77' : ,' ' : 'a '" 7: ' "P:":,"'-' r;"":- T;":"'T1-.'"':-" "" ; 7" ., . , ; -. V7 V - . ' L---i, V. --7- 7 ' - ;;.;.7 jIlM: -:p- :, 7; 7 ' : 7 '.! iv:v v.'. I''"!1-'''1''"-" s,hv,i(j.hj,i! ...j.,iijoq,'vo 'inun: y r ' .-ii w -, . 1 ;.J.;.; a 1v ( 'fr:.t:: ,-y, .. ... '. .. :.(.' -'tfPtl ' '' ''''' ' rK H ;.v 7'H .,7'9 7-- vyU- u ;;.:, . , w, 111 i BiBIMttdL VOL. ZXmfiQuiOL f r BALEIQH, N. C, jmDlI0RinHQQYEMBEB47 1876 PRICE FIVE CENTS. RAILROADS, v T) IEDMONT AIR-LINE BAH, JT WAY. RiCHMOKD Dantuxe, Richmond & Daktill It W, N. a Drvisio and North Wester X, C. Jit f CONDENSED TIME TABLE, J -' Effect vn ami after Sunday, (Mi, -J GOING EAST. -Leave Greensboro... - Co. 8hnps..., ;. . . Arrive at Raleigh.:., Arrive at Goldoboro.. GOING WEST. 10.05 A. .11.21 !a.4i p. u. Leave Goldstar. " 10.10 A. M Arrive t Raleigh.... - '' , l9ft P. M ' Leave Co boi..... " ' 1 Arrive Orfc-4lo' .,'-- 6.30 " : . : GOING xorth. ... Lee vs Charlotte 4 . i! a, Alr-Llne Juim a .-L W wa;!U,-.'; Salisbury i.ao a tA - i reeBwr. "-.-" , Danville .,.... rv ; "l Dundee. a Burkevllle Arrive at Richmond.. ? GOING SOUTH. 12.M i. M T.43 i f my . Leavt Richmond.,... t ". ' Danville " Greensboro. ,.r - 10. W "i ' 2.(5 r. i 8 'J " i Salisbury , n 8.1 -fi " Alr-LroeJuitc'n Arrive at Charlotte... Arrommodatlou Train. j C.OIXO EAST. f :i Lrtve tireennboro..., 6 30rV, Co.hoie.-.k, ' - -1l.ia i Arrive at KalolKh.... ill t f 4 01 A M. Oj!dboro.... 1 31.8-J I COINU WEST. - I. .1 Le"eGo!dftb.i..., - "3.10 f.- M, Arrive at Kaleiga..- HMt 1 I Leave Co. Shops.... 0.&0 A. M. Morib Velrm flt. . ! (Salem Dranoii.) ' Leave GrewnxUora..,.. Arrive at 8alm ., U 8a!em... Arrive at Urecnsboro B. R. .0.00 Kit .IM A .tt.15 t M. f'asaecger Trains Irarln? Kalelgb a Vi 31 V. M. eonnMt at Ureenaboro with the Aouth rn bound traiu; makbtif the qulckrit ilme to all Southern cities. Accommodation, Train t -avln ruiiiib at 10.13 P. M., eonueata with terth rn bound trala at Ureeutboro or Rich mond aa J all points East. Price of T1 ket ' ame as via otlior routes. t , 1 j i . Mo Change of Car between Atlanta and fiichmond 517 itlle. I A. B. ANDREWS, .octJltf ' "Superintendent.! A LEIGH & GASTON It Alt KUAD ECnEDCLE," TV t..,- ;; Mailt iuw Leave Raleigh 4 f. ! AfM. Arrives at Weldon Leave Weldon.,' Arrive at Raleigh.'.- ;...V TUBOt'OU PRKIOBT. Leave Raletch.. ........... .Arrive at Weldon , Leave Weldon.. Arrive at Raleigh , .. S UO P. M. , 13 40 P, M. .V 5 ) P,M. 5 00 A. M. 6 S P. M. 5 (OA. M. 8 15 P. M. RALEIGH A AUGUSTA AIR LINE, i Cha' (re of Schedule to take : elTuct 6 JO i. tu. Monaav. October With, isrot Thais ilovisa Sovth. Eeave Raleigh........ . Arrive at Cameron... 6 S0A. M . , Tbaih Movmo North. t Leave Cameroa. ................ 1 OOP. M. Arrive at Raleigh........ v... 4 P. M. All traioa will approach and Dav K. A O R. R. N. C. Dlvlslun crossing at Carjr with II miiiulcsToft.'ealtf aitTlt Xry. "Tr 7 . JOHN a WINDER, octll-tf 1 ; t ' i Soperintendent. TICKET-rAREa AND TIME BCHEtj 1 ULKTOTHbWET,tuTHECHEB APEAKK A OHIO R. . , I First elass fare from aleih to Cluclnaatl First claaa fare from Raleigh to Indianap olis 25.75. . . . ,. 1 Eirst claaa fare from Raleigh to Chicago 8L25. First class from Raleigh to 8L Loula 83.2S. First class from Raleigh to LoulsvUle 27.BJ. Paasengere for Clneinaati and the West, leaving Raleigh by the R. A G. R. R. 10.00 a. m. train, reach Richmond at 8.45 p. m,; leave Richmond at 10.30 p. m., bytheCU cinnatl A Ohio Railroad, and reach Cincin nati at fl.00 on tbe mornlnc of the aecond oay. - " : . ,, . CON WAT R HOWARD, Gen. Paa. A Ticket Ageut W. M.S. Dc. Bgiuneer and Sup't, 6 .4J i PaTERaauRO. Va,, March 81st, 1870. ' I U 1IEDU LE OF TU AINS T ' noiso south. Through Mall leave Peters- . . ', burir at . 3:27 P. ,1.55 P. r.. 1 Arrive at.Weldon at......... Southern Express leave Pe- . tersnargat....... Arrive tl Weldon at. 8:30 A. Arrive at Weldon at........ 9M A ,.Ji Through freight with Faa-7, ,7; ..T ' senger Coach attached, , ' ,' I lesva Peterburir at 8:30 A Amve at Weldon at. 2;15 P. QOINQ NORTH. Through Mail leave Weldon at 7:35 A. M Arrive at Petersburg at....... 11:55 A L Southern Express leave Wei- i donat.... i t. St Arrive at Peterabnrr at..... 7:05 IV ML Through Freight with Paa- f aenrer Coach attached, . . leave Weldon at.. r 4:15 P. Jit Arriva at Petersburg at.... . 10:10 P. Ml Through TlckeU sold, to all K as tern aad Southern points, . and Bagerasre Checked through. ILT. DOUGLAS, , t apS-4t : : ' : ' Superiatendent j JICHMOND & PETERSBLTiaTj Commencing Oct. 24th, 1875, Trtltf 1 this road wUl run aafoUows: Lrati Ricbmond, South. 5:10 A. M.. Throncb Mall: 7:42 A t P. iL, Freiirht Train. , , , , LaAVB PITBK8BDBO, NoRTO. , . ' m7:50 A M., Freiirht Trains ri M.. Throuca MU; 5 P. M. Pretght Train ; f 35 P. iL Through MaO. r ' - f - Coaches attached to all frelghtPamsT6r accommodation of paasengera. ') Thia Company offers special Inducements ' to tbe shipping public on line of the kalttk Gaston, Raleigh Augusta and Wertera y N. C Railroads, In the way of low freight and passenger rates. A.SnAW. Sdperintendent dw-tf DRY GOODS, &c. TIT8T IS TIMI?. ' ow par. t:ue weans, r . . -j f.i i SO Beiver ana Cloth' CI oak a : for Ladles, - SO Ladles Engllth I'lrters something new, stylish and comfort abl, ' . 150 Ids. Cardinal Fish Net for Neck, 500 Yds, Cardinal and TV lilt e Kuchlug for 500 Ft. Linen Cuffs a d Collar In Cardl aal Navy Blue, Brown and White... , , , J 110 Dol. Ladles' Kid ' Gloves ' in colors, Black and WkCe from '8 eonla to 8.00 far :j r tba beat. - , 19 Doa. Ladles and Misses Hoods In Card!- aal Blue and Brown Braided Flannel. 81I0EJ, BOOTS AN J GAITERS, The larist stock In the State at bottom Bgurea. ,,1 i , ., .!'; -t, - , m ''77;DKE3S'GbQDS.'. 7 7' The lurgeat atotk ever held by one Arm an f latent styles and lowest prkxss. w!;7HAT8i nATaft. iiAT8;ijV';:: Tbe target stock rier offered by Us for Men Boys and Children from 60 centa upward j Late ityle 8ilk flaU at 5.50. " 1 ' Remember -"The beat Good it lowest cash prices." - , M'Pt 17-Iy i W. II. A TUCKER. D. S. H AITT V BUO. Beg leave to inform their customers 1 hat they nirre removea m me wen known ; stand of James M. Tow les, No. 52 fauttcvine Stmt, Raich IL which they have Sited up entirely new, at d nave purchased a large and well , ' aeorted stock of j READY-MADE CLOTHING!! fORMKX, BOVS AND CUlLDRE.f, Men's Sack Putt 4 0J f Men's Frock Suits for 85 Oft; Men's Frock ' almere Suits from 10 lo 5; H n's 1ne Black Suits from 117.50 to 50: Bovs' Fanct Satinet Suits l to pi: B ys' Casslmere Suits 8S to 15: Chll dren's Suits 3 to 10; Overcoat a 15 to 8W. iCOMK AND UETMJITFD. . . Ownt'a rurnlBhint Goods, Hamburg Kdg- inga ana insertion, Notions, Uosle- ,17, Gloves, Cambrics, Boat, Bhocw, Utabrellaa, Hata, n Capn, Purs, &o. Do.nnsTie dki c:ooi, 1 '!... . CONS STIMa CP Prints, 'Alpaean. Merinos, Delaines, Glng- an)s,Uiltoa l'lalil.Cott4nsde, jvsnlvcKy ,'eaiis, Lussiin res. Cambrics, Blue -Dciiims, Oanahurga, Ticking. Flan- f neto,- i.rnseys, Ac. Blcaebed and 1 -5 Brown hheetinirs and rtblrtiuKS. Tbanklua our friend foe their liberal pat rons ko lathe paM. we fotil roulident that ' n our uew store with New Goods, bought at the lowest prlccs,wo will be . able 1q please all. Respectfully, ! -:r. 1 D.8. WA1TTABRO, , , " No. 57 FayettevUle Street, oct 4 tf " ,' -.,,' Raleigh, N. C. A FAIIM AMUIO.tlK ! : :, , of YOLK OWN. : !. Now la the Time to Se4-ure ll I The best and Cheaueat landa in market, are In Raetern Nebraska, on the line of tbe UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. i The most favorable lermi MVf nnmn-verv low rates of fare and freight to all settlers. 1 lie nest markets. . . - ; ; ! I'rco Paaaes to Iand Eluiem. ' Maps, descriptive pamphlets, new edition of J1K riOHEEK,"8titrreeeTfrywi)ere. Address, O.K.DAVIS, Land Comm'r, U. P. R. R. On.-alia, Neb. ; 1VTO OMiY We Kill start yon in a 1.1 bugineaa you chik inuke $00 a i wlthMit' capital, easy' and reect!ille fir Uler e. AGKM'a-S.tTPri,T Vlh. 2t.I Bawery, New York.- .'." ' . fi A WEEK MALE OR FEMALE. NO II caoitaL .We clve Meadv wora that will bring vou 240 a month at home day or evening. 'Inventors Union, 173 Greenwich St., New xork.. . - t 4 GENTS If you want I he best selling ar- r llfla In Ihit wnrlil anfl & anlitl lrnlil nnt- ent lever wutoh, fre of coat, write at once J- CO- 76? uroauway, a. l. RUPTURE ! Since Rapture Is daniremua and the Elastie anil other trusses Iniure those who use them, all classes are throwing them away and using Ur Bhermau a itupture support ana cura tive Command. aleh aivea relief in all cases and reetores the parts to natural vigor. Dr. Sherman's books with valuable l forma-, tloo and likeness of bad cases before and after cure aent for 10 cents. Office 1 Ann St., New York.-8ve this. a GENTS. lavestinte tba merits of the V Illustrated Weeklv.hefora determining upon your work for this fall and winter. The Combination for this season surpasses srJYtbing heretofore attempted Ttrms sent freeoaapplicstlon.i Adflre. O-'AS. CLUr 40A8 A CO., 14 Warren L, N. Y.? i OT, eorsc's ticbool for uora, O 8L Georges Istntion, Weatern Md. IL K., twelve miles from lialiimore. , 0en Sep; tetuter 18th, lsTti. Slui;nts prepared for any college or business Il'e. Accommoda ion ami advamugea ungurpas.i. auuis Prof. James C. Kinenr, A. M., Principa ItjwterStown, Bait. Co., Mil, aiiyll-wam, TJ8YCHOMASCY, or SOUL. CIIARlt i IN'G. How tither sex way fascinate ahd gain the love and affections of any per a'on they choosoris tan: ly. - This simple, mental acquirement all can poeecs, free, by mail, for 25c, together with, a rnarrtage iruide, Fgytian .Oracle, Dreanis, Hints to Ladies. Wedding-Night Shirt. Ac. A que o. Address T. WILLIAM A Co., I'u J f 1 lis.-': ,', ., July 1Mb Hi i Il.tOIT trRKD., .:-1 A Ckrtaih and. Eire: CvrA A Irial botlls Lcre Rotluction ia IVicea. fre. Mrs. J. A. DROLLING I :U, Ia Porte Indiana., ft0X 103S. Formerly Mr. Dr. 8. D. Collins.'. ' 1 . i TWISCELlaVNEOUS. OfTcred lrofertlAn'ArRlnt Lona ' bjr lire d E.lfc. " iff- i ' f - f i i. f ! W. II. CROW Genera Insurance 'Agent, :' BALEIG1I- 5. C , JKupresvuU tl following Hr4 class Com- panics: ; m 4 ., A:tn Life Insuranoe Co., 1 ,o.ni. s ru 1 Of Hartford. NaUonal Fire Co., - i aawan-ssaam S u w VV.i V 'i . r - ' Oerman-Amerlra'n re Co, Hoffman rtve Co., ' - Of N. Y. Howard Fire Co., - Couiblnwl Assets Oxer $35,000,000, Tlie aticuUoa of lLe puiJIc Is rnKpeetfully called to these substantial . institutions, af- foruins ample luueoiuily , .. aulC-3m MAKE YOUR FORTUNE. Git AND EXTUA DKAWING I STATE LOTTERY CO., Incorporated 1808. Capital $1,3S,000 At Now Orleans, Monday, Dec. 4. 1876 iVo Scaling! 7 j , Xo Postponement ! OAPITAL PEIZE $50,000. Dnly 20,003 Tickets at $20 Eacli. fractions ixrnorosTiox - .' : : i .1.1 . .1 LISTOP 1 Capital Pt !to, : 1 , ) ! 1.. ';77 j.7. . t f 50,000 " 20.000 .., ,..;, 10,000 -x,f ... , 3- 40.000 0 Prizes at 1000, ti " 5110, 12,500 30,000 40,000 50,000 40,000 100 300. Y too : .' 100. 500 ... - ' ; 100, 20UO 20. s - - . , APl'KOXIMATfOJf PiUZES. 9 Approximal'n Prixes of f ::00, ,! !) " " 200, 9 . 100,"'' 12,700 , I. BOO 900 2863 Prlzeii, smountlng to f 268,900 Remittances mail be made by express or registered fetter. . 'L ' Ait orders for tickets or rceuests for fuller inform nt ion tabd fLadeto . . . UtiAM. T. IIOWAUD, ;- , Nrw Orleans," AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. ) 'ne'Sceptlonable references must accompany ' uppltealiim. , i , . . ,TIIK FIRST KEGULAR , . . . , Quarterly 1 Dollar1 Drawing Will take place on January 2, 1877. f Tickets ?1 s well. Capital Prize,. 8 15,00(1. nor. eotiluecJ , i CENTS. CENTS. M7 CENTS. THE DUB11AMIIKUALI)( ! os ' , i u - r s.; v. ii : -' it i' ! i i j j W ill be sent to am address until . ( ! NOVErfliEIV 14 -POIW-tttt-AiiaVi:. , ; . AMOUNT. ,: - - ; .' j N' is the time to secure a first class ' AM PA JO 7 V X V" K It V'tr the amill price of KAf:KNT. OU CENTd rr A CENTS, CENT3. )J CENTS Jul'' 23-tf gCIIALK KKOTIIEHS ' Brewers or the L'ELEIJltATED LAG Ell liEElt, - Xcwark, New Jerscr. 7 TIIEO. JOSEPH'S! ' r liermaa ana - imcncan Hesxanrant. ' ."'llargcU and" Salisbury Strwis," 1 7t j '' . RALEIGIL N. C. : ' j Mr. Joseph has fitted up his Saloons writ special reference to the comfort and enteri tain men t of liU guests, and the , public it Invited to aa iospecUoa of hi accommoda. tlons and a test of the creature comforts 1U tbe line of his cnterlaiument. , , , -. j Ills Restaurant j ajwayi supplied with the fmlwsl oml fattest .- ' i .'-j OYSTERS, BIRDS AND VENI.SON, H" Served la the licst and all the varied stylc to suit his numerous enstomer. . -t Ills Dar -'";7"'': 7, j Is stocked with a full and complete line a the finest Wiaesand Liquors, imported ant) domestic. " . j 6CIIALK IlROTftEUS CELEBRATED LA- ' CER BE2R A SPECIALTY. ? In his ' .. ' Itllllurd i:Mtn , 4 j Is one of the finest Tables In the city, and id the ' ' ". . . ! Rercption Room j is a Talde of new model and design for Die entertainrmmt and patUmo of guests. - Thankful for pan patronuga, Mr. Joseuli respfctfully invites from the citizens and sojourners in lia'iglt a vUit to his quleLi well ordered and complete estanluhmeul oti ust west of Raleigh Nalionul Back. oct 16-tt , " ' SKNU Zoe. to U. f. KU ELLA CO., rew York, for Phampblet of KK) twres, eon- talnlng listsot3(AK) newspapers, and estimate showing eost of adrertlsiug. - march 7-ly - j . The Raleigh ' SentineL;; f iiiln gtntml PUBLISHED E AILT AS D WEEK IT. Subscriptioa. Rates In Advance. Daily Sentinel, one year, postage paid, f 100 " sixBiooihs , .no For the campaign, fuur monllis, -,' i ... J.00 Weekly SuutiueL one year, postage p'd, 2.00 . . six months, . 1.00 For the campaign, ' A , ' " ' .M That our readers may ae with what favor our paiter is rvceived by our editorial Uretli- ren, Wejgive ludow a few extracts enibracir j "wltat theyay"of ns: ,T. ,4 , NOTICES OF THE PUES5. . . IVawlwrn Tiraea. IL.n. 1 ; - TSekadlits; demoeratlc paper in the state. , . - i . i ; IToJsoot Trarscrlpt.j r ;. , Tbe Kaleleh Sentinel under Ita new mana gers and proprietors is greatly Improved, and is now one ox our most vaiueu eienanes. IRIchmond.fVa.) tt'hlar.l The Ralelirh Sentinel publlahe a six Dale weekly, tba largest and handsomest par we have seeu prluted la North Carolina. It show enterprise and thrift, the . remit of good management and live thunder. ' rGoldsboro Messenger.) The Faleleh Sentinel, undei ita DreseOt able maosfceuieat shows a decided improve ment, auiumi wiib warasa aouiiy. its cen- eral make up and typographical appearance Is excellent ' e w rlsh the new roan- sgemcat every saceesa. 5 fFrom the Salem Press I ' ' The Raleigh Sentinel, undnr the new man agement has beo much improved In manner ana matter. v e nsve been in regular receipt or tne iaiiy sentinel r r a weeK or more, and hope its daily visits will continue. Spec imen numbers can be seen at this olllco Prioe of the Dally f8 per annum. j i , From the FayettevUle Wide-Awake.) 1 ne Sentinel, the name of which has been a terror to radicalism since Uolden tiledired the last dollar and the last man" to the support of the Confederate States govern meut, has pawed into new bands, and is a, sumlug an attitude f rout - which it wl 1 hurl many a destructive canister into radical ranks, - . . . . i " fGreclisbore Masonic Journal. 1 v The Kalelrh Sentinel came to us last Wid. ncadav as a inorulng daily and decidedly Im proved. Tbe new managers snd editor pronv se 'o do better In the future, snd present a better paper then the initial number. They may perhaps do it, but we can't see much chance for improvement. Gentlemen, we wish you success. , ; ' ,.,.-!' ! : Robe&oniaB.J . ( The Raleigh Sentinel, uuder tbe Present management. Is ver Kcueraily improved. It eonuins as much reading matter as hereto fore, and tenne of tbe wry w J4y f-r- in thia state. In common with a great many people of thia a ate we revere the name of tbe Svutincl, aud wlU always learn of its prosperity with pride and pleasure. They have reduced tne rates lor too campaim, as wilt be teen in another column; - i . i Vicl(Bburg(MlBS.) Herald. i Tbe Raleigh Sentiuel needs no eulogy from us. everyone mat reads it scows sow a stands on all important topics of the day, snd although some may differ with It, yet all ean say mat. it is sincere in lis course, euu is workiuir for tbe beat interest of tbe peopl of North Carolina. .... Murphy Herald. : i The Sentiuel is a llvlnr exponent of de mocracy, seeking;, by the force of polished argument, to prove tbe necessity of restor ing both state and national go eminent to the guidance of the democratic party. Un der ita present able management it take sa enviable position amo g the best Journals la tbe land, increasing the former prominence of its name, by maintaining the Wheat de- Tgree of -etBrfeBcy-.-'-ltyery-democrat-itt tbe-l mountains snouia itxe it, ana every republi can who doe a not desire an addition wrinkle to his brow, should shun It, tor its ptrsaa slve arguments entail thought. With better mall facilities, Murphy would er ntrtbute to the support of the Daily Sentinel, and this assertion ia based on the extensive circula tion enjoyed by the Herald's copy,, u I 1 Iirmti itr. xvAi:i:iiootis. A . ... .t.:: . : t- .A..W. FRAPS, FayettevUle Street, Opposite the Mar ket, and Corner or FayettevUle and i s : Davie Streets, J KALEiaH, 3ST- C. Keeps on hand s largo assortment of aU styles of FURNITURE: - Parlor, Diuing Boom and Kitchen; Black Walnut, Stained and Painted Chamber Beta Dreesfng Case; Bureaus, . Washslands, Bed steads, Wardrobes, Cane and Wood Seat Chairs, Rocl Ing Chslrs, smLall other articles of Furniture found In a first-class establish. meut ' w . , , " . t-r?- M4 TTB ESSES made to order. oct!Jl -3at '''"' ''- ;'?- i-'' j if orvica or SortaixTiHDawT, i PlVEHSBDBO RULROinCOMPASr, .it " Petersburg, Va , November 'M, l 75. eHANOE OP SCHEDULE TO Uke effect SUNDAY, November 25th GOING SOUTJL . Leave Petersburg at6:ao A. M. and 8:27 P. M." ' " Arrive at Weldon at D-.fS A. M. ':55 P. M. , GOING NORTH. Leave Weldon at 7:3? A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrive at Petersburg it 11:40 A. M. and r. M. '; Train connect at Petersburg and Wf.on with trains for all southern and northern poiuta. Ticket sold to all southern, south western, northern and eastern points, and baggage checked through. 5 iL DOUGLAS, . ftb 18-dt-tf. , SiiperliitendenL ' T'lLDE.V & REFORM- Now ready for agents. The National llutid Book for voters, with Life of TMeti Hendricks, Pa-is. Illustrated, 50 cu. wiU secura outfit j and territory. ?ioo a inontn maae. r is. Treat, Pub., 805 B'way, K, V. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17. K1LPATRICK. THE CHAMPION LIAR OF THE CENTENNIAL 7 ' CAMPAIGN. '. HIS EPISTOLARY BATCH OF T WHOPPING AND UNMITI GATED LIES IN REGARD TO NORTH CAROLINA, -HER PEOPLE AND ' " HER ELECTIONS. EVERT PARAGRAPH A ' FALSEHOOD t -EVKRT LDIBI A BLANDER. ' " Raxeioh, N. a, Not. 9, 187Cf to the K Jit or oftht Kew Tork Timet: "North Carolina Las gone overwhel. misglr democratia" I anppose this statement ia almost aa lanuliur to yon uew aa it baa become to me within the past two days. I admit that this slate is not to be connted as in favor of tks republican nominees, but believe- that the democratic candidates may not nlti. mateiy have that large majority of the votes which is now claimed for them by .t . 2 . uieir auptvirs. ivwumiee in me nortn. west, north-east, and south are yet to be heard from, suj their returns will, it is hoped, greatly diminish the advantage of oar opponents. Yet, I shall not be snr prised if tbe majority claimed be in creased instead of . diminiahedfI .can ace no reason why i t ehonl J nf-Wmal-, tiplied fivefold, if the elections' vore oon ducted in the counties whose returns are not yet in, as they I were in the other parts of the state. jWbat I saw on Tues day Isst, and what t have heard since, horrify me; and I know the recital of the facta mast appall every true American eitizen. Fraud, treachery, and intimi dation are the mean a by which this state has been carried against the republican party, and these instruments were used by men of resolute will, who aro not in cumbered by a particle of conscience. The republicans of North Coroliua have never been well organized, else I might not now have such a story of shame to detail. They have not many leaders who, iu intelligence, foresight, and re solute will, can compete .with the mea who are at the head of the democracy. The win dtoeived Lv tha tinntl' policy of their opponents, so that while, the latter were preparing fur the election of last Tuesday, they were idle. The result is known. When they went to the polls on election dny they found those places iu the poesossiou of the democrat cy, who were well armed and determined to resist every endeavor to expel the;a. Even iu thoroughly republican counties was this plan of seeing tho polls carried into effect by the democrats. Bo thorough were their methods aud organ izatiou, the roputdicans could do noth ing. The hypocrisy of tho Tildenite woo such that it almost surpasses belief, aud it is certain that if any violent at tempt ta dislodge them had been made, the apparent blame of causing bloodshed would have fallen upon the republicans. They desired, ther said, to have a fair election, and would protect every citizen m his right to vote. The republicans accepted lbirassttrftHQesior . two rea sons they could not on tba instant cope with such thoroughly organized bands, and they did not at first penetrate the hypouriMY of their opponents. Well.ths rebels fur such they are in spirit kept guard over the polls. ' They admitted voters one by oue, fend whenever a re publican approached the ballet-boxes challenged nud harassed him with que.) tions. In this way they oousnmed time, anl, in every precinct so far heard from, wheu tho sun went down " it was found that numbers of republicans had been challenged and talked out of their votes. As for themselves," the Tilden and Vance men voted early in order to have time to harass their opponents; and the indioa tions are tltat they also voted ofteu. Let me hers atato ft fact which indi cates the perpetration of shameless frauds by the successful party in this state. On the very night of the election, within two hours after tho polls had been C'o.ied, apparently official reports were received at ltalsigh that certain re mote democratic districts had given Til den and Vance, and the others on their tickets, large majorities, and also stating the figures of those majoritiee. Honest reports could not have reached herefrom those districts in much less time than two days. To-day the reports of Tues day night hove been verified (?) by dis patches from the districts in question, New, what do tlieso facts indicate, uay, prove, except that the democratic com mittee of each conuty was directed to send in certain majority agreed upon beforehand Oue county has given a democratio majority of 1,400. : Previous to this time that county has been repub lican, aud tbe majority for the demo crats'now announced is greater than the greatest number of votes ever before polled. -j It must hot now seem strange to v Jj that no republican in this city would be astonished if the-democratic majority in this state, when all tbe returns have, come in, should ran higher than it ia now claimed. Our hope is, however, that the rebels did not rule affairs' in the north-wet, north-east, and southern counties, as they did elsewhere. In the former counties tbe residents are mainly what are called "poor whites." They rwers union men jdnring the war, and have been firm republicans since. They t now the characters-ortha democrats rauk and .file, and wo believe would re volt at any attempt made - by the latter to control them. We have heard of ne twoUas in those northern conn ties, such as would probably occur if the democrats seized the polls there, aud so are hope- ful of their aid to redaoe the fraudulent majority piled np in the. central ai d western part of the tatv' The) negro districts of the south will also, probably send as aaistamiw StaU,howevr much help we may get, we cannot hope to overcome tha democrats, so skillful were their plaos, and so formidable their r sulU. I have hitherto been writing very gen erally ef the methods of the democrat", bnt will now relate a special instance. Colonel lountf.i wlioee Lome' is about forty miles north-east of IUlei&b. was a republican candidate for oongreas. When " he arrived at the polling-place ia hie town on the mornine of Tuesday, he found that it was ia the hands of demo crats, who had built a barricade around it, and stationed guards to repel any as sault. Followed by aome. friends, h advanced to the entrance p the booth and asked pormission to lo in and act as a challenger. He was met by five armed men, who styled themselves Policemen. and who peramptorily refused to allow him to enter as a challenger.,. He then demanded to be permitted to vote. Thia permission was crauted him. lie en tered the polling-place, voted, and then refused to loave. After considerable blaster the rebels determined to nermit him to remain. He states that every negro that entered tha Dollimr-nlsns waa challenged and time waa lost in dit ousaing every case, Republican ballots were auatched from tho handa ef the colored men by the," aelf-censtituted policemen, and democratic tickets wore given them in exchange; and long befoia the sun went down., the democrats de clared that the time for closing the poll had arrived. Over one Luudred negroes were then Waiting to vote. and. if the poll waa closed; would have been cheat ed of their rights. The wrongfulness of the attempt caused a violent discussion. and there might have " been bloodshed overthe matter, were it not for the and- aen appearance of the sua, which came from behind a cloud, and lighted up1, With his golden rats, the raftered and ruiaons old room in which the angry dis putants w re This overcame tbe argu ment of the democrat and tho voting went on; yet, when tho polls did close, it was found that twenty seven negroes had beca diafrnuohised by the persistent challenging of the voters in advance of them, which kept them iu line until after sundown. There are 1,800 voting precincts in North Carolina New if wa assume, aa we may fairly, that at least ten voters have been disfranchised In each district by the tactics of the de mocrate, we find ,tht in the entire state between thirty and fortv tliotias.ii il re. publicans have been deprived ol their right to vote. And than has North Caro. ; liiiai Used carrtt r j.iati and lost to the republicans. Thus has the old North State again been captured by the rebels. Rebels. I sav advi&edlv. he state of feeling iu North Careliua ia to day, aud has been ever since the news reached Italekh. that Tilden had carried the country, that of I860, just after Lincoln's election; aud the whito rebels of North Carolina stand ready tu day to respond to any call that may I e made upon tltein. for whatever treason- -able purpose. . Iu conclusion, I must say something of those people who will sutfer most from the success of the southern democratic party. Tbe condi tion aud let of the black mau of North -Carolina has been a hard one iu the years tliat have passed since the rebellion. May Qod help them now! ,,; hh KJLPaTRICK. ' A NOTABLE TRIUMPH. "nBettJames IV CarmerrrDemocrat r has been elected to congress from the Vicksburg (Mississippi) district by a majority of over 4,rj0O over Lynch (col,) present incumbent. - This it the strong est black district iu Mississippi, and tuo VicksDurg iieraid says Uwuners' suc cess is due to the fact that over ' one- half of the colored vote cast was givou to hiqp. Hayes carried the district over Tilden. - While driving to the wharf at Friar's Point the day after the election Gen. Chalmers' carnage was stopped by the colored men, who nnhitched the horses, and seizing the pole drew tho vehicle to tbe lauding amid repeated cheers. ' '- 'HONORABLES.' , ? WLnilngtoa. Star. Grauville county has three negroes to represqut it this year and one of them is a thief. He will be writing his name hereafter, 'Honorable" Robt Bell By. tbe way, Honorible'' CuffeeMayo stole a pistel from the snma gentleman at Ox ford from whom "Honorable" Bell stole the ribbon It is fall time that tliu ."Honorable" busute w was stopped,' V ORATORS." 1 t,. . Uillsbore Recorder.) -tJ. , . More "distinguished , ei-ators" have been developed during the past six months than wera ever before beard of. Every hamlet had ita Demothens, and every village its Cicero; wailo the towns and cities turned out by the score speak ers to whom ciassio auuuls f urnisu no parallels. How this flood of oratory is t subiide after its occupation is gone is the question for philosophers to solve, ' ' 4 TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, an old physician, retina from aatve practice, having had placed In h s band by an lLaat Iadla MisKionary the for mula of a simple Vegetable Remedy, for the speedy and permanent Curs of Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Luag Affections, also a Positive and Radiral Care for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Corrfnralnts, after baring thoroughly tested ua wonderful - curative powcre la thousauds of caaea, feels U his duty to make t known to bis lufferiux Jellpws. Artnatci by this motive, and a consclentioua desire 1 1 re.iiuve human snllcriag. be will send (free ot eba'ge), to alt who desire It, this recij e, with full direction for preparing ana succeesiuiiy ualug. Sent by return mall by ailiirtng v j Monroe Block, Syracnae, N. I; nov S3-wly A 11 ( V