ly of the Assembly mem l'he Demo v.ratic majority is said U be ihuch greater lian it was at the Presidential election. Did Virginia, we believe, comes next. TI1C PRESIDENT'S FURNI TURE AG ALNi Our neighbor, the Banner, justifies the appropriation of Six Thousand Dollars, lately made by the Whigs in Congress, Fur furnishing the President's House and ac tually attempts to prove that said expendi ture is a savin" of fourteen thousand dol lars ! That paper itlls us, that "Mr. Van Buren received 820,000 to furnish thtf palace, and Gen. Harrison only 6,000," seeming to forget that (Jen. Harrison's S6.000 is in addition to ihe-$20,000 pre viously granted to Mr. Van Buren. Ac cording io its reasoning, 16,000 added o $20,000 make tninus SI 1,000 ! Wriggle, twist and prevaricate as much as they please about the matter, the Whigs cannot escape this conclusion : if the ex penditure is proper, they lied outrageously Jast summer about Mr. Van Buren's furni ture; it it is unnecessary, then, they have falsified all their . pledges of retrencliment and economy, and convicred themselves of he basest hypocrisy in professing, before -the election, sucli a devotion to "log-cabin siii-.nli.euy.'' EXTRA SESSION. ' attention to the proclamations, in another part of this paper, of President Harrison and Gov. Morehead; the former, convening n extraordinary session of Con. gress; the latter, providing for the represcn taliou of North Carolina therein, by order ing ti3-lectbu foi Members of Congress to be held -Mi an earlier day than the usual time. -The character and design of this are -so fully -and so judiciously noticed in ihe auneoced remarks of the Globe, that we icaiinot doi-better than to copy them. It is our duiy. hawever, to call upon the Repub licans of this District to be up and doing Lei them ?.thi for the contest immediately The is verv snort indeed, but it is long enough if our friends will use only moder ate vigilance and activity. Their only dan iter is an overweening confidence in their stieugil del tins not betray them into ap ailiy. -LeMkiein wirn in every voter before 'the tdecua,;.id impress him with the im fiporiKce:f 'his attendance at the polls. W e Jiitu w ihai'ii is a busy season of the year, iJ Uat it -mull bo inconvenient for the W rk Kseu 'he real Democracy of the jand 'turn out; but, surely, no one lU Yefuse-pare one day to his country. "Tbs . -proceeding, then, originates in the j-nv-taxience of one unprincipled man, ibeut m ?fecang a system of measures (condem-ried 'again and again by the people) throug3rXhsitrnrnentaliiy of a body of partisans elected with a view to other ob jects, a4d carefully concealing from the elec tors tire designs which they are now called ogeier-ti accnaiplish, before the public entimentcaibe rallied to arrest them. The caHed-elerstirtfls to fill the House of Iiepre sentatives, rtts supposed, will be influenced by the Wmfttirse given in the Presidential election, and -which operated to give a ma jority to the Federal party in the House, as far as already -constituted. The called elec tions to he brought about so soon after the inauguration, 'it is supposed, will, for an other reason, fall more reatlily into the same bias. Thex-iHimry people, among whom the s'rotiffih of Democracy lies, turn out feebly at -elections called at unusual periods. "Feder ali-sin, noisily embodied in cities, towns, and Tillages, is always ready at the polls, and the bank cohorts are ever on the alert to bring in, at a moment's warning, those under -ihe-iv influence in the coun try. 44 From the face of the proclamation, it will be observed, that the Cabinet have not ventured to-designate distinctly, the particu lar measure which the exigency demands, and which is io justify an extra session. "Weighty matters, principally growing out of the condition f the levenue and finances, appear to call for the consideration of "Congress." Why did they not name "ihe iccighty matter principally grow ing," Aid They CByld not pretend that the condition of the revenue and finances were soch that the Administration could not go on cor veniently until the regular meet ing of Congress, The new Administration started with five millions in Treasury notes one million of other means on hand and Telief from another million in the pen sions, payable in March, but anticipated jmiJ paid by that which precedetl it. The De mocratic Administration never, since the distribution of the surplus commanded such an outfit for the year, at the adjournment of a Congress. And yet this ample provi sion will not serve Federalism nine months, although the appropriations of ihe last Con gress are small in comparison with those of preceding Congresses, and the expendi tures diminishing on all sides by the com pletion of the public buildings, the almost entire cessation of the Florida war, and the reduction of the pension lis:s. "The truth is, this extraordinary Con gress is called io take the nation by surprise, and to force down upon it National Hank a Protective Tariff a Distribution of the Public Domain and the ncsl egg of a Nationul Debt." XCs Frorh'the Senate proceedings copied in another part of this paper, it will be seen, that the di.'iiculiy between Senators King and Clay has been adjusted, in aJ way honorable to botli parties. By lliG following note which we receiv ed yesterday from Dr. Lyde, it appears that he is no longer a candidate fur a seat in the next Congress. Lincolnton, March 30, 1841. To the Editor of the Lincoln licpublican. I embrace--this early opportunity to in form my friends and the public, that, in consequence of a contemplated trip to the West and for sundry other reasons, I with draw my name as a candidate for a scat in the next Congress. I wish, however, to correct an error that exists with neighbor ing Editors, viz : they have been pleased to style hie a Federalist of the Hamilton School. This is not the fact; on the con trary, my political creed and course, have always been in accordance with the Jeffer sonian doctrines 1 am a Republican in theory, a Republican in practice, and a na live of the Republican Slate of Pennsylva nia. Respectfully yours, &c. j. if. lytLb. By the President of the United States of America, A PROCLAMATION. Whereas sundry important and weigli ty matters, principally growing out of the Condition of the revenue and finances of the country, appear to me to call for the con sideration of Congress at an earlier day than its next annual session, and thus form an extraordinary occasion, such as renders necessary, in my judgment, the convention of the two Houses as soon as may be prac ticable, I do therefore, by this my Procla mation, convene the two loupes of Con- gress, to meet in the Capitol at the city of; Washington, on the last Monday being the thirty-first day, of May next. And I re quire the respective Senators and Kepre sentatives then and there to assemble in order to receive such information respec ting the state of the Union as may be given to them, and to devise ami adopt such me- sures as the good of the country may seem to them, in the exercise of their wisdom and discretion, to require. In testimony whereof, I have caused the sealofthe United Slates to be hereunto atlixed, and signed the same with my hand. Done at the city of Washington, this .. ..e M u :.. tociiiccniu udj m .tidicu, in me year ol our ljoru one thousand rjt- s. eight hundred and forty-one, and of the independence of the Uni ted States the sixty-fifth. W. H. I1AUUIS0N. By the President : Daniel Webster. Secretary of Stale. From the Mecklenburg Jrffcr sonian. "PUFFING." If the Editor of the 'Raleigh Star" does not quit fiis extravagant and indiscriminate puffing of any and every member of the Federal party who makes a speech, or is a candidate for office, somebody should send on to Washington and obtain for him fiom the new Administration the office of "Puffer-General of the State." The Editor of the Star is doubtless not aware of how much he bores, and how ludicrous he ren tiers some of his friends, by the extrava gant eulogies he lavishes upon thenr ma king out each, in his turn, the most gifted, eloquent, and patriotic man that ever has or ever will adorn the State. In his paper of the 17lh instant, he spends a vast deal of this kind of "sqV sawder"1 upon Col. Uarringer, the Feder al candidate for Congress in this District. Now, as our friend of the Lincoln Republi can remarks, "Col. Uarringer may be a very clever young man," and of respecta ble attainments, but the People of this Dis trict would like to know, we presume, in what way he has ever signalized himself as a very great man. It is true, that in the last Legislature of this Slate, he assis ted, by his speeches and votes, in squan dering between seven and eight hundred thousand dollars of the People's mon-y upon objects that will never profit the State at large a copper. He voted to give to the Willi,, ngiot all Roail ihe orpilit nf ihe State for three hundred thousand dollars, and to the Raleigh and Gaston Road a like sum. when, at the lime of passing the act, the stock of the latter was not worth twen ty cents in the dollar. He also was in favnr of squandering two or three hundred thousand dollars to make a mud turnpike through the centre of the State, to the great j detriment of our present good roads. He also, after perambulating all Western North Carolina last summer, abusing Mr. Van lluieu for his splendid style of hvinr, voted for an appropriation of near six thousand dollars to furnish more splendidly the Go vernor's House in Raleigh to buy French bedsteads, scarlet silk curtains, towels, soap, cwC &c. for the use of John M. Morehead, contrary to Gov. M.'s wishes, and regardless of his great horror of such extravagance, as expressed in his speeches before the People last summer. Mr. Caldwell, who was also in the Le gislature, spoke and voted against this ex travagance and waste of the People's mo ney ; yet hf is denounced by ihpse new fashioned "2couomists and reformers," who are sir ving to manufacture a great man of Col. I3arrinrer. The PeopV, we hope, will not fail to ex amne miamciy the cjurse of tlic two can ilid:tti'S tor uongreM in tuts wisuici. i.n. . . T ...I.. I.. in the legislature. They will then be able undcrstar.dingly to pronounce, by their votes at the ballol-boX, which would ne the most safe guardian of their rights and interests in th-5 more extended and impor tant station of a member of Congress. Office-IS eggurs. The number of these patriots swarming in Washington City like the locusts of Egypt, continued at the last accounts still undiminished. The Presi dent is said to be so greatly harrassed by their importunate applications, as to have become sensitively irritable in reference to ihenii lie lately remarked that "he thought he was supported (for President) from the lespoct they had for him, but he now sees that it iwas all for office." The General has, it seems t!i;n, been under a "delu sion," as well as Some who supported him. We pity his troubles, for they must be grievous. It is like being pursued by a puck of hungry wolves. Western Carolinian. Not Burnt. We congratulate oursel' and all honest men, that the Public Buil dings in Washington, particularly that con taining the General Post Office, have been transferred to the Whigs without being burnt. Believing that men who were base enough to charge such a design upon us, were not loo good io hire incendiaries or even to ap ply the torch themselves, we had the most serious apprehensions for the safety of the public books and papers. Individually, we felt a deep interest in the matter, because those books and papers, as long as they ex ist, will bear irresistible testimony to the purity of intention with which that Depart ment of Government has been administer ed. Kendall's Expositor. Extract from the Minutes of the Pfesby I lery f Concord. At the stated sessions of the Presbytery nf Concord, on the 11th instant, after the fiee conversation on the slate of religion, the following Resolution was adopted, viz: " W hereas it appears, from the statement made by the members of Presbytery, that the state of vital piety, within our bounds, is discouragingly, if not alarmingly, low, therefore ftes&lvtd. That it be earnestly recom- memted to the Pa.-tors and Churches un- der our care, to observe the Saturday be- fore the first Sabbath i April next, as a Jay of special fasting, humiliation, ami prayer : that each Pastor be enjoined to 7 . . . . i .- . preacn a sermon on mai uay inquiring in to the causes and remedies of this state of things; and that the Ruling Elders of the churches be affectionately urged to co-operate diligently with the Pastors in special efforts to improve the state of religion within their respective bounds." S. WILLIAMSON, Slated Clerk Law of Divorce in New Hampshire. If a man become an habitual drunkard, and , r- , . . nave a wue, sue mav leave nun in inret; years, and marry again. I Severe Winter in Eur ope.-'Vhe win ter on the continent of Europe has been unusually severe. In Sweden three thou sand persons are said to have died of cold. The ponds in some places were frozen to the bottom and the fish destroyed. In Hungary 80,000 head of horned cattle have . been frozen to death, and birds and game are s la tea to have shaced the same fate. State of Worth Carolina. -:- By His Excellency, John M. Morehead, Governor, Captain Genetal and Commander-in-Chief, in and over the State afaresuid. HEREASj 1 havetaen duly informed by the Proclamation of His Excellencv. vvilliam tir.NHv iiAmusny, 1'resulent of the United States, that the last Monday of" May next, (being the 31st iay thereof.) has been fixed upon by him for the meeting of the Srst Session of the twenty-seventh Congress of the United Stales: an event which renders it expedient and necessary that the Election!) for the Representatives from this Stale in the net Congress should be held at an earlier day than the usuttl time of holding said Elections : Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority in me vested, by an Act of the General Assembly of (his State entitled "An Act concerning the 'mode of choosing Senators and Representatives in the Con gress of the United States," f Revised Xtatules of N. C. Chapter lid J an. to the end, that ihe Freemen of this State may be du!y rcpicsented in the next Congress, at its first session commencins as aforesaid, I d issue this my Proclamation, here by commanding and requiring an Micriils and other Returning Officers of the several Counties compos ing each Congressional District, to cause Polls to bo opened and kept, and Elections to be held, for Representatives to the next Congress of the 'ni ted Stales, on Thursday, the thirteenth dav of Mav next, at the places established bv law in'ihcir re spective Counties, for holdin-.'sai'd Elections. And I dc further command and require said Sheriffs, and other Returning Officers, to meet for the pur pose of comparing ihe Polls,; the times and places prescribed by law for that purpose. And I do, by this, my Proclamation, further '-require the Free men of this Stale, to meet in their respective Coun ties, at the time" aforesaid, and "at the places es tablished by law, then and there to give llieir voles for Repre -utatives," in the next Congress. In testimony whereof I have ratted the Great Seal of the State to be hereunto ainxed, and signed the saiLe with my hand. .si-?, , 1501,0 at the city of Raleigh, this jpfti. t,)e dav of March, in 2&&t!.'e Mr ,,f rt"r Lord one thousand Tfl: eight hunlred and forty -one, and of rTft?' 'be Independence of the United States the. sixty -iii'ih. J. M. MOREHEAD. By toe Governor : Ja. T. Lrrriwojjy, p. Sec'v. ITS i or a I POLITICAL NEWSPAPER. TO BE ENTITLED TJlll EXT A STAIVIJARD, THOMAS LOU1NG, Editor. fTHHE EXTRA STANDARD is intended la accommodate those of our l'fMov-ciii.ens j lto desire" a cheap publication, containing sound j political doctrines, and the news of the doj ; and j will m published semi-monthly. The Editor will endeavor to make this -rmpiira- j tijn acceptable to the puhlic ; especially that (xir- ton who are friendly tJ Democratic UepuUiean ' principles. j i The price will be $1 per year, payable in all ra ws in advance. As the prico is low, the terms i uust he complied with no paper will be sent to ' anyone without the amount of one ;i trjeanee, and all papers will Iw discontinued at the i cad of the year, unless the advance for the second j year is sent by the time the lirr't ex pire. j ' Twelve copies will be sent to one address, for one year, or to different individuals, on the payment ; OT ten dollars in advance. , A specimen number will be issued in a few ays. ' Should the subscription justify the undertaking. tie first number will be issued about the 1st of i .lav next. ' llaleigh, Maich 3, 1841 CTrM; OCT. CO Thirty-six lAlcely FOR -:- $ Monday, the 5ih day of April next, I will sell for CASH, ut the Court-House in Lin- ointon, thirtr-six likely ISegroes, consisting ot MEN, WOMEN, and CHILDREN s a.nongst them, several first rate mechanics. Blacksmiths, Colliers, Hammermen, &e. aid negroes are the property of Henry Fiiienwi.ier, executed at the instance of J. lila kwoo.l, agent, Maxwell Chambers, D. A. l-'aMs. Cashier, and others. JOHN l. STAMEV. Sheriff. Lincolnton, March 13, 1841. Trustee's Sale l&Y virtue of a Deed of Trust to me executed by Hiiam A. f,owrance to secure David Aderhold and C Eaker, I will sell, on Tuesday the 20th day of April next, at the residence of said Lowrancc, the following property, viz : Three wVcgrocs ; Some Cattle some household and kitchen furniture, and a va- riety of other articles too tedious to enumerate I A crcou oi six moruns win, wiicii me exceeds five "dollars, be giv'en for half the pur chase the purchaser to give bond and approved security; for the other half, cash will be required. E. MAUNEV, Trustee. Lincoln Co. March 24, IS41. 433 State of Worth Carolina, I LINCOLN COUNTY- i Superior Court of Law Spring Term, 1311. Margaret I. Adams, vs. C Petition for Divorce, Win. E. Adams. J T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant m this ease, W in. L. Adams, resides without the limits of this State, It is, there fore, ordered that publication be made for three months in the "Lincoln Republican" and "Wes ton Whig Banner," hotityin'g the said defendant to be and appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for the County of Lincoln, at the Court-House in Lincolnton. on the 2irf Mouday at'ier the 3rd Monday in August next; then and lbMe, to answer the several matters set foith in plaintill's petition: Otherwise, saiJ petition will be heard ex parte, and judgment rendered accor dingly. Witness. Joiix Michal. Clerk of said Court, at otlice, the 2nd Monday after the 3rd Monday in February, 18-11. JOHN" MICHAL. Clerk. Lincolnton, March 24, 1S41. 43 3mo. Printer's fee 1 1). t??r. tf? A s the insolvency of ihe T&ij?wi' JixL milestone Springs om- WTZ ,M"'V is 1,0 ,""a'"r ,K"'l!,,'!!l- imgggt' the Creditors thomfarc iuvi- ttud in person or by authorized Proxy, at the l'.n" stme Springs, on ihe last Monday of Varrii jJ(S( tlnl they may make some suitable urraii-ru-t-ni f,jr tie protection of their rights. MAN V" CCDITOR-S. The Stockholders of the. Limestone Spri. gs Company are also invito to iiic;-t on the "!th .Varch. to make some o,-dr fur a -L-tt lenient with tLeir Agent. A STOCKHOLDER.. March 5, 1811. Tail SPLENDID STALLION AND SUPERIOR FOAL GF.TTLU A noble son of the renowned Old Sir Archie, he unqiicsliopahlv the best on of the Imported sorrel Diomed on ei iher side of the Atlantic. Ocean, is now in fine health, full of vigor, and lenders bis professions! services io a generous cotcmu- -3L an& n --' -'--iW-it--jV-' - utty, and mists that his just claim vrr. l,e duty appreciated, and his wants freely -is -red unto, mud the 1st ol July '!. a which time he will go into reiireinifit and prepaie for a new campaign to commente ;.fu'r the excitement, which n ny grow oia of the next ('oncressional then, n sba.l have subsided. The services pi Ibis truly fine horse, commencing with the new Ad-1 ,. ' , h . . .!,, M." mini.-tr-.lto.T aioi cising as aiue. (,ifl 1st of July next,) can be had at t.l:e,n Dollars a mare, or he will ensure coricjv lion for Twenty-live Dollars dv.e wlun it is ascertained or the property d;epo:-ed ol; and in every case i'lliy cents a u.arc to the groom. Mares It ft wiih il.c hor.-e shall be atiendeu" to and fed 10 onb r upon very moderate terms hut in no cae V. iii I incur responsibility for escapes ami mic.'i casualties or damages as may p' s.-ibly l.aj pen to his lovely associate.-; but tinder the management of a skdiful cronm, I trust no:.e heed be anticipated especially when it ii? considered with w hat great caic nnd oviiio kindness H10TT approaches ihose that willingly receive h:s embraces. lie will occupy SlabUs or "Log Cabns" alternately during the season, m the h ! low-jnv Darned places, viz: at (leorge Lo- gans in uiitiicrlorc county. u i.nn. Tuesdays and Wednesday?; and on Thurs days, Fridays and fcsiiurdn s :il Morgan ton, llui ke county; his time M each siia'l be arranged to suit his friends and custom ers am) great punctuality may he expected; except when he is engaged in making new acquaintances and soliciting their favors. A minute zoology of ihis splendid stal lion of tip top race horse size, blood and form will no doubt h acceptably to such as may not have the pleasure of seeing him and judging for ihemselvt s. lie, like ma ny of Ins colts is sixteen hands high, and stands upon a firle set of hard, bnv, il nl) leas and ; orny hoofs cf the liighest polish and fines-1 finish, and as blark as the sin of Alioliiion in a Southern Ci.imtrr, Lis line fiowirg black mane and tad mid g'osy I ccat of &ilk-like hair of rich bay color, give evidence of his purity of blood his loud I bellowing when wooing and prancing he fore an object under the gaze of his spark ling eye, ready to receive his kind embra ccs is conclusive proof of the great strength of his lungs, his mild doeile countenance teach? us to believe thai his colts will be mild and gende in their disposition liU nice well shaped ears that stand erect and seldom flap upon a lean boiiy towering head as high as party spirit during its greatest rae last sumo or, together wuh ins beautiful long well arched neck give to him that gayetv which ccmpclls the J connoisseur to pronounce him no kin io a lubber his broad deep shoulders, full heavy brisket, and high thin withers, between w hich and a strong pair of prominent hips that run well up is to be seen a chesi of the finest form, and a back and loin of incom parable s renglh -The eye is next f asled with a view of just such a pair of jamb up thighs, and cluster of musch s that lie about his houghs and arms thai cannot fail to please the fancy of the scrutinizing' eye of the nicest critic. If it shook! be asked'whv IJIOTT never distinguished himself on the Turf, the answer is at hand he ran but one race, that was four mile heats at Halifax. N. C against a fine field of horses, ami whs second in it, although evidently out of order, from the effects of a founder a few days previous to the race he was then transferred to the hands of a (ientlemau whf clerical notions forbid his Further training; P 12 1) I Ci Si II ED RIOTT was sire.i hv lliat narnffnn rf horses, the renowned Old S.r Arciiii i by the Imported sorrel Diomed from whose loins sprang an innumeranie host tit" race horses thai like his fame are well kn.)wn on both sidis of the Atlantic, and the pride ami boast ot each countrv the nam of IJIO'FT formerly the prop'eMV f Col W. li. Johnson and Mr. llrand", of Va , , ... ,, .... was sired by bir braneis Horded, win--,, pride and boast of each countrv the dam was one of ihe best sons of ihe uucquMled four mile race horse l'otemae. hv the above Imported Diomed. and oT .nir-e half brother to Oid Sir Archie. li-jrdetts' dam was by ihe Imported Citreil t.L. rrra!1,J sire of the great Mopsicur Toeson, and his ree iliPtmguishtiJ Lrother-, Lis grand d--,m washy lie 1 vporied M,,ueirar) out ofaS. li.n, she .JBl j-., Juv . f frK, on. oi in i' ce vhraled Iinporu-d marc. Ma ry (jfay the grand dan: ol KIOTT. was sired by the Imported I'cdfoid, a:id tin: i"' A the oicat Siixlocli. and ii::ii!V otiur c.plial racers, his great c .ii'l.iui was bail' sicr to .Ldiy Frmr. ami s:u-;i bv ihe dih-i-i!. nt.eil hoise Fi lir ia!i;-', I. is "-, ijralid dan. wiis by lim Ln poi ie.i iio;.se ( lUi , ar.u w ho wh also the ire of lt;e d:s!int:i. :.-h d i.oi.c ..irai,' OL! Ccler, his g. a. o. o(;n! o'aio by l he Imported Joiiv i'i,g, r Lorn w hose pure veins sprang lb- til uo ud long distance race horses ever known iii ine inn e.i oiatt-s. IU leiencc to (he j above rich Pi ilione will ,tw p' liit of l.looil IJIO TT stands i!ti;iv:.!ed, and is riosi ly allied Lithe illustrious Moa-j si. -or Tonson and t!;e invmcihle Do.-tou J k i:u ai:i;iiiMeo ail llieir -compEUtor.- ::t lo;-g (iiiiiiicr s f . r a wi;i. r.' i:ii!!cy He as bit d by the lion. A. l ILjvan jalu of Northau.p'on coij.nt, N. C. and sold to (iov. 11. (J. Burton, dee'd. for -'2U.!0 at three old. ,mhing; need be said in favor f IJIO'I T, when I is splendid colts and t' t-ir performance known, to such as have i.ot that pleasure let it be said that I have ii:u!y certific;itcs in my possession w hich go to show beyond doubt, all tiir.t may he said in his favor as a stallion of ihe fines, order. Breeders would d.) well to see hr.n oelore making any engagements- WILLIAM SLADLL Lincolnton, March IT, IS II. VI TTN Charlotte or Ytc'XwA Cfcailottc . JPd tw' U TucLase c Ft id, s Vtui:d!e of MO 1 E$ stitel.c.l Uo-lWrin the foini if a Jfc.t La all. payable to n,c as administrator of IloVert Si Jty, dec d., as l:I!ows. lo wit : One on W in. A. Law ins or"1 f,ir Sv3 One on W hi. HauWs and olhe.-s, U r i t.- One on Koi . ri t:as,,-n and c.Lcrs, fr ,1 t f. OeoH . ;i P. Ernlvar.d olios, f..r ;o fi. . ..w;.. A lUkr and I" L Cil,,ittclur ;flC!. One on Kohei t W ilson, m. II. MC Lrnrv and A. lliift, for S1581 b7 1-2. One on C. Ls Uunier and odu is, for is. Om- on Win. McLine afid P. C. Cdd well, for 07"i'i H-O. Ore on Jas. Lencgan. Win. Lr.nrgan and Vii. Davenport, fw lli:. One on KoU. Sloan, smi., IL .Vloan, jt:n. and A. Crier, for 70 One on S. ii. Ki.ox, Loll. S'.can and J. M. WiUfin, for SOL One on A. M. Hcaty and others, for "507 '5. One on Ficdetick Foid and otl.cis, h 625 7l. One on Mary Piktr and cm!.ii. h v 67 f-a. O. u on Win. S. Cail'.ry atid .::!:or , T. i SI0 One on in I.iir.ctargc-r atal i-ilins (ox -Ml 10. (7ne on Vm. Loucgati and otl.tfs, fur 50 03. One on Jno. f I.iw kins ned i!f i-r:-. for One on S. litatv ae.d o.liti, for -1 1 S3 1-2 One on 1J. Smith and others, fr 2f 27. One on IL V. and lv.l!.eisuu W tils and others, lor c:3l 22 12. One on 1. Oliver :md S. Heafy, fr tfS 70 One on iv- latv and oil. his. ftr ii-U AU. the above nolo d;.!ed the )Hth of Feb., 18-10, and due in ttWe wombs. Also, toie no'.e on I. V- CJiiU ell, tlatu not recollected, for about GO or 70, duo I3t!i Feb. last. One on Cynthia Ur aty, dated about this 13th of Feb. last, diawn one day alur date, for $21 13. Onft on H. IJcaty, da-e not recollected, due 1st Jan. last, for 21 01. One on Win. I'eatv. for something un der SiO, due 1st Jan. luM. One on Lril Y agfiafl", for S2, !uc lt Jan. la.kt. One on E. Hanks, Wm. Hanks,'. J.du stori and Wm. McLnre, for 381, dated the 13i.Ii of March last, due la tie ven months All persons thai gave such notes, aro notified not to pay tiiem to any one but myself. Any lnfoimatiou concerning the above papers will be thankfully received. KM, Jldmr. of Ilobt. Jltuty, thc'tli Woodlawn, Lincoln Co March I, IrMI TOSTOFFAT'S LIKE 1-iLLS, AM) J'liE iVil. MX Bl ITLKS. The i-erfeclly sale, un ci iln. and successful tieatmcnt of almost every species .lisea.-e by the use of MOFFAT'S L1FL MLfJiCIM!-), is no longer a matter of doubt, as u reference to the of many thousand pa tients will satisfactorily pioc. lluiing the present mouth alone, nearly one hundred tas,cs have eomo to the knowledge of .Mr. Mollat, where the (aticiit -has, to all appearance, ell'ecled a permanent cure, by the exclusive and judicious use of ihe Life Medi cines some eiiiht or ten of these find been w.n sidered beyond all hope by their medical attendants. tni h happy results are a source of great plcasuic Io Mr. .M. and inspire him with new coui.iiciicn l i cci'inmeiid the use of his medicines to his fclliw citizens. The LIFE MEDICLNES arc a punly VE(J ETAUJiK prepaiatiou. They are n.ild and piea: ttnt in tlieir operation, and nt the same time thor ough acting rapidly upon the secretions of the system carrying oil" all acrimonious huinois, arid assiudlatiuii with and purifying ihe Ulod. For this reason, in ag;rav-ateu cuses wf j'"pepsia, th Life .Medicines will j;ic relief in a sboiler space .t" time th in any o, j.rcserirti.m. In Fever-and-Agne. Inil.up-.oatory KlieiuuatisM, Fevers of every dem-nption, Sick Headache, llea-t 1 krm, Diy.inesri in the i1 ,-ad, F.iias in tlic Cht.l, Flalriw-ny, im pawed appelite, and in everj? (Incase ari fiom 1 appe:ne, ami in ever; nrsease ana.-- noiu j a,u ,,"l,l'-i'y 1" the l.Uxl, or a disordered Mate of ! ' MihIicuics has always i proved lobe bevonu !uidl crciitlv suit nor to anv l.the,-,I)t)(l,. of tr'eatn.ent. oi iittj.u'.ii y ! the l.hxxl, or a ilisortlcreU t-Xitit: of A that Mr. asks of his patients is to Ut particular in l:ski:ig ll.em sliictiy aciordii.g to the directions. It is ik by a newspaper Holier, or by any tiling he hini.-i ll" may s::y in their f..vor. th::t he hopes to gain eiedi:. It is alone by the re side; of a fair trial. Js tin- r an i::v:ii;.!, a-..i doc; l:c u i-h to know whether the Life Mei ie":::e viil s:,il hi-; own r:i.-c .' fi' so, let him call Oi .:.' j to Mr. .'Lftl'n oizenl in t!;is place, and pi copy otjhe Mt,l; id ,M:ilii;:il. as e.iic a'uide to ileal:',, jmldislied graluitoitM v.iil lii.'ri? find enumerate I very many er.lrii j t.". his rv ease.; o. -u:e; i":.i jirliT.s e:ic!!v ; M'j .a,,-,.! ciix. !l;es :ire fir I.I : c I'X 55.-oiid-.vav Th 1 U l. A . KAM.-iOUR. n, J.iucary (;, It 1 1. TTT i JJ trenrraVv !ii;.vil by nre i:T i 1 ; i tcri. r. all o:ii" (':'.. "ineih, .1 Io Irint v.; ! i.!e c ited c:ii!. il; !;-.t il i.; r.evi:r- ! ! ecu v. hi-.i.tit any : j .;.,.''. !l;nt oiir wiili iii;;!i; i":i i l" our claiii. ; :u.l I.e. W e aic I. iv ii, iri early d o:l,. is. wi; in ti:o !:: have f;r Mir:r:i. A.:: t'-'e- t,:G-: 'i:i; c;!'-: t wliatce . fli. lvl-i Will i. ' ti.e ins iJ l i.! a o cere 1'AIlK U trying to m.mi ir.eliielii.- t i:iN(r STOCK of GOODS, And ii'somethijiS right nice is m.t lone t-hoitlv vvo will have Io pl.t oi l Io!;; of papers; and .ve iiepo it vfill not surprise, if some i-.Ltji.ld Lc l'..iii;.l in tho ;::-t Court. ' Every 1-ody knows that we have hern s!o-.t to force Collections, and we hope our friend: will not be oUeudcd, if we arc driven to it now. f. a. Home & co. Lincolnton, X. C. Dec. 'J, lS Jy. Roots and Shoes, ? every kind and ijuaSily, on JunJ and fot sale by J01LT: IIAUSKII. Lincolnton, Oct. 21, lSlf, 21 3t,