v VOL. III. ■rEs:® MONKOE EIQEIEEE MOKEOE. E. G., TUES])AY, JULY 1875, NO PUBLISHED BY W i 11 i a m O. W O 1 f Gj Editor and Proprietor. S-2 0.0 i GO 50 fl 00 60 SUBSORlPTiON HATp! Oro Ye^r, : : : : ; wtonths, : : : : > TUc'3R Sionths, : : ; : £DVF.RTISlf«a RAILS i One Square, of ten lines, first insertion JCach subsequent insertion, ^1?'“ Obituaries, iilty Cents per square. Tlie inuviieife r,i vearlv advertiser is stncily limited to tlieip ov^p juin^ecliute and regular business; and the busnveb.s ot an ad- Vditising iirm is pot eon.siderod us incuiujiug that ot the indivuiual nioiJibero. piS" Advertiseracnts not m;q;lrei:]. ^villi the puniber ot insertions when hiunded in, will lie continued uuiu ordered oui. and charged {^eoordmgiv. No advertiaoincnts inserted gratnit; pusly. Advertisements of an ahu.sive nature vpill not bo mserteci at any price. pis'" The tee tor amiouniiig candidates i.s to be paid in advance in every case. pij ■ No deviation from these terms under p.ny civcurasumcos. Contract Advertisements taken at low rates. T). A. Cot'higtoii, ^ * Y AYL MAQMM MONEOE, N. 0. Y'lll practice In all the Courts of this and ad- joinmg Gouulies. Special attention given to 1 Jie ooiloctioii ot clann.-i, and all business on- tj'iisted to Ills care proinplly executed. Ciiico pver Peoples Bank. C-ly. Jas. F. Payne, ATTGPXr V AT A.ATV, MQlfEQE, C. s of Union and ^clethb- |)0drj?. A UOMMOS THOUCUT. Somewlieve on Uiis earOiI}' plane^", III the clhst of i|o.wers to be, In the dewdrops, in tlic sanshiiio, Sleeps a solemn cpiy foi’ ine. ,4t tljis walieful hour of midnight, I behold it dawn in mist. And I hear a sound of sobbing Through the darkness—hist! Oh, hist! ■ . In a dim and jpurky I am breatliing life away; Some one draws a curtain softly And I wat.ch the broadening day, As it purples in the zenith. As it brightens on the lawn; There’s a hush of death, about me, And a whisper, ‘ U") is gone.” i'torg. iViU pvachec in all the c a U.VO.i.i'R, A'MT) DEAEEH TN FINE JEYl I ix\ VINE. WA-j'UHES, i;iN(t sn mu 11 silver SPEO- INU 11 VLl J) \1U TAOEES. M 0 i\ h O 1 a. FINE WATCHES repaivQ(] ta-tlifnlly. scieutili.’ullv and warranted. 2G-tf Fr esh Arriva.ls! \ I;OT of Imported IVines and Brandies ^ust received at the well known and long-eslablisliod Pirst- class Drug- Store of IV. H. SMITH & CO. 41-tf. NOTICE. A LL PERSONS HAYING claims :l\ against tho E.state of H.arvey E. Stack, dec’J will iiresent the same for ipaynieut without delay. SARAH A. STACK, ] , A. E. STEVENS, ) June 7, 1875.- 2-t£. WANTED. 4 LOT :/\ for which th juices will be paid LOT of fat Beef Cattle and Sheep, lii,g%est njarlu't AUSTIN & HOUSTON. May 13, '876.-51-11 FOR RENT! A new and conyenioiit Dwelling 'House, containing tliree'rooms, with 'a lire-p>lace in each room. Apply to OGBURN & ARMPIELD. June 5, 1875.'-2-tt. TOBdVGOO. 40 Boxes ccmmoiT to best grades for sale ‘cheap for c.ish Bv A. -F. STEVENS A GO. 48Af. Every- else gives soinethiiig and I should be mortified to death to have Mrs, Ifcrsa Piidiards or Marian Hunt ington call D'lo mean and stingy.” ‘T don’t believe in c itting your coat ■according to your neighbor's clotli,” sai