POETRY. THE T5ELLE OF THE BALL ROOM. BT W. 31. PRAKD. Years year ago ere yet nr; Jrcauu Had Leon of leiiijj wise or witty ; Ere I hail done with writing themes, Or yawned o'er this perplexing Chitty : Tears years ago when all my joy Was in my fowling-piece and filly ; In short, when I was yet a boy, I fell in love with Laura Lilly. She was the daughter of a dran, Rich, fat, ami rather appoplectic, She had one brother, just thirteen. Whose color was extremely hectic ; Her grandmother for many a year, Had fed the parish with her bounty: Her second cciuiu was a peer, And lord lieutenant of the county. But titles an J the-three per cents., And mortgages mid great relations, And India bonds, and tithes and rente, Oh, what arc tliey to love's sensational Black eyes, fur forehead, clustering locks, Such wealth, such honors, Cupid choodc ; He cares as little for the stocks As Huron Rothschild for the Muses. She s'ictch'd the valo, the wood, the !each Grew lovelier from her pencil'd shading; Sh lolaiik-.ed I envied each li-ung b!ossoni in her boudoir fading; -She warbled Handel it was grand She made the Calaliiii jealous ; She touched the organ I could stand F or houis and hours to blow the bellows. . And she was flattered, worshipped, bored, Her steps were watched, her dress was noted ; Her poodle dog was quite adored, Her sayings were extremely quoted. She laughed and every heart was glad, As if the taxes were abolished ; bhe frowned and every heart was sad As if the opera were demolished. She smiled on many, just for fun I knew that thero was nothing in it; I was the first, the only ona Her hcatt fcad thought of for a minute ; I knew it, for she told me so, In phrase whiih was dhiiidy moulded; She wrote a charming hand, and, oh ! How sweetly all her notes were folded ! Our love was like most other loves A little glow, a little shiver: A rose bud and a pair of gloves, And "fly not yet" upon the river; Some jealousy of sonic one's heir, Some hope's of dying broken hearted A miniature a lock of hair The usual vows and then we parted. We parted months and years roll'd by We met again four summers after ; Our parting was all sob and sigh Our meeting was all mirth and laughter ; For in my heart's most secret cell, There had been many other lodgers ; And she was not the ball-room's belle, But only 3 Something Jlodgers. THE PRINTERS' LOVE. We love to see tlte blooming rose In all its beauty dressed ; We love to hear our friends disclose The emotions of ilieir breast. We lore to see a boat arrive, Well laden to our shore ; We love to see our neighbors thrive And love to bless the poor. We love to see domestic life Willi naught to mar its joys- " We love to see a youthful wife Not pleased tcith trifling toys. We love all these yet far above All that 'we've sung or said, We love what all the Printers love ; To have Subscriptions PAID ! VA1METY. COURTSHIP FROM THE PSALMS. A young lady in the west of England, mated Grace Lord, by her uncommon buauty and accomplishment,, had become the object of attention to numerous suitors. The young lady constantly referre d them to her father, who being of a whimsical temper, as well as much attached to the society of hi? daughter, for a long time gave no one a favorable reception. At length a young man, who had remarked that the father was a great humorist, after experi encing a refusal, addressed Inn in writinc, in the following words, from the version of the 67th Psalm : Have mercy on me, Lord, And grant to me thy Grace." The expedient succeeded, and he obtain ed the young lai!y with the paternal con sent. A down East gentleman while in conver sation with a lady, was asked by her if he was fond of novels? The reply was, "I don't know, I never ate any; but I am death upon a young 'Possom." "Thou knowest that I love thee,' cat said to the moufe. 35 the " Come ye disconsolate." 'An olJ bach elor at Windham , village, Vt., advertises that he will rccieve sealed proposals from old iri3ids for entering into the marriage contract. None under 33 years of age need apply, as he wants nothing to do with giddy, flighty, young things. - C"-"There's a chance for some of the "young 'nns." JIiob Short, Jr. And editor out west says he has heard of men being in clover. He don't know what kind of a sensation it is; but lie know s it's a right pleasant thing to be in liquor. lie must be a young hand at the bellows or he'd know all about it. Our idea of the matter is, that an editor gets in clover wiien he has nine-tenths of his subscription--due the Sherff at one door nn.l do.;? at another calling for copy. Hob. WINTER. ; We copy from an old paper the follow ing very appropriate article for the season : "Some people like winter other people don't and why don't they Readers, we'll tell you why they don't, as briefly as we can. In the first place, generally speak ing, every tiling is cold, wind and water are cold, shirts are cold before they are aired, and sometimes afterwards; plates are sure to be cold, gravy likewise; your oursiile is cold, and so i& your in, especially if it is empty. Every tiling is dark; the clouds dark, dress is dark, the mud is remarkably dark, and the daylight very often dark; the nights unusually dark, and, in some towns, so "very" dark that you cannot see the gas light! Every thing is blue; the fog is blue, noses are blue, in short every thing is blue, except tiie sky, and that is a whi ty brown- Every tiling is short, business is short, cash is short, answers very short, supplies are short ; in short every thing is short, except faces, and they are generally long. Every thing is dull ; the very docs are dull, cats are dull, streets are duller than dull, the city is dull, and the country is dull ; debtors are dull, dealers and deal ings are dull; those that do and those that are done are dull ; in short all dull except the newspaper, (!) and that's never dull. Is it, reader ? Hard Times. The eastern girls com plain that the young men down there are so poor that they can't even ") their ad dresses. The western gals say that the young men are loo fond of paying their addresses, and won't "stay put,'" any how they can lix it. That is, they like courting a little better than marrying. All in consequence of the hard times. " 'Tis said that absence confers love, but 1 believe it not ;" as the loafer said when looking into the empty rum jug. The woes of human life are relative. The sailor springs from his warm couch to climb the icy topmast at midnight with out a murmur ; while the richmerchant complains of the rattling cart which disturbs his evening's repose. In time of peace, we call the breaking of a bone a "melan choly event." Hut in war, when we read of the slaughter of our neighbors, and thou sands of the enemy, we clap our hands and exclaim "glorious victory." "There's a considerable stirring to-day," as the toddy stick said to the liquor. It would be a safe speculation, to buy tain men (and women) for what they are worth, and sell them again for what thev think they are worth. "Charily seeketh not her own,' as ti c loafer said ven he stole an umbrella. "I hah no need of your assistance," as the colored gentleman said to the curling tongs. T A E I. O II 1 rVfi The subscriber lakes this method of informing the citizens of Lincolnton, and of the county, generally, that he has com menced tlie Tailoring Business at the Town of Lincolnton. in the house formerly occu pied by Mr. R. Hoyle, where lie is ready to execute all orders in his line of business. lie respectfully solicits a siiare of public favor; and pledges his best efforts to give ! satisfaction to all persons who may be kind enough to encourage him with their patron age.. 1 DANIEL HOOVER. Dec. 4. 1S39. . 27 4m The Subscriber U under the necessity of rai ling ijvni those persons who are in aticais for the 1st. and 2nd. Vols, of the Lincoln Repu! lican, to n akc payment as soon as possible. He has incurred lunre responsibilities; and is unable to meet them without collecting what is due hiui; and hopes this notice will meet with attention! Those who have accounts standing at the Office for Job printing and Advertising would confer a favor by Fcttlin them. Mr. Robt. Williamson, the present Editor, will receive toe dues for the present year. e is also authorised to receipt lor debts w'uich accrued du ring the former Vols. L. E. Thompson-. January. 1ft. IS 10. 3 Spirit of the "Unie Genius:" THE PROPRlETORof "Uncle Sam; and SriRir ok the Little Ge.mis," hav ing imbibed the notion that "somu things can be done as well as others," has resolv ed, after due consideration, to embody in one sheet all the Wit, Variety, Novelty, uaiety and uravity, V ivacny and Peculiari ty which has rendered the "Little Genius" so popular throughout the World. Will be published every Saturday Mous ing, at No. 81 South Secnod Street, five doors above Walnut, Philadelphia. ICpNo effort will be wanting to make it a desirable and GOOD FAMILY PA PER. Entertaining Stories Latest News, Fashions Amusing Variety will give pi quancy to its columns. SUBSCRIPTIONS 3 PER ANNUM, Or. FIVE DOLLARS for three Copies!!! ICTALL PAYMENTS MUST EE MADE IN AD VANCE. Which can be done by enclosing the money by mail, or by making payment to the nearest post mater, and forwarding his receipt for the same. fCT'All Post masters are requested to act as Agents for this paper. - The FAllle iatitfft IS PUBLISHED DAILY, AT ONE CENT PER COPY, Or, FO U R D O L LAS pe it a x n uji. gCT Editors throughout the world are requested to copy the above for six months, send a copy of their paper containing the same, and consider themselves en tilled to an exchange with "Uncle Sam," which will be regularly forwarded to them. f 1 7T9 f 4T r SN VITES those affected with Stone in the bladder Fits from injury done the head Cancerous sores on the breasts, or else where Blindness from Cataract, or other surgical affections of the eyes Wens Tn in u n nf all descriptions Polvpu.e Fistula White Swelling II ARE LIP, and CLUB FOOT, to call and see him. He is provided with all necessary Instru ments, and is ready to operate in anv of the above diseases, when it may be advisa ble. No change will be made unless some actual service is rendered. The poor will be treated gratuituouslv. Greenville C. II. So Ca. December 13th 1839. tf Groceries and TIIE Subscribers take thia method of informing the public that they have, and will constantly keep, on hand, a large assortment of AND Con fee Jionnrscs, Consisting of all sorts of first rate LI QUORS ; among which are included Northern Ale. and Newark Cider. They have a large quantity of Cheese, Rice. Suit-Fish, Sugar, Cojfcc, and Groceries in general. Their Confectionary is of the best quali ty ; and their assortment i complete. Al so ORANGES, LEMONS, $ c. They iuvi'e the public to call and exi mine for themselves. Their Store, is on the main street of Lincolnton, opposi'c the house formerly occupied by Mr. Vardrv Me Bee. J. B. ROUCIIE, & CO. Lincolnton, N. C. Dec. 17, 1839. fCT'The Western Whig Banner will co py the above three times. fTTAVE constituted CALEB MILLER my agent, to settle the Estate of M. L. IToke, deceased, persons owing the estate, will please call on him and mako settlement. M. HOKE, Adtn'r. -Saddlery and Harness. THE Subscribers desire to inform their Customers, and the Public generally, that they are now carrying on their busi ness in the town of Lincolnton, in the shop, formerly occupied as the Office of the Lin coln Transcript, on the lot of Mr. Jacob A. Rumsonr, near the dwelling of Carlos Leonard, Esq. They will keep on hand all the articlps appertaining to their business ; and will execute all orders faithfully, and with des patch. They feel compelled to remind those per sons indebted to ihem, that, on account of the heavy loss they sustained by the recent Fire in Lincolnton, they are compelled to have immediate fund. They hope those indebted to them, will, therefore, come for ward and settle their accounte without delay. They embrace the present opportunity to return their acknowledgments for the liberal patronage they have hitherto receiv ed : and hope, by a strict attention to busi ness to merit its continuance. B. JETTON, & SONS. Lincolnton, Dec. 11. tf -2S . To my late -Patrons plENTLEMEN By the recent Fire T in this place, 1 have lost my Books, and nearly all my papers of every descrip tion there was dtie inc. on those Books, a very considerable amount, a small part, on ly, of which I have any means of obtaining, but through your honesty and good faith: upon tin's I rely, feeling sure ttiat no man having in his composition one spark of honor, or even common honest, will think of taking advantage of my misfortune to wrong me of my just dues. A. II. PORTER. . Lincolnton, Dec. 7. tf. 29 fSead the foSIowkij? iziScresl- ing and Astonishing Facts. TIIE FOLLOWING are AMONGST The many Cnre, Performed by the use of Dr. Evans Medicine. " . Principal office 100 Chatham Sireet, NEIV YORK, WHERE TIIE Doctor may be consulted person ally, or by letter, (post pal l,) from any purl of the United States, fyc. Persons re quiring medicine and advice must enclose a Hank Note, or Order. C E R.T IFICATES. Another test of the unrivaled virtue of Dli. fl'M. EVANS' Medicines. DYS PEPSIA, TEN YEARS' STAND ING. Mr... J. McKenzie, 176 Stanton street, was afilcted with the above com plaint for 10 years, which incapacitated liiin at intervals, for the period of the six years, in attending to his business, restored to perfect health, under the salutary treat ment of Dr. Wm. Evans. The principal symptoms A sense of distention and oppression afier eating, dis tressing pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, impaired appetite, giddiness, pal pitation of the heart, great debility and emaciation depression of spirits, disturbed rest, sometimes a billious vomiting and pain in the right side, an extreme degree of lan gour and faintness, any endeavor to pursue his business, causing immediate exhaustion and weariness. Mr. McKenzie is daihj attending to his business, and none of the above symptoms have occurred since he used the medicine. He is now a strong and healthy man. lie resorted to myriads of remedies, but they were all ineffectual. lie is wilting to give any information to the afllicted re specting the inestimable benefit rendered to him by the usa of Dr. Win. Evans' medicine. Remarkable case of a rule Rheumatism, with an Affection of the Lungs -cu ret! un der the treatment of Dr. Wm Evans. 100 Chatham street, New York. Mr. Flenja roin S. Jarvis, 13 Centto st. Newark, N. J., alllicted for four yearn with severe pains in all his joints, which were always in creased on the slightest motion, the tongue preserved a steady whiteness; loss of ap petite, dizziness in his head, the bowels commonly very costive, the urine h i rrJi coloured, and often profuse sweating, unat tended by relief. The above symptoms were also attended with considerable diffi culty of breathing, with a sense ol tight ness across the chest, likewise a great want of due energy in the nervous system. The above symptoms were entirely re moved, and a perfect cure effected by Dr. Win. Evans. BEN J. S. JARVIS. '.V of New York, ss. Benjamin S. Jaris being t v sworn, doth depose and say, that "the tacts stated in the above certificate, subscribed by him, are in all respects true. BENJ. S. JARVIS. JJG Nassau street. More conclusive proofs of the extraordi nary efficacy of Jr. IF'M. El V.V cele brated camomile and aperient ANTIIIII OVS PILLS in a le viating afllicted man kind. Mr. Robert Cameron, 101 Bowery, Disease Chronic Dysentery, or Bloody Flux. Symptoms : unusual tlatulency in the bowels, severe griping, frequent indica tion to go to stool, tenesmus, loss of appe tite, nausea, vomiting, frequency of pulse, and a frequent discharge of a "peculiarly fcotid matter mixed with blood, great debil ity, sense of burning heat, with an intoler able bearing dow n of the parts. Mr. Cam eron in enjoying perfect hvalth, and re turns his sincere thanks for the extraordi nary benefit he had received. PA R A LYTIC RUE U MA TIS M. A periect cure effected by the Irentment of Dr. W. EVANS. Mr. John OP.pon. of North Fourth sf. Wiliarnsbnrg. aflhcled witli the above complaint for three years and nine months ; during vhich lime he haato use crutches. His chief symptoms I were excruciating pain in a' his joints, but j nnrfin!l ir in tli lii - 1 1.1 i v 1.. ...v, siiouiuer, Knees and ankles, an aggravation of the pains towards night; and for the must part all the time from external heat, an obvious thickening .if ti e fascia and ligaments, with a complete hs of muscular power. For the benefit of those afilicied in a similar manner, Mr. Gi'-son conceives it meet lo say that the pains have entirely ceased, and that hs j,.jnts haVe completely recovf red their natural tone, s.nd he feels able to rckuaie his ordinary busi ness. I he above valuable medicine is for sale at II. P. W illiams.' store, Charlotte, N. C., ! at Geo. W. Brown's store, Salishurv', N.' C.. at the store of I S,. r. v." 1 at tiie i ranscript office. - "iuir c v,u. UU 1 A. R. PORTER, Agent. Liacolaton, N. C, May l, isz'J. 50 THE Trustees of the Lincolnton Male Acade my, having been at consideiable pains in en deavoring to render the Institution under their charge, worthy of the confidence ant! patronage of those interested in the cause of Education, with pleasure announce to the Public that they have succeeded in es tablishing this Institution upon a permanent and respectable basis. .They have engag ed the servb-es of Mr. JEREMIAH V. MURPHY. A. M., a gentleman whose moral virtues and fine scholastic acquirement-, coupled with the happy b it rare fac ulty of readily imparting instruction to the yoiiihful mind, entitles him to he ranked with the first preceptors in the country. To him will the future guidance and con trol of live Institution Le entrusted; and as he is a man of family, and designs making Lin'-olntnt his permanent home, parents and Cuartinins need entertain no apprehen sion that their sons or their wards will be deprived of their preceptor in the midst of their studies. The health of the place, and the moral and industrious deportment of its citizens, renders Lincolnton roma-kably eligible as a situation for a Public School. Board Can be easily procured in respec table families on moderate terms. The School commenced 011 Tuesday the 5lh of November, inst. lO The year will be divided into two sessions; each of twenty-three weeks du ration, allowing at the close of each a vaca tion of only three weeks. The Terms will be per Session, For the Classics and Mathematics S15 00 English Crammer, Geography, Arithmetic, &c. 8 00 Spelling, Reading and Writing 5 00 I. . HENDERSON, I). RAMSOUR, j II. CANSLER. 2 rustces. J. T. ALEXANDER, . D. RHINII ARDT. J Linconton, Nov. G, 183'.). 23 tf. b fds2 I have FOR SALE a large quantity of Muliicaiilis Trees of large size, and well matured, having been In my possession for three years, and as such are preferable to Northern tiees, as they are acclimated, and warranted genuine. J will sell either by the tree or bud, as will suit purchasers, and should a number be wanted in a neighbor hood, so as to warrant the trouble, I will deliver them, if the distance is not too great. Persons wishing to raise tres or enter into the Silk Business will find it to their inter est to give rue a call, or written orders will receive prompt attn:itiM. M. ROUNSAVILLE Ltrinlon, N. C. Dec. 2, 1339. Dec, II 28 3t The Subscriber having been so unfortu nate as to lose his hooks and accounts in the fire which recently took place in this town, is under the necesity of calling upon all those persons wlvo are indebted to him, to come forward with as little delay as posible, and settle the claims he has against them, either by note or cash. He hopes this call will not be unheeded. And those persons who can answer it, by payments in cash will render him no small fiivorby doi'iio- so: tor he is compelled to have immediate j means, m order to continue his business: J He embraces the present opportunity ti return his thanks to the nuhlir- for ih "rv.-i public for the pat' ronatre he has received- ami imf.,rm. ,1, ..J uiat tie is carrying on Jus business in i ...if mi. ,. house next door, on the East of Mr. Uavj Katnsour s Storehouse. Up sinirs- DANIEL SEACLE. lincolnlon Dec. ilh 1SC9. j 5? o a 0 12 0 The subscriber having sustained ,...,!.! I I. .. .. .. . . . 7 . uiuuic io?s dv me recent are in Jiinf ilu ton, is compelled to notify all person in debted to him, that loi'ger indulf;e is absolutely impossible. Being lnvi!l(ig to press his customers last fall, he purchased a part of his last stock of goods on a(-redit, at the North ; and lie is, thereforedriven by necessity to say to his debtors? that a further day of payment than i',f 1st of February next, can by no means lie extend ed to them. The. I. are irentbrj of :he 1o.k he believes, will be sufficient inducement with many to settle their recounts , hut 10 those vvho recpiire stronger intimation, he will add that the process of the law will assuredly be adopted to enforce the col lection of all dues remaining unsettled after the 1st day of February next. The subscriber cannot but embrace the present opportunity to return his acknow ledgments to his customers for the Iiher-.il peonage they have hitherto extended 'o nun. lie would also mention to them and the citizens of the county in general, that he expects, in a short lime, to resume his business, when he will he pleated to accommodate those persons who mav fjvor him with their custom. .F:tcoJ EIaz::sotir. Lincolnton. Dec. 4 1839. N. B. Until a new store-house can be built, his business will be continued a? the store of Mr. P. Sum.iiy, where himself and son "rnav be found. His books and nr. counts will, also, be kept at Mr.Summv's store, ready for settlement, J. R. JOB r IM X T I X G Done at the Republican Office at thorl nclice. To Tanners. V7 want to purchase 10,000 lbs. scraps of V V raw hide dm J, for winch we will civef InTr" ''alfc'",iUPor will haul then! colnuSaUCe VViUli'1 OUC hu,,J,cd n,ilcs fn I-i"- GEO. Jk D. MOSTE LLKE. Lincolnton Paper Mill, Feb. 27, i83tf. tCT MOFFAT'S Vegetable Life U and Phoenix Bitters, for sale at D. & J. A. liamsour's Store Lincolnton. For particulars see advertisement on third page. Lincolnton, May 29, 1839. . u Stale orAotrh Carolina, ? LINCOLN COUN TY, y Superior Covrt of Luw Spring Term' James T. RayfielJ vs. Lavina Raylield Petition fr Divorce "P"T appearing to the talisfac tion of the Court that the defendant, Lamina KaylicUl, is not an inha. bitant of this State, It is Ordered, ihere fore, by the Court, that publication be made in the Whig Banner and Lincoln Repub lican for three months successively, notify ing the said Lavina Ravfield to be and ap pear before the Honorable Court of Law, to be held for the said County of Lincoln, at the Court House in Lincolnton, on the 2d Monday after the 3d Monday in Februa ry next. Then an 1 there to plead, answer or demur to tho petition of the said James T. Kay field, otherwise it will be taken pro confesso and heard cxparte. Witness, John Michal, Clerk of said Court, at office the 2d Monday after the 3d Monday in August, A. D. 1839 . JOHN MICIIAL, Clerk. Oct. 9, 183J. 19 3m " Price Adv. 10 TO Tlllt 313. Prospectus for the CONGRESSIONAL GEO HE and APPENDIX. These works have been published by us for seven years. There are now more sub scribers for them, prs-bably, than for any other paper published in the United States; certainly more than there are for any other paper published in this District." This large and increasing subscription is coiiclu- sive evidtnee of their usefulness. They are invaluable to all who feel an interest in the proceedings of Congress. No other publication gives them so full, nor half so cheap. It is, indeed, the cheapest publica tion in the United Siaics perhaps in the world. Our position at the sea ofCovern- ment enables us to print them at so low a rate. We are compelled 1o publish the pro ceedings of Centre! in detail, for our dai ly paper. This done, it requires, compar atively, out a ?mall additional expeie to change them to the forms of the Congres. sional Globe and Appendix. If it were not for these circumstances, we could not pub lish them for four times the mm charged In some parts of the United States, "the white paper, upon which these works are printed, would sell foras much as we char-e for die publications. 0 The approaching session of Congress will probably continue seven months; and as it immediately precedes ibe Presiden tial election, all the prominent political jp-estions whidi divide the country, wj, no douot, i;e n.tiy Oiscussecl. These con siderations induce 113 to believe that the-Com-ki-scional C'lobk will make fi ve h en ured, and the Appendix, between stx and I 'fi,. I ,.,.,. . . t-.l'.2-" seven hundred r V!h1 flii;trl- rn,..i I r . ' ' " is made n (-Li Ni m v r.tvwA.l . il . .... 1 J ..U....ii,,, Ml lilC 111(1 J l ,.r . 1 .1... . uses j mi vnv,,,,,,,,, speecnes ol tiie bers condensed. The yeas and n:,vn il mem important subject are given, h js pui,. bshed weekly, with small type, on sixteen royal quarto pages. The Appendix contains the speeches of he members, at full length, written out by Themselves, and is printed in tbe tame form as the Congressional (.'lobe. It js published as fast as the speeches can lie prepared. U.-ually there ;,re u,oru him,l beis printed for a session than there ar weeks in it, Each of those works is complete in it self. But it js desirable for cverv snlKorl. ber to have both ; because, if there should be any ambiguity in the synopsis of a speech in the Congressional Globe, or any denial of its correctness, it may be removed at once by refering to the speech in the Appendix. Induxoe to Loi'i nr -nt to subscribers as soon as they can be prepared after tiie adjournment of Congress. T E It M S : For one copy of the Congressional One copv of th Appendix SI 81 . r.uier oi me above works will be sent fr $5. twelve conic for $i0 and a proportionate number of copies for a largpr sum. t Payments may be transmitted bv-mail postage paid, at our risk. . The noies of any mr-orp-ratcd bank in the Unitad States, current in the section of country where a subscriber resides, will be received. But when subscrihers can procure the notes of banks in the Nothern and Mi.uu- q,... bey will please send them. " To insure all the numbers, the subscrip tions shouid be hera by the 9ih of Decern ber next. . . The Democratic papers with which we exchange, will please give this prospectus a few insertions. ICr Xo attention will be paid lo am order unless the money accompanies it. BLAIR & RIVES, U ashington City, November, 1S39.

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