.TmSBkTlMM. U published every Morn ing (Uondars excepted) sad delivered Ib the eltyofBaJelg-hoc ssvssTT-rnrB csmrss Mosta. Mali subscriptions, postals free, Eight Doll am peracnum.ln all eases pys bl la advance. j ' Tbs WiiklT Bsstikil U published every Tuesday Mall sutwcrlptlons Tws DotUf per annum payable la advance. caUoiu. ; Wi cnoot pIcrUct rtwn itt SMITH, ATCBILOR Car WEDSE3DAT, NOVEMBER LJ . i- , FOR fRESlDEST" c 1 '. SAMUEL JT I-IVD EX, vu: y.i. : , i tt i ,7 it.. FOR VICC PUMIDKNTt. ; ? TnOMASA-'UEXDRlCKS,. ' The following U the ticket tt be wtedtt tit presidential bcx:- hUcton of President and ; Fteu- t V - I i . 5 JAME3 M. LEACH, Sih Congressional Dlst, LOUIS C. LATHAM. W Cooe;relonl Disk JOHN F. WOOTEN, 3d Congressional Disk JAMES C. McRAK, 9rd Congressional DIst. fABirair. BUSBBE.4th "pnarreiiloDal DUi, FRAN t C. B0BBLN8,6ih Congressional DUU ROBERT P WARIKG.fiUi (fcngreastoa'l plst WILLIAM BvOLENM,Ttk CoDgresclou'l Dl ALPE0S3Q C AVIRT,8th Congresslen'l Pie 111 lute oraoersi 2 .j '.-, x i 1Wl r Lf f .,. Ft! OVBBSPB'lf 1! .1 i .''1 ZEBULOB.-VANCE,'1' ft! THOMAS J. JAVIS, l - , , v, roB MCKITAir . ITAtl.: JOSEPU A. ENGELHARD , ""Vj".)' i 'p.5 ill-'' .!- ;.!; Ot St ;!..! ' WO 1TOBmT-OII41.l J , .' i Lis TOB WBtIO TRtXStJBIR 'fit 1 '! m1. ''Ttrrt-ntTttr ' a" tOB AOPWOM. ' t SAMUEL L. LOVE, , ; , , ( ram, ivrii w vnv ... . JOUN.C, BUAUliOliUUUU, t a i.i i: 1 t ' , .--TV .. 5 RATIFICATION." V FOR, pONGBCSS i:,!..f .f J O BE P II Jf D A V 1 8 h Vf . t .ot .nunvuB. ... ; i. . coiaiue oiivi Bomvit out : iw othib MSTBIOTSt ' ' ! i Iit DwTBiCT-pIESE J, YEATE8, of Bert .New; IJanoTer, ,- '. . : 1 5tb Dist ct-ALPRED M.;:ALEa, t tjullford'.;, "'; ... tb Dm-K o -WALTER L.- STEELE, if Rtchmnnd ., ; , - v , nu. .;.-. .fr V ,i 7th DnTkW--WILUAM M. OBBISfl,of . Iredell..:. . - i . ''" ' "I 3tb ; DOTRici-JjOaSIlT .a ,yANCE, , ( Body Total fo tle omendmenta. -;i ,. iii i-n ,! -Marie Erwin toUm for tbo itnend- meuia. " OfflceraireBO thick io Georgia that you can t crack a good Juiciorj nut mtu oat flmliog 4 kntel.y " w , bbbbbBBBbbbbi ' '.Aa otil friend of our sajg it wu nitxo glTcerino tkat Hell.Gito waa blpwa up with; or if it wnn't it was flamnyiu ar f The drjs are joining thA detnoeratio party yjirn soiuij go rapicuy we carpot haggera are taking tb black Tomit. - ; Bob Ingersoll lay b baa aa farof boiog damned bereaf ter. f Robert is iquito right.' I He in alreaJ daronej and a fool Wiw v. if ":.tf ui !: iaitnot remarkabla that nine out of ten olBoehelden art for Settle; and Bine oat of ten taxpayer! are for Yanoe and ilia IMii(tfnfmnAT'mAfi(f monla ' 3'-lJ HMD WUOH' l(HUUlu RllKUl4UtVilti1 , a When "Mr. Hayes was nomiuated far goTornor of. Ohio the last .time j lite Beaton Advertiser iaid it waa a triumph of the ring, ' and remarked that Got. Hayes would aever do enough reforming to' be dangeroua.;, The people of the United Sttites awm to have made ap their mind8"Oiat-taBoston AdTortise? w aboni rignt, and thy tion i propose to lot a roAB who baa nado bo record aa governor of Ohio, Impose ..hie feebleness ntt the great office pf president. " The relwl war ch? i f; which the republican organs h.iva said so much in the last two weeks, are, said by the do mocrata to be the property of the Bel- bought np by the tin j in 1873 nd Wd. There were $CO0,0JO of thee claims parsed threagh the republican 43d con gress for ring " tcemnt, but the demo crats of the 4ith house ref need to con aider th9nv at tJL This seams to be the occasion ox; tuebeiaiurcfybsing raised by the Hajes organs how. . 'Edward Cantwell Totoa for the amend ments. J ' : That Blockade Easiness and Soma Otkfr Thing. Tlf! Pen'tuiel f eler Jay pub!?shf 1 a tm-w . letter fiqnf Governor fance, apons of Ue fiii and malicious lnninuations made gaiot hlmthrough -the Conti' tution newspaper. The goernor puU a bead oa the slander, and refreshes some recollections of other Uiinga-lt nayvbe as well to&iag up now."!' We ! nt refer toja pfrsonaJjartlcipation fa some ef those "Weckade supplies" bu t memoratft' nigh rot which the iroveruar makes mention. As we have bo Jutiflcation for, the attack of .armed men ou ine property anu . perauu .. vt icitiiL-n, we caa onljr say that GaTernor Yance, en the occasion reterre J to, Ufct hf; duly as a man and a goyetiior iu iuo'ecUag aud'Wcorins: . the JnUn- ted vtctfid of Beiitoiug'e brliftde J and we are glad te . know that after be be came previsioual governor of the state, Governor nolden', "himself, officially ac knowledgcd thv eryke' Vance had 'Ueat Johnson that he, Gerernor Vance, mh'U be released from prison, on pa rolo,' to ittecd hisicklfti ' l. $tate- Titer is one paragraph In this letter of Governor Vance , deBeryJnjr ; eire?la nttcolioB. VH i ftrf. t iw ' . Whilst I . wa 1 in Carrol' prison--. 1ft WaiUingten, I wrote to Uoveraot HoU don immediately after his appointment as provisional governor, aud tmormeo hliu where all the stale propertr was, I he cotton and roein. and, particularly this amount la', the binds pf i'suntr, and ured liim to take sle to, secure it.-' Terhapa that letter, may , bo fouud I I. ....nil.. Iu H u m Vtklr flew Worth, then treasurer, told met whilst I, was In prison, that bo had received it, and had sent bi U WSKhington to confer with me about it .l .s-t'.s s, i . bo Governor Vauce, a priaootr in (the holds of the federal authorities, did not forget bis state,' or relax Lis later Kvrnment had passed Into ether.anJ, to him, hostile hands. Governor Hoi deqent bis li'eiwurer, Lonesi vld Jeua- than Worthy to confer with Vance Iq prison about the blockade1 fund in En land, and properly' of the1 stile ' vltjo her borders.,, Goyernor Uoldcu , has 'iaid o verbia own sigaature in the Con stitutioq, that Treasurer Worth and liimselTmade -:strendousfloTU- to re- jvoV&the moQejr frera'. Hwacir 1 ; tiatlie icveu contemplated tho.cuoiiscatioo - pf Flanuer'a property in this state. 1 Aaer all this. in the bee; of the tact that TJoveraor Vance ! had.t- tn prison, pointed out l fjOTCrno Uolden where this Vlockade money belonging to , Uie ptats' Was, and Governor Holden and Treasurer Worth ' finding that it ' was where Vaaco had . stated, and ; where, after strenuous effort, backed by the na tional government, they could net reach jt, wehave only this to say : We do net care here to characterize the conduct, or. measure the motives in re epect to the insinuations aid . slanders 4hat bare been put forth-4u-tbo 4Joniti tution' newspaper ' against ' Governor Vance touching thii blockade busioess, j .;But we want to know what became tof the million dollars worth of cotton jnfidoaval s tOrs' which Governor yance j)ointei out to Governor Holden as the property of the state, and which fellta to the beads ef the provisional govern 'iAwl?TrureiVr?r& had, resigned, ,to run or governor against Holden, and another treasurer appointed. ' What became of :lthat ' property t 'Ild any body account to' tha sUtq for. ihe. ! pro ceeds of its siler . Ii ao, where are the records f : These are :y questlois; which 'the5 people 1fve'! a ' lghf,, jp faislc, and to hare answered.', um s in i;." And there ii another : matter. When Govsrner Vance, toward (lie close of the war, removed bii4 famuy'td jSitwesvillo for safety aid on aoeount of the health of Mrs. Vance which rendered ber fin able te withstand the excitement "ud general alarm in those days common to Baleigh, a portion of .the ontflt and furniture of the executive mansion was carried along for the use. of the gover nor's family; tn.;t !iif ,hel ai il u i 6 (fjaef'ctoy after the surrender;1 while Vance waa in" prison at ' JVashington, Mrs. Vance confined to a sick bed, aid not expected to live, command of federal soldiers 'presented ' themselves it iter house in Stateeville, with orders frem headquarter ' in Raleigh ia teiu and bring away from Statesville all the household and kitchen furniture In the poMcssion, of the family of . Governor Vanoe.'as It was the property ef the state of North Carolina. The farniture was all taken, leaving the sioi lady on ue pare noor.v . New what went th'; that property 1 As it waa acnt for tom Raleilh'was it hot -breught 'bltck to Raftlghf 1 The proper custodian, of that property was the then goyernor of the state. Waa it turned ever to hint by the military ex pedition thit wenf f or ftl If ' iotvf not?.; And if se, where is ,it9w? Who has ever accounted for I , .The state not in. possession of that property to day.' "Where is i t ? ': Th e people ha vis a right . to know what diepesition has bean made ot Hieir prprtyj. " Wepreseit below an inventory of the articles referred to, being "the receipt wkich Mrs.-Vance took Xrosi. the eom- mandins o'fficor when she turned over the property to bim. We are glad to be able to pr- t"tho list The fact tBt this property ei ui auie ail went -wue. a the.wooJMn" twineth" after it ktt tf pc:esiioa of Governor Vance, will, "at tilt junrture,'1hender the followicg very interesting raling natter to the good people of North Carelina. Here it the receipted inventory, origi nal on file ia this office - - -; Etottar flIOnkats, ven5) pftlr sheets, sevea (7) pair pillow cases, one I (1) saver plated tea kettle, one,(I) su- v pTaledtepffeejfoi 0 oa ft) i!ve plated snear bowL iLf . (6) epoons, one (rj pair sogsf toags,eigatef n (18)nivee two (2) pair single- aueets. Z dozen doillaa;'ioai (4) small counterpaiaec 10 towels, two (2) cartels, .fou4r (i) ruga (bugs,) thirteen (13) chairs, five (5) pair window curtains (dark) five ' (5) pair window curtains (light), four (4) damask table cloths (white), one (1) dozen dam-, ask dinner doilies, one (1) dozen damask tea doilies, .two (2) colored table cloths, three (3) small door rag s, three (3) bed steads, one (1) babyV crib, three (3) double matrasses, twe (2) small matrass es, two (2) feather beds, - four (4) pairs blankets, two (2) Marseilles quilts, five (5) pillewe, two (2) chamber setts, two (2) waah stands, one (1) bureau, one (I) cloths press, one (1) towel rack, one (1) side-board, one (1) folding; leaf ' table. one (1) candle stand, oie (1) Btnall "mar ble slab table, one (1) breakfast sett China, one (!) tea sett Chins, three (3) waiters oue (I) eak boz,' sixtooa. (16) tamblers, tote (l)'celery stiud,' one (1J pis ted castor, two (2) doseul kujvesi two (2) carvers, one (IJ scrap hidlc, one (1) butter knife,' three (2) dozen and five (5) toa sp oons,one(l ) dozen' and a half table spoons, tea (10) dessert spoons, one (1) cream spoon, ' Uwe (3) .'silver idecaote bibles, two (2) dozen: plated forlci, one (1) pair silver augar tonga, one (1) plated oale basket,' two (2) fitcbert, J pt and irona, one (I) coffee pot,? (2) shovel and toogsV three 3J fcnke pans and MaH H pana a, it n n imi o.tu f Of the above epoffua, pcrtainiag to the bouse, six (6) ' tabby aix (6 dessert and ux, C tea fpoowi, were stolen hy Gen. Bloneman's men, aid (2; two tea apoocs, by Gua lalriatricks, who they came to arrest my husband. fle r. .iu i .- m: Approvea by Uoramana oi P. J. CLAASSEN, Col., J. W. Fobd, A A D. C. mi '.''-',:r- '; :Tm Jarrt'L'" !'' m) ,-, tr " .tc'-.m 'js.it ,bnt J Tbe Washington Echo tells' ho vr our arndidato for) and as to that matter , our next lieutenant governor went for Judge Settle on the occasion of (lie tet ter's appointineat So- Washington JarvlS nVed f.w f division" of lime. but betUej ivouU, not' allow . bim te re ply. ;- He bad seen Billy Smith after hit return from the mountain trip with Jarrls."' As the old lady said f her sob after bis '.fight wiih Artemus Ward Smith .looked like he had been fooliag with a threshing machine. Ho bad got iu where they put the straw, anal, bad enut eut with.lhe grain, iodthe horsei had trod on him, that was what was the matter with him, and that was how he looked wben-&(tUe raw him,: Hence he .would hare none 'of Jarvls for hlm- aslfl Ilaving ut last got .awiy ftons VanceV bti . pelicy ira no inorer en tangling Alliances." ym 'HUy v ! 'But JarvU waa net to o eileuce'dfor want or ao"opporlunlty:' ITe euld make ou'o, aad that night he addressed t large audience m the eourt-houw, and handled . Settle and , the ' .wboW-ndit csf rty ivlth gloves olt'n rWii Take bun east or west, on the berdera or in the centre, Tom Jarvis is one of the most poWerful campaigners In Jforih Carolina,) and has, never failed to hold his own In any . couteet with the radl cals, from the lime when he held the radical legislature of 18C8-'C9 at bay to ".. Will any pretended democrat turn his back on them, because be cannot swallow these democratic measures whioh even republicans can vote for, and work for? 10 , A Judge Fowls. V -I This gentleman: is ' making his way homeward, ,: and cloasa his . magnificent eastern campaign this week. The Washington Echo thus chronicles his arrival at his native place on Friday night last:, ; ' - r ; u '.The golden orator of , the , aouthH Tsshington a honored eon, Hon. D. G. Fowle reached this place last night, bout 9 o clock. He waa mot ou the suburbs of the town by the Washington cornet band drawn by: four horses, de - corated with banners, transparenoes with appropriate mottoes,, torch-light preces sion, a uu-go iKxiy oi moanteamen, ana vehicles, presenting grand aad impos ing scene. Guns were fired ss the pro. cession marched through too principal streets. He will address the people t irdiyHou'., Jas.1 E., Shepherd de livered, in u -very ? eloquent and able munner, the welcoming oration, to which the Jadge replied in a few appropriate and touching remarks. There . were about 2,000 persona in the procession. - Standing, Macgregof like, on Lis na tive heath, we can imagine how eloquent the response to a welcome from his boy hood's companions: . ;""'r1'Tr"": 5 Jadge Fowle has made a- deep aad lasting impression npon ihe people of this state in his campaigns east and west, and we are much mistaken if be will not be , heard of "again in the politics of North Caio'ana. V v, -.'" V Strongly Contrasted. j- , I.J Dr. J. T. Leach, of Job i ton, closes , forcible ktfer cn the cetiUiuonal araendracnts by eontraling the petition of betUe and Smith with that occupied by Vmce and Jarvja toward the people of North Carolina. In closing bia letter Dr. Leach says The radical party headed by Settle and SoMth, are opposed to the amendments j hence tbey are in uvor oi carrying con ceiled weapons for murdereus purposes'; they ire In favor of secret-'' political so cietle j they "arjtn. ' fcvor, ormUed schools for whital and j negro children ; they are in faver of Intermarriage be tween the, white, and the negro .race ; they art In favor of art instead or three supreme court-Judges ; they fre in favor of twelve Instead" tf "nine) superior court Judges j they are.lniTaVbt-'bf throwing iway one hundred .thousand ; dollars of your money every year; they art in faver of sessions of the legislature with out reference to time or pay oC mem bers; they are In favor"of conirlcted thieves voting tbey are in faver of the tax payers of thersUtd 'feedinjr ' and clothing about one thousand peuiteu Uary convicts In ldleuess. I""- Vance aod Jarvis are iu favor ef the mepdmenU ; they prohibit the carrying of eoncealed - weapons i - tliey forbid, secret oolitical societies: they fWbid mixed schools they iorbid neRioca and white peraoni iaiermarrjing; they are In favor of three supreme court and nine superior '- Judges they are In favor of biepoial sessions of the legislature, sixty days to Ihc session, at four dqlbtrs per day J jney are: in lavor at waving yed one .hundred tueusand dollars an nuaily by ad opting the aaendmeptsl. - ThoBiandi otrepublioans wiUtto the amendmenta."' . - - H -LJL-V- WnuH. Bailey., A :isiinttaiiiau bsAWrUtcUtL-iettet rentuuclng his alloglaoce 0 and terml ntttng' his afllliatlou with the republican party- Ir. Bantyhu long been known is one of the: first mat of the rcpublt canf tarty la Uesteru Norli1 Cartltai, as a to in leammg und 'abltityimt oi the moat eminent , of ihe' legal .profes aiet let In' the atate ? ; -Jf ft In ha letter MrBailey aiys 'fr-Z The adminutratioa of Presidont Grunt has become, la plain, Saxoa, a "stint ia the nostrils of ill honest men. Xeed 1 recur to all or any of the acts, which will associate bit name with the Xtros and Caliigulaa of i once powerful ca tion.' -Xt me fiugle out one uung jresn ia lihe incmfirv of ill. Mr. Bristtw, Gep : Wilson, Commtesioner I'ratti ef the trtasory dejartinetit, entered into i laudlela combmatton tt bring to tun ishmont the revenua ofllciaU who hail entered- into tnrrhiwrat-Tspirary with the distillers f St. Louis to de fraud the government to the extent of millions They put tr detective,-Yar San, -on the track and succeeded .ia avinjr these revenue officials brought to tital. They were prosecuted by Mr. Dysrj i district attorney, '(republtcao) tried before the eminent Judge Dillon, (republican,) were defended by perhaps the atroeirest array of legal talent ever mustered into service since the trial, of Qaeen Caroline, and were convicted. ' The country " breathed freer and the thanks of the nation were given for their partial deliverance. ' Yet, sudden ly thereafter, without aasigaiae rea-t otf, BristovT resijnsuud folletring in rapid succession ".the. head of Wilson, (?rowa grey in the treasury lervico,) Pratt, (a man of high character,) Dyer and yaryan rail lromvthe political gnji; lotine. .'' ." -'' '.' . . ; Haa this picture a parallel m history? , And what aiguiQcance can.be auaca edtoit. except that thereby the4 pre- dent intended to give warning to lbir aucceaora toAt u was no jengec crime tor government petsi to steal, bat the highest political crime to cause them to be brought ta Justice ? V ' '4' " : Now dots Mr. Hayes approve, such conduct? f Wt know ntaan4 .r'iw'i " Again, the president ' llstehfog to the counsel of such men as .Chamberlain', issues a proclamation as to a state of this uuion whkh is fale, lad deluges that state witn lederai troops, wo ail know that whether ia Ibis instance tbe whites , or blacks were to blame for sporadic riots, there waa noretiatance to law, no defiance of lawful atrthority by the. white racefc ,y.e '-i tf rtit'P " Yet on the ye of an election which may decide'our destiny as a nation for weal or for - woe, .when thousands of colored men were rallying te Ike bright standard of honor and ' reform" borne aloft by Hampton, the vile pretense of Insurrection Treiuted by every ,-Juge nearly iu the staiais set up by an in famrtua J carpet-bag governor, i'is seized at by his wiiliug illy, the presi dent, md ai noble a race of white men aa the tun ever shone on are arrested, their, urine, taken away,, .while .the ne groes are armed by the state's gov ernment to shoot defenceless whites. Oh, la it tot "the bloodiest picture in tbe book of time?"""' ! -' When and where do we ever read of, in the histories of peoples civilized or! aavagt, such aU iastance ef. recreinty to blood, lineage and caste." vi Ia not that heart,, especially that southern heart,1 cold and callous In deed, which is not stirred to its very certh wt en ha ,cpMrwp1ale8"tlikTTo- hieditated and eoid-klddded fcttempt to tnslaVe the white race,and that Vj a degraded and recently servile class of the coromunlty:'s.T- ."".-. , MeCorkle votes for the amendments. The Grand Central Hotel, New York,' " teaches the letson of tht times," by leading a reduction of rates. .. It offers the name accommodations as heretofore at a reduction from $4.00- to 2.50 and; $3.00 per day. -r- Pearson 'votes for tht amend rajntw The Amendments. Every mail brings tidings of the great fpnularUy of the amendments Io AJt ea?Vaa i well as In the wt.' It .the moonti'nt' Ptaraon, "Mark Ertviu and maut ether republlciaa tre-cn tbt iturep urging their adoption. Where-' ever the candidates take the treullo lo explain theaa tbe amendments take the peftplby storm. " art goiog to support .them -aod this to not itringe 'fer every amendment ex cept four was passed: by ihe; veHe ff republican delegates I It is said that democrats tf Wakt are only lukewarm in their BurporC' w-f , If so, the auMndoieata cannot; have been properly presented lotbemy speakers, These amendments were passed by a coaveutioo Iu which the democrats'1 Were' in : the' majtrlty'-and have been made a part ef the demo cratiq platlerm by jtb late, demox-ratlc state conventioB, T , y , Tbe democratic party It thcrefoft pledged to" support them.' - Batwhlle tkts Is ka, liie amendiaenta are so de void of a partiean nature, and tend so much to benefit the people of the state that this republicans tn the coustitutio'n- aj convention ! Voted for Nearly -all 'of tbenv and repubiicau leaders bare now taken the stnmpfor, them, and the re publican white men are going to vote for them in the west. Are there any democratic white men to devoid of man leexf that i they caunot,aupport; these democratic measures which even repub- r Hark Erwia tn Settle and Smith. .We are just la reueipt f. (he printed speech of Col. Marcns Erwin, ef Ban combe, denouncing Settle and Smith, delivered In Asheville on t'aturda j-, the i&th lntaut.") ji'Mrji.iT '- ijd.t! --)tcospandcntBiys t VThere was a largo crowd ef white and colored re pablica.ni prcseo'ou whom the epeeeh bad a cbnvinciftg and tlentricil. effect. And," he adds: "It Hnishes Settle and Smila ta tuis congressional ouiricbr Col, Erwin !B0pp0rt:, Hayes aud Wheeler, and maintains bto integrity as k r'cpulUcurriVye Vllt jgive om' ex tracts from the speech hereafter. ft I'. V. t r Battlxbobo. N. COct.130. 187L-( Corresiioudeoct of Ui'a SeBtlneLJ ",'J i Obv attention having been called to an article in the ConstitBtion -of tbe 24th inst denying "the trnthfaltesB - of tbe correspondent to your paper in reference to the- disturbance- ou iho day, (Gov. Brogdeu sdresse4 crowd of not roes bore, a few Saturdays since, we rise tt vouch for tnt oorreotneso or your repot tvi. saseba v uwuvuuvw ivuBjvwuivu . i ma au uifatuona liar, and that there is no truth in bim, We know , bun not, but suppoeo be ia an officer i ef the 'radical xppM u mm aa suunw wi - uio narau arty, judging ' frotn the : slime falling rom his; filthy Bpa.- !, ;,.;;::'" I"" In the tntset, he " ''proposes to give part. from the facts at reported to. bias by respon sible parties." What more responsible evidence to wanted, than the officer hav ing the prisoner .under xhargt . and. the intelligent WW tw -people' or this" tower. everyone of, whom are abashed at the conduct of the negroes here on that oc casion?! We did not toppaMtihlt .-iany ono oonld master up .enough, of the dare devil to deny the charge brotight against these rioters, lwt seemathattbe whole norae oi rauicausm aremaeiioiy impress dd WU'tbt cohvidlbft of Jko, "Uiat wa must lie like h 1 in this campaign. ,r "Edgecombe'" says ' that whue Diek nonter was "'gisticulating' be struck Bill Taylor, and attempts to convey the idea tkat the difficulty arose at tba spea ker's stand, which, to cay the toast is i lie, n The .distuibance commenceU up town, at , the atore ot V. ,B. Neat Dick Hunter was forcibly put out doors, for his boisterous conduct, when he ran home, ranting like a wild animal, and toon returned with open knife in , band and a pistol in his pocket, threatening to kill Neal or Taylor if tbey put their feet out deora. ' Then tt was that one ' of tht undersigned,' constable, of this town, took him under Arrest ' aid started with him to tbeilockBp. ' The ' balance baa been truthfully related to your paper some weeks since, as every citizen in this town, not under the same hellish hallucination of "i "Edgecombe' is wil ling to testify, fl - He ssys, tooi there waa ; no evidence in trial to oonviot any ene, , and yet one wis sent to jail aud another bound in bond of 8500 fox his ipposrauee 1 1 court i He knew well be was telling A' lis when he spoke of the want of evidence. ' Bat this it enough he lies from beginning to end, and we will leave him in bia polluted d. .-. !t T- -n-.l.U . N. G. WAABW,.j :ltf J W. B. Tatlob. ', , . ' Town Constable. Yon jCAH'I BXaiSTXB TOO BOOS. . fj Tbe Boston Post ssys : "The tact that a moHitnde of Massachusetts re- rmTjlicwa will, Teto next , month .Tor Tilden, 'Adams and the democratic can didates M congress. i too evident, te bt eknicd.M ttii r-in.i u RxMtertg Koir."' CsTryyooTcotten to A. C. Sadera A,o. f ney piy IhJjrfgVst Vea lot t,'tn6 sell sn jar.- poflee, meat, flw, meair Ac, at the verylowesl prices. .i.-:Cii V' - . . , : y - p, v. Z The C!eoJ01d'Kprth State-I am receivmg my Fall and Winter Stock ef tbe celebrated Old Kurt ft) Stale Cook ing gtoverCatt atonce and secnrebsrl fains, as prices are Down, Down, iewn. xevy St eye sold warranted to give Bailafac tion or t'uo Stove can., be returoed indl the money will be refunded- C. A. II AllT, JUarkrt oV Martin Sts Kalelli., ', ' I e - i POLITICAL. - .-rorsheimtr writes that Jief ork lOfcertaln lor Tilden. Jttd i Alias, a leadisf VKpublkan of Viaeto. L aaya Tildea'a majority in New Jersey yill k i tfght or ten tbonsand. ' Uenerat Tadley T. Johnson, of Vir ginia, tjuufemd a Tilden and Hen drickajneettogat Cooper iostitute, New York, on Friday evening. j - General Wade Hampton alleges that Governor ChamkeTjAia I aUnds opo ji platform pledged te repudiate' the South carrjrrcrra couversien bonds or 18CT. - If Bkino only would spend k week In Massachusetts before electitn. demo creiic victory in this) sitt would be. s surcd." Laree democrtlic cains are re ported from every city where he haV spoken thus far. Beaton Post " 'Another'reenlt 'of GovernoK''Tnden's election will bt'ihe 'speedy tetmination eftht Indian 'war. The troops will net be kept in tree -states te trerawt the peaceable eitizens, and candt) Its ' business for Siulng . Bull and his war riors in short trdtrrBeslon Poor. A leading merchant fa this city, who deals exienaivaly in New, York, re eelved, a letter a few days, since from the head of a large wholesale bouse it that city tbatf employe near twt hun dred assistant. In which tbe statement was made' that the entire vats .of lbs asUb'khmeot would be a "unit for Til den." Let us make the, thing unsni- ' moas. Bichinond Whig! "" s "tbVNew York Tribune .hiok's "it would be well en tbeso last ten days or the canvass to drop some of the dema gagh.10 with which political campaign alway In greater er less degree abousd, and uy to discover and discuss tba real questieas Jnvolred.Mi Just so. But hew much better it would,, be bad this spirit prevailed froiu the start.' " " M A letter written here by a' prominent member of the national repnblioai com mittei) at Now York oaaondes the 1m possibilty of earrying New York ot Indi ana for 'Hayes, and expresses' grsre doubtSiOt stucett i tn 'Ohtoui -TkBwriter says that irranf-emantt have been mada ict. curry North and . South Carolina; Louisiana and Mississippi for Hayes. This he hopes will offset the losses else where. The writes appeals or pecuniary assistance, and urges that it will be eti, minal for any republican, to telax ' his efforts at this time. Washington Or. Baltimore San. "" -" " : Aftk rti, glrla,'ff he baa iegUUred' , .UlL-U;:..: ... W"iiS. A Bandsoma reatdeaca In the north culm )'.,- .... J part ot Kalelgh with furniture complete, or without toe furniture. The bedding is mem having been finished 1$ months since, con respaeUA delrabU residence laspieasaat . ' Beljrhborhood. . :.f ,. ".i - . .J '-; "Tne lot contains ta half acre with gardea lo good state ot culuvatloB. , The water it) equal to any la the city. . .' . , .For .terms apply to ,CoL , 1,', U. Heek, Messrs. Battle A Hordecal, yt 'to the sub scriber., . . -,i . .u, i J- POOI Ageat. "If the above mentioned real estate it not sold at private sale before Saturday the 'JDth November, it win be sold at public aucUon as per the following-advertisement. SALE OF VALUABLE KA LEIGH PRO " " i PEBTiV ' " ""r i By rfrtoe of s mortgage deed executed bv Caroline and S. D. Pool, April 8th. 1S75, snd refruAeied la the retlater'a offlcs of Wake county In book 40, pajra 838, I will sell on . tbe premises on Monday the 20th day of No vember 1976, the real eatats described u said mortgage deed for each. . ... . . .t -;:.t. Jk. beck. . 'oct 18,lS76-tL ' 171 nxiTunc tt Ancnoovf s. Iti.S- ' hrii 'if f.v'y.iiy- 1" -a ' ' At FRAPS. FayotUvCle Street, Opposite1, tbe Iter- ketKand Comer of FayetteyiUt and ; ii',".i'M tvte , Streets, ;.,.;,..',;.,., jut! J'.lJi..'". itti r.a : Keeps cpA band t jarge assortment of air styles of t-t'w:iLs V -llii J3r 41 ,J -4 I'.ToTfl.fJ 't Parlor, Dio log-Room 1 snd y Kltehe'n; Blac k 'Waiout,' fitaioed and Painted Chamber Sets Dreeing Case's, Bureaoa, VashsUod BeJ- steads, Wardrobes, Cane "and Wood Scat Chairs, Rocking Chairs, and all other article of FBrnlture found In s flrat-elsis eatabUsb-. tatBUH .1 'J A Ji -.'' i lM$: i '! .tti r;' I -t -(t'lUl fti i ,ri . tST UTTBEB3Ea made to order.' -. 0t tftrSlB. 'il 1mI ,l.x.)ti:'A i-), u . CLOTHING! 1 1 BEAlTTirLTL STOCK 9 o fl i AU'i 'Hi vt.I ! i. i; . OF (!) u, 1 IPALL " WINTER ft. iCLOTnniGi; cents' msro GOODS ! tf iii.t , ...It. !-' i's : IS 'NOW bEIXO OPENED 1 !: .... . ' in '- ' ' 1'f.ul ....AT Vl;.!kv. ;. CLOTHIjra HOUSE, L'onerFijtltTiJIeiBttSlrefls Thsoking the good citizens a ilalelgh snd Wakecoautyjur thei iberai patron agt In the past, I ss tore Uimiu that I, shall endeavor t nerlt it ia the fataro br keenloi it i tj4 B 0 Mm" .rood Goods at the lowest lirin; jrices. i . (jive me. o can isylng f'.Htmheie. We take pleat ire ia abowinx oar slock aud loll os or price. , CLOTHING! . i-. " f

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