SUNDAY; OCTOBER 8 OIORUK H. BNO - HIH'SB KEPKE8IKTATIVE8, . MICHAEL J. WHITLET, MA LCI'S W.PAGE, HENRY C 01 IVE, , ,T r- wsoiBTEB or Dxeufi - ; BENJAMIN TUBOUEES.'I i' TBBA8CREV, ' - . DAVIOlUSWH. coronvr, JAMES II. JOXJ ! ill Q ....a' nAarKtoaMtiaHr uk ' V ApOLPHUI ; . iOMft i J WlLLtAM JENK8, JESSE . HOWELL, -j wuxum p. TqmtB. Q COCAL MATTERS. " TICKETS, TICICBTS , 1 We are prepared o.pii0ckel5J3 following prices.' The cash mail seeom pany mil orders, ai Mi tickets will be rent Without the cash; La-- CoBgraaskwal UckeU at 75 centa per Legislative tickets T5 eenu tier thou sand. ..AXUiiiiA? mm TIT County UckeU one foliar per thousand. , All orders roust be addressed te.! ' -SMITH,, BATCIIELOR A CO. ... v. , (it . " Raleigh, N Of , , ,; -' l.J'- if ' ' l " , km '," " '. - - : Vim ""'''T':;;;Cattoil nrfcet. s-.Tf4Tj Carefully corrected by lea, -Whrtaker , ' Johnson. .' " The following are,the quotations of yee- torday: "rt - - - . . iTZMIddllriir,5' 10 '' , Law mbUllns, 91 1! Deep Stain,- - 7a4- ! " ! (.Hi l There waa anow in Watauga cotraty last Sunday. r. .' ;i.iwii Tobacco-chewing aainU, leave your (jukla at the church door to-day. i i, t-.-i,W-iT .. , .-i ;,; - it t -!( I J W. T. Blackwell A Co., bf Durham, W olT the tobacco premium at the centennial. Wonder K Jads Settle wasn't a little on knees-y when he busted bis breechoa at tba praylnj-hlnjo jesterday..., . .... Wm. G." mil lodfs ' A.' E.1' ft -V. M4"wtU bold Ks regular communication .to-morrow ereningst half-past T o'clock. A full attan danca la requested. - I . . It 18 tstonishln; to see bow detout 0tf yottnj; bucks become, aa aooa at the fcrmala feminaries open. A fall sttemUnce may be . . -r - ... . .. ' i .. .. i . - expected ax an oar city cnurenes wmtj ' We are glad aote a Wt of enferpriae on the part of ,o rtbyterln frlpnJa. Tbey I itend adding aa Infant'. class room 'to tbs Ksion bouse and bavin It fixed wttn in doors : also, reversible chairs for Ue Banday Khool room. Good, There wiM bo a profusiotof curls 0ym factslmn frprfc has lust laciuras miamn lmii irprtasjust orMntf Favftetlli lhth. fdntUSa of thi 1pt4 fulf of swJtcW n(f braids bod curW nd frizzes -look oat for lovely heads of hair the next time lhey take their bonnets oft. 4 " As the proclaaloi .ot mounted men left town to , mee( Vance last Friday, a coon tryman In hie wagon had lust brought bis cotton In, and asking where the crowd was going, f hej.e) toldhfif uf iee( Vs be sprang from tli wagon and ejcluline to bis witt, Set tbar. Sal. Ufl I eome back." and , aiihftcfiing-tis' horse, he fell lu" like aa " ohl soldier. - Eslly sat there. :. - i-r-rr Bless the world for charity, It Is all about . the town. After a ', tow down street made by the little cripple yestorday-ordy bear him tell of the f little boy who ran to kis father and got a, silver nsterlto give hid, and then the man that had passed him by, but wheeled suddenly, and came back, end gave him money, and then the good woman on some atrvet tio""aw HTm ffn!Irjf bt, and raised fbe window !and: three; dollar bill'ont tonim. resj w arelf fetter creatures than we think-each ether to be-r only Wt Ue ieart W eta-red. 'a ml theGotK man In us comes out, r aBp'HH"ssflaiV9aMaw. ' " . Huge -Dy For Cotton. Last Friday waa the biggest cotton day irom the carts ever knowp, in Balelh.. Jt desmejcooynen(eferjallethef markets jn - this respect About three .Hundred planters were In town representing their cotton, end M3 bales were welzhed rom the carta, and etch man could, If he so dwlred, stand by his wagon anil see his cotton weighed and get the monev rLrht there." Keirly every, where else cotton Is sold on ten dya time. The planters that bring to this market get In three quarters of a cent what it brings in Ibe Jitw York mark. The best grades aell here at loUad In NW fork: ItjHtl point is wklle eoltoi "aelts" here "In three quarters of a cent of the New York maj-ket no farmer can send bis cotton to New Terk and hate It sold for fess than a cent and i JinartetJo ceat ond A half commission, which saves tbem by srlilug at Raleigh at least two dollars on every bale.' The eotton averted last Friday forty dollars a bale Over twenty thouiairft iolhri' changed Biudt. I j i , .11.11 i ff it QoTeroor " Medlla. Jonas Medlla stole Tons Wailt s cow the oiler Way and sold It to old mm Tearty for beef. The cow tad been sent to Perkinson s pastare and Perkinson, had pat his mark en ber.' tie missed the tow and foand bar at Yearby'a, ind was told Jonas and his wife bal brought ber to town and sold ber. Jnst Beard It. "Ilow're the people for governor r asked a gentleman rldlag through the dark corner of reraoo county the other dy.: ' 4 . -I cain't tell you," said the fool-ploUder; yoitiseuintH lat week; I rpese ae the thing glU a little icitlu' we'll know who's who.. !. ' D'U-tjri ; i Here's e, ehanos lor some" gentleman to leave the railroads and public towns and make the locusts quit singing with the roar of but voice;- The" woodt nre: full- of such plople aa these, and tbey dont attend the tuMtLIntrfl In tli I nvm . . mHeMArtteiljjiMH , jfbe' Oisvler, fay: tt flmj Vfi is 6 dbc4 b( W f olored llrtne ndj S)ok Jer eterin Itour apparently to"'tn great de light and satisfaolion of his auditors. The speech was a genuine radical production, and diflVrod: from those of the white fe pub licans lit being a little more moderate and sensible. J lis said, smon other things, that the democrats' had; come over, to republican principles, Ac, and that he was glad to see thls mach, and' would be willing to accord Gov, Yabeetand Judge', Fowte very high seats, nni eouia not give inem ine reins. Thia, of eouree, I excited much merriment. He dilated it -great length on the amend ments, of course. .., t. r; i ir-.R, (Hi... "r,n,eee . , t.-i j.. A UTOhent Iteturned.- '- .-ttjj- A Raleigh merchant has Just returned Irom New York and reports all In a fever for Tllden and Hendricks. On his route to the national headquarter be met police mad and enquired the t-ayThs policeman la turn, enquired where be waa Irom, ana being 1 informed fromKorthr Carolina,' the bully hoy hooked arwswlth him atouoe, - elalmlcai lo raptnrev"" Tonr gelug to elect Tance,. slot TeurVRlgbts opposite ,th national headquarters to, a'large warehdase with Clerks at,, work, dragons running to and fro, and everythiag aa busy aa a rail road aepotTey1uirngaKrf In sending pff documents,, The patjonal headquarters s JlletJ with large rooms full of clerks and all busj at work,:i The merchant saw Job lforrlssey and he spoke with confidence of carrying Ind Una and was dead sure of sweeping the stateof New Tork, ' ao4vProepecta, ...i t -.;;a.r rfil Everything looks ripe for a pleasant and seoeeaaful fair, n Transportation on railroads Is put lower than It has ever been, only two cents and ft half per mile for the round trip, and' en the Raleigh A Augusta air line the train will ran twenty miles- higher op above Cameron than it has ever done. - A full parada of the military will be here, In cluding companies from Fayettevllle, Wil mington, Portsmouth, Va., and Bingham's cadets. Ia fact the general temper of the people Is favorable jest now for good at tendance, and a good exhibition, judging frost the letters constantly being received at the" jpornt of the secretary. There Is a strong 'interest felt outside of the state, hlBf it increase th , feeling in our own midst -It Woshl Imleedbe strange wereeur own'peopte i Wreaalo awted at houie wbtti straflgera from far oil states are rushing to the fair. 'Arguing from this standpoint alone we can only expect a good attendance and a good fair. 1 ImmissldtB 14 fcSDsrvise wero tlle Ukt Ffidn w the. lemocratic chalrmmi' of tUe(olUwiBicojAis;Ujli UU i Beaafort-James E. Shepherd, at Wash ington. Brunswick W. G. Curtis, at Srailhville. . Chowan W. D. Pruden, Edenton. ' Columbus-John W. Ellis, Wbiteville. Cumberland. JJ. Uyrover, fayctteyUle, Currltucl W. B. 61, Indian IUdg4 5 ri i ' i. - : 1 vupua hc a. Keuj, iwenaiisriue.g Cdgecombe4Jobi S. Daocy yarbore, 1 Franklin W. IL Spencer, Loulsburg: C'aJC;)C8iilth' .iSaf ulpir' ' Harnett-Jm. P. Ilodgea, Dunn's Level. i Jones T. G. Slmmona, Trenton. si ' Nash-B. IL Bunni Rocky Mount ; New Hanover G IL Robinson, Wilming- ' Northampton R. B. Peebles, Jackson. r Pender R. F. Sanders, Burgaw. Pitt H. Shennerd. Greenville. vRobesoTbosArircNeiIT; LnmbwVoi ' SamDsoo--E, Petersen.! Clinton7 I t . Wf V. . T 1. I 1T....l IT . 1 ..I. 1 Warns -A. Bonks, GoUIsborot i t ... Randolph County. Weletrnjthai Union factory, in Randolph county has just received a new lot of ma chinery, ana instead or working up iuu pounds of cotton a day, they now caa work 1.500 poada Tlirre are 174 hande era ployed at this factory, men, women and children,, of all sixes and ,aete. The com mon pay hi frera thirty-five to frty cents a day, and they work from 3 hi the morning till 7 at i.Ight, only resting half an hour at II o'clock. Tltiok of this, ye ladies and lassies, who, with novels In hand, are moping over the dull times. And yet they are happy as larks, and are for Vance for gov ernor by. t Jarga, majority. There was re j iictng among them, the other day over one sinner who bad come over from Settle, and they arecareful to keep , any more liquor away from him, for if ever be gets a drink ahead he Is apt to holler for Settle. Ran dolph Is all right Thelittle crossroads stores are stuck over with Tilden and Vance In bigger letters than the signs themselves. while to a big list and an Index linger is tka ' Inarrlntlna. written In nokeherrv Ink, "No rAd aLoWd neRE." the emmmra enrnrs. VAXCC A Mb ' KLTTLC , LAW' 8TOIIII. . AT 1 BKTTLB SPn,T OUT OH THB EOAD . COU BUSS naUBES IN AN EX- CITOJa 8CENB AJi UPBOARIOU8 ' . CKOWD FAIB PROSPECTS . j , i FOB FBEB FIGHT, AND , .- I ;- t-t , . THB DISCUSSION i , " ' t. fY.iv,i ABBUPTL.T DIB- i ' ' 1 .'-- - " CONTINUED. 4- ' '.iVf ! ) , if;:,-.' ; ,. .-,.im .. , .' yn ! The second Joint 1 dlscusilon ,; between Vance and Settle la Wake ooaoty took plaee yeete-raayaf LiriI6uise7Ne TJglirrowit1 slilp, II miles from Rilelgh. A very large crowd wasla attendance from Wake; Gran Title, Orange and Franklin, all of vbich conn ties join about this point ; The number was variously estimated by gentlemen npon the ground at fro-a 1,600 to 4.000. i Governor Vance i was received at , thu ' Fulls li the Keuse, 8 miles from the ' plaoe of speelrmg vw4' f 4 15 -J. ' r-r--., u'aJ ' iiH BOPITEO UBrj . whose acclamations rent the very skies. In consequence of his horses running away about miles oat of Raleigh, Judge Settle was delayed about an hour. , The speaking did not commence till half-past twelve. Jlge PJptUe opened , the rtUciisalori (n a speech of aa boar and a halt lie com menced on the matter of finance and alleg ed maladministration and corruption oo the part of ibe radicals. , Al this portion of ; i :'f !!U,'SVW iBTTUt's srEKCfl .lrt.!s baa beta frequently repeated In these col umni, It hi hardly necrrsary to reprodnce It again here. This same remark will apply to ethers of the standing features of Settle's speect as -well aa Gv. , Vance's. Judge tMlta sUted thatke did not fee! nke 'apetk Dtg as he. was sufli;rli)g pulo trem his inju ries received when bis bersee ran awsy, reporteJ In a paragraph to be foand rleewhere lp this tosee of Ue SenUoet. The - judge's tight hand wM bandagod.,:.:;i' ; ; Judge Settle discussed the proposed i; i j : COMSTITCTIOItAL iHINDllEKTS ' 1 at some length. " He next " referred tb jils own and Gov. Vance' war rVcerJ.' He tt& the Calloway letter. lis exhibited the Wm. Johnston ticket anil the yellow' ticket , The Judge then alluded1 to the matter of the alleged statement made by CoL J. P. B. Runs In relation to Gov. Vance and called for Col. Boss. Gov. Vance also called for Ross. f oot, arss mhediavei.v cms roawiao and took the ,Und- ' Judge SeUle then ie peaied the alleged statement In Cot. Russ's presence.' CoL Rua ea ! said ( I have never been guilty of the charges alluded to by my friend Settle,1 ' He lias ' peeo Incor rectly iaformed. r It amounts to a falsehood li toto. I say on my honor as a gentleman and with my hand en my heart and In the presence of my God, that I never said what pi attributed to me. Thro days ago I would have seen Vance at the devil before I would have voted fer blm, but yesterday we com promised our difficulties ( he met me like a white man, and I am bow a Vance man. I SATED VAXCC : as I did the devil In hell, but I am to-day the friend of Vance. Tom Settle Is my friend too. bnt I would not tell a lie to save Vance and Settle both. What has been slated In the papers is not true." ".- After this denial Judge Settle stated that he was satisfied with it and that he woold la justice to Gev. Vance, make no farther ref erence tO the matter. . . He bad not mention- ed it since the first dlscnsjtoi. at Rutherford- ton Until he came Into Wake, &!. this' heme, and t would now let it drop out oj the canvass , h.ti hu.'Fowi'lEi. vAxca's atri.v, - Gov. Vance then made bis reply, being received with much applause. Some noisy people on the outskirts kept up a slight dis turbance, whereupon ' Gov. Vance humor ously told them if they didn't hush he would come down and lick the whole business of them. To a fellow In another part of the crowd who undertook to ask foolish questlcns Vance remarked, "Oh bush, I can beat yea to death talking." The man hushed H ft a naihiKEi oAKn of blacks snd whites at a little distance kepi np such a din of talk and laughter that Gov. Vance waa compelled to suspend his remarks some minutes till they could be made to behave tbem selves. ; After awhile the fuss began again I n another part of the Gov; Vance stated that he had not been treated so in any part of North Caro, Una, and that he would quit speaking unless the noisy element either kept quiet or re tired oat of the way. Judge Kettle rose sev eral times snd also ssked for order.' Gov, Vance reseraed bis speech until T- ' a rioirr ooccaaxo ' ...i between two men which raged for ilong time and almost broke up the meeting. It locked at one time as If the fight would be come general.: , A , number iook . on ueir coats. Fortunately no knives or pistols were drawn, and f nobody got dangerously hurt It was a high old frolic At ' last Vance got under weigh again. . : Some ebaps still seemed to be spoiling tor a row, when Vance Ironically j .! - rctxu orr hi ooat and proposed that the whole concern should go to fighting. This brought the crowd np around the stand, and they: listened with some degree ' of attention for awhile. ' Dis cord, however, ruled the boar, and Gov, Vance finally gave way to Judge Settle to see how be liked it Complete ccnfuslon reigned and riot looked likely to rua rampant ; so the disccssion was discontinued, and the affair wound ep with a ease free fizht in which some fi teen or twenty men were more or less Injured, eome of tbem seriously. U.- i ' M ,1,1 i The Charlolte Observer says i -i,:-tv. There is a package of fljwers In the nostofflce In this city held for postage ad drewed to James E. Lawrenoe, R. A G. rail road, UM!gQ, J.U'; ; j That seems plain enough, and yet we have scratched ear wig haklbeaded trying make out whether the city is held for post age, or the postage Is addressed to Janes E. Lawrence, or the postofflce In the city held tor postage addressed etcetera, or but reaDy we give it np. , ; v . ... . ' ' FE3i30NAI, V ARIETIZS. i ; I : IL S. TiiCkard, of tbs London Graphic, is In Richmond on so artistic tour. , More than 600 of the 1,000 whites in Brunswick Ga., are down with yellew lever. The late storm tore up the beach so badly the fi Demies have great difficulty In hauling their seines.;'--7 , ' . M r. and Mrs. R. A. Walters, of Danville, Va., have lust two little girls from dlptheria In the last few daya. - S Thelilraryof thejr M. C. Rich mood, Va., will bare 200 new volumes added In ft few days." , " , It Is reported that Sublrttof the Atlantle House at Beaufort, will new take charge of the hotel at Morebead City. ! , ; A couple of young Rents who hsve had yellow fever hate left Richmond for Sa vannah fo get business situations. A Sapoisb proverb says that a paper ci garette, a glass of fresh water and the kiss of a pretty girl win sastalo a man for a day without eating. f ? r- Mayor Bryant of San Francisco has vetoed resolution granting permission to the Chi nese to play upon musical Instruments on their holidays. ,' ' . - .. .. . .... - Some fellow stole a Dayesea wheeler flax Portsmouth. '. Now let biro that stole steal no more and be will always pass for an honest man. ' ' ! - Chas. E. Rollins, well knowo in this city. hss become one of the owners of the Chi- Cso Insurance Herald, one of the hand someet pdblkatlons of Its kind In Amerka. At a London breakfast last season Lady Sykes, the young wire of a very wealthy Yorkshire baronet 'of a famous sporting Umily, wore a skirt of black silk tied back with unusual tightness, a white waistcoat ever an embroidered shirt front fastesed with heavy gold studs, and a green velvet coat made lue a man's tall coat' Lady Sykos la danghter-In-Iaw of the "Sir Tattoo" ot Bow elcault's 'Flying Scud. " ; . , " , : ; A boardiog-houae keeper of Clileago read how the hotels in' the White Mountain had school mistresses and dlriulty students for waiters, a ad, to follow the example. Induced young man and two female teachers. Whose salaries had been cut down, lo under take wailing at table,', The first young woman was addressed by a boarder to "pass them beans,' whereupon he fainted and Ipllled a plate of soap over, the best false balr and down the back. of ft young widow, tier companion, when called npon lor a plate of " pud'o," said kindly, ''Yon mean padding, do yon not V Protracted Meeting- They call it the centennial year, and say there was never known the like before f protracted meetings in the northern edge Of Orange county. - Rev. Joseph Martin, a Methodist minister of Chapell Hilt, seems the Inspired worker. ' Ha stsrts the meet ings and leaves them , in charge of a good preacher, while ha goes to a new place. Ho commenced one at Hebron and left it In chiirgo of Rev. Mr Walker, and then one at Walnut Grove, and left it In charge of Rev. Mr. Webb, of Roxboro,. and so oa. The people seem warmly In earnest about flljloo in that section. , . , ,j ! 'j .chubch pntBcrosT' Church. services will be hekl, to-day as follows: , . i Chrmt (KDlscopal) church.' 11 a. m. and 4 p. m.t Rev. Dr. Marshall. Sunday school at 9 a.m. " j - - i ,WHn, whiujiv My, ... mm a. ii. m. and Vespers at 6 p. m. Rev. Fatter Kellly.: Sunday school at M a. m.'-: ; a i Salisbury Street Baptist church. 11 a. m. and 8 p. ra., Dr. T. II. Prltcbard. , Sunday school at 9 a, m. , . ,, i Ct lHt, Ifuaa at 1 1 Swain Street Baptist cburt-b. 11 a. m. and I p. m , Rev. J. D. Hufham. Sunday school at 9 a. in. ' - ' - -J -: ' y - i Edenton Street Metbouist church. It a. m. and 8 p. m., Rev. Dr. Burkbead. Sunday school st a. m. ; J ; ., t :- f Person Street Metbouist church, Rev. W, C. Norman, at It a. m. and 8 p. in. Sun day school at 9 a. m. '. Pn-sbvterlan chnrch. II a. m. and 8 p, m. Rev. Dr. Yaugban. bunuay school 9 30 a. m. - -, i Church of the Good buepherd (Episcopal, tev. E. R. Rich, rector., Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Wednesdays snd Fridays at 9 a. m. , Scats ailjree. buiwJaj school 9:30 nrTn.-.T-'"-" -? ;.-.-----.---.--,- I Third Baptist Sunday school,; corner of South and Fayettevuie streets, 9 a. in r-f hi, 1 THX CBADLB. i Born. In Tarboro. Sept 30. lo the wife of Gen. W. G. Lewis, a son. " . .--. I Ia Newbern. 8ept It, to tba wife of George E. Plttmsn, editor of the Nutshell, a daughter. In Richmond. Vindnia, Sent SO, to the Wife of Dr. li. W. Bagliy, ("Mozls Addoms") state librarian, twin sons. . -, : ,-i " THB ALTAR. .w.-- -i- - ! i-Msrrled, in Billsboro, Oct i, Dr. John Berry and Miss Mary strayborn. ' 1 t In Pitt county, Oct i, by Rev. Joseph us Latham, Mr. C. D. Rountree and Miss Annie A. Johnson. .... ,v , f; t i At the resideoce of John A. Johnson. In Wake county, Sept 28, by Squire J. D. Bat- leaune. Mr. fa sen at Johnson and - Mrs. Charlotte Reaves. The focal poet who fur nishes the notice anus ibis touching warble: Three cheer lor rerorm, Vance and Tilden, For this happy couple and tbelr children. Died In Green sljoro. Sept 28. Mis Minnie wuarton, aged 16 years.: 'In Greensboro, Oct S. Charles Hervey Lathrop, oi bavannan, aged 21 ye-rs. In Edgefield. 8. C Sent 25. CoL Tbomas G. Bacon, son of Edmund Bacon, the "Ned Brace" of the "Geonria Scenes, snd commander of the 7tn South Caroline regiment during the warv ' The Gd Old North Sfate.-I am receiving ray Fall aod Winter Stock of the celebrated Old North State Cook- lag StOTCw Call at once awl secure bar gains aa prices are Down, Down, Down Every Stove sold warranted to give satfefae tion or the Stove can be , returned and the money will be refunded. C. A. HART, pxarltct Slartla, Sts Raleigh SETTLE ; RUNAWAY, WJTII. - ... .. VANCE'S OPPONENT 8PE1NKLED OVEIt A HALF-ACRE OFKOAD -.-. DICK BADGElt AS AN , , ACHOBAT UEDPATH OF , : , THE NEW YOKK TUl- , , BUNE STICKS TO HIS, , SEAT A BADLY, ... -: r ., B ATTEIUiD ,,, DKIVElt. u The hones to the pbtetoo that act out from Baleigb . yesterday . in ore lug for New L'ght with Judge Settle, it. C the New York Tribune, and a colored driver, , became unmanageable aoout seven miles eat of town and' ran furl ously for at leaat a mile and three quarters over the roughest and rockiest part of the whole road. Tbe borses scared on top of the steep bill at Flat Creek at a lead of cotton coming op the hill. At soon at Uie horses began kicking Major Badger leaped out, but they ran with Hettle nbont a bondnd and fifty yards, when with much pres ence of mind he placed one foot on the carriage step and sprang ' forward. " He fell on his side; ' tearing his pantaraod breaking his gold watch and chalo. This Is the second narrow escape Settle has made In the last few years. IIV was hurled over in a smash up on a Virginia railroad slnoe the war, aad fcur persons were killed in the same car with him. Be aeems spared to go back to the up7enae bench, Isaac KeUyTthe col bred driver, jumped -at the start and tried to; bead the horses, tearing (he felas la'chnrge' of George Malbewt, a Colored man who wa on the boot with him. George held " manfully to Ibe horsea " until ljut, before they were stopped by a couatryman when he was thrown oat, and his head striking, waa Very- badly Iwurt He was 1 left at a neighboring liouev Aa for lledpalh be tatapiiitbt id the plisetoa to tlx hut like enjoying a drive on Pennsylvania avenue. Air. u, H. Jiatue, jr being present with bis buggy kindly gave Judge Settle a seat, whlleTiUdriver voluuteered to drive the . runaway borses, and. Badger, and, Uedpath not taring to try on any more of them ac cepted seats from Pugh Haywood and George Williams, they giving up their buggy and taking the phaeton; PEOPLE AKD TniUGfl. ) i.b t v .' ; M ,' v7,: ' ;-; : f James L. Lick, the California togua p.Uantbropist, is derunct - ( ,j;f , , Jaoob Lamb, of New York, eoioiaed tt hia sister's funeral Tuesday. - John F. Cleveland, a brother-in-law of Horace Greeley, la lying at the point or death. -... . . .-, .ri - Meredith Ued, mtnister to Athsoe. la In New York, we eurDOe to enter the lists for Hayes and Wheeler re- form. ; , . "',',',-','' (ti - j A grandson of President Harrisod and eooeus ot the red candidate for governor Of Indiana billed bis aweethean in Ken tacky, the other day, becanao ahe re fused to marry Lim. V ,!..-, ( The last freak of the Princesa Metter- nich waa to go out to lunch ia the forest ear Marienbad in a cart drawn by exeu, the cart, harness, animals and all being covered with garlands or flowers, while, Madame de Metterniob. dressed as a Watteaa shepherdess, herself drove the oxen, directing their move' ments with her rose-wreathed crook. Her cuestt, who occupied seats In the cart, were an arrayed in watteaa cos Uimee to correspond witA tnat or thetr hOSteSS, , ,.- 4 . ,.-. . -ft !t , ;: tirgixia. :, Hoaia Addumihae twins.' ' !i. v " Gen. John O. Walker, of Texas, h Borobased from Q. Ward bie residence and forty acrea of land.near Winchester, A afreet fight between two bigh-coltred gospelizers enlivened Biohmond . the other day. , lie v. Walter Brooks, a negro Baptist missionary and Zsoh Chandler emieearv, attacked lv, J,W.. Oainee, pastor of the West Point darkey Baptist ohnroh. The belligerent radical billy goat of Zion waa arrested and invited to ..... . . ... contribute to me expansion ox ine.mnru- eipal finance. ' WHOLES A LK CASH TKICES ! F. U. CH BISTOPHERS A OO, ,H r- u-H I.:,) fh iuutiair, Oct 7,' 1878. ' OentBtL ISaJIKBT. , Cottoa Tie, t cenU. ' Floor, North Carollna(new) 3.UO4 00. Oora7475eeiiU. .,.- - Cora Meal, 70( 75. Bacon, V. C bog round, 14l&. " hamal5l. Bulk MesU, Clear Rib Sides, 11JI3. j Bhoulders. mm centa. Lard, North Carolina, 17. J - Western llcreea, 14. ; ' ' , i ,:::. ., ken, 14. f , Coffee, Prima Rio tX&V. -' Coaimoa, ltta'20 . I . - k I. I (V Mm ; nun, in vw iw Vv-w fionr A. 13, .- . p ExtiaC.12. TellowC.11111. : 'Leather, Red Sole XgaA. 7..-. . "rr Oik tanned, 40. . . 1 HMea, green, 5aV - '' ' ' ' '' ; i - d-v. (!10. Tallow 6Vi7 ' " Oats, sbelied, (new) 40(345. i " sheaf, from wagon, 75(381 cents I ' baled 1.00. .. . v Fodder, baled, 100. . ... Hay, N. C. baled, good C0Q75 Emra, perdoaeo.20 eta. . . Bitter; Jf. C.8il(3. .. Beeswax, 25(3271. - . ' :Ra)rs,8.- i " picked, t eenU. t 'u p-f,o foot, 570.,. n dressed prime, 6V v . . , 'Heavy Copper, per pound, PVs. ' ' Uirht -"--- 13c Pewter, per pound, 7 to 10 ettt 1 ' " . . ai leao, per ptwna, oc Old Iron, psr 100 pounds, OOe. ' Pheep Skins per piece, 80(340c. Wool waanea, per pound, zo$a i aawaahed IS to 20c j yErU)yTISMlTp.(, STCAY COW.' "7 " 7 f i rp'.t ;irti vt i ftU. i There bus been a stray cow in my enclo sure for the pist six months.. She wears a mall brass bell, and has a crooked right born; Her boJ Is ' white speckled, with Wbitt hind feet near tfte boot, and a spot ea the left, shoulder- She la marked la the ' light ear with aa antler keH and ameoth trop. I live oa Thomas Allan's plantation, formerly belonging to ainiam Ainir , iXt waj W. BARKIS., 'OEl'OUT 0F-THE XIITI0I i or . 77a State Actional Bank of, IlaU tiah; at Jlaleigh in, tAe&aU (f; JLSortK Carotiua, at the' dm? of. butineu, October 2, 17C ; V, : : i. z'. i .'resources. 1 1 .' : Loans and dlcounU. .....,.'.... $333,090.5) Overdrafts.... 4 5:0 51 V. A Booda to aecttre clrculaUon : 90,100.00 Other stocks, bonds and morurares. 17.34 04 Poe from approved reserve axeuu JO.lira Dee from other National Banks.. l.Wl.M pas from Bute Bsoks and bankers - I7,M M BaokiBC hooM.... 25,0)10.00 Other real esUte, o...... 14.6009 Current expeaaes and laws paid. " 1,14284 Premiums paid .", '. ,: 7 ,51o.M Checks and other eaab Items , ' ,H).9i BUlaof other National Banks...., J.OOT.W Fractional currency (Including nick- "' t elsi........i..............:...t "Mitt fS pec la (including gold Treasury ( notes) ..X ' Mt78 1100000 Leeal-tender notes. . . .. J Treasurer to per eent or, circu- ktoa:..;,..t.;. '. ' Capital stock paid to. .... . .i ,1 100,000 00 Othar undivided proflU.r.T7;..:: B,2S5.2 NationU Bank notes outstanding.., 8685.00 . Indlvidaal depoaiu subject, to ' Demand certtficatea of deposit... l,42l. 17 Time certificates ot deposit. . . 4.6U1.24 L'ashler'a tcbscka euUUnding . , . j , , 501 .45 ; Doe to other National teaks I 'S.ona.oei Doe to Sute Bank and ; bankers. 1,010.13 . ii.ti Jin i . , , i I, - Total................ $ 514,799.83 STATE OF KORTH CAROLINA, : Covavr of wakb. as. L lamt C. White: Cashier vt the above. named bank, eo sulemnlv swear that tb above statement is true .to the best of my knowledge and bellnf. , - - (Blgnea) oAdl Jj v. n 1 1 , vaanier. Subscribed aad sworn to before ma tbU P h day of October, 1J7. . pa . W. 8. PRIMROSE, Notary fubllu ; WM. R. COX. i I - ' ' '.. . -Jltor urwiLLTAM Dtrertorar -BAM'L C. WHITE, J ' OCtT-lt, ... T 'V 1-V,;';-VS ill bill. .- ''. ' -QEPORT OF jTHE COXDmOX Ir'i l 0 Tk llaliigh National Hank of - JSwrth Varolina at JUletqh, n . the State of Worth Crolina at. the close of bviinete, October 2d, 1876. l ' . . .. , i RESOURCES i ' Loins and eltcounU......... ....135i,4H90n Overdrafts.. ......... HOOOO, V. A Bonds to secure circulation., 40O,0OP.4l U. 8. Bonds to secure depoaiu . , . ,' 150,0000)0 Other stock, totes andmort- . ' gsgee,..........v.v t X9,oto.OO pus from n approved i Resarve '" ' ' ArenU i 44,650. 70 1 Due Irom other National Banks 4 4,830.65 Due from , Bute Banka and , Bankers... 8,153.58 Real eaute. furniture aad fixtures llO.VM.W Current expenses and taxes paid, - 7,lMi.l4t rremtuma paM ... M. .......... v w,4.o Chrcksand other cash items.... , , 8473 Fraetloual earreuey, vlncludleg , akkaU). ....... ,;,.'. T ; 4.t3 Bpaeie (including gold. Treasury:'.' Bta)......rr...-..........,. 1 vt,fil7.8A Legal tender notes ............ 15,e74.(,0 ReUemptlon fund with C. 8. Treaa., (0 per cent, oi circulation). .. ... jb.wu.w Due from L 8. Treasurer, other tbsa 5 percent redemption (uad, 0500.00 ' ' JToU1,... ...... 1.188,688.63 , !' : ! . ' UABILITIES: ...-v Capital stock paid in... ... 400,000.00 Surplus fund . M,0u0.00 Other andlvtdrd protlu.. . 117.91, ' National Bank notes euUUnd- " i ' .? Ins; k. 860,000.00 Dividends ut aid W5.00 ! Indlvidaal deposits subject to . , ; cheek. 13Ml7. Demand eertiflcatea deposit ...... a B7,841.0 ' CuUiers' checks outstanding 8,758 W ' United Btatw depoaits.... 102,571.80 Depoaita of U. s. DUburting of-. ' . , t leers, 442L00 , Due to other Nat onal Banks...... 8,845.24 Due to SUU Banks and Bankers 1.6H4.91 Netesaad bills jedlacoanted.... o,a5. 00 s i .,To si:.'.;'i'.: Y..'.. tjmjm-! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I , i 1, Charles Dewry. 'cashier of the above aaated Baak, do solemnly swear that the ' above eutcment la true te the beat of my baowledge and belief. .,,., ' CTDXWET, Cashier." r ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this . 7i h day of October, 1870. 1 ' ' 1 ,' . . r i ,' J. M. SBERWOOD, ' ' , i Notuy Fubiiq. ' Correct Attett : ,; .. ; , , W.H. UPCHCRCH, 1 , ' ., A.B. MBK KI MOM, V Directors, I W. N.H.SMITH, J " '' oetTtt! . .-- i i. TRIUMPH TRTJsS CO., ! SJtBOWEBT, . f to whom waa awarded tba,j - . rmiMis Mtdml ,,;; . for the best Elastic rut and Supporter at -the last aeasloa of the . ' , " 0REAT AMERICAS INSTITUTE FAIR, euros a rupture In from 30 to 90 days and offer 1,000 dollars for a ease tbey eannct cure. iTheyismployn i v. FIRST CLASS LADY SUBQEQN, I . ; . . . ,i ; i Trrms moderate." Cases guarauteed. u. , dera filled by mall. Examination free. Thw usual discounts to patroea. Heed .1 '. eeete , fpr deacrlptlve book to . t j Prof. W. H.BCRNHAf, . D., nar 23-d ly Chief Surgeon. H A8TCN HOUSE, iJiEW B EUHE, W. C.. ,.',( " ' - ' ' .' i t & U. STUKET, rBOPBirros. The GASTON BOUSE has, for nearly half " a reatury, maUUiav a repuutioa aa one ot the bt Hotels at Ob South, -b1c H fuHy OaUina under U present snaaageaaeat i rgr rerssua who eome to the eoeat to feast i ea uah, oysters and other good tblnca fresa f the water, are advised that Mew Ben Is U e . taest flh market on tho Atlantic coast , i A i I oldJTJ centa ; burry, lftjet. '- I i i i X

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