1 t X fcff it. 1 i . ;4 .VI. , , 1 if $. r Tui EiNTiNiti. I published every morn ing (M..nda'.e excepted) and deUveI In the city of Raleigh for BivsBTT-riva ci ts m -XoTtf."Mn uhecr1pUous,'postt irrt, ' Etout Dullaiii per annum. In all eat- JTj hla la ad lance. I ' Tna Wbbklv Bsktissl U publish. 1 avery Tuesday. Mail eubscrtpuoii tto whaw ior annum oeraMe ta advance. 10" Person leaving the city daring the summer caa bare .InMHTWii mauea o .kl. .,I.lr. hr -nrArrtnr tt .t thl Office, rMuer!wrMo tyMr4. Seventy- Ovo mU par month, payaUa i NoBoUcatakea.sf anooTfwu mnlUQl rations. Wa cannol undertake to retorn ry- lectfd MMfatrlpi.;: j TTOIMi:! I Q" V Raxbioh N. C rTCESUA;, SEWEMBER 12.-1876; National Democratic Eefcrm Ticket. FOE PRESIDENT : S AMUEt; J. TIIDBN .n 1 i ' o aw loaa. 1 . - ! ' FOR YICTrRSIDEMTi 1 - THOMAS. Ai' HENDRICKS. .. .......... -.1 -uii ..t rMDa .! lit r nrs arTi at ., DANIEL G. FOWIJt, of Wake, ; MXU M..tCACn, of DaTMaou. 1 riaat wTioTr ; Lt.CW a UTHAM. of PRti . ' boxbd pistbict," ,,"r,-ii aonN r: WOOTES, of UaoU. ' ? . third BiBTmic, JOHN D. STANFORD, of iOapUn. M - , r, rousTH DmraicT, 1 i r ABl'US H. BU8BEI, of Wake." FRANK C. ROBBINS, of Da?ldou. ! inn oirrmicT. , . KOBEttT P. WAWSO, of itacklenburit. - ..- -1 iitMH DiaraicT, . " - BioiiTW WKTairr. '"7" ALPHONSO AVERY, ot Bark. ,: rSlSOCSATIg' STATS , TICffT." ton otbio r Z EBULO N B. T A Jl CEi . i! I I or MCKLrM 1 -kJ " J ( - .t i. 1 1 4- v -tit'! iwS sn ' o L!TTAat-OT A THOMAS J. J AB.Y IS, or TT. , . . 1 ?o CKiTAmt or .atATA: ! JOSlU A. ENOKULAilD, u. t t or am maaoTaa,t .'.f. 1 . ia 3 ft - FOB ATTOBBBT-BWBBAli t ' n ' THOMAS 8 1 KEXAN, t -1 tob rPBUCTXBAarR t ,,.,.(',..,,,.,., .. ..FOB UVHOUi- nt r W- SAMUEL L. LOVE, w " J.nt t Of BATWOOD.-; . 1 a. ar nmrimn ( ' john 0. ecAKBOROUGn; ' ; v... or oBBTOir.'' - ' ., .1,1 W'i! u' 1 T ' ' " "t-st J ' A . ; , V; FOB C0N0BE83 , i , iV,,. JOSEPH J. DAVIH, or TBAware; r .rrV .1 '"f 00BOKBUIOBAI, BOmBAT'OKB lr' OfflBB - PUTBICTB! in DiBTRiot JE88E J. TEATE8, of Hert ford. r-s ''"' ' . .- -v ' ' ' 4 3d Diithict ALTRKD K. WADDELL, of New Hanover. . , . " 5th DiataiCT ALFRED M. SCALES, of OulUord. ' ---.? - i tin DisTB'or WALTER L. STEELE, ol 7Tal)i8TBicr-WILLIAM M. ROBBINS, of ,Ir0uOU "v f . ' -'I 8th ' DiBTBiCT ROBERT B. VANCE, of -r" ;., , l-A i.adl.-? ''-.!.;( -h-o ' A poor-knell !. for Parncll , Was rung "t Law ia Masse j f Let s have no "rail"- Was Tim tim-id that ho failed to ; ; i . . -1 '' ' : ' I ' a 1 ' but tolnga" yesteraayi mi d J I j -J , -1 1 . - - r. Some or tb : darkey , are already wearing that Wynne shan't win by their rotee. . i we' lore the lonx-oppresaed - colored, bruuoer Though it may be Nowcll wllli the rad candidate' for 'sheriff, 'It won't be I! ' so well In NoTeraber. . ,Tim what about thai watch and tone of your leading' candidates f 1 Don't yonr whole ticket need watch-ing , The Indian campaign is a failure, and the southern one will be. ' One failure is a national disgrace ; the other wlll.be glorious enough to make amends for ,11. " . - 1 . . . j 1 A prettier ticket to beat, than that put up by yesterday's! ringed, streaked, striped .and speckled , pow-wow, ; was nerer seen in Wake -county.'Upaod at 'em, bojal' .; ' . . 1 i' The manner In which Willie p. Jone, an old enemy of the Raleigh ring, was slaughtered yesterday, but show bow thoroughly the city re ublicans control their followers in the ountry.' "v John Jones gires notice in the Athens (Ga.) Watchman that neither he nor his wife, nor his sou' nor his daugh ter, nor bis man servant nor his maid s?r Tant, nor his ox nor his ass is going to the centennial. - 1 1 ti: The whole radical party in Wake county, witii perhaps two hundred ex" ceptioos, is composed of negroes. And not one of theiu on the, ticket. Good enough to Tote,- but not fit for candi dates. Oh, how we radicals love the Address of the State Committee. ; - y-j V'J '.. V. The aJJreKa 'of fl "ral Cor, the chair an 1 th ' -laoct wj sut wj;T. it- tt. whio'i avvn ed in the U im 4 of the "Sonti:H i timely,' able, In 1 oodl touo an J uuipt., ana to iue puwy- The committee tery properly re frained from criticising the circular let ter of Attorney General Tuft, or the law ouder which he and Jndge BnS't'0 acting, in reference to the election in this state. . ,Whil9 "i1? neither ex euiw nortiewWy 'for federal' luterfer- eupaliiL'Ritt tdaction" oTurUCCawJiaa, if ItibM kJiaf oihertho1 'oomnittee aoquijHoca in the actionUkeu, ahJpaiF rises a ready and willing jubedieuow on the part of alL All the intimidation and rioleuoe ever apprehended in thie .atute were from the' republicans, and We kiutl! now see if the sealous followers of that partyir eSpctiaflyamotff o people, are to bo rftriued in their violent demonstrations toward those who would rote tLe.domocratio ticket., We pppreheu J (lia( Uus, action jn the part 'M, JtbeVi federal j iWho'rUieis wfi greatly strengthen the colored, demo c ratio vote of the state, while it cannot affect, iu the nuudleat degreo, the,- white vote. Application .fr . Jndge Bond to open the circuit court went out from republican beadiuartera in this city. The hope and belief -were entertained that such action would tend to strengthen the sinking can of, (the North Carolina republicans by invalidating democratic voters. , The application was a confes sion of their weakness. It was to say, "help us Caseins Bond, or we sink." It is an open concession of the state to the democracy a Tirttud , surrender of the campaigu by tue repubuoaus. v can therfforf wfcloowe' (haldtt UiA, tias been taken, since it promises protection and give euffiuagomc te eoloml df ooraun, ypters, ana ,u, at pema Ume athrowiug up of the sponge pn the part ortue republican botllehoiJers at headquarters. Bepnblican County Somlnatlon. " 1 1 j, dtii.w,:;! .-".r vit:i The county and legislative ticket oomiuated by the republicans yesterday Is not one to command the very hearty support of the republicans of Wake county. -. ,' A -r--- The attempt to popularize the ticket by thrusting off the only two colored men after1 they' were nominated, will fail lth the while peols,, for the trick is' too plainly 'seen- through f-while the manaes of the colored people themselves will understand it to mean that they are no longer wanted in the republican party except, as voters. , 1 ? !, , i ; . The Raleigh ring wldch is omnipotent in the republican party in thU county never had things more its own way than yesterday, l'et that rini; had to succumb to a master. The, nomination of Colonel ''Wynriet Ahe bell-weather bolter of two years ago, was inspired by fear and not affection. The ring dare not allow him to tilt at it as he did when he broke it in i974.t r But, Uat nomina tion wil neither strcrgtea j the- picket nor save it. XOl'iM l;l . About one-half of the nominees are from the city and the balance are hot aisirioutea inrougn ine county, ine work of the Raleigh ring is plainly seen in locating the sheriff, treasurer, regis ter 7of, deeds , wdf then;- chalrmon - of county commissioners in town. 1 1 is therefore seen that the city rin abnorbs For the legal ability on their ticket thejr were of course restricted to the city. ' Take"!' altogether the ticket1 it1 weak and not an availaife' one. The durao- crata, )f judicious in:,,tlielr 'selections Wednesday, will easily carry the county agalns t ,lhe tnen; be republicans hav put Up v.''' '''i" n r i.;t ' 1 ibeuicuntoua inquirer ' j TleVspewloVpf thV tamoys opf nal will carry a thrill ot sincere regret to thousands of, Cornea ahtsv'eveVy newspaper office id the south. It is one of Viriiiuia's 'oldest and noblest landmarks gone. " Its career .fpr ,rnore' thafi half a century has been j glorious' i wnfi VXn its devotion to "the fcrand old mother state, to the south and to sonthern. in terests,' It bas ever been unwavering, vigilant, le)d. Ia ability It has!toq(J in the foremost rank of American news papers,' and iia whole 'coursej frdni the days of Father Ritchie to Moses Handy, bas glowed with a - chivalrie' courtesy that has shed lustre upon new world journalism.1 ' Its suspension,1 ' which 'we ' , ' . . are assurea is oniy lemiwrarj, u a loss to ils city, Its stale, J to ; the south and the whole country, 'and a deeply felt J personal loss tdins an every brolhereditpr.. It la no mere formal show of politeness, when we assure our friends of the Enquirer of our deen and earnest synfpathy; and 'our hope that the suspension, which grieves us as well as themselves, may be bat bdef. tVif- eluians and -the noeonle of Richmond especially owe it tQ hemselres to .sea that it is ao..,t ; ;t ,,i .I.:.- Too bad, too bad.1 roor. little Tom my Purnellr who was so badly beaten rpfBeaaldTTnenfaca terday, attributes his defeat to his cou-in, Major Dick Badger, who 1 said to have ued his influence'-amon? the colored lire thren for the' Wynne-ins horse,' - (Jot. I'-'vee a Kuow-Xotlilnj. Gov, Ilayes ma jf be strongly admire J hj tho-' " ' V -republicans 1 hof s Jif .ria l -t Uefaulting CoVTell, f Ai kanss' t'cattlrongly for their uative juV bel ia finpoasible that ay tclligcnt voter Vho bus mada thia coun try his own by adoption, and who values the privileges of his citizenship, should SftnhioILTffayeiS knowHuothlng piitimnt ari. inning hit miht poaiilKa utterances. j (The,- cerw"!'6408 n' raUed a faW " WudUast fall Jon. Ue school vjuestiotiv and this HaJ ofcrwAa ilcctccVbti, lecouni'of hls'.'.w.cll 'uiidcr this reason and others of much long ' standing. ,then American .AjHacB ha, seen iita cbutpViment hiuij At a latin conrerfhc'rof thj: Allianca set ot know-nothing resolutions was avlopted, aftXllSSoaitf tofttvot t American principle as si Viicalail and set forlit In ' these rcsolu UoaaLto-giva-ilaycs their- actlva -and deWrTOkitdBpfloJtT12I8hMtifY' HMliK widedf W OoyJIaycs, audi' on the lllh day of July last he wrote to the secre tary of that organization as -follows:"! 5 I have jut received your letter Worming me or my euictt'm as a uiemr ber of youf admirable1 Alliance.!.,', Re turn myVrUianka, to.iha-Allieoee, ,a I dae4y sympnih'we wUbUs prhtoiple' 1 remain yoarfllowltiAiaf vc. vi to 4i...if "j-.B.'-'lh:' Hayes.' ) K(Tbe ' jpfs' of ' Hie "principles of Ibis "admirable Alliance,'? with which Gov. HaVe li deeply sympathises,1 may be! gatliwed from the Xullowiug statement of a ftw of tha objects' Which' tWW gaulzatioo Appff mv'nt 1 fAu smeodiueaifCo tbe naturalisa tion laws limitwg suffrage to persons bnrnlrHhistewtry-ofmericaji parents ; the election of American-born eitisensouly tootllcial positions hi this eeuatryf opposition to the interference of Roman Catholic . organization hi the political 'affairs of this' nation, and onnosition to :bo lormatloa of political orgahlxaUons coin posed exclusively ,of foreign-born citizens. ' u mIik vsu-?:i Tbi, public slcu ,andj saylnasl k "fiof; Hayes, are not very numerous, but a few'' of hem" are suQlcIebt. ,tfl 'spioljl.ja record much longer than his. In oon gresa he was the great American- peti tioner f khea ij ardbe 'be changes were tha't he was about to o'ffer a peti tion from some person or persons who wanted a gratuity, ' As governor of ...-:rir. J.. i. unio, ne nas uoue no act mure coiippui nous than one which he performed just before he becamo governor the giving of a considerable sum of money to the crusading v;r;i?m- (of whom his wife was one) Who A ought to deprive the Germans of that state of the privilege of selling, and 'drinking lager, beer, Whenever ho has had occision to speak or act upon a matter concerning the rights aud privilcges-'of baturalized clli tens his know-nothing sentiments have got the better of .hia jkiruess W claim that the letter written! by hkuto the secretary of this know-nothing "Alliance' and quoted above, should forfeit for bira the support of every nat uralized citizen with the possible ex cerAibtf of Cofl flcEurz' ani such is left their native country under cjrcumt&nces similar to thoselS wMl attended , his exit from the fatherland.!' m ::. '.' J- :. Straws. ' Of a 'crowd of iGOO North Carolinians wbopasfed .through 1'ct ere burg a, tew days sine by ear, on their way taorth, 805 were for Vance and 71) lorbetue; The balauco were women and children, Post. '...'.'..:, ,.'.'.'.'' :H';ii!::Mo : The North Carolina excursionists, from the western part of that state, who basscd throush- Richmond u tat- urday took a vote on the cars, which resulted as follows r For Tilden and .Vance.LSWlJ'oCPajes mid Settle,. 7. uoou'Oje, air. liaycs. uispaicu, So it roes. In 8ouih Carolina the other day -at aJTada UampionuhiieeonsAtalf the crowd was yelling hurrah for Vance, while iu Danville, Va.;' VJ 'find" lhem raising a pole for Vance, and iu Rich mond newspaper reporters i are! 'Witlng at all thf trains to interview the Tar heel sentiment ' and ,;"putilih, "Good Tor Vance.'' Verily, Judge Settle is under the at)le ia this campaign. '"y ' i;-?.';. Gov. Tilden, it is stated, is preparing a 8tatemcnt7"w)iich( jwill appear , atv an early day, In refutation' of the charges of perjury "now hi in Indulged In by republican! papers',. iu, connection, with his Income returns. It is stated that U was Gov. Tildcn's intention to meet the chvgss t the tarbut he war dlssuadtd by certain friends who regarded -vba cliarges.as unworthy of dtiei.al-aa nt Kil 1 ' v11J t vi.''- -.jV7r ; i.i 7TT. '-i.S i v Three tliousand five handred negro voters hi Wake county,' and not one' oa ike ticktt of h radicali wao lope thti to. DarVys, will you n6ver learn the utter falsity of radical rirofessions of regard for you ?, Will you'never see that Lhey onlr want "to ' use - your" noses ""for stepping-swncs tp.;oflk y . frf ' The Milton Chronicle juatly says 1 We 'submit tliatu questions such as Vaficor wareort,-ntle,rn-ming soldiers out of camp," and "Smith dogs'ng deserters, ". are irrelevant to tlie true Issues of this campaign and should not have been' introduced in dis cussion; 'but the radicals forced them into nonce. GOV. TILDAS DUKINO TWZ WAR. - ' -' A . i - Mr. Man toil JIarblo, kt3 iitor of the Xew X'ork Wc'MJ, fl a , di r.tch to Mr. H yltt cbnflr i lio blaU.jonU of the latter in regit: 1 to Mr. Tild a' p 8itioa d jiDf -lie Wi-i sud. fajuULua froiaHhe otjfi! :d manuscript' the following ex tract' from a declaration prepared by Gov. TilJen in" OjWUi7 18G2," to be jisOjl fcQftcflnjttie pgpitljj Wbi'be thought the New York democracy onght tyi an,l iliil tiikA souluern people turemgu tue journals 01 our metropoha, , I kiu14 say . , t9 them, tuat ld bs event can iks . trionipU of thd otsrraliva. JMiutimtmt tiew York in tha elccti)iim.'jia,ooriBWitr trdiaaojoa, eithor now or hereafter. Its 'true im port ia reatoration;,' north. auJ south,; of tuat constitution., w hich !' had scoured every right, and under whose shelter all had been happy 'and ' prosptirtms tmtil you madly flod from its protection. ' It was yoar act whiob, twgan this v ealamitw.. out civil war. It was yonr act which disabled tis as we are now diAtbled from shaping the policy or limiting the objects oi that war. -,, Loyally as wa.i maintained your rights we will mauitaiu the right of the government; .We will, not strike down its arm as long' as your is lifted aguinst it. That UoUloHt and greatest work of pur, wise ancestors la not de stined to perish. We intend to rear once more upon the old and,' firm foun dations its .sliattered columns, , and, to carry them higher toward : the eternal skies. - U 1 the old flag ' watrea in ' th nerveless grasp of a fruntio but feeble faction ta whom you and not-we aban doned it) we, whom 'eonrageyou have tneii when we stood unmoved between fanaticism and folly irom the . north jml the south alike, will ones mora bear tt onward and afloat ootU it is again planted npon Ui towers of the constitution, in- vinciblo by domestic as by ioreum sno- mies. Within th, Union w "will "give ton the constitution . von profess to re - vera, renewed With fresh guarantees .of equal rights and equal, safet. rr We will give you everything -that local selt-gov ernment demands: 'everything! that 1 common-' ancestry of gloryervery thing that natlpnaf fruternllyTctrrfitittn fel3 lowship reauiresi but td, dissolve the federal bond . between those states, to disaiemUor oar oonntryr whoever else oonsents we will not No, never never, never." . ' Meetina; of Povrltf 1 Wd " BuseeU-fThS , RadteaJ Jude Mea a WofuI Mia- taicaA ttouainc " Hurrwn ,w Vavnce " TbS Piedmont Re- ''.r,?."TTri'.V:'u4Ii t''Vn , I,jorrepou(ieiicei04 ine auuuuekj V It was- a great day iu Mc Dowel! yi terday. " Judder row to and " Uuss, the electors for the "respective, par ties, met here for the' first lime in discus sion. '.The democrats ; Were ; proud o their reprej entative. . Judge t owwxuadt) a powerful and eloquent speech, such a speech as he always make-exposing the wronz domes or the radical party ior fifteen years in a manner truly scathing and telling for an ne aad a ball. . j i 'JCDOK KCSSELL'S T1RADB. H ' Judae Russell followed in a speecli of two hours, and such, a - speech. He comntenced by ' abusing Gov. Vance and Closed in , the ' ssme ; strain Kald Vance's reign In North Carolina during the war was perfectly terrible, the most abusive,, tjraunicaJ and arbitrary the world aver exMneaced or wllnesscu that he was reftponfubl for the death of everv soldier' in' therCotirleratr"war from the fall of Ylckshurs'to the close; lq such abuse oCVaucu. be .dealt until at tho clots of one of his severest ti rades of epithets against Vance, 'the people shouted in one tremendous howl, , -( - ( &AH'Vtftt 'lAicif.;,!. Aflet the crowd :iu1etect,Trthe'-jndge said if thepcfiple'could stand Vati.ce ht could.' and tho . peoule shouted atraiu. f?youve got it to doVfor we: will elect bim." lie struck tlie wrong chord whea he abused Vance here.1 f Among othrr things he saiil bb .owned about' two hundred audAfty negroes, and if he had his .way they .would, have .been bis now' the hcgrq'vt as '.. under , .no ,olli na tion to him. lie also jaaid: - "Air. tScHrborough" said two' ytare ago1 be (Mr. :8.) ippVer" wbhld seces&iou democrat,;;, , We wuii ; e,vvry wosd of hi speech : could : have.iieea takan-UlawaelLithfl: some more such up to tue west: - -,The wist w all riht, particularly1 the riudiuoul rcgioPtjJL'ush on the bull. . ' i di.V ' 'u-.. u :;. : v.; M. -i ; tjHU U 1 1 1 1 1 1 J ii 1 1 n'.i:n.,l , it'n ' " ' CA9IPAIN SCKAPS.'" J t:.i-)V . .J..-J .v.. -si j -. .vqiVwt tt-iM ;!!- ll f Ulommonfrillo has " raised jance fing;;jli!.i;i 'm. At- Tildcni V., 'K " M nil' B. Glonni presidential elector in the Salem district reports the demo- cratio prospects bright and daily bright ening.. .; j :r z. ur:-p Ta ;j yv ! A special1 diapatch to the ChkrlOUe Observer, dated "Reidsville, Sept 8," says:., A census Was taken this morning on toe Holmes excursion, ', which is on its way to the centennial, in order to as ofirUi Ui jpoStyaJ , statitf ()t,aJl the Voters on Ttytgrdrf 'XminitionerS were appointed for the purpose of taking the census, andlwhennptos fere compared, it waa found thai the., wen voters) stood 817 for Vanes - and only 7 for Settle; The women and children who eonld not vote" 'were, .Vanc, men to wni,V;.'..;i?.;i uFaUier Evana, in the iAtilton Chronb els.' thus discourses r' Even the notori ous John T, Deweesc-cnt:loose from the radical party and goes It strong for Tilden and reform. fie aays the radii cal party has become so corrupt that hi cannot affiliate with it any longer; Now, If Deweese can't stand it. how can such men as our old friends Charley Wlnstead, Samuel C. lianiett, Ike It. Strayhorn,' Henry N. Brown and others longer act wltn , a party . so corrupt; Are they harder to convince of the corruption of U10 party Abao. Dcwcese i mercy of the Lord. , - : " BaBaaBBBBBBBBaBBBaaaaBaBBaBaBaBaaBBBVBBa The "woman's friend" is what Dt. Bull's Vegetable Tills may well be term ed, for every woman that has onoo ased then will hotM without mem. - ; Vine IMA., ' .uielij county ra lical caudi JatuJi rid ! a . . . -. f A " UutrtgiuiroTriittigtrtr, artrc;-!-" deiuic about Hithtaoud. : , : . .The i'.'chwond Stale has a daily cir culatlou of topies. 4 Richmond is diacuasing fertilisers. mH retersbnrg VL cnmtheniiitr;r zz:. j Puterahorg taxes cireusee $100 a day aud 5 per ceut. of the gross receipt. . Groat , numUurs of .WtA, Jre boiug killed ia th -marshes dar Petersburg. The Winekestor Bboo-factory emplova GO hands, and is doins a heavy bnsi- Vm,Vtl)3 tint) '(U l.o Hit-.11 i ) ; : I lh Virginia edjESiTEave1 "couo i)na bii deadhead cicun-loti. to ' the. ceatcu """ ..! ,y..u.) i,u. I Suit i Thtl(J0,00O Pt ' dwelling isUhe staring block and ' gab-text Of all I.kh mond. .a ta --i.l4 3t;l i.-tii; . ! fj Jo,5V'heatii iigtttJSoatou lo y.ent a .nrBtFiasa aopcaao-sorevoUcr for tue IgtpaigfNital cbwr..A..d.: -oJ-l I TJolleetortotls Russell: of th 'Eiohi niond diatriot, ha been removed, prob ably bocanw1 ho bad ' some ' faint incli nations toward boneety and decency. ' ,., A haitou. npecs in , Lynchburg -, the ouif T veuuig anci wire w 1 ai young iiy and a little boy-iiitotu. cauaJ. wiinrw tue water was-eight ,fet. dep. ;,Xaq Mitchell and Harry Latham plunged in and rescued, thrift, i; . !V The;Rfchm.ond' Btate- says V ,' Josepa acgar, a non-resiarat : Josepn Jorgen son, a defaulter, i Bristpr.'a nonentity: Dr. Mills', nou xpectint ' finch , are the candidatos so far pnt forward by the radicals for seats iri 'congress;' MAJ. ENGELHARD'8 APPOINTMENTS. UtH'j'W- I'.j , mi: 11 ' '-.; 1 -! lli 1S Jt.-il. lt!lMhf.j twjf.'i MivgautoU,:, Bulks 1 county,? Tuesday, Smbqtahr'1 la I :UAn..:ii f;,o -i A fridge waterJ.Btn-ko conhtyV WcduesV Ja WWPf , i.tta m ri.itff Old Fort, MaDoweU, Friday, Beptem! ber-i; Mon,McDoVelj aturdtty, ejjtcjjar DCr l,tK,ifV, lHt;, .,Vj tin I. 1 rrr.Ula lilV Lenoir, .taUwellt-'aeeyTSTO; ber 19. .:ii. fiGrassy Creek Alitchell,, Sepitember Ylt, .-A paiuruaji Bakersvillei Mitchell, "Monday, Sep- Burnsville,: lancey,, Weuiiesday, ; Sop tember 27. Kelsey's Store, Madison,1 ' Saturday1, September 30.- ' . . Marahall, MaJisoa,: ilouday, Ootober 2.1 I - !) : 1 u'Asheville, ' Buncombe, ' Weduesdayi yvyuwi -Mi. j Y ,-" 7 t, Appointment west , of Asheville will be snnonnoed hereafter.' ': ' ? , -Western papers pleare copy; ,; " ' ' i CONQRBSSIONAi ANVASS.-! , - : ,' SCVtXTH DbnstOY.-A' a;.'1n Hon. Wss. M." 'Bobbins' and CoL Thoa.A, Dula, f andldates for eongreas ia the Ttk dis trict on the const rvatlve and republican tickets wspoctlvely, will address .the people a vun lunuwin nines ana places, vis : Sedra Garden, lTanyth county; Wedaes- nary Baps... -.k :- 1. c. 1. .-,.iir. Kernersrllle, Forsyth county, Thursday, IewtsTtlle, Forsyth county' Frlday.Sept. 8. MocksTille, Davie county, Saturday, 8e tV. Fork Church, Davie .county, Monday. Septa, v ':! -.;....; Cool Springs, , Iredell county, Tuesday, 'Krider's Store,' Rowan county.yrednesday Sept IS.-- -: f-- -t ,-'"?' China Grore, Rowan eoujiry,' Thursday, Gold II111, Rowan county, Friday, Sept. IV oausoury, nowao couuiy, eaiuraey, oep- wmofr 10. - - i Clariutule, Davie eouuty, Monday,' Sep temberltt , f . f :.. ! -n . .- -., . YaJklpvUle, Yadkin : county, Toesdar, seps. , ... , ,.1 i -. - 1 .. . , 1 Elkln, SaiVy eminty: Wedniay, Sept: w. Trao 11111. Wilkes ' count r. -Thunsdav 11 ticgrlat' Store, w'Uke . county Friday. uneinoro, wt kci couni)- jsaiuruny, t3ci- Brady's X Roads, Iredell eounty. Monday, Sen. S3. - '! .!-! Ml. . - . -o t .'1 i f Shepherd's X Roads, Iredell county, Tuea- oay.otpt. wj. ,,.,1 ,., ,-, Eaele Mills, Angus,' Ir;dcll county, nesday, Bent. T. ; ' ' -, 7 Fraiey's Old Store, Iredell eounty, Tl day. Sept. 38., ti iu ! v i- -, Wcd- Thurs- A.lL-nr'l HI Jfi ,,11 Mnnt u L Cvf .1 . w j Stony Folnt Church, Alekander county; Monday, OcU ' -n -i' .-. i .V: - Tay htrevlllo! Alexander . county, Tuesday, Oct. 3.. ' . -., ,.. . .... . . Wltttnbnfg, Alexander county, Wedaesr day.'oe. 4. - -. Sunr Loaf, Alexander county, Tbiiradatj Oct. 6..;. .. m!h ,-:: l..i: s .!.;.."' -! j, frivett's, Store, ..Was :countyr Friday, 'Kew'CasdeJ Wliket eoun'y, '3atuVa Oc toberT. 1 .- '- . u 1 McNclU's Store, Wflkee county, Holiday, Oct. 9. , f, UM tiil ,;H'H1!f,; ! I! Dwn fJaix. , W atauira, eouatr. Tueadan Boone, Watauga eounty, wednesdsr.Oct. IL Sutrar Grove. WsTsnca county, Thursdsy, Oct. Vi. " 'i A i. i.. ' o... . J-v'- . Elk X Roads,, Ashe eounty, Friday ,Oct. 13. - North Fork. Ashe countT. Saturday, Octo ber 14. , . , , j Jefferson, Asve county, Mondsy, Oct, 18. '' Laurel Bprinrs'Alleehaoy coanty, T nee ds y.Ott. 17. !: . ':.-t . s liet UU1, AUcgbaay eounty, Wednesday, Oouia., , .., .r,r -t- , .. , ber W. .R Rocky Ford Church, Surry eonaty, Friday, FrankUo Ola rlace, Surry county, JSalor- day, Oct 21. .( - Alt Airy, Surry county, Monday, Oct 23, Tom's Creek, Burry coun'y, Tuesday, Octo- ber 24 ' - ' Winston, Forsyth Bounty, Wednesday, Oe tober&x - ; ' ' East Bend, Tadkln county, Thursday, Oct toKn 24 ' '.-, Mt. Meno, I aaxm county, r nuay, ucr. x. Bark Sboala, Tadkhs conty, Batorday, Oct. iti -J : . ;... . APPOINTMENTS Of JJTOOS FOWLS Judge Daniel G." Fowle, one of the Elec tors at large, will address the people at theH ! Vadkinville. Thnrsdav. September 14. Hocksville. Friday, September IV ' HTnston, Saturdav, Spptewlmr 14. The lailies are invited to attend. Friends in the respective localities will please circulate notices vt the amwinlmenu. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS J rpu.; i.iLsiurns op tub tk ,7lYrtJ IVW"411 OK THE 4IU - eBvviusaissss wit. a um A. rpintfnc:i.madt at the last ttentnjr: crT ttir mi.i.i.-ii accuruance WKB tna an- v.r eyi uaiauu U La UL4VU ICv W -vx M.aw ws mum UWUICl If, I - --Bj aavaA SV-UBI IU lUQ lowm cf 1ti iaraon, aud, oa moll on, ad journed to meat at Oxford on the iMib dar XMkal There wa no buslneaa transacted worthv presentabowedBurkeddispteaaure at what seemed to be an nitac-dlary 4, tor th.pu,, poses of aasoeJaUa.apon aJa. pae( oltkA. if tha tnamhora aar .nla a. j likewise nowtiera seen at the last tfteetfseki Walalirk aauAa I w a.l.AM it I. " al sbjvb, BOfvisa wt wuvuk it l ntmm rMrwal j mM wtraiall Nuhaw... . v -"- j '-w -asrv i aw llT u OsV iratittaUoo. And hnleat titer afcall be at tltfc UUonlt wiu. . plainly. b e duty ol tw preeeot to smtiheif sbasimb tii..i' warxjr jtej iogrrttT)iiTi)i.i onr-prrnnhnr. "" "uu "i Asuauee us as honet Ux payers to vlgorul prodocute. Henderson, N, C., Sept S76. - f t 1 f-'H i"" ' iY l.emj! .'njiit,. 'ill i'Srtf esfyita-.J "schools, colleges; JAT.EIGH HIGH SCHOOL The ezerctses of this school Will be re sumedon ';. t il ttii i .- , ; MONDAY, A t'GL'fil 21T, 1ST6. ",, 1 Prepares Its puptl griorIIy for collcire and practical purbuita. U otters, par-ic-ular, a full and approved course of prepa ration for th University Of North Carolina. !.Uordera are recelvrd, oa good terma, into I ha family of the Frincipala. Circulars coa tainiag terms and particulars seut on appt' cation, j-illiJltBv;'ll; ATKIXSQS. lySdtd ti - i - C. 1L SCOTT. SELECT SCHOOL FOR Cobxek or Moboaw bp MtDown.L St., RALEian, N.;.v; This School will reopen on Mondsy, hct 4th, im. : i The ,diM)pline of the scIkmm, though mild wlllbe ttrni. the course of in struction thoroueh end the learning such as so develop the best faculties of mind and heart.: . .' it .'j-tt .' i-. ,1,. For terms apply to 1 . ' "MISS GERTRUDE HAYWOOD, ..!..! , . . f . i j. , 'principal. Rbv. Edw. B. Ricff, Hector. ' - July ao-td .-,!, m i ,: . b-c rVTATIOALiUOTEI .-' i CAPITOL SQUARE, :.v RALE1GII, N. C. !,,,() --.1if The National it one- of the best arranged, and the moat perfectly ventilated Hotel in the State, and being delightfully sltuaU-d by Capitol sijuara, it is one of tla, best Jumintr residences in interior North Carollua. The main portion of the tmtldine Is con structed with the view to afford SUITS Of ROOMS and. PRIVATE 1'AttLOlW to m-h gut-sts as des're them. ' -- "' ' i . toe routical Headauarters toe Aallomu it the beat adapted liouso ia the city, baviuK large Parlors on the ground floor connecti-il With prlWle1 apattments; J ' "' i I'niuB ar Capitol Square, wKh its slisdcd walk.- icraaa forest oaks; and txsuutU ui shrubbery la one of the . prettiest acd inot delightful resorts in tbe country, thusaffunl In? the gueUr Of the National all tbe ml vantafrs of one- of the handsomest little Parks In the United Statea. -n v . A mamiilicent double portloo, fronting and ho entire tou at lhUxUhaail'ottic builil- inr, rendering n Uie most desiraoie nouseTir the. oity far ladies, children and sojourners of every class. ... .-. -., i,( ,.- TheooL siiadi and breeiv local Ion of the National, itself occupying one whole equate, keeps -ft free-'lrow files ' snd musiuttcs through the aatlre Summer. ' A row of slugla-atory ollices, suitable fur business and professional grutlcrorB, Is at tached to the Hotel, and always at the tr- vlee of snch as dreire tnem. . ExMrienosdaad pollU fortors sitena an Lraiua with rood t'acbe and Baggage wag ons, and gceaU of the aUonal may rely ou ood auenuon, ;oou tare aim tiwiuu. linking water. 1 ; ' ' " ; ' BatJtt Eooui and Water- Closcta n:'n ' ARE f)N . EVERY FLOOR. - -,, , it -. i ' . ...'.. tVrln the basement is ibe best SALOON an 1 BILLIARD ROOM In the city. Ofrtrrd Prolertlon Apnlnst Loss " ' ' by lire and Life. , i4 r.ili .- :i.'-l , - r -J General Inwance Agent, KAtErfilf, 5. C. R.'1'rusenU the following flrst clitss rm pank-s:' ,: - ' ' " ' tnav Life Insurance) Co., JStnav Fir Ihsumdc Co., PhcenU Firw Co. NaUonal jTiraCo., '"I Of nartfofd. J; - German-American Fire Co-, i t v Hoffma.n Fire Oo., vOf N. Y. Howard Fire Co., i . ) ConiUncd Asm-Is Ore r $55,000,000. nnl.li i nIHl flllly ciTJi Ju tlieTuTStiuTTu'l liipiiiliiiii.il, imling ample liKleniniiyj . augjo-wui GENTS for best i-Uaute in me .Jn IMnrt AlldrCSS V . B. SAraxv PoGkETCO. esrark. N- e1. ' 'q.v.:;-a'lTl'.!?l .. lk!'r'2"'":a; ,, 'ii-i- .- -7,7 t' - -.f -rrwgi Sumf i - ? Im - ti-il.y- w, i. S ' 5 o r- - -oegra-,,