"1'..-: izTr .I,,. v- .;;.vr - ;.,. t r'-- : ,--' " - . -v- .' , ,' - . .t'-- r1!,. , -:v:;C;vv?t-.: i'ir? - , .-.;--.- .-;, - K - - i , 7.-. . : t each statu retaws ErERppwEBsor. exfre;lt-ielxcatj:d- to the united statis, ix. congress Issxmblkd. ..'". ' 1 - '-t- a" ' I ' "' ' ' ' ' - - - -1 ' ? j' vol,, ir. EDITED BY M. KENlrO. ' 3HXton; ; ;c. September ii, is30. PRINTED J.HOLDERBY. - v -: - "0 V: f TETIMS. The- AIiltoh Gaf.tti: & Roanoke 1 Advertise, is published on iey ery Saturday rmorning-at tiie Fe of Tiitel Dpilars a year, payable an ..the receipt , of .the first number., No nbscrFptionT receivecl for a le.ss term than oae year. "AH subscribers jivho do- hot give 1 express notice to tti6 cqntrdiyvilLbe considered as wishing to cpn tlaue' their ?yibsrvipLu)ns, and the papers will be f! until all arre'iirase are paidjupexcept at.the.dis- 7 t cretron olthe Lditor, I - wrfilei"iefS77 -fouHeen Vines r-toes, V 5 ,vilr be insciterfn:lf Gttcthre. times for One X :7 j D.olIar jO'.-Twenty-'FLvq; Cpnts fprt eycry jubse.. - n'ieht' insertlou ''those extfeedujg - fuurteefl liner chatted In pfoporllon. Y - -J - y' , - f V, , . I The "u5ual'aUovrancew.Hl be made to those who 4 Advertise ; hy-the yer. s " l ' 1 v : .-.ff.B.rAll those who possess. the leisure, &-e. are especially, invited to favour; the Gazelle witlilbelr i V communications; all of which' suaUreqeiveThe. at hentipn due them. ' 1 vl - ":!' ' j hoo.vs phases,; Dr ' ;n., m; J I Full 3Ioon, ,..-&,-;& 3P: - - LaatMiilahcr, .V1- 8 ; : 4:nf.t. I ' i New Moon. - -i 10 1 - 15-. , v First Quartef ,25-?. 3:M, I). M. n 12 '13. 14 15 -in Day of the . AVcelr - Saturady,-.(. Sunday y . Klonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. - 17 .Friday, . r 3 u on- - Iay Is Rise.' 'Sel,;lerigUi 5-476 A'&Yf&tf'. rU3.6 'n 12.22 , o 50 fi. JO 1220 ' 5-TC1C 12J8' 5' S2 6 ft 13 10 5V-- 5316.'' 7112,14 ? "January lSthJ iS30;..:' liesdlved. That on every Renewal of-air accommodation debt, there shall be required a p yrrif ot of iive. per ccnt.on the amouni" flue ou 1 he 8 tb';Februafy7 vl830-so thai'i lie lvTlo3ebt1iiHyev-citinguislie"d in twenty paymcmtSj-or less. --v unrencucu lor iinriy xiays aiiprn oecomei datv it1 shall be-tiier duty :of "the Cashu'r ,or Agent to cpmmeice suit fortnvHliX,hat al ler a suit be- commenced, no Renewal shall be allowed buj "ipon the payment ol Hfteasf ten per cent. 'for . every 'ninety days oTder linqugncj. t , L,lvr- 1 - " :- liewtwd, "That no new 'Joaa sholl be. made in any cas, on an v., other understand ine than jo be wholly' baid, at. m;iurrtiV ; or tal.Jar$hest, :in three eqaal insttilmenis :oJ ninety days r .. n : t --v.-:-. . . ) , Flic, pnshicriind, Agents -are directed to make known the above. Resolutions to the ;ja. V. GUION, ; .- - . k Cashier. .. '.V'" ' ... . . F . ..t . . ... v.,- .... - -- - . .,. .rfsii, .' .... .... I....' .; ... I ... . T . . rrrr r I f 'TT7 STRAYrDrs-o1en,fmmthe"L . ; :L2i Subscriber; afBron f .urc-JjE-i on the night ofthe electi6.ru whiehr" '.'Tjtt jwastfcs titftI. August a. smau ( , iYYi :-. some 'small white; specks on her baclc, anS;a, dentin vone ofher hinder legi,near4lieloNieph'ock Jno o.her,inarfJ particularly- recoiled ?d... A ieve Idas after vvai- taken up in the'eomnions neaK the laitiCvp'TP, gmall bav mare supposed to havr.been . (rode oil-by some absconding' WUiWaA-.njrawi - 1 vnnt and the subscriber's taken in places of her. iSli 'ha.uo? very notable niarka" $xcwt.oz!a.h$iij.l i Kvhite sdecks under her belly, and barefooted ad t 'judged to be' four years old. If not applyed for " I .111 J - Iw i t ivery soon sne win ue jiofeieu., i . r . I V ell N: C. JOHN HARRISON ' 1 - TFroxnfEelB?dtimore Minerva . r .SHAVING ON TII SEA.: j,', AlR.;EpiToii r-! hate bef,nr. longer upon J leeV'liian tou have ' upoa the drV laikd.l and perhaps kftowsoirvptbinbgiut tlitrcH torrtS :"untf Hbit?rof.lue sailort,if.vrtu - v.l godsbip proceeds tq swear the novice to' di vers singular-observances; oneVof, which., is; iihat he. never, eat brown bread whembe'ean Set wlii. e.. The one shived is then immW-- fui a tub of water, or has a bucket full from i..t ' t., -id - -fIL- i- - uuujiic- nit; a uuiuuii ti:juur. paper, ,1 inus. , , , will give you some rtccplipt'f-tbo ceiemc-Ji ' - Vp- v:;.... OAKUM. nis ot shavivg at sea, pvtornietnipon greerr " . i," - .,V;: 7 , ,7" :Tr-i Jiqvtnturer. The Boston -Coonraen- on-inp.-n,qui i orpine iiwmteague: Jine, or makes rnyrernHrkaUb:' livlan.. ' - ' i l was once on bofru4reCbrmsb bhip- ;' wTjUtiber;4P'wmgUnd'-t6 th U iijted States ; Avejiadarnurabeir of passengrprs orrboard, anl ""among'Ahen: several ladies? foundlandf tl sons of ibecjty:wbose vviile domain haofibeeh traversed Viir ..safely,. Viih -j knowing' vlnjTOeVf0ieVforecastle'' "ancl conferred; ,i iB. recuitepVe tito the ancient legends, coeval with:ll5comm6n law, nd umbn'themofirreaieTnljditv, it wasfoun .r . .w . e. ; ' l t !' . . r inai as juiien-HS- lanusraap came in view oi v.- V , wT TVT V " -The Dealers iTthis:ffice: vy)Jl attend to the aBovSTlesolutJons v v'7tr . S "A LE X.v I IK N D ERSO N," Agent. ; th. Banks, hpforethenir lie niust produce a botne.pf olii$ogniaq run aViin acceptaM1 J sacrifice : ta Neujjtune.-Tlien Uire - of tb. sncrjujice was expiiiineQvo-naj'3ncisnien,sino ka greterafATeseut " compl ied irtlH 'i rnmncitinn coiiMtnnarl' Ut? immDm.-il-i'jl UUtr I U UUIIJVIJ CdllUNIUUty tM..IUIIII1 lLI'fMl usfige"; others ; refused "among hem was a lilt 6f the fir'- T-!. 1 " 'AT'SJSa u 'SiXSiTp, late r of Greens- uoroun. nrcseuis his; QiiiniimyuisAO inB .iik- Ufttants, ot -Uiltua and jtar vicmitjy anuwould in foxnUheMUial he jias opened ft thop? nearly opjxv; slletlieiojre of David :& William KyTe, in which ne carries oir s - , . - . , - beari of tlie .-former- beinu-ithe riper- two. i ''r'f - - 0 i)n tlmrefusal oPJhe refractory few, the seamen inValietfthe Gi U vfith snd -complainisr Oh 1 6ninotent father!Kin of,lhe ocen, "behold- the lrebeUnifofif -TerraV; who have dared to j intruded Hto thy dominions, tefusto4p,hend bafore;trjvdivine. alti j and for rtndr lo thee, anaccirstomed libation. Their beards Oh f uher'ar lonsr 'Uncouth. rtd in iecenretalriet-by -them in" defim 7k' thy Ja wsi" and. ia;dH Tsfon of thy. d ivinity.'' x iiciMKti jr Muy; . ut? lilt: urenii ii'-niu inr invocation ot nts sonh 'Uteri nKawtujrin 'ta-or states th if a younsf man about 26 years oiu, caiiuiir nimseii ol 'Jtlenry-J1 ison, ot 31acon, (jreorcta, lately made his appearance tin Dresden, Me.. upon a fine Virginian-Ra cer, and attracted much attention. . He earn ed admittance to one of the - best families, with whom- a youner firntleman from the city, with his sister; was on a vis!;, made love to the young lady, presented to her an elegant .diamond ringandjj gold watch and accom panied the young couple- to Boston.- Here sported a barouche to the sorrow of a sta ble keeper, made a tailor a "sufferer'' to the yrnoiiut of .two suits "of cloihes. one for him self an3 tne for his intended brother in law, rid. having taken the watch to a jeweller to iave his vounladyVnme eneravtfd thereon prevailed on a. lady to suffer him to put dia- mouus hi wer wuuuing ring, anu norrowea the aforesaid diamond ring to have it set by; be senfofTbis trunk in a : packet,' took the eastern stage, got his racer at Dresden, and is now in o'.her parts, lie was 5 ieet 8 or 9 inches high ,-li'jht complexion, sandy -.hair, md his .several scars, two ot which on Ins hands, he said he received from a highway man. ; ''I. - -.! The Walkf.r P ampulet. We are in formed by a gnntleman, recently from D'ljdin counsy, that intorimtHJii had been given by. some bl icks to the whites, copies of this ne- "irious pamphlet were; in circulation aWng the4aes of fh it county, in consequence ol whib, a kirge party of citizens turned out,- last Saturd iv, to make search for them. greeable place orvort may be builtT a niore grapelul'dlstnbutiorT's.of the healing Jtquvdj wv.uiauc. null UUUYD .Hi I. a 'JPHtUtUJ it ' mode ot taKing it mav be itfrrodocea1.. I 1 1 . ' The prospect before t5.-he v severe uruutiit which nas visijea inis part oi uiecoun- uyjuunug uie; summer, nas -produced 4inuct sub,sistehce ;-lnm i.f4lhi f iilure of corn; ctods is so - renei al that wt haye-, not, only' anticipated a 'great scarcity o bread, but likewise of meat, as very Tew far! me.rs will be able .; to fatten, pork even fo! :ueir own use. cui pur iears jtipve some wbjat abaterj since we read ;si pie in ii hll Georgia paper, recommending ah mbdrgl onr TventucKy? meat. i ne writer who sugf ere$ts such a measure to nunish ihe '.'ron'timal ..J U: ' .ff ; ' ! , - L.mi I .... ' . ...... v ...... ; t m ! - ' . cy and heresy of rventuckians, savs " The ?oud oeoole of. Lextiifrion. kf n'tiirl that they will resist "ihn rtrr.qalffifi(r: CherJ okees from our soil, by " every , aivid-'W mkms. And iiow let- us s y, nhatwll eat no more' of Keifacku'miiat atid buy fti e-aJcwnM"Ky s?ock ai 'ill T and buy j andf every! ave been fe j f Thilza rd . AT hese. peo pie who. h so bountduli v from the liand ot lieoria &c I &Jp. are ungrateful. still k -OA" I . What can be .more ridieulods LTn on r sentence we have the acknowfedffriienktHas Kienlucky has heretofore .snpplied' Gebreif ' wjih meaty and in the" very nextGorgL , ) - LOSTJ ITTfevURING last Caswell Coulrt wek, a napp I U V containing about ?jj140,raqstly in N. CaroUna ten dollar notes. Also, a bill of; tobacbo, gi ven by Joseph B. Covington, for $189 h7..--Aiiy p. rsoi! Iwha has or may liner the said oapersjano m ney and return them, to me, shall be sMed. I - i . j : . Septi 1830. 13-3ipd. j Lall its brancho,. He wdl con;tantly keep opl., finaShusespond- Ag(vin4lcti hand, a General assortment ot all kinds ot , , r , . V . . . jps abui r avi'lievlle to ' make rlilifrent r-9 cornpUmts, through hts-brtzeH" trumpet. its , J )-7w"--:;"v-K'; - 1 - - M v. ' and will make to order, to. suit enstomers, and war-? rant them to be of the best materials and workman, hip - He will also do all kinds ot repairs; also, all kinds of h liberilly compen- LEA, Sr. i THE SUB SCR LBEllS, I TTTf WT. two first; rate Moudt i lili (JONS for sale, in Milton. .Apply taiii-ihade WAG- tb S lAVatkihs, & Co. or to Mr. jA. Nalnimlly 11. & J July 23d, 1830. 8-tf, ; VAilBitOUGH. i 1 ,i I rRTl HE firm of Owen tK jeifrcys was dissolved 4 I JL on the first of Decpmber, ldi'.li, by mutual Icorncut. All tho books aM papers ot the concern, lore nut in the hand? of Ma.bon lyenyon, for settle- rnent twho alone is autlfbrised i lect the'sarne, und srraut receipts iind-jbted. are reuuire,d to come fd Isiimt? prOuiptly, as farther -inda 1 civen.l : ' i i - . ! . . . . . . ;.1 I Milton, Aiijril 3d, 1330.-p4:5. to settle, and col Thtise who arc rwardand pay l!ie ?ence- will not be L& JEFFREYS. l j j WOOS'CAIIDSHG. i " rfKVll VO!L-CARDlkG mJvCIIINEjs in fii4 vi rate order, and now m operation, j Those who ?wih Wool Carded, wi'l- fiud it to thejr -ad vantage it . may 'be car Ho brinj it soon, that rded-in the warm season; It must be cleansed and el eared )f all hard "33 BSI Li i 14 W - AND HOUSE-PA INTING! to retain despi'e of my authority. They! shall be shaved ! - 1 No sooner had he expressed his fearful de- . - . . t f i termination, than, no seized a raior and sha- head rails into the lofty ship, while Amphi-; trite held his finnv steeds. "His prt'seucf in -4 . - ., . to give circulation to su' h books flay- tte.mlle Journals He would respectfully invito the attention of such spired-the Ci ew with awe and while .he im-j persons as may want any article in his lirie of bus ness,-as he is determined to execute his work equal, if not superior to any in this section of country ...and dispose of (t on as moderate terms as can be obtain ed elsewhere. ' : May, 1S3!). t-5-ts.. -l GEiVERAL Post Q.ffici: Dgpvrtmext. ! July 10th, 1SSG. ' ) PROPOSALS T7 O R carrying the Mails of the United Si r- , . .1 r ii 1 r r J 1: states on tne iouowinsr i osi iiouies in N. Caralina will be received at this office until the 12th day of October next, inclu sive . - . . , . 2103. From Mdton by Ca.swoll c. . h. Brown's Store, Loncx, Casile, High Rock, Greensboro', New Garden, Kerne's X Ronds and .': Wa tight own to -Salem, 82 UHes and back, twice a week in 4 horse post coaches. Leave Milton every Tuesday and Friday; at 1 p w, arrive at Greensboro next day',' parted liis commands ihro'ush his bellowiud trumpet, thev, and the; landsmen - beneath j street. leeks trembled, . r Bring hither that tub,' and fill it withslush and sea water." Thej men obe'ved-Nowbrin forth the long bear-, ded tribe one fy one' 7 j VVhetting his razor upori the pin wail, hd proceeded to tjusiiiess, nrst'stating tnat n:s instrument was 'manufactured in the caverns of Etna, by one oftlie cyclops, and tha-i though.a little rougn ln'the edgrit would! shave clean. , ; i ' -- ! Two oi three underwent the operation tamely, and his godslup seeing that the 1:- dy Another "newspaper lnef" has been con victed at Bos.ton. 1 Jie Courier of JMond-iv i lies that Nehem'nh Clap Wis senu to the Ho.use of Correction for, three mpnths, on S iiurday, for stealing a number of that p iper from the door of a snbscriber in State upbradtnji t lie hand that fed her. wkh ingrat itude ! '. There are some people" tthoneye: f lobk -at - but one side of anv thinff tSuc?.1 people" tmnk. if they stop at a house of.ei tdrtaJnment on the roadj and jvere neyeil' i - , weii ireaieo ; or ii uiey get a mecnanic to a -j - , a piece. 'of work, id either case the laridlor 1 of ther .mechanic is .infinitely bound in ?r!t . y tude to them for tfair money while they ar iv f-t uider no correspondent, obligations r 'Ir I tHis narrow; and selfish disposition 4 Iwhid cinses so little courtesy from pne class of cietv'rhpre favored by fortune! towards - ori ' less faybred, but at least as' useful and xespel I'lfelg, -Arid 'it-tit this same contrac4erfness v i v .- vti wt it p Fe vtifit .o " a i e-, it mut t tn i uii2 j o5Myvnj?.rs m.,vl!a? aepenuenceirpoj r r. eich other.; ; r " '.KX&S j jV We wish, the Kentnckians ho harmJ : bi (1 ii the 'Georgians refuse iheir prk Oils Tdi ' AMERICAN WATERING PLACES, A foreigner, on a visit at S lratoga springs, has written a few remarks on the difference he has noticed between the customs there -and at European watering places. marks as folio wsi , . " Watering places in all countries are ac'eristic : hey assemble the flower of the country, and form a distinguished feature in 'he character of a nation. Saratoga, sttun iedjn the cen re of the Wealthiest and most cb Sr ,'s chin was smoorh,. displayed his gallan-- populous part of ihe country, does not justi- eorgians reiuse ineir p shall-.' get it cheap, and-then if our frien trour Fhoenix and ISogro mountains hou hrme: down their custom irv nuantitv ofPo : . ... ... I tatoes we shall inve plenty of good victu. ridtwithstcmding ihe nroughi and the t htf.- Salisbury Journal. , ' i Mr. 'Francis. Granger.; -.has . accepted . tl nomination of the anti-masonic-convention t the Governorship of New York. !.- Tin Working Men have. alreadv "nominated 1 Gd rit'ral Koot, torthe same office' -.Thel crea . Hody of the Republicans, friendly to the pre sent auuiinisirauou, win noia aconveniion a; i i Herkimer, in the coursei of this inonthl when l He fer I thpv will make their nomination. , l w STEAM CAR, m the Rail Road, ' V' lindestand (s iys the Bait Chro.) that 'a sud-f esstil experiment was made . ytslerdayoh 5 he ! B l imore and Ohio R.ul Road,Avuh Ir. Cooper's Steam 3ary from )he dept io the half way house The engine is only I two norse power, and, was propelledt ar- try by lotting her off wiih a lathering. Bu llfy the idea that I had conceived, after hav wjien : the hale FrenclMiian was seized, b'j ing seen the great cities on the sea coast, and tier getting fairly -Under way, gt the rate of om 12 to 14 miles an hour. Some defect J e learn were discovered, which it !; nderstood can be remedied Kin a da:'' r two, laCel Census of ' Huston. The. population listen Is 6T,18 1, of whom 59, 506 ar whit 1 'substances 'that tend to iiijure the cards, with one nound of grease to every fit) ibs.iof wool, and a sut- ,1 ficio :it lua a tity of strong sjlieets tf) contain the rblh I Prices for Carding1 Eiht Cents a pouud, cah j or one htth part ot the wool. kicked anvJ shouted to such a degree, tlu i j ihe good nste of their inhabitants. It . is the ve'rv-fishes' dared to raise : their heads a4 ground impregnated vi;h mineral sources,- hove ihe water, in the presence of their sub4 situated in a natarally illfavored landscape. lime master, and shed a tear ol commisera-"'! Ihe price, consists ot a wide, but irregular tiou. Ahimon diet: ! monsieur Neptune-4 tteet, in which are. located. four rarer and I no wni shave from, vow : sare, I have some I bout a hundred-small houses, built -ef wood; vife and little enfans at home, who will ha - j The former, are the four principal hbtekv when another trial -will tal , July 1830. 6. &, JC. VARBROUGII. it ;.'iV. ::' ':' : ; 1 rRl HE Subscriber has formed a Copartnership I JL in the HARDWfVRKjBUSINESS. with 'JMr. George A; Dwight, of Neiw York, underthe Firm of J. & G. A. DWIGHT. They have ta- ,ken the. Store No. 235, Pearl t?treet, corner of John street. The former customers of James Dwight. & Cot and James D wight, are respectfully invited Ho patronize the new concern. I ? i i . i a Air . 4 s I A JAMES DWIGHT. Petersburg; Va. July j, 1830.f-6-i8. ' by 1 1 am, leave, same 1 p m, and arrive at Salem ".same days, Yv ednesday and Satur I..' O "..;.' . " :- . ' 1 '. f. .;. " - ' . I I ni firrlur if vnn Irill mo viil rlut irrn linnn 1'f 1 rPlioc nro (rnftd ufi.i wnnll bo nri urn'ununl . - v t All lua nloaninn wjc nt nn -aval with !t-r-i I tn a n v watprintr nhiro in !r.nrfr . nmf" nt tts .I44n. ...Hi.t -a t i m :irnm .it f . rnfi itchnrn1 l-iT lfi. .. . .... - .-v ' . 71- " . . o ..... II " ,n, ami M JMiltoi. every Thursday and nf '"-"? ''.'T r n I f ' : . v . J ttha latipr pntprpii hi- nose. h snhrnMterl id i hv nt t ip hnnntv n i - !.. w . ---------- , I ' - -j J I ill ". A f . .1 V" : i.l ''li l! . 1'. tne ceremony. TiAJS soon as tne oiiice pi me razor was finished, the t?od administered an . r- . . ... r . . ... 1 1 ,x. T iwful oath n,each and then decended im I mehts of the place. None of the other iin lb20 was l(3SO; increase 195. - the Vasty deep- ' ' l he secrets ot ttie ousiness are tnese:. one of the crew, who-is the best calculated for drollery, is dressed in a. fantastic and ridicu-j- ful equipages, and rows of wellfurnished lous manner, with a speaking trumpet in his I shops and cotiee houses. 1 here are no par hand, personate old Neuptune. He goes j ties of pleasure made upno concerts in the forward to the bow Leave Danville every Monday and Thuis- j who are to be day at 5 a ni, jurive at Mil ton. by 8, a m decends until ' he lias .reached .the water, (lent, but which might combine-with it ihe u- leave. lilton at 9 a m, arrive at Oxford and from thence ascends on deck, pretend-1 sual necessaries and amasements of watering same nays oy y p m ; leave Uxlord next ing to have emerged irom the ocean, lie places. Who has seen Aix, bpa, ryrmont, days, Tuesday and Friday, nt 4 a m, and ar- hluls the crew wl'.bf his trumpet ; answer is Wiesbaden, Cheltenham, &,c. and would not SA3IUEL WTKIXS & CO. rTTTAVE on band, an4 will continue to receive 1 J1.U.. from the Washington Iron-Works, a corn- jaete assortment oi iron, wniciu tuey wui sen at I 5 per 100 pounds,1 Cash. Iay27th. 51-tf. JOB -PRmTISTG', Of every Description, 1 promptly -executed at litis t I Neatly and promptly Office, Monday by -8 a ni. 2123. From Warrenton by Ellisville, Winiamsboro', Oxford, ItoxboroV Williams- vifie Leesbnrg, Red -House and Milton to Danville, Va. 92 miles and back, twice a week in two horse stages. Leave Warrenton every Tuesday and Saturday at 3 -p m, arrive at Oxfoxd same lava by 10 p ni, and at Danville the next days, Wednesday and Sunday, by 9 P ni. id and t steful, and wof- ind f ishion that assemble below their verdant shades. This is all that cart -: be said in praise of the local arrange charms of the European watering places are to be found here, such as 'well-shaded and well-watered public walksj. fine 'music, taste- ind 1875 free blicks..The numbecofjahei By ihe cencus of 1820 ihe, whole VpopuUi ion of Boston was 43,298 ; increase in 1 years l,u3. which is enual to 4lf In,, Front the Journal of Commerce, A ugust 27. THE MARKET. Yesterday there were rales New-York Flour -from new wheat, and other fa qualities at 5,6; some Western, of Ely's bran at o,75a.r,Sl This morning there has been so constant rant I ! bow of the vessel, -while those evening. - All the charm here is const ituted , j'nse an anxiety that it is somewhat difficult 4 ;t ,1, .ve are kep, Wlow,'. b, .hesocie.y wfiich ceminly is very excel- I1 tern has teen made- at.Mjaod we are told th; II .AntM.i. (a Alit.. lt!rtlT.m(.. V.if. Laa. JaJ I at $6J. These statements we find very;, curren! and reported on " good authority' but wej cannj trace out the contractsand must doubt their exi rive at W arrenton same days by noon. Imade,-and mutual; congratulations pass be- concur in this opinion. 1 he inhabitants of a hf na 19 ft,irt,v : .- no,,n-J iiz-i. r roui u invuie; v a. oy west as- iween msgousnipaoa tne oia seamen- ne i Saratoga may ii iney cnoose, vasny improve i uy teiegraptt that tne uaieaoma sailed on tne jytj tlei, N. C. -.Law-sons, Rawlinsbarg, Went- worth,' Mount Pleasant, Madison, Rocky Spring, Blakely and Paynesville to Saiera, S3 miles, return by way of Oak Ridge and Sutnmerfield to Danville, once a week. Leave Danville every Monday at 5 am, shaved, are then brought on decksingly, jthy of a countrv-which 'jranks equal with, the I Singular. Death.- Doctor Absalom-Thompson, arrive at Sidem every Tvesday by 6 pm. i Leave Salem every Wednesday at 6 a. m arrive at Danville every Thursday by 5 pm. nroceeds to order the reouisite abnaratus for unon the ulace. If thev would create a nub- 3 days after her regular day TbeTdelay was ft shaviuz which genehdlv consist of a piece lie fuhd for public impiovements,and if eve- I " inerpreted as proof of ; westerly winj . . r I - . r ' . - .7 .. I and bad weather, and if nossinie . increased th r ui iiuu.nwjj.u i,u.j;usii.uu w wuici uwuc ny iu.iui irciowwuiu cumi iuuic citement. The town is full of rotnorst such as th oi siusti ana omer onensive nianers ano a t $1 10 11, iney wonM raise a sumcieni capi- the Captain came op last nirht, &c. &cA- . tuD or waier, me persons wno are, tope itai to renaer it in a iew years, a piace-wor- bVitiilfolded, Thosi- who have treated welt, first countries of Enrobe, hi point of power TaIbot county, Md. has communicated to tbft-Ea Vl JiOpl 0, IU94 V091 wi 1.1 J j (. TCIi Jf X. rM old, who becamef del irons and died inr COnvtilsiot from eating.water melon ieed . ' -- ' are shaved lurht, while those wno are reirac- land civilization. 1 ne greatest attention tory are shaved hard! After shaving his should be paid to the mineral, ajziore a- v '1 4 i f A - : "-. V

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