It w News axd Observer.- ews'jlkp Observer. AMD ADVERTISING BATXFt - amb, Gating a Co. PBOPRirroK. aUsfced Dally (except Monday) and Weekly. . AT ov SowcaiPTiow Ih Adtakci : Mlf. :ixm fir, mail postpaid.. ............ .$7 00 i six sooths, u " S 60 : &iif4 1 75 Weekly, vne year, " " .:. 2 00 i i " six'months, " " 1 00 1 Ne name entered without payment, and no One F if (one Lack " one dsy.....-..$l 00 " -we days ; 1 0 - 1 f Aree" i H " " t " $ to " ' six " ... I tO VOl,. XV Hi. RALEIGH, N. C SATURDAY, MARCH 26. 1881. NO. 10. Cot.L'acto for advertisiaf for asy spsee or tine may be made at ths offiee of Th N awa Alio : OBsaavaa. vrt s'de Fayettsville Street. 1 in tarter expiration ot time paid for. ;a;:;!-:Tr:,f.v!V.;, ' - " 1 v '-' -j... JC3JBiMiMMiMiMMMM::MCg33MMMK: I i t MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. . j 0 &Gr. COOPER & od'fl iClfl ISfeVSfl i' ; - FARM (ENGINES. il ' 'tre V VermoB. SOhfe rflaf ItSX Engines are designed for thah .. JL lag graiu, gtcming cotjiOn, andraU'ag riealtural purpose, They propel tbeuit forward or backward.!; and will draw 1 Beparalot. WaUr Tank, or loadod WiW, ' Over on iboasand of these En-' iaea are now In uae, and "where they hiive keen latrodaced U has been found difficult to sell an j othei tyl of Ecsine, I-The lit; Veruim IwWorki aia mwatfaotiu-a ovtw 100 eliea of En laW Stationary Engines,' Portable En glaeeon aktda and on wheels s also Clr laiar Saw Mills of all sises, and Flouring Mill machinery. Send for circulars, ' Address C. A Q. COOPER A CO., i ! Mu Vernon. Ohio. ( r MILTON A TOTTKRU'IKLD, , ttenerai Arents, 4 SnArye street, Blti r Md. oct.23 . AltLBUt, HOWLE A CO., Agenta, ' a lULeiih, N. C. KO. S. OOLK, Agent, Jone?boro, N. C fLODFLODRpUR! CORN UEAL , CO RK ME AL ! - - l)f eperior Quality ,j always on hand man a- ffetared and for sale , . i -"' v . ti-.k- :. - i i.-y u. " , Tke Ilxall-Crcnhw Company, H AX ALL MILLS, mOHHOND, V r vv OB ' A ' 1 THB5 -XT"! T '' ' ;' 'ALL RIGHT,,f ; I nnrnLirjs' iI.b"w-is dc col,;: v '"".!; .. : : . ' (IK At. SIMS) IN 1 " - 1 Vn4tnfinR EirerirDescriptionp mHs000RtvEllMDt;ilMEUEMEMT,RU5BER&LEATRBEtTIH0, " .rMt Htock irv North Carolina.- s ? gTORBi I BALEIGH, In. U. - OIU NOUTH STAT Fire Insurance Com party v- -V , OF WARRENTON, N. O., Has been in Successful - - ATnoroughly Reliable Home Company, d. DAVIS, President. vv.; - ; ' !. cWrsU CkUl mm -eer. ur..l mr Vitality, amrrmmm a r-. Uiafariirtl si TEE DR. HARTEB . . 1 r ' i a botUs, PERRY DAVIO j igl l I I ssi.TI 1 1 I 2kz1 k M - Nsaralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, SarbnasSiOf tho Chest, Gout, I r Quhsf, Sore Throaty Swellings and j j. f . Sprains, Burns and Scalds, j General Bcdilj Pains, j : Toolh, tar and Hsndaci, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains j i' and Aches. ' . ; No Preparation on enrth eqiAln ?t. Jacobs Oil as ! a ' hi, gimp!: and elu-tw External Remedy. ; ; trial entail but the c-omparaiivciy trifling outlay j ef Ontn, and every one Mift'eriiiK with pai n can hare cheap and prmitivc p1pf of its claim. j Direction in Xleven Languages. j ' SOLD BT ALL DEUGGISTS iSD LEALSSS DTf . ; . ( MiiriGiH4 .. .-. i i A.VOGELZR & CO., , j Baltimore, MU, XT. SJL JVOW 11KVOY. HEIRS OF ST. KILMt A Story ol the Sontb. ;i Bx JOH N W. MOORE. Morocco, fC.OO; Cloth, Jl.SO. Paper, fl.CC. EDWARDS, B ROUGH 1TON A CO,; F , PtTBLISHKBSL " For sale at ALFRED WILLUS & CO, A- feb22 R ALEIGir, "Waco f Eaarr EU.1 XOKIT 8TSOT.; bl worss, 1 4 Operation for fcignt Yeats j - ! 'I.' IiONO, B. F TEB I. Iron, PcrovUn Bsrs sod Ibo BLOOD Itstwaererr purposs wbere a Tome U necessary. - MEPICIKE CO.. 213 H. Main Street, St bate.; - PURELY VEGETABLE REMEOt For tftvernal and Externa tm, fittir (r all t)ia Diseases for a-mcS . ,nij U ALWAYS PfRftClUY SAfF ana It ALWAYS PfcHrtU hsa4i if ren fr mottW.exp:sriM4 perteaa. OKJt StfCirds aaaaaaj aatta iii i'iii.iti i. aut is the bess THE dLDEST, BEST, AND f.OSf WIDELY KHQWl l4f MilY MEOICIKE TH THE WORLD. ;! t .iit' rik ach noniTil wrff OIAWCR1ICEA. m m HAS STOOD THE TEST Of o ; Rf' "KSJ? USF IS ALL COUNTRIES AKD CLIMATLS. ! S5SSS "-St r ,.7.e -whs ii" st Wat. ; , IT IS WITHOUT A RJYAtAS A tmiMEMTl sad can ba iatiud from all drugKUta, & SON, ProvldencejR. Stat News. Ashesille Citizen: The : 'Western North Carolina Railroad, on Monday, jikccd a regular freight line over that road, separating the passenger train therefrom. 4 . . Dr; J. E. West", United States com missioner for Swain county was drowned on the 19th inst.. while attempting to ford the Tuckaseegoe IJiver in a aujkj. Hii bodj had not been recovered at last ac counts. ' Lenoir Topic: The mountains from the South to the Grandfather are white with snow . . . The peach crop, as a general thing, will be a failure this year, but sev eral parties having orchard in the Brushy mountains say they will have a very large crop unless wc have more severe weather. . . . .We learn from -a Watauga gentleman that the snow which fell on the Blue Ridge two weeks ago was drifted in many places to a 'depth of from three to six feet. Wilmington Review: We were glad to see on our streets to-daj, aftf r an ab sence of nearly three years and a half on the deep blue sea, Mr. J. McRee Lane, one of our yewing townsmen, who had the man hood three years ago last January to leave home and friends and branch ; out in the world for himself. He left home on a vessel for Liverpool, baling shipped be fore the mast as a common sailor, and he retnrns home now as fintf mate of a vessel. Wadesboro1 Times: A n-igrjj boy named Lindsey was , Sccidentally caught in the machinery of ! Mr.1, George Little's steam mill last Saturday, and frof4 the injuries he sustained died shortly afterwards. .. . Mr, H. W. Huntley brought to town last Saturday the head of a calf that that ex hibited a strange freak of nature. Cen trally in the forehead was a lone, single eye, le the fabled Cyclops of oJd, and' there wasfa totalabsence of any upper jaw, the tongue being exposed to the root. Durllam Tobacco Plant: J. S. Carr is 'making preparations for a trip to Europe. He will sail Borne time in June next.. . . . Orange Superior Court convenes in Hills-. boro odi the 4th of April . . ; . Some time dnrinfflhe vear1880 Doc Cates. white. and tB(l two Morphia boys, colored, were; detected m stealing goods from the store1 of John L. Markham and arrested. Geo. Morpbis made bis eicap and left for parts unknown. A few days since he ' Was ar rested in Live Oak, florida, and Mr. "W.- Jf.. Rogers dispatched tor him. ie . was landed safely in Durham Tuesday, and af ter a preliminary hearing in the justicefs ourt was given cell in tfee llillsboro jaal to await the action of the next Superior Court. Doc Cates, who was released on a two hundred dollar! bond, has left fipr parts unknown.! ' ' Fayetteville Examiner: Rev. A; N. Experidon, of Bulgaria, a monk of the GreekvChuicli, has been for several, days encamped in the limits of out town. He is a rare bird. He seldom indulges in the luxury of a bath not even washing face B11U fcr g - ' -cr-: 1- I .--.3 omewbat out of repair. He sleeps in his small tent with his dog and bis gun as bis only! companions and does his owm cook ing, i xie speaas more lauguayeo uuw yuu can number on the fingers of your two hands CoLj L. . W. Humphrey, of Goldaboro, is now ' in ouj town in the in ttreaf of Northern and English capitalists, who are anxious! to get control of the J; ay etteville and Florence Railroad for the purpose i of censolidating the same with; a new contemplated road from Norfolk via Snow HUT, GoldslKTO, FayeUeviUe and Shoe) Heel to Columbia, S. 0. . . .TheSu Ierlor CourU of Chatham and Bladen counUes are in seesion this week. Wilmington Star: A telegram was re ceived here yesterday to the effect that Engineer T. JJSmith, residing in the northern part of theity, had one of his legs badly crushed at Laurinburg Wednes day ! night. The telegram stated that he conld not be ( moved, and his wife was summoned to his; bedsule. . . .Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates,; of thfa' city, has accepted the invitation of thej Wilmington Library As-i BOciittion to deliver a lecture before that- body, and has designated Tuesday evening v: . . - o i i lift. -! April 5th, as the time. Subject, " 1 he; 1Wti f Theorv." .... It is feared that the cold weather for the past three or four days has injured the peach and plum crop to some extent, ,the latter, perhaps, Heri- ously. . . . .The election tor aldermen in this fcity, Thursday, passed off with almost unprecedented quictucbs. We visited the various polling places during the day, and found iO undue excitement existing at any of them. It was understood that the real bait'e-fitll, J far as the Democrats were concerned, would be in the second ward, and there nearly all the interest centered. Fkuboro Record: The zealous friends of the proposed Dan villa and Haw. River Railroad are quite sanguine of success re warding their effcrfcrin behalf of this, im portant' work. . .J . We were shown this A . ,. a . c - . week a nugget ot gold lound upon the land of Capt. Lam Ellis, of New II ope township, in .this county. The nugget was fouud on the surface of the ground, and is a lump of almost pure gold, and is worth about twenty dollars. ... .We have heretofore alluded to Bone Taylor, the man who itiurdered Scawell, in Moore county, about two years ago, and for whose arrest a reward of 7U0 was paid, and who afterwards escaped from the Carthage jail. On last Monday, as we are informed, sev eral of the friends of the murdered man wentjn search of j Taylor, and, coming "in sight "of him, near iTOupenty (in the north ern part of Mopre), they fired on him, one bullet gracing the back of his ' neck, but he escaped. It is said that Taylor is running an illicit distillery, and that some days ago certain revenue officers made. a raid on it, but injured it so little that he waa using it again on the next day. 1 'The Doctors Said I would nsver leave mjln'.; Thafcf" threa ntonibs ago, and now t weigh 1 puiiridaj ! caniot wrle La f of wfcatil wanti to sa , but Wait er's Safe Kidney atd Liver Cure did it all." !, U. O. Roube, Rabway, N J JFOBEPAUOH'S PBIZE BEAfTTY. Th tomlag Qnn of th Arena A Coal Mlnsr'a BTIsoa. (From the Citiainiati EnquijrerJ Mosonoahela City, PennI, March 21. -The reception of the intelligence in this prosy little town that Adam Fbrepaugh had chosen from among several (thousand photographs of beautiful Americah women that of Miss Annie Pawline Scott; of Mon-i ongahela City, as beins the nearest ap proach; to ideal perfection in fjorm and feature? has caused a buzz and 'ripple of' excitement. Tht offer of Mr. Forcpaugh, it will be remembered, was 110,000 to the most beautiful woman in Ameriaa, and it was his! design thaC she should ; reign as queen 6f beauty in his traveling circus. Miss Sdott possesses a form tall and shapely. It is not the airy, fleecy, filmy ethereal nothing that Olive Logan ascribes: to Sarah Bernhardt, but a realistic, tangible form. Her shoulders are rounded ; feer bosom is full and undulating, and her waist sym metrical, filling her bodice nicely apd seem ing superlatively jhuggable. Wers Hiram Powers again selt ting his model; forthat American master-piece of art, "Tlse Greek Slave,' he could travel over much territory and find no better form than Mis Scott's. In carriage she is at once easy and graceful. Her face in some respects remijpds one of the late Adelaide Keilson ; it is fair as the lilies, and the cheeks are tinged with a delicate ; pearl pink. Her -features are strikingly regular and tlassical, and of the Grecian type, save, perhaps, the nose, which curves slightly from the aquiline, and verges upon what is generally I termed the ! Ameri can feminine nose. Her lips axe fall and expressive, or a nnght vermuiion tinge, and when severed by a smile flevear a double rw -of teeth that, are typical in their regularity And dajzling whiteness. Her eyes are .large and ful of a dark; brown color. ith varying emotions they change their hue as often as summer clouds, too, if for no ather reason" than they arei so soft and shadowy. Her eyebrows aue mcst delicatqlyl curved, and her long, sweeping eyelashes add intensity and at times a half melancholy Jangaor to the orbs ovef which they keep sentinel. Her hair, which is long, wavy and abundant, is of a glossy; black, and .possesses that silky texture which is such a pleasant contrast to the usual dead ebony we sotoften meet.; . j Youi correspondent would like to stop right here, but it won't do. Miss Scott is the niece of John Ryan, a coal-miner, and they abide in rather a dilapidated j house. When the scribe aked her it she Would travel with the circus as queen, she care lessly shuffled a well-worn xleck of Hart's best playing cards squelers-i-and); throw ing out m bob-tail flush on the greasy table, said : "jWell, I reckon not; that okl duck Forepaugb couldn't get me to travel with his show for no money. Will you take ,a hand at $1 limit?" Your correspondent drew out.- ! -H -f . IRBIViX OF A. ZULU PRIKCS. - . U. rn m Vial i Ww York Evenlotr Mail.)! There arrived in this city yesterday by tbe National line steamship Greece, a real, live, moving and extremely vivacious apecimph of tne famous Zdlu race, in the person ; of the Princess Amtzulu, daughter of Elnii Cete wayo. now under the tender charge qf Eog- lUh officials as a captive. - Princess Amazolu Unaccompanied by a fe male attendant and a great medicine man, I whose dlitjr: Is "to k' fsp watch and wand over the health of Ms rjyal miBirees, and thrre flares braves. Tbe party is under thej chares of Mr. O. A- Farrini, who, after in'roducicg them to the resident j of tbe leadiog European c!?'.ej, has at last conducted them in safety to the shirts of this creai reouDiic. wt:tre. ior ao iodeflolie p'riod, tbey will be allowed to inquire inte the system cf our iDcHtutihns, in spect the public buildings, form their fpimcn of American, society, and at the same lime cODSUlute k If adiDr feature of ioterest aid euriosltv fn the different cities which they visit. -!..- Yesterday afternoon IBe party were con docttil to I Bunnell's Museum, where there wt re already two Z Jus who have been atnir g tbe attractiorii cf the pl&c for some time rit. : ellUrr, however, had not ben in formed pt 1 tbe corxompla'ted visit, asdj-'when iho Princfg eoterfd (b"lr presee tbflt t-ff Ct was fairly s sr Hog ";EideEt!y rftorxrniEinr at a glance tbe features ct the Princess, tbey fashed diwn their shit Iris and ipri, sDd with a hwl cf joy mh-d f .Tvard and "hrew themseltrg at her If ef, evtrcin;: ercry jnaicr ttor. of great jy and revere, ce. Thee stn:t- ng up and cinbrsctoic the, "endaat, h f Ix pan a scene of Btvae wrlicomc wuieja si;T passei dtfccrip ion. Z lu war sfiEs, and, for augnt we know, Z 1I11 bymts, were ttfg t-r rather yelled; cd Zulu dances of amo&t re markable cUarc;tr were iDdulged in. i After the boisietous grcetir.g bad subside, the Princt:ss waicocaucied through the mjiseam a .d expressed, gr. at curiosity at evi ity'.hiDg which met her gtzo. ' The Piincees is woman of about 30 years- of ae, rat her prepoesesunfr in appearaoce, and is profusely dtcorated with head, atck laces, rirfgs and olher kinds of eavage Jewelry. Hrr clothing is rather scanty and cbnsis's nrlneiDaHv (of , a woolen blanket and efcics of animola. ; 8he carrier a silver assegai seft in an etjony bsndle, of which she is very proud, and wh:Ch Waa presented to her by B,agliia officers, n return lor ner saving meir .lives under the following citcums'snces : i'rVhile detain dWa prisoner with a largo nunjber tf other Zihis, after the cap ore of OeU ayo, she became cogniant of thofdcl that ja p'.ot Was enveria?Dt:U oy ico nucis mi Pcra.' uprising; and a massacre cl tbeir captors. Seeing orice tfeat tbe attempt could only re sult in disaster to the Za'.us, and being a kind hearted wornsn, Amt'iulu deiermincd no re v(-al i he faldt and stop the massacre. As she was stealirg along toward the officers' tents she was by Induna, chift of the con anirainra: who cauuht and tried to hold ber, but she stabbed bim wi.h her iipear, and bet fell deal ! Bhe had thus time , to give ant alarm and thus save tbe officer' lives, f O wir e to a co'.d contracted oa the yoyage across the ricta, Amst ua Is Omewbat in dipposed but n it expected ht sbjo will mrke htr debut la Amoncua isciety oa Moa- day. U j . ' j Tb 1 ruo Cssm Diabeies comes front a disordered live Its symptoms are ai immense increase in the ur.iie, excessive- thirst, taracieua ap petite, ebnatipation and losaof flephl Take no medicines. Use Dfe Flagt's Uer and Stomach Pad and oe curea at once. , A smiioth oompleiio" ni be bad by everybodyi who vritl ne Parkers liimrer Tonic. For promitly regulating the liver and kidheya and purifying the blocid there is notbingllke it.andthisis the reason why it so quickly removes pimpies, ana Rivea a rosy bloom to the cheek, gee notice. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TOTTS f PILLS - INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND the afflicted everywhere, the Greatest medical TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. HMMMMMSM Symptoms of a TORFtD LIVER. , irinctitfi.T Painln theHead.with a duU'sensationln the back part, Fain under the shoulder- blade, fullness after fratinn, with a disin clination ,tqrexertion of body'or mind, Irritabili ybf t e in peri P'rrita. Ixs omemor'with a fueling o? oavingjisg lectcd sooieTduty, weariaessriJizsiness, Flutterink AheTTeart, Dots before the eyes. Yellow bkin, b eadache. hestless ness at uiithtrblabry coloredlQrine. IF THESE WAEinSGS A HZ UITHEZDED, SERIOUS DISEASES Will SOON BE DEVELOPED. : TDTT!B FXX.LS'M,,c,ally"4,P,eIt : nirh cweMnx Uoik etTr-Kt uehacliaii;e ' of feelinsr to astonlih (hi snfTerwr. Thsy Inrreas the tptitr, and causs ths body to Tali on thus Hip system U i nowrl-liKl. nrt bv OielrTwntwArtlosion ths ; lilsMtin'OreaHm Her ImUi are pro- TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray IIaib or Whjsxkks rhangeo to a mt : ui h a. inrln aDDllraliun if this DTK. it imnait a. natural color, acwlnsUnUneouslj tunu color, acts' instantaneously. nf, or ssot by sxpr on recsipt of tl- ; Hoid brlraagif, or ssot by sxprMS on reci OfTlce, 33 Murray St., Hew York. Cttr. TTTTS 5r.L at Talukl lfJi b4 k Liver- l! With tli9 Anti-Malaria. fSIJlPS ChlUsSMid rT, ys .IjUtlUU pcpalR, MvcrCsm. f;Ala(pm itirtny Afretfons. url - ii. Consttpntlon, Sieh Head nrhe, I'enirtle Complaints, BIIIoas -j'pk. IPidlpUatloti. snit sill Sfnlnrlstl i)i!'!.ei TVittat saedtclM. No Dot-i.-.s nc inccivesi-.oe, and a rosltive cura. P.icr, icl'j4inj; Bonis Anti-Malaria, $1.00. ?5;-.t ay mail to 'an v address upon receipt of ir -.:. 'Principal Dtjibt, M Germau HU JlMe-i, H. Bold fay DmyeKts geaerally '.' osy nonebut t'lucgf'siTPnteMt tlv fi.ii- xombeH 1;mI, others are bulky !&aid -J,t 1 troib'.esome to wear. WOm BXI.M AT 3. H. BEARTTS Dbtjo Storb. aovl8 ,.: , 3 SOIVaETHING I EVERY LADY niicuT Tn iynui !L There exists a means of se- enrine & soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter how Soor it may naturally be. acan's Magnolia Balm is a delicate iancT harmless arti cle, whieh instantly remores Freckles , .Tan , Redness, Roughness, Eruptions, Vul gar Flushings, etc., etc; So delicate and natural are its effects that its use is not inspected by anybody. ;! No lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Balm Is sold by all druggists for 7o cents. f If you ar3 a iitii Ml i$f tUo fcspu-i of f uuj of fct- 3 your duu 3 F.:a ttiight work, t l lo' i: braiii nerve ana bHop Bitter. wutu. us Hop at. jufTcrins from any ta- 3 -liscrctioa of CiP It Toa are yean and rld or iatr. "id or u youc . ifl-rln irom urn ; lr yoa are mr- poorheaitu or 1jui. raj w OP tt:v-tra. whenever yarn fitl rh.t o n r srsi;n Wl.oeTcr you are, Th'niKanda dto an li': i.i K I U II . m or aiUBtuoattr beeo prcaated M tl. a t i hi tk HOD Sitters. ; HopBltters ily tot I HaTyonf. o. i. c la aa akaotat tot lie ttwuacki HOP bl. en rs lor Hwf orscrvr. n IdnsBkaaass. Ton will b4 ma at opium, kobaaoo, or core If yoa um Hop fitters insrotims, If yon aroatm-j hiaU. Bead (or BoMbydrw my w r m NEVER rA II fUTCttlar. lit I It ma jr isaveyour Sllfe. ft Isavad haaaaiOTyS.T. Id red tTMM,Olk li MBS. JOE PEBSON'S INDIAN TONIC BITTBBS. 'QmlPnia. Cancer in its early stages. Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Chronio Bilious Colic, and all kinds of Ernptions and Skin Dis eases arising from impurity of the blood. As an Alterative, 7onie and Porifier of the Blood it feas proven itself uneqnalled. i t i BEE 0OV. HOLDIK'S OPIKIOS. 1 1 RaleIgh, N. C, Dee. 2, 1880. t take pleasure in stating that a member of Bit fainjlv hasised Mrs. Joe Person's Indian Tonic with good result. I believe her remedy to be excellent Ifor the purposes for which it is "tended. 1 ? W. W. HotDWt. : ; SEB JCGS BTEONG'S OPINIOW. , Ralkioh, N. C, Dee. 1, 1880. m. Joe Hraon : Madam Some months ago I was in ba health, suffering fcom debility, indigestion and loss of appetite, when a friend inaaeed me to try your Tonic. X did so with thfe iu -t happy rssults. I take great pl"nr in reconmieudilig it as a valuable and efficient vegetable Tonfe, and wish you much success. &ery respectfully, Gko. V. 8TROWO. Pr Pared byl M rs. JOE PERSON, Franklin toh N. C. For sale by Druggists generally. JqehlOdAw ly ! c : Rewinir Machines. ;1 NEW Wheeled A Wilsoa, a second-hand Wilcox Uibos, ana a aeeona-nauu tiiover ,1 Baker, or aaie cneap. App.y $20 PER DAT at home. Sam 0 AV 6U Dies worth S5 tnmi Ad dress Stiwso A Co Portland. Maine, PAD. r MISCELLANEOUS. NEW ENGLAND C ABIKET ORCANO JWmJ ? C... rsi'" V, lit No. 18 Fay,ttsvllle 8trett I am also general asrent for the new Hox 8awma MaoKiirv, and dealer M att kinds of M chines, Pianos, Butterick's Patterns. Williamantlo Threttd, ete, T , Oorree-r , pondeDceisaolicited. Lock Box 138. ' f; "' -SW-vm', BBaVaTBaVaBaaaKTaBBl WHEN YOU SEND TO ALFRED WILLIAMS:& CO., BOOKSELLERS & RALEIGH.) Largest Stock and SPEpfAL TERMS TO TEACHERS, SCHOOLS.1 CATALOUU AN1J ottUEo. LADIESt rE art! Agents' lor the celebrate I TINS ih.smi ..,?:-.."'s a. w a nniir van m n w s i w & va stock on hand au Jan7 1y i 'TILU AHEAD! Printers 4nd BicdersJ .b, . 0.. PREMIUM at FIRST, FOB Writ rr damslel ssd Prifff. ' 1 - . Hfj! Hajrl! Hj!I! A -f-f BALES very choice TIMUrai 1UU HAY; 309 bales f ary bright-Westenii Hayr i, r bales!! elect N.C. Hay, -y fl Going in store this day. 1 VvllLLIAMSON & UPCHUECH. Raleigh, If. C, March 23, 1881. 11 Caopi, Middling and Bran. (JOO sacks Heavy Wheat Middlings; , , 800 sacks Wheat Bran; '. .: f The best feed fbr all stock at this; season. I I WILLIAMSON & UPCHUBCH. ., Baleigk, Cn March 23, 1881. OfTlirT TO T T "wswaaw- - " - I BH m - ' ? X. ?- -. fe 1 - - sr. a i uinii n Tnnitn , , TTT3.T T TW: TTno Oil . . O J TTFT.T.TCR RTtOS'. RhO StAM. i 1 ! I sssassMsa, AVVU . UUUC UVl1 - " , t . . - - -L " j j , " f-3 m : co 1 1 J 1 A S. W .' 0,;f- . : e kIS VILLANEOUS. i. w ".T.l-- 0! ' '..;; QBXIRAL UtlHTr RaUlffh. M. O-,. v j ri - ,j WANT US: ' STATIONERS 1N.; C. Lowest Prices. MERCHANTS AJfD SUNDAY ok AZTUcixxbir. - " Us urtiinia o -uuu OEITTS. 1TEW iTTLSS j)NIK)N TOE 133 IB WA30T. r! sarzsK? - 4 (... - w.tNxaia3T. aiih. N. c. the Late .STATE FA1K THIS BEST ist- UZZELL & WIL1Y. Sronach & Belo, 1 Hk. aW ' AT v-laf 1 "l ; .'.I i, v"' -1 : "1 Auctioneers, Broke,nerCornme-s,i mission Merchants, Dealer Br t- 1 giee. Phaetons, arrlsfcrles, epnu-r - , , , f " Wasona, J&Ut.-.H'j'iS, ilanufaClttrers- Agents for Guanos and Reorgia v ', . WILMINGTON TiEEfi RtaUGH N , Auction Sales every Saturday ? Serial arrangem"" m FUy Morse, sij six years ota. J Apply v; ; - Tor Sale, No. 1 STKC 1 1 ;-:.VA46 'a-' f 11