divorcees with small children. She visits here in Louisburg regularly every other weekend and says she eventually hopes to move back here so that Scott will "have more people to associate with'V She .doesn't mind giving up her bachelor-girl independence, thp says because "the closenesi of being to gether, of sharing and watching him grow . . . mean more than any material possessions or spur-of-the-moment trips ever could." > If she could offer one piece of advice to single prospective adoptive parents. Miss Bumgarner says, "It wouTd be to go ahead, not to be too hesitant." Historical Society To Hear Edwards The Franklin County Historical So ciety will hold its monthly meeting here Thursday night. December 4, at 8 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Community Room of the First Citi zens Bank Building on Bickett Blvd. Conrad Sturgess. a local attorney, will give a program on gold mining in .Franklin County. Mr. Sturgess is a descendant of one of the early owners of Portis Gold Mine, the mine that made the county one of the leading producers of gold prior to the 1849 gold strike in California. Robert Ed wards. a local geologist, will also parti cipate in the program. The meeting is open to the public and any one interested in county history is cordially invited to attend. Wreck-Prone Intersection Strikes Again Scene above shows accidental intersection of US- 401 and NC-98 eleven mllea south of Louisburg last Friday around noon. One person was Injured. Mr?. Mk> rtle D. Dozier of Rocky Mount, a passenger in the Ford, was transported to Franklin Memorial Hospital with head injuries, by Ihe Lnuisburg Rescue Service. Her husband and the unidentified Negro driver of the Ckdlllac. extreme right, were uninjured. The intersection has been the scene of a large number of accidents in recent years. - Staff photo by Clint Fuller. Thousands Brave Bitter Cold To View Santa Claus Arrival Thousands of persons-including hundreds of bright-eyed youngsters braved bitter cold night here Monday to witness the arrival of Santa Claus. The Franklin Business Association's annual Christmas Parade brought out the largest crowd ever to see a parade here as the thermometer dipped inside the twenties and the wind added to the chill. Main Street was lined several per sons deep from the courthouse to the post office and thinner lines reached to Louisburg College. Along East Nash Street another huge crowd gathered to view the forty-entry parade The Louisburg's Woman's Club won first prize of $25 for the best non commercial entry. Corinth Baptist Church captured second place and $16 and Farmer's lYactor and Truck Co. placed third winning $10 In prize money. The Louisburg High School Band and the South Granville High School Band from Creedmoor supplied the music. The Rescue Service, the Fire Department, the CAP and the National Guard added colorful units. Traffic was at a standstill during the parade and traffic jams were the order of the day as the parade ended. Traffic was tied up at several points as mo torists tried to get onto busy Blckett Blvd. Tie Louisburg Police Department, aided by the Franklin County Sheriffs Department controled the crowd and the traffic. For the first time, the sidewalks were roped off and the crowd control was the best in years. Louisburg Police Chief Earl TTiar rington expressed his appreciation to the crowd and estimated the gathering at "several thousands". The parade itself was typical and one of the best seen here in many years. There were small animals. horses, sirens, pretty girls, pretty cars, some outstanding floats, commerical and no n -commercial and several marching and dancing groups. It was. of course, the old man with the whiskers that stole the show. All the glitter failed to brighten the eyes of the youngsters as much as the arrival of Santa did. And while there was much conver sat ion about it, few really were sorry they braved the cold. If they looked -? *"fhl<) the eyes of any of the hundreds - " of small children, they knew it was worth it. Santa Claus Arrives In Style The Late Liz To Speak At LJC Mrs. Gertrude Behanna. sometimes called 'The Late Liz", will speak In the Louisburg College Auditorium Wednesday. December 3, at 7:30 p.m. and Thursday, December 4, at 11:00 a.m. The public is invited. Mrs. Behanna was raised by her millionaire father in the Waldorf As toria. grew up to become an alcoholic, a divorcee, and a would-be .sui cide Sh?""Says that she "des cended into hell," using benzedrine "to get me up, li'q BEHANNA uor to keep me up, and sleeping pills to knock me oftt again." Gcrt. as her friends call her? has spoken in numbers of places*in North Carolina, including Raleigh, Rocky Mount, the University of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill, and Davidson College One agnostic student said of her, "She has reality!" Copies of her books and records will be on sale and she will be available for autographing. lo entertain IUU banquet . Dr James Cobb, chairman of the music department at Atlantic Christian College, will provide the entertainment at the fifth annual Louisburg College "100" banquet. The event will be held Friday. December 6, in the B. N. Duke College cafeteria ,. Or. Cobb studied at Southwestern University of Memphis, Boston Univer sity and the Uni versity of Illinois, where he complet ed his Doctoral studies in 1966. His career as a lin ger ha^ included a solo spot on the Ed Sullivan Show, recording sessions with Columbia Re cordi, guest COBB Symphony, the Atlanta Popt, the Uni versity of Illinois Symphony and the North Carolina Symphony, a* well aa numerous concert and oratorio appear ances. For hii appearance at "The 100" banquet, Dr. Cobb will be assisted by his combo and will present a selection of standard and brotdway musical numbers. Approximately 200 alumni, faculty members, college friends, and Franklin County businessmen are expected. Re quirements for membership are a mini mum contribution of $100 annually to the Loulsburg College development program. Franklinton Parade ?Thursday Night The Franklinton Townthip Chamb er of Comir\erre will tta^e ill annual Chriitmai I'arade at Franklinton Thurmiay night, December 4, at 7 P.M. The annual Franklinton event hat /frown to be one of the more popular Chritlmat Paradet in the area and a brge < rouid it expected. \ . v Williamson I a Joins Local - Law Firm John Perry WiUiamston Jr., who passed the North Carolina Bar exami nation last August, and who was ad mitted tq practice law in North CSaro lina before Judge Clarence W. Hall at WILLIAMSON We sepiemoer aes sion 6f the Frank lin County Su perior Court, has begun the practice of law in Louisburg with E. F. Yar borough and W. M. Jolly Williamson is a native of Louisburg and a graduate of Louisburg High School and the University of North Carolina at Chapel HUI. He received his Doctorate of Jurisprudenc e Degree from the Univer sity of Tennessee in June, 1969. He is the son of Mrs. Evelyn J. Williamson, of Louisburg, and the late John P. Williamson, and is the grandaon of Mrs W. H. M. Jenkins of Franklinton ?nd of Mr*. B. N. Williamson, Sr. of Louisburg. Mr. Williamson it married to the formtr Hope McCroskey of Knoxville, Tennessee. While a student at Louis burg High School, he was an outstand ing member of the football, basketball and baseball teams. He is a member of the Louisburg Methodist Qiurch

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