TuSiitiiiu U published every Mora . log (Mondan excepted) and delivered in the eltyof JUlalghtor SBVsaTT-rivs cnwrn mobth. Mfl subeertptlOBS, postage frM, Eiosf Doiaabs per annum, la all cum plia ble la advance. TubWiskxt Bmtiil Is published every Tuesday XaQ anbaeripUona Two Hollas per annum payable la adraace. No aotice takea of anooymooa Commncl eaUoae. We cannot undertake to retaia re jected meauseript " Address, " SMITH, BATCH KLOB CO.. ULBina N. C THURSDAY. OCTOBEB 28. FOR PKKSIDKNT: .....j. ... SAMUEI, J. TILDEN, or a aw roa. FOR V ICS PRESIDENTS THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, of lapuxa. The following is the ticket to be voted at the proaldenUal boil- Elector of JretuJent and YSc Pretidtnt of the United StaUt. DANIEL O. TOWLE, 4th Cougreesloaal DUU J AMU M. LEACH, 5th Congressional Diet, LOUIS C. LATHAM. lrtCoareaaloaal DJat. JOHN F. WOOTEN, 21 CoeRreeeloiiel Diss. JAMES C. McRAE, 8rd Cengresetonal Diet, f ABIUS H. SU8BEE,4th Congreaelonal DUU FRANK C. ROBBIN8,5th CongreeatonalDiet. ROBERT F. WARING,6tB Congreesloal DUt WILLIAM B. GLENN, 7th Coogreeeloal Dial ALFHON30 C AVIRT.Bta CoBgresston'I ins The following la the ticket for governor a a 4 state officers: toa ootibmox : ZEBUL021 B. VANCE, or MBCKunauaa. ro L!BVrBwtwT-oovB"oa: THOMAS J. JARVIS, or r-irr. FOB SBCBBT AST OF STATS: JOSEPH A. EXGELHARD, or aaw babovbb. roa attobbst-obbbbali THOMAS S KEN AS, or waaoa. ' roa fcblictbsasubbr : JOHN M. WORTH, br 1UBDOWB". roa aumtob. SAMUEL L. LOVE, Or HATWOOO. roa err'T. or rua. ib tuct!0 : JOHN C. SCABBOKOUGH, OF lOBBBTOa. 'RATIFICATION." FOR CONGRESS t JOSEPH J. DAVIS, or raaaixia. coxeaiss obal aowiaaTToaa ra otbbb M8TBIOTS J 1st DisTbict JESSE J. TEATES, of Hert ford. - - Sd DifmtcT ALFRED M. WADDELL, of New Hanover. . 5th Dstsict ALFRED M. SCALES, of 0tb Distb OT WALTER L. STEELE, of m.i ' JUCOOtUlIU 7th DiaTBicT WILLIAM M. BOBBINS, of W irvuuito 3th Distbict-ROBERT B. VANCE, of Buncombe. Vote for Love, liberty and law. Vote for Vance and civil liberty. Vote for Tilden and secure reform. "Vote for Kenan and your country. Veto for Engelhard and economy. Worth ia the name of old North Caro lina honesty. Vote for Jarvia, honest government and good laws. . Hell has no conception of the infamy of the radical leaders. Davis drives depravity out ol the pub lic councils of the nation. The Sentinel has always ditcoun te nanted independent candidates. Under Tilden and democracy there will Lo bo thieving st Washington. History affords no parallel to the de pravity of radicalism and radical leaders. Cowardice culminates and malicious meanness Is complete In the radical party. ' Corrupt, cittniaal, degenerate and depraved the ladicai party aud its leaders. . Tilden will be the triumph ef the civil over the military power of the country. 4 Vance will be the victory of honesty and intelligence over corruption ; out rage std ignorance. Vote for John Milton Worth, the em bodiment in perfection of old faahioned North Carolina tioaesiy. : Beware of indepead ut candidates In opposition to all proier organisations of the democratic party. Vanoe was the cbanipiou ' of civil lib erty and personal rights ia the dark daya of devastating and bloody war. Vote for the constitutional amend, meats andjbrever do away with sec et political societies in your state. Grant and tho radical party has de clared a war of extermination against In the catalogue bf crimo there ia nothing aot chargeable to tho radical leaders, north and south. South Carolina ia a lime of profound peace briatlea with the bayonets of two thousand JUoited Str tea soldiers.--- A radical reign af terror overspreads South Carolina, compared with which the Kirk war waa a holiday muster. Under the constitutional amendments there will be ao hiring out of while pauper ia Joaes county to negroea. : White men ot North Carolina your race for forty centuries will look down at your action on the 7th of November. mi Engelhard haa for ten years labored bard and incessantly far the democracy and tba reform of bones goverameu The white people ef South Carolina are appealing to the army afflcera for protection from the ferocity of the negro militia. ' " Under Vance and conservative rale there will be no Kirk war, no bond swindling and no exhausting of the judiciary. ' ' ' V Yote for the constitutional amend menu and a permanent system of free schools that will educate every child ia the state. W e cannot, in au emergency like this countenance Independent or any other opposition to tho organization ef the democratic party. i Vote for Scarborough and secure wn der a competent superintendent a ays tern of free education for all the child ran of the state. The constitutional amendments re strict the sessions of the legislature to sixty days and the pay of each member to Ivor dollars per day. Vote for the constitutional amend meats which compel separate free schools for the white and colored cbildron of the atato. Jarvia in the legislature of 18CS-69 afappped the bond iasaing and has saved the people from tho taxation robbery of the apecial tax bonds. i White men of North Carolina, the cause of your sister state South Carolina Is tne cause of all; and that cause ia the overthrow of radicalism. The constitutional amendments pro vide a judicial system of cheapness, of "inexhaustible' power, just and suited lo the wants of our people. It ia doubtful whether the western people can lawfully use the convicts to build their railroads and turnpikes, na lesa the ooastitution be changed. The cost of two years legislature un der radical rule was $100,580. The cost ef two years legislature if the amend mcnts are ratified will be $41,000. ""Hundreds and thousands of millions ef dollars will be every year saved to the taxpayers of the country and the state by the election of Tilden and Vance. Do you want the penitentiary convicts to work the publia roads and build rail roads and good- turnpike - throsghout tho state ? Then vote for the amend ments. Vote for the constitutional amend ments which take away from the gover nor tho absolute right of appointing to office and refer it to the senate represeat- lag the people. SO ' Vote for the constitutional amend meats and put it out of the power of any legislature ever to call a coaven tion, without submitting the proposl lion lo the people. "The Union ; now and forever ; ouu and inseparable." White men of North Carolina these words of the great Web ster address themselves to you in this campaign against radicalism. Vote for the constitutional amend ments and by reducing tho number of judges from seventeen to twelve, save to yourselves in taxes seven thousand five hnndred dollars a year. Armed banda of negroes, with guns famished by tho state are overruling South Carolina, shooting white men in cold blood, outraging white women and robbing and burning houses. Under .Tilden and democracy there will be no quartering of United States troops on the people ef South Carolina tocarry the state election fer-villaint, robbers, cut-throats and thieves. Vote for the constitutional amend ments which any the general assembly dull have no power to deprive the judi cial departmeat of any power, or infringe upon the jurisdiction and rights of the cenrta. ; The Grand Central Hotel, New York, "teaches the leeeon of the times," by leading a reduction ef rates. It offers the same aooommod&tiene as heretofore, at a reduction from' $100 to $2.50 and $3.00 per day. - V fa 1775 the people ef South Carolina sent the slogan to Massachusetts: "The cause of Boston is the cause of all.'? What shall Massachusetts say U South Carolina la 1876 The Salon, the constRulIon and the enforcement of the lawa. "One more effort white men of North Carolina, and these great principles of American liberty are vindicated and triumphantly safe. ' " " " " r " Which is better to support the convicts ia Idleness at an enormous ooat to the state, or to make them earn their food and clothing by building good roads in the west and developing that fertile sec tion. ' - "- v v South Caroliaa is military camp. and Grant's orders are to elect Cham berlain by auataialog nod encouraging the armed negroes' in the. perpetration of every outrage and crime against the white people. People of North Carolina,' can you sustain a party with your votes which arms the negro population at the ex pens of the .state, aad bids them go forth, shoot and slay, rob and ravisl:! : Vote for the constitutional amend ments that give you a department of agriculture in the state government to aid and encourage the farming interests, protect your stock, aad give sheep raising adequate protection. : Vote the .demooratio national, state, district and county tickets, and secure supremacy of the civil law, tho honest and economical administration of the national state and county governments, and peace, prosperity and reconciliation over the whole country. ; We are before the state, the country and the world on issues that over shadow ail past issues, parties or prin clples the Issues of life, liberty aad law. Men of North Carolina stand true to your ancestry, yourselves, your people and your God. J Vote for the constitutional amend ments which compel judges to ride all the circuits in succession, as they did before the war, thas giving to the peo ple of every county In the state a sit ting judge above local influences, or -Til I J I..J! bo guournouu prejuuicea. They may be good, honest, capible and meritorious men ; and they may feel that they have a good personal rea son of their own for opposing the regu lar nominee, but la this great emergen cy, democrats of North Carolina stand by your party organization. The Petersburg Index-Appeal says; Governor Brogden has declined to desig nate a North Carolina day at the Can. tennis! exhibition. As Brogden is i radical the organs of Hayes cannot bring against him the lying charges of disaffec tion which they allege against Governor Kemper ot Virginia, Sheriffs will make returns of the vote n the amendments to Chief Justice B. M. Pearson. Ia the late atato convention, the radi- sals proposed not to obey the restri tiona, but a letter from Judge Pearson knocked their revolutionary proceedings into a cocked hat. No white man in South Carolina is allowed to have a gun or pistol in his possession, and Grant haa sent the army there to see that they are all given np to the negro militia armed with eighteen shooters, which arms every negro keeps in hia house as his private property. What think you of this white men of North Carolina f As a party of unarmed gentlemen were returning home from Edgefield in South Carolina they were ambushed by the negro militia, one killed and others wounded. A courier whom tho United States officer commanding subsequently despatched fur tho coroner from tho scene of the murder was ambushed by the same gang of militia, bis horse killed and his leg broke. "By the Eternal, the Union must and shall be preserved:" White men of North Carolina these words of "old Bickory' come resounding down the corridors of time, and bid yon make one more effort in the cause of hnman liber ty and the preservation of our union against the assaults of that arch enemy of fiendish hatred and diabslical de struction, Radicalism. Every negro in South Carolina who votes the republican ticket Is militia man armed with eighteen shooters, and they trampoose the state in armed bodies murdering white mea, raping women and committing every outrage in the catalogue of crime. On the other band the white mea are not allowed to be of the aililia, tho governor of the state has culled npoa them to give np their private arms, and Grant has sent the United Slates army down there to en force Chamberlain's edicts against the white people, - and to eacourage and protect the negroes in their career of wholesale lawlessnessr-- gfcj- WHITE MEN OF NORTH CAROLINA do you proposo to yote with aad sustain a party guilty of such crimes as these? At a meeting of unarmed white men at Cainhoy, tear Charleston, the South Carolina negro militia' charged upon and shot to death six rmoflVndiag peace able unarmed white' men. One old man igbty-j ears-old they-fer aiaed with the butts of their muskets. V CAWPAIGX SCRAPS. Reanfort county will go largely demo cratic . ' ' ' See that yoiur name Is properly on the registratioa books. . ' - Ike Strarhorn the Haves elector for this district declines to meet Bosbee tho Tilden man. A few whites and a small crowd of negroes went to hear Tonrgee at Wash ington. Played. ? A grand democratic tnasa meeting at Rutherfordton to-morrow to greet Senator Ransom. James M. J astios and Tnomae With- aoa of Rutherford did not fight, though nobody held tuem Ike Young passed np the railroad tbo ether night tne lone lorn radical on a train fuli of democrats. He waa smart ly nndor the back. Ma j. W. A. Smith apont Saturday and Sunday at Durham, bat not a radical white or black called on him. He seemed to bo affiliating with tho demo crat. When rallied at Durham that he did hot aoem to have many party friends to call on bim. Blow Your Horn Billy said he had left bis bora behind and could noTblow them up. s j TRAVELLER'S VIEWS ON WESTERN NOBrH CAROLINA Charlotte Observer! ' A well known gentleman of this city, and one who, though actively engaged ia business, is also deeply interested in the result of the election, has been mskinar a tour through the western por tion of the atato and took particular pains to ascertain, aa far as possible, the present political status ol tne west, tie travelled in seven or eight counties, and talked with the people ef both parlies, and had an excellent opportunity of findinsr out the real sentiments of the people, and it may be stated, by way of general remark, that as a democrat, bo is very muca. e.noouragea. He has furnished us with a few re suits of his observations, which speak for themselves. , t At Love Lady township. Burke coun ty, he was told by U. W. Conley, a perfectly reliable man, that six years ago that township gave a republican majority of seventy; four years ao it waa twenty-two democrat, and this year, there is only fifteen republicans in the township. At Newton, there were eighty new new names on the registration books, and the vote will all be cast for Vance and Tilden. At Cline's ha the same county, there are three hundred voters, not one of whom is a republican. Further west, he beard similar re ports. In Clay, the democrats expect to carry the county by over three bun dred. He says that Bub Vance's pop ularity over the ridge is-almost equal to bis brother's. 'Kamrod 1 1 am p to u stands a poorer chance than Colonel Steele's opponent (what's his tame?) He also tells of a fair specimen of the radical , ofllee bowers in the west. "Reverend" and revenue T. J. Martin Having some reputation aa a speaker. he made an appointment at a place known as Ousqutle, and when he arnv sd at tho place, he found only two audi tors, a hog thiet and his son-in-law. On the whole, he gives it as bis uu prejudiced opinion, that the largest expectation of democrats in reference to the majorities in the west will be realized: JOSIAH TXTRNEB AT ROZBORO.' From Danville (Ya.) Express. Political excitement seemed to run high. Major John Graham andJosiah Turner, candidates for the state senate, having charge of the rostrum and de claiming therefrom to the "terrified" well aa to tho "unterrifiod." Mai. Gra ham waa the regular conservative candi date and Mr. Turner running on his own hook," tho latter gentleman having about juuu merry songs, personal, pri vate and political to bore the audience with. Alaj. Graham dealt but little, if at all, ia personal vituperation, but hia competitor had on hand a foil store. Whilst Josiah, who stood Sentinel so long on f he ramparts of democracy, and battled for the straight ticket ami no cutting or erasing a name, was talking (it was all talk,) we thought of the old saying "every dog haa his day," being very appropriate when applied to this man wuo now seemed to be a i urner from doctrines and rules that before waa his standpoint Wo feared at one time that bad blood and harsh words would bring on a collision between tho aspi rants for senatorial honors'; bat tho Hon. Josiah," who kept on "talking. scattered tho crowd, who. grew weary and at last departed for their homes, leaving the speaker fighting the sir as well as ''the ring" that he chimed ruled in Raleigh. v ; ' WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COM PANY One of the larrcst and most profitable corporations iu this country ia tho Wes tern Union Telegraph as its Annual Re- ort, just issued, abundantly proves, ho gross receipts for the fiscal year ending June 30th, were 110,034,983.66: the cross ex peases. 81,635,473.09; and the net profits, $3,390,509.97.. einoe the organization ox una company. in July. 18G6. it has increased its lines from 37,380 miles to 75,532; its office from 2,251 to 7,072; and the number of its -messages transmitted annually from 6,899,282 to 18,729,567. This exhibit shows a very rapid increase of business and net receipts: and also exhibits aa appreciation of telegraphy in this county- ' Personal Should this meet the ejes of the Individual who created a dis- turbanco ia church last Sunday ty bis continued coughing, he will confer a favor on the congregation by procuring a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, which will cure him. . ig.s oi? the Tines. i Vkksbura has a drought. :' New York ha a free veterinary Lov I'itsi.. - - - .f-. , - , Long Island Sound is Infested with plfatesr"- J L ' California will manufacture raisins this year. Baa pale ale Is. used at a Burmao communiontable. Sew York propoea trying a ttreet anow-amelting machine;. 7 The Old South Church subscription ow amounts to $60,000. - Illinois raised 270,000,000 bushels of corn this year. ' Chicago speeds $5,000,000 per an num for jewelry. - The widow or President Polk Is livicg t Nashville, Tean. ". i w The red-beaded men recently held a convention at Petersburg, Illinois. : , Zach Chandler assessed the females in the United States treasury $18,500. All the colored people who died of yellow fever in bavannaa were or mixed blOOd. i . , . :, ., A dry goods store on Eighth avenue. New York, call their cash girls by telegrapn., .. . ..... .,- t.; - The Cape Cod cranberry crop is only bair tne usual quantity I ho uermana nave set on root a new industry that of drying eggs for the use or their army. , ' Six policemen were among the vic tims of yellow fever in bavannab. There are two cheap days in the week at tho Americaa lustitute fair io New York. A man's reputation for sobriety often hangs apou a breath. -New Orleans Republican. , . During the year ending Jnne 1 seven ty-six papers , and magazines hsd been started in Japan. New York city is in imminent danger of a water famine, and more reservoirs are called for. A Sheffield firm, Sanderson Brothers, steel manufacturers, propose establish Ing works in Syracuse, New York. : The man who boasts that he ia too proud to beg and loo honest lo steal, gets truttod probably. bcranton Re publican. -.The Commercial Advertiser hears o New York policemen stufllug cotton in their oars to drown the profanity of ob durate prisoners on their way to the lock-up. ' A prominent broker of New York city has deposited $2,500 with James Gor don Bennett, in consideration of wh cb he holds the privilege until November 3d of betting Bennett $25,000 that Tilden and Hendricks will be elected. 1 he bet has not yet been made, but indications are that ilennett will lose $22,500. eo ' . ' TAesow pouo cf (kit administra tion nlat! not slow enough h pene trated the great evhorlt of office-holding republican, from the cabinet to the autotit-houit. Will Mr, Hayet be strong er than the convention vhich cried 'Ia Triumphe1 to Grand administration when the people had repudiated it teifh a unanimity unparalleled in history f ' James M. bcoyell, a liberal republican of New Jersey. THE RADICAL PYRAMID. SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY MILLIONS A YEAR, , FIFTY-FIVE MILLIONS A ; MONTH, FOURTEEN MILLIONS A WEEK, TWO MILLIONS OF DOL LAKS A DA Y,EIGHTY THOUSAND -, " , DOLLARS AN HOUR, THIR TEEN HUNDRED A MINUTE, TWENTY-THREE EVERY i SECOND. BELKNAP, BLAINE, GRANT. Election Notice." For fear there may be aonie misap prehension on the part of Voters as to the places of voting in the different townships ia Wake county at the en suing election, we append below a list showiog the places where the polls will be opened: ' Barton's Creek Hutchiusou's fctore, Buckhorn Lashley's. Cary Cary. Cedar Fork Pollard's Store: i House's Creek Hayes'. ! Little River Wakefield. Mark's Creek Hood's Store. ' Middle Creek Wm. Johnson's, or old voting place. .New Light Law's. Oak Grove Oak Grove. Pant er's Branch James Adams'. St. Mary's Auburn. Su Matthew's Powell's Store. Swift Creek Franklin's. Wake Forest Forestville. " Rolesville. White Oak Apex. Raleigh 1st Ward Baptist Grove. 2d Jenkins' Shop. 3d 4lh Court House. Hargclt Mrect A. L. Moore's School House. v5th Store. Outside Court House. W. W. WHITE, Ch'a Rep. Ex. Committee. J. A. HAYWOOD, Ch'a Con. Dcra. Ex.Committee. CenstiliTaon please copy. DEMOCRATIC ELECTORAL CANVASS Fabius H. Bosbee. democraiio candi date for elector in the Fourth l sng. DistT-will addresstbeoople at the following Vrnon and places: : Nanning'i Sash Co. .Tuesdaj, Oct 24th. Hare a Store, Johnston (Ja, Tbnrsdav, Oct. 26th. Plensant Urove, Jonnston Uo., Satur day. Oct. 2ath. v ' llulsuoro, urange uo., inesday, Uct. 31st.-- J Haywood, Chatham Co., Thursday, Nov. 2d. . Franklinton, Franklin Co., Friday, Not. 3 J, Rolesville, Wake Co., Saturday, Aov. 4th; ' -.. Time will bo dinded witli Mr. Stray- horn, the republican candidate, if he is present ' -, - ;' - Y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F on SALE, FIXE YOUXG CHESTER gow 1, nnntha t' A A tit fterwHI ariftliinr fin. breeder will address "E," box 453. Raleigh N. C.; v v , , ' 1 oetlt-2t. F OR SALE. A haadsoBM residence la the north etm part of Kaletgn wit lumtture complete, or Wtinoui UM lurniiarv. mi vuiiuinjr, m trw having; been flulshed 15 atom he sIikx, to Uloa 7 large and K small rooms, and I In all reepeetea desirable reaideaee Uituin neighborhood. . The lot conUlaS a half aero wtth rard la good state of cultivation. The tur it equal to asy ia the city. m for terms apply to CoL J. M. Ilrtk, If easra. Battle & Mordecat, or to the tub crib sr. . ( . 8. D. POOL, Ageut. : If the above saewtlooed real esUt-Ueot eo'.d at private sale before Saturday tbe November, it will be sold at public auctk d at rr tbe following advertisement. ALE OF VALUABLE BALEIGQ PEO FEKTT. By virtue of a mortgage deed eiw utcj tT Caroline and 8. D. Fool, April 8tb. is;i. ,u j registered la tbe register's office of alte county In book 40, page 829, I will tbe premises on Monday the XOth dar o( Sn, vember 1876, tbe real estate detetlbed in uul mortgage deed for eaah. . s - M. A. HECK. oct. 18, 187ft-4f. CLOTHING t (beautiful stock'Q 6 -OF- FALL & WINTER I L0T0IN6 f 0 AXD H 13 'SOW BEIKO OrK.VKH AT J. 31. IlOSEXBAl M , CLOTHING HOUSE, iOi'rFiTfltTilli'OifiirltSiri't H H o hi 'i 9 TaanaiDsrtno jromi ciIizcd? o lalelgh aad Wake comity, for tliei iberal patronage la the past, I ur sare tbem that I shall endnavi.r t nerit it in the tmmm by keppliii ood Goods at the lowest liviu, .irices. Give me s ca!l Ix-for 'uylng elsewhere. We takepleax are In showiog onr stock aud v og oar prices. 1 1 CLOTHING! pLOXlTlIItE H'AUEKOOTlji. A. W. FRAPS. Fayettevllle Street, Opposite thf Mar ket, and Corner of FayotteviUe and Davie Streets, RALEIGH, IST. C, Keeps on hand a large assortment of ill styles of 1 FURNITURE : Parlor, Dining-Boom and Kitchen; Black Walnut, Stained aud Painted Chamber U Dressing Cases, Bureaus, WahtanJ, Bel steads, Wardrobes, Cine and Wood rtt Chairs, Socking Chairs, and all other artkil of Furniture found In aflrst-class etat;rt ntent tW MATTRE83KS made to order, -oct 2l-3nr -- f 3 2 5 S-3 m a a, w 3t O .oCo i B- oik! units 14 5 5 a!" u v t v -i Sf5t e X m m .28 S 1 Bat bk er co.! 2 ft S-At. " M em JZi jgSTABUHED 1820. ROBERT A MARTIN A CO . GP.OCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - ?Cv41JrcanoK Ftbeft. PETERSBURG, VA. " ConslstimenU of Totacco. Cotton, Whoa 4e solicited and which will have fiiitl.fu personal attention. - J ' - , ) July M-dCiu. , 'J - -Li -ff 53 gS n't; c-s 55 . o-js m aa n o)oS -t2t - m h . a r " l 5 8 38 )i Z m u c ' t- i w ta as t 3 a 6.J.-E,. 176:5 u" t. .-nrj. -y- .v Y-A- i -Y