I 1 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23. ADVERTISING RAITS or THB . DAlLT AND WEEKLY SeMTINEIh - ; f AA RALEIQHyN; C.- , j L 18888833 S833S83 I, ' 3333333 3333333 S3313T5 Passat 7T8S33S63 i ' 'M I . I 58SS3l -r.t-.-.. a vt 333E333 ilHM 2 AdveYtlaemeiits Inserted In bolt lb DAILY nd WEEKLY; Md togetbrthe charges to wt ease and deduct from ths whole IS per eent. - . T-y"- Local Notice 20 cent per r Special Notice 13 ceaU per line tor the Brst, nd 10 eenU (or each subsequent insertion. Mo edvertisomeat charged tor less thm 10 line. snd no Special or Local Notice )ss thsn 6 lines. All AdvwrJse neoU not eon traded for will be charred 10 cent per line for tint Insertion, aad ft eonU for each uo sequent insertion. .. . i .-( ,,. ux THHMAIL8. For the benefit of the public ! we. publish the following directory of tb postefflce of .this city:'; .i . ' V . , , " f Western null close '- y-Ji! -I Western mall arrive i:f? Eastern mall close . , , j r. . Eastern mall arrive. ft . 12:40 P. M. Chatham mall close .jf . ;l Chatham mall arrives ; ,s t ,:, ; P. M. R.tG.H R. mall ctoaei j a A O. R. B. mall arrives , , 6:50 P. M. Throusih northern via R. A G, r; . . , -. R. R. close n A. M. Through northern via R. t 0. R. R, arrive :50 P. M. Oinoe hour for delivering mailt from 7:30 A. M. to J P. M. . Unnu nnlora rn luued and Daiu from 8:15 A. M. to 4 P. If. Letters can be registered from 8:13 A. H. totP. M. ' j v Catton Market, n Carefully corrected by Geo. T. Btronach A Co. No. 4 Martin-street, Balelgh.N. C. , MUMlins, , u-'4 V,,H St Uw middling, u. a tl Lorn Middling . ,0j St good ordinur-, " ' W Good ordinary, , - , ; f 10 ClesnSUIns. ;';.; .IKIm.V ,ji 10 Market steady. L LOCAUfflRS;11!' See advertlsemrnt of sale of flit horses. "e ' I "" Special Term. ' ' ' " k-u' rrl'-f The govenor has ordered a .special term of superior court for Camden county to be gin the Brtond Monday la DecemierJndge McKay will preside. ' " ' ' T! Attorney-OenersJ TCe; lien. Thomas 8. Kenan, of ff Ilsen, At toroey General eWt, nod one of , the devi erest, bravest and tenderest men In the state i at tin National hotet!':.' 'u H'm A Present to Members of Aaemblyt Yesterday morning Mr. Jamas IL Knnl, publlslier of Turner's Jfl.' G. Almanac and Slate Record presented a copy this vara able Annual to each ' niember of the general assembly. They wero laid upon lbs desks of the speakers aad member of each boose. :. : .v : j":ut Commutation of Sentence. The sentence of John Rhlaehm-dt of Mad ison county, canvtcted of the murder of Jo seph Tamer, supposed paramour of his wlie, kboat fifteen monllis ago, and seulencl to he hanged Dec. 8," has , been commute4 by Gov. Brogdea to imprlsonmeat In the peni tentiary for life. Rinnehardt Is 73 years of. age. II. A. Glgcr . was of counsel for Bbinebardt, and it Is owing to his faithful and persistent efforts la behalf of bis client that the commutation ws secured. Put Up to ba Knocked Dowa. 1 - The republican caa cut held In the senate chamber last night nominated Oliver H. Dockery, af Richmond' cons t'y," for X'nited SUtes senator. ; Tbera Is a remarkably strong feeling In favor of Senator Ransom among the repnbllcau member af the legU latsre, owing to his uniformly courteous do. meanor towird man of all parties an l bis high character as ' statesman, a thoroughly national and patriotic man and a North Ciroliman T)f whom the stats Is prsod. From what we learned before tha caucus net we ars Inclined to thr opinion that ao nomination would have been made bat for a presumed necessity of keeping np the dis- Hntlna liwl Affvftfltvni Iaii nt Ihrt hftf: f i ,i ai 1 1 i National Surgical InstltutOs--i- - The Surgeons of Ibis Institution bom At lanta, Ga are now at tha Yarborongh House, where they will remain nntQ the 25th instant t ,: ( i n t "They have a kr-'e atsertmenl af Surgical appliances with tum, and will ba pleased to see their old patients end any now ones whe may wish to apply. Examination Free. Messrs. Sander, Jfc Co. bat on hand a uice stock of groceries; which can be bought the luwesl-rlcra.Theylwiyrpay tt best prices for cotton. Sabacribe to tho Daily Sentinel." Ooly three doIUrs for sit m6ttbi ' u" W ! i . : Heart to Bax, . . tl -What Is It sink deeper Into memory than man' jaipatby ith his fallow man. ... We live to forget facet and forget Barnes, but lb heart that ever beat a slcgle throb for ours U never, ao aever foigw en. It was In a strange crowd a stranger tu yesterday standing when a man a proacbed bim sad cboak'bint Ly the hand faying. "I heard of jour affliction some months sine and sjm patblzed with you deeply. 1 will never for get my town dark days when yon czprafcad yourself so kindly toward me." Tere rcrlM' overheard the thing end weat ofl wifplae. A' ditnppolntrd reudldat for doorkeeper remarked as he passed that a lone of sa duces seemed to pervade the very air.-- jL feunday Letter. . Senator LItes, tba . editor of the Wiles Woro Herald wrote a Sunday letter to hi pulMt from (hit In wbicl bs mj t 'A riny.fr? cllssgrceabl dst.f Key. Tbeo. UittieaV-r-'-f Ippj wo' boii'caiisdbim i years vge at Cltapel 11111 paHtor of lb Bap tist church at Charlotte, preached a very able sermon' to-day In the splendid cburcb building which stands as a lasting testi monial to. the tinto, liberality and good sense of Thomas E. Skinner. I ilont know where be la now- Be v. T.' IL Trltchard wbo.'a long, time ago,, at Cedar Creek chrch (Utetvllle) made what seme thought was a moatTanjut ted nnnecersary attack upon U) yalversity at Chapel 11111, Is new the ef ficient an! able pastor of ihla popular snd prosperous church -llis wealthiest probably In the, statey t ' L'A i ' Tba Penitentiary, The report of the board f director of lb stale peniUallary will be laid before the general assembly la a few days. It la al ready In the hands of the printer, The re port contains a condensed hlstery of the es tablishment for the current) ear. Tb report of the president of the board states that a strong cell building of brick, awing af the original plan, bas been completed, contain ing 64 cells wltb Iron deors, and all the ma chinery for a first class prison. Tb report declares that the work, af every deacripUoa, was manufactured at less than half th reg ular contract price. , The chairman report that tb foundry and machine wop, the blacksmith shop, the carpenter, eb tailor thopt all working under the exclu sive charge of the convicts is in a prosper ous and paying condition, and turning out all, work reqaired and demanded by the wants of the Institution.' - ' J 51 ; During tbe year 60 convicts bare been employed at the state expense lo manufac ture brick for tbe insane ssylaut at Raleigh. Fifty convicts have also been let ont to the YTeslern . Insane asylum.. , T. rce hundred and thirty-two convicts have been worked on tbe Western N. C. ralMud, at Swan nanoa Gap. , Two hnmlred have been farmed eut to the Sparlanbuig and Ashe vlile railroad at 831.20 per bead personam, and the N. C. k G i., railroad have been allowed fifty convicts . for their victuals and clothes,'' The btlunce .of ya 794 In the bi stitution on th 1st of November, 1876, have been uted upon" the work or "building lie uialo building od "exterior all of tb state lasiltulion. , . . s- M I r PEBS9WAJ VKistie8 ; flliing hogsln Salem? Christmas Is 30 dai a off. 1ngeroll l sligUil as elector j5everaor WUllaua lias had a celtnsn me after bim Biae Jeans, Llge At wood at Salem went to sctld a kogwiltcaliteAJlmscI - A new Presbyterian ' clinn-W wit recently dedicated at McLeansrille. - " ft i lion. A. - II. - Stephens was expected jfi Washington Thursday night , ! UJ f JA tea of Dr. SmltS of Greensboro bas been ordained to th mJaistry. V . 1 i ' f Salem bad thunder , and lightning ana foow all In oue night lastKuuday. ' J Judge Kerr delivered an address at tie Baptist church In Salem Thursday night.' ii, . r monument of Daniel Webster la, un- eUd to-day la Guniral Park. New Yor ' Col. John n. ' Dillard 'wilt leave" Croene bero and return taliia farm in Bocklngturm. Sev. J. A. Welgand glvea np pastorate f the Methodist church la Norfolk on account el his health. , ....rw. -. i t V R. Moore of the VcAdoo houae at Greensboro has been employed in Richmond at Ike American noteir"" "" . - -.-. - - "? . ' y I GreeneUorq would bare bad a balloon at- enslon Monday night bat ' the balloon man coildnt get wind euough. William Outlaw of . TerquiaiaBt took a eart load of blaeflsh to Edenten and was murdered on bit way borne. j ) Two ' New York women bare been sent 20 yeara each to the peaitentiary for detain ing a young girl la a bouse of 111 fame. . H. It Lewis in New York nmile his wife steal from ber employers.? IU wsttento ths penitentiary. She wasn't punished. I -. ... I Cat R, R. Brldgers says if tbe legislature wilt remove tbe restriction on tbe gauge of the Cberaw and Wadeebore railroad be will start-it going atomy.-" 'rr- V '. An old Washington, politicise of the days ef Jackson and Van Buret walls the street wltb a copy of a', work entitled "Fallen Empires" under bis arm sskir.g every man be meets If be dsn't think our country is in great danger of again being rein by factions in tbe present crisis. - - " - ?'-. Conversing at Be.. l-'.?"'. The steamship Gulf Stream whkU arrived from Wilmington at New York '. it Wedner dajjorted that the steamer was withla ball ing distance of the FranTkUtftT!?" a heavy gal was blowing and tbe captain convened with the officer AO dock who -.k -d whe was elected president "Th steamer was fjlng to, close recfwl at the lime. ' V : ' LEGISLATURE. 01 40:t anJt Tb O'fhl sgoinat the sheriff was renewed with Increased vigor In the aesaie Jester day. Tbe shiviff f Ooasftt was able to bobble through but ran the gauntlet amUl a I iv of words, shot at oune s)de jiy liwvw Scales and on the other by Justice of Ruth erford and Other.- The Williams Mil for re lief f the sheriffs " of Franklin, N.isa and Wilson opened the latter las 4 on every side and at last was cousignel Jo tb Judiciary committee with Inatractton to report what power If wry ef giving' relief to ikerUT waa Invetted In the legislature. Senator Graham went so for at te eclntm ngalnst tllowiaf repreKot itioo, to nen Ux-paykig counties lls.uld tb ceantiea that did not pay their taxes thould not be allowed representatives to mske laws for tbe state. Truly a com naader-bxwlef threat wW ooly Servant of the people and a people too who bars tent servsatt here to lessen taxation and not to disfranchise them because of it The senator from Orange surely could not bare beea serious In what he said. ' " ' Some half dezea bill la tbe boose favor Ing the repeal of tbe asnry law hsve popped their bead an anil beea referred.. It aeems antnlmoosly gone forth that th usury law mast be repealed. There Is tnacb te do be fore the two bouse csn possibly tike recast but tbey teem to be cotsuming time In act- tlitg when to go borne before they clean np business snd-get ready to go." In the opinion of well lufermed members the recess will be taken about the 15th or 20Ui ef December. An old gentleman Tram Rockingham la tb Hesse yesterday evinced much nervousness for an early adjournmentind wished to get home by tb llrst ef December at farthest He stoutly declared th . people were for re trenchment and reform and this aaa what ailed him, ( But bis eotleegae arose and In farmed the house that tbe old man bad Jnst married a young wife, and this was tbe re trenchment and reform that tarried bim borne, lie wished to be there by tlie first of December, for "December ss plrtsuntas Tbe puullo priming wtt aet up in caucus Thursday night to the Raleigh News. Jibe result was received by the other paper wltb tbe blandest smile of ipjaiui Unity. Properly the public printing aheuld be given lo no articular Daner. . It br a . demoralizer af proteasionai journalism ana oolongs to tne dead old tgejof party organa. ; iui tbey have, sberlfls who , ars brroes, up wet Fersusen of Haywood told yester- duyof bl. sheriff wh'j was wllllsgt tq aacri Bee a fine drove of cattle la order to raise the money and lend te bU peoale to pay their taxea but the money was not in market ' 1 ' r "' ;' r:" ' SENATE. " ; -' ' FIFTH DAY. ,,: ', J:"' Pretidrnt called to order, J O'clock. Secretarf read journaC LItes of Ansen; Memorial front citizens of Polkton for repeal of. a certain local law, Calendar , ' , Moi re cfNew Hanover; Bill to incorpo rate 1st ward elty backet company of Wil mington. ' Propositions and grievance. v Crawford ; Bill to amend aectlon 9, cbsp- tor 65 018.;---Committees reported. ,, ; : ' Chair announced a portion of standing commltte. ,ji-.,-, ,". .- t i'i A- " Folk, Wilson," Coke, Itobblni, . Graham, i '-'rillAKCS.' ; -12' f " Graham. Holt Latham, Troy, Ferguson, Bobbins and Green. ,i ;i.4 ',t s a . " : fXTXBBAt. JMPHOVCXKJfTS.' ?' ,'! Jelmsen, Morre of Mecklenbnr Stanl ford, Latham, Justice and Dockery. PBOPOaiTIOMS AID OKIBVAHCES. , Dortcb, Albright Bingham, Boddie Bob- erU. lunn and Mebau. . t ..- . Crawford, Sandifer, Askew,,.. Williams, Yoang adllngtwa.M s t w MaftorV, Finger,' Hel'llsi' AewartT;; Be'ateti Coke and Moure of Now Unnover..1 j lhi4 'j ht 4 I KDCCATIOX. Finger, Stickney, Heil'n. Troy. Nichob too, aUbane of Rockingham and Bryant.ul " EKQResstO BILLS. ', VaiblaHy Stewart and York. .'.7 8INATK BRANCH JOIXT f8TAKt)lNa COMXITTEK OK ENROLLED BILLS, , Meore of Mecklenbarg, ' Bonnett and Deckeryj'H:i- .t. . ;( t'.a r Hf .;(-8ltL8, .C t,, Latham explained merit of bit bill for re lief of Sheriff Satcb well of Beaufort and it wa put n ita readings. , . , fV ., .,, Justice ef Rutherford, thought It - vu a matter for the coaaty commissionera unless the legislature merely give there the right to relieve him. N . - Latham was satisfied no harm could be done. . . , Scales wished to know If It was a private law, If so ft required 30 days sotlce. '. v Stickney contended It was a public law. . Chair bold it affected psbiie officer and wtt a public law. ny; , , Bill passed., third reading. . Aye . it, Days 6. 1 u - ' m k"'J.:r .. Fergasoa: Bill for relief of ptrchasen of certain lands in Clay county. Propositlots and grievance. 1- '-i ' Williams asked bis bill for relief of sherlfts of Nash, Franklin and Wilson to be put so Its readings. j. -- ,,'.' Green and Folk! hoped the bill would he referred te tli jqfUiclary commltteato be. put la proper leg il shape, j; -, , f , 1 Trey ajrreed With Folk and Green sod heped the motion would prevail ? Williams contended hia bill was for the relief of tbe people. The only ground taken by supreme court was that postponement ef time changed original contract and relieved sureties, but bis bill was drawn with eon sent of H tb sureties te extension of time. . Graham aaid all the sheriff bad till 20th December to settle. It w are going to deal In this matter at alt It slieuld first go te Die ht'liciary. Sheriffs' counties where they pay no taxes cot tainly ought not to be repre sented here to make laws for the state. Last year the times were as bard as they ar this, nd Alt the sheriffs came to time be cause no legislator wa hero to relieve then. ; . ... i-- . i-.-it fioddie said tbe sheriff ef Nash merely made this request for the soke of the people. Ths Is thflj n time he had ever ackea In- TEC dutsence, and bas nevwr yet failod to si&tle In tune. SUtkney said Graham of Oraaji made an eireions mistake lu saying there wa no difference in counties lo paying their taxes, and aet forth th monled want of tbe cotton section. r Fercuaen oflluyeood knew his own sheriff cealtl aot colk-ct tae money. It wasu t mere. It bad beea bis custom to borrow the money and Uils year be cacti, raise It and although he had a large drove of cattle bo Inteadod te SHtll te raUi the money for bis people, the money couldn't be had for them, but by the first of January money would Dow la, aad be hoped the senate would give indulgence to siierins. . ... , . Tne motion to refer the bill to the Miclary committee waa put and Graham asked the aye and noea. Aye 27, nee 18. Keiermi. Folk of Caldwell 1 Bill to- preserve elec tion return, and secretary f state ordered te preserve thesa as be would say other state paper. Rule snap ended and am passed. The uu to be la Iorce frem and aoer it rati acatlaa. '' : -' t Graham enquired if any bill bad yet come in to validate election that bad ne coanty seal attached, lie woula have introdocetl a bill of tha tort but supposed one would have been over here froai the bouse ay this time. 1 - Justice: Resol alien of Instruction to Ju dlctary eemmittee that they report what power U any lh general assembly aaa to extend time of sheriffs. - Passed and re ferred te Judiciary committee . Canlngbam: - Resolution concerning opening daily eetsiensol senate with prayer. Graham would rather put It in ahapetrmt president or senate it authorize to invite different ministers of tbe city te opea with pr aver every mornlnir. Paswed. ' Troys Don't like to connect anything like levity with religion but 1 would tike to amend that our dillerent ministers be Invi ted to make special prayer every dav for our pro tem, presiding omcer Thomas Johnson. President pro tem started to pot tha resoj lauon but at smiles 01 uemuera.anu oa sec ond themrht declared It out o order, Liles: Resolatioa to Inflict penalties an sheriffs making incomplete returns. Ileus bill to validate election returns passed third reading with ratifying clause and returned lo bouse. r ti trr-v. Holt moved to edjoura till to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Adjourned. , 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. -' - - rrrrH da. ; The house assembled according to ad lonrnment Prayer by Rev. G. W. Spake, member Irem Jackson. Journal read and approved. Sbacklefqjd, of Onslow," was granted leave of absence. Leave was also granted to Wllsoa. or liurke. A message came from the senate auuounc Inz the adoption of joint rule, and order Ing that 200 copies be printed. The boas eoiicnrred. . t 'Hit PKTITIOX8 AKO MEMORIALS By Abiiott of Cam en, memorial from tba commissioners or Camden county. V RM0LCTI0X8 By Abbott, resolution for relU f of Camden county for maintenance of a lunatic for tb year 1875. e inance committee. By Troy, of Richmond, resolution relating lo Bailie's Kevisai. Judiciary. By Htirtsell, of gtaaly, resolution for re lief of William. 11. Hear, sheriff of Stanly. Propositions aud grievance. . 4 1 ByUeuderson: Bill to prohihit aaieet intoxicating liquor within two miles ol cer tain churches In Uavie county. Calendar. Bv Carter, of Hyde j Act lo Dx the stand ard height of lawful fences lo N. C, at four feet lniead,of A fuet Committee on agri By Cary, ef Caswell: Act to submit question of batidiiiX a railroad from Dan ville, V. to Yancey vlile, Caswell county, to the qualified voter of that county. later 1 .... ... . . . . . ami inipivTpuimia. - ) By Cadger: An act In favor of Madison Coo at y. Propnettiona and grievance. By Troy, of Richmond: Bill prescribing 10 hoars lor a lexal day work. Calendar. By Geffrey: Act for rellei of tax payers or Carteret county.' f inance. By Wilson, of Transylvania; Act for re lief of J H. Lanning, aheriff of Transylva nia. Judiciary, " By McRae: BUI for the better enforce ment ef the criminal law of the state. Ju diciary. By Psrnell, of Wake: ' An act for the re lief of the tax payers of Wake county; Pro positions and irrlevances. JlfJClnz. of Stokes i- Bill for relief of W. IL Gentry, sheriff of Stoke, , Proposllloni By Baxter: Bill for the relief of John F. FrosL aherlfl of Currituck. ' Judiciary.' By Jarvis: Bill for Die relief of F. J. Satchwell, sheriff of Beaufort county. Ju diciary. " By UoncV. of Caldwell: Bill for relief of R. R. McCall, sheriff of Caldwell county, Proposition and grievances. -' By McClare, of Clay: Bill to authorize the sheriff ef Clsy county to collect arrears of taxes. Propositions and crievances. By Cooper, of Cherokee: Bill to amend sec 1, chap, 97, Battle's Revisal, to reduce tbe price of public printing. Committee on punuc printing, Bv Carter, cf Buncombe: An set to re store silver a a legal tender.' Judloiarf 1 A message was received irom the aenate Informing tho house of the adoption of the report er tne joint committee on roles Concurred in. - Carter, of Buncombe, offered a resolution providing that 100 copies of Battle's Retlsal be furnished by the secretary of state for tbe uae of members ol the house. : ' Purnell stated that there were 140 copies of Battle's Revisal la the state library for the use of members of the legislature. The rule were suspended, to take np the resolution. . - " Parnell proposed to amend by striking out lh woidt "secretary of state." . Gudger saw n necessity for the resolution as any member could obtain a copy of Bat tle's Revisal upon application, and there'ore moved to table -the resolution. Tabled, 53 t36. A message came from tbe senate Inform, ing the house ef the passage of senate bill No. 17, relating to assistant clerks aad other subordinate and their compensation, and asking concurrence. Tbe house concurred and tbe resolution was adopted. ' , Q A message was received from the senate asking concurrence ef the boose In ao amendment lo the act validating previous election returns. Concurred in. , ' ' Also a senate messa're asklnir concurrence In an amendment (0 buus bill No. 9, Coo- turret in. ... , .1 , STAUppra COXXITTEES. , The following' atandlng committee were then ssaonaced by tbe speaker: . . "Judiciary Committee. Staples cliairman, Graves. Uemiersoa, Merlcr. MeGeh, Phi- nix. Rose, Pajri&o, King, yaugban, Carter, Rowland. Todd. Cobb, Russell, Paraell, llsgley. McBraye and Bledsoe. ' Aricuiiure, uechanlca and Mining. Roberts, Peel.-WlsclM'Ster, Wlnslow. Sbare, Fenneff, BrasweD'" Biacil. Horton and Johnston. ' V , Internal ImftrovemenlsCarter. of Hide. McGebee, Rotjcrts, Wiisoo, of Burke, Bryan, Davis, Carter, of BuoooioIm, Brown, of Mc- &J n V .1, V. .,., , .BVMW.'T V. ..WWW- Ingten, Scoti, Chirk of Bladen, and Cwoper. riaw. Mcuebea, Simueon, 'nilson, Raidr n, McRae, profitt Panifh, Sams, Ruh, Moy, ;' Pacnell. Singlotary Crewi' ti IWVIS. --n, y-r- - . ... Claims. McLane, Leach, Mclvor, Abltett Austin. Ayeock, Ardiey, Carter of Warren, asd Carey. On-porationa. Henderson. . Birbardeon, Klnir. Told. Myw, Wilson, Uaack, Beam, Todd, af Wake, and Ward. ' - KJucntioo, Rinsom. Gwfl'oy, Stephen ton, Fagen.t Haahtoa of Wilkes, Shackle ford, Purnell, Baxter, Morris, Simmons aad Bledsoe. ... Penal ltiitllntlons. Plnuix. Sharpe. Quins erly, Kenaa. Pewett, Moselr. Proltt Roberta, Baxter. Carter, Terry, Ward, aad Wilson, of Transylvania. PrivlhYes aad. Election. Morlng. Uea- derson. Pmnlx Ruasom, McBrayer. Purnell. Clark and UarrUou. , . Proaoaitlons and Grievance: - Gadger, Swain, DHlanL Vaasbaa, Coencu, Godwin, Shotwell, Keuaa. Fox. Richardson, McCnb biss, Bsglej and B.edsoa.- , t s .' ILU 0 ECOXD tAWKO. Vr 1 ' House bill exempting $300, ef personal property from taxatioa. Referred te Finance Committee. ;: : House bill. No. T. for the relief of S. 3. Sheltoo, sheriff of Haywood coanty. Parratu moved a reference to tbe commit tee en preposition and grievance, but withdrew at reqaeat of Davis, of Usyweod, who unfed Immediate action. Referred to Judiciary Committee. . ' House bill . 0, lor reuei 01 ja. nr. uog gett Ux collector of CleareUnd county. JudicUry. ' . , , ., House bin o. , to auena cnap. 209, laws of 187-'75. Judiciary. 'House bill No. 14. to repeal an act tmendiag char'er af tbe towa of Klnstom tot to renew tha old charter. . . Referred t csmmlttee on corporations. t.i v Hoase bill No. IS. for relief of J. Bv Bu.-V-land, theriri of Jackson.- Finance ro 11. milteo. . . . ..... r . j House bill NoV It! for general relief bf sheriffs and collectors. Mclver, ef Moore, oflered an ameaduteat, which waa accepted aud the bill passed It aecend reading. Richardson, of Columbus, moved a susiiea stou of tbe rule to put tb bill apon Its final passage. Tbe rules were suspended : va rious amendment were proposed and voted down, ' . ." . .. . 1 fun motion at Carter, of uyae, L.uiea Sute Senstor Rinsom, who was ti ft lobby, was lsvlted to a seat apon the floor, of the bouse. . , i Bledsoe msvea a reference or the bill lor the reaeral relief of sheriff lo the Judiciary eommlttoe, n i Cooper movea an amendment mat tae bill tbalt not apply te any eherifl who baa not settled la lull with the state and ronnty. Carter, of Hyde, moved to reconsider tbe vote by which the boose refused to tef -rto the judiciary , committee. Tbe motion prevailed. i Carver, of Hyde, then moved to refer tbe bill and its amendment to tb judiciary committee. Carried. Dm resolution for recess from Decern. ber 2 to first Monday In January was deba ted at considerable length aud anally laid en lh table. ' ; I House resolution regarding stationery Adopted. " ,v I House resolution No. 9, relative 10 the reoivsenutioii of New Hanover and reader eonntlee aad tne claim 01 jonn w. iMniiam; to a seat' - 4 Uendenon moved It reference to the committee on privilezes and elections. Monag mevel an arsvuament inqu.riog into the riuht of the sitting member from Ponder. The amendment prevailed and tb resolution was adopted. ; House resolution No. 3, as to tha right of U. C Maddrey to a teat as represenUllv front Hertford In place -w J. J. Horten Adouted.' -" ..-v- .-' At 1 p. m. en motion of Morlng, of Chat bam. tbe bouse adjourned to 10 a. m. to- Jy- ........ '. - D IED; . In this city, on Friday aaoralag November zt. rattle mount iiiiant tiauirnier ei rumasi six! Mary a. Cowper, aged five months and seven lees Save. The funeral services will take place from Christ Church this (Saturday) evening- at hair past three 0 clock. WHOLES ALK CASH PRICES. . ; . . twrrected by a '- ' WM. n. DODD, m' By Appointment (Kim Board of Trade, Rauuor, Nov. 25. oBMsaAt amrt. Cotton tlss,bw, 100 Bundles.... do. , M 80 " Cotton Bagging 91 lbs. to ysrd . , . 500 yards 13, Flour, North Carolina, Family... . S.756.00. .,, Extra ....&C0aft.73 Corn old Corn( meal, Meats, Clear Bib Sides .......... . Lard Western .... . . . . . . .-. . . . . . njalO 14 ai)a23 Coffee Rio Sugar White..., llal3 doYeyw lOJalli Salt, Liverpool, fine....... ...... L80 Leather, Red Sole . .. . . .' .' T.' . 2123 Batter, North Carolina. 25(330 Beeswax .', ... .... ... . ., ..... . fKXs Eggs ,:,mao Rags 1 Oats, abelled .. .............. .... 50 " sheaf .................... 80100 Fodder.......;.......,,.,.,.... M100 Potatoes, sweet ..... . . . r. 1 3033 ,, Irish... ; 0lO -NEW! ADVERTISEMENTS; nOBERT ORR, WILL SELL It. . InMinu without rfu.rvn Ihla dav r nViiwlr In front f hi Auction Home on Wilmington Street a pair or Bay nonet 'pnioipii TRUSS CO., - 331 DOwERr, JT. TO WHOM WAS AWARDED THB , ' Premium Medal. ' for the best Elastic Truss and Supporter at tne last session 01 iuo GREAT- AMERICAN INSTITUTE FAIR, cures s ruotcre w from 80 to 90 days and Offer TOW oonar lur av cm ujoj cuim ear. Tbey employ a . . 1 FIRST CLASS LADT SCEGEON, Terms atoderate. Casek caaraoteed. Or ders filled by waall. EsamiaaUoa free. The sua! dlaeowwi to patrooa.-- Bd 10 eeata for Uescrlptrve book l . . IWrWJt-BUJtXHAM, M. v., . mar:3dly ChleTSurgeon. $10 to 25 per Day rrrrrJM nt othrn is ii.- r o B.ij:i.rn- f srttovlar n t ' t FBBLCflEll rilLT AID WEEILT. Sabscriptica' featcs-ia jSirance. Dally Sentinel, on year, postage paid, $6.00 .A ,i Jilu alxmontba x .,n?ia Weekly Sentinel, dneyear, postage p'd, 1.00 M six months, ... 1.00 For -the oanipalgn, .i . rr . " , t ,1 .M , Tbat our readers may aee with what fnvor our paper la received by oar editorial breth ren, w give below few extract! embracing -what they lay" of oa: ,j -4 . ; ,i. Notices of ths press." JNewbern Times, Rep. .'' f Tb leading dessoaratte paper la the state. ' 1 . ft . V . ' - I r. lautauub aiWDKnp.f i.-i The Falelph Sentlael under Its new aiana gen aad proprietors Is greatly improved, and Is bow one of our moat valued exchanges. .- -tt .1 ; i " fRIcbmond, (Va.) Wbic , ,r ' -. The RaUlgh BeaUuel publishes aatx psg weekly, th larrent and bands naest paper ws have seen pi In ted In North Carolina, It shows enterprise and thrift, the , result of good management and live thunder. ; - f Goldaboro If essenger.1 . -' ' The Raleirh 8entloeL under ' Ite present -able anana cement ahowa a derided Improve ment. Jtdltea wltb. marked abuuy. lu gen eral make ap and typographical appearance Is excellent. We wish the new man agement every success. ! i , .1 . 1 ... , '( v' From ths Salem Press J . The RaleiKh Hentlnel, under the new man agement bas been much Improved la manner and matter. W bare beea te regular reeelpt of the Dady Sentinel f r a week or more, and hope ite dally visite will continue. Spec imen aumbers can be seea at this office. Price of the Dally S per annum. . ' From the FayettevOle Wide-A wake.) ' 1 ns Benttnel. the nam of which bas been a terror to radicalism since Iloldea pledged the last dollar and the last snaa' te th support of tbe onfederate States govern-, meat, has paaaed Into new handa. and Is ss umlog an attitude from which tt wl 1 hurl many a destructive canister into radical rtoki.'4'""1 " ' " jGreensboro Masonic Journal The Raleigh Sentinel came to as Uat Wrd, Dead ay at a aaoralng daily and decidedly Im proved. Tbe aw manager and editor prom ise to do better In the f utare, and present a better paper tbaa tbe initial number. They may perhaps do It, but we can't see much chance for Improvement. Gentlemen, we wish you success. ' . i -v 4 '1 v , U ' fRobeaordan j " ; '", Tbe Raleigh Sentinel, under 1 tbe preseBt maoagemeat. Is ver reaerally Improved. It contains ss much reading matter , aa hereto fore, and Is one of the very best dally papera in this state. In common with a arsat many people of this s ate we revere th name of the Sentinel, and will always Vara ef it prosperity with pride and pleawar. Tbey bars reduced tha rt for the caupalcn, aa will be seea la another column. ' fVtekaburg (Mlscl Heraid? I ' Tbe RafelKh Sentinel Seeds no eulntry from n. Every on that reads It krowtbow tt stands oa all important topic of theiday, and although some may differ wRb It, yet alt csb say that It is slucere In ite course, end Is working for the beat iuterest of the people of North Carolina, ' ' " , ,,5 i:it..u', n , : 1 i ' ..' f' ' Murphy Herald. ' "''''., . Th Sentinel is a living exponent of de mocracy, seeking, by the force of polished -argument, to prove the reeeelty of restor ing both state and national to eminent to the guidance of the democatie party. , Un der its present aide management it takes an enviable position amo g tne best journals lu tbe land, Increasing the former prominence of ita name, by maintaining the htgheat de gree of efficiency. very democrat in tbe mountains should ttk It, and every republi can who does not desire aa addition wrinkle to his brow, should shnn ru for Hs persua sive arguments entail thought With better mall facilities, Murphy would contribute to the aupport of tha, Dally Sentinel, and this auertloo Is based on the extensive circula tion enjoyed by the Herald's copy. , NOTICE. . ,.;,.' .-x- By virtue of the powers conferred and the requirement thereof. In a deed made by George Little end wife to the undersigned for the purpose therein tinted, registered in book 44, page 70, Wake , Registry, and In book 39, pate 145, Warren Reatstry.V wo shalt expose for sale, at public wuctloOrOfl- WEDNESDAY, tbe first day of November. 1670, at Littleton, the following valuable property, situate In Warren county, State of North Caroline, lhati ,".. 'i i, . . ... FINE PLANTATION, ; containing about 1,600 acre of good Innd, with residence and outhouses, barus, stables, Ac, complete, yln g on the Raleigh A Gas ton railroad near LlUle(.on, atlioinlng the lands of Nicholas Terhume, Lemuel Vsughan, Frederick Shear! n and others, known at I bo LltteFarm. At tho courthouse door, , in Raleigh, on W E DN ESDA Yy the 8th day of Novembet 1876, the following property situate In os near Raleigh; to-wit: One plantation con taining 175 acres good land with improve ments, lying on Marsh Creek, adjoining lands of R. B. Sanders, W. M. boy lan, Mrs. Gar ton Wilder and others, conveyed by W. II. Haywood to George Little, Esq. Also lots Nee. 206, 207, 222, and part of lot 223. plan of city of Raleigh, being the entire sqnare on which George Little now resides, except ing Mrs. Sasser't lot, and a lot fronting 60 feet on Edenlon, and 120 feet oa Blonnt street, being the homestead allotted to George Little loth March, 1876. , j ; ; All of the above property te be sold in lota or in such quantities as amy be determined on at tbe day of sale. " '- Terms cash. .. ' .", ' . 1 '" .-UXf.'. H.I j i The above sales are postponed as follows : , The lot In Kalelgh and the Marsh Creek Plantation will be sold on Saturday tho 2d day of December and the Warren county plantation on Wednesday the 0th of Dec-m-ber aest, 1 ' - " ' ' ' ' ' JOHN GATLlJiG - : S. A. AS.HK t octl wlm f. ,..,... 1 hv Trustee.'!. j jill.douo nEconDnfi, bstablishc 18'Jf). - THE OLDEST PAPER' IN NORTH CAB- OU.NA, Tbs RECORDER, apart from 'is political merits, offers superior inducements to the merchants of Raleigh as a "edium of adver tising. It bas a U'gw and fnereasint: circula tion la the countlr of Orange, Alamaoc feroa aad Caswell and especially In those sections of Oranre ,aad Alacaane. roost cloeely connected by 'he Interasta of trade wnn in eny 01 n:i(ta. IB snvrcasnu ol Ralleh ill find Kvanlrlo their advantage throu h this medium to build up a metropol itan wholesale trade, aud center upon Raleigh the hulneM that goes to other sUtos, . . -. sfanufaeturers will alio profit bv tb grow ing spirit of sgricultnral improrement, and tb tendency to the adoption of labor-saving machinery, to- reach th ears and eye of a large end lataliianst Uof reedersthrowrh the medium of tbe Recorder. . ' . .. ' For Darttculars addrern ' J. 1. CAMEROX, , Editor snd Proprietor, ' ' Hlllsboro, N. C" y n ag301;7 TheRalefgH'Sentinel. - - 4.-