Mr. Botts by a vote cf 1 19 to 6fi and the resolution 1 y a vole of 125 to 69; and that onthe next dayt ti hidings if signed Lis seat and went home. !' Eve ry member who voted egainst censuring him, u a Whig ! From the Raleigh Standard. LOG CABINS FOM SALE. Behold and Wonder! Hear and beware cf Treachery! Governor Morehead Cgainst the Log Cabin Men! Practice in Office. against ' Profession out of it! JZaolliCT device for grinding the People delected! Another attempt to gel public money for suspended Banks exposed! The Legislature of 1840, famous In our history fobad laws and worse propositions, is second only to Biddle for the attempt to enact a law to oppress the Log Cabin Men, under the title of a Bill to relieve the Peo ple. Lo! here is a parallel-to Biddle's Bank Oharter, which wy passe J by the name of "an act to diminish and repeal Taxes." James. T. Mortheal esq. the brother of Governor Morehead.. in three days after his Excellency was installed, actually proposed a "Hill to unite the Hoard of Internal Improvements and the Literary Board.-and to amend the 60th, Gist, and 65ih and G7ih chapters of Hie Revised ' Statutes." An imposing tide, and how harmless'. But only look -t tlie f umh section of the "Hill in unite," &e. and you find the kernel of it; and what is it but a proposition to ''collect all the moneys" due the State by the People and invest it in our Banks? To coerce the Log Cabin Men who owe 30 ,000 dollars lor their homes in Cherokee and the Mountains, to pay up or else be sued and sold mil to contract the loans (hat have been made to the people in other sections amounting to 200.000 dollars more, in order lo put more money into our suspended Banks! W hy? Any danger of loss to tlie Suite? Noiiea all! Any flush of Cash in tlie Mounted!-? By no means! Any need of more money to lend the Rail Roads? None; for they already had about 150.000 dollars caiA, besides million of endorsements! Where fore this movement, then, to sell out our Log Cabin Men, to put money in the sus pended Banks? We turn to Mr. More bead's report for the reasons (written no doubt w ith the sanction of his Excellency) and there it is disclosed. Hear it. Log Cabin Men, and be wtee! One of them i, because it is "undignified" for li is Excel lency the Governor to be attending to loans, and a renewal of the Notes of the People! Especially lit'le Notes! Particularly Log Cabin Loans! -Swelline with tlie dignity -of his office." our Governor (through his well bebved brother) exclaims in this Re port, why the 'Constitution declares that the Governor shall be Vapfiin General" and. "Commarder in Chief!!" And in another part, this Report says, "whait-tr may have been the object," &. the "per formance of ministerial duties" (such as renewing Notes and loaning State money to the People) i "wholly incompatible vailh the Dignity and constitutional func tions of a co-ordinate branch of the Govern ment!" We write from tho Record. It has not been denied. It cannot bp. To invest the public n oney in Bank Stocks is as inocti a "ministerial" office as to invest ii in lands to ilie people. B it in the eye of an inflated Hani Cider Ar stoeracy, the lat ter is not so "dignified," we suppose, as the former. Insulting pretence! To co erce the poor debtors of North Carolina and force a sale of their homes and Log Cabins, and the last Horse or Cow they have got, is a job not too ''undignified" f r the 'Ciptain General;" provided always, it is done for the sake of cramming the al ready expanded maw of our Banks with inore money. "Oh, yes ! Oh yes ! Oh yes !' Publish it upon the Mountains. Proclaim it in the -valleys, until every Log Cabin shall ring witli'the intelligence that Gov. Morkiiead. in the very first month, of a Log .Cabin Ad ministration, certainly did not resist, prob ably aided, and we doubt sanction ed this movement of his Brother in the Senate, to pass a Bill against the Log Cab in debtors who elected him! Me forgot bis benefactors the day after bis inaugura tion, (the Report is dated 2d January.) lie wanted authority to unite his Boards with a command from the Legislature to push tho little debts for collection which the n,Jj nvop to the State, in order to invest it all in the Banks, lie wanted a fiat to drag 3,00,000 from the people's pockets, in order to put it all in' the ' vanbs of " our suspended Banks ! And wherefore? Why must it be s..? Hear! Hear! Because it is "undignified" for him who is the "Com mander in Chief and Captain General." to give his attention (most royal master John) to such little Log Cabin concerns. Pro digious ! P-r-o-d-i-g-i-o-ti-s ! . "w hat Governor Dudley did, without a srvTifu-e of dignity, it has buco no undigni fied fr his successor to perform, the very clav after he took his seat. But that it did not termimte in a law for sacrificing the poo: Debtors: that it did not en l in n stem, miserlv civnmnnd, that it "shall be the duty of said Board to collect all the money. &e." under tins 4th : section, is not the fault of Gov. Morehead. The bill did not pass but no thanks to the Royal Family. But so it always was and so it always will be. Out of'place. these men deceive, and in office they' grin. the people. They have no genuine" sympathies with Log Cabin Men. Their political sentiments exclude all such sympathies. In place or out of it their schemes begin, continue and end in Banks and B'ink service, aid verily it, would seem that the more faithless our moneyed Corporations are, the-" more devoted homage they exact from our "dignified"- Federal Rulers. Mark tlie dis guise. Oh the consciousness of guilt!) This sacrifice was to be made by virtue of a Bill under some other, title. - How characteristic. ' Hence it has been thus far "concealed from t lie eye." This Bdl was like the party of its author, or rather it is like the patry-leaders of whiggery. There is no judging it fairly by the name it bor rowed. But after awhile the light will penetrate, and then wo! wo! to the deceiv ers. We challenge contradiction from any man, tinder tlie sanction of his name. Oh, Governor Morehead ! Governor Morehead! To think of selling out the Log Cabin Men these hard times,' to protect your "Dignity" and to serve the Banks As the Register once said, we shall begin to think "there is no such thing as political gratitude." '.'THE ICE HOUSE RE PAIRS." - The Register admits, at last, that Gov ernor Morehead built the Ice House upon the public grounds Since the Governor has got back, perhaps the Register will fa vor us with some furihe. intelligence upon this point. Will he publish the Law, then, that made this appropriation of the public money for oji Ice House? We know there was a Resolution for ' Repairs." But according to our recollection. Govern or Moreheail, in 1840, adopted General Ogle as his standard author upon political (Conomy. He quoted largtly from his celebrated speech, every body knows. Has he forgor.on ti e following remarks of Gen. Ogle already ? "In the district of country which I re present," s iid fie, "a mm "n said to re "pair his bouse, if he patch the old roof, or "put on a new one or if be weaiheiboard "or paint the ou;ide or if fie hang a new "dour, or mend lite hinges, l iieti, lock, or "other fastenings of jiie old one: or if he "replaced sound panes in the stead of bro "ken window glass, or if fie fasten tlie old "mantel piece, r put a new one or if fie "mend (he old "floor or lay a new floor, "All these various improvements and a "thousand others of similar character, "may be legitimately railed repairs, ifce." Soade of the departed rhitf of Humbugs! Did it ever enter into thy imagination to eoncieve tint the "Commnider-in Chief and Capiain General of Log Cabin Wnig gery in North Carolina" would discover that building Ice Howies is any "repttir?" Raleigh Standard. 11x3 CGIiIZ 20 2J PEBEiLHJ ACABEMY. rgl IE Trustees of the institution, having procured the services of Miss A. Ma son, t yielded to Iter thrcharge & supervis ions of the School, take pleasure in an nouncing to parents, guardians, ami i he public in general, that during the past srs sion, she has proved herself amply com petent to discharge die Jutre f her Ma lion, and afforded to our citizens sa'isfac lory evidence in the steady but rapid pro gress id her Scholars, ,tb3t site is eiery way worthv of the highest A a greater inducement to patronise the Sct-ool, tlie Trustees have established i he follo wing rates of Tuition, lo be strict ly adhered to, viz ; Rudi:nens of Reading and") Per Session- ruing Arithmetic & Ge V ography (First Claes) J 3 00 Reading riling, Anthtne-l tic, English Grammar t S7 CO Geogrjphy J Phdosophv, Astronomy, " Bot.ny. History, Ar.'th-' metic, Reading, W riling, j &c. j Lnim and French t!ie tuual prices. Plain Needle Work. Milject to no addi tional charge in any Class. Ornamental Needle Work, Painting, Music charg ed in addition. gryThe exercises of the Institution will be resumed on Tursd y lite 5th day of April next, and continue for 5 months. C. LEONARD, 1 C. C. HENDERSON, ' R. S. JO IN SON, S. P. SlMPijON, ) Trustees. M. HOKE. j T. SlllJFORD, II. W. GHION, J Lincolnton March 30, 1842 44 Gt. fY virtue of a decree of the Court of 2? Equity, held for the County of Ire dell, Spring '1'er.n 1S42, I will ofiVr for sale on the premises on Friday the 29th of April next, the raot at whereon John Mayhew deceased resided, tituate n the east side of the Catawba riv or; adjoining the Lands of llezekiah !!d)bs. Thomas McKarey and others. Credit of one ami two years will be given. Bonds with two or more approved secu rities wiil be required. T. U. McRORIE. c. h. e. Btatesvillc, N. C, March 22, IS 12 41 t is. . JOB PRINTING Done at the Republican Office at sh ort notice. ?Y virtue f a Deed of Trust, oxecuted Jtiinie bv CARLOS LEONARD for purposes therein mentioned,.-! shall pro ceed to sell at the house of Ca alos Leonard in Lincolnton, on the 23th day of April i:est. that well known tilaszd fur a Store or Hotel at present occupied by Cailos Leonard; - ALSO Three One Sieve JLots; Alal2S of Land Twelve miles North cf Lincolnton, the place formerly culled Green's Store; AMONG WHICH ARE SOME &ci::c CastUsjrs And 'Fin Ware' Together with a variety if other articles. A part of the purchase money for the household will be n quired in CASH, Terms viade kioicn at the time and place of sale. JO IN HOKE, Trustee. Lincolnton, Mavli lo, 1812. 42 tds. rTMlE subscribers having Administered. in conformity to law, on the Estate of the late ANDREW DERR of Lincoln County, N. (J., will ofiVr at public sale, on the dl April next, at hi former resi dence, tlie following property, namelv: A GOOD STOCK OF C Horses, Hogs an Sl &&Pi A QUANTITY OF Mara f : Oetls, Fodder ami iay; mm o &nL Gear; 1 CARRYALL . and Gear; l Set B!ac3i:inith Too!; Mil 1 t A large quantify of a. ay... f daon ova About SGO C-alicns cf Spirits; is 6 etClV- fjHiff eciWj' Cttrjreitlcr'tt To&ls; A large and valuable quantity cf Household ar .f .Inct l-'attnl:r nflrmeula of rtt ktini.t; k Ui-iTiiaj Compass and Chain; Iron in Duehifs. ami Iron; A pair cf Golden Scales and Weights A reasonable credit on bond and ap proved security, will be riven the partic ular condition will lie made known at the sale which will b" continued from day to day tin ul completed. JCT Persons now indrbted to the Estate will please to make eaily payment; and those havinsr juM claim? on the Instate, will present them dtdj- authenticated, ' within thf! time prescribed by law. JOHN D. GKAMAM.? ALIJERT F. DERK.S Adfinr's. Catawba Sirinrrs. Idueolu Co., N. C. March 10, 1942 42 3t. N Monday the 4th of April next, nt the Court Douse in Lincolnton, we will sell, t' the highest bidder, m TWO JLKklkjEj 1' S.'-; One man and one woman, lie- f'&tl lontriug to the Estate of E. B..-. Kb ELS, deceased. A credit of six months will be given, the purchaser entering into, bond with good security. J. II. STAWEY,? Administrators of JACOB HUSH, S E. li. Revels. Lincolnton, March 1(3, 1812. 42 tds tm fik m a PHI ' r "... notice, r, BY virtue ofsunjry writs of F- Fa.I wiil sfH for CASH, at iLe Court House in Linceln- jou, on the 4th day of April nexr, the following ihc property of WiJliam FulenwiJer: - ' ' lyin" on tbo v,-aters of Maiden Creek, joining lands cf John Doyd and others, and known as the Hume and Forge tract; B 6-5 Acres, joining the above tract; CO Acres, lyinon LockarJs Cretk, joinin? lands of Daciel hru:n and others; SCO fj'iii? on the waters of Lick Hun, joiuinq lands of Peter S-hrum and others; 00 i.Crcs on Leopard Creek, known ss the U KB UAAK tract, joining lands of John D. Graham and ctiierp; 1xeculed at the instance of Turner Abernalhy, J. T. Alexander, John -Hokr, K. II. Sliuman, Agent cf the Isar.k of Caj e F ear, and others. J. U. STA.V.EV, Shcriu. Lir.colrd. 'uo C., Ivlareh 13, 1S42. 42 tds EUartensiwe Sale oT f Sizable JPrbpcrW, U'e design selling at public sale, in the Town of Lincolnton, at the late residence of David Iiaiiisour Dec, on Tuesday tlie "Ulh inst.. (to continue from dav to day until ail is disposed of) the following pro perty to wit. Zb&tit Ttzesity likely . NO CONSISTING OF I2ozjs anil A' LARGE SSOCK OF CATTL.E, HOGS AND SHEEP; i A Spftpdid Piano; Several Elegant Gilt Mirtprs; Mahogany Tables; Bock Cases, Sitfa. Side Board, Chairs; togeth er with agood variety of Household and Kitchen Furniture; a large' quantity of Corn, If heat, Oats, Hay, Ii won;' one Carriage and Harness several Wagons and Gear; with Farming and Carpenter Tools; tint ofhrr articles not numerated. Due Ktttuhnce and reasonable credit u ill be tilloicti by J. A. RAMSOIIR, ) CALEH IM1IFER, j-Exfs. ELI HOYLE. j TVT 1 I, I t T lt l:CA SIS ".' r i i i imv ' I iamb on thighs, and a cluster of heavy inus ?.s ExectitiTs of the l ist mil and Testament . . h , . i - o of David lamsour Dec'd of Lincolnton, hereby req;est all those jndthted to said Fstate to uike pay iitnt, to J. A.Ramsoor, w ith hou'the Hook and notes are left, and ihor laving claims will present them according l Jaw J. A. WAMSOIJR, "1 ICALEII P INFER, I ELI HOYLE. J Exr's. LincolntonS. C. March y, 18J2 41. THE SllcniOIl FOAL GETTER AND TIUU0UGII liHED STAL- LIUX, A NOUjE SON OF THE ILLUS- sk. t:ioutld Sr Arcfiie that old Sir Archie, tvhee sire was the imported sor rel Diomcd; ami whose unrivaled progeny has stood atthe head of the American Turf during thcSast thirty ytar, and whose' pure blood, like our excellent Constitution, must he piciervcd, or the American people made to siller. Getnlenen of the Turf freely own, that the Ifiod of old Medley and Hitiy other fine horses, might have boen presercd much longer, to the great bent-fit of i'ie An t ticart stock of horses, and now w i they let tlie precious blood f.f old Sir An he Host down the stream of for ge'fulness ? ir will they resort to his noble son RIOTT, for that portion of it which he is so repdy and witling to impart? KIOTT is in fif.e plight, very vigorous and healthy, re.-nlv ai all times to despatch hi-s customer, nnd let them return to the plough or their accuvomed occupation. In tendfnug h:s professional servicr s to n generous cotntnunttv. he trusts that I. is just claims nay be duly Appreciated, and (-is wants freely ministered nnto,!!fing the Season which is now open and will clost on the 1st d?y of July next. - His services during the whole season, will be rendered at Fifteen dollars a mare; or he willersure conception for Twenty five Dollars, when the foal is ascertaini d or the property transfered, and in every case Fifty cents a mare, cash up or cash dow n, to his trusty groom Mares It Ft with RI OTT shall he well attended to, and fed to order upon very moderate terms, but, in no case, will I incur responsibility for escapes, casualities or damages ; but under the ex cellent management of his skillful groom, none need he apprehended, especially when it is considered with what great caie and loving kindness, tiiis old veteran addresses and approaches those that willingly receive his affectionate embraces He will occupy "log cabin" Stables alternately during the Season at the follow ing named places, viz:-On Mondays. Tuesdays an l Wednes days, at Riitherfordton, and on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at Mr. James Halls 2 p2 miles North of Drindletun on the Aiorgantf.n roid; fiis time at each however shall conform to the interest and conven ience of' his friends snd , customers re serving 0 Jiiiustlf the customary privalege of going to - public places to contract new actjusjintaiices and court their favors. DESCRIPTION. - A Zoograplter, capable of presenting to the )td)lis fll that might bf said of Rip i'T, is not to be found in these capes Upon an impartial view 'of sil his superior end matchless points, one might almost con elude that w f.en tie w as made, i he exten sive shopof Nature w?.s raiuarked. and the very beast materials selected and placed in tlie Land of the most skillful and experi enced artisans, to enable them to make a display of their profession, and present to tho IVorld such a wonderful animal r.s RIOTT The following imperfect sketch i I fiis high ferin. great symmetry &c., may be somewhat acceptable to such as may not have the pleasure of seeing hini ?nd judging lor themstlvi s. Like many of his superior colts, RIOTT stands Six'.etn hands high upon a fine set of .Sard, long, flinty legs and born-like hoofs of the fngii- i est polish and finest finish, as black ts Johnny Qs. course on the perplexing sub-: ject of abolition his stylish easy rcttun and clastic movements on a court jard, re minds one of a candidate f.r the Constable place his fine flowing black mane and tail, and glossy coat of sdklike hair of rich blood bay colour, give evidence of his pur ity of blood his loud Lawyer like bellow ing when wooing and prancing before an ob ject of his liifihest delight tinder the gaze of his spatklmg eye ready to receive Ids kind embraces, is conclusive proof of the great strength of his lungs his pleasant docile countenance teaches us to infer, that his colts will be mild and gentle in their disposition his muzzle is exactly of tl'.e right size and shape; lie has a set cf teeth equal to those of fiis sire and grand ire, which enabled them toniastieate their food and live to the great age of Twenty eight years; and no horse can live that Jong without good teeth to enable him to breathe free and easy, nature lias given to him a fine pair of nostrils, equal in size to old Eclipse's, and Capt, Harrison adver tised Ids to be nearly as large as a Doctor's tdmp on '.he top of Ids lean bony head, ss high as Whig calculation on eeuing a National Bank at the late extra Session of Congress, may be seen a nice well sbapfd pair of erect Ears, that seldom flop, like o!iie have under the force of Captain Ty ler's Veto His long, beaut iful, well srrbed neck, that loses itself between a su perb pair of broad, deep oblique snonlder? ogetner w ith a brisket that challenges r pompurison with that of any other horse, are all upon real race horse order; betwteu his hijh thin weathers, and full prcminetn hips, that run well up, is to be sef n a back of the highest form; under which is a ehest of (hat order which will suit either the race, harness or saddle horse; the eye is next feasted with a view of a pair of heavy. cles. that lie about and decorate his all pow erfol houghs and arms. If il should be asked, why RIOTT never disliuguisdied himself on the Turf, let it be answered, that he never run hut one race; that was four mile heats at Halifax N. C. against a fine fiHd of horses snd he was second in ii, altho evu'endy out ol order from the ef fects of a founder a few days previous to tlie race, lie was then transferred to the hands of a Gentleman whose, clerical no lion for bade hi 9 further exercise. RIOTT was sird by that parrgon of horses, the lenowned Old Sir Archit, by the Imported sorrel Diomed from whose loins sprang an inntimerablo host of race horses that like his fame are well known on both tides of the Atlantic, and the pride am! boast of each country the dam of RI OTT formerly the properly of Col. Y. K. Johnson and Mr. Hranah of Va., was sired by Sir Francis llnrdelt, which was one of the best sons of the unequalled four mile race horse Potomac, by the ahr,e Imported Diomed, and of cour.-e h;lf broth er u Old Sir An hie. Uurdttts' dam w;ts by ihe Imported Citizen the -rami sire of the gnat Mons tur Tonson, and his tltree ditiicislied brothers, his prard darn a hy the Imported Mousetrap out o( -a Stlim, she out o -a Jolly Rcgtr. she owt of tbe celebrated Imported ro:re, .Wary Gray the grand dam r f KIOTT, was sittd by the Import! d IJeiih rd, ami the sire of ihe great Sh lock, and mimy othrr eaj'ital racers, his great grandam wasbolf stster to Jolly Frir, Mid sired hy the hcrse FmYmIisi, his g. g. gianil oain was hy t!e Imported horse Old Janus who was -tho the sire id i f di-tiu.5f:tl.( 5 horse Mead-.' Old Ctler, Lis g. g. . grand dam was by the Impor ted Jolly . R .per from Itose pure vein sprang tlie fir--t noted loi.g distance race horses eter known in the Unhid Slates. Reference to the above rich Pedigree wHl show that in point of blood RIOTT stands unrivalled, and is closely allied lo the illustrious Monsieur Toiison and the in vincible Boston who vanquished all their competitors at long distances for a world of money. lie was bred by the Hon A. R. Govan, late of Northampton count, N. C. and sold to Gov. li. (i. Burt..n, dee'd, for 2000 at lhre3 years old. Noth ing need be said in favor of RIOTT, when his splendid colts and their performance are known, to such ? htive not that plea' sure let it be said that 1 have many certi ficates in my possession which go to show bevonfl doubt, nil that may be said in his favor as a stallion of the finest order. IireeccTs would do well to see him before making any e::gagcnier.t. WILLIAM SLADE. Lincolnton, Tcb. Cist, 1812. C9 4. n. I Zc tcill sell at Vnllic Sale; at Peattie's Ford Lincoln Coonty N. n Ihe 1 1 ifi of April, between THIRTY AND FORTY LIKELY Consisting of . Mechanics ff a'l sorts r.I.ACKsttiniS. SHOEMAKERS, TANNERS, CARPENTERS, The negroes are of ail good families. We will also sell a large number of (OF IMP RO FED STOCK;) A LARGE NUMBER OF t?tlasfc ( Saxony Merino and mixed;) A GOOD STOCK OF HOJB.SES AND d Quantify or corn, Fodder Slay and Ottls; WAGONS Geariug, Ploughs, and All kinds of Farming Tools. The Negro property will he fold on a credit of twelve months with interest from the day of sale, the purchaser to give bond c approved security. Terms as to the other properly, will be made known on the day4 of sale. M. HOKE, -J Exr of It. IT-II- . BURTON. S Bubtoji-, dccM. OCT We will aNo dispose of several tracts of vahtnhle land in ilie tirdgl.borhooJ of Beanie's Ford, at private sale. M. II. ? , II. W. R. J Lxr ' N.B. All persons indebted to the Es tate of R. II. Burton, dec'd. are requested to make payment without delay. Those having claims against the Estate, must present ihem, properly aulhen'.ica'cd, with in the lime prescribed by law; otherwise, ibis notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. 1M. II. I r, , ii. w. p,. 5 t-xr Lincoln co., !V. C, March 16, 1842. 42 tds. ICT The Greenville Mountaineer and Yvrhvillc Compiler will insert till day of sale. Hilary Orders . f .10 M EIKU QCARTKRS. LINCOLNTON, March ia7, 1842.' rTO thn Clonrls Comn.nndant of the 10th rriade of ihe 4th Division f-f IVonh Caroli na Aliiitia. Vou arc hereby romir.antird to usein life your respective cennnissioeed cirwrrs, at the usual places of IJ cimenlal iew. on the follow ing days, viz: Col. J. If. Alley's TIcgimcnt. of Iv'utlierf on, on Monday 23J of .5Hy rcM, Col. G. Logan's on '1 i:c?!ay 24lh t'.e.. Col. Edwards on Wednesday 25th do., Col. (Jrin' of CIraveianil, on Thursday 26th do., Col. Enrrinjrer's of Lincoln, and Col. T. IV. Ilcnidon's Cavalry corjw, on IVi day 27th do., and Col. Ktowe's on .Saturday 28lh, in order to hold an election for Brigadier (ieneral of 2d Urigade, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the recent resiqiistion of Gen. L'ar.iel .Veagle. Ami make yoi.r respective returns of the elections direct ed lo ruy ad-rcss, within ten days theirnfter. BALIS M. EDNETT. I.Inj. Cm. of tht 4th iJiris'rm cf A". C. Mil t.'a. Liutfolnton.Tf. C, March 1C, 1842. (Xj The Kbthcrfordton Intdiijjencer is rcqticzt ed to give this one insertion. CAUTION. JTTVIE public are cautioned against tridinj fir Jg a IS'ote signed by Ihe nubacnber, payable lo John Ward for Twenty Dollara; payable eight months after date, and without the dale of th month or year. As the corif-ideraiion for which it v.'-io giverr has failed, 1 will not pay it uu'eat coru : e.ieJ by law. DAVID CROSS. Lincoln Co-, March 16, 1812. 12 St, WEG3SOES, Si M EE