MILTON CHRONICLE. " DEVOTED TO News, Ethics. Politics, Science, Fun, A'c PUBLISHED WEEKLY. ' TERMS: - The price ofThiTpapTrirodljr Two dollars a year if oaid within three months after subscribing ij hot paid within that time, $2 50cems if mt nVd ii 6 months S3 which must be paid at the end of the year, or $3 50 cents will ne 5 $harged,ani given to the . allies! constable that Can be started for immediate collecuon-as the Editor will take it for granted that the subscri ber don'tintend to pay unless compelled how ever, a subscriber's excuse considered. ! No paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless the Editor, in bis mercy, may think pioper to do So': . . Advertisements conspicuously inserted at 01 per square for 12 lines, or less tor the first and 2 cents for each subsequent insertion. A consid erable deduction will bt made for yearly Ad- vemseri. i . . ., Letters to the Editor must be post-paid, or they 1 not be touched even with a pair of tongs. Thv strains, O Poesy hll never die, While Mao can feel, or Music charm the sky. THE BROKEN CIRCLE. Ws: mourft for the loved and cherished, Called hence in ber earthly bloom, Like a" fair young flower, whish pensbd la the lcrw of its ricbiperfume : We weep fbf the circle broken For affection's severed ties And embalm every garnered token Of the lost one in uallo wed sighs . IJut we mourn not in hopeless sorrow Our darkness is not all gloom For from Faith can our lorn hearts borrow A light that illumines lha tomb : Aud a message of peace doth greet us, From the loved one home to her rest Though she comes not to to. meet us, We shall go to her and be blest.- '. MURAT. TkECIDE DLY the best son of his B 9 noble sire, has just arrived at the house of the subscriber, from the bid dominion, and has the pleasure of announcing his ability to accom modate such as may please to patron- ire him. If a thoroughbred horse at a very low price, full 16 hands high of unsurpassed beauty , symmetry and muscular power, with a head away up yonder, the top of which is higher than his groom can reach, is worthy of patronage, Murat is just the boy. His places of parade and abode with other particulars will be published in due time in handbills. He will wait upon his friends in neighborhood Where 6 or 8 can be found together, BARZILLA1 GRAVES. Near Milton N. C, CHEAP, cheap, Cheapest firHE subscriber would most respectfully in lorm ine- .uauies sua gentlemen of Milton, and the surrounding country, that in addition to his large stock of 3rugs, Medicines, Confec tioharies, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Toys, Fancy Soaps, Essences and Peifumery, he has THIS DAY received direct from New York and Philadelphia, a splendid assortment of Ladies'and uentiemens ami Boys , SHOES! hariner- been selected and purchased by an old and ex perienced Merchant, he flat ters himself he will be able to please any and every .one Who will favor him with a Call, both in price and quali ty. His terms will be Cash The assortment consists o the following "M .n union Moroco. " fine add and Moroco Pumps, welt Ties, calf & Mo. Clay Ties .Children's welt Boots, " bar Ties, small, J do. Red do. ; Kip Brogans;' Superior ditto, Calf peg'd Unions, Boys Kip . Brogans, Mens' thick ditto: City colored do. Woman's stuff Uppers; " Grain peg d Buskins sewd btraps,x " pee'd Jeffs, Ladies Kip and Moroco " Kid R. Koad Slip'rs, ' Suppers, " dress Ties, Com. Mo. Slippeis. " do. Kid Slips, sewd Shoes, Kid and Moioco Pumps; Ladies lasting and half Gaaters, " do. village Ties do. Velvit, . " child's leather Boot3 Call at No. 10, Main str. james r; Milton, May 1st, 1844. CALLUM. SECT COUNTRY MERCHANTS & OTflERS having orders for Tin Ware, would do well to call on me before purchasing elsewhere, as I AM DETERMINED to self as cheap as can be bought in Petersburg, Richmond; or Baltimore (XJ-and deliver t at their doors tree ot charge.-jj I will also pay the strictest attention to GUT TERING & HOUSE COVERING, which I will warrant to be done of the Very hest materials and ra the - most worknt anship manner, with neatness and despatch. .'- ' Feathers, Beeswax, Old Copper, Pewter and '; Lead taken in barter for any. work in my line. ( Tkos. r. JONES. Milton , Aug. 19, 1343.- NEAR 400 PIANOS. finHE subscriber has sold near four hundred JL Piano Fortes with ia the last eight years, and has yet to find eat that he has ever sold a bad "one and if perchance he ever should "if would not be suffered to be kept by the purchaser, because J I Z 11 U - t A I .... i ' . ... n- I i9 13 wen twic uiawiuo saie gin single oaa fiano would do him much injary. Orders addressed to the subscriber, will be promptly attended to. iaok&d Piano Forte Seller Petersburg, Va, S7 ml VALUABLE IjANDfor SALE TSf ESlROl7S of removing to the West, I offer J I' J for sale 2 valuable tracts of land, situated in the neighborhood of the Red House, Caswell county, N. C, one of them, the Homestead, con taining about " 600 ACRES, with a neat and comtorlabe dwel ling House, with convenient out nouses, siauies, tu oacco uaius, cf-c. and one of the best of springs at a very convenien distance from The dwelling, beaatifuily situat ed on the main public road from the Red House to Yancey ville 1 1-2 miles from the former and 12 from the latter place. About-one half of the tract is cleared and, susceptible of lots for tobac co and grain, to any reasonable extent ; the bal ance well timbered, and good tobacco land. The tract has situations with tolerable buildings, for 2 other settlements on it. The neighborhood is well known for its good order and good society, an d is quite convenient to the Hyco Academy, one of the best schools in the state. The other tract is less than a mile 1-2 from the for mer, on nefth Hyco, containing 230 OR 40 ACRES, , j.. about 75 of which is cleared land and principally fresh; the balance heavily timbered and. as fine TOBACCO LAND any in the country ; it has a good portion of ex cel fen t bottom land, a part of which is, yet in wood.' The buildings, only such as are usuat at quarter plantati bns, w ith excellent water. : Persons desiring a permanent residence in as healthy region as is found in any eountry would do well to examine early, as such a situation is, rarely in market : The price will be moderate considering all the advantages of such a location. WILLIAM SMITH, Caswell co., N. C, April, 1844. Who wants a valuable Farm? W! ISHING to remove West, I offer for sale the valuable plantation on which I row reside, situated 8 miles front Milton, immediafely on tne stage road leading to Leas burg, and near the waters of Hyco, the tract contains 250 Acres, more or less is well watered and the soil is excellent for Tobacco and grain. The im provements are good consisting of a good dwel- mg house, Jttd all other necessary buildings, with a fine orchard ot delicious truit. A descrip tion however is deemed ixnneccestfary,' as it is presumed no one will purchase such valuable property without first examining the premises. will uareiy aaa mat me neiguuornooa in which this farm is situated is healthy and pleasant. I wil give a great bargain as 1 am auxious to sell Clall and see BENJAMIN JOHNSON NOTICE TO PLANTERS & MERCHANTS T HE rates of transportation on Tobacco in Hogsheads from Gaston to Petersburg by the Greenville & Roanoke, and Petersburg Rail Roads is 25 cts. per loo ib -pt--bUrff to Richmond, by the Richmond & Peters- Sure Rail Road it is $1, 35 per hhd. These rates . . ... r r 1 i, . L' include all cnarges or iorwarain, irausporiauua and drayage in Petersburg, if the Tobacco is con sgned to. the Agent of the Green'svifle Rail Road' Co. at Gaston and our Agent at retersDurg. The Greensville Kail Koad Company advertise to forward all produce as soon as it reaches Gaston, and we will take it from the Petersburg Depot as fast as it reaches pf"ihnre, so that in no case will it be more thah a day and a half, or two uaya between ot a Richmond. ! The rate unon Drv Goods and Groceries from Richmond to Fetefsburg is' as follows : On Dry Goods in boxes 14 cts. per hundred Do in bales 12 do ; On groceries 10 And f iom Petersburg to Gaston 25 cts. per 100 lbs JNO. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. notice:. PTjHHE subscriber at the late term of the , Gdurt of Pleas and Quarter beasions, lor theunty of Caswell, having qualified as Administrator with the "will annexed," of the estate of Mrs. Sarah L: Smith Dec'd. Ail Dersons indebted to said estate, are hereby notified to come forward and forth with discharge their respective dues. Those having claims against said, estate are hereby notified' to present them for payment, duly authenticated within the time, prescribed by law, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. R. B. THORNTON. Milton N. C, April 9th . 1841 COMMISSION NOTICE. THE undersigned offers his services to the Public generally as a commission merchant, and will attend to the sale of any articles intrusted to him. He will attend strictly to the sale lnfBaQn,jLard. Flour. Patent Mediomes, Bale Cotton or any other articles intrusted to his care. J. R. CALLUM. "REFFERENCp,"! To Willis S. Tinsley, of Franklin c Rubrn T4hsley. Va. Turner & Huges, No. 10 Joh Street K. Y. James M. Towles, RHeigh, Ni-O,, Thomas Clancy, P. M., HillsWo'.N C. Editor of the Chronicle, Milton, If C HIS day re f JL ceived a large and fine lot ot Vir ginia cured bacoH. hog round, and for sale at prices- toi ouit me times lor Jcash, by i J.R. CALLUM. ipor Sale.One WAGOW: ironed io a ve- 1 rv substantial tvU at,A wood work of the most substantial material, i Per son? wiwunjr u purchase, can see the above br applying to "Capt. J. M. Fitzgerald, at tha Liber tjj Nfr41"' POQSe,or to myself at my Apothecarr and Vamty Store, on Main Street. P 7 J. GALIUM Rates of Transportation, ON jq-TH4? Petersburg and Hjl f3 1 Greensville and Jt AILROADSi TTr? Between Gaston and Petersburg, and Wei- donnnd Pdersburgl ,.' a REDtjcED Oct. 16, J843.. AR articles not enumerated, per 108 lbs. . 25 Barouches each. i! I : 5 00 Carriages do, . : Carts, do. " . '- : Cattlei . do. ;" : ;: - 600 2 00 250 6 lr4 10 ioo 25 -20: S3 i-a Corn, peas, flaxseed, aCa sweet potitoet pet busbei, i j Coal in hhds. do. :T Corrjj shellers and cutting knives, eatich unairs per uoz " ; . ;r Emntv Hhds.. each , !- . Do. bbls., tobacco Soxes and ke Flour, per bbl, ; . -Fish do - .. Furniture, peT cubic foot, .. -Gi2s. sulkeys and jersetsreach, 4or 75 371" 3 00 50 SO 30 20 30 Gold, silver, coin and jewelry per J,000 value, - -v, , . r Hats, per box, ; '- Horses, each, . - " - Hogs, sheep, and calves; alive, eacnj, Lime, per bbl - ; '. - : f Molasses and other licjuids in hhds per 100 lbs, - - - I " Manufactured tobacco, per bx, Do. per keg. - I - 1 . Oats per bushel, - '!'' PJoughs, each, - - I . Plaster per toS, - , - - f Pianos, each, - - Pork and beef, per barrel, - Safes each, - i- - 1 43-4 25. 2 00 5 0d 50 2 00 25 40 30 6 00 e'oo 100 Single packages less than 100 lbs, each Salt, per sack, in Marh, April Septem ber anid October, .- " I Do. in other months, - I Staves., hhdM bbls. and pipe, per lfjbO, Ifo. bbls. do - I Shingles, do - j Timber, plank and scantling, comipon size, in November, March and Jan uary per 1000 feet, board measure; Do. iB other months, - Tar, pitch and Turpentine, per bbl, 5 00 3 00 25 3 00 2 50 Wagons, eacn, -VVheat fans t achf- -Wheat, per bushel, 8 1-3 The Rail Koad Companies navmg rebuilt their roads and improved their Engines and Cars, are now prepared to transport produce fcnd Merchan dize at the above rates, as fast as they are deliver ed at their depots. Petersburg, March 99, 134. Spring importation 1844. WE HAVE 1U U.AJXU, anus are now t-eeiTtw-r r-p-cvfps John Calkie to Jn:es tiver." Liverpool, Sea and lnneiienaence, via New York, our large and well-selected IMPOR TATION from ENGLAND, IRELAND and SCOTLAND, wnih, vrhh extensive purchases made id Northern Markets of FRENCH, GER MAN and AMERICAN Fabncs, enables us to offer to our customers and purcnasers generally the most COMMANDING STOqK we hae sv- er possessed of I And atnrices wheh we are determinkd shall be fully as low as cri be afforded. jj&nd will bear comparison with tlse of any JobblErs, NORTH or SOUTH. i I "... .ACL, MilLWAINE p. CO. Importers aiid Whiesale Dealeifs ip'Dry Goods, Sycamre street, Petersburg March 21, 1814. I GHiNA, EARTHENWARE JAMES P. SMTH has just received per bar ques Nailer art, Casriie, his. Spring supply ot China and Eai"HEn Ware, direct from the Potteries; also a lajje suppy ot ula$s W are uotu the'Sfanufactoriesinakinq his stoibk complete. He will be pleaseifo furuish the fountry trade with articles of best quality, at Northern prices, and pack if m with great qare. At the siga of the Pitchn i I Sycamore (feet; Petersburg! Va.- A PRUDiT COURSE IS AL WAYS CHE BEST. ISince there are so many cynerent makers ot riano Forlesi anrJ eaa dne tninks hi own man ufacture the betJ would it not be the most prudent co ursf for those wanjing articles of the kind toake them upon jtrial, before making a poslve purchase ? The sub scriber is suffiilntly acquainted with the character andquantity of his wn instru ments to offe jthem upon t$ose terms. Any one, tlejfore, who may fiave doubts about the qujlity can have tose doubts removef uy trial.; tie nasi been eight years ged in this btrsifie$shas sofd abouJryf'wr nundted JPiano Fortes and nefsld a bad one. A larsrs additional stir J r . v rg MAill b Mi1 For the spady . and efectuai extirpaliolf of all species and sbnptoms of the v 1 diseases, Pro lessor VESHUNrS PILLS staifl unrivalled. Trrey hare lot been in general use in the nrin- cipai ctnes xn ranee ana ine unufa oiares, Dy those persons fth this class of disease ; and are daily receivii thir unqualified approval. The unexampled ccess of this matchless and pow erful prepara n has won for itself a name never iu oe lorgoiia as ion as mere remains an amicl ed ufferer uin the Globe. . It is tNly surpris ing to ODSerttow speedily and harmlessly it en ters into ever minute ; channel, 'effectually dfs- iodgjingever jerm, annihilating every leprous spirit of the st dreadful of all diseases ; and, at the same tin never failing to fortify against ev ery diipositi , or subsequent attacfyof this com plaint. ? V : ! Full andjpilicit directions arcoi&pany' each i ii i-i i -4 i ..rt.. most jromicft symptoms is laid down as a guide to the patienfin distinguishing ouelform of dis-( ease from anftier; aIso,a statemeentgsbprting the result pf thereatment of one hundred. cases in one ot the mft distinguished hospitals in, Frand tr Price $IM per box. For salej in Milton. Hi Cat thai nolhecarv Store of II , '? Ml mm ASTONISHING & TRUE. A MONG 'tB thousand Medicines advertised XSL as certain cures 'lef pulmonary com plaints JAlKEtS EXPECTORANT stands a lone.. Its path to the public confidence ha s been paved, not with puffs, but .CURES ; and the vouchers for its efficacy include any . array of names which, for character and respectability, cannot be surpassed in this country. DR. jAYNEJk being himself a Physician, does not profess to perlorm physical' impossibilities ; but he does assert, and he is borne oat by welt au thenticated facts, that .in all .DISEASES OF THE LUNG 3 AND CHEST; which, are suscep tible of cure without miraculous interference, his EXPECTORANT will restore the patient to health. No other medicine will remove mucus or pus from tbe tbfoaf so thdrougbly as this. It effectually looses the coagulated masses from the membrane which lines the trauchia, and at eve ry cough the patient will bring up portions of the, disengaged matter. In all complaints of the pul monary organs, even where,nature seems, to be making no effort to throw off the disease, JAYJNE a LAfLU l imparrs visor io the machinery of respiration, and enables thm to disencumber themsefves of the obstructions which had impeded their free operation. , It has restor ed hundreds to perfect health, a ftr the if physi cians had" given them up as incurable, with CON SUMPTION. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Influen za, Bronchitis, Whooping Coucb. in a word, all diseases of a PULMONARY nature yield to this preperatien,' if properly administered. Rev. J. S. Maginnia, Professor in Hamilton (N. Y.y Literary and theological Seminary, says: I would not N without Dr. Jayne's JVIedi cines in my fa"'y lor any consideration 1 have,, found therr successful in cases where all other means have failed." ' Mr. Nicholas Harris, corner of Front and Lom bard streets, Philadelphia, was cured ofs Cough, Asthini, and . . . . BLEEDING OF THE LUNtfS under which he labored for many years. Rev. Ira M. Allen, late of this, but now of New York citt , says : ' I hare used Jayne's Expec trant, and have more confidence in it than ALL OTHEK MEDICINES of the kind." , r . ,1 . . 1 ReV. WriiLaws, ol Modesltowh, Va.,says: " I have used your Expectorat, and found it an excellent medicine for PULMONARY diseases." Dr. Helmick, of Zanesvillei, Ohio, was cured of ASTHMA by it, and how prescribes it to his patients in all Pulmonary affections. Mr. John Beckfordpf Eastport, Maine, says :" Your Ex pecorahl has jtist cured a man whom his physi cian had given up to die with CONSUMPTION and also another, in the very lowest stages ct BRONCHITIS." I V Messrs. Slosson and Williams, Booksellersl, Owego, N. Y., says Youri Expectorant gives UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION." Rev. John Ellis', of New Yorit dity sayV thai twdTJOttles cured him of INFLUENZA, a"hard Cough and apparent Consumption. Mr Adrial Ely, of Watertdwn, N4 .Y. pays : -" Many respectahle people offer 6erticates in fa vor ol your Expectorant. I bclieve that all your Medicines are the best preparations that have ev er' been offered to the public, for the afilicted and the . CURE OF DISEASES." Dantel Hensbaw, Esq:, Editor f the Lynn (Mass.) Record, says: Jayue's Expectorant is a very valuable Syrup, which w,e have late ly used with good ofiect in stopping a Cough and loosening and breaking up a COLD." Rev. Bangor (Me.) Journal says "A trial of Jayne's Expectorant will satisfy all that it is a speedy cure for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, As thma, Hoarseness, and all kinds of Pulmonary af fections." Mr. Ebenezer Webster, of Providence, (R. I.) was cured of a severe ASTHMA, by using two bottles. Rev. Simeon Seigfried, was cured of Influenza, a Harshness, and a hard dry Cough by one bottle. Rev. Dr. Babcock, ol Poughkeepsie, says that knowing Dr. Jaj;ne to be a regular Physician, and having used his medicines personally and Ja. his family, does not hesitate to commend them as safe and eminently useful medicines, and a val uable addition to our Materia Medica. Rev. John Seger oPLambertsvillej, New Jer sey, who was suffering with a" hoarseness' and soreness of the lungs and throat, and a suffocating Asthma was cured by one bottle. Mr. J. L. Simnkina savs that it rnrpH hi of CONSUMPTION", and one of his' children cf WHOOPING COUGH. Kev. Jonathan Going, D. D., President of Granville College, Ohio, says, He was laboring .ttcdecjKjsevere.JOLD.'CoUflH and harsh- IVL&S, and tharhis difficulfy 6TbfeatnTngvas"sd" great that he felt himself in imminent danger of immediate .sunocation, but was perfectly cured by using tbis Expectorant." Mrs. Dilks, of Sa lem N. J., Was cured of Asthma of 20 years standing, by using two bottles of this medicine Mrs. VV-ard, also of Saledf; was cured pTlhe same complaint by five bottles. Dr, Hamilton of St. Jamvis, South Carolina, was greatly affected by a Cough, Hoarseness, and soreness of the Lungs, and on using a bottle of tbis medicine found per manent relief." Lewis C. Levin, Esq the distinguished advb rate of, stated at a meeting 'of "up wards of three thousand fiersons, that lie should not have been able to address them, but for the use of 1 Jayne's Expectotant.' He said that he had been laboring under a hoarseness ahd severe oppression of the chest, that lie had purchased i some of-the Expectorant the day-before, which ! had relieved him irra few' hours, and thi fouridl himself, contrary to bis own expectation, able to address the multitude A 1 The Proprietor could add hundreds of other names equally respectable, who reccMmViv JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT as mnprinr tn A T T. OTH ERJVIEDtClNF.S" for the cure of allttha various Pulmonartr diseases. Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE. No. 20 South THIRD Street,' Philadelohia. where aR bis olhe nraluible preparations may be "obtained. ILT Ine above Medicines are for-sale in Milton, Ni C.,hy. j j U X. R. -CALLUM: A PUBLIC BLESSING. . j ., These Pills have long been known and appre- : elated, for their extraordinary and immedpat . powers of restoring perfect bialth to persons knf- V fering under nearly etery Jcind of disease to . which the human frame is liable .They are par ticularly recommended to all those personi who) are afflicted-with any kind of a chronic or linger ing complaint.' as there i no medicine beforthe ... public which has so natural and happy, effect upoiS the system in correcting the stomach, and liver, and to the formation of healthy; cbyleland thereby purifying the blood. They are acknf U edged by hundreds and thousands who are UBing them, to be hbt phly the most mild and pleasant ly Innocent, safe and efficient medicine erer of fered to. the public. Those who once make a trial of these Pills, never afterwards feel willing to be without them, and call again aid again far. more ; which is sufficie nt proof of their good aual-: -itieaw - - . i- nPAnirnpciriir rP NrRVntlS. Those who have suffered ahd afe weary of suf fering with ibis drstressing complaint, will find" Spencer's Vegetable Pills a remedy at onceeerr taip and immediate, in its effects. Oue ngl dose of the Pills taken soon as the headache U felt ceminc on, will cure it in One half hour entirely. 'As a remedy ioiamwr nd bwel complaiaty, tliey display their wouderful powers to admira tion, and arejar superior to any thing in us for Ihese complaints. In Dyspepsia and Livei Com plaint, tbey stand unrivalled. Many have een. cured in a few, weeks, aflef having suffered ujn3et ithe dreadful complaint for years. In Habitual Cootiveness, they are decidedly superior toj any Vcgitable Pill ever brought before the public and one 2o cent box will establish their surpris ing virtues, and place them"" beyond the reach of doubt in the, estimation of every individual. They afe invaluable in nervous and hypochondri acal affections, loss of appetite, and all complaints to which females alone are subject. They are mild in their action and convey almost. imniedi ate convietion of their utility from the first dose. Thev may be taken by persons of any age j afiff the feeble, the infirm, the nervous and delicate . are strengthened by their operation, because (they clear the system -of bad, humors, rjuiet nervous irritability, and invariably produce sound health. Upwards pf three hundred and seventy thous and boxes of these inestimable Pills have heeb sold within the last twelve months in three States alone, and more than three, .times the same otiattr in y in uiiirr oidics. as an auu-uiuuws laeuiCJiie, no fatnjjy should be without them. A single trial of them ia more satisfactory than a thousand cer- tihcates ,y , j : Price 25 cents per Boi j&iih full Directions ing uougn, Uatarrh. lightness of. the hSV Bronchitis, and similar .Pulmonary affections. Hundreds 6r persons could now be pointed out, who have been troubled with an old lingerinjg Cough from five to twenty years, and who lfaya been entirely cured by usjeg Jwo or three boxci of these LozcngesV 1 facthe proprietors iave never known an instance where fhry did not givs.. -perfect satisfaction. ;. Sudden Colds and Coigh are cured byhem in a few hours. Death itself has already deprived of life its hundreds and its thousands, whom this veluable medicine might have saved if it had only been taken ,fn .t)m , How important it is, then, ttjat ey'ety idifiiluat should attend to he,c tiring, of a Cough, which; haa i sueh s powerTdl tendency to undermine the con stitution before the last danger is suspectedi delay ol o few' days often proves fatal. No medicine will be found jmore efficacious han these LbzenfiTcs ; they arras pleasant to the taste" qts sugar candy. L m Price, 25 cents per box, with directioni. Are the sure.t and safest Worm iDe'troy ine Med' icine ever discovered. It is estifnaled tfiaTiri the 1 United Slates, ID0.000 CHlCDRKN DIE AN NUALLY from the effect of Worms alone. Thisf vast mortality can bo almost entirely prevented bytbe use of Hull's celebrated Lozenges. uro-arn persons are very oiten amicted ,T(rnl Worms, and are doctored for various complain Is, ! without any benefit; when one or, two doses of the Lozenges would speedilj' cure. them. TheyCi are an infallible remedy, and so pleasant tot the tate (hat children will take them as readily as t.-.. i : ; .... i i i iirev wuuiu a common pcpperroini oznggv J . , Thousands and tens of thousands pine awaylflnd die of Worms, without suspecting the real disease. The following are a few of the symptoms: head' ache.pTftle hp3V flushed cheeks, dfstui bed dreatns, feverishncss, thirst, bad taste, in the iriouftijof-.' fensive breath, itching of the nostrils, pain off the stomach, nausea, unnatural appetite, swelled stcrmacii or limbs, sense of something risinff in the stomach, sc. . : .. . . , i To pare ills, we say, do tot be without these Lozenges at any time attend to these sugges-' , tions, as you value the Hyes of your children.! 'Prtrvs ptr W, wilh full dirocf i()nS. luuiiivont,! JUUlHAtHErn " rwu!u,ue uuuuiru w:a tuis lormeni pain, when it can be cured without Extracting-' Teeth? ; i inr thl DR. IjACOUNT'S' v t,iiji ACliK TOOTHACHE ELIXTIl d Certain and Immediate Cure. 05" The above invaluable Medicines are Sale by lor' V JA3IES R. CALtIJM, Wfrtonrt. d BOOKS, STATIONERY, MUSIC; jsiusxcai instruments;, f ajnev Articles For Sale by E. P. NASH, Sycamore Street', Petersburg Va, wua l K X Merchants and others in waif ' n. any pi t lie above articles, will find in my lablishmeut, the most desire able itoclc'I haVe erolfered, at greatly reduced prices. A call irbni my oia inenns ana customers is solicited. WOOfc C ARBIIVCr. nnHE subscriber will have in onerafirn h hi JL 15tb of July next, at Binietr Mflb, In pir- luerpaiucuiars see itanii uins. - dTTkson w. echot.r DR HU LL'S COUGrf LOZENGES are how rapidly superceding all other, prepefations for the relief of Couehs, Colds. Asthma. Whoop 4 . (V. WlJUAtfWU. J OB WORK neat fy executed at this ajfict?