Ths Ptikl U vublUied evry MurW log (Mt tds excepted) and dcHerJ In tre city of Kslelgh for iTiiTT-ri casta MB iiosrn. MU satcripttona, postal 4 fr. Xioot Dolh per annum, tn all es pJ -f ... . s 4 a blels aarance. f j . Tut Wbbklv 8ktib. to pnbtbt.vefy Tuesday Mad subwrtptlons Two p.i.tixt per sonata payaMe. In advance v' x No notlra taken of anonymous Comment- eatione. Wa cannot undertake to Ttnn r; IecW4 msnownpt. SMiTH, B ATCH FXOR CO., Rii itioa K..C r -" ' ?''p Ii. io I'iif !.' sw toaJmoo i tl 10 M A S -' - A . ! EN DR IC K Sf ; !.,'- "--uIh Li ". 1; t p.J-j i - r.T0."r?' ttlie following tho ticket to 4 VMed- at the pesstdsotlsl bok-i 'i LW ioiTli: f Pretiien t f lh 1 UtAlfk State." ruKIILG. FOWLE Congressional Dbt JAMXS M.LEA.CB, Bta Csogresaloeal Diss. WITT T.ATHAM.Wt CoBSwsslenat TMsi, JOHN r.;WOOTEM,el-Ooncraalnl DlC JAMM-Oi,MUAE, BnV;OnfW4toaaiPUW FABIU8 IL BUSBXMta Cimsraatioaad Nat. FRANK C. BOBBlNS.Ma Comrraaatoaal Dfct. KOBBBTr. WAKING, ft h CaBgressiaan DM WiLLlAM jf). GLENS ,7th Congressfcral Mai AtTHOSfSO C. AVEKr,bCdngrelrin'I)la iTha loliowin-i; tha ticket for gwtem Mattto'offloerWVT-'tlcJBn -a- roa OTIMOB t s'"y trifVawriMTiwai s11 : (THOMAS J. JAKVISy !( a;i X I. Oili.'off Jf". ! tJ lli'ia .fib ;i;omi gtcHtrikt :o aTAt?1'n''!'': r'.i Riit Bi (iii'H I.,.., ii-r .ana 6u(r 14J !llMBWM. )h i w hi joiw iff woitTn," !I,u ol t J"--'-' i-J'i!;; tM at B. ,1 aa at ;i f ' feii.d X-)J , t- oB'A4;mWN'i''W acii'iii:- I SAMUEL Ia LOVE.'1" nutyatl) i;-.:-or auiwooai, Ua) j vl:t l.l biii; ft, I' ''". ri .v'f ti-;:!.i' jn), IPX fur. 0 it,. ) tpctio t, i . t i. JOHN . C- 8CAU BOROUGH , ,? .(lijlhllJa ":rtt'' J 0 8 E P II J. DA V 1 8.4!(,,- qoMBcaaoBAi.' boibt, mi, m, jOfHU Ur DrtfKSSE J. TEATI8, ! Ilert" i iora.!.i aii-inirt iei'ii ! ii . .jut S DuraiorALFED ,M3 WADDtlX, al ' New Uanorer. .. , .. Ws Dirmict AtFRED 9V. BCALE3, of Ootlfor.' ' : - a,"v'' '' J ' -1 0 tttafBCT WALTER' I STEELE,1 of Ttu Di.tmct VVILLUH K. EQBBLNS, of 1.i. u J. lot !mK" ttt.-f ,)! ) ", Jotlct toutj CommUteti lad Others. 5 Somf'rrttrfilcif crieoH iaiVeS been" Thcatrron run tbrouU OaljrtitnuU worVfon'of tW tfcke'ta aiij arb' nil! of luchtiahtraoler aa i teititit ny countjr tomtottteea waa cile4 w thie Biatter aeferal dayl'aa, anil M a large auriilas of tickets have oeen farnishcil to aath c uuty, those Incorrecpj printe 1 tickuta aliowl! W 44royed and enough will ati 1 rewtiW Jif liabll '( auawer the - ij i-.j .' i needa of no.' friends In the several coun -'taViio'uf J beny-rcd notonlf ttf "J .. i S,4l.; l Itl'f r datoet ljpornpiiuaR enr In our ovb lest t)tkjs. that may bi -itrougiit ttha The ticket at the Lead'of this paper la CBUrelreorreqt. Carupaxe your ticket Thei xoue U tutioual - a raeDdoseota ; are coarvtiv'ef Bot destructire. Uepublicaas la the donrentioa teted fur uearljr 'all lW arMndflneuUi''"'' :; a -. rnn -r: f- VTr rat! atUntiati nxlli-al out- rages m Soun, .Uar ij.da caily, detailed by the NewYerk Uerald. t;.: r Id a, Haf uUicaos .ol. Jio west accept Ui tobek"wed'ln;;IV1f'Vr. cans sn nt Umt 'mmis -I work , ! n. o- aiuiply because, it o( jipipc Bieasure, ;. ,..,. Republwan of-ibe-weat w upp4tft4LlsbU ne wiii-thus-wiad up ona.of icg the j. constitutional .. amendments. Oaa the democrats of the aast and cen treject them? JL Result of Aduiinlbtratlon. ,A The numbar bus loss fail are i io the limited Btates dutL ? the year ead- W ;ieut.- aTbeit' $01 V'?.' V.' t455'- The l.L'hc t number of failure in 'any preriuus year was just at the ieglnnln? .. i" .. i.J n tint oi me war, wncn uj icntucw v,, lb reult of the stoppage or all trade by (be outbreak of hotilitia. The campaign f fkiluref which eg;aa l with the panic of 1873, has progressed In fc tea dy and rncreaahirTatia erer-since Lnd until, the, causes B'hicJi, cd to that ! ater ri clieftked, f (! iwatnsaa oil he country will be pr eased continually 'or ward npon the shoafs rimkTbptcy.J t-The,caHes JoTj ,thi laeYnlable SWte rf affair' are' too boviJus tut axa'uusaU 'A reckless and wasteful aduinUtratioB aj1nipH'l t,i3euntCyt1 HaaO'' (Tartuiing iJtfrea t, opeB jftwhlenj the Wonx-rity of (b fWi-boily of the in Uuatrial cltusea rests, hare been bur kiouuJ.wlth.UiatloB.ntttil tkey have Iteeo compelled U ttp. y Ike profiu Jiave not paid th . taxes. Evety mill, very abort, sfpry store, lias been kept under a syMcto -of eepienafre' no frigid, sa iboreushly organized1 ftr purposes of robbery and blackmail, that oebody cooid feel' fai for an .Bouf,;' Mob in pursuit of legitimate: callings have been icoDpelledto hid" thcU- machinery, and kheir work while 4 olhera have resorted to illicit methods to conceal their oper ations and eccape' the' that tha law ' rinpoeed.'; Thieves' Ahd brgadlaed plunder ring at asiilu'gleo" haye fur nihed the ejampU forveyepne tljievea and waist j rings In the evuntry. i Wi do' hot advocftle hn'eVasfoa of taxation; oweVV puerouylt may Ld,j(a It U fie tJaiu duty of tho government to I make axatlen a liftht as possible; This it ia; ,'bo dooOf 't 4nUs4 ''or.rf p'ealiVa jtaxatloo. when it could hare been dono safely and without crippling the fegltl waJuiicUob'ij 'of government, ' the x4(unttjrfer plunWr, onder a gigantic rn of taxation which was not need- N,b but 'which they kept up for their own purpose. juTUa , tvoro''etKiigot rich by plunder, Invested tbelr stolen wealth io gorernment beads which pay po ta'xUoB', leaving the heavy burdens t be 'boraa by men' wlvo foxaisbed tho .working ; capital! of iho country,, and jwho preferred to bo Invest it as to ' be vf hsV!to society Vaiber than la 'Idle jfeccurjtieaf bich coBlributod. aetaing, while Ahey imposed no responsibility and paid heavy Interest;1' u v3 1 A return bf the democracy' to power will be the signal for destroying all this inachloery.of Jalquitytoa J which the worst I men of ., tho i noon try hae got tovwhlle the Worthy arid indnstrfous av.f fceeu rlvarjJta7'a.rytlori Wo rnual go havk to a ,aystn of cheap ad Uin1sratiowHh just enoogb taxation (i wett It, 3 fa tho:. ta eara too heavily upeu ono . . Ip teres t andj 'oo lightly on aBothar It mast ba equalized. But the wlckd 1 Bystem?' of robbery ' by which jkuaves of the Bosa Shepherd, Belknap and Blaine 'st&rap ' have fattened upon ftt jnea'jiisl 'ainel "br'Ahe conntry' weyer.abolisljed,,, j,',,.'' j j Already we boar the kuaa of industry in a thbnsard factories, mills iad mines jWblrij ha'ij); jtten, eilenced!' fof oohs1 jand years past, i A ,new impuUt,. not accounted for1 br any law of business. :has Seized upon eve'rV producing Inter-' estkt,.lDeca?atry, aiu4 gtyef promise ( carry tag aa Jarward' Ito an era of aub slBBtial preperity." 1 Me ! dare 1 not weaken of the' cause, for It bias its foun dation la ''politics," and It will net do fd prftvoke; jeal6uMe Io uuTa5M clrctes.' llut.tacitlj and' almost, without except tion, oor btstbualness anon admit that it f'iTe'ccjljvctloni!yf ari approaching cnangQ mo,., iio t auiaf tnuiUM iif u(, ot , uie rt)erriusent ; that ihae awakened this anivcrsal coa'fideace. f "And though they dar pot confess it, lliese Very rnc;,',i- publicans and men ;o no pelitical pro ferencea, as well as democrats are pre paring to support the demec'ritlo! ticket with their auflrages pext , Jueaday, They have fduad Graatiam, ornamented as It baa been, toe 1 sxpenilve "for their puraca.and; harp decided, to try the simpler .' and heapcjv.methdaxX old fttshtonod ' damooracy. ' And they will net he disappointed In the result. Tho Wasliington c'orreapondant of the Utho3rMoSaaW:'T - From the derf lepmsnt bf the last day or two it would lok as if the' plan U rarry' North 4nd South Carolina; Joaisi- ana anii,Misaisaippf, witich was ppoken of in tlie : recent. letter ef a member of the natkMjid repabliaan eomuitteo, waa already ia;proceai !of( eieoutloaT'.' The arrest , by taonsanda of tho demoaratio otero of the state ; twu&ed oa '. the ere of the election can have o other object ttan the intimidation and la'carcaration of a aufficient number to gire the state to the republicana. a- -Jid , fowle la Wake Judge fowle speaVs in this ceoaty ti -da'y at.EagVUock ;' to-niarrow at Rolesville, and. on llonday at Kew the most brilliant and successful politi cal campaigns ever made In 'orth Car- Campaign of the LU-ctors at Lirre. -w . . On WeUsesday it GoUbro, IIou. Daniel fi, r'owfo cencludad his eastern turr-aifa beJVre a large, enthuiaxtic Bod. intenioat. audience of the' hard? sous8 of Wavne county. ! J Oa his eastern campaign Judge Fowle has spoken at Wilson, Eafleld, (Norfolk as he was passing through,) at Currituck (iirUiene, Camden eourtlioiwa, Eliza DeUT CTitycwherethereJ-tm itot beea finch a crowd and snob enthartasm since 180, at.IIortford, Edeot9,.I,Jnith, vlllinrnVouV VTaaldngloo thcre they bad a torchlight procession threequar lers of a mile lon.'anJ leading repub licans chetid his (peech,)at Greenville, Snow llill and Goldsboro. , This cam paign extended over a period of three weeks, and baa been satlfao- ttiry and auccaaaful in every particular. The feeling in the east is represented to be good between, men of all partica, and a full vote will bo polled. 'o dif ficulty or bad feeling ie apprehended hi tho Drat district on the day of election. . ..'At every point of Judge Fowie's canvasa be aaet 'good, and) for the most part the Largest audiences, that have tanked outic political a peaking, slue the war. f-very . where tho etronRest iatereawas rnanlfested io the cause ofi democracy, and i. enthusiasm i -botox Ing overwhelm'lrig succeks i" steadily on the increae. Vance will carry the flrat cocgreasionai district by a majority ranging from fifteen hundred to -two tliouaand. iOar.gaiua' at',' of Abe .WiJ mlnston and ' Weldon railroad will ' be immense. , ''., .... j.Our eleitora, r pis atate at large. Messrs. Fowle' and Leach, have done noble service" in Abe campaign, They have been 'almost ;constantly"ii ' the field from the beginninz of the canvasa, apoV, bAV0,iVrl4l.';.e iM. Wtt. Their salcctioo by the state; convention 'wAV'n'wWv'aii(I jjp&cjoua. j'jkQking amenit the rTrst orators of the country; r8icsVlng the vejy highest or iiet- of ability as public debaters, they are both pre-eminently Batioaal men, and their work in the campaign cannot now be estimated, nor U its good effect approx ImaleJy appredauu. i Xio- public aoan can eucceed before any portion ' of the American people now, who doea not plant hlmaolf square oa the foundations of ' ; theUnin'ri).!, Aod nowhere is the national feeliac-etronger to-day than in the south v; t)urs are ' strictly a' , oon aervalive people; attached through long tradition and their historical achieve ments to the Union, and . it was a most happy event . that gentlemen in full accerj witt.'thp, Bympathies of , pub lie aympatl y of Kortb Carolina -were placed i at T the head of .the'- national ticket. 1 We -ahpll win in this contest. Our victory'wUl be significant of the na tional feeling which has returned to our people, and the day now dawning is to be the brightest In the pages of our his tory. . It will proclaim the triumph of clviUibcrty Ja the' land,, the restoration of our unlow government, and the re conciliation of all the. American people of every aection of the great republic, la the naeae,'. o tlie rpoople of North Carolina' we ' thank Gen era! Leach and Judge Fowle for the eminent service ffiey baV ,'jeadered tho lUte and the caase of the anion i; i a-r . . ') ii! ,!. - - Mi i II i l v'i mil 1 Stirring Bad Blood. and lociting' Blob .-iiSi'i P-'-jSlt-. ' n-i I..'. '.' dt ''. t !- 'l -t .; j-'-X'-' i'-:j!'! s ) v- The peOplo oi North Carolina are pro vexbially a jpoople of law and order' n tho midst of too . moat rigorous 'cam paigns snd throughout the hottest polit ical contest our people have veeozed to bo mebxviolence. Our elections have passed off quietly and7 ia good order. Oar election days sre tho quietest public days of tho yoar -' i ; ;M' Ty,:l I. '' Oar people ' throughout the state are appealed to to preserve .the peace and maintain order on, the election day ;aow approaehing. We look for toothing elaev The good men of both parties, we be lieve, will enforoe ; order at' the polls. Our population, white and black, are op po d to violence, and cannot; be drawn into conflict by bad advisers. V Raleigh'ui the second city of the state in population and importance. Whites and blacks here are about evenly di vided. Wo have had no trouble here at any time. Good order baa uniformly prevailed in oar -city. . No conflict is possible here. The- relatione between the races are good. Oar white people are wise and discreet Our colored peo ple, accustomed to good order, are law abiding and well behaved. The leading men of their raoss anataliv good charac ters aad exercises a wholesome influence oveftbem. We write down Baleigh as a city of the best order . In the country. And ear people white and black, having no disposition to vialeace, will maintain the reputation of their city, '-' Ve alladed the other day : to the pro scripUve feeling of some - of the colored people toward those of their .race who manifest Jth r daairo siid intea tioov to - vote .the -democratic ticket, Snob fosling ' does exist . .: among1 oma, bnt lt does ' not 1 ex tad to this better ckss of our colored people. nor is snch feeling incited by them. Ii is the work of men wearing white skins over black hearts. Bad advice has I sen isnJerel the colore4 people of jlhis city bj while lueu jiroiuaaing to ba republi cans, Siicb meu would incite tCb ne groes to riot from nstaraJJydepraved hearts, .and iu the hope of some politi cal advantages" to thwnaeives. , &ack luoa tile colorad people, should shun and n. ... t. r ; oc rn. YY a ctll pn was. ii. jiaxris, Stewart Ellison, Ret. O. W. BroJia and men of that oharaster to aasembfe the colored peoplo together before the elec tion and address them oa the Subject of preserving the peaca and the : beeearn tj foe maiiitaiiu'ug. laa ami order, that they may repudiate and rebuke any - bad ad vice that;may Jiave been given. then people j.-?.. .jtfO'Hn'J i-n i." We arj informs 1,'oi "what we coasider good aathority, tbat reoeLtly at Hayos' church, Albert Magain, to jiistioS('of the peace, sdyiied the negroes present to armed, and it was not ueoaary to ba voters to fighi for the rights of tkier race; that boys fifteen years old and upwards I J A mm nanoh non -', , We do not; see that any of the rights of the negroes are imperiled or denied them. We cannot see why' they should be advised to - fight - for the rights they already have and enjoy. ' 'gu'ck advice is monstrous. . If Mr. Magnin does not cler'hlaiaelf 'of the charge!,'wo' 'shall deem it our duty to both, raoe to da- nounoe him. 1 We wait to bear from Jdr, A'agnm. A ISortof a Sign, I. A, leading republioan oounectod wih a radios! organ ia flTaiibinglon has become panic-stricken, and confided to a demo cratic friend bis misgivings. He avws a change sf - mind, r and thinks Ahal ths denjecrat are right.-, lie says, that a large pe oentr f offlceholdore Jwer original democrats, and looks for 'a er- fecl stampede amongst Uiem at.aa early day, I The political oarthqnaxe' has cauaedl decided ; perturbation in loblid public bniliiags of the' governmenC livery change in thoorganio law of the stalk, evi-r made, has been proven ,ti be an iaprovement ou what Pxiatott-bejfore. Even the preeont eonstitatioaio, some eocDuaia ir wiuw uu u pnwtweasor. Th amendments perfected by the hgis Latdre iu 1873 were" improvements,' while these now proposed will well nigh per fect the eonstitaUoo,' Can' you refuse to better,, yoaf orgaaio. Jaw, wheo;tlie oprtortunily presents itself as nevj ?- : a BJtoisrxa to-dat. . The Democrats most -not bo content with mere success, but must make that success : overwhelming The' radical snake must bo not merely scotched, but killofl. :To insure this be sure to bring every democrats veter to the polls early ip,Aedy4Lflt JiSi'Waxio farmoxa voLe early, and then send their wmgontt for their neighbors. Improving or amending the; orgasic law of the stats ought not to be a partisan work.' It id the work of the peopliifbr the people. Tho amendments nowJpf$ posed constitute a peoples measure, and should receive the support of all the people Mm r-L :ruK'A'i. , No man can in jostioe to himself r his state reject the constitutional amend mental ' v , ; ! A '! hK ' ) Go to tho Grand Central Hotel, New York. It ia the only first-class hotel that Las bad the courage'to reduce grates from $100 to $150 and $3.00 per day.' ' '' y'z. B: VANCE.' i.iu Charlotte Observer. -' "!" lien of Charlotte, tutu, of , Meckten burg, your city is tlve home ef the next governor of North Carolina.1 He 1 a citizen ef whom 0 are all Justly proud. Ten years residence . among h , has en deared him to us all, and there ia no man in all his acquaintance, but et-teeins hint Tor his Integrity and bla tertldg worth. In a few days' he will close such a political canvass as will forever mark an epoch in the history of North Carolina politics.' He has literally caa yassed the; state frenr Cnrrituck no Chorekee, and victory for him and for us, awaits him as. certain'as that tho sub goes down ou the seventh of No vember. - The qaestlon is now no long er. I ' it defeat, or victory ?' but VHois'.much will bis majority b fit t .!) not the people of . Charlotte 7 Do not the peoplo of t Mecklenburg realize the importance ef giving Vance a sweep ing majority. We have it in our power to bury "(radicalism ' in Mecklenburg eo deep that it . caa never rear its hydra bosri.agaiB.o W say this to ovary lover of constitutional liberty, race, color, taste or oandition,and without regard to party.; The eonssrvativs party of to-day m North Carolina' are not straggling ' to rerpetnato party lines, or party issues, t labors in behalf of constitutional lib erty and the perpetuation of civil free- domv .!; The amendmsnss are' partisan in their effects. , goed aad Boa Vote for thsm. ' i Tit Asm AOs mom cotkt re A of justice srAicA animatt the northern people will require the txpuUion from the touiitrn ttatet of the -ioritqpf 'nucalt, llack and tchile, tche hare tvbttUutei ruthltii oppruiiott aJ pillage forfrtt orrsMMt.4rJenniagc, late editor New York Times. . . - i ,1 If J, . .- - i . r j . - , -4 TZU&11? it a good one. la 1 . it allrinhi there. At preiitfent, Jfr. Tit- den vould ewup atcay corrupt men and o.t;f. Charles Francis Adams. 7: CAJlI'AltJN &CnAI.i. The whole republican pafty ia ahish liri but even that den't keep iuwnrsse up. V ; ' Snot the while man who votes agn a the amendmenU, for be U ta favor ef high taxes and roguery. Wadcsboro lie raid. : : '-- .J- The papers in various portions of the state are complimenting old Onilford en the re-nomination of John N. r tsples for a seat ia the lower uonae ol too ajenerai bly. The boldew-ef -the t20.000,000-of ipeolal tax bonds aretntercst4 ' specta tors, of the contest ta &us state, lor on the issue depends the validity of this immense sum. -,'f-jt't f T"J f We saw an enlhusiaatic democrat en the street Wednesday, who was anxious to bet a bundred doliari en TUden'a election, but he couldn't find the II ayes nuus. Charlotte Obsarver.' - . A . wfll-iuformed , pentlessan from Caldwell county informs the Piedmont Kresa that Vance's majority In that county will not fall short oi the. whole aumbiT cast for Merrimoa In tho last gubernatorial election 820. ,, ., ..j J. C. AlcFarlaod. a merchant In Tolk county.' save there is no rfoubt but Vance will carry that-eooaty by 125 to 150 votes, and says Folk haaalwaya gene " radical by 7 to 100 majority. Tbres cheers for A oik county, Iu cea vanes ana iieiorm. In ths last eleotion for govern tr,Cald- wsu the radical nominee aad a Biajenty of votes in ths state of 1,825. Let every honest white man - in this good 11 eld I4U f VMf . IUB r . wfmimtmw, , I, m ' next Tueaday and Judge Sittlo will think us aas tailea farther t uian iron me su preme court bench. The canvass in Robeson county bis everywhere been suooeosf ul in rallying the democratic conservative party and ail except the dyed in the wool radwula are now united ia support oi tue reiorm ticket, aationat, sute and ' ocmnty; and for the ratincation of the conaututional amendments. Bobesoman. liEOISTBa KOW. eft- POLITICAL, POINTS. .."i ;. Truth ia really atraccer thin fiction. For one truth teld there aie at least ten Twenty ycara ia too leasr for any po litical partte bay (.control of tbegox- emmeuU'i .'t i- a v "The important quetoa pawls, which party wfll wear the most new hats after inn election r ,..,. inrr; The otectton ef Tilden and Vance will insure, an honest and capable admiuia tration of public slTaira. ':"' 1 1 , H : Ilalstead ba been so busy writing' to the newspapers of late that tie has bad no tins to write for his own. ( j - j q ft In its lait breside'ntial calcuktioa the New York Herald ahifts tha deciding ground from 2tw, Xorfc to Indiana, m " Laborers and mechanics, who ate on the verge of starvation, be hot deceived by corrupt officials veto lori lildea, Hendricks and better times. ' ' ' , Poor Mr Chandler I 4 His souifiirn claims bdgbear, that looked as big as a mouutain. Is as dead as a doornail. Mr. Tilden did it with his little hatchet. Farmers and producers,' who desire a better market for their products, will do well to look at tbet .trae issues of the campaign and then vote for Vildes and Now that the pools show ouch) an in elinatien towards Tilden the New York Tribune calls loudly for. ths immediato sappression oi this , "most detestable form pi gambling: . li t r ..:l au Many of the leading busiseas meu of the south give public indorsement ef Tihlau's latUr oa the ! 'rebel was olaims,' They say fit's not money we want; it's peace and protection. , ' The democratic state officers, electors aad members of oougrees , iq - Arkansas and Tennessee, like those iu Alabama, plant themselves sqnarett" on" Governor Tilden's anti sontbern claims platform. . Somef General" Wade Hamptou's e pen-air meetings ,m tsoutu Carolina are opened with prayer, and a hymn, com posed for the campaign, ' God Save the State," is euhg" by hundreds of women and childreu, white and. black, accom panied by a , parlor praa. At due of the meetings : there was a procession of over 1.500 men and nearly 600 wemen on horseback.:-' " .. h&i GREAT NEWS FROM TBS NORTHERN New York. New Jersey, Connecticut, 4:Oreg-oar Indiana, California and Ne vada Certain for Tilden The Nattoaal Committee Claim Micblg-an and Wis coBaln Almost a Solid South What Oonerat Jobnaon Saw and Heard in , New York. . ! -.n Richmond State. . nt -, , I Ganeral Bradley Jehnsbd has Jast re turned front New York, and be informs ns that there is lio manner of doubt bat that the domooraey will carry New York state by from 50,000 to 70,000. He says further that not only Mr. Tilden, but the national democratic committee ar ss certain of winning the presidency ss they are of beating Hayes and Morgan in the Empire state, lie heard and aaw enough himself to convince him that thore is no possible chance of oar losing either Connecticut or New Jersey.; The other perfectly saro states, be says, are Indiana "and Oregon; but the national commit' p, upon the data at hand, claim California and Nevada ai" certain, and assert that Tilden will also carry Michi gan and Wisconsin, -..The aaUoaal committee, also regard LeaisiaBB aad Florida as safe snd Miss issippi as certain. '- "' We learpsd ' from him that at least $1,000,000 is staked at Morriasey sas tho result of ths pool selling, and that tho last quotations were $100 to $3that Tilden will carry New York andflOO to, $80 that he will beat Hayes. -r . If our people were as certain j of ne cess ss the people and leaders are t in New York Virginia weald be so ablaze with enthusiasm thai our majority vould bo 40,000. ! - " ' ' j--- While General Johnson did not go to Connecticut, he saw the chaiiman of the domocrtic stite committee of that state. He told us manv tLixcs thit wonld fff?AlyieoCT go-ear readora. but itia 1. . - . A -II not prudent t let our e'enies at ail times know all ws know. NoTember will tell the tale, - ' - - - ' KEW ' ADVERTISEMENTS. IJOirmlN FEONT OP TUB YAtt V t.wu-a Douse last BizaL ft 140. wrau. ped In paper The owner eat tl li ay aply ii I X JL'hl W T110MF60N. t BO I f , :m ..,, TVAMTED. SALESMAN! for North Carolina, finlarr f 30 per Bionth and traveling expenses paid. Address Gem ItanaractnrlDg Co., Su Louis Mo. BOV3-U '. INSUBANCfi ( ' COMPANY ! 1, OI1 NEW YORK.' 1 1 , rinis ixsrnAxcn olv. , 'I - ....-,-( .... ..-,.. '3 , , , -' ' ' ESTABUSHED 1863.'' ' i .v f .' j , !. .. -,,. Cash Capital, . S3.00,ooo. Cash Assets, over ; 6,C00,000. Tills COafPANT IS PURELY A F1RK iDtarane CoBipanv. . Hu bo eoaniv. tloa with Lifeor Marin Insaranee. The large majority of IU 16,000, 00 of Assets ar "Uuliod 8utf Bonds." . " ; -The FacMiua Sscbipts or ovaa 13,000, 000 Annually bet attest the appreciation of the BoalueM a4 Commercial Vor d. . I represent the Home la Ibis Ct y, BAd ak the attention of my friends, and, the public tea!;i .,.... -('-!. i i " " " CN EQUALED CLAIMS," ') ' . n J"' f ;'v ; , 1 eMirfof them the rsarsc lanmiiiTT it offers. - .... - . W A. TTJBK,' Ag't. Office UcKee Bntldisg, Corner t WIlmlnvtAH A M.rtfn St. , . , i. - o '7," -pi GOOD AGEXT1 WANTED IV .li t ; it ' m - Every Town In North , and; South Carolina. TII MISSISSIPPI VALLEY FIRE AMlPtlXE " Memphis Tennessee. - '.s'lfi i '.tn.t.tmif .' Cash Capital ri $AU 300,000.00 .v : f-K .'. .-. "...'-! . taking the msnsjrement of the Mis sissippi Valley Insurance Company for North and South. Carolina, I take pleasure in rec comaaeBding it te my friends and the public generally as a sound healthy snd conserva tive Coaapsny, well managed, with a targe aad profltable bnsiness. w.wo ja ; Good resppBsible stents wanted In ever) wwe aeocoaaty In fire two f rates-. '"J..-.. Address, W. A. TURK. ,.,,,. Gen'l Ag't 4 Maaager, ' " ?, '., Box 269, Bateigb, N. C. 1 0md In McKe Boihling, Cereer-of W roiegtOB A Martin Sts. ,, .. ., dov 2-2m . - : - ;-?"' m-' ' ' -T - TRIUMPH TRTJ$S CO., . - 834 BOWEBr, S. Y , ' to whom was awarded the for the best Elastic Trnss and Supporter at the last session of the ' ' ' GREAT AMERICAN INSTITUTE FAIR, cares a rupture in from 30 to 90 daya and offer 1,000 dollara for a cut they cannot .cor.,. They employ a , j. i f FIRST CLASS LADY BUItOEON. Terms moderate. - Caaee fruaraateed. ders filled by mall. Examination free. Tho Usual discounts to patron. fiend Ii ecnta for descriptive book to ' " u, . f Prof. W. H. BURNHAM.X. D., mar 23-d ly . Cbtof Surgeo j. ; m.,,1 j-',- ii , ' ' , , , Il'nMTLRE WAflEROOJlS, ' A..W.FRAPS, Fayettevllle Street, Opposite the lfrr - ket, and Corner of Fayette viUe and !-... . P?,: 17 - - !,' M ,i ........... .iiMfi'u . i j.; --;!--. iumGa;'.:!!;, o., 1 ' V "' '". . ... .ii :-.-'-'-: -8 - , Keeps oa band a large assortment ef all styles of ' " -''- .i-. . liuus FURNITURE : JParlpr-Clolng-Rpom; andi ') Kitchen ; BJ ac k Walnut, Stained and Palate CbamblriTw Dressing Canes, Bureau, Washatanda, Bed steads, , Ward robea, Cane and Wood feat Chairs, Rocking Chairs, and all other artlcli s of Furniture found In a first-class. estsblUh ment. "' oi ils .-.!! iwwtrMfw .'. -. . -. i : -v -hi" I - -"-i-il,,-! ., :vi- " I- IWH ATTRE83E8 made Ao order. - fi 1 ' - ; i j, A ...i t , i - -,. , - CVt 21-840, ,s ,,,i0!.,,i:::l! Jv.r-', ,t- '. .; - CLOTHING! 1 1 BEAUTIFUL STOOHl Q if 0 !'. A Jt T .i.T7l,jrl.:? :!: FALL & WINTER m,Km a"i-"",,""ei sj -ef is ....... - :i ', V -7 ' ' V H GENTS'; flRNISniNCr GOODS lj H ',1S NOW BEING C PEN ED I -.' AV - i .. v - -- J.f- M. itosExnAtvi CLOTHIRG HOUiE, Aimer FiTeilriH e I Harp SlrvtTs W. u H 0 Thankng the good ciliz-H4 talelh ami Wail county, fur lliei iberal patronage la the past, I as nr them that I shall endeavor t nsit It Jn the fst sre -hyr keeplni ed Goods at; theloweit Iiria Miera. . Giy as a call befon mylng elsewhere. We take plea ire in allowing oar stock aad tell ng onr prices. i i CLOTHING ! I TMUBinil.-5 mi. V. c mw-. A: - ( .

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