v-y , ... H - - uj:i f - ' rr-.'J Hi"" (i'!' : LL. r .x-r !:;-' -' ,.') . .in. .. .,'7.' -'it ).' YQ1V1 XSin-r-ITOiMl. 1 I I f : v ; f ! 3t : 1876. PRICE FIVE GENTS 0 I , I ' . ' JK 1 ' tr 1 I . . i - a r . - : If I I " 1 J at jv '""A A V a. . I jS. f 11:1 ---f -V I I f V X'l i -!-t r IT"! ,' 4 17 1 1 n A h K L I IV Mil ' I K I a I J mm i 1 1 i 1 ii ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii r m urn , , v , , u i a I r; ml , i 1 . , , . XUE3DAY. OCTOBER 8. B! i, : AN INOINEIB WITH FARQ Kol Iuna ko an eusiueet brotutUt L ii traia U a tttuLtl t littW . MawftoUnaett ' vilUg where. tbAfftweugeni hT Hv oxinuta fur lunch. A laJ cum , along ine puwiorra muu wuu; ., , , f, ,f J '' ThooonducWr telU m the tmiu at ' JunctioB P. leave fiften minntea be- fore oar arrivuL It u HaturOflt awht. that is the last train. X have a Terj tick ' child in the car, and da nionej fof a hotel, and none for a pi-irate oourejanee, a louff, long way ito the country. Waal c-ghauldof ' ". ! :, ' ;( Well, ntid the eopineer, I wish I cmjd . teUyon. ' ,L : ' --, "r-- Woutd it be uoaBible for too to' Lurry . . i a l l ; 4 i . . a Ulue r aaia uo auuvaa, teanm utoui' "If ormadanrr i nxr ue timo tablo.aad the rulea tar we most ran br it. " 1 i Sbe turned eurrowf ally away, leering tne oronaeuiaea oi tnaeugineer wet witn tears. leeeuUy sue returned and aaid, are yon a christiun t ' " '-. j ' I trust I am wM the wxW." " ' ' Will yon pray with me that the Lord may In some way delay the train at the jnnettoo? ' " i " ', ' -" Why; yea, I wilTpra With you'but I : have not lunch faitu.-- " ! . ' Just then the condocfor' cried, 'Jl aboard. ' "' ' , The poor woman harried ; back to the j deformed and aiek child; away went the traia climbing the grada i rk ; " I Somehow, aaid the engineer, erery thiug worked like a Charm. As I pray, ed, 1 couldn't help letting y eugiuo oat jast a little. : We hardly stoppetf at I the tire station, people got on mud vtt I wil wooderoi alacrity the conductor's lantern was in the air ia a half adnata, anathea away again.' One OTr the snmuut it was dreadful saay to giro her a little more; and then a little more, s I prayed, till sua seemed to shoot through i (he air like an arrow,; Somehow I couldn't hold ber, knowing 'J. bad fljs road, aud on we dashed up to the Juno f tion, aui aunntea ahead oi times - f Thr stood the othet train. aoj the conductor with the lantern on hia arm. I WU, said he, will yon tell me whU I am waiting hre lor . Somehow 1 felt J most awnit your coming tonight but 1 don't know why, tri-r ( ik s I gneas, said tha brother conductor, it ia for tlda poor woman, t with her aick and deformed child, Urcalful anxionsto , i jgrt homo thia Saturday night." j NEGROES WHXPPINa NEQE0E3. j , ft 'tf' nti; I ' The Cliarleeton (3.0.) papers gi ve painfnl and poaitira etiJtnje of the whipping of bpgrot'f by negroes, whil ' workiug in tha rioq , flolda. Too GogS ;itwi mu eviuuuoe, wuiou is ouunrmea iy .Thomas 11 iiuilton, a colored republi can memoer oi tne h'giaiatnre ."j.l)e strikfre were ; mea.. and womeou,, The - women bad dabs and the men rswUul whipaand I think they moftt are bad wiri iwi&vi in th w)3ps,Ac!to thet cut Ua AiTituWwyiKlb whip. , pedme andmy son and , three others They had most killed me, and bad flung me into a ditch, and were a till crowding around us, beating' to with oluba and whips, when Hammond , (oolored mem i ber of the. legu)Utare)t came riding us i sua goiuiem to stop,"' . "auj 8olxo;men.;:;;! ,1 1 : Baltimore Gasetta f ; ' It was on the raiL: ' A crowded amok ing car to the Centennial ; Two young , men had made a bet on Lho political opinionaof their fellow trarelers. Th first person they approached was an elderly gentleman, , high black stocks evidontly a fine gentleman of the. old school. He looked as if be was pretty : well In 'politics.,-. Bespectfnlly they approached hiin. ."How do you intend voting at tie forthcoming election, air?" . r- u-it 1 i : 'How tlo 1 Intend toting? Do yoq . take me f or a d d scoundrel, sir ? .There is only one way for an honest man to Tote, I 6te for TUden. but." .... , , After a thorough canvassing, the young men discovered that there was not a d-d soonndrtl In the car, The Tote was solid forTaden. , M .u. ! v, if i ti I -mim" ' ' ' ' ' ''''" :' ; ,'...'CjiSB'CHtEST IN'OHICk Im.! '1 Columtos Correspondence Nf ',T. '.Jlleratd.) It ia safe to predict that thet contest will ; bo very O oee. The oalcntatiou of the Republican that they have placated, the Germans, nfliose desertion was tha caui3 or their defeat in 1874. is upset by tho vigorous use the Democrats have made of Barnes' . connection with - the crusaders, Fran $igcd. has, also given partial ebteelt to Carf Bchurx iu the effbrt to retain this vote, the aHianoe of whioh with the Bepublicana gave Governor, Hayes bis victory last year. rWita the! German all againxt them last year the1 Democrats were, barely beaten. They count to get a large portion of their vote this year. Democrats exaggerate tKHd Republicans depreciate the result of the 8tt election aa an effect upon the l?re sidential campaign , . .. .. ,. , ; PROBABLE DEMOCRATIC SUCCESS IN 'f' : 'I . INDIANA- , J v, Uf ' IFrorri SmaTley's 'letter rotheS.'T, fribtina!) And will the democrats win I be lieve they will - not, bnt ' oiy opihioB is that of a onn eugaged in the fighW and -notof fta" impartial "observer.-s i must admit, looking at the relative strength . of parties as shown in iormcrcontesU, and at Ua ootditions of the present straggle the greenback movement snd the apparett solidity and energy of the democratic masacs the chances seem to be b) their favor. " iv ' s. - 'THB nN AL RE8XJLT IN MAINB. ! ' ."1 ;!! !J:1t! ! '''JLU " ' ' '''' !' The full vote at the reoent election in Maine haa fiuallr been made public. On the congrraalonai vote the republicans have an appregate majority of 11,188 aarainet 12.137 iu (1874. and 18.183 in 1872, showing a democratic iraia of 954 ever the vote of 1874 and 6,999 over that of 1872, : The toUl vote of the stats for governor this year , ia 136,693, and the majority for Connor, republican, is Comrresalonal Campaign, 4ttt Dlatrict. . Hon. J. J. Uavla and CoU . J. Toung, candidates lor eougreas In the 4th district, anooaiiew the following Joint appointment: Durham, Wednesday, Oct. 4. m j i 1, If angom's, Thursday, Oct 5. ; ! ' Codar.Grove, Friday, Oct ' ' "Hlllaboroi 6alurday, Oct. T. ,' J( ' Cate'f, Monday, Oct. 9th, ' 7 s Chapel Hill, Tuesday, Oct. 10, 'it. And then at such points in, the west maybe bOWRteT indicated."---U2. , t I fc V I I APPOINTMENTS SCALES AND BOYD h.-,)- nut ; uitH'-U'i- 9-iwa nJ -r t i -Aaderon,a 8tore, " aiwall county. Tom aaySH kih-p '-I' ;at?, i-;- j ' Ltasburg, CktwU ' eoonfy, Wednesday, v - ' 1 : Rojboro, Ferton county, Thuraday, 28. . I -Hortt York, Feraon county, Friday, & j ' lii, Tlrash, Ferson eoouty, Satarday, 30. J HoUowaytrllle, Person oounly, lfoeday, ' Taa OxLt Bum Ccaa Fob BcprtrBK. -The oldest and beat Hernia Burgeons in tha world and some of tha ad ran- tagest offend by the Triumph Truss Company. 834 Uowery. i N. Y.. whose Truss and Supporter were awarded the Medal at tho Jast seesioo of um 'neat Amnrioaa InatituU Pair. Bend 10 centa for their new book. Ti &o t :jc-i s.M; . jOTICE. ... - . . ! -'-i By virtue of ther liowers conferred and the requiremenla thereof, In a deed made by George LJUIe and wits, to the undenriRnctl for the purposes thereto suited, reglntered in book 4,' page 70, Wake Ketxtry, and In Dooasa, piige 143. warren ueguiry, wt ahull expose fur uo, at publio auction, on W KUfc.suAl. Uie unit day ot Noveainer, 1878, at Littleton, the, follow lug valuable property, aituate In Warren county. State of Korui Usroitaa, that , 1 containing altout 1.600 acres of good land, with residence and outhouses, barn, stithies, Ac, complete, lying on the KuMgh A Gas ton railroad near Littleton, liolnlng the lands of Nicholas Tern u me, Lemuel Tauhan, Frederick 8liearin and othfers, known as the I'rOMt f "a thi! "i ALSOfLj v, :) .,!; ;.:! At "the courthouse door In Ralel'h, on WEDNESDAY, the 8ih day of November, 1876, the following propeny situate in or near Raleigh,, to-w it: Ooe plantation con taining 175 acres good bind with Improve, meirts, ryhig on Marsh Creek, adjoining lands of R. B. Sumlera, W. y. Boylun, Mrs. Gaa Uib Wilder and others, (Conveyed ! by W. If. Uayweod to George Uttlt. dq.! Also lots Nos. 206, 207, 222, sod part ol lot 223, plsa of city of Raleigh, being the entire -aquare on which George Little now resides, . except Ing Mrs. 8saser's lot, and a lot front Ins CO feet on denton, and 120 feet on Blount street, heing the hom&rirad : allotted ' to George Little I Ota Marth, 176. -; t . All of the above properly to be sold In lots or In such quantities as may be determined on st the day of sale. "". S i .Terms cash. i-.t i r""." ' !!- -v,r; JOHN GATUNG, i.y,,: . A. ASHE, i.-Ti.-ii octl-rVlm , ( tiV:A .Trustoes. 1 4 PBOCLAHIATIOW DT THE l. COVEBKOB. $ 300 R EWABD. ;!l EXECUTlVB DEPARTMENT' Wbehkah, official Information has been received at this department that one Hen derson Airortf, a colored mun confined iu the county Jail of Wake county on a charge of larceny, did make bis escape therefrom on Sunday, 17lh Inst, and that the said Hen derson Alford did shoot st and inflict wounds upon T. J. Passmore, an authorized deputy sherifi of Wake county, who attempted to arrest him; whereof the said Fassmors died. . And whereaa, the said Henderson Alford baa fled the state or so concealed himself as to avoid arrest : . :.' , .-..Now, therefore L CURTIS II. BROGDEN. governor of the state of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in mb vested, by law, do bvsue Mi proclamation, oflering a reward of s 4 THREE HUNDRED D0LLAK3 ', for the apprehension and delivery of the said Henderson Alford to the slierill of Wake county.' at the court house In Rulelgh, and I do enjoin ' all officers of the state and all good citizens to assist In bringing said crim inal to justice. r Done at our city of Raleigh, the 20th day Of September, 1$7C and ia the 10 1st year of American Independence.,-;' ; . . y r , , , , J., llo..C. H. BROGDEN. By the Governor: ' . , ., , , Jous B. Nkathert, t , i,-n,: -private 8crelnrT. ' ,; ,' (v.:.-r.. i' DESCRIPTION: '" ' -! Henderson Alfonl, alias Williams, is 85 years of age, 4 feet 6 Inches high, very erect; broad, thick shoulders; complexion dark; weighs about ISO pounds;. -quickly spoken; has boles In bis ears. 1Li II - sept 2Maw3W ', GENTS for best chance in tbe world to n coin money Address V. B. , SAr&TT POO KET OO. Newark, N.J. ' ' , . : ( , i Information About Texas, with Mais,""rflmpfilets,'-r.7--furnmtil -oa appncatlon in person or by letter to THUS. V. FISHER. Immigration Agent, Interna tional A Great Northern R. H., Palestine. Texas; ,."-( -f'-z ',' y 24-w6m" 4JUU I.WCKl-U0at.til.M TKe Ralei SentixieL WBUSHEDJ t -Sobscrlptiba Bates la Advanced Dally Sentinel, one year. nosUze paid, 13.00 sli months - 4 00 For the eamiaign, four months, x A 2.00 -' ""0 . . , Weekly Sentinel, one year, postage p'd, 2.00 - six mouths, " 1.00 For tbe campaign, ." ; ,50 That our readers may see with what f:vror our paper U received by our editorial breth ren, we give below a few extracts embrocirg "what they ay" of us: ; - . t '! in NOTICES OF TUB PRESS. J ' v; (N'swbera Tunes, Rep.J ... I i The leading democratic paper hi the state. Toisnot Tm' script. '- The Ftl Ijrh Sentlnd under Its new nutna- rers ami proprietors is greatly tin pro vw, ana U now one of our most valued eichannes. , , ,. partandTYa.-yWhti t The Raleigh Sentinel publishes a six page weekly, tha Unrest and bands meat papr we have seen ptiuted la North Carolina. It bows enterprise and thrift, the result of good anaaagvment and live thunder. Goldsboro Messenger. ' ' ' j The Raleigh 'Bentlne),' under Ha present able maaarsuient shows a decided Improve meat.. Edited with marked ability. Its gen. era! make up and typographies! appearance Is excellent. we with tbe new man agement every aaecesa. '. . ' , ,. : ; Hickory Press. -, i ; , We , are clad to hwalj the appearance agato of thtt nseful democratic lournal, the Kalclgh 8eDtIael. It has passed tuto entirely new bands, and there Is evidently some one a Boat wno Knows now to prepare sometnicg loadable, for arerv Issue teems with news and democratic sousdsesa.,... ' 1 rroni the Balem Priss ! , ' , The Ralelirh Sentinel, undor the new man agement has been much Improved in manner and matter. W have been la regular receipt of the Dally Sentinel fur a week or more, and hope Its dally visits will continue. 8ro Imen numbers can be seen at this oillce Price of the Dally 3 per annum. , ! '-,. .i; I - , i ' 1 From the. Fayetterllle Wide-Awake. , ; 1 he Sentinel, tbe name of which has been a terror to radical lam sloes Ilolden pledged "ihs last dollar and tbe laat man'' to the support of the Confederate States gorsrn ment, has panned Into new bands, and Is as suming aa attitude from which It wl 1 hurl maay a - destructive canister Into radical ranks. , i. r-.,. h t " '-' Greeusboro Masonic Journal. - . - This Raleigh Sentinel came to as last Wid, nesdav as a mornlns: dally and decidedly liu- K roved. The new nauaeers and editor prom ie lo de be ter In the Future, and present a better paper than the initial number. They may perhaps do It, but we can't see much chance for Improvement, Ueutlcmeu, we wien you success. . , . .'.' t 'V"'7 Robesonlan. ' - u.i The Raleigh Sentinel, under the present mansa-ement, Is verr eenerallr Improved, lt contalos as much reading matter as hereto- lore, ana la one ol tne very ocst dally papers In this state. In common with a great maay fioople of this s ate we revere the name of he Sentinel, and will always learn of its protperity with pride and pleasure. They have reduced tbe rates for the campaign, aa will be seen la another aolusao.'- ' Vicksburg(MIss.) Herald. j The Raleigh Sentinel needs no euloary from us. Every one that reads It krows how It stands on all Important topics of the day. and although some may differ with tt, yet all can say that It Is sincere In its course, and Is working for tbe beat Interest of the peopl; of North Carolina. - - - -.vi . , (Murphy Herald. , . The Sentinel, la a living exponent of de mocracy, seeking, by the force of polished ergumeut, to prove the necessity of reator Ing both state and national government to the guidance of the democratic party. Un der ita present able-management It takes an enviable position amorg the best journals la the land. Increaslnc tbe former prominence of its name, by maintaining tbe highest de gree of efficiency. Every democrat In tbe mouatslns ahould take It, and every republi can who does not desire an addition wrinkle to his brow, should shun It, for Its Parana sire arguments enuui inougnc wiin Deuer mail facilities, Murphy would contribute to the support of the .Daily Sentinel, aud this assertion la naaed on tae extensive circula tloa enjoyed by the Herald'scopy. . i . s ALE OF VALUABLE CITY ..; PBOl'EBTY. ; j Pursuant to an order made In the eanse now pendnvr ia tbeSuperlorCourt of Wake,of Beck dam ana otners sgamst root ana outers, the undersigned will expose to public sale, ou MONDAY, the th day of October next, the first day of that term of the court, at the courthouse door In Raleigh, the lot near the depot of the sUleiga and Uaston KaUroad, Ivina on Sallahurv and North streets, and ad joining the lands of R.H Wombleand others to be sold in two part. Terms of sate. Five hand rod dollars In rash, and bond with surety for the residue of purchase money at six months from a ay ol sale, ana oeanng interest irom aaie, augSO-lawtda , , ,- Commissioner, ASTON HOUSE, . NEW DEItlD E, W.'c. S. K. STaEET, IKOtBiarroB.:lr The GASTON HOUSE has. for nearly half a century, maintained a deputation as one of the best Hotels at the South, which it fully sustalna under the present management. . Parties visiting tee seashore at Beaufort will find it convenient and desirable to pay a visit, tu passing, to the Athens of North Timlin. afld'Mt at the O AoTuN. , ' .... ... . . , , . i...-. ''- ir'- v- ' , JUTES 150 FER DAT. ;F? : fiV Persons who come to the coast to feast ou nan, oysters and other gooa tnings irom the water, are advised that New Berne Is the finest nsn market on the Atlantic coast. OPIDHsi M4 Wrrfh'e ftahtf taw!iitr1y wrai milrctitrai A'sunieawa mo pasblkettv tmm V V awtuiarwis htC'ltr wt njinninr naniru arm. K.m? 4 CEXT9 Wt bare in press a newesm" J paign book by a College l'res. L. L.D liig pay. 50cts. will seenre outfit and terri tory. . E. B. Tbeat, Pubw 805 Broadway, n. '- - MISCELLANEOUS. Offered Protection Agalort Loss , jr I-lro and A.irc. it j.-. AW H. GROW. General Insurance Agent, BALEIGH, N. C Represents the following first class Com panies : .Etna Life Insurance Co., .Stae Fire Insurance Co., Phoenix Fire Co., National Ftre Co., Of Hartford. German-American Fire Co., ' ' ' Hoffman fire Co., ' VOfH. T. Howard rire Co., , . ComUned Assets Orfr 35,OOO,00O. Tbe attention of the public is respectfully called to these substantial institutions, af fording ample indemnity angla-Sot THE BIBLICAL REC0RDEB, V6LISH1 BY it . i t ". - - -- i -" ' T- ' ... t ' ' EDWARDS, 11 HOUGHTON A COM t EALEIGII, N.C! ; ' ! REV. C. T. BAILIT, Editor. . , REV, 3. a HUFB AM, Associate Editor, i REV. W. T, WALTERS, D. D, Agrlctl Ed ORGAN OF N. CAROLINA BAPTISTS, " v r,t ".'Ib'IU Forty-First Vear.i .v-J,,.;, EVEBY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT. As sn Advertising Medium Uufur)ssBed. v. Only 92.10 per Year. . 'X1' Address BIBLICAL RECORDER, , .- Raleigh, N. C. , ' THE LEADING .J0H IMUNTIXG HOUSE, 1 UOOKUINDKKY AND BLA N K BOOK M N II FACTO I! V , OF Tilt STATE - , ti i t BIJW IUW, 13IIOUGHTON A CO I'KOPBIKTOKfl, RALEIGH, N. C " the best assortment of " ! 1 YIV, PAPERS, GAUDS AND ';. , - . . INKS, ' ' ' 1 I SKILLKD WOUKMKN IN EVERY rDEPAUTMEXT. BEST. QUALITY: OF WORK PRINTING, ' RULING AND BIN DI NG OF EVERY DE v - i SCRIP ION EXECUTED PROMPTLY AND SKILFULLY IMPROVED MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS ' n4f f. cents. ' ; :;. --v cents. O' , CENTS. , , ' Ol CENTS. ' THE DURHAM II EUALl) ; , " Will be sent ' to any addrets until , , NOVEMBER 14 FOR THE ABOVE , ,2 ..... ' Now Is tbe time to secure s first class J CAM PA 1 0 N r p A P E R For the small price of CENTS. rr CENTS. CT A CENTS. OU CENTS OU CENTS. OU CENTS July J3-tf ; - i A1 ft OK " mAn. T Faran Sana aal W W uoi MJO,y thfrmerKeUyuMl mm to TV n artKlt u 8TAPLK a, CO FEE. to irun umt Kim hi ll.r r FK-t,t.h..rt... raitlralara Fra , a mm TJa- waxr iJi jiiAI. CO. lu. ki QEND 25c to G. P, ROW ELL & CO., New i York, for Phamphlet of 100 pages, con taining lists of 3000 newspapers, and estimates snow id i cow ox advertising. , ( march 7-1 r ' ' O ALE OF VALUABLE CITY O PROPERTY. By virtue of a mortgage executed by R. H. White ker and wife to me, nranng date October id, 1870, and du y proved and reglgtere.-', I shall sell at public action tatue bl?bnt bUl(lr. at. tb -court bouse door ta Raleigb, on MONDAY, THE ttTH DAY OF OCTOBER next, the lot and improvements now occupied by sail mblta ker, and known as the "John Hutchlnir's lot" lying oa the south side of Nabera Avenue and at Its Intertectton with Blood worth aad East rtreeta. Terms made- known a sale. B. H.JONES, 4 sept 5-dlawtdi Trustee. MISCELLANEOUS. C FANCY CARDS stl style with name tUO IScU. postpaid., J, B, llCsfEn, Nas sau, Rens. Co., N. Y. AGENTS If yon wsnt tha liest selling ar ticle In the world and a solid gold pat ent lever wntch, free of cost, write at once to J. BRIDE A CO., 767 Broadway, N. Y. TILDE V St BEFOB3X. Now ready for agents. The National Hand Book for voters, with Life of Tiklen A Hendricks, and an expose of Rings A Frauds. 500 Pages. Illustrate & eta. will secure outfit snd territory. $100 a month mad a. E. B. TasAT, Pub.. 805 B'wsy, N. Y. , M" IND READING. PSTOHOMANCT, Fascination, Soul Cnarmlng, Mesmerism, and Ma'dage Guide, showing bow either acq may fascinate and train the love and affection of any person they choose instantly, 4 0 pages. By mart 60 eta. Hunt Co., 130 ?U of.,Fhll.Pa' .. apl 14-Sw. - AGENTS WANTED! MEDALS AND ii. DIPLOMAS AWARDED, for Uolman's HEW CEXTEWIAL BIBLE, I860 innjrtBSTritltmsVAddfess- lot ftetrclrcu lars, A. J. 110LMAN A CO., 930 AUCH Street, Philadelphia. 150 to taOO A MONTH FOB AGENTS. UNIVERSAL HISTORY, ; -Tbe rreat Interest in all nations 'and ia our own thrilling history of 100 years, makes this book sell faster than any other. Three books In one, beautifully Illustrated. Low price, quick sales, extra terms. Send for circular. Philadelphia, Pa. ARGENTS WANTED FOR THE GREAT A: v CEMTEXXIAL BOOK. Immense sales. IT PAYS. Send for Cir cular. : , " P, W. ZIEGLER A CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. Q P I U M HABIT CUBED.' A CESTAIK AKD SCRE CCSE. Large Reduction la Prices. A trial tattle free. Mrs. J. A. DROLUNGER, La Porte, Indiana, Box 1038. Formerly Mrs. Dr. a. B. Collins. . f Rcmoval-300 llanos St Organs st Manufacturers prices. The Subscri bers will sell their Entire Stock of pianos snd Organs, new snd second banJ, sheet music, music books, and merchnndise, at very near cost prices for cash DURING SEPTEMBER previous to removal to their new stors 40 East 14tti ht., union square, Oct. 1st. Illustrated Catalogues Mulled. Agents wanted. Special Inducements to The TRADE, HORACE WATERS A SONS. Manufacturers and Dealers, 481 D'way, N. Y lYlfJTJTBIlTTn?!-Sinir I irui i.i vi lis si i vaiwf ua,i DESIGNED to qualify YOUNG MEN for the ACTIVE DUTIES OF LIFE. BUSI NE88 TRAINING a specialty. OUR IN STITUTION the most thorough, complete and practical in the United States. Young Men desiring a Start in Life, Par ents having sons or wards to educate, art invited to write to lis for catalogue and par ticulars. I Total Collegiate Fee, $67.50. No vaca lions. . Enter at any time. References our patrons and former students. Address , ; - " II. W. SADLER, i Buildings Nos. 6 and 8 N. Charles Sli Baltimore. sept 15-4 w EDICAL COLLECSE ' j ; ' ' OF THE -STATE OF SOUTH CAKOLINA.J FACULTY. R. A. KINLOCH. M. P.. rrofmorof tht rrinrinlt nd ftwtietof Sur lery and Clinical Surgery. . J. P. CHAZAL M. D., rrofnmr vf Ihtholoyy and Dntctit iff Xetlicitx. -" M1DDLET0N MICHEL, M. D., r C U. SIIEPARD, Jr., M. D., rftjfeterqf IkemMry. F. L PARKER, M. D , ' " Profr or tf Anatomy. J. FORDIPRICELEAU. M.D.,' lrofefor of (Jb!ctrici and Gynneology. '. F. PEYRE PORCHER, M. D., . Wcwwr of Materia iledica and TheraptntUt, . .. and Clinical Medicine. 1 - MANNING HMOKS, M. D., Dctnomtrator Anmtomy. ' EXPENSES OP THK SCHOOL. ; , The expenses of the course of lustructiou for the session Is are follows: Matriculation fee, (paid once only) $ 5,00 Entire course or lectures, including v Demonstra or's ticket aud hospital - advantages, 50 00 Graduating fee, 30 00 J. P. CHAZAL. M. D., Dean, -eelMt 70 Uasel street, Charleston. -TORTII CAROLINA IVAKE XV COUMTY. Is Tin Sirsaioa Col'ST H. W. Montague aa surviving Executor of Betb Jones, deceased, plalntui airainst Charity H. Whitfield, Mlliam A. Whitfleld, John Alston Jones, Nathaniel Macon Jones, . Beth Blanebard Jones, Jturwlia Jones and ' others the legatees of tha aaid decedent, defendants. To Charity H. Whitfield, William A. Whit field, John Alston Jones, Nathaniel Macon Jones, Seta Blauchard Jooea and Aurelia Jones, who are defendants In tbe above en titled action, not res ding within the limits of thtsttate, . You, and escb of you, are hereby required to appear at the offlco of the Clerk of the twpwtttr voarttor tne county Of Wake, H the Court House at Kalelch. iu said eountv. on the 25th day of September next, and answer or demur the couiDlaint filed In said office, or the plaintiff will apply to the court I or ins reiiei uemanaea mine said eompiaiuL -.Vf JOHN M. BUNTINUj 1 - Clerk :u pel lor Court. . Mookb A GiTLiso, Att'y for plaintiff augS-wttw -. KAILKOADS, &c.r PIEDMONT AIR-LUTE BAIL - WAY. Richmond & Dakyiixe, Richmowd &Dantillb R. "WIT.O. Dm8ioir, and North Wertehst N. C. U. W. ' CONDENSED TIME TABLE. 7 Effect on and after Sunday, Aug. ltia, 1870. GOING NORTH, 8TATIONS. ? Maiu Exrai ss. . Leave Charlotte ...... 155 a m . I.15a. w. Alr-UneJuuc'n 6.18 - . " Salisbury...... 8.90 " 4.10 M , Greenaboro.... 10.58 .17 " DanvUle 1.47 r. w 8.54 " ' Dundee.... 1.07 " 0.01 - BurkevUlS..... a. 4'.-. 1145 r w,- -Arrive at Richmond.. 9.36 " .! " ooiyo SOUTH. .'. Leave Richmond 6.60 a. M 1.10 r. if. " BurkevUle 9.00 " 8.54 " " Dundee 1.80 r. It. 8 05"" DanvUle 155 8.10 " Greensboro.... 4.85 " 10.85 - BalUbury 7.01 - 112.83. w.. " Air-Line June'n 9.08 129 " Arrive at Charlotte... 9.0 " 2.43 " GOING EAST. , - GOING W. STATIONS. Mao. . , Mail. .. , ; ' i I.,. i Leave Greensboro.... 0.8 a. m. A..0.05 r,x " Co. Shops 758" Lv 8.53p.m. f-;alelgh.. ...... 11.10" A. 1.00 " A rive at Goldsboro.. 1.45p.m. L. 2.20 STATIONS I Accommcdt'sTrain. Leave Greensboro . . . 520a m 8.13 " 2.45 r m 8.00 " A. 8.00 r m. LvlllAM. A. 0 08 r M. Lv L80 r m. Co. Shops .... Arrive at Raleigh.... Arrive at Goldsboro.. NORTII WESTERN N. U. B, B . Salex Bbahch. lave Greensboro... ....YKSS P. M. Arrive at Salem . . , 12.45 A. M. Leave Salem 1 8.45 A. M. Arrive at Greensboro ' 5.45 " Passecrer Trains learlnr Rablirh at ll.SO A. M. connect at Greensboro with tbe South ern bound train , making the quickest time to all Southern cities. Accommodation Train leafing Raleigh at 6.40 P. M., connects with nonnurn Douna Train at U eensboro for Richmond and all points East. Price of Tick ets same as via other routes. - i Accommodation Train leaving Greensboro at 6.30 A. M.connocU at Goldsboro with Northern and Southern bound trains on tbe Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Lynchburg Aceoma odation leaves Rich mond daily at 10.15 A.M., arrives at BurkevUle t.45 P. M- leaves BurkevUle 5.10 A. M., ar rives at Richmond 8.85 A. M. No cicanoe or Cars between Char lotte and Richmond. 282 Miles. JOHN R. MACMURDO, General Passenger Ageut, Richmond. Va. T. M. R TALCOTT, uen'l euperintendent. Hf ICKET FARES AND TlME SCHED 1 CLE TO THK WEST, via THE CHES APEAKE A OHIO R, . First class fare from - alelen to Cincinnati 28.25. - , i v , v ' First class fare from Ralelirh to Indlanan- oils 25.75.-, First class fare from Raleleh to Cblcasro 81.25. First class from Raleigh to St. Loula33.2h. First clsss from Raleigh to Louisville 27.25. !.... 4Am n.n..ll m-A k. 11.' ... . .IHTOKW. IVI V'UtlUllBb. tl. UIO T. OS., leaving Raleigh by the R. A G. R. R. 10.00 a. m. train, reach Richmond at 8.45 p. m.; leave Richmond at 10.80 p. m., bytheCin clnnatl A Ohio Railroad, and reach Cincin nati at 6.00 on tbe morning of tbe second day. - ' ' - U)3IWA1 K. IIUWAKU, Gen. Pas. A TicketAgent W. M. 8. Dvun, : . . i Fngiuneerand Sup't. Pbtsrsbcro. Va March 81st, 187. gUHEDULE . OF.TBAI.NS. ' - ' oomo south, - i Through MaU leave Peters-. burg at , 8:27 P. V. Arrive at Weldon at.... 4:55 P. M. Southern Express leave Pe- tersburg at 6:30 A. M. Arrive at Weldon at. ...... 1 9.52 A M. Through Freight with Pas- , . , aenger Coach attached, leave Peterburg at..... 8:30 A M. Arrive at Weldon at. . , 8:15 P. M. COINQ NOUTH. Through MaU leave Weldon at 7:35 A7 M. Arrive at Petersburg at 11:65 A. M. Southern Express leave Wei- , don at... Hl 4:00 P. M. Arrive at Petersburg at...., 7rf i. V. Through Freight v.lth Pas- ' i ' senger Coach attached, i v - leave Weldon at , 4:15 P. M. Arrive at Petersburg at.... ' 10:10 P. M. . Through Ticket- old to all kastern and Southern points, kiid Magga? Checked tbrourt IL T. DOUGLAS, . ap s-4t i . Superintendent . JICHMOND A PETERSBURG R. K ' Commencing Oct. 24th, 1875, Trslcr i. this road will run as follows I - ' , , Liavb Richmond, .outh. 5:10 A. M.. Through MsD : 7:45 A. i: Frelirht Train : 1:45 P. M.. Throuifh MaU : P, 1L, Freight Train. . . LBAVB rSTBHSBCaa, AOKTB. - 7-M A. M., Freight Train ; ft M.. Throuirh Mail ; 6 P. M. Freight Train ; 7:35 P. it., Through Afall. Coaches attached to all freight trains for accommodation of passengers. " This Company offers special inducements to tbe shipping public on line of tbe Raleigh A Gaston, Raleigh A Augusta and Western N. C Railroads, In the way of low freight aad passenger rates. . ...,., . - " A. SHAW ... dAw-tf . Suprrinlendent "ESTABLISHED 18?f. ROBERT A. MAkTIN A CO . G nOCEHS AND COMMISSION Na 11, SvcAMOtt Etbeet, " , PETERSBURG VA. i j a I rVuialrvnnto Mta rJt Tfitiavfl f.ti.ilj Vhf.fc kt solTcited and which will have faithful personal attention. x , July 23-diim. X it w 1 I it SI t';. f-i v ? i f. a ' 5" V V r- i Y Ji . i f . - - -