:.V:-Aa.-.;. ! . ..... , i i , I ! A Y VOL. XXHI--NO. 58. RALEIGH, N. 0rSUNDAY-lI0RinNafr0Crn)BEB:22,1187a4 PRICE FIVE CENTS. i IT lr v v: 1 11. IV " i sRAILKOADS, Ac Ti IEDMONT AIR-LINE BAIL J7 ; -v- , WAY. Richmond & Danville, Richmond & Danvilxb R. W., N.C. Division Mid North Western Nv C. It W CONDENSED TIME TABLE, ? Efftd ei Sunday, Oct, . . , ' W. 1876. :-j,).-GOING EAST. TAr Grwoeboro... 10.60 A. M Arrire at lUlelrt.... 2.41 P. M. Arrive tOo!dbon.. 8.15 " U01NU WEST. Leave Oolilsboro...., 10.10 A. Arrive tKlelRh.... , 13.30 " " Greeuboro' 5.25 T. GOING JfOllTII. Lour Charlotte 1 5.S5a " AirLiueJuno'n i .- , , 5.18 ' " 8Ubary.... . v r 8.80 Grtnboro.,r,. i " v 10.58 ' " Panville ' 1.47 P. K Dundee.. . 2.07 " BurkevUle..... K 49 Arrive at Kkhmoud.. 0.30 GOING SOUTH. Leave Rlclimond..... " BurkevUle " Dundee . Danville " Ureunsboro.... " Sallnburjr " Alr-Llne Junc'n Arrive at Charlotte... oot 12-t( 5.50A V.00 1.50 P. M 1.55 " 4.35 7.01 " 0.08 " .0i " B. ANDREWS, - Superintendent. 1 ALEIGn & OASTON ' KAIL- t ROAD SCHEDULE. MAIL TRAIN Leavo Raleigh Arrtvetat Weldon Leave Weldon....... Arrive at Rle!h....... -: : : THUOl'liU FKEIOHT. 0 30 A. M. S W P. M 13 40 P. M 5 40 P. M Leave Rule'eh Arrive at Weldon.. Leave Weldon..... Arrive ttlUlelgb.., 6 00 A. M. ft 1(5 P. M 5 1 0 A. M 5 15 P. It EA LEIGH & AUGUSTA AIR LIKE. Eeave Raleigh.......... 5 50 P.M. Arrive at Cttneron., Leave Cameron Arrive at Kalelgh... 8 40 P M. ... 6 15 A. M , . V 15 A. M JOHN C. WINDER. 8uj)erinten(lent. oct U-tf nPICKET PARES AND TlME 8CHED ULB TO TUB WR8T, TU THE CHES- APKAEE A OHIO R. H. FIrat plau are from aleifch to Clnelnnatl ..F,2U,m Un trom VW. to Indlanap i, . i . o i i v. 4.t First date 31.85. Ptrst claa from RalelRh to St. Loala 33.3a. Kirst clasa from Ealeiith to Loulavllle 27.ii5. - Paasenfrers for Cincinnati and the West, leaving Kalelsh by the R. A . R. R. 10.00 a. m. train, reach Richmond at 8.45 p. m.; leave Kicbmond at 10.UU p. m., by tne uia ciunatl & Ohio Railroad, and reach Clncln ntl at 6.00 on the morning of the aecond day. CONWAY R. IIOWAUD, ' Gen. Pa Ticket Agen W. M. 8. Dunn. ' i- nglnneer and Siip't. j PktK8bdko. Va,, March 31st, 1876. ED UL Or TBAI5S, ooino sorjTir. Through Mail leave Pctera burg at Arrive at Weldon at. Southern Ezpreai leave Vo tereburgat Arrive at Weldon at Through Freight with Pii-; , aenger Coach attached, leave Peterburg at A rrive at Weldon atw. . .... ' .Z a6isaZjtmiLZ 3:27 P. rt;55 P. 6:30 A. 0.M A 8:30 A 2:15 P. M. M. Through Mailleave Weldon at 7:35 A. M. - Arrive at Petersburg at 11:55 A.M. Boutherc Express leave Wei- . don at 4:00 P. M. Arrive ( Petersburg at..... 7:05 P. iJ. inrougo . freight viith Paa- . . enger Coach attached, leave Weldon at 4:15 P. M Arrive at Peteraburg at.... 10:10 P. M. Through Tickets aold to all Eastern and Southern pointa, and Baggaee Chocked lurough. 11. T. DOUGLAS, ap 8-4t Superlatebdent JICUMOND A PETERSBURG R. R. C( Commencing Oct 24th, 1S75, Tralce f thla road wUl run ae follows i Liavi Richmond, joura. 5:10 A. M.. Through Man : 7:45 A. 11, freight Train; 1:45 P.M., Through MaU ; r. ai., rrcipu. i rain. Lbavb Pbtbrkburo, North. 7:50 A. M., Freight Train ; IU M., Througa Mail 6 T. M. Freight Train ; 7:35 P. M., Through MaiL Coaches attached to all freight trains for aceommodation of passengers. This Company oners special Inducement to the shipping public on line of the Raleigh A Gaston. Katelgh A Augusta and Western M. U. Railroads, in the way of low freight and passenger rates. A.8UAW . dAw-tf Superintendent Y1,!lx,sttATOR'S KOTICE Having qualified as adinlnlstrator with the will annexed of WeUcru O. Lonece,dcccascd, 1 hereby give notice to all creditors Of the aid JeeedontOo present their claims, duly uthenticattd, to me on or before the 1st day of August A D. 1877, or (hi notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the decedent will please make payment. NEEDHAM B. BROUGHTON, . Adm'r.CT. A Raliioh. N.C, Aug. 1, 1B70. ag8-w6t - rVW. Jff I'RFRKF.snORO KX--- IU1ULII. Ai Iudependent Weekly Newspaper, Ths Organ of the Roanoke and Meherrie 8ee tlons! arculates In Tbirty-Nlne counties and Twelve States. Is ths official organ of Northampton and Hertford counties, and has 'fwlreulstlon In them than any paper published. As an advertising- medium, it cannot be surpassed In Eastern Carolina. Terms, 3 per year, lu advance. $1, forsll months. ' WARD & BLAKET, Ed's, and Prop'sl, ug 15 tf MurfreesboroT N. C 7 ANTED. Salesmen. Oue in Rnlelgh and ene in every eouttty. Salary $uo per month and expenses paid. Address Gm Manufactnr- tioMiiauf. gi. LuuIb. Mo. -. Get 18-2t,i DUYG00DS;&e.( jrsT ix time., : 50 par. Blue Jeans, 150 Bearer and Cloth Cloaks for Ladles, , -. 60 Ladles Engllh Ulsters something ntw. stylish and comfortable, ' ; ' 150 Yds. Cardinal Fish Net for Neck, 500 Ids. Cardinal and White Buckings for Ladles. 1 ' " " ' 500 Pr. Linen Caffs aid Collars in Cardi nal Navy Blue, Brown and White. 110 Dos. Ladles Kid Gloves in colors Black and White trom '.5 cents to 2.00 foi the best. ' ' 13 Pox. Ladles and Misses Hoods in Card! -r not Blue and Brown Braided Flannel. ; (SHOES, BOOTS AN 3 GAITERS, The largest stock In the State at bottom figure. ' " DRESS GOODS. The largest stock ever held by one firm and of latest styles and lowest prices. HATS I HATS 1 1 HATS I M The largest stock ever offered by us for Men Boys and Children from 50 cents upward. Late style Silk Hats at 5.50. - t Remember "The beet Goods at lowest cash prices." sept i1-ly W. II. & R. S. TUCKER. D. 8. WAITT & UIIO Beg leave to Inform their customers that they nave removed to toe well known stand of James M. Towles, No. 52 FiTdteriHe Street. Haloiirb. H. L which tbey have fitted up entirely new, and nave purcnasea a large ana wen assorted stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING! TOR HEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Men's Sack Suits 14 03: Men's Frock Suits for 15 00; Men's Frock Tawimere Suits from tlO to t-5; Mm's t ine Black Suits from 117.50 to foO; Boys' Fancy Satinet Suits f i - JXu; Boya' 'Caaalmere Bulu W to 15; Chll I dreu'e Bulta M to 10; Overcoat 5 to COME AND GET bUlTED. Gent's FumlerilnsT Goods, Hamburg Edg lngs and Insertions, Notions, Hosie ry, Gloves, Cambrics, Boots, -Shoes, Umbrellas, Hats, Caps, Furs, &c. DOIIESTIG 1KI GOODS, ONISTISO OF Prints, Alpacas, Merinos, Delaines, Glng- nams, cotton riaias, uottonsdes, Kentucky Jeans, Csssimeres, Cambrics, - Blue Denims, Osnaburgs, Tickings, Flan nels,. Linseys, Ac Bleached and Brown Sheetings and Shirtings. Thanking our friends for their liberal pat ronage in the past, we feel confident that in ournewtore-wHhNw Goods. Jbonght at the lowest prices, we will be able to please alii Respectfully, D.S. WA1TTABR0. Na 57 Fayetteville Street, oct 4-tf Raleigh, N. C imM GEORGE ZIE0LE1 Altand Dealer In I J 'I CHEWING AND r xo A COO, PIPES, i Ac, &c. s Taettevilte St , one i door above Y rbow j ) House, Raleigh,N.C. EOIGAL. COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. session ok 1870-77. The 48th Coarse of Leclnret will com. menceon the 1st of November, 1876, and terminate early In March, 1877. ' t. FACULTY. ; " , ' :i; o. a: kinlocii. m. d.. rrofemor of tin lriipln and Practici of Sur grry twa cuHirm hurrjery. J. P. CHAZAI.. M D.. MIDPLKTON MICHEL, M. D... Pnfrxmr of Phyiiolotjy. c. r. SHEPARD, Jr.. m. d., . JYqfrt or of Chemistry. F. L. PARKER, M. D , , , - I Profe or. if Anatomy. J. FORDJPRICELEAU, U. D., Prtfutar e UbttHrU and GynatoXogy. , F. PEYRE PORCH ER, M. D., Profntor of MalMk itcdiea aid TherapeUic$t MANNING SIMONS, M. D., . Demontrmtor tf Amtomy. EXPE3BES OP THE SCHOOL. foThe expense of the course of instrnctlon Mr the session la as follows: Eatricolation fee, (paid once only) t 8 00 Entire course of rwtnres, incluUlne Demonstrator's .tiekct aud boppltal., ; advantages, 50 00 Graduating: Uf, 30 00 Good Hoard in Clmritstori front H to '&8 per week. v 1 oct U-lw2t 70 Uasel Btreet, CharlesTOn. pi' SUNDAY. OCTOBER 22.:. THS "INDEPENDENT" VOTER. . . , Awful seedy, .',--(,;,.,. .?f. Eternally nmly, Out at hi elltsws and out at his tort; , Foud of free lunches, Of cocktails aud punches. Paunchy of stomach and urp!e of nose. , Wanting to borrow , , , " (He'll pay yoa to-morrow) "A dollar. No T Feur bitsthen two- well a dime." Only lime-serving, With ever chanee swervlne. Endowetl with cheek that ts simply eublimr, , , Yoo are a dimmyerat ' Ah. but I'm glad o' that. Damn the repul, What? Repulillcun ! You Well, f'm dellebted - M friend, we're united: Of course, you're aware I'm republican too!' Such are the politics In which he loves le mix: Slyly he'll wait till he sees the cut jump; Then he'll no longer hide, But on the winninst side At the last moment he'll tuk to the stump After election 4 He's deen In dejection If not made a treasurer right on the spot But if be has lost the day - Feels hla rote. Is short, cast aav - in leanui to near bow he curse bis lot. RANSOM? AND BU8BEE IN ROWAN . Salisbury Watchman. xue uob. mat. uansom niled an ap. pointmeot to speak at Gold Hill, this county, Jagt Saturday. He had the pleasure nf meeting there a large nam'. ber of tiie yeomanry of that vicimtv. and uiu uimseu ana mem tne honor to ao liver oue of the very best speeches made , li .... .. . . in me ttate in tbis the goodly centennial year of American liberty. Ha spoke near! j three hours, and had his audience pell bound daring the whole of that time. Por closeness of argument, logi cal clearness, elevated and forcible thought, and every attraction and power oi true eloquenoo. it has not been ! celled by even Gov. Vance himself. His hearers were warmed and melted by tarns, as they were brought to review the history of the country aDd the sod and oppressive incidents of the lost teu years of that history. And they were faithfully warned of the dangers of the present time, aud earnestly exhorted to uiscnarge their whole duty for the pre serration of the liberties handed down from the fathers of the couutry. The people were too intenaelr atten tive to every ntterauoe of the speaker to applaud him much during the delivery of bis speech; bnt they crave him a hear ty, heavy round at the end of it; and we doubt not both spenker and people will Jong cneriHii the memory of .Oct. 14, 1876. Fak ir. Bnsbee was stranded here by a failure of railroad connection. Fri- tly evening, and as he is too active a man to be idle, gladly accepted an invi tation to accompnny Qen. Iiausom and delegates of the Kowau Tildcn sod Vance club to Gold Hill, next day. At the conclusion of the general's great speech, ie was called, and to our surprise at leant, he c&m forward like a man who meant business: and to our greater sur prise etill, he made the audience forget weariness, if tbey If It if, at all, and kept them listening; until the sun touched the tree tops. JZllis youthful appearance was against him at the beginning we know; for the old Dutch farmers of this section can't Tery well bear to listen at "poys" talk politics. But thore was something winning in Busbee he grasped the sit uation with accuracy, aud took hold of the business In band so deftly, and pro eeed with it so gracefully and pleasantly that scarcely a dozen men left their seats until he bad finished, though many of them had miles to travel to reach their homes. On reaching Salisbury, about 8 o'clock at night, the streets were lit up with bonfires, and Bnibee was loudly eheered and called for. He responded jumped out of the bugpry aud mounted a goods box aud went at it again. And there we left him Saturday night, sur rounded by an eager crowd. frof. w. 11. Neave and his Mt. Pleas ant brass band were in attondauce at Gold Hill, and contributed their pleas ant and highly entertaining services to the occasion. THE OLD NORTH STATE. Danville (Va.) Times. She is all riht! There was not much to rest doubt on before the election ia Indiana, but bow it is certain she will go largely for Vance. We are sorry for Settle now. " His whole reliance has been upon the bloody shirt, and as that (ailed in Indiana, what can it do far him in North Cnrolina? Tbero is now no chance for him. His whole effort fromthis tine forward should be to make as good retreat ns possible, and save as many of his men as possible. He must drop his bloody thirt, therefore : to bold on to that will drive from him nearly all bis white followers, -and leaf kirn none but a sn ail minority of blacks to cheer him in the hour of adversity. oeme is rame, but what aloes that ignify when the people are flocking to the standard of Tildeu and Hendricks and Vauce t Our honest opinion is that Judge Settle lias repented bitterly that he left the supreme court bench to engage in the uncertain busluess of pol itics. - .- Go it, people of :Nerih Carolina. Brin r out your beet men'' and make Vance's msjority huge. The people of Danville will fire some big guns for you when victory perches tHi your banner; Mr. H alley says that the beautiful bird eiQlvejl from a horrid frog. Still the bum- miug wru is wearing ei the green. , MANrPULATTNO CONGRESSIONAL -SISTRICTS. ' The returns from the congressional election la Indiana show how effectually the republican legislature of that state lu arranging the districts has succeeded iu stilling the popular will. The in- turns show that in "the four districts Tarried by the democrats their majority aggregates 18,725, whiUt thd nine die j trie ts carried by the republicans give ouly an aggregate majority of 12,539, giving the democrats a ninjori'y in the state on the congressional vote of 6,186, despite the fact that they secured less limit oue third of the congressmen. Ihe IiidmnaiMlis Sentiuel makes the point that under the present apportion ment laws of Indiana the democrats i must have a majority of 17,000 of the popular vote in order to control the leg islature nod have a majority of the cob- urt ftMneo. This i not only unjust, but it is anti-republican, though accem piisiieu dv inose who presume te call themselves republicans. BRIDES AT THE CENTENNIAL SHOW, From the New York Times. Of all the people who live at the cen tennial hotels, I think the newly mar ned couples Philadelphia Is full of them, by the way are the enly ones who are thoroughly contented and hap py. It makes no difference whether the potatoes ate watery, the meats dry or the soup thin ; and they don't care a pin wnetuer people talk to them or not, They live in a little world of their own, need ne convention but lnelr own, and have no thought but for each other. They all try to act as though being mar- neu was an em story to them, and still for the life el them they can't help taking each other's hands every 'live rainntesr"Thebrides-ncarly-all-wear new watch chains. A ROUGH DIAMOND. The Newhernlan. . . . One of the most amuainn- incidents connected with the ovation to Gov. Vance in this oitv took Dlaoa in the Oa ton bouse while the governor was re ceiving hi numerous friends. A son of old Lrin on beinar presented to his ex cellency detained his hand in a vice-like grip and in his rich Irish brogue ex claiming "God bless and be Kind to your nouor," witu the grace of a cour tier of the olden times, bowed and kissed it. Coming from a man who has here tofore affiliated with the republican party, but who ia now aa ardent demo crat, the three cheers and a tiger called out lor uoiiigan were given with a vim that made the welkin ring. SOMETHING TANGIBLE. From the Burlington Hawkeye. A near-sishtcd man out en South Mil went wandoring around amonc his cur rau t bushes yesterday afternooa and stooped dowu aud pulled a live centen nial wasp's nest up by the roots to see what it was. He didn't get it anywhere near mo locus or his eyes before ho bad an idea that it was a flat-iron some of the women had set outside to cool: A1 t II .. iiwb ne inougnc it might be a concea trated case of prickly brat: aud then it dawned npon hira that he had nicked nparaw thunderbolt, and fhiufly his near wens cioar aown into lus boots as ho realized that he had got hold of the dangerous end of the Hell Gate explo sion and pulled it off. " PAR IGNOBTLE FRATRUM. St. Louis Tiinvs. Havin made an end of Morton. lt ns now abolish Logan. He is as dangerous ujuu as iuonon iu ins wav. althonch it : - ... - ' o w a smaller way. ins pretensions ara as big, but his ability to support them is less. Morton is a malignant fever Ajogau is a Dan case oi the itch. Morton s a mountain of corruption: Locan ia a swamp of malaria. No man ever bullied his way into power with more nn scru pulous audacity than Morton; no maa ever sat up as a statesman on smaller capital than Logan. Arcades anibo let them disappear. . THAT STAR. Wilson Advance. dust before Judge Fowte opened his poecn m court snuure. Moudnv Shonff I Ti .ts T . .. . Datum uiBcoverou iron tne stand a star in the heavens so brilliant even at mid day, fiat the oldest person in the au dience could see it with the naked eye. It was the "bright star of hope" shed ding- its enulgent rays upon the great. grand and glorious victorv. Jndcra Ynvr so Eloquently preiiicted for ns in Noyem ber. . PEOPLE AND THINGS. Zollicoll'er' daughter was recently mar- ried In Tennessee. The thlslto Is typical of the aggressive warlike spirit ot Scotland English artists and literateurs are turn g their atteutlon to Scotland fer romance. Sitting Bull Is coicz to send his favorite squaw Into the agency to thuw out for spring creqoet work on the heads of dying soldiers. If England's government to-dnv called for 50,000 men to redeem Servia that number ef Englishmen would volunteer. it is becoming more and more tm habit to eat oysters out of the round shell wllhoot fork, lint It take a short stor at base ball to catch one in pcrfccUea. , V'!'.?g?-7 liaxr ttfUw-iorelgaereleaw who dee not deirty an addttloa m rlntlst in juim Koilog; new opera troupe come iruni new Jersey. Heine was a ciari mostVich In epithet, antdeddeljtpgether more choice wordi i ; VACE AXD SETTLE. Last Appointments of the Joint Canvass. Governor Vanos and J adge Settle will peak in joint discussion as follows! Beaufort, Thursday, Oct. 19. Swift Creek, Friday, Oct. 20. 9Gr These two appointments are the lut of the joint canvass between Gov ernor Vance aud Judge Be tile. ; Governor Vance will speak a.t tbo fo fowing times aod places : Kiaston, Saturday, October 21. K Trenton, Monday, October 23. Jacksonville, Tuesday, October 21. Kenaosville, Wednesday, October 21. Jui'ge bettle wiH speak a. I Greenville. Saturdav. October 22 - 23 . 25 Washington. Mouday. - j WillinniBton, Tuesday, Plymouth, Wednesday, Poplarltun, Thursday, Elizabe,th--Uity, Saturday, Edcnton, Monday, 2d 28 30 Windsor, Tuesday, 31 Coleralo, Wednesday, Murfrcesboro, Thursday, November Jackson, Friday, Enfield, Saturday, APPTNTMENT OF JUDGE SETTLE BT BEQUEST. Thursday, October 26. Judge Settle will address a mass-meeting of republi- oaus at tr oplar Enn, . V erquimans coun ty. X. ii. AEcxin. Chairman. 1 ; . JJBMOOBATg KVEaYWHXBI SEK TO IT THAT ALL OUB VOTEIUI UEQISTXB PBOllFT- IT. ; The Raleigh Sentinel. PUBLISHED DAILY AUD WEEKLY, Subscription Bates In Advance. Daily Sentinel, one year, postage paid, 98.00 . six months ' " - 4.00 For the campaign, four months, ' 2.00 Weekly Sentinel, one year, postage p'd, 2. 00 ' ". six months, " 1.00 For the campaign, .50 That our readers may see with what favor our paper is received by ou editorial breth ren, we give below a few extracts embracing "what they say" of us: NOTICES OF THE PRESS. (Newbern Times, Rep. The leading democratic paper in ths state, Toisaot Transcript. The Raleigh Sentinel under Its new mana gers and proprietors Is greatly Improved, and ts now one or our most valued exchanges. Richmond, (Va.)Wblg. Tbfr&aleigh Sentinel pnblishe a six page lieklv, the largest and handsomest taier we have seeu printed in North Carolina. It shows enterprise ami thrift, the. .result of good management and live-thunder. . fGoldsboro Messenger. The Raleigh Sentinel, under its present able management snows a decided improve ment. Edited witn marked ability, its gen end make up and typographical appearance is excellent. We wieh the new man agement every success. - (Hickory Press. Wc are clad to herald the appearance again of that useful democratic journal, the Raleigh Sentinel. It has passed into entirely new hands, and there ia evidently some one about who knows how to prepare something readable, for every issue teems with news and democratic soundness. - From the 8alem Press J , The Raleigh Sentinel, under the new man agement has been much improved ia manner and matter, we have been in regular receipt of tbo Dally Sentinel for a week or more, and hope its dally visits win continue. Bpec- Imen nnmbers can 1 PrIce ot tne D"T te seen at this oillce per annum. From the Fayetteville Wide-Awake. The Sentinel, the name of which has been a terror to radicalism since Holden pledged "the last dollar and the last man" to the support of the Confederate States govern ment, has passed Into new hand, and Is as suming an attitude from which it wl l hurl many a, destructive canister into radical rauks. Greensboro Masonic Journal. The Raleigh Sentluel came to us lat Wtd. ncsdav as a morning daily and decidedly lia- freved. The new managers and editor prom se to do better in the -future, and present a better paper than the initial number. Tbey m. m.rh., h. it hut m- .ni n,n,.t. . ' r -r- " " . chance for improvement. GeuUcmeD, we wisn yon snecess. Robesonlan. ThRaleli!h Sentinel, under ths present management, is verv generally improved. It contains as much reading matter as hereto- fore, and is one of the verv best dailv natter in this state. In common with a great many peopled this s ate we revere the same of the Sentinel, and will always learn of its ro peril y with pride and pleasure. They ave reduced the rates for the campaigu. as will be seen In another column. IVisliaburg (Miss.) Herald. The Raleigh Sentinel needs no eulogy from ns. Every one that reads it knows how It stands on all important topics of the dev. ud although some may differ with it, yot ait can say that It is sincere in its course, and is working for the best interest of the people of North Carolina. Murphy Herald. The Bentinel Is a living exponent of de mocracy, seeking, by the force of polished argument, to prove the nvlty of restor ing both slate and national go. eminent to the guidance of the democratic, party. Un der it present able management It takes an enviable position ainog the best Journals ia the land, increasing the former prominence of it name, by maintaining the higheat de gree oi emciency. tvery democrat in the mountains anoald take It, and every republl to his brow, should shua it, for its prrtua slve argnmenu entail thought, with better mail facilities, Murphy would contribute to the support of the Dally Sentinel, and this assertion la baaed on the extensive elrcula- - MISCELLANEOUS.' Offered Protection Against Loss by lire and LtTe. - W. II. CROW, , General Insurance 'Agent, r iLiii:iGH,.3r. .: ' ! r .. .- , ' , i ; Represents the following Orel cla? Com panies: ' " tna Life Insurance Co 'A Etna Fire Insurance Co., Phoenix Fire Co., .T-.1 n. . Of Hartford. J !:r:.s: German-American Fire Co., ') Hoffman Fire Co., Of N. Y. Howard Fire Co., .' , ; 1 Combined Asset Ovet (135,000,000. "The atfeu'tlon ofUie rmUtla 1x resHectftiiiv called to these substantial institutions, af. fording ample liulemniiy aogl6-3m ''PILDEW dkKEFOan. Now ready X. for airents. , The NuUonal Hand hook for voters, with Life of Tilden & Heodiicks, nnd an expose of Rings A" Frauds.' 500 Pages. Illustrated, SO els. will securo outfit and territory. $100 a month made. E. II. Tbeat, Pub., 805 B'way, N. Y. ' THE noitMXG STAR. WILMINGTON, N. O.. A FIRST-CLASS DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY DAILY NEWSPAPEP.IXXOnTII CAROLINA. " - T HE- Only Daily Paper rublished iu WILMINGTON, a Oitv WILMINGTON, of nearly 20,000 Inhabitants, and the Great Centre of North Carolina Trade I. t ' "X" 17.00 4.00 2.25 hUnsCRIlTIOX: One Year, - - Six Months, Three Month?. -' - ADVEIlTISrXO KATK8 REASONABLE. Address, - . ' . ... WM. II. CEBNAKD, , , r , Editor & proprietor, WILMIN3TON, N. C. gCHALK DROT ITERS, Brewers ef the CELEBRATED - LAG E it I3EEH, IVeu nrk, IVcw Joracy. TIIEO. JOSEPHS uerrnan infl inierican Restanran.. Hargett and Salisbury Streets, R A LEIG H." N. S " Mr. Joseph has fitted ui) his Salonn with iwciul reference to the comfort and enter tainment of his guests, and the , public Is invited to an Inspection of his accommoda tions and a test of the creature comforts in the line of Ida entertainment, r Ills Restaurant - - sujiplied with the freshen end is alwavs fattest OYSTli3,:l!lIU3S. served In the best and all the varied styles to suit his numerous customer. Ills Bar Is stocked with a full and complete line of the finest Wines and Liquors, Imported and domestic SCHALK BROTHERS CELEBRATED LA GER BEER A SPECIALTY. In his Etllllard Room is ene of thai Inest Tables la the city, and iu the Reception Room is a Table of new model and tluslgn for tbo entertainment and pastime of guest. "Efiankful for past patronam Mr. Joseph ' respectfully invites from the citizens and sojourner in Raleigh a visit to his quiet. ell ordered and complete csUthlUhmciit on SALISBURY AND HARGETT STREETS. ust west of Raleigh NalloBal Bank. oct i8-tr. f!?i CENTS. PU CENTS. 0 CENT8. CENTS. THE DUUIIAM HERALD Win be sent to any ad lress nntfl NOVEMBER. 14 FOR TUB ABOVE AJ1UUNT. N'w is the time to secure a first class OAMl'AIG N P A I E IL . For the small price of - KV ENTA ff A CENTS. JU CENTS t) J CENT-v r A CENTS. JU ci:nts Jul7 23-tf Sl.250lTom Profit Investment of f W, one of our euMoraers rnrcbased f-psead on 100 share f-Jh T. Central ba Put (i 100 and Call 1(M huyfa g -100 share against the Put 107 which wa sold (g 114 selling at the same price 100 shares called ($ 108 netting protit ll.i0, tbia pe ration can be repeated every month of the . year 10. 20, 50, 100, luoo, will pay as wed lor -amourrt Invested. ' Gold Ptocks, Cotton snd Tobaoco bwi5ht and sold on commission. AflvancwrTm eonslunmerln Friee Hsts and Clrcolam free. CHAKLEA 8UEDLKI" A CO- Bankprs A Brokers, Alt U..A U. V l- eear Uold and eUeckExchannV than any arilerof hSJayT a