Tin Eeitixii. to published rerj mors, log (MondsfS excepted) ui delivered la the elty of Raleigh for1 esvssTV-rrva cs2t r most. Mall subseriptloas, postags free, Xieav Dollars per annum, in all ewei iye ble la advance. Tns Wisbxt Bsrosai. to published tvery Taesday Mall subscrlpUoos Two Doubts per ium payable la advance, v' No aotiee Uka o( anonymous Communi cations. , We eannot undertake to return re Jecled manuscript. Z. vuaao avr 8MHBJJATCn r CO .i SUNDAY. , QCT0BEP8. National . Eemocr atlcL Sofsra Ticket K AMU Eli JTlU)EJi, or irtw voeav FOR VlC"PBteIDK5TI THOMAS A.iIIENDIUQKS, ".. r nmsa. - - FOB 0TO J -n i. i ii A . -mi-'!..- : or MsoxuiiBuaa. "Hta ' raM1111JU1VIInl ?' T II O M AS J.. JA B V IS, r riTT. . . FOB-COSGRISS t ; .-.! .' -nuviiiii-, . . -vim, i rnaaasu oAL MOVnUV 01S l , OTH In DisTaicr-JESSE 3. TK ATIS, of Hert- So1 D'ioALrREDli! WADDtLL, of New Hanover. - " .'""."."..."-. . Btb Dbv.ict ALF fp&WMfc of 6ra Dtstb or WALTER L." STEELE, of 7t DidcVWIl.M Aim.- ROBBINi, Of -ITrl IMBERT B. VANCBl of - - ' Lord Dnffcrln is duffer In Bt LoOl,c playing the .big Goode-bye, old Segar," 1" the aoeg ik .bout Norrolk.'.' ! I ' 1U MVJ " " The Norfolk rad Scgar tuma ont o be but a miserable "stump.". The Charlotte Observer glorificatel over the J fact . that Oeorgfa,; has ,'giren 4 40.000 majority fr Colquitt and re form." AO cards, n, .u.o. ,t,u. -T- t i- -g-j-g;' ','";"";(; We think 75,000 la Georgia, full j off seU 1,500 li Colorado. Nothln J ; less than a feathered " giraffe would be . big enough to crotf over aucb a'majoilty.'.: ... .y ii i i 'i m 'in if, i A, free, proaperoua republic j or R-'rot,. teu and : debased mongrel despoUem, These are the only , alternatlvee of our centennial iearK American true-men, choose between them. 1 . . 1 ! .' 4 -! The paper pre mak4u a- uss- oter the discovery of a race of horned no groea b tAfrica They n ar Tery-day affairs hereabouts , whenever , jadica) election 'horn" are get-atable. ' " What a sodden and dead quietus baa been given to the lies' abiut, Tllden's incoroA tax: And what a rush : of r- caUties bas peured forth .wherever I record of Hayes has been tapped. u Democrau of the , south, be patient, - prudent, vigilant and bold for four weeks 'longer,' and victory will perch, like, A nlnrlnna mMm Inmlnlra ha aa a pnndnr of th ndea .on o standards ofj ro-l form. We think the exchange, which attri butes the oritfiuaiioa of the bog-cholera to the radical iwriy; must bo mistaken They would hardly ' launch? a plague, that would keep most of ' their leaden In perpetual fear of . Its ravages' after ward. 1 Ah) thing to beat Beast Butler, is the rallying cry of all the' decency i In his district Wo rather side' with;' pld spoons. Every lectl in should send its representative moo to .congress ; and be stands a bead and shoulders? above evarp other ruQIas, as Ihe' unmixed and unmistakable representative of Massa chusetts radicalism. - --- ' . mmt:r,tV f The O jdensburg, , bU Lawrence and Lake Cbamplain railroad stockholder have sued one Wm.' A." Wheeler! radi cal reform candidate for Uie position of presidential second-fiddler to Fors wore Know-Nothing Hayes, for 120,000 out of which he ia ! charged with swindling them, All alike. , If he had not been a villain, be would never have been a nomineo, ,.,.,,,. ,- ,' .,. ,i,,4,.i i u 1 ..i-a i , f i Under democratic rule before hi war, the civil and miscellaneous ex- penuiioics ui me govcrnaicut were 119,000,000 a year. - - Underrad!cal banditti misrule since the war! the same appropriations have swollen to $70, 000,000 a year. A trifling anuual differ ence of I3I.0C0.OO0, aa the price of our own enslavement, liumlllaUou - an-l ahame. A is a connoisseur in monkey, ' and wants a law regnlatiDgJhem and band-organs. The Great fleet-low Fraud. The Cameron xenepincy against the suffrage ia not confined to Feunsylva- la. A laths' nur.ber of . the ajojili- pirate roughs of, New VOrk, who hate Lad experience la election frauds and rloU have been hired by the cousin? a- tors, and shipped to various point in the different states which1, vote Oc tober 10. Democrat! In those states will watch for organized fraud and de feat it frein -whstever-qaar iee-4 may come. .-, itALAA;V)V !Wa confratulaU bta'city, lla state and the wholo south on the nomination f -CoIoaaY A Mi - iilaShick, fit St, Louis, for censress. As gajlaot a aol-" awjer of profound learning; with the energy of prairie whirlwihU? of Integ ritw beyond at reach of s taint orsttfpl clon; a man of iron will and heroic coorase, and with a tongue sharp as a two-edged a word; W will wU Uiobest reiiresentatlTe Missouri has had ta quarter of a century, If ,lka JJ utlcr sent back from Massachusetts, May back will be, of all men In America, the-one to teack the" Boast good Biao ners, if not good morals.. Ills election. wa trust, la sore beyond all peradven- tare."' ,;,-'!' - : ": Tlldei Two to One. 't I a ... ,,i .a . .. : i- r The fall electiona thus far give Tilden 1 V - i . II ' more Uian two electoral votes foreyerv one Grant's appendik gets." ; The state that Iave voted atkl tueir respecuve electoral - vote arax For Tildeu-Ar kansas,6t Alabama,!? X'onnccticat j 6 Delaware,', Georgia, X total 35.' FeIIayea-Colprado1:3iMau.e, 7; Ver idot.' B; toUt,"15u 'Majority for TU ,dcn, -0. t .-.v. . -.' ,iv -And even belief vet, the latest ad vices ilio that the lyhitf ratfioals loaded me itiegrspuic. wires. -i.u,uiiup Uiat Ihe'y bad carried Colorado, when it really seems probable the ikraoorata are victortons. It will take an "official ooul to'dttcide U.': If the result should be ia favo jpf, the democroU, that would glye tjlden 38 to Uayes' 1 J more thau three io one. Pretty well, thank you fur, a tfglDRlng.. Keep It op.. ' Wby a' Voto- for Hayes Is' Vote for i , Orant. ! b(-oauso the men' who' in'ominstedi elected ap4 WvfjecraiJranl are working for Hayes. Because , the men whom Grant appointed to' office are ' working for Hayes. , Because Hayes has promi ed to keep in office the men whom Grant Appointed. Becanasj the phiq state con vention which presented Hayof's name eulogized Grant more than it praised Hayes. Beeanse he national conven tion which nominated, Hayes also eulo gised Grant for his "immense service in war anl peace." Because Chandler, one of "Grant's worst secretaries, is at the head of Gov. JJayert -campaign. Because l5p CanIero4 , aomloiteS'' bin), and tiieaon Cameron is at the head of the congTesatoqal exeentire'bommittee.' Because Grant, Blaine, Belknap, Cjiandi ler, Robeson, Babcock, Porter, Wllliama, Creswell, ' Heslng, " Joyijej' MoDonald, Boss Shepherd, Sohestok, Bpenoer, Bnfc ler,.r'anborn, llallett, Camercas 'father and son,' Delano, Patterson and all the thieves of ' the administration art sttp. vote Xr , Grant, and iworse jbaa aj.vpte for Grant, for Hayes hw performed no anch jmilitary service ss Grant 1 Vote for the man whom thieves oppose, not fur ttiS iMicJlttiWi, I i s sf i will n ii - K Will rowell uangt ' 'V, V f V X - The lntineK announced ..yesterday that the fiend who "plotted, ulannsiand helped to execute the most dastartilv a'ud horrible ,' inurder,' wnlcKaS heen perpetrated in North Caroliaa'for years has been again respited by North Caro lina's show governor, Curtis JL Brog den.. . ,rmy ? '$, vn-iuhtA ' : i Hits respite, following as it does on the beela of Broguen'a opening the can vass for congress in the black district, ,jR company .with P'llara,' who is the counsel of Powell,. puts Brogdeu In a most tiuen viable po&ition. It looks aa If he were carrying eo a'pardoa brbkoVagM uping his -gubernatorial powers s a meant to obtain the support of O'llara andliisfollowers.,il ' rt i iU ' I It is a rcry grave charge to brius agaiusta man who occupiea the posi tion of governor; but we think that the facts warrant the opinion that Governor Brogden has commoted the sentence of John Williams, and ie preparing to give EHa Powell a free pardon or "corarcuT talion of ' sentence in order to curry favor with the negroes ol the black con gressional di8lriet,:and that he, as gov eruor, u allowing one oi ids mosi norrt We murders ever committed, to eo una veuge; that he Is' condoning with crime ard suffering murderers 16 go nn wln'pped of justice In order thai he may solidify the negroes of tho second dia trict in Ibeir,. support of the radical Thia conduct of Governor Biojiden's la a. fair samplo.of the. way In which radicals , govern North Carol;: i. and correJ ponds" very re morkably w ; .li dis closures recently mads by Mr. Bailey. How It Stand. , Watchman tell us. of the nlxht, what Ha signs of promlbe are. Good so far as human eye can see. In the election! of the past week, we have swept Geor gia by a grand, thundering majority of from 60,000 to 75,000 J and carried the local elections in Connecticut and Dela ware, by Increased majorities.-While Qua rsdIcslT bavOrnJy maOfftd ho d Colorado, never democratic dui once In its history. n J All eye kre turned to the two great atates which hold elections Tuesday ; and In them there is everything to en courage the true patriot's heart.' After a campaign In which they have resorted to etery flev lceJ and rascality ; after 1 pouring ont money like water, Oiling the i f.- . ... . . i wholo state with emiaeat Woody-sliirt wavers, ' Importiog hegrpM vagabond from , Kentucky and white .bummer from Chicago, and lhiladelphla ex hausting all the eriioery of hatred and corruption the pirate gang, themselves give op Indiana. Hendricks, Voorhees and gallant old 'Blue Jeans1 have de feated the champions of.hievery and misrnle on every srTbffuffbere is bot one among them all who bas the hardihood to claluf the ttattf. Their bitterest organs coocVde J democratic majority of from 5,000 to 10,000. Gov 4rnor Gilbert Walker, of Virginia; with li whom 'we talked a Jef evenings, ago on his return from his uagmocent canvua Of the state, declares his belief that we 20,000. u ! 4 Will BITCIf I, UJ nil It"' , .n u v. . . i.,..l, Qhio hat nevcx been dregmtf as ,a M&d4:bQib&1 iiitlKiyiiUiho hut two weeks; aoJ" in spite of all iyprspditn$, UikjiiJ jrj fain to go radical.-If we should carry it, the preside nUat eampaiga to deetded. yocle Sammy could begin to write bis inaugural and s dUlrlbute'! his "102,000 pojlofllces ; indfcollectorshlps.., But this is too much to expect, too much to ik or wish for. J If we carry Indiana audj..he( ds Ohio, we have only to bold our own in the touta to insure, the, triumph of TU den and reform. New, York, Conucctl out and New Jersey may be tet down as sure. j bo, brethren long down-trodden and despoiled, takn 1 heart. Everything f romises speedy ' deliverance. The skies are bright ! The heavens are ijlled with , auspicious "oniens,1.' The very breezes whisper to the falling autumn leaves stories of the good time coming that send the joyous flush of crimson to their cheeks. All. things are lovely and the glorious pet eagle, of Columbia once more begins to bang high. ' "".. j'.T' ...it!'-:, '" r ' ' -- h '5-j Democratic Sactess la Connect icat The Hartford Times, ef October 3, tayt The town elections come in glo riously. The democraU are . making net gains all over jibe state, and in most of the towns earned they give increased majorities ever those of last yeifLast tear the democrat carried seventy even towns, the republicans sixty-five, and twenty-three were divided. So far at returns are received, the democrats gained on Monday eight towns, and the ije'publicant two towns. Net democratic gam six towns over last fall's elections, So faf the' vreturns: are ;r Democratic, forty-two towns; republicans, twenty. five towns; divided, two towns. t,Tbis tells how the tide te running in Connee- j ' . ui - in. ft t- .i -'i: i , "J -"hH l i esyss-a-awassss-s .. iriUlBlJI-ly'aOpmio; CoL Billy Henderson, of Lexington, one of the moat prominent and gaseous radicala in the state, was in the city Friday.;,' In a conversation at the Sen tinel office,' he declared it as his opinion, from all the light he could obtain,' that Indiana will go democratic by 1 from 'OOto 8,000., Ohio,, be thinks, will jo radical, though it will probably be close ;,and South Carolina is almost sure for Hampton, When Henderson admtli sp much, what must he the lina- bernete nf average rad knees and back bOUesr i , vi-'i THE FUTURE OF CONSTANTINOPLE. hi'- i .' : : :'. The1 London' Economist tars that Eussia will never be allowed to take Constantinople.. That deponda upon drcumstancaa. ; England might inter tere, nut, uniea she bad Germany on her side, Russia will sweep the Turks out of Europe, an event for which Mr. Spuxgeon' lately prayed-a prayer; to which there was a reponsive amen from an Immense congregation. The people of .England do not side with their gov eminent in its apologetic course for the' atrocities perpetrated by Turkey, and If they had their way the present ministry would not retain its place for an hoar,-: f . ! A Knar tinnt nn 'a&mhnat ta inmo. thin g of a novelty.' , While ' passing down the Ottawa recently the pa.sen gers of the steamer John Egan caught sight of a bear swimming across Ouis teau lake and Induced , the captain to send a boat after him.' "Bruin wat cap tured with a noose, towed to the steamer and hoiitedon board. When he reached tbeeck, however,- hecut: ioote and made for the ladies' cabin. The ladies scampered ont 1n wild confusion and fled to the lower deck. The engineer followed the bear into, the cabin and drove bim out on deck, where he was shot,,i v. ;,'?;,..',?- -Tr POLITICAL POFXTf. Row an oouutv reports her II all right and getting tighter. f s , . Wilson has 32 Tilau and Tance flags insjjtii ai her ourtuoa. 1 T ; - Many republican einnsrs are flocking into the - demooratio ark of safety in Butherford county. Nash county baa no need of a speech from Vance, but wants to hear bim Just 5IjoLMgntgomeri,.Fanl IJ, JananSj Capt. It. tr. w anng ana I'spt. li. A, Bhetwell spoke at Ganderstrarg, 'Caber rue county, Saturdiy.i':T7a ! J. G. Soar borough, our raididate for superintendent of 1 pablio- mstruotton, spoke in Charlotte ia response to a sere nade jrrtday evenmgrpi t ni.jj 1 4 Oliver Dockery bavin; backed out of running for congress against Ch Steele, the nuls have put np , Allen' Jordan, 'of Montgomery onnty, la bw plaae.; ,( A feature of the returns from Georgia is that which shows that the black man joined the white man la many instances to aweil the democratm majority 1 Ed. Lyon, who wss nominated for the senate by r the Granville eounty . , rada, and Jas. A, Bullock, ditto for aurvayor. have declined to accept the' proffered dishonor., ., ...lf , , j The Ohio democratic state committee has passed reeolntions urging every democrat liberal repnbhean and friend Of reform to observe Tuesday next, elso- bon dayv as a noiiday. af . uut-H Estimate the sum of mental endeavor and anxiety,' of physical effort,, of time oocupied and money' spent throughout tlie country in a presidential .campaign, and then name the undertaking in which the percentage of wasted energy as com pared with the total foroo exercised is at . . LATE DOTS. livmt is si light barltonecV', :f: AU"Xnrope is mustering for war. E. 'A Woodward, Twoed'a partnet, 1 :-,,.. 1 -r, .tut P-A rm:u j The Cuban ineargente have Vnrnt the town of Las Tunaa. .1 ' . : -: 1 Vermont' ii but of debt and bos $72,90' Sa itlaan essK tr lint auvnlr- " . f t - ''l. JLThe yellow fever still rages in Savan nah and BranswickXleorgia, I The Cinciuoati gas company has re duced the price to 11.20 a thousand fee L Virvnnis. Maryland and Delaware all anite on Thursday, Oct. 19, as their day it the eentenaiaj. " .""; ' "u 1 Two men were shot by a dnrkey dur Jug a xsdical parade in Camden, New Jersey, Thuraday.eveniug, ;- 1 Several persona were poisoned " Tuee- dsy, neat Newark, New Jersey, by eaW , 0 . , ' i A f- I Thirty years ao,Ja JIawkins county. Tenn.. four brothers married an. eoua umber of sisters.,, They now have 54 thildrcn,' or an avers co of 131 to each family. ' ;.. " . I GladtoiieVi)amphlot 011 the llulira rian atrocities reached a sale of 70,000 within a few days of its publication, the It rose receipts from sale being about 8,750. -. . .... .... . r-;- t Mni. Victoria's second boy,' Arthur is to do India this winter,, and they are already fattening a tame tiger with his teeth pulled ont snd his claws cut off, for . .5 1 . . . 1 1 1 i . 1 , . . . . eiHi w uant auu ufruii,nuj ma jr. I" John' Jarrett one of the ' six bun dred", who mada that Wondrous ebarre at Balaklava, has just died. He had three, wounds, snd bis horse was shot under him: he caught another horse and escaped .'"it' -lii ' .-.i. REUaiOUS 8CBAFai ii-ht l Bishop Jolin "T'reeman Tonhg," of lorida, is on a visit to tue nortn. There are in Europe., and 1 America about 50,000 women who. belong to the order of tue sisters of charity.' ' .. u1;: . : Ulissionanea in Japan not the pecu liar, fact that it i the nppar and aet the lower classes wUo receive cUristi-. anity.;T ,:'Ai,M .i The arohbishop of Canterbury pro poeea Jnly, 1878, as the time for holding the next Pan-Anglican synod, at Lambeth palace. t ', -,.-:--;:.- . " 1 l I The Amsterdam Catholfos hate sub scribed 22,000 florins for ' the German priests who have been deprived of their ri8h':;:ri::;':;::,T,,ll,,.v -. ! The Csaadiaa. Irish Catholics will make a pilgrimage to. Borne next sum mer, and carry an offering of $10,000 to the pppe.: 1 h I.IT Cardinal Manning's solicitor has run away with $150,000 which he held as trustee for Catholic charities and associa tions. The cardinal himself loses $10,000. i ,The Tale college faculty have - spoiled to aome extent the ancient practice of studying during the mornimr prayera by introducing congregational siogiug and compelling the students to stand. 1 - i 1 Harvest home festivals are becoming attractive features in the east and west. The custom ia to decorate the church building fcith flowers, fruit and grain, and hold a rural festival oat of doors., i Tbe first Protestant choroh in Oon atantinople waa opened in 1813. There are bow seventy-six in the Turkish em pire, of which a third are self-supporting and independent. ! ''' j Some ef , the choirs provided by un dertakers in Brooklyn to chant at graves go to the cemetery in advance of tbe funerals to try their voices in tue open air and to select their positions in order to avoid awkwardness and confusion at the timoof the services.' .. . v.. . 'f i A Ghioairo dispatch, ol Oct. 5. save of the Moody and Uankey revival is that city: A remarkably powerful religious impression was manifested at the noon prayer meeting to-day-' 'Nearly every me of 1,500 ministers and menibwrs of ennrches arose todehire prayers that . 1 1 I. .... i . . uiej BJigui 1X3 personally miea w wora in the revival. The deepest feeling pre- THiled, and many were in tears. At the Moouy and sankey meeting ' at tbe Tabernacle to-night there were nearly 3,000 persons preseni in spite of rain. y APPOINTMENTS OF, HON. A. 8. MEB ' j EIMON. The Con' r Executive CommiUee au- nohace tbe following appointeuts: l f Madison, Rockingham oouuty,, Tues day, pet. 10.- M Germinton, Stokes county,. Wednes day, Oct 1L ' Dal tons. Stokes eounty, Thursday, Oct 12. ' -Mt. Airy, 8nrry county, Frldsy, Oct. 13r ! Kapp's Mills, Sony count. fUtnrday, j Eaet Bend, Yadkin county, Monday, Oct 10. . n:vun-o jtt. tA Winston. Forsyth, Wednesday.Oct 18. Armdia. Davidson. 1 Tbnraday, Oct 197" : ; ' . Hiirh Point O-uTford, Fridsy,, Oct 2a MAJOa , ENQBXJ&ARD'S ,. APPOINT Xslor J. JU Enzcihard. demot ratio candidate for secretary .of sUte,fjwiU speak, at the following u Hmea 1 and places t ,.;'' v. -tt' ' r "''' :---i ' !,i 1 Scott's creek,'i Jacksocv Monday, Oc tober 9. j -an ui,. I. r:.i.;.f 1.4 ! .Webster,; Jackson, Tuesdays Octo ber. 10. lii .'(.. .f . ia) ,,Stt' Franklin. Macon, Thursday. Oct ben-12 K'-Tf. ! ' i .) .. i Charleston. Swain, Saturday,' Oete her 14. " t .!'. . " i" Bobbins villa, Graham, Monday, Oc tober 10. iu i2 r n-"wt I Valleytown, Cherokee, Tufday, Oc tober 17. i t. -,. 1 , '" Marphy, Cherokei,1 Wedneelsy, w toberl8. . '' " '" : Brosstown, Cherokee, Saturday, Oc- Steepps, Macon, Monday,' October. 23. Western papers please copy, j ij it,t' (i h,m , u . APPOINTMENTS. nil i,Ml ' ;1H '-'i-.Vi. t-i.'f 1 .! .:... .1' V! j HON. A. yt SCALED, candidate ! for eongroas, will address the people' 'at the following times and places: I Wi Anderson's : Store Caswell - county, Wednesday, Oct 18. ' ' , Leaabnrg, Caswell county, .. Thursday. Boxboro, Perron county, Fridav, Oct. Hollowsys: ; Person oonuryl ' Satur day, Oct 21. ' ' v" i Mt Tirzah, i erson county, Alonasy, pot 23. iJ "rM ", -' f Busby Fork, Person eounfyj Tuesday, fa.' 24.' i-' si A'-u "'' ' Tanceyville, Caawell eounty, Wednes day, Oct. 25. 1 "'""'! ."' -"". I ltow Town, Caswell connty .Thursday; Oot;2. ' '"l- .M-l 'v.- " j BeidsvOlo, Bocklogham connty' Fri- Uy, Oct 27. " - i Thomasville, Davidson connty, Satur day, Oct 28;.wi-j-'i....""-"- ,;..; t lyro, Davidson codnry. Moaday; Oct 80. ' - v i! -n- t Finche's Store, ' Ron do! oh ' "county. Wednesday. Nov. L 'V ' '' ,' V ! Concord Church, Randolph county, Thursday NoTi 2. ' ' . ' ; ' Gray's Chapel, Randolph county, Fri day, Not. 8. '- ' 1 lwricB. ' u ' I Hon. J. M. Leach, elector for1, the ttate at 'large, wilt address the people it ihe following timet and placea i i T Win ton, Hertford .county, Thursday, October 5. i , .. . .., w jAtl j " Bertie connty, Friday, Octo he'6.-) 'II WIT!.1 .'. V.i '.. ll-Ul!-': , t i Windsor, ' Bertie' county ' Saturday, October !.;-' ..-.,....,.,...,.. i iwucrsuuvui day, October 0, lloberson ville, Martin - county,' Mon- Greenville, Pitt October 10; s county, if i.i Tuesday, 1 Every voter should bear Gen'. Lcacb discuss tho political Issues of the day. Give him such a reception as his great merits as a public speaker entitle him. Yon will not regret having heard North Carolrua's great " stump-speaker.""' ' jrjrDGH FOWLE-8 APPOINTMENTS. ' ! Wfieon, Monday October 16. ! " f Scriield, Tuesday,-October 17. ! Curritnok Oc-art.: House,' Thursday, October 19. i Camden Court Uouse, Saturday, Octo ber 21. t.I-.. r Elizabeth City Monday, October 28. ! Hertford, Tuesday, October 24. f . t EdentOn, Wednesdsy, October 25. Plymouth, Thursday j October 26. , ,. . Williamston, Friday October 27. , , f Washington, Saturday, October 28.,- Greenville, Monday, October 30. .j, . Snow Hill, Tuesday, October 8L,; t . Wayne county, ..Wednesday, November 1. , ... ' ,--- . .. i Tbe ladies are respectfully invited to attend at allot these appointments.. ,,t ,. V-rnnftnirn nnblinnAil in tw nA&r inv of the places named in the . above list, will please give place to these appoint, menta. . ., -,.. '.,-..u ';j, VaNCEAND' BETTLa. '.',' .'u' The fallowing appointments have been made and agreed upon by Governor vanoe and judfreseuie: . . , New Light, Wake, Saturday, ' Oct 7. r uxioru, juouuay, uct. v. f Boxboro', Tuesday, Oct 10. I Illllsboro. Thursday, Oct 12. uraharo, Friday, Oct 13. The people are requested to circulate the news of those appointments, and the publio everywhere are invited to attend audllXABTHB tI8Cr88ICd. ,- Western papers please copy.- , APPOINTMENTS OF 'HON. GEORGE ' DAVIS". 6 ! Salisbury, Tuesday, Oct. 1X Greensboro, Thursday, Oct. 12. Beidsvillc, Friday, OcV13. Selma, MonrteT, Oct. 16. The active -ard- ouick-witted Bev. LetnUel Hayncs, 6f Veraont.-well known years ago throunhout New England, was once saucily accosted by an impudent trifler with tbe .question, "Mr. ifaynes, how old do you suppose the devil is?" 4 oa must keep your owa family re ford," was the immediate response. MISCELLANEOU8. On MODAtTHE tw DAT Of KO. VKMBIlR, p7, V Vtrtaa of a luKmrnl of UetJuStn f Cotof Wake Coaair, I win I POM to jniblle ! oa lbs premises tbat rsiusDie pared t laad sltoate In and nrt lim Mortb-Mat. nut of the eitr of Ralriirh hin( txAaMa- rren etrtet snd OmkwotxJ CemeUry, kaowaas MOROCCAl'S GKUV . inciuaiDg mm along saia reraoa eire a0i roiK Btreet, eootaUilag ia all about 80 aece. beioDgug to tns sstate or tas lata Hear MordocaL n"" tVT V"V i The Und trtS be sold m MreeW. to salt parebaaers. Terms one third eah;r-,iJue ia ante sad twenty-oas moaUia, wlih iaternt at six per cent , ' ft- t . . . 1 kipn unnnam - aaaiaaavnuitiL Oct -dlm . . , Execntrtx, piie itonkisa staik. Wn.MTGITpN,f N, a U f la : - r, tr 1 FIRST-CUSS DDIOCEATIC JEWSPAPER ! t w5 " .. -" i ! LARGEST CIRCULATION , OF ANY CAROLINA Uiri't. a t Is ' . in Only -Daily, Paper 'ublisbed in WILMINGTON, a tit; , of nearly 20.COO Inhabitant., and ffierTJreTenlrf of Xorth . Caroliui Trader '.!. I. 'IT I .Ai;irUB8CEIPTION:- One Year, Six Montha, : Tbne Months, 7.00 4.00" 2.25 ADVERTISING BATES RKA80.XABLB. Address, hi WM. H. BERNARD, Editor & Proprietor, WiudNOTOsr, N. C. i i 5600,000 IN, GIFTS SISSTT Pita' roSTPOMKStlMt or TUB ElTOT"CiS21CTlM3)f CO. FOB A FULL DRAWING. , ,imAflAO POSITIVELY Thursday,) November -30th,' j OR MONET REFUNDED. 'A Fertnne for onf'r $19 j The Kentucky Cash Distribution Authorized by a special act of the' Ken tacky LegUatara, for th benefit of tbe PUBLIC BCUOOLi OF FRANKFORT, will have tae first of Utr series of Grand Draw nga at MA JO I HALL, ta tbe CITY OF FkAN&FORT, KT., Tburgday, November 80. 187(1, on which occailoa tbey will dis tribute to tbs ticket holders. lh Imnxuua sumpf li i(,i j . i i i' 'n. tt i $600,000 I," I l K Thos, P. j . v! "Y i ;. ; -Si,-? E-f Porter, Ex -Gov. Ky., Gen' ; LIST OF GIFTS. -:rjt"l ,'l,i,l One Graad Cask G If t ; .$100.0110 One Grand Cask Gift...., ........... 50,000 On Grand Catb Gift.., ........... . 25,01)0 Onatirssd Gift,,,. ,.,f ,HU,W umurauu v.ou uixv.,.,a, ... One Grand Cash Gift., .. i - SO Cash OlfU of $1,000 each..... t 100 Cash Gifts ot 500 each...,. 1 100 Cash Glttsof 400 sack,,... , i 100 Cash Gifts of 800 each..,;. r-i . A ni no.ooo 50,000 40,0 ill 30,000 ! mm. uaan uuu or . iuu esc a.. CO.0M0 10,006 Cash Gifts of ' , n each.. K,in-j wu iiuii ui , j, ncu t ji,uiu Jffltal, 11,15$ Glfw, AU Cash..... 600,000 130,000 . .j PRICE OF TICKETS, Whole Tickets, $12; Halve, IA; Quarters, ,8; v Tickets, siuo; 2t ilckets, aa; m .'.col Tickets, $500: W2 Tickets, $1,000; 1U Tickets st $12 each. . ; Tbe Hob. E. U. Taylor, Mayor of Frank -fortjthe eetveiieasd of CRn asnmeD, the Hon. Alvta pHMtUi late ,CWe$ Justice tt Kentucky, and other distinguished eitixens, topet her with such o'ber disinterested ier lons as the ticket-holder, present may desig- v pate, will fcuperihtead tbe drswtbs;. r i Tbe payment of gifts to owners of prize tickets is assured. A bond, with heavy penalty sod approved aeearlty, has been ex ecuted to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Which la bow on record In Clerk's Olflcs of eounty Court st Fraaktoit, sutyKt to imsptrt tionojtmy m. , This Is s new feature, and will absolutely secure tbe payment of tins. I Kemirances can oe made by i Post Office Money Order or Kf k EiDress.Ursft. lrUtered Letter KENTUCKY CASH D1S- TRIBCTION COMPANY. ' All eoalmuD lest ions, orders for Ticket and sppUcatloas for Agenlces should be ad- dmweil tit . . ..-...,- ' HON. Til 08. P. F 3RTER, Geni Manager, FrsDkfort, Ky.;!.., ,.. . , ,, ': '?tao . ... . . ;...,;: ; , ALE OF YALlAnLE C1TV PBOPCBTY. , i Porsuant to an order made In tbe cause sow pendlmr la theSuperlorCoart of Wake.of Beckbam and others sgalnst Pool and others, thetwderaifnied will expose to public sale, oa MONDAY, the iHh day of October next, the first day of that term of the court, at tbe courthouse door in Raleigh, tbe lot near tbe depot of tbe Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, tying on Salisbury and North streets, snd ad joining tbe lands of R. II Wombleand others to be sold la two part. ; Terms of sals.--Fivs hundred dollars In (ash. snd bond with surety for tbs resldaeof purchase money at six months from day of sale, and Deanug interest rrom date, w. w. vass, Commissioner. j ang 30-lawtdi $1,250 ProlltlTom Investment of $20$, ens of ear eastomer '; I purchased Kpread on 100 shares of N. Y. i I Central b Put (4 106 and Call 108 buyinic 100 share against tb Put 107 which wa sold 114 selling at tbe same price iuu shares called 108 netting protlt ll.J&O, thi eperaUon can be repeated every month of '.Ik year $10. 20, 50, 10U, 1WI0, will pay as well f amount to vested. Gold, Stocks, Cotton i.J Tobaoce bought and sold on cibihWdii"' Advances on consignments. . Price iat and Circulars free. - - CUARLE8 8MEDLET A CO., Bankers A Brokers, 40. Bond St.. New Vork. neas Gold and Stock Ezcbargi'r, P.O. Box W77r - feblT-tf.;; OF. Cieorg ea ttehool Tmr Boj , O tieorge's Station, Western Mil. U. twelve miles from lialtimore. Oieng S'l1 tember 18tb.. 1876. Students prepared fr soy college or business ii'e. Accommoda tion snd sdvantap nnsurpacml. Adikw PMf. Jasiea C Klnesr. A. H, " rrtnrijw RdUterslow nr BaltcCo.T Md. aogl 1-wAwr " Infbnnatlon About Tcia, with lfas. Pamphlets, etc., fornixlied on sppHoation. In person or by letter to THOSf. F. FiaHKIL' JsimlirratlQii Arent; Interna tional A Great Northern K. It., Paleelinu. TexuK. wCm' i

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