tn : . . I. . .... ,.,. , i i - i am isrir vr V " 5 iyj .". ; tentdm !;a ! .ti t : .r . :--tn ; : r.l j- ? ti: , f J, -to!'', .f '.'.iTt i Es -I' 4 f : s; 1 nai 1 f J ri fi t! i.r.. It. !f V ; II 1 i-Ji. ;.. v 'V. , "j ,K i....a.u a : ' ' XXm-lTO. 30. 4 J v f':;VEALEIGH, N. 0. TUESDAY UOItiniJGCEPTEIIBE "1876, ft H t-l!)l!.l(J5 X :;, d.-f .r 4uu ,.:, Lwr.lAf. - j.i t;.iJ tt--1 Jj?.l -rr.... T, ., ., ,ii i i i . , i . ! 111 .. .! ;',-'! H i ':'.' 1 1 I , WHITE ' WEN,' HEAD TI1IS. A PBNJTEjmABY CONVICT TBS M4S Tia or tbb pood jsopu or,i BEBTIB, WHO ABB SO CNPOJW ICJJATB TO BB INMATES. (,(18. OF THB POOB HQUSS. J "4'.J" The White Women Forced to , Wmlt tponllli Black Wife,, ,j II'. . 1 ' U. I the IVUte Mm Longer; Tote for i Part j that Doea These Thing f 1 Pass it Around, Brotbera , of ,tb 8tt .,i, ' .' I I I'l ! .Ml". .(, ., -4neinartrTnne8.1 11 . The tale thai we wopose to Wl hotkiu to lliiok of. tADdoa Hjrmao, Tie;"V " - wnyoti vkted- touuiy lor bictnuj Kxiuer, terrea jai iHirt of his timo id the " pcniteniiarTf' id iu (lutrue jV tti'a' poor ibpuaeof lltrtie coouiy. v tiaa .ai4 odor 10 thu cuknuH 4i it was aioult to tUhii! puloI the wuuty too grutvou ta b biTo. ' We thould not liave bad anytbtntf to aajf about It at tills timo, tut recently wo hare heard sutb terrible Hocomito of tbla black mounter' cruelty tft the inmates. """ Kvery oimj of the Inmates Is effl cted la. some .wy, Still., thl',imlaei'B sc'juudrel uakva tbeiu . wait upou bis lazy wile as if ah were a queen. ' .f An old colored woman who had been there staying a few duys' ouwing her sick daughter told the ule. tebe ay thanho ioor iniuates are made to jjlo aDUilut tuis trolop way please.-1 ats siu dowu nod i niukti Uiem build hr fires, bilug water and any thing else sod cboOHis. t The report' eoiues to us that since the good old colored woman told the tale, this , black .devil., lias. Dot allowed" ber to go ia to see h.;r Iek dausjhterOTc;iR JA&UViW Tlie inmate," are prevented from tell ing tiow they are treated by this, negro by ihreata tivia Lim of keeping them locked op inside ol the walls. '' ' " :- there is a poor ttnfortuaate old lady lu there who ha entirely lost her mind, we have beard on gootT authority that this couvicl whip.jier when ho pleases, If these jlUluus ar4 noubeliefed by tli county commis toilers et thdm gut the proper .witnesfeSfc-.aaaure , them i that they snail Hot "be1 harmed for telling the truth, and .every word have written will be verified t P ;r-v- '! We appeal to white, mea everywhere to help us by votii! the party out of Iower that baa brought ruck, tbanie upon ua. ....- - a if you are a whitsv laau; and the bloofl of a treeaaau rune through your 'rein, then! vote ilits party odt of power. Vvhoput Loudon Hyman there to over tcet; the poor .white people of the county t , ; lladkals .'. .W bo could rt move him but docs ootf The radical. Who does this ecoundrel lord it overt It is the poor of the country. ' Then, folic w-citiaens, come up ' like n-en and vote" them out of power."1 ' i,f""'i Will our white brethren of the weft longer sustain thwjiartjrf Grsat God fordid ft y,-. ; 1 1 ii V 1 V ; i - TH is404hehijet riwJ w bo -' are speaking up there. Tell thou the poor whites here beg" tbern for help. rr LONO-UVEDPEOPLB IN QtBDELt. ; : '?'., , V tCharlotte'ltemiM;1- There lives near Cool t Spring, Iredell . county, in what is known as the Patch or Oerman Bettlement,oineteea persons, the sum of whoso ages is 1310 years. They nearly all live within a radios of one mile. To-day they reside on their respective farms, must of which they have owned and cultivated for the past -half century.' One of the number was a soldier in the war of 1812, ami . is now a pensioner of the United states. , : , Franklin Steele, aged 87, has lived ou the surue far us 35 yew t$ tf t j ?TV : Frederick Oartner,:ged 84 baa lived on the same farm 60 years. John Luckey aged 85, "has lived ou the same farm 50 years. Samuel Felker, aged 85," baa lived on the same faru 60 ysars. 1 u t Wiiaon iarar, agod , uaa uvea on the siime farm 40 years. Fetcr BalTreiy aged 77, lias lived on the same farm 40 years. jr.Levi JJ)hrtelc;j aged PI,(has"lite4 M tbo sanio fafin 81 yi0J8 ' i f t j? .' William Bmith, g(jd 73 haa lit eff od the same fans 73 jennw j if b Thomas Little, aired 72. las lived oil . i z, uaa u the same farm 40 years. Elizabeth Little, aged 70, has lived on the same farm 40 years. Jane Smith, acred 77. has lived on the aune farm 77 years. Eliza Smith, aged 75. haa lived on the sams farm 50 yef W'rr If Sarah Kirder, iged 64, has liVed' On " the same farm 50 years. Marg ret llollebaugb, aged 83, has lived in the vicinity of her present resi dence 50 years. Elizabeth Tonrer. "aged 78, lias lived on the same farm 40 years. ; ' ' Catherine Baffret, aged 73,' lias lived ou the same farm 40 Tears.., Sena Felker, aged 77, has lived on the same farm 50 years. Rebecca Luckey, sgnl 84, has lived oa the stwne farm 60 yt-un ,; t f Mary Niblock, aged 81, has lived on the same farm 50 years. Note Mm.' Blargaret Hollebangb, one of the ladies meutioned in the above "list "as 83 'euTrold; and naving lived is one vicinity for 50 years, has been re nurkabla for he kindness to sick people - and all others in diritrww. ,Ve are told that she was married In ber youth) had one child, and child and husband dying earl v. she has since devoted her life tod aiding the eick and ' distressed lir" ber neighborhood.' She never owned land, and for many year never had a particu ikrpiace as her borne, but, like a good angel, has been going about doing good. tV'ben she dies humanity will mourn the loss of a friend . . III 6IMPLB ANTIDOTB FOB POISON-OAK. A,The., UboroBficprer , Juraishcs what, if reliable, is valuable, in this parssxaphj Our Venerablo Triedd, Mrt Alctauder Anderson, has handed 'us the following core for. the intolerable annoyance, poison oak, which lie' says is Infallible.': Try It- The . remedy Is within easy reach : ' v " ;.J , 1 '' It m simply rtib Ilia parts' affected with a tomato cat in two, ripe or green. Or a piece of the vine, if the, fruit has not formed, will be almost as efficient. Two good applications will be suQiclent. This following appointments have been psidft. and agreed upon : by i Governor yatiee and JndeSetUe;7 ' f 1 ; Charlotte, Tuesday. September 10 ; .Monroe, j Wednesday, Septeiabcr 0. Bij" Lick,' S'auly county, .That)aT September 2h Ji.:i;t;--i . . : - Mount Gilead, Montgomery; euunty', Friday, September. 2 '".'V. ; ' .lr i. ttockingbam, Richmond county, Sep tember23. ; ' cii ,: ' Xunibertoh,1, Tuesday,' September 26 i Elizabeth town, Bladen po., VVcdnes- day, September 27. ; FayelteviUe, Thursday, Seit. 28. - Clinton, Saturday 8ept. 30 1 - Meadow's, Johustea couuty Monday, Oct. 2. ;" .A' '-Earpsboro Johnston county'Wed- fcsday.Oct iu,,l. Z,'. -''" Johnson's Store, Wake, ( Thursday, Oct .:'" vJ jM it. iui ii ifew Light, Wake, ; 'Saturday, Oct 7. Oxford. Monday, Oct. 1. Koiboro', Tuesday, Oct. 10. ' ; i - Hillsboro'. Thursday, Oct 12. vf ; Graham, Friday, Oct 13. ll ' The people are requested to circnlate the news of these appointments, and the publio everywhere are Invited to attend and Ktaa tub wsotjsmow. '''.. ''" ,J l Western papers please copy. ' nil y 1 " tm ' ' '; '"' - , CONOBBSSIONAI. CANVASS. zi y : ; UvaSYU DISTBJCT. : Hon. Wot. M. Bobbins and Coi Tho. J; tula, candidates for eoagress In the 7th dis trict on the, conservsttve snd republtesn tickets respectively, will address the people at the following times sad places, vis i .... , Elktn, Surry county, WedDesdsy, Sept 30. "Trap Ilill, WUkss county, Thsrsday, 1 Hrgr1stks Store', Wilkes county, Friday, Sept. SI. :! - ti- . . , ,iit .i J , WUkstboro, W, kss county, Saturday, Bep tember 83. ' ' : ..,- ' . -, -. u ' Brady's X IU)ad, IrtdcU county, Monday, 8spt. 25 ' " ' -- (Shepherd's X Roads. Iredell county, Tues dy, tjtpt Sf. i al MUlsi AngUs IrjdeU coaoty, Wad- Besday, Sept. 7. .... . Fraley's Old Store, Iredell county, Thurs day, Sept 81 . ' alker- Store,' Iredell eonntv, ' Friday, Sept. H t'- - - f- r tUteSYtlU, Iredell county, Saturday, Sep tela ber 30. ; ,: v, ,.,T .. 't Stony Point Church, Alexander, county, Monday, Oct. ft ' ' . TaylortvUle, Alexander eosnty, Tuesday, UCti-Oi-TSTf-ra- . Wltteaburg, Alexander eoanty, Wcdaes- 4ay, Oct. 4. : -! a -. ' V : Sugar Loaf, Alexsnder eountyj Jbursds-, Oct. 5. c - PrtvsU's Store, Wtlkes county, Friday, Oct. ft. New Castle, Wi.ket County, Saturday, Oc tober 7. '-V ' , ' y : "' ? r '".'i-'" - McNeill1 Store, Wilkes county, Monday, Oct. V.. . ' v ";' ', Deep Gap, WaUugi ' county, Tuesday. Oct. 10. u,.Aff i - -H-. Boons, Watauga eount,Wednetday,Oct It ' Sugar Grove., Watauga county, 1 hursday, Oct. li. ' . , ., , , .' . Klk-X Road. Alike count-. FddaVLOctlSL "'.North Fork, Ashe county, Saturday, Octo ber H.. " 'I,1. . Jefferson. An oouatv. Monday. Oct. 10, Laurel 8rlngr Alleghany county, Tues dsy, Oct 17. '.''' . . Flint llfll, AITegnsnf county. Wednesday, Oct. 1H. . " ' i5' ' "" J r Sparta, Alleghany county, Thursday, Octo ber iv. , . :'. - Rocky Ford Church, Surry county, Friday, Ort. an : . . . . ' ' Franklin Old Plsce,n Surry eetrnty,' Jstur aay. ocs. at: -''' Mt. Airv.Surrv eedDtv;; Moadav. Oct S. .Toq'i j;roek,liurry coiin'y, Tuesday, Octo- Ders4... , .f ( ,f .... '. ; Wlostofl, J"6ryth COhnty Wednesday, Oc- Xaat bend, Yadkin eounty, Tbnrsday, Oo- tobetro,'. v i.-j"i; -mm m ' Buck Snoala, Tadkin .county, Saturday, Oct.3S.v. - - : ... ; f . .'!'. jj PBESIDBNTIALj. CAMPAIGN a ei?? ui n-''iH- 'mil "y:hvnl kuk Maj'Or It, ClIfatbam,f democratio elec tor for the 1st! district, will .address the 1, people at the following times and places Edontoa, Oiowa&ooitiily,'-Wednesday, UetiforJ, IVrquunana county, Thurs- ijkliBabeth Cityn Panquotank county, Satnrdav. Sebt 23. , :i X .' ! i Camden 11 IL. Camden county. Maa- dar. Sent. 25.- ..:'. . r i'.xi- Citrritnok C II., i Currituck county, Wednesday, Sept 27.1 i .' : -i-.n . Poplar Branch, . Cor ri tack : county Tiiursilay, Sept 'iA. ", . J V. J - Man too,. Dare county, Satnrday, Sept. SO.'.-.Vwi-l MB'.' ftHl'll tM'jjivR -i 'W, Columbia, Tyrrel county, .Monday, Jet Ju i ? l -: T .vr : c-ji - IJatlkUsbUirejiaLingtoaUlity, Friday, Oct 6. 1. 1 ; - v.:;l' f Ilymoatb, Washiagton county. Sat- ' urday, Oct 7. . .. i i I , Oroenville, Fitt ' county, Tuesday, "." uox. v. -i,r; ; ' -' j. v f ;; The Raleigh Sentinel BLMED jiiAILY' AKD 'EKIY, ! Satscrijtica Eates la iiranco. ' Daily Sentinel, nn year, postage paid, (3.00 .,: . si months,.,"... , J...--.AO0 For the canipahjn, four months, . ... 2.00 Weekly Senttnet obsyeor, posts" p'd. 1.00 f i j -f -.: six Diontlis, fii" : LOO Fttr the1 campaign;'" 'ww',iu That pur readers may see with what favor our paper is received by our editorial breth ren, ws give below a few extracts embruclcg "what they say" of oi: .-, .-.:U,i:iv .';. SI .! NOTICK3 OF TOE PBE?3L ' v j J i , ISewbera Times, Be',' ", ,J! The leading demoeratlo paper is the stater ToUnot Trsnscript.!',1'" !'- The Raleigh Sentinel nnder Its new msns- Sera and proprietors Is greatly improved, and i Bow one of our most valued exchanges. ,,. (! ;.-' "" ' ;r t tt I Si yt' RicbjaondVa.) Whig. .f -, . , .The Balelark Sentinel tmblhhss a six par weekly, th largest snd nands'intest paier we nave seeu priutea in ronn Carolina. ., it shows enterprise and thrift, the result of good management and live thunder. ; -- r- i i Usos Advance. u', Tbe Baleich Sentinel aader il new anan agement lullll s the pr miss irevfously mads that a a newspaper it should ha mads equal to what tt ever was before. It Is til good hands ss Its newsy column teatlfv, ably d It tad and oa the right track. : j tui.o t',:-i u..; iUi.ui ',rr "!'v;.t; i iMthv e!T .i! Qeldsboro, Messeaget.), s,,ltf, -., The Raleigh Sentinel, aader its present able ntsnsgreinent shows a decided improve ment. Edited with marked ability, lu gen eral mske up and typographical appearance is excellent.- We wish the new man agement every success. . i. ' l. i -I!. . ..t,,.. tUfckoiyPwss,l,., , lr, Wa are a lad to herald the snoaaranc again of that useful democratic Journal, the Raleigh Rentinel. It bss passed Into entirely new bssds, and there 1 evidently soma one about who koows hew to prepare eoraetaltg readable, for every iiue teem with news and democratic sousdneas. - - - (Vioai the Salem Press J . . The Raleigh BenUnsL nndor the new man sgement haa beea much improved in man ff)t eniar of the Dally Sentinel lor a week or more, and hops IU dally visits will continue. Spec imen numbers can bs seen at this otilce Pries of the Daily $8 per annum. , , ;' (From the FayettevUle Wide-Awake. The Sentinel, the name of which has been a terror to radicalism tlnee Molden pledged "the last dollar and the last bio1' to ths support of tbe Confederate States govern ment, bss passed Into new hand, and Is s sumlng an attitude from which It wt I hurl maay a destructive canister hi to' radical ranks..-. u,. s '. i;.,.-i tiu:-t-,-i : J1-:- -.':; ' ;4 i v-' ,.':.', u , j;-?.. ; (Greensboro Mssonle JournaL . ,, r. . The Raleigh Sentinel came to us last Wi d nesdav as a morning dally and decidedly Im proved. The new mantgers and editor prom ise to do better in the future, and present s better paper than the Initial number. They may perhaps do it, but ws can't see much chance', for Improvement. Gentlemen, wa wish you success. ..... .n s !f : , vfcK;RobeonUn.J'Ji,, !.; The Raleigh Sentinel, under ths present management, is very generally Improved. It contains as much reading matter as hereto fore, and la one of the very best dally papers minis state. In common with a great many people of this s'ate w revere the name of the Sentinel, and will always learn of its prosperity with pride snd pleasure. They have reduced the rates for the campaign, ss will be seen la another column. ;, ;, .The Raleigh Sentinel seeds no euloey frost ns. .Every one that reada It ksowa how it stands on all important topies of tha day, and although some may differ with ft, yet all eaa say that it is sincere la its Course, and is working for the best interest ol the people of North Carolina. . . ,. , -; IVIckshurg CMiss.)TIersld.! The Sentinel Is a living exponent of de mocracy, seeking, by the force of -polished srgument, to prove the aenoMlty of re tor log both state snd national go'erament to the guidance of ths democratic party. , LTAi der its present able management It takes sn enviable position amo-g tbe bet Journal In the land, Increasing the former prominence of Ua name, by maintaining ths highest de gree of - cttletoinyv-- Ji very -democrat 4a ths mountiln should tike It, and every republi can who-does not deelre an addition wrinkle to bis brow, should shun it, for Its persua sive argument entail thought. With better msll facilities, Marphy would contribute to the support of ths Daily Sentinel, and this assertion is based on the extensive circula tion enjoyed by the Herald's copy; "p Boaudikg norsc .-ui . ...i Wi'tl i.'i'lii.u lo Kits I.,;;:. OoaXxa or IiiixtsoHd' ano Dawsos Bts. 'MKJ5. llAKKlfcT AMDKCwS an accom- oudato ten or twelve borders : with, or with out lodging, t , - wv,N -rtt "!. - :r. Pleasant localityonly two atiuatea west of thscspttol." ; ; - ' , ,, , t aept l-Wt" ""';V! J.' ' 'f; m Oik IXENT. 1! Il 1 v'i lt .i iV ... - l .ill 'H.-!! ! A lsrga HOUSI at the corner of Dawson and EOeuton eueeUoppolts W,4. Hick, mSi iiLii ; irra 'rr invyTwt iniiivi ' d BAND CEXTKXWIAL ' 'EX UTIA : THE ' R ALETO H A O ASTON 1 i-- HAXUUXJXV ASM VAY' LlXk ' ' Round trfp tltkels WPhlladelnhla good for 3d days for tbe small suut of ail.00. , 1 bis excnivlon la glvea by special request lortne eunoay ecliooU,u; any one willM allowed to go at tlie above rates who may j - ' '.Ma V WINDER, i ' I sept 16 tt'.: r. i ! i Saperlutendenw , , ,-. t .. .. .., ... .. A CtKIOSITY' A- ten-dollar bUl of I 1776 gent free for stamp, , Address Hurftt;o.i77 Naf!3aa 5t., .N. l. ; , , jj ." "Z .1 ..' ' ', a GKJJTS for best chance la the world to f V eola aaooey Addrea a., RSfHIJ. POCKET CO. Jiewsra, 4. 1 'J, 1 ' f . j A CUBIQSITX A, TES-DOLLAR Xl.1.111 l JTT ,.nt fiV. for lUnv A.lrva ', "T " ,7 w LZ Z. -z i, v. T" " .llurt &Co.,7TNu5auSt., N. T. . MICEIXAEOU8. ).. i OffVred Protection A gala l Iosi t "F.I lr una sVM,...tsjwn . f-r ! :. 1 ,i -J L . a h-i - ; W. TT: DkOW, ..t t . r-r-T rr.. t it:.,,: t General Insurance Agenti BaLEIGH, J?f c. -';isWW-ii 1 BeprneenU the fcllowlnij Brst class Cooi-raiuesr- -4::' ' ' ' ' ,; ' SMita T ie Va..n rW ri rf 't'fr T Aitna Fire Imvuraaoa Co. Pbosnix Flro Co., n National Flro Co., ) f Of Harttord. Oerman-American Fire Co., ) . t Hoffman Flro Co., , ' , VOfN. T. . Howard Flro Co., '' J. , , ' ' Combined AsseU Over Si,0OO,O00. The attention of the public is respectfully called to these substantial Institutions, af- fording amrile Indemnity r.:t aul6-3m P. a . ..1 -'fc p ".'w O 5 fe.Hr 0 K 'JPt'S tbr.lSf fi. O 2 fc-5: S w r a t- 8 SI w a " S ti w o-5fi jf S .i3:8t? S i 00 3 !2'g 53 m o 1 ATORTII CAItOlM.Vl-tVAKE i . COUNTY. Is tbs Sdtsbios Count. . . W. Montague, as surviving Executor of , Sctb Jones, deceased, plaintiff sgstnst ... Charity n. Whitfield, William A. WbHBcld, Joan Alston Jones, nstnaaiei Macon wones, Setb BlaBcbard Jenes, Aortlia Joaes and others the legatees of the said decedent, defendant. . ., To Charity II. Wbltfleld. WlllUm A. Wlh- field, John Alston Jones,- Nathaniel Macon Jones, Beth Blanehard Jones and : Annua Jones, who are defendants In the above en titled action, not rea ding within' tbs limits of thlsctate. Ton. and each of you, are hereby required to appear at tbe ottlce of the- Clerk of the Superior Court for ths county of Wake, In the Court House at Raleigh, in said county, oa tbe 25th day of September next, -and answer or demur tbe complaint filed la said oflioe, or the plaintiff will apply to tbe court lor tbs relict demanded in the said complaint, , - JOHN M. BUNTING, , -l-i-4. i u ; aerk npertor ourV--? f Mooai A Gatuno, Att'y for plaintiff. : rangu-wow '.yd-air-A' sj. -r-i 1 ' BITJMTIlANTTBwST, lit BM BUWESI, . a ' to whom Was awarded the ' t'remlutn Wedal,' for the best Elastic Truss and Supported at the last session of ths,. ; . -),'.. . GREAT AMERICAN INSTITUTE- FAIR, cures a ruDtar lu from 40 to 90 days and offer 1.000 dollars for "a case they cannot cure.. They employ a , j n , -.?.Hat -in FIRST CLASS LADY $VMGEOX Terms moderate. Cases guaranteed.' O, der filled by malL Examination free., Tbu usual discounts to patron,. . Send 1 cents tor descriptive book to -- Prof. W. 11. BURNITAM. M. D., "toaV 23-d ly i'--- -.- t!blcf Surgeon. w END 85c to O. P. BOW ELL' & CO., New A York, for Fhampblet of 100 pages, con taining lists of 8OU0 newspapers, and aotimate snowuigcost oi.aaverttung. u.s , mareSMy.,,;,,; :4,u A ; GENTS 83 e0fnt i ll Chromoe, 1 XJL. iuu ior iNauoual euro mo vs., Mcu are eurnlBg $ 0 to $ 120 per week J ! O U R j CI 0 U N TRY aidr va-An.? if,' alcsourccs , i S , Complete in the thrilling li is tory bf 100 event ful years, also- of the great 'Exhibition" grand in description ol our mighty resources in agriculture, commerce minerals, manu fucUirea, natural wonders,, curiosities, etc. all riohly Hluatrnted. - A .Ceutury, Map ana "lJiru s r,ya v tew iree. Hviis marvel. ously fast' 1,000 more agents wanted quickly for this sod bur standard "Idfc Of Livingston." 60,000 already sold, also new bible, 9,000 illustrations. Has so ennal.'' For extra terms write to RCB- BAKD hliOS. Publishers, Philadelphia, P 'i auglMw.t ir-ti. i ,. -,. , T-)8TCHOMANCY, or 80UL CIIARM X. 1N1K How tttker ssx may fascinate ahd gsln the krrs snd affections of any per son uioy cnoeso uittaatly.-: This simple, mental aequlremcnt all can poes, free, by mail, for 25c, together with a marrUge golds, Eirytian 1 Oracle, breams, Hint to Ladies,, Hcddtng-Nlght Shirt, Ac. A qUcer nooa, 1 4.uart i. tviLUAJt A tJo., rnba Pfatta , , .-, , ; t. ; julyl Mw $10 to 25 per Day' To T nifuSftTH sua i L othrpwnergeljcyoune I "".w"'ST'APl1SMCOFEE!.-.rrmni I W : .1 ai:..u!- v. a (,1"fla I '?? a aw r,' T-I - w I otnrn im li.-r own ,.-h.,rb..l. Particular, rril : , , liUtcAa co m-tL m 7 . .miscellaneous: THE BIBLICAL EEC0EDEE, !n, ' 1 . , ..i . v'il : J j ' j -' (.n ., h iii.i!.il vs ' ivsn ?, nut in-A OTi.ti PUBLISHED Bv -'"?.'HJ'.S -!. " -tl i. v.C ,. ,? ; "Lj' -fi 1 v.-a" U. vk-i';Tt 'ti n b as EDWARDS, BR0UG1TT0X ft 00 BALEIGU, N.C. il I'll U it n'fi.l-.v.-.js!.? , EXT. C T. BAILIT, XdBer. i ir REV. J. D. HIJFBAM, AssoeiaU Editor. . ! BEY. W. T. WALTERS, D. D Agrictl Ed' it , Hi i OBGAS OF. H. CABX)UNA . BAPTISTS, In It Forty-First Tear. 1 iV" KVKBT BAPTIST SJIOtltHj TAKsJ.JjTuJ " 2 j: .i 'h;,.u;ji.-. If-p :;: ( ' ! ... j -r, " ij.,,S b A an Advertising Medium L'nsurpassed. Only (2.10 per'TeaK 1 Address , BIBLICAL KbCOuDER, 1 ,1 a . 1. ' TBB LEADING '4 JOB --.PRINTING; HOUSE,- '4..-,, BOOK lilNDEUY AND BLANIv TJ00K MANUFACTORY " . . OF TUB STATE. ; , EDW llDS,' " BliOTJGllTON & CO PBOPBIKTORS, 1 . KA LEIGH, N.. C ' '. .':." ... I -.' - I ; , : : , f , . . . , - i . , . '. . 1 ' ' ! I ("..: .'. ..jj ti Ji I., ;(, ! TH BEST ASSORTMENT Or t 'V TYPE, PAPERS, CARDS AND ;:...i'. .V ;. (., .f. . SKILLED W0RKMEK Ilf EVERY DEl'ABTMENT,.,: DEST QUALITY OF WORlv i i r. J i'l i1 t , . j . . ' -, - : t , . , . - -. !;' , .' -j . , ... .ij t'-'.'; ''.':;-: ,. - .i printing, ruling and ' binding of every de . scrip, iion, , ; EXECUTED PROMPTLY AND SKILFULLY IMPROVED MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS Jy IMf J1LLSOORO RECOnDEB. BSTABLISUXD 1830. ., - THE OLDEST PAPER IN NORTH CAR- - The RECORDER, apart from .t political merits, offers superior Inducements to ths merchants of Balelgh as a medium of adver tising. It has a large and Increasing circula tion In tbe counties of Orange, Alamance, Pernon and Caswell and especially in those sections of Orange ; and Alamance, most elosely connected by tbe Interests of trade with the city of Raleigh. Ths merchants of Raleigh v. ill find It Vastly to their advantage through this medium to build up a metropol itan wholesale trade, and center upon Raleigh ths business thai goes to other states. Manufacturer will alao profit by the grow ing spirit of agricultural improvement, and ths tendency to ths adoption of labor-saving machinery, to reach the ears and eyes of a large ami intelligent clsas of readers through the medium of the Recorder. . ' For particular ad dress " -:' ii ... , .. , J. D. CAMERON, i , Editor and Proprietor, "aug 80 1867 ; . . 1 IHnsboro, N. C. ; 50 cents; " CENTS! CkNlS. K." CENTS, i f-Lwjttw sUUr .".nii.iiw van TUE DUfiUAM1 nEIJAlD ) r. h i iWttl be sent to any address until, i:t; - " .' Ik-.? NOVEMBER 14 FOR THE ABOVE v .-AMOUNT !" i W 1.V .:- i 1'j2VU;V1 t -' .. i.Noir U the time to secure a jfirst class, v CAM IV A IG N ; ( ." For ihe'- small brie; of 1 r A CENTS. OUtliNTS July J3-tf ' fTACENTi. 50 Cents. ' CtNTS. cprrs 1 T II K JlfUFItEESCOnO EX. Aa Indenendent Weekly Newenaner The Organ of the Koanokn and Mehsntn. Seo tko1 - -Circulates in Thirty-Nine count le andTrelve States. Is the official organ of Northampton and Bertford counties, and has a larger circulation In them than any paper published. A aa- advertising medium, It cannot be surpassed bs E stars Carolina.' L Terms, i per year, la advance, ai, for six UltHILna. r1; " ' .. . WARD & BLAKET. Ed's, and ProD's.. ang!5tf . ' 1 Murfreesboro. N. C. opiunti l',w Mint fc..l1'r m . mpUrrinimimn Dr. Oar n BAlLliOADS, &c;vjt piii)mqxtaiblj11e;:bail; ..Way, : Bichmond ft Danville, Richmond ft Danyilljb B, Wm X. a Diyision, tad North Wbbtern N. C. B. W. CONDENSED, TIME TABLE. a Effect on d after Sunday, Aug. iri 187ft GOING NOBTII. STATIONS. Matt.'' ExrwrsaV Leave Charlotta-.... S.59A.H. t.lSa.M. " Alr-UneJuse'n alt fl.40 " , "! SalUbury 8.80 4.10 i"J " GrMntboro.... 108 - 0.17 Danvllla ...... 1.47 r. M 8.54 " " rOaadss.t iitt.- 't.01 " - BurkevlKe.... a. 49,", 12.45 r. M. Arrive at Klchmond.. tM u 8.19 " GOING SOTTTTL i hit i ;( i '. , ."'' STATIONS. 'U'uu ' Exraais.' mil " it ' '.. Mi.. Leave Richmond..... SJBO A. M. 1.10 r. a. urkevflier. v. . K.oo - 8.5---- . . t Dundee. ..m. 1.60 P. M. 8.0 , - ,", DssvUle. ...... 1.65 8.10 " "' Oreensboro.... 4.H5 " 10.25 7 R,Salibury ...... 7.01 " ia.83 . a. " Air-UneJunc'n 0.06 M 8.29 H Arrive at Charlotte... 9.04 1 9.48 ' OOINOEA8T, i f' V GOING WV ' STATlONir afAti. : .,' Maifc." e. 't-M' ;.u;.f.'- , ' J.- ' J- Leave Oreensboro.... 6.81a.m. A.:0.05r. u. " Co. Shops JM" Lv S.53r.M. Balelgh.,... 1I.10 A. 8.00 " A five at Uoldaboro.. L45r.w. L. 8.80 ., STATIONS ; ..; Accommodt'aTrain. , Leave Greensboro,.. 5 90a mi A. 8.00 m. Co. Shops.,... 8.18 ' j Lv 1.11 AM. Arrive at RaJelgh.... 8.4S r m A. 0 03 r m. Arrive at Goldaboro.. 8.00 " . f Lv 1.80 r m. NOIiTlI WESTEBN N. B. B. , , v ; Salem Branch. Iave Greensboro...... 10.85 P. M. Arrive at Salem.......... 13.43 A. P. Leave Baleas 8.44 A.M. Arrive at Greensboro 6.45 . u . Pssseager Trains leaving Balelgh at U.89 A. M. connect at Greensboro with tbs South era bound train , making the quickest Urns to all Southern Cltle. Accommmlatlnn Train leaving Balelgh at 0.40 P. M.j connects with norutern bouna Tram at Green bore f oa -Jf Richmond and all polnu East. Price of Tick eUsaats as via other routes. , Accommodatloa Train leaving Oreeasboro st 8.80 A. M. connect at Goldrro with Northern and Boo them bnana -traaaa oa ths Wilmington and Weldos stailroad. ' Lvnchburr e" odation leasee Hick atond daily at 10.15 A. M., arrives stBurkevUls ,w A . nmvva j.u.aaTl.lD 0.1U A. M. ar rive at Kicnmond 8.85 A. M. No cuanqb or Cars between Char lotte AND BlCHMOND, 282 MlLES. JOHN R. MACMURDO, - General Passenger Afent, - -Richmond. Va A. J. n. 1AJAAI1 1, Gen 'I Superintendent. ' tioi; TICKET FARES AND TiME SCHED ULK TO TUK WEST, via. THE CHE8 APE A EE A OHIO R. . ..." t First claaa fare from r mleiirh to rinr-innatl 43.25. . " ' First cuss fare from Balelgh to Indlanatv Oils 25.75. . . . , , First class faro from Raleltrb to ChicaM 81.95. .... j - , . . Flrat class from Raleigh to St. Louis 33.25. 1 First clsss from Raleigh to Louisville 27.25. Psssengers for Cincinnati and the West, leaving Raleigh by the R. A O. B. R. 10.00 a. at. train, reaeh Klchmond at 8.45 leave Richmond at 10.30 p. . bl, by the Cln , clnnati & Ohio Railroad, and reach Cincin nati at 6.00 on the morning of the second dsy. Tt". " " "" ' " : 4JONWAT B. IIOWARD, -i ' . Gen. Paa. Ticket Arent. , , W. M. 8. Doas. . , Inginneer and Sup't. PsTBRSBuao, Va;, March 81st, 18r. SCHEDULE OF TUAINS. ., . ... OOINO SOUTH,-.,.. , ; ., Through Mail leave Peters- - burg st ..... 8:87 P. M. Arrive at Weldos at. ........ , Ai5& P. M., Southern Express leave Pe- terburgat.. .......... ' 6:30 A. M. Arrive at Weldonat . (! .9.WA jM-. Through Freight with Pa-i. - senger Coach attached, Lnu. r. .' . . . leave Pcterburg at,Mr , 8:30 A M. Arrive at Weldon atl...?.l. 0 " 8:15 P. M, ' ''j- OOINO NORTH." ! "j " Through MiaU leave Weldon st ' 7:35 A. if . ' Arrive at Petersburg at.. ..-rai - II JA A. M., Southern Express leave Wei- . " don at.-.....,;....'.:..... ' " 4.-08 P. M.1 Arrive at Petersburg at..... ,. 1A& p. a)., Through Freight vilth Pss- "rt ' J . senger toaxh, attached, f-A! (') . leave Weldon at...,.. 4:15 P. M. Arrive at Peteraburg at.'. :T '"'10:10 P. M. . Through Ttcksu sold to all Eastern and Southern points, and Baggsge Checked through. - ILTDOUQLA8, ' '. 'ap a-t ,i g t Buperinteadeat ; JICUMOND A PETEUSBUUQ B, K . , i Commencing Oct. 84th, 1S75, Trslrf i : ' this road will run s follows t. . r , , Lsavb Ricbmomo, fours. , , , 5:10 A. M.. Through Msil ; 7:45 A. " Freight Train ; 1:45 P. M., Through Mail 5 P.M., Freight Train. , ,i r , , ' Lsavb Pbtsksbcbo, north. ' 70 A. M Freight Train ; it M., Through. Mall; & P. M. Freight Train : 7:35 P. M., Through Mafl. ! ' Coaches attacacd to all freight trains for accommodation of passenger. . , ' This Company oftera aclI Inducrmrnta to the ehlppmg public on line of tbe Raleigh A Gaston, Kaieigh dt Augusta and Western N. C Kailroads, In the wsy of low freight' and peaaenie rate. ' . - , t-f i A. 8HA ' dAw-tf Superintendent. E STABUSIIEMS;?. ROBERT A. MAhTIN & CO . GROCERS AND COMMISSION . MERCHANTS, : No. 11,' Evcaxorb Stbeet, trTraDT'M v A ' ConRignmpoU of Toliacco, Cotton, IVImn.,. Ac, solicited and which will have fshtifii: " . iwraotHM attention. ; - i f 'l . 9 ! ' . fi 1,1 i t iM fi'L 1 ! 'I! . r , V; il u i'i 7-J J t: t t X I . t t , J . July Z3-dUm. , lr,,, . . - . .. I .A".