l: ii .i i i -i i i mmn . i , ' : 1 Ctr.B. EVANS Cil 1- lll.TOW,N. 6 - Fngtand'f Yofce is for wwr. f ; - JadgQ Giloier. ww do doubt ; reao miotted for Jadge snd F. N. Strud wick for Solioitor by the Durham ootu The Neal Dow Probihitioniste of Maine endorse the Radical State tiok etT" Inform "friend Read ot P?r?o,P ot ttu$, and let him 'meaeore strength' in, Maine, Sterling E- Edmnnde who lately killed Dr.' Lipsoomb, his socCin law, in selt defence, dropped dead at his residence near New's Ferry, in Hali fax eo , Va., on Monday evening laBt, from' heart disease. ,Wp w ; requested by J. A. Long, Esq., whose name has been pressed tor nomination as the Democratic candidate for Solioitor of this Judicial district, to say he is no aspirant for the office and will not allow his name to be presented o the nominating convention. ; ' ' : ; 1 , The Radicals in this State are again playing the "brag and bluster game'' for effect on weak-minded democrats, If the Person county democrats will listen at.the Revenue offioials and a few grand Moguls of the party in that county, the Rada will make them be lieve that Person abounds with bria die tails. There is a Mr. Allison in the U. S. Senate who, iadefending assessing .tfieof&oe holders for electioneering single case wherein an officer Las been removed for refusing to contri bute to this oorrnpt fund. We think we can furnish an instance in the re moval pi Hon. C. S. Wmstead, one of the best Revenue collectors in the U. States . . Mighty few officers have dared, like Mr. Winstead, to refuse; and he who has done so has had his head sent to the block, with some other pretext for his removal. We hear that at a Radical meeting of about a handf ul of the "faithful' held last week at Roxboro, and which was manipulated by Messrs. Riggs and Adams, young Revenue officers, the latter "orated" on tbe occasion, and iu the course of his harangue he charged the Democratic party with having "bankrupted the State !" We rise to demand an explanation of the young Revenue official Where did he get his information for this ad . captandum statement ? We opine if tha young man tarries at the gates ot Jericho until he gets a particle of evidence to sustain the charge, his . oft,; downy- bfjrd will have grown ! several inches longer ! Precisely the reverse is the fact, by pillage and plunder and high handed stealing, the Radical party "bankrupted the State." The Democrats rescued it from famy and disgrace. E4ttr A imiUiMfvl APATHY. The Democratic party, we fear, has too much apathy pervading its ranks if we may judge the State from this stand-point, where we have no sys ' tematic organization no-concert of action. If we expect' to' carry tbe State (as we can and will do if every democrat does his doty,) we have work to do, and no time for sleeping; The enemy is wide awake, and works "while we sleep. 0 for a blast from f Gabriel's horn to' awake the slumber. f ng aemooracy in inese uiggingsi 5 i . i , . : m i . ' r ' . ------ " " 9 r t Too JUw! Ere one balf oath's de legates appointedVby tbsdempcratfo meeting Ust Satorday, to attend, tha Cdnvenlioos ai'Darham ap Raleigh ooald possibly beei of 'their sppoiat ment (tbe p'roeeediBgs.behig 'pablish edf not niurtoayO the Conventions wilibi bverl ccmiag off isthey did qu the 4th and 8tb. ' " "A Fres Ballot and a air, CsuatJ" That is precisely the thing "the De mocrats want-yBot isn t it supreme ly ridiculous and pre-eminently hypo critical in the Radioal party to talk about it? Why, not an election has taken place in this State since the negro- was made a voter, that he dared to give a "free voteH No'matter hew anxious hs was to give a democratic vote, if he gave it be gave it at therisk of being murdered by a mob or badly whipped. : And this is what the-Ra-' dical eaiffl call treevote and an bonest couotr -JTney to talk about honesty They who have stolen the Presidency plundered the Treasury of billions and murdered their Presi dent, all in the name of a free bal lot and a fair countl" Why, who, here in North Carolina, fails to see at almost every election precinct, ne groes who want to vote the democrat io ticket but aie afraidl Who has not seen or hsard of oolored men being pursued with sticks, stones, knives and pistols, and in hundreds ot oases severely beaten, simply because they voted the democratic ticket? But in Radical eyes it was all right! It was the essence and 'qnint essence of what the Radical leaders consider "a free ballot and a fair count! We person ally know of many colored men who are disgusted with the-Radioal party and who Would gladly vote against it but they are afraid ot being mobbed! We personally know of many who have been mobbed and severely whip ped because they gave "a free vote'' to the-democrats, and we have yet to hear of United States officers hunting why? Because it was looked up on as "a free ballot and a fair oount." that is, the whipping these men got for voting the democratic ticket. Political Assessments. The Republican congressional cam paign committee, says the Statesville Landmark, has set about to raise a half million dollars with which to carry this fall's election. It has al ready begun sending out to the vari ous subordinates in the government service, its circulars soliciting contri butions, and not only are the men as sessed, but this robbery is maintained upon women and children, even the pages in Congress and the scrub wo men about tbe capitol being put under contribution. Of course the under standing is that be who does not con tribute must walk the plank, and as a measure of protection to tbe uufortu -nate employes, the New York Civil Service Reform Association, ot which Mr. Geo. Won Curtis, a Republican, and the editor of Harper's Weekly, is president, has addressed a circular to the government employes informing them that in the opinion of counsel they will be liable, under section 6 ot chapter' 289 United States laws of 1876, to punishment, if they respond to the assessments made upon them. The statute in question reads as fol lows: All executive officers or employee of the United States not appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate are prohibited from requesting, giving to or receiv ing from any other offiper or employee of the government any money or property or other thing of value, for political purposes, and any such officer or employee-who shall offend againBt the provisions of .this section shall be at once .discharged from the servioe of the United . States; and he shall also be' deemed "guilty of a . misde meanor,, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars. . Charjes . 'GoiteaV wasaxseote4 on the 50th of June for the murder of , President Garfield ,a July 2nd, 1881. ; Theyexeestiou too,k ptaee, -privately within" the prison walls" toe pres ence of s few, persona only who were aifowefrfto witness it; while d crqwd of thoivsands stood without awaiting thV'eii'coUon but 'not allowed to see it When this cmwd heard that the iaWable culprit had "kicked the beam," loud buszabs rended the air, whioh, to say the least, was in very bad American taste. The prisoner met his fate without fear. Indeed he ate abartj dinner before going to the gajlowa Led upon the platform, sifter prayer by his spiritual adviser, Dr.. Hicks, Guiteau read aaeleotion ifrom the 9Chch. ot Matthew, 1st to the 41st verse inclusive. He then re markj,' HI am now going to read to yon mtaet dying prayer," and 'read the following: "Father, now I go to Thee and the Saviour. I have finished the work Tbeu gavest me to do and 1 am only too happy to go to.Tbee. The world dqps not yet appreciate my mission, bit Tbou knowest it; Thou koowest Thou didst inspire Garfield's removal, And only good has come from it. This is the best evidence that the inspira tion came from Thee, and I have set it forth in my book that all men may read and know that Thou, Father, didst inspire the act for which I am now murdered. This government and nation by this act I know will in our Thy, eternal enmity, as did the Jews by killing Tby man, my Saviour. The retrtbntion in that case came quick and sharp, and I know Thy di vine law bl retribution will 6trike this nation and my murderers in the same wy. The diabolical spirit of this na tion, its government a,nd its newspa pers towardslme will justify Thee in cursing them, and-1 know that Thy divine law of duration is inexorable. I therefore predict that this nation will go- down in blood, and that my. murderers, from the Executive to the hangman, will go to hell. Thy laws are, - inexorable, 0 Thon Supreme Judge. .Woe unto the men that vio late Thy;,laws. Onl i. l ne American press has a large bill to set tie with the Righteous Father for their vindictiveness in this matter. Nothing but blood will satisfy them, and now my blood will be on them and this cation and its officials, Ar thur, the President, is a coward and an ingrate. His ingratitude to tbe man tnat made mm and saved his party and land from overthrow has no parallel in history. Thou, Righteous Father, will judge him further. Thou knowest me, but the wot Id hath not known me. Now I go to the Saviour without the slightest, ill will toward a hman being. . Fare well ye men .of, earthier' t .Whence had finished ; reading his prayer, he' again surveyed the orowd, and Baid, istill with a firm voice, "I am now agoing-, to read you some verses, which are intended to indicate my feelings at the moment of leaving this world. If set to musid they may be rendered effective. The idea is that of a phild babbling to bis. mam- uj ouu.uu) papa, i wrote it mis morning about 10 o'clock." " He then oommenced to chant these verses in. a sad, doleful style: ? ., ; "I am going to the Lordy, ; I am so glad, I am 'going to the Lordy, I am so glad, -I sn goh1o the Lordy, ' Glory liallerajah! Glory HaUelujah! I am going to the Lordy I "I love the Lordy with all my soul, Glory HaUelujah I And that is the reason I am going to the Lordy, Glory HaUelujah! Glory Hallelujah ! I am going to ths Lordy. "I saved my party and my land, Glory Hallelujah J Bat they have murdered me tor it, And thai is the reason . I am going to the Lordy, Glory Hallelujah! Glory Hallelojah I X am going to' the Lordy. ' 1 wonder what I will do . Whan I ket to tbe Lordy; - i I guess thatl will weep no more i-" Wheri igot to the Lordy, Glory HaUelujah " , : All1 tningc ready, W aropfeU :at 40 minutes after 12 o'clock and Gniteau's soul was lannohed into eternity. ' Old Johh'v Robinson's show has come to grief.. ' Kore'Tnitk thaa Poetrv- Tbe.followinir'is from tbe Ueids ville Tims! whose editor has a blunt, way ot. saying what is in iim; and whenjbe strikes goes right for; the nail's head, and generally hits it: ! Z There isjtoo little leading of senti. ment bv the press of the Bute. In stead of dictating they are dictated to by a set of ancestral gentry who air to themselves the position of the great Tycoon over all the little neighbor hood omoesasd promotions and would imply it a great condescension to even advise with so small a thing aa an editor and an immense privilege to patronize his paper with their support. And alas, io many cases the editor, with his ear-flaps down like an over-, worked donkey at the town cart, falls humbly into traces and pulls bis load to the crack of their whips. So that we have very little healthy sentiment from the longs of the people pervad ing the State. - It is too much from a stilted oliqne, that the large multi tude of Generals, Colonels, Judges and Ho no rabies who exist merely upon newsrarer. that sentiment is made: and the rule is that the masses seeing it at direct issue with, tbe God given thinking going on in themselves, have about reached a point to detest all newspapers and politicians as they do scissor-grinders and side-shows. They have seen too. many of these petted favorites of the opera glass circle fat tening on the body politic like vermin on poor cattle until like vermin they get so fat in their own oqnoeit as to rear up their hindsights in insult to the power of tbe people that has made them. We warn the convention about to assemble at Raleigh that the peo ple have let up on the idea that any particular class of men shall dictate the offices or hold them by diotation. We think it was to Walter Clark we said six years ago in Raleigh that the day was oominjr in North Carolina when independent journalism would be popular. We see signs ot it. New Wheat. New wheat is coming in slowly, and as yet no sales have taken place at the Exchange. The crop this vear is said to be tbe finest that has been seen" for a number of years, both in quan tity of yield and quality. The weather also has been verv fine for harvesting, and every indication points to a profit- ng andlahlaanlmw li Hii friii'iim I paces so tar here have been satisfao tpry, and new crop, this week's de livery, will bring:, according to aiiali ty, from $1.30 to $1.35. In Baltimore the first ot tbe new crop brought a little more than this, but it is safe to Bay that our market is unsurpassed, and that farmers will find it to their interest to ship their wheat here. Richmond Dispatch. But for the timely appearance of Mr. Joseph Cooley on the streets of Hillsborb Tuesday night, all the pris oners would have escaped from jail. A party led by Parrish Ray, who was sent up from Durham on a charge Of burglary, had broken , several locks and in a half hour would have been out of tbe cell when the escape would have been easy. Mr. Cooley heard them at work, gave the alarm and soon the jail was surrounded by a number of persons and the escape of the prisoners prevented. Durham Tobacco Plant, 29th tilt. A rival of King Cotton is being introduced in the South. It is the pita or silk grass plant, which is a native of the West Indies and whioh will grow perennially in; the Golf States and along the Atlantic coast The experiments so far made with the pita have been satisfactory. . A fabrio of fine fibre was exhibited wW ash ington recently and the Commissioner of Agrioulture is said to have danced the Virginia reel npon sight ot it. ' Charlotte Observer; The world is more deeply indebted to the State of Virginia than many people know of. That State maintains an army of 14, 236 men who are employed in oyster fishing. In the course of the year they gather 8,237,537 bushels of oys ters, valued at over two millions of dollars in money. Tha i Census Bureau has issued a bulletin showing that the live jitock of the United States on farms oa'June 1, 1880, was as follows: Horses, 10, 357,891 j. mules and asses, 1,812,932 ; working oxen, 993,970 f milch cows, 12,443,593; other cattle, 22,488,500; sheep, 35,191,655; swine, 47,683,951. The autopsy of Goiteao. "showed ai I healthy state of v the brain, ' ' mmm ?. :-: t. i y$y I ' n btueoBcarrait txtimocy of the pnuia aad Um ntMlltml profaMloa, ttet HmWWi StoBMAb Bitten M ntdiolM wklol) kotiierc rewlta )Medi)r felt, thorough and benign. Beeld receiving Urer diaordeVj It InTlgor tea tbe feeble, oonqiien kidney Bad. bladder eetnplalnta, end hkstene Uie ooaTkleeoeooe Of IMM reeoTerue;-iram eueeouii those reoorenng m tr Am. anil &tlA. Moreover U u ue nuo epeauo -..jrfele b ail nrsavieta and Dealer! generally. i OhJyBack! That's a common expres sion and has a world - of meaning. ' How much suf fering is summed up in it The singular thing about it is, that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. May be caused by kidney disease, liver com plain consumption, cold, nervous debility, &c ' Whateverthecause,don't neglect it Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that , will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as Brown's Iron Bitters, and it does this by commencing at the foundation, and mak . uig the blood pure and, rich. . togaatport, tad. Dee. t, iSSo.' j I For a kmg time I have ben a I aufferer front itomach and kidney diieasa. My appetite was very poor andtatverytnuUtmoutftldideet diiagraed with ate. Iwai annoyed very much front non-retention of aria. 1 tried many remediee with no aneottt, until I need Brown' . Iron Bitten. Since I ued that my . etomach deet not bother me any. MyappedteUaimplyitttmente. My' kidney trouble m ne more, and my eneral health la aea,thtt I met like a new nun. After the nee of Brown' Iron Bitten c I have gained twenty pound la weight. O. B.SoaKT. - Leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend Brown's . Iron Bit ters. It has cured others suffering as you arer and it will cure you. EST GOODS LOWEST PRICES POWELL'S PREPARED CHCt'lCALS JadSlO'n Farmer CiWKMVIJL For MI4 (B20 lb)of POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS Tbli.when mixed at home, make OneTort oT SUPERIOR PHOSPHATE, .equal in plant-life and a certain of . (ucceulul crop production a many high priced Phosphates. MA EXTRA fl INUexpense.V NO fo trouble to mix- Full directions. Powau's CBaaocau kavaoacn thoroushrr tried, gtv nnirerul ati(acUon, and w ofer leading mrmera in every State a reference. . Send for Pamphlet, t. Beware of ImitatloMt Brown Chemical Co SOli? PROPRIETORS, s ' Maaniactnreiof , B.to., Mp. Powell's Tip Tori Bone Fartll ,. Izen Price only $38 nTon.aeteaah, Bona Meal. Dissolved Bona. v Potash. . Ammonia And an high-grade Fertilising Material. $66 a week in your town ? Terms and S outfit free. Address H. - Hamlet A Co.. Portland. Maine. "' . ' ZEBS C0TT0:iaGRAIII TOS'GuORVEGETJBLES ,1 -jv - "vA: - 4 jr. i'4 -1 i 1, 4

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